- I _ __ PUBLISHED BY THE FRONTIER PRINTING CO. SUBSCRIPTION, SI.SO PER ANNUM. D. H. CRONIN EDITOR AND MANAGER. VOLUME XXII. O’NEILL, HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA, JULY 18, 190L NUMBER 3. I R. H. Jenness went to Omaha Sunday For dental work go to Dr. McHerau 42-tf John Brady was in from Dorsey Wed* nesday. Mo8© Campbell war down from Atkin son Wednesday. Mrs. R. J. Marsh was a passenger for Omaha Tuesday. Ice cream at Weingartners restaurant, by the diBk or in bulk. Postmaster Johnson was down from Atkinson yesterday. Dr. McLerau, dentist, office over Corrigan’s drug store. 42-tf A woven wire fence is being built around the court-house yard. Have your teeth examined by Dr. McLeran; he can save them. 42-tf A daughter was born Tuesday evening to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morrison. Deputy Sheriff.Bradstreet was a Sun day morning passenger for Ewing. Frank PixtSy departed yesterday for his old home at Aspin, Io„ on a visit. Ed Wagers went to Long Pine Mon day. lie expects to work there fora time. llemmber those cheap pants and shoes at Mann's. The discount varies from 331 to 75 per cent. Editor Eves and Joe Mann were pass engers for Atkinson on Sunday morn ing’s freight. Tlie hog market was lively Tuesday morning, the north country apparently "unloading” all together. Spencer Advocate; Mies Coffey of O’Neill, a sister of Maggie and 0. J. Coffey, of this place, is visiting here. Manns will continue their discount sale on pants shoes, summer dress goods and shirtwaist until Saturday, July 20. LOST—Light gray coat between Ir rigation ditch and O'Neill on July 9. Name, U. C. Orimes, in inside pocket. Leave at Dewey house