illp'Ji : Frontier PUBLISHED BY THE FRONTIER PRINTING CO. SUBSCRIPTION, SI.SO PER ANNUM. D. H. CRONIN EDITOR AND MANAGER. VOLUME XXII. O’NEILL, HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA, JULY 25, 1901. NUMBER 4. LOCAL MATTERS AS NAILED ON THE RON Little Thinars of General In O tersts People Like to Read. About. YOUR NAME IN PRINT Movements, Accidents, Fortunes and Misfortunes of You and Your Neighbor Made Public. Governor Savage on Monday issued the following proclamation: “In re sponse to importunities and at the earnest request of members of the ministery that a day be set apart and designated as a day upon which the people may meet in their respective houses of worship and oiler up prayer to Divine Providence for relief from destructive winds and drouth, I hereby designate Friday, July 26, 1901, as said day.” Three kodak fiends riding as many railroad bicycles on the Great Northern piled up in a heap near the crossing of the two roads west of town yesterday morning. They were pumping up the track when they run into the open place where the rails are taken up. It would have made a pretty snap shot for the kodak fiends to have taken back with their other collection. With Dick Murray, of Verdigris, H. M. Bradstreet of O’Neill, Bill Hayes, of Sheridan and W. H. Blackmer, of Atkinson, active candidatees for the pop nominativn for sheriff and a dozen or more others hoping lighting will strike them the coming pop convention promises to be quite interesting. As may be obseved by notice in due form published elsewhere in this issue, James Stout has sold his interests in the drug store of Gilligan & Stout to his partner, Dr. Gilligan. Mr. Stout ex pects to go to Chicago and prepare him self for the practice of medicine. Neil Brennan keeps on hand mach ine oil »f the best grade, Gasoline and lamp oil, stake rope and batts and will not be undersold by any one. You will save money by calling even if you dont buy, 2-8 Maun’s will continue discounting shirt waists, skirts, etc., until this stock is completely reduced. In addition to these they have placed on sale 20 white duck suits for boys at a 20 per cent dis count; ages from 5 to 10 years. John Kearns arrived in the city Sun day night on a visit to relatives and old fiiends here. Mr. Kearns makes his home at Salt Lake, Utah, but has been in Cuba for several months passed. He was accompanied by Mrs. Kearns. Lynch Journal: C. I)'. Roe purchased George Mellor’s farm for $3,100 last week. Mr. Mellor will have a sale the 23d and dispose of his slock and farm implements. He expects to move to O’Neil). The O’Neill second nine went to At kinson last Friday and cleaned up the Atkinson second nine. The score was: O’Neill 18; Atkinson 10. Did some one say Atkinson was playing ball this season? I will sell at private sale my house hold goods consisting of parlor furnish ings, bedroom, dinning and kitchen sets, articles too numerous to mention. Call at Residence.—Oscar E. Beckes. Jim O’Donnell and Gorge Berry went to Norfolk Sunday to see the Plainview boys ”do up” the Norforkites on the base ball diamond. They did it,the score being Plainveiw 17, Norfolk 4. The shirt waist man has struck town. The girls say shirt waists upon a man do look horrid, but some say they’re comfortable. I will be in O’Neill every Friday and Saturday with my draft stallion and Spanish jack, at Mellor & Quilty’s barn—J. H. McAllister. 4?—tf Tom Coyne, who has been attending the Fremont normal the past year, re turned home last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John McNichols were down from Atkinson Tuesday. Jack Harrington had business at Norfolk the first of the week. Have your teeth examined by Dr. McLeran; he can save them. 42-tf Miss Susie Gillespie returned Wednes day from Atkinson. Fred Reed had business at Ewing this week. “Balduff” Ice Cream at Uilligan & Stout’s. The past week has been very active in the local hog market. The farmers are turning off all surplus as well as a good many light hogs. The prospects of a shortage of corn causes them to clean up before fall. However, the market is good, heavy hogs today being worth 5 cents pel pound, and light 4 cents. Pretty stiff prices prevail all through the markets. Corn is worth 45 cents, oats 30 cents, rye 20 and wheat 50. Hay is at an unusally high figure for this season of the year, baled hay being worth from $G to $8 on the local market while the loose product is from $3 to $4 per ton. Stuart Herald: W. S. Pickier shipped 10.000 pounds of wool Monday.Harvy Stockings, butter and egg man from O'Neill, bought 1,555 pounds of butter in Stuart Wednesday.... Miss Anna Gilroy and sister Maggie of Omaha arrived in the city Sunday evening with a view of pur chasing land. They puichased 240 acres of land on Otter creek from J. Frost of Stuart. They are well pleased with the country and intend to stock up the ranch in the near future. Considera tion of land was $2,500. A surprise party was given last Fri day evenin'g at the home of Captain and Mrs. W. T. Shively in honor of their daughter, Mrs. E. J. Gallagher. It was in the nature of a farewell recep tion, Mrs. Gallagher expecting soon to go to Alliance to join her husband who is employed on the Burlington & Mis souri railroad. Mrs. Gallagher visits at Norfolk, Omaha and Council Bluffs before going to Alliance. Atkinson Plaiu-Dealer: Dr. P. J. Flynn, formerly of O’Neill, has decided to establish himself in Atkinson, the only town in the Elkhorn valley, and and until he secures a sutiable location can be found at the Forny hotel. Dr Flynn has been at the county seat several years now and has many warm friends there as well as a good practice which he is leaving. Dennis Hunt has been appointed dis trict deputy for the Royal Highlanders and has been assigned as his terretory all of Nebraska lying north of the Platte river. This is quite an important position and one that will prove very remunerative. We congratulate Mr. Hunt on his appointment. The O’Neill ball players went to Atkineon last Saturday and "did” the famous Atkinson players on a score of 5 to 8. This was O’Neill’s maiden game this season and it was a very good starter The game is reported as exceptionally interesting throughout with may good plays on both sides. On Saturday, July 27, Mann’s will give a 25 per cent cut on all fancy pieces in china as they wish to clean up the present stock of these goods before purchasing fall stock. Frank Pixly returned from his visit to his old home at Irwin, Io., Monday evening. Frank says the corn in eastern Iowa is in worse condition, as a result of the dry weather than it is in this •county. A large delegation of O’Neillites ac companied the ball team to Atkinson last Saturday, and witnessed the Emerald tinted boys wallop the Atkin sonites on the diamond. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pettijohn went to Neligh Thursday last. Mrs. Petti john has been in ill health for along time and went to Neligh for x-ray ex amination. The ball players expected to engage in a game with Atkinson here tomorrow, but Atkinson boys announced that they could not come. The Great Northern is advertising in another place an excursion to Duluth on August 0. See their ad for particu lars. Miss Myra Brainerd, a niece of G. W. Smith, is spending a few days in the country, the guest of Bessie DeVarman. The O’Neill National bank is being repainted. The bank in permanent quarters at the old state bank building. H. S. Daley, brother of Mrs. Judge Harrington, is here from Texas visiting relatives. Do not forget the discount sale on fancy china Saturday, July 27, at Mann’s. Judd Woods of the Peoples' Advocate, Ewing, was in the city the first of the week. Bert Sharer and W. Cleavinger were down from Stuart last Monday. T. V. and Parnell Golden returned last week from the west. Lew Chapman was down from Atkin son Tuesday. Joe Mann came down from Atkinson yesterday. HOT WEATHER AND Same Condidtions Prevail All the World Around and No Let-Up. NEBRASKA STANDS IT Some Observations on a Dry but Pop ular Subject.—Holt County is Not so Bad as Others. The weather isn’t a very pleasant subject to write on these hot days. The whole world appears to be sweltering under a wave of heat never before known. Jt is dry every place. There has been little or no rain throughout the agricultural sections of the United States during July and mercury has been monkeying around 100 and above the most of the time. The same conditions prevail through out Europe and over into Asia. The result will be short crops, but no famine need be feared. Nebraska is faring rather better than most sections Hay is abundant, small grain is a fair crop and corn has a show for its life yet. Holt county needs rain and has need ed it for two weeks. Generally speak ing, we are not suffering, however. Over soutli there is scarcely need of rain yet, but north of the river there is need. Twenty miles north of the river a good rain fell last week but only in a small area in the vicinity of Dorsey. The excessive and prolonged heat is doing more damage than the absence of rain. In the hot atmosphere grain ripens too fast, corn does not ear and vines and bushes in the gardens are not producing fruit and vegetables. The month of July started out at 80 degrees above as the maximum tem perature. The official record for the past twenty-four days is given below: 1 . 80 | 13.100 2 . 98 | 14.100 3 .100 | 15.100 4 .101 | 16. 98 5 .'.. 87 | 17. 99 6 . 92 | 18. 93 7 . 94 | 19. 98 8 .101 20.104 9 .102 21.104 10 . 97 22.104 11 .103 23.100 12 .102 24...100 There has been no rain at O’Neill since June 29 and all but live days of this time the sky has been entirely free from clouds. The dry spell immediate ly follows one of extraordinary wetness, the month of June recording the great est amount of rainfall in many years. The maximum temperature was reached on Sunday with pretty even re gistration at the fourteen stations re porting at Omaha. The report from these stations is as follows. A'-hland, Neb...109 | Omaha.105 Coin'iibus.108 j Tecumseh.107 Faiiu^ry_ . .109 | Tekamah.106 Fairmont.104 | Carroll, Io.106 llartiugton.103 | Clarinda.107 Oakdale.105 | Sibley.104 O’Neill.104 | Storm Lake.... 103 The following figures give the tem perature for the same day at eight dif ferent cities throughout the corn and wheat region.The figures are the average for the stations in each state reporting: Chicago.102 | Kansas City... .104 Columbus, O... 98 | Louisville......102 De Moines.106 j Minneapolis.... 92 Indianapolis....102 | St. Louis.108 - - Quite a liberal sprinkling of old time democrats attended the central com mittee meeting in this city last Satur day. The meeting was called for the purpose of fixing a time and place for the county convention and incidently to determine what they should ask from their populist friends as the price of endorsing their ticket. After consider able discussion they decided they were the people and most be respected. They will ask the coming popnlist convention to give them two offices. They want either treasurer, sheriff or county olerk, and either county judge or county superintendent. They evidently go upon the theory. “Ask and ye shall receive,” but that their populist friends will not concede them that much there is no question, in fact many populist are opposed to any kind of a fusion with the democrats. They decided to hold their convention on the’same day and date as the populists and fixed the basis of representation at one delegate at large from each township and one for every twenty votes or major fraction thereof cast for Hon. Frank Campbell for state senator. For Sale—My cattle ranch on Dry creek five miles south of O’Neill; 50.0 acres pasture fenced; 480 acers number l hav land; house sheds and all good im provements for a ranch, Address U. W. Shaw, O'Neill, Neb. 2-8pd Justin McCarthy was at Ewing Tues day. Something of ft surprise was felt at the announcement last Thursday that D. Clem Deaver had been appointed re ceiver of public moneys of the O'Neill land office. Rumor to this effect had floated around for two weeks or more previous to the appointment but it had been dis credited all along for it was not con ceived that a republican who has faith fully discharged the duties of this office for 4 years would be decapitated for the benefit of a populist by the powers that be. At the instance of the department, Mr. Jenness had just fixed his bond for another rear and it was understood he would continue to serve. A few days later the appointment of Deaver was announced. Mr. Deaver is a more or less familiar character in Nebraska poli tics. He has professed to be a mid-road populist and under this disguise worked vigorously for the republican ticket last fall. His appointment is bitterly de nounced by republicans of this section although he says he had the endorse ment of every state officer and the national committeeman. The Frontier has no personal fight to wage against Mr. Deaver. It trust he will prove an efficient servant of the patrons of the O’Neill land office. It connot, however, from what it understands of the situation, endorse the action of the men who secured the appointment. If any real or ficticious grevience was to be avenged a 1 republican should at least have been the beneficiary. The Frontier does not blame Mr. Deaver for taking the ap pointment; it is a good job. What party will claim him here we are not advised. Stuart Ledger: A full Hedged sensa tion, in whioh a Stuart character is star afctrees, has bust upon the public. Tbe woman has already figured in a half dozen marriage scrapes and.bas now put the cap-sheaf on her notorious career. In company with an accomplice named Musfelt from Bassett, she succeeded in hood winking an old soft-head named— most unfitly—John Q. Adame, a wid ower 65 years of age. Adams on his way to Sioux City was introduced by Musfelt to a wealthy middle-age woman from Wyoming, the owner of a big sheep-ranch. The widow’s smiles won ttjp widower and he proposed. The widow, as an act of good faith, asked that $800 be given her—a guarranty of Cupid. Adams paid the money and deeded her his home. When the wedding bell tinkled the bride was nowhere to be found. Nor was the widow’s sheep ranch and Musfelt. Adams had to bor row money to return to Bassett. Beal in O’Neill are being flooded with letters from all sections of the country inquiring for hay. The question of feed for stock is becoming a serious one in many places. Holt county has been blessed with a good hay crop and therefore her farmers will be “in it” although the other vegetation is short. Haying has beea going on for three weeks and is being daily ship ped to eastern markets. It has already been as high as $28 a ton in Chicago with the prospects of going higher, It will be a good idea for people in this seoticn to cut everything in the shape of grass that will do for hay as there will be a demand for it. With plenty of hay to sell and a fair yield of small grain Holt county farmers will become bloated plutocrats during the season of high prices whioh seems to be before them. P. F. Thompson received a letter from the Philippine Islands last week written by his nephew Alfred Olson, whom P.F. supposed was living in Illinois. Young Olson lived W'th P.F. on his farm near Swan .e for three years, leaving here about eight years ago. When the Spanish American war started he enlisted in the volunteers and when they were mustered out he re-enlisted in troop A Third U. S. cavalry. He is now a corporal and writes that he ex pects to remain in the army. He haB served two years and six months of his second enlistment. His troop is station ed at Namapacan. Ewing Advocate: Mr. and Mrs. Fors land came down fiom O’Neill Saturday to spend a short vacation on the farm. ... . L. J. Coppoo of Chambers went to Kearney Tuesday to attend a meeting of the State Horticultural society. Mr. Coppoc informs us that about an inch of rain fell in the vicinity of Amelia Mon day. _ A Scribner paper names ninety far mers that have bought harvesting machines in that town this summer. There must have been some grain rais ed around there. flow to Keep cool in O'Neill. Sit on a chunk of ice and smoke the Shamrock, a 10c cigar for a nickel. Sold by all dealers. 32 Andy Gallagher was up from Laurel last Eriday. “Balduff” Ice Cream at tiilligan & Stout’s. SUNDAY SCHOOLS HOLD CONVENTION Forty of Them Represented at Meeting Tuesday and Wednesday. MR. POLLOCK SPEAKS Hot Weather Tells on Attendance but Those Present Have Profitable Sessions. The annual convention of Holt county Sunday school workers was held at O’Neill Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, and although the extreme heat prevented many from attending yet all present felt that the Sunday school work of the connty is progressing and the reports from delegates Bbowed tin* crease in interest and membership. The opening address of Itev. Romin ger, Tuesday evening, was listened to with marked interest. He briefly re viewed the work of Sunday school from its beginning, describing its aims and objects then and now and showing that a wonderful progress and growth has been made which he believed was evi dence that the hand of Providence is in the work. The program, as published in these columus last week, was followed with very few exceptions. In the absence of one of the speakers for Wednesday afternoon, a half hour or more was de voted to “Round Table Talk’’ and dis cussion upon questions of importance to Sunday school workers, from which all received a great deal of information and help. The presence of R. H. Pollock, field secretary of the state association, added much to the interest of the convention. Mr. Pollook, with his experience and earnestness in Sunday school work, always insures a good and most profita ble convention. HiB talks during the day and address Wednesday evening were instructive and interesting. Special mention should be made of the way in which Rev. B. J. Berth ouwer of Stuart, Rev. L. Heddenof Chambers, J. T. Carson of Ewing and Charles Phelps of Page presented the subjects assigned them. Officers of the association were elected as follows: President, T. A. Moss of Amelia; vice-president and supt. of normal work, Charles Phelps of Page; secretary M Blanche Adams, O’Neill; treasurer E. H. Benedict, O’Neill; superintendent primary department, Mrs. Lena Peck, Atkinson; and superdent and supredent home department J. T. Carson, Ewing. Among those present at the conven tion were: R. H. Pollook, field secretary of the state association, Lincoln. Rev. B. J. Berthouwer and Mr. T. A. Thomas, Stuart. Mrs. Lena Peck, Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Moss, Amelia. Rev. L. Hedden and Miss Myrtle Jeffers, Chambers. Messrs. Jesse Frary. Clyde Kiltz and E. E. Adams, of South Fork. J. T. Carson, Ewing. Miss Calista Bryant and Mr. Charles Phelps, Page. Herbert. Roberts, Blackbird. Messrs. C. A, Ingersoll and T. B. Maring,Bright Hope Sunday school. Miss Neills Lee, Eden Valley Sunday school. Scarcely a baker’s dozen of the pop county central commillemen met in O’Neill last Saturday afternoon to select the date for the county convention. Scarcely a dozen were present, including candidates. How the mighty have fallen. Why, a few years ago every committeemau would have been present and each one would have brought a friend or two, and everyone would know the pops were in town. But the few there were here Saturday looked as though they were making the prelimin ary arrangements for a funeral, and some of them felt that way, too. They decided to hold the convention on Sat urday, August 24, 1901, in this city. O’Neill, July 35.—Advertised letters: G H Itobbins, F E Bomandorf, Charles Sheldon, O F Smith, Bessie Sinkela, O II Wilson, S Washburn (9), Wm J Laune. E S Jones (3), Tbos Johnson, Miss Julin Kelly, Will Kaczor. Theo Kerr, L Kennedy, Sam Haines, Edna Becouse, G E Bassett. In calling for above say “advertised” ; if not called for in two weeks will be sent to dead letter office.—L). H. Cronin, P. M. Miss Agnes Carberry of Norfolk is visiting in the city, the guest of Miss Alice Cronin. Miss Maggie Hurley went to Omaha on Monday on a visit. A Smallpox Items. State Journal: The highest medical authorities say that the remarkable spread ot smallpox throughout the country these days is attributed wholly to the fact that the people are unwilling to be vacoinated. Before the discovery of Jenner, the smallpox was always abroad and about half the adult population in all countries, were smartly pitted. They gladly, for a generation or two, availed themselves of the preventive and small pox almost entirely disappeard from Great Britain, the United States and the European continent. But now people are getting careless, in fact have been getting careless for years back, and the proportion of chil dren allowed to grow up without sub mitting to the inconvenienoe of vacci nation has been constantly increasing until it is a question if the majority of the population is not subject to the in fection. The doctors lay that the only remedy for this state of things is univer sal vaccination. In the meantime there is even more ignorant hostility to vacaination among the people than In the days of our grandfathers. Books may not be so often wiitten against the preventive as they used to be, but the prevalence of the Christian science fad which declares all disease illusion and that people never really catch the smallpox but mearly imagine they catch it, adds much to the general imbecility of the opposition. Probably the law and ordinances for vaccination will have to be made uni versal and stringent as they are on the continent of Europe in order to stop these distressing and costly outbreaks of the infection. If the person who delib erately refuses vaccination was the only sufferer from his foolishness, it wouldn’t so much matter. But when he gets the smallpox he usual! scatters it among the careless neighbors with as much dili gence as possible. In the past half cen tury there never was as much amallpox in the country at one time as there is this year. Teeth or photographs at Corbett’s, 16th to 30th of each month. 39tf. Notice. Having disposed of my interest in the firm of Gilligan & Stout, I am anxious to close up all outstanding accounts as soon as posible. I expect to go to Chicago on September 1 to enter a school of medicine and must make all collections before that time. The books and all accounts will be at drug store, where all settlements will be made. I desire to thank all our patrons for past favotB and hope that my suc cessors will receive kind consideration at your hands in the future. James V. Stout. Dr. McLeran, dentist, offloe over Corrigan’s drug store. 42-tf NOTICE. To the Republican central comittee: A meeting of the Holt county republican central comittee will be held at the office of R. R. Dickson in the city of O’Neill on the 3rd day of August at one o’clock p. m. The time and place of holding the next republican county convention will be then and there determined; also other matters of politioal importance. Every republican committeeman is re quested to attend. R. It. Dickson, Chairman. C. L. Bright, Secretary. Baled Hay for sale at Meller&Quilty barn. A merchant who had two stores in small villages tried an experiment, says an exchange. He put a bargain counter in each store containing the same articles at exactly the same prices. In the newspaper of one village he advertis* ed his special counter. In the paper of the other village he did not advertised, and he sold $983 worth of goods. In the store the same month where he did advertise he sold goods amounting to $7,123. In commenting upon the result of his experiment, the merchant says: “People who got the paper with my ad vertisement in it would pass by one of my stores and drive four miles to the other one for what they could have gotten at the same price at their doors. C. J. Wilson was down from Atkinson Monday. For dental work go to Dr. McLeran 42-tf DRESS GOODS Saturday, August 3. On Saturday, August 3, Manns will display a fine line of new dress goods for early fall in all of the late mater ials. On this same day they will put on sale a line of silk waists in the newest styles they they secured at a bargain and will give their customers the benefit, which means a discount of about 33i per cent. You have only to see these waists to be satisfied they are all we claim for them.