The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 25, 1901, Image 7

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    A Mosquito KzcursioD.
The other day a small box covered
with gauze and labeled “four hundred
mosquitoes” was shipped fiom a small
station in South Carolina to the Acad
emy of Natural Science, aL Washing
ton. The insects were quite lively
■when they arrived, and were apparent
ly in as good health as when they
started on their journey.The mosqui
toes are, of course, to be used in sci
eutllc investigations.
Virchow’* Queer Injury.
When Professor Virchow was out
walking the other day he was blown
by a very high wind against a tree
and sustained an injury to the head.
Happily, assistance was quickly ob
tained and the professor who was un
able to walk further, was taken home
in a carriage and the requisite surgical
aid rendered by his medical attendant.
Profesor Virchow is approaching his
80th anniversary.
Cleveland'* “Ankle Bug.”
Cleveland Is suffering from an
"ankle bug,” that promises to rival the
“kissing bug” in evil notoriety. It is
partial to low shoes and open-work
hosiery, and its bite is said to be so
severe that the swelling sometimes ex
tends to the knee. In some cases the
victim has been crippled for a week or
more. The local scientists have not
yet discovered the insect that causes
the mischief.
iohoioa at Work Again.
Racine, Wis., July 22nd:—John
Johnson of No. 924 Hamilton street,
this city, is a happy man.
For years he has suffered with Kid
ney and Urinary trouble. He was so
broken down that he was forced to
quit work. Everything he tried failed,
till a friend of his recommended a
new remedy—Dodd’s Kidney Pills. Mr.
Johnson used them, and the result sur
prised him. He is as well as ever he
was, completely cured, and working
away every day.
His case is regarded by those who
knew how very bad he was, as almost
a miracle, and Dodd’s Kidney Pills
are a much talked of medicine.
Degttn Climbing at 7.
Sim Martin Conway, the famous
mountaineer, who has just been elected
Slade professor of fine arts at Cam
bridge university, England, made his
first ascent of a mountain at the age
of 7.
Plso'B Cure for Consumption Is an Infallible
medicine for coughs and colds.—N. W. Samubl,
Ocean Grove, N. j., Feb. 17, 1800.
No man e'er was glorious who was
not laborious.
Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is a constitutional cure. Price, 75a
God heals and the doctor has the
Use Red Cross Ball Blue. It makes clothes
clean and sweet as when new. AU grocers.
To Keep Tbelr Treasures at Home.
If the precedent established by the
Goldsmiths company of London be
generally follewd by Englishmen^ it
will not be so easy in the future for
American collectors to steal away the
English treasures that come under the
hammer of the auctioneer, his com
pany paid $50,000 for the celebrated
Foxwell library of economics to pre
vent It from falling into American
Significance of "Lucile" Purchase.
■“See that young fellow buying that
handsome edition of ‘Lucile’?” asked
one of the salesmen In a prominent
book store the other morning. “I’ll
wager anything he has either just be
come engaged or is just about to pro
pose to some girl. There sees to be
an unwritten law that an engaged man
must give his fiance a copy of ‘Lucile.’
Outside of this trade there is absolute
ly no demand for the book. I really
believe that nobobdy ever buys it any
more except the engaged young man,
and nobody ever reads it except the
engaged young girl.”
Wide Variance In Pupils* Ages.
There are 1,100 Chinese pupils in
Queens college, Hong Kong, varying
in age from 9 up to 23, and many of
them have family cares in the shape
of a wife and children at home. Each
year sees a decrease In the proportion
of married school Doys, and the aver
age age becomes less every year. In
its early history boys of all ages were
to b« found in the school, and It was
quite possible to find father and son
run a dead heat for the first prize.
Onr Frock* Mad* Thom Crow.
Matrons of infant asylums say tbat
a young infant will be cross all day
if dressed in a gray s ock, but content
ed and happy if dressed in a bright red
frock. Children from 2 to 4 are much
less affected by the color of their dress.
It Is commonly observed in kindergar
tens that the younger children prefer
the red playthings, while the older
children prefer the blue.
i - ■ .. ..
Clark* Denied It.
The late Milton Clarke of Boston de
nied shortly before his death the wide
ly circulated story that it was his re
lation to Mrs. Stowe of his own and
his brother's adventures that inspired
tbat author's “Uncle Tom's Cabin.”
Chinese Banknotes 600 Years Old.
The Chinese have on show in Lon
don, in an exhibition of early printing
from Japan and China, a bank note
issued in the course of the reign of
Emperor Hungwu, 1368-99. This is
300 years earlier than the establish
ment at Stockholm of the first Euro
pean bank which issued notes. This
earliest of banknotes measures eigh
teen inches by nine.
The man who packs water on both
shoulders is liable to stand in the mud.
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH, the only 16 oz. package for
10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
An agriculutral school for women is
to be opened in Berlin.
There are songs enough for the hero
Who dwells on the heights of fame;
I sing for the disappointed
For those who missed their aim.
I sing with a tearful cadence
For one who stands In the dark,
And knows that his last best arrow
Has bounded back from the mark.
I sing for the breathless runner,
The eager, anxious soul
Who falls with his strength exhausted
Almost in sight of the goal;
For the hearts that break In silence
With a sorrow all unknown;
For those who need companions.
Yet walk their ways alone.
There are songs enough for the lovers,
Who share love’s tender pain.
I sing for the one whose passion
Is given all in vain.
For those whose spirit comrades
Have missed them on the way
I sing with a heart o’erflow'ng.
This minor strain today,
And T know the solar system
Must somewhere keep in space
A prize for that spent runner
Who barely lost the race.
For the plan would be imperfect
Unless it held some sphere
That paid for the toil and talent
And love that are wasted here.
—Ella Wheeler Wilcox in Chicago
In the Latin Quarter.
(Copyright. 1901, by Dally Story Pub. Co.)
She climbed the five flights of
stairs wearily and panted as she drew
the big key to her little room from
her pocket. It was rather dlfllcult to
hold two rolls and a letter in one hand
while she unlocked the cumbrous door
with the other. She was always tired
after her day's work in the “atelier,"
and tonight she seemed to be more so
than usual, hut her supper and the
letter would revive her. The precious
letter! It was late—perhaps the
stormy weather had belated the mail
The concierge had smiled quite hu
manly when she gave it to her. The
concierge had a heart after all hidden
underneath her stern manner and
somewhat soiled neckerchief. Anne
had wondered before if she had any
softness about her; she was always so
grim and forbidding even in her hab
itual politeness. Now she knew she
had, for she had smiled with actual
gentleness when she gave Anne the
letter, and poor, lonely little Anne
could have kissed her hands in grati
The little room was Icy cold and
Anne put the letter on the mantel,
where she could look at it while she
built her fire and prepared her tea—
plain tea. At first she had had sugar
and milk in her tea; then she found
that a thin slice of lemon was much
nicer and cheaper. After while she
discovered that sugar was a useless
luxury, and she had finally come to the
conclusion that tea was more strength
ening without the lemon.
The letter was in a blue envelope.
She kissed the envelope,
a dear blue envelope, and the writing
was firm and showed strength of char
acter. Anne smiled at the French ad
dress. She knew that ''Mademoiselle”
was used for her amusement, so, of
course, she was amused. The letter re
ally seemed to smile back at her from
the mantel, and she crossed the room
to lightly kiss the envelope his lips
had sealed. Her pale cheeks filled
with color for an instant, and she
turned shyly back to the little fire
where a copper tea kettle had begun
to boil with a semblance of cheerful
She ate her butterless rolls slowly
and sipped her tea deliberately. This
was Anne’s way, to be childishly im
patient for her letter, and then when
it came to save it and hoard it, put
ting off the great pleasure of reading
it in order to prolong the delight. The
arrival of those missives from over
| the sea had marked the red letter days
in all the months she had lived in her
little room In Rue Servandoni. In
the summer time she had usually
taken the letter into the Jardin du
Luxembourg and read It over and over
again there in the soft twilight. No
one in the garden ever spoke to Anne
or disturbed her. Perhaps because her
clothes were too shabby and unat
tractive, or, more probably, because
there was a nun-like steadiness in the
gaze of her deep gray eyes that dis
armed the heedless students who are
wont to tease unattended girls. For
even the American girl, the most free
of all creatures, comes in for her share
of good-natured comment in the Quar
tier Latin.
At last Anne was ready to read
her letter. She sank down before the
tiny blaze of her open Are and un
sealed it with deliberation, commenc
ing slowly and gradually reading fast
er and faster until she finished it in
almost feverish haste, whereupon she
"Edwin Brown?” repeated Anne,
began at the beginning again and read
it over carefully, dwelling in particu
lar on one paragraph:
“When I think of the apparent hope
lessness of our engagement, I feel that
I can’t in honor bind you to it. My
struggles here in my profession have
as yet barely gained me a meager live
lihood, and the time when I can offer
you even the simplest of homes seems
desperately distant. With the ocean
stretching between us it is difficult
to discuss this vital matter, but, Anne,
darling, I want you to know that as
dearly as I love you I will not be self
ish enough to keep you to a promise
that was generously made when hope
shone more brightly upon us. If the
thought of me interferes with your art
or arrests your study in any way put
me from your mind. I can’t bear to
feel that I should be a hindrance or
a drag to you-” Here Anne
stopped reading because she could no
longer discern the written words
through the mist of tears that had
gathered over her eyes. She felt blind
ly about for a handkerchief to bravely
dab them away, that she might go on
with the letter, which continued in the
tenderest phrases to assure her of his
constant, unfailing love. She knew
that he was sincere; that her welfare
was all that actuated the letter.
"How like him,” she murmured.
“No other man but Edwin could write
a love letter like that, and I hope he
never will again; I could not stand
When at last she fell asleep, the
letter was clasped in her hands, which
lay folded on the steamer rug, an ad
dition to the scanty bedding on her
cot, and her breath came in quick
gasps, like the sobs of a little child.
The "atelier” was crowded when
she went to her work in the wet clay
the next morning, and she hoped to
gain her own corner without attract
ing attention. But her pale cheeks
did not escape the notice of the tall
American who was perpetrating a sad
ly misshapen figure near her own
well blocked out work.
"Are you not well, Miss Weber?” he
asked, with a note in his voice of
deeper feeling than the occasion
seemed to demand.
"Quite well, thank you," Anne re
plied wearily, and the young man
looked at her reproachfully. He want
ed to tell her that she was doing al
together wrong, abusing her health,
wasting her strength, and. worst of
all, breaking his heart, but experience
had taught him that it was not a safe
ground of conversation.
It was the day on which the master,
the great Parisian sculptor, was ex
pected to criticize, and Anne applied
herself assiduously to her clay, which,
under her deft Angers, rapidly grew
more and more like the model.
"I am through with this,” said the
young man at length. “I have tested
my artistic ability and found that I
can't even mold a snow man.” He
scornfully chopped off the nose of his
clay figure, which only added another
deformity to the already malmed-look
lng creature.
“My old man always said that art
was not in our blood, but I wanted to
see for myself, and it didn’t take me
long. Don’t think I have not realized
how impossible my work is, but I
have stayed in the atelier—you know
why—and I’ll stay yet if you will give
me any hope,” he added eagerly.
"No, don’t stay,” Anne replied, soft
ly. He was such a dear boy she could
not be anything but* gentle to him.
"Well, then," he said, disconsolate
ly, "I’ll throw art over and go into
the string business with Dad, as he
has always wanted me to do.”
“That will be better, I am sure,”
said Anne, smiling at the mutilated
torso, for the ^oung man had been
carelessly hacking it while he talked.
"The old man is certainly dead anx
ious for the prodigal’s return, for I
got a fifty-dollar cablegram from him
this morning, asking me to pull up
stakes and go at once. The dear old
chap wants a junior partner, now bus
iness looks so bright. He has just
won a tremendous lawsuit against a
trust; some daring young lawyer car
ried the thing through, and Dad is
crasy over him. He wrote me some
time ago that If the suit was won he
intended to retain the chap as per
manent counsel for the company. It
will be the making of Edwin Bowen,
whoever he Is!”
‘Edwin Bowen?” repeated Anne,
“Yes, Edwin Bowen. My old man
even put his name in the cable, say
ing the suit was won.”
"Edwin Bowen!” Anne said again.
"Why, do you know him?”
“Yes, very well, Indeed,” she an
swered, and then she fell In a little
heap on the damp atelier floor, and
the students who rushed to aid the
young man in bringing her out of the
faint, spoke together of the serious
consequences of overwork, rand they
all determined to be more moderate
than ever.
As soon as she felt strong enough
to walk she started back to her room
in Rue Servandonl, and the concierge
met her at the door of the tall, top
pling house with a look of alarm, for
she knew that cablegrams were seri
ous things, and she had one for the
pale little American mademoiselle.
Anne's fingers trembled as she tore it
open, and her heart bounded as she
"Darkest before dawn—success—1
am coming, my love!"
“Nine words beside the address, and
no code used,” said Anne, vaguely.
"It must have cost twice as much as
a whole week’s living,” and she
laughed a little hysterically, as she
quickly mounted the long, narrow
stairs, for her light heart had given
wings to her feet.
Chinese Mourning.
If a son. on receiving information of
the death of his father, or mother, or
wife, suppress such intelligence, and
omits to go into lawful mourning for
the deceased, such neglect shall be
punished with 60 blows and one year's
banishment. If a son or wife enters
into mourning in a lawful manner, but,
previous to the expiration of the term,
discards the mourning habit, and, for
getful of the loss sustained, plays up
on musical instruments and partici
pates in festivities, the punishment
shall amount for such offense to 80
blows. Whoever, on receiving infor
mation of the death of any other rela
tive in the first degree than the above
mentioned, suppresses the notice of it,
and omits to mourn, shall be punished
with 80 blows; if, previous to the ex
piration of the legal period of mourn
ing for such relative, any person casts
away the mourning habit and resumes
his wonted amusements, he shall be
punished with 60 blows. When any
officer or other parson in the employ
of the government has received intel
ligence of the death of his father or
mother, in consequence of which in
telligence he is bound to retire from
the office during the period of mourn
ing, if, in order to avoid such retire
ment, he falsely represents the de
ceased to have been his grandfather,
grandmother, uncle, aunt, or cousin,
he shall suffer punishment of 100
blows, be deposed from office, and be
rendered incapable of again entering
into the public service. I.ftnil» Near Plilladstphla.
There are parts of New Jersey within
a very short distance of Philadelphia,
too, which, strange as it may seem,
are but little more known today than
they were 200 years ago. In fact, there
are portions of the “Pine Barrens”
which have never known the tread of
a white man. It is this wilderness
that a party of naturalists—Mr. Stone
as chief and Messrs. Rfehn and Cog
gins as assistants, are starting out to
explore. Starting from Medford they
make a circuitous route, camping as
best they can for seven nights, and
returning to Medford with their col
lections. In a certain sense of the
word, this expedition is only prelim
inary to others of a more extended na
ture which may follow. Work In this
region must be done by small parties
returning frequently to some base of
supplies, as food Is nearly unobtain
able and transportation of heavy loads
of specimens impossible. The expe
dition will make observation upon the
soil and water supply and collect all
manner of plants and animals, which
will be turned over to eminent special
ists for identification.
Old Eld from ChlnMe lUtumin.
Moy Kee, a Chinese restaurateur of
Indianapolis, Ind., received a royal
gift a few dayB ago in the form of
100 eggs that had reached the remark
able age of 100 years. They were still
good, In fact, according to the Chinese
view, better than they were the day
they were laid. They had been cured
by some process known only to the
cooks of China, who cater to the man
darins and the higher classes exclu
sively. They had not been cooked,
nor had the khell been broken. The
eggs came from no less a personage
that LI Hung Chang, and the enclosed
card, a bit of queer paper, half a
foot long, expressed to Moy Kee the
compliments of the Chinese statesman
and wished the son of the Flowery
empire a long and happy journey
through life.
ThouHttnda for Catholic Institution*.
An adjudication in the estate of
Michael Corr, who died some time ago
In Philadelphia, awards $112,000 to
various Catholic charitable Institutions
in that city.
Conducting Oriental Studied.
Professor HStckley Q. Mitchell of the
Boston University School of Theology,
has gone to Palestine, where he will
spend a year as director of the Ameri
can School for Oriental Study and Re
She Suffered for Years and
Felt Her Case Was Hope
less—Cured by
Mrs. Judge McAllister writes from
1217 West 33rd st., Minneapolis, Minn.,
as follows:
"I suffered for years with a pain in
the small of my back and right side.
It interfered often with my domestic
and social duties and i never supposed
that I would be cured, as the doctor’s
medicine did not seem to help me any.
"Fortunately a member of our Order
advised me to try Peruna and gave it
such high praise that I decided to try
it. Although I started in with little
faith, I felt so much better in a week
that I felt encouraged.
"I took It faithfully for seven weeks
and am happy indeed to be able to say
that I am entirely cured. Words fail
to express my gratitude. Perfect health
once more is the best thing I could
wish for, and thanks to Peruna enjoy
that now.”—Minnie E. McAllister.
The great popularity of Peruna as a
catarrh remedy has tempted many
people to imitate Peruna. A great
many so-called catarrh remedies and
catarrhal tonics are to be found in
many drug stores. These remedies can
be procured by the druggist much
cheaper than Peruna. Peruna can only
be obtained at a uniform price, and no
druggist can get it a cent cheaper.
Thus It is that druggists are tempted
to substitute the cheap imitations of
Peruna for Peruna. It is done every
day without a doubt.
We would therefore caution all peo
■ ft££. JOB OB PtS-HLU&TBH^ j
pie against accepting these substitutes.
Insist upon having Peruna. There la no
other Internal remedy for catarrh that
will take the place of Peruna. Allow;
no one to persuade you to the contrary.
If you do not derive prompt and sat
isfactory results from the use of Pe
runa. write at once to Dr. Hartman,
giving a full statement of your case
and he will be pleased to give you his
valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
j The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O.
Fluk'd Profundity.
In college the late John Fiske took
up such unusual courses of study as
Gothic, Icelandic, Danish, Swedish,
Dutch and Roumanian: then he delved
In law and was graduated from tlie
law school at the age of 22. Such a
list of achievements makes him an
Admirable Crichton of extraordinary
Should bo in every home. Ask your grocer
for it. Large 2 oz. package only 5 contd.
Who is in the right fears, who is
in the wrong hopes.
Nebraska Business and Shorthand College,
Boyd Building, Omaha, Neb.
$3,000 expended last year in type
writers. $2,500 in actual business and
hanking furniture. It is the most
thoroughly equipped institution in the
west. Send for catalogue. A. C. Ong,
A. M., LL. B., Prest.
The reign of money is here; other
events will come with the years.
Mrs. Winslow s soothing Syrup.
Ifor children teett'ng softens the gums, redness lir
flanimation, allays pain, cures wind colic. 39o e bottle
You cannot take the road without
the end, nor the end without the road.
Ask your grocer tor DEFIANCE
STARCH, the only 16 ox. package for
10 cents. All other 10-cent etaren con
tains only 12 ox. Satisfaction guaran- j
teed or money refunded.
Grecian Prince a Dramatist.
Prince Nicholas of Greece, third son
of the king of the Hellenes, was re
cently designated "laureate” in a dra
matic congress organized by the Uni
versity of Athens. The work which
obtained for him this distinction was
a comedy entitled "The Reformers,”
and was Judged on its merits, the com
petitors having to send in their compo
sitions under pseudonyms only.
He who would relish his food must
not see It cooked.
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH, the only 16 oz. package for
10 cents. Ail other 10-cent starch con
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
Who has never done thinking never
begins doing.
Sure to be arrested! Any ache or
pain by Hamlin’s famous Wizard Oil.
Your druggist sells It.
He who blows upon dust fills his
eyes with it.
^IT* Parmaaent-’y Carso. Ifoflts or n«rrowmew aft*»i
flrwt day's uu of l>r. Kline s ilieat Nerve Restorer.
Bend for FREE 92.00 trial bottle and treatlsa.
lau IL H. Kline. Ltd.. *31 An* at.. Philadelphia Pa.
An Atchison man is so economical
that he will not blow the foam off his
Effective July 10th. The Wabash Is
placing the first of the large order of
equipment, consisting of twc baggage,
8 combination pasenger and baggage,
30 coaches, 10 chair cars, 3 cafe cars
and 2 dining cars into service. The
trains running from Chicago leaving at
11:00 a. m., 3:03 p. m., 9:16 p. m. and
11:00 p. m., respectively, will carry
this new equipment. Much comment
has been made upon the elegant broad
vestibule chair cars In this service. In
addition to this extra equipment, the
Pan-American Special, running be
tween St. Louis and Buffalo, leaves St.
Louis at 1:00 p. m., arriving at Buffalo
8:20 a. m. Returning, leaves Buffalo
1:30 p. m., arrives St. Louis 7:66 a. m.
This train has been equipped with the
large broad vestibule chair cars and
cafe library and observation cars,
something entirely new, an innovation
in the passenger service.
He who would be long an old man
must begin betimes.
for the TEETH and BREATH
Naw Six* S0Z0D0NT LIQUID ... »° AAq
New Patent Box S0Z0D0NT POWDER . . 25o
Large LIQUID and POWDER ... 75o HW
At the Stores or by Mail, postpaid, for the Price.
A Dentist’s Opinion: “ As an antiseptic and hygienic
mouthwash, and for the care and preservation of the teeth and
gums, I cordially recommend Sozodont. I consider it the ideal
dentifrice for children’s use.” [Name of writer upon application.]
'■■■■.. i
Oneethird more starch—
a better starch—that is
the whole story. Defiance
Starch, 16 ounces lor 10
Don't forget it—a better quale
ity and one.third more of it.
I ■■ fl Itfl SV information. Orders in l,(;(*) bu. lots ■■ W ■ aj BJI p«
ttLV BJI H m 11 and upwards. Hank references. G. S. W ■ I mfMmm I?
Everingham & Co., Commerce Bldg., Chicago. m m