The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 11, 1901, Image 7

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    ! A Tiny
No Rich, No Poor, J
No Strikes ^ ^ ^
and No Strife.
This model republic is no experi
ment, no colony scheme born of the
brain of a social reformer, but has ex
isted for over 300 years.
. Within a few hours' ride of Tokyo,
the Japanese capital, there thrives a
little community who live and work
in indifference to wars and rumors of
war. Happily unconscious of the
growing importance of Japan in the
world, or of the changes taking place,
they live free from want or the fear
of want, content to remain still while
the remainder of the race is moving
on. Hashima, off the coast of Atami,
ten miles from the watering place of
that name, is a very small island not
quite two miles long and ono mile
wide. The climate is warm and soft,
and, with the scenery, is in harmony
with the conditions of the inhabitants.
Even in the coldest winter hyacinths
and azaleas in bloom can be seen dot
ting the meadows, and camelia blos
soms nod on the miniature hills. Vis
itors to Hashima are rare, but those
who enter the island are greeted cor
dially, says the New York World. The
islanders point reverently to an old
temple, named Tenmyoji, established
by Bishop Tenkaku, to whom belongs
the honor of founding the republic
over three centuries ago. The bishop’s
laws have withstood the wear and tear
of time They are based upon one fun
damental idea—the common ownership
of property. In Hashima there is no
private property in land or the instru
ments of labor. No single person
owns property, but all the members
of the community possess an equal
share. Every one receives income and
is permitted to enjoy it. All receive the
full results of their labor,together with
what nature gratuitously confers upon
them. As a result Hashima has no
rich and there were never any poor.
There is no competition and no strife.
There is no hatred, no enmity, no
jealousy. Liberty and fraternity are
not abstract theories, but facts. The
laws of Hashima are simple. There
should not be more than forty-one
houses, no matter how the population
may increase. There are eighty acres
of cultivated land, divided into equal
portions of forty-one pieces. There is
no rice field, but potatoes and rich veg
etables are raised, with millet and
other grains that grow on dry land.
The produce is divided equally accord
ing to the individual needs, and the
surplus is exported la exchange fot
rice. The allotment of imported rice
is reserved for festal occasions, such as
the first day of the new year, or thi
15th of July, which is the date of the
commemoration of the foundation ol
the republic. If necessary, a marriage,
birth, death or some other celebration
is used for the allotment. The rice
is stored in a common granary. Farm
ing, however, is only incidental to the
more important industry of fishing.
The men are all fishermen and own
eleven boats in common. From this
source products of the sea are secured
which are estimated to bring in 3,000
yen every year. This sum is divided
among the forty-one homes without
discrimination against any one. When
one of the forty-one homes meets mis
fortune or accident the sufferers are
taken care of by the republic. A man
capable of doing so is. in cases of mis
fortune, sometimes charged, by spe
cial authority, with the duty of taking
charge of a store, out of which he is
permitted to make a good profit until
he has recovered. Then he has to
make room for some other unfortun
ate. There are two stores owned by
the people, one for the sale of liquors
and the other for the sale of coarsa
wares. These are manufactured on the
island. The people are temperate;
drunkards are an unknown quantity.
The children of the Island are educat
ed at. a grammar school which is
usually in charge of a teacher from
Amishiro, the nearest village on the
opposite coast. The teacher receives
his salary chiefly in rice from the com
mon granary, and his clothes are wo
ven and made by the young women in
turn. Hashima probably enjoys the
distinction of being the only place in
the world where communism is in op
eration, although the Hashimians
probably could not explain what is
meant by communism or any other so
ciological term.
Found In Rome.
Another piece of the great plan of
the City of Rome in marble, the
“Forma Urbis” of the time of Sulpi
cius Serverus, has been discovered in
the Roman Forum, where it was used
to stop a drain. It has engraved on
it the plan of the greater part of the
Baths of Agrippa, together with the
I Bird Dog
Animal's Remarkable
Feats as Related by a g
Relative of Ananias. S
“Talking about bird dogs,” said the
man with the shifty eye, in the rear
seat of the trolley ear—and nobody had
said a word about bird dogs or any
other kind of dogs—"I had the most
remarkable bird dog that' ever happen
ed. I guess, when I was living out in
Santa Barbara, Cal., in ’95. I don’t sup
pose there ever will be the likes of that
dog on this earth again. I raised him
from a pup. He was a pointer from
away back. It was just as natural for
that dog to flop on to his haunches
and point at a bird as it is for us hu
mans to eat things that don’t agree
with us.
“He began to point before he had
shed his milk teeth. I took him out for
a walk one day when he was only
about two months old, and it took us
about four hours to get over two miles
of ground, for that dog would sit down
and point at a bird about every 10 feet
of our progrtss.
“In the course of time pointing got
to be a regular mania of that dog’s,
and I couldn't take him out for exer
cise very often on account of his hab
it of lagging behind and point at feath
ered things. Took him out one after
noon when he was about a year old,
and a furniture van with a lot of pil
lows piled on top of some beds came
along. One of the pillows was broken
at the side and a lot of feathers es
cape. That dog of mine saw the fly
ing feathers, and blame me if he didn’t
sit down and point at that furniture
van. Fact.
“But that wasn't the cutest thing he
ever did. The cutest thing he ever did
was one afternoon when I took him
down to the Santa Barbara beach for a
walk on the sand. I hadn’t any sooner
got him down to the beach than he sat
down and began to point out to sea. I
couldn’t for the life of me make out
what he was pointing at. There wasn't
a bird, not even a seagull, in sight.
But he kept right on squatting there at
the verge of the sea and pointing out
over the water, and if ever a man was
puzzled, then I was. At first I calcu
lated that he might be mistaking the
crests of the waves for feathers, but
no, a little reflection convinced me
that he wasn’t any such a fool as to
do a thing like that. Then I noticed
tint he was pointing directly at a
white ship that lay out in the harbor.
I pulled out my field glasses and took
a look f.t the ship, and then the mys
tery was clear. The ship he was point
ing at was the United States man-o
war Petrel,” and then the man with
the shifty eye executed a sudden leap
and escaped from the car before his
wrathful listeners could hop on him
and macerate him.
Odd Nesting Place.
One day the gardener at the North
Creake rectory, Norfolk. Eng., hung
up his jacket in the rectory green
house. On taking it down he found
that a wren had built her nest in one
of the sleeves. The intruder seemed
quite at home in her odd nesting place,
and has been left in undisturbed pos
A Turkish Ban on Typewriters
The customs authorities have pro
hibited the entry of typewriters into
Turkey, and 200 machines now in the
custom house have been ordered re
turned to the consignor. The authori
ties have taken up the peculiarly char
acteristic attitude that there is no dis
tinct feature about typewriting by
which the authorship could be recog
nized or a person using a machine be
traced, and that, consequently, any one
is able to put in type seditious writ
ings without fear of compromising
himself. Hektographic paste and fluid
also are prohibited for similar reasons.
The embassies are making representa
tions on the subject with the view of
inducing the Turkish government to
take up a more reasonable attitude.
Gamble to Sacred Music.
There is a gambling house in Phila
delphia which employs an automatic
church organ instead oi a lookout man.
“The scheme,” says the Record, "has
worked beautifully and neither the
neighbors nor the 'fly cops’ of the dis
trict are onto the game. When the
organ is started, you might think In
passing the house that a prayer meet
ing or a revival service was in prog
ress behind the closed blinds, for it
plays nothing but hymns. All the
evening it switches from Nearer, My
God, to Thee, to Rock of Ages, and
then to From Greenland’s Icy Moun
tains. And all the time the chips are
rattling and the ‘kitty’ is growing fat.
Think of raiding a joint where the or
gan was playing “Nearer, My God, to
School Statistics of Scotland
Statistics just published state that
during last year 766,558 scholars at
tended schools in Scotland; the total
amount raised from the education rate
was £923,358, while grants from the
government amounting to £696,607
were earned by scholars. There are
867 evening schools in Scotland at
tended by 43,960 girls and boys, and
altogether there are 10,845 certificated
school teachers, or one for every 58
ArralfSi and Legless Soldier.
A German surgeon has in his service
an old military man who has neither
arms nor legs, and half of whose face
was carried away by a shell in the
war of 1870. He wears a metallic
mask, which has been so skillfully ad
justed to his face that he still retains
some semblance of humanity, and has
preserved his sight.
$13.00— Buffalo and return—$13.00.
$31.00—New York and return—$31 00
The Wabash from Chicago will sell
tickets at the above rates dally. Aside
from these rates, the Wabash run
through trains over its own rails from
Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago and
offer many special rates during the
summer months, allowing stopovers at
Niagara Falls and Puffalo.
Ask your nearest Ticket Agent or ad
dress Harry E. Moores. General Agent,
Pass. Dept., Omaha, Neb., or C. S.
Crane, G. P. & T. A., St. Louis, 'Mo.
What Is public opinion? An echo,
for every man, of his own opinion.
If you wish beautiful, clear, white clothes
use lied Cross Hull Blue. Largo * os.
package, 5 cents.
Nothing can get square with an
ill-natured woman but a good-natured
When in doubt use Wizard Oil for
pain; both suffering and doubt will
vanish. Your doctor and druggist
know it.
Most women would rather be called
stylish than sensible.
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH, the only 1C oz. package for
10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
SOZODOHT for the TEETH 25c
is solved for you when you fit your wheel I
with G & J Tires. Full of life and speed— I
easy to repair when punctured—durable and B
always satisfactory. Just the kind to stand I
hard service on country roads. Ask your ■
local agent or write us for catalogue.
Indianapolis, Ind. g
Classics, Letters, Economics and History,
Journalism, Art, Science, Pharmacy, Law,
Civil, flechanical and Electrical Engineering, ,
Thorough Preparatory and Commercial
Courses. Ecclesiastical students at special rates.
Rooms Free. Junior or Senior Year, Collegiate
Courses. Rooms to Rent, moderate charges.
St. Edward’s Hall, for boy’s under 13.
The 58 h Year will open September I Oth, 1901,
Catalogues Free. Address
REV. A. MORRISSEY, C. S. C., President.
Institutions are garments, the older
they are the better they fit.
Use Red Cross Hall Rlue and make them
white again, barge Jot. package. 5cents.
The true liberal suffers his neigh
bor to be illiberal in peace.
Mrs. Winslows soothing Symp.
For children teett'nr, toftens the gums, reduce. Iv
IlMnmMlun, allays pain.cures wind eollc. 25c a bottle.
When respect disappears so does
everything else worthy of respect.
PITS PcrmsnonPy Cured. Wo firs or nsiwoutmes* arte*
Hunt day'* of Ur. Kline s Uttrat N*rv» Kontorer.
Bend tor FREE 99.00 trial bottle and treatise.
Hu. it. II. Klims. Ltd., Ml Arch lit., r&ll*tteU>bJ% l a.
Many people resemble glass—
smooth, slippery and flat.
I do not believe Plso's Cure for Consumption
has un equal for coughs aud colds.—John F
Boy sit. Trinity Springs, Ind., Feb. 16, l#oa
To be without enemies is to be un
worthy of having friends.
Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is a constitutional cure. Price, 7Sc.
Originality is simply a new way of
expressing an old thought.
Nutre Unine. Indiana.
We call the attention of our
readers to the advertisement of Notre
Dame University, one of the great ed
ucational Institutions of the West,
which appears In another column of
this paper. Those of our readers who
may have occasion to look up a college
for their sons during the coming year
would do well to correspond with the
president, who will send them a cata
logue free of charge, as well as all par
ticulars regarding terms, courses of
studies, etc.
There is a thorough preparatory
school in connection with the univer
sity, In which students of all grades
will have every opportunity of prepar
ing themselves for higher Btudies. The
Commercial Course, intended for
young men preparing for business,
may be finished in one or two years
according to the ability of the student.
St. Edward's Hall, for boys under thir
teen, is an unique department of the
institution. The higher courses are
thorough in every respect, and stu
dents will find every opportunity of
perfecting themselves In any line of
work they may choose to select. Thor
oughness in class work, exactness in
the care of students, and devotion to
the best interests of ali, are the dis
tinguishing characteristics of Notre
Dame University.
Fifty-seven years of active work in
the cause of education have made this
institution famous all over the coun
try. _
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH, the only 1G oz. package for
10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con
tains only 12 'oz. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
All that is best and purest in a man
is but the echo of a mother’s bene
The Omaha office of the Remington
Typewriter Co., at No. 1619 Farnam
St., are circulating an attractive and
unique folder representing a train of
cars, giving the car marks of the dif
ferent roads and the number of type
writers used by each. It can be had
by asking for it.
Feruna the Great Tonic Cures
Catarrhal Dyspepsia of
For Ills Peculiar to Women,
Peruna is an Invaluable
Remedy. __
Miss Kathleen Graham. 1459 Florida
Ave., N. W. Wash., D. C., writes: “At
the solicitation of a friend I was ad
vised to use Peruna and after the use
of one bottle for dyspepsia I felt almost
entirely cured. I take pleasure In rec
ommending your remedy to anyone
who needs an invigorating tonic.”—
Kathleen Graham.
Miss Florence Allan,75 Walton Place.
Chicago, 111., writes: "As a tonic for a
worn out system Peruna stands at the
head In my estimation. Its effects are
truly wonderful in rejuvenating the
entire system. I keep It on hand ail the
time and never have that ‘tired feeling’
as a few doses always makes me feel
like a different woman.”—Florence Al
Dr. S. B. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio,
a prominent authority on women’s catarrhal diseases will take charge of as
many cases of female catarrh as make application to him during the summer
months. Advice free. Address Dr. & B. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio.
WHi* i fcijL Working and thoroughly reliable
1 5 men to sell the best-grown nursery
Stock in the United States. Liberal Commissions paid. Cush advanced weekly. Write
today for particulars, giving references. Oregon Nursery Co., Salem, Oregon
A streak of luck Is never greased to
SGZOSONY Tooth Powder 25c
I Nature's Priceless ftemeriy
It Cures Through the Pores
Rheumatism, iieuraf
gia, Weak Back, Sprains,
Burns, Sores and all Pain.
^nnplall!r<,t?t,fcof your ■
OUbl/lul ilniKKixt, 46,500,
If he does not sell It, send
iis his name, and for your
trouble, we will CraA
Send You a Trial II Be*
J tduree»Dr.O.P.Brown,03B way.Newburirb.N.x.
If yon take up your
home iu Western Can
ada,the land of plenty.
Illustrated pamphlets,
giving experiences of
farmers who have be
come wealthy in grow
ing wheat, reports of
delegates, etc.,and full
Information as to reduced railway rates can bo
had on application to the Superintendent of
Immigration. Department of Interior. Ottawa,
Canada, or to W V. Dennett, 801 New York
Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
I ^PiS^MfRliUH£xPO$inOR. I
POMHD SPBIBGr «*rrfiS5ss«BTs_oEe ,
!&t'T^>i^l|ppg[ ^RWTORK fj-iyTRAT-TriVBS. /
TO BINDER TWINE USERS: It afford* us great pleasure to quote prices
for our famous and well known grades of Binder Twine as follows:
These prices arc for any quantity not less than a 50 pound bale, free on board
cars, Minneapolis, Minn., and are not subject to discount. Terns: Cash to ac
company order. The above are our unexcelled Twines, pronounced by all who
have heretofore used them, to be the BEST IN THE WORLD. They are prepared
with special care from first quality selected hemp, every ball being separ
ately tested for evenness and textile strength before being allowed to
leave factory, hence It Is absolutely perfect and Is reputed the very best binding
I_l twine in the market. T. M. Roberta' Supply House, Minneapolis, Minn,
To see peril saves neither a man nor
a nation; the abyss attracts.
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH, the only 16 oz. package for
10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
Of old there was society, today we
have only crowds.
Mention this paper to advertisers.
W. N. U_OMAHA No. 38 ,,)0|
Beet Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Dae
In time. Sold by d-ogglsts. j I
i gwflfcMmgSEagM|Ji