The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 08, 1901, Image 1

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Little Things of General In
tersts People Like
to Read About.
Movements, Accidents, Fortunes and
Misfortunes of You and Your
Neighbor Made Public.
S. J. Weekes was in Neligli Monday.
For dental work go to Dr. McLeran
John Olsen is confined to his bed this
M. M. Sullivan is visiting relatives in
C. W. Hamilton of Stuart was in the
city Tuesday.
Miss Coykendall returned Saturday
from Omaha.
Pat Gallagher was down from Atkin
son Sunday.
Emil Sniggs was a passenger for Nor
folk Sunday .
Miss Clara Zimmerman of Atkinson
was in the city Sunday.
Jake Hershiser was up from Norfolk
the first of the week.
Have your teeth examined by Dr.
McLeran;he can save them. 42-tf
Teeth or photographs at Corbett’s,
16th to 30th of each month. 39tf.
For Sale—One Thousand bushels of
corn. Robert Mogirl, O’Neill. 5-2
Dr. McGeran, dentist, office over
Corrigan’s drng store. 42-tf
P'or furnishd room and board enquire
of Mrs. M.M. Sullivan. 6—tt
Andy Gallagher was up from Garni
re-newiug old acquaintances.
FTed Swingley was among the many
Atkinson people in town Sunday.
Mrs. C. L. Metz, of Laurl, is in the
city visiting Mrs. Fannie Gallagher.
The bank fixtures for the O’Neill
National have arrived and been installed.
Bert Mapes, county attorney of Madi
son county, was in the city on business
The 33 £ per cent discount sale on
silk waists ends Saturday, August
Az Perry, of the Atkinson & Northern
railroad, was in the city Saturday, going
to Omaha Sunday.
Mrs. S. G. Nichals left this morning
for Des Monies Iowa to spend a few
weeks visiting relatives.
Henry Martfelt has t he thanks of the
editoral family for a mess of green corn
which he preseanted Monday.
The Holt county teachers institute,
which was adjourned in June, will re
convene in O’Neill on August 19.
The new fence at the court house is
being completed rapidly and is a sub
stantial and neat looking affair.
Couuty Attorney Douglas of Rock
county was in the city Tuesday rolling
balls up the alley at the white front.
Billy Hagensick is taking a forced lay
off from his blacksmith shop owing to a
bad arm contracted in setting a tire.
Grand new free out side show will be
given on show grounds after parade of
great eastern show Saturday Aug.10.
Rev. Beckes preached his farewell
sermon last Sunday morning and depart
ed the first of the week for New York.
The grand all new, free street parade
every morning at 13 s m Great Eastern
B. 11. show, O’Neill, Saturday Aug 10.
A single ticket for the usual price of
admission will admit the holder to the
combined shows the Great eastern R, R.
show Aug 10.
Mills & Palmer have put down a
00-ft well for the citv at the power
house. A gasolene power pump will be
attached to it.
FOR SALE—My house and four lots
in western part of town. Part cash and
;,fjj|ime on balance to responsible party.
|—J. G. Wendell.
'f A bunch of broncos were brought to
©'Neill last week and sold. They went
like hot cakes, so to speak, prices rang -
ing from $12 to $25.
I America’s newest, greatest and most
gjfyiouular show. All new, larger, finer,
Hgthau ever, Great Eastern R. R. show.
O’Neill, August 10.
C The ladies of the Catholic cburoh will
serve dinner and supper on the church
grounds on August 15th for the benifit
of the school.
A man who will sit upon the street and
disoource such music as was rendered
yesterday ought to be incarcerated in
the city bastile.
Tom Shively of Norfolk was in the
city Sunday, coming up to attend the
burial of the infant child of his sister’s,
Mrs. Gallagher.
S. N. Green,Kwing’s popular druggist,
made this office a pleasant call Saturday
while in the city attending the meeting
of the republican county committee.
Mann’s have only a few cotton shirt
waists left. They will make 33 i cut on
what remains. If in need of any call
on them as they guarantee bargains.
James O’Donnell went down to West
Point Sunday morning where he urn
piled a game that afternoon between
Creighton and West Point. Creighton
won on a score of six to four.
Manns received this week one of the
best line of dress goods and trimings
ever brought to the city .Call in and ex
amine them. They will be glad to show
you whether purchasing ornot.
C. S. Anderson of Ord, formerly
principal of the O’Neill public school,
won 160 acres of land in the Okla
homa land lottery last week. C. S.
was always lucky on the “draw.”
The only big responsible show coming
this season, a moral show, a good show,
a big show, the greatest performers, the
richest costumes, the Great Eastern
Railway show Saturday, Aug 10.
The 1-year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs.|K. J. Gallagher died at Alliance last
Friday. The remains were brought to
this city by the. parents Saturday even
ing, the funeral being held Sunday
It is expected that the mail service on
the Spencer-O’Neill route will be
changed so as to make a round trip from
O’Neill to Spencer each . day. This
would give Spencerites their mail about
four hours sooner than they now re
ceive it.
Wilt sell at private sale at my resi
dence 3 doors east of Presbyteian church
3 bed room suits, 3 stoves all kitchen and
dining room furniture, carpets, sofa
and a number of other articles. They
must be sold, I do not want to ship
them.—James V. Stout.
In a letter to A. B. Newell from
West Point ChaB Meals says that all the
cadets will be in Buffalo, N. Y., from
August 14 to 38, and says that if any
Holt county people happen to be there
at that time he would be pleased to see.
hem Charley says he will get a furlough
next year and visit his O'Neill friends.
E. F. Bowen, one of the rock-ribbed
republicans of Shields was in O’Neill
today and ordered The Frontier sent to
his address. Mr. Bowen,is a new arrival
in this county having purchased the
William Keeley farm northwest of
O’Neill last winter and moved thereon
this spring,coming fromDouglas county.
The prohibitionists of Holt county
will meet in convention at the court
house in O’Neill on Wednesday, August
31, at 10 o’clock a. m., for the purpose
of nominating a full county ticket and
to select delegates to the state conven
tion which will meet at Lincoln on Sep
tember 4. —T. M. Elder, county chair
A. B. Newell had a lively time in a
runaway while coming in from a drive
in the country Monday. A pole-strap
broke and got his team excited. The
horBcs began to run and rattle things
up pretty lively. The buggy tongue and
double trees were smashed and the occu
pants of the buggy well shaken up, but
no one hurt.
E. P. Hicks and wife retuned Satur
day evening from their eastern trip.
Mr. Hicks says the east lias suffered
more from the heat and drouth than
the west. They went over into Canada
from liuffalo and the sun’s rays beat
down at the rate of 105 in the shade.
Pastures, lie says, are dried up. There
will be no apples and but little of other
fruit, except grapes, which are as pies,
tiful as grass on Nebraska prairies.
Ily common consent an attitude of
respect is assumed toward the man tak
ing upon himself the vows of a minister
of JesuB Christ, but when such minister
takes more pleasure in jokes and pander
ings on subjects vile and beating his
parishioners in business deals than in
culcating thoughts of honesty and purity
he by common consent becomes con
temptible. Some of our citizens have
been having a little experience with a
man of this kind.
Mortgage blanks at The Frontier.
Real Estate Men Challenged
by the Printers and
Promptly Accepted
Sunday Game is a Victory for Atkin
son Owing to Heavy Weights
in TheirTeam.
To T. V. Golden, E, H. Benedict, C. L.
Bright, M. F. Harrington, Mike Lyons,
Peikerman & Long,a corporation, A ,B.
Newell, R. R Dickson, J. C. Morrow,
McCarthy & Harrington e corporation,
John Golden and all other real estate
men now doing business in the city of
O’Neill, Holt oounty, Nebraska:
You are hereby notified that on theOtb
day of August, the editors and printers
of O’Neill filed their petition in tbe
district court of Holt county, Nebraska,
against you and each of you, the object
I and prayer of which are to get you on
the festive base ball diamond in this city
od a date to be arranged by your at
torneys and then and there to wallop
you clear off the earth according to the
rules as Spaulding. It is hereby further
stipulated in this challenge that the
wallopede are to give the wollopers and
their ladies a baiquet befitting their
standing and attaiuments within ten
days of walloping.
You are hereby notified to answer this
petition in writing on or before twelve
'o’clock, noon, Wednesday, August 7,
A. D. 1901. D. H. Cronin,
E. S. Eves,
Attorneys for Planitiffs.
Printers of O’Neill, organized under
the laws of sufference and engaged
in the business of diceiviug the public
at the city of O’Neill, Nebraska,
The real estate men of O’Neill, hot air
merchants,unorganized,doing business
for the public at the city of O’Neill,
when there is any business to do,
Come now the defendants in the
above entitled cause and answering
plaintiff's assumptive defi, admit
plantiff’s allegations in paragraphs one
and two viz: first, that they are engaged
in the real estate business in the city of
O’Neill, Nebraska, and sooond that they
can play ball—base ball, tomball, or
Defendants deny each and every other
allegation,insinuation or prognostication
contained in plantiff’s petition and
stand ready and willing to proceed trial
on the O'Neill diamond of the issue
made up in this cause, agreeing if
walloped to banquet the wallopers in
O’Neill’s well-known hospitable style.
Defendants request that attorneys
for plaintiffs meet the attorney for
defendants at any time in the next 30
days between sundown and sunup on
the curb stone at Gallagher’s corner and
arrange details.
Real Estate Men of O'Neill.
By C. Selah, their attorney.
No verification required.
The second nine of O’Neill engaged
in a ball game with Atkinson last Snn
day on the grounds of the former and
were defeated by two scores,
Atkinson 10, O'Neill 8. In points of
weight and age, the two teams were not
very evenly matched, the Atkinson team
outweighing the borne team several
times and much their senior in years.
The O’Neill team was composed of mere
boys while the other were mostly men.
Both sides put up a fair article of ball,
with the exception of a few of the
players who probably need a little prac
tice. Atkinson umpired, and did a fair,
clean job of it. The last inning was
the most exciting. O’Neill needed four
scores, but they only got one. They
worked hard all through but the Atkin
son chaps were too heavy for them.
Oahagan and Messner did good battery
work and Gillispie manipulated first in
professional style.
The score:
Atkinson.0 0062002 0—10
O’Neill.10200103 1—8
Vandal boys committed depredations
that caused Dick Jenness, the helpless
cripple,a good deal of trouble last Friday
night and they aught to be hating them
selves yet for doing such a thing. The
only means of going about the Jenness
boy has is upon his donkey and while
he wus at a social some bojs took the
saddle off from his donkey and conveyed
it away. When Dickie went to go home
at 11 o’clock he found his saddle gone
and straps scattered about. It would
have been a permissable joke on one
able to get around, but the Jenness boy
is entirely hepless in his feet and limbs.
The boys who did it probably did not
realize what they were doing or they
would not have done it. All Dick could
do was to wait for some one to come to
his aid and at a late hour he was found
by his folks who had become worried
that he didn't come home and started a
Having disposed of my interest in the
firm of Gilligan & Stout, I am anxious
to close up all outstanding accounts as
soon as posible. I expect to go to
Chicago on September 1 to enter a
school of medicine and must make all
collections before that time. The
books and all accounts will be at drug,
store, where all settlements will be
made. I desire to thank all our patrons
for past favors and hope that my suc
cessors will receive kind consideration
at your hands in the future.
James V. Stout.
Naper News: Major Ira L. Dudly
died at his home in this village Thurs
day, August 1. and after an impressive
funeral service at the residence was
interred in the Naper cemetery today.
Thus passes away one of Boyd county’s
oldest pioneer settlers, a man whom all
delighted to honor in life and whose
death brings keen sorrow not only to
relatives but to all who knew him and
appreciated the stern integrity and
worth of his upright manhood.
For Sale.
Make offers upon the following de
scribed land: ICO acres section 0 and 31,
township 27 and 28, Range 11 west; ICO
acres section 19 and 30, township 32,
range 12; ICO acres section 30 and 31
township 33, range 10; 158.52 acres sec
tion 7, township 33 range 14; ICO acres
section 15 and 22, township 33, range
13;il60 acres section 29 and 32, township
28 range 1C. Terms 8150 cash, balance
to suit. Address I. Douglas, 27th and
Bristol street, or 2702 Bristol street,
Omaha, Neb. 5 4 pd.
Eighty-five One Hundreth
Inches In a Gentle
Ex-Governor Fnrnas Said to Raise
Variety That Pops in
It rained. Not a roaring, thundering,
tumultuous tempest, with lightening’s
red glare painting hell in the sky. It
oame gently, fell steadily with scarcely
less noise than the evening dew. It
began between three and four o’clock
Saturday morning and continued until
nine. Eighty-five one hundredths of an
inch fell at O’Neill and an inch and a
half fifteen miles north. “If it had only
come two weeks sooner’’ said the un
thankful. But it came and did ua a
world of good. The temperature also
fell forty degrees in twenty four hours
and has never recovered.
Now that the fishing season is about
over, the hot weather becomes a product
ive source of prodigious tales. Here is
one, the truthfulness of which is not
questioned, that is very good , for a
starter: “Governor Savage having ex
pressed doubts about the truth of ex
Governor Furnas’ story that popcorn
popped on the stalk during the recent
hot weather, the ex-governor forwarded
a sample of the corn yesterday. Gov
ernor Furnas raises popcorn of the
large variety. The sample received by
Governor Savage has fully one-third of
the grains opened as if by heat. The
white and somewhat enlarlged kernels
have every appearance of having popped
on the etalk. Some who saw the ear
thought the popped grains were simply
defective ones. Governor Furnas says
the corn of this variety pops with very
little heat and he believes the rays of
the sun actually opened the grains.”
Writes About His connection With
Atkinson Bank.
O'Neill, Neb., July 30, 1901.—To the
Editor of The State Journal, Lincoln,
Neb.—Dear Sir: I returned home on
Saturday night after a four weeks ab
sence out of the state and my attention
has just been called to an article in your
issue of July 16th referring to the dos
ing up and liquidation of the Exchange
bank of Atkinson, formerly owned by
ex-Treasurer J. 8. Bartley. The entire
purpose of the article was to show that
certain assets of the bank had been
sacrificed or squandered or probably
misappropriated. I now ask that yon
give this publicity in your paper
as you did the other article. No
fair newspaper will refuse that. Your
paper charges that I was retained to
represent the depositors who held de
posits in Mr. Batley’s bank at the time
of the failure of the bank, and that the
amount of the deposits was $10,953.
This statement is correct. You further
stated that on March 17, 1898, I effected
a settlement for the depositors and got
from the receiver $2,750 in cash and
securities amounting to $20,429.79 and
that I paid the depositor 75 per cent on
their deposits and kept the securities.
A reputable newspaper ought not to
make any such statement without some
evidence that it is true. The statement
is made out of whole cloth. It is a
coarsely manufactured lie, and the court
records show, and the depositors also
know, that your statemeut is unquali
fiedly false. The facts are these:
When the bank failed there was to the
credit of Mr. Bartley in the bank about
$54,000; the state of Nebraska through
its attorney general, filed a claim in
court alleging that it was state money
which was misappropriated by Mr.
Bartley and that the funds were trust
funds of the state, and the attorney
general claimed that under the decisions
of our supreme court the state had the
first lien on the assets of the broken
bank. If the state should succeed in
this claim the depositors living in At
kinson and other parts of Molt county
would not get a cent. They began to
fear they would lose their money. A
number of the depositors got together
and agreed on a date to hold a meeting
and then a representative of the de
positors came to O’Neill and asked me
to attend the meeting, saying that the
principal depositors desired that ’1
should act as their attorney in the
litigation with the state. The meeting
was held and I was present. Much
more than onehalf of these depositors
were republicans living in and around
Atkinson, whloh is well known to betbe
republican stronghold in this county.
They evidently did not retain me for
political reasons, but simply because
they desired a lawyer to protect their
interests. We tried to effect a settle
ment and for that purpose tne receiver
was authorized to go to Lincoln to
consult with the state officials, and of
course his expenses were paid therefor.
\our article states that my expenses
were paid out of the assets. That is
an unblushing falsehood. We did not
effect a settlement at that time.
While the attorney general sympa
thized with the depositors he felt it to
be his duty to save all the money he
could for the state. I told him that we
would contest the proposition that the
money belonged to the state and would
contend that it belonged to Mr. Bartley
personally. He investigated the matter
and prepared, as beat he could, I sup
pose, for trial. I Investigated both the
evidence and the law and prepared for
trial, but before the day of trial oame I
made another proposition to the attorney
general of settlement.
Id the bank there were securities of
about $2,000 in notes owing by Mr.
Howard Miller and his company. To a
large portion of this debt a defense was
threatened and no doubt wonld have
been made successfully. The attorney
general investigated the matter and did
not believe that they oould realize very
much on that claim for the state, but
Mr. Miller had lived in Atkinson and
was friendly with all the depositors per
sonally, and was willing to make a com
promise on the notes if the money went
to the depositors who were friends and
former neighbors. There was also a
judgment for $480 which the bank
held against the Farmers’ and Mer
chants’ Insurance company at Linooln.
The judgment was to secure the note of
Oilbert Wiard. The bank had won the
case in the county oonrt and in the dis
trict court, but the case was still pend
ing in the supreme court and nobody
could tell bow it would end. I had tried
the case in all these courts for the bank
before it failed and on the personal em
ployment of Mr. Bartley, the president
of the bank. I had a lien for $200 at
torney fees on this judgment, which I
hoped to collect if the judgment was
collected. I offered, in behalf of the de
positors, to take the Miller debt and this
judgment and $2,750 in money in full
settlement of the claims of the deposi
tors . The attorney general, as I have
stated, did not ezpeot to realize much
out of the Miller claim, and finally ad
vised me that while the state could not
consent to anything, he thought my
propositon a fair one. Thereupon the
district court approved of the settlement
with the depositors and I took these
securities for the depositors and not for
myself in any sense. The settlement
was made with the knowledge and ap
proval of a committee selected by the
depositors to represent them. That
committee was Mr. Crossman, Mr. Allen
and Mr. Bennett. They are all staunch
republicans and reputable and honest
business men living at Atkinson. I
finally compromised the entire Miller
paper for $6,000, and I got $2,750 from
the receiver, and I got the assignment
of the judgment against the insurance
company. I then paid the depositors
75 cents cash on the dollar and retained
the balance and the judgment for my
fees in that case and the $200 which the
bank owed me. 1 offered the judgment
to one of the large depositors, telling
him fully the condition it was in, but he
refused to take it, and I had to take it
for my fees instead of money. I was
fortunate enough to subsequently collect
it, and thereby save my attorney tees.
On August 15, The Conservative, a
weekly western review, edited by J.
Sterling Morton, of Nebraska City,
Neb., will publish a symposium upon
the subject, “What Are the Young
Man’s Chances?’*
The contributors to this special,
edition of The Conservative are all
representative, successful and eminent
men of the West, Among them will be
found such names as W. C. Brown, of
Lake Shore Railroad, E. D. Kenna of
the Santa Fe, Rev. Jenkin Lloyd Jones,
H. H. Kohlsaat. editor, Chicago
Record-Herald. Piesident John R. H.
Latchaw, of Defiance College, Robert
C. Colowry, of the Western Union
Telegraph Co.. Frank Orren Lowden,
M. E. Ingalls, president of the Big 4
R. R., and many other prominent
The inspiration afforded to young
men by such eminent business men
should not be lost. The Conservative
is desirous that all of the young men in
the country should read these articles.
J. Sterling Morton has always been
known as a staunch friend to young
American manhood, and the publication
of this symposium is consistent with
his attitude, towards the growing gen
eration, for many years. No sympo
sium upon this subject so comprehensive,
broad and complete has ever been at
tempted. It not only marks an epoch
in this character of literature, but also
evinces that The Conservative is of
invaluable assistance and encourage
ment to the citizenship which is now in
| the course of development.