The Frontier. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY THE FRONTIER PRINTING OOMPANY D. H. CRONIN, Editor. ROMAINE SAUNDERS, AMOClate. Turkey has at last handed down its opinion in the Armenian matter by paying Uncle Sam that $95,000. - —.— Omaha shows a disposition to dis own South Omaha since the bull fight and other scandalous things that have taken place at the street fair. -»,«+».« The mother who permits her ten year old daughter to “do as she pleases” is farrowing her own brow and giving the girl a good start on the road to ruin. If a man can only prove that he is orazy he will never get to the pen. The crazy dodge as an excuse for crime is only a covering to conceal the evil passions of men. The frequency of suicides of the “most highly respected man” in the realm and a woman turning up in suspicious connection therewith in spires the thought, Is anybody good ? -- Charles G. Dawes has addressed his resignation as comptroller of the currency to President MoKinloy. Mr. Dawes will be a candidate for the United Htates senate from Illinois. -—-—.— The World-Herald reproduces from the Chioago Socialist lieview a brilliant pen picture of the wed ding of Prof. Herron and Miss ltand. It is now in order for some gifted writer to picture the scene around the “professor’s” divorced wife on that same night. Omaha Bee: Will Nebraska never cease to rub it in on the calamity howler ? It is now announced that, instead of being a borrower from the eaet, Nebraska banks have actu ally loaned over $1,000,000 to New York. The popooratio orator must hunt up a new song, the one about “poor, poverty stricken farmer” will not answer this season, for it is from the rural districts that this surplus comes. “Elijah” Dowie said at an as semblage of his followers that when he died he had appointed Mrs. Dowie as his successor, and asked how many would support her in the “prophetio” office. The whole vast audience arose. He then asked how many would support his son in the same office when Mrs. Dowie dies. Again the audience arose. But why need “Elijah” Dowie die? Why not reincarnate himself? Elijah, the prophet of Israel in the days of Jezabel, whom Dowie declares him self to be, was caught up to heaven without tasting death the reoord says. Has the aged prophet return ed to this earth of vanities and sorrows to go through the dark val ley of death after dwelling in the glories of an eternal world these many centuries? Folly of follies! The South Omaha street fair, which was started for pecuniary gain by South Omaha business meD, while in one sense is paying a good dividend, is nevertheless the worst thing that ever happened to South Omaha. There is not a praiseworthy word in any paper and the senti ment of all but the rough and law less is strongly adverse to the bull tights and brutalizing exhibitions that have been carried on there. The Bee, which might reasonably be expected to show as much favor as possible to the show, prints a half column editorial condemning it. But there seems to be worse features of the fair than the tighting with beasts. The Bee says: “The truth of the matter is that the sham bull fights are the least offensive feature of the South Omaha fair. The pro tection guaranteed to pickpockets, crooks and skin gamblers to ply their vocations, without police inter ference, in the crowed streets and the extemporized dens of vice is more reprehensible.” When of Age. Naper News: The O’Neill Fron tier was twenty-one years old last week, and it is endowed with all the wisdom and virtue incumbent on ono old enough to vote and raise whis kers. It is one of the best news papers and party organs in this part of the state, and we hope its pros perity and power for good will be continusd indefinitely. As a Factor in Immigration. Chambers Bugle: With the last week’a issue our esteemed contemp orary The Frontier reached the twenty-first year of its life. To The Frontier belongs the credit of having done much through its columns in building up the county of Holt, of inducing immigration and settle ment upon the lauds of the county by a sturdy class of people, and on all public questions of vital interest to the people it has generally been found on the side of justice. A copy of The Frontier fell into our hands while residing in the southern part of the state and the glowing description given of Holt county in duced us to cast our lot with the early settlers of this portion of the county, and we have never had oc casion to regret the move we made. Doubtless very many others have found their way here through the same medium. EMMET. Clark Gaughonbaugh has a line new open buggy. Mrs. Ethel Maring and children visited at Mr. L. Enbody’s Tuesday. Mr. & Mrs. Martdfelt visited with Mr. Tom Maring’s Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hawyer visited with Mr. Chas Hubby and family over Sunday. Jim Kyan has been hauling away his hogs with the assistance of three other men. Jesse ltoy and mother attended church and Sunday-school last Sun day at Bright Hope. Jerome Maring returned home labt Thursday from Neliegh where he has been attending school. Frank and Chas. Hubby were in itiated into the Woodmen lodge, at O’Neill, Tuesday uight, June 18th. Crops are damaged considerable in these parts by the resent rains. Some Helds are entirely destroyed. Mr. and Mrs. Will Tenborg also Mr. and Mrs Fred Hitchcock visited with Mr. and Mrs. Freed last Sun day. Lucien Enbody and little daugter Pearl departed Saturday morinng for Ithaca, Neb. to see his father, who is quite ill. Mr. Freed is having lumber haul ed for a new barn. We understand the dimensions are 00x00 and 10ft high. A dance was given in Mr. O’Don nell’s new barn north of here last Friday night. A grand time is re ported. We hope this will not be the last. Wur UMtroyi Vornta. Twsnty-ttve years ago, in 1876, Ber via was clothed with forests and was aptly termed "the land of the forest,” but the Servlan-Turco troubles of 1876-78 played havoc with the forests. Thousands of acres were stripped of trees In order to serve for fortifications or to bar the advance of the Turkish army or to warm the great masses of troops that camped on the land during two winters. The war was followed by a period of ruthless destruction of the forests, vast tracts being sold at a rid iculous price or denuded to supply the railroads. While Man Turned Yellow. Great oonsternatiou was felt by the friends of M. A. Hogarly of Lexington, Kentucky, when lliev saw be was turn ing yellow. Uis skin slowly changed color, also his eyes and he suffered ter ribly. His malady was yellow jaundice. He was treated by the best doctors, but without benefit. Then he was advised to try Electric Bitters, the wonderful stomach and liver remedy, and he writ es; “After taking two bottles I was wholly cured." A trial proves its match less merit for tdl stomach, liver and kid ney troubles. Only 50 cents. Bold by P. C. Corrigan, druggist. 1 A Remarkable TbtmMe. The Queen of Slam has a remarkable thimble, which vras given to her by her husband. It is made of gold, iu the form of a lotus bud, and is thickly studded with diamonds, which are ar ranged to form her name and the date of her marriage. The form of the gift was particularly appropriate, since the, lotus Is tbs royal flower. iltiUttUMiUililttttmiU * A AAA.* Excursions It*.. t... ... .**.*.* .1......... . . . . . ’ . .1 Low Rates to Minnesota. Dates of Sale—June 18 to 30 inclusive. Kates—To 8t. Paul Minneapolis and Duluth from any point on the F., E. & M. V: R. R. east of Long Pine, Neb , one fare pins $2 for round trip. Tbansit Limit—Continuous passage in both directions. Final Limit—October 31. Joint Agency Fee—A fee of 25c will be charged at 8t. Paul and Minneapolis for having ticket* execufts at Joint Agent's office for return passage; jNo charge of i os diameter at Duluth. The lake region of Minnesota is famil iar to everyone as the best fishing and hunting country in Amerioa. These low rate ezcurkions with long limit will give an opportunity for all to spend their va cation at some favorite Minnesota resort. Ask nny agent of the Northwestern Line for fnrther particulars, time cards, etc. Low Rates to Colo, and U*ah. Dates Sale—June 18 to 30. Kate to Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, Olenwood Springs, Ogden and Salt Lake City, one regular first-class normal tariff (not temporarily reduced) fare plus $2 for the round trip. Final Limit—October 31. Tbansit Limits—To Colorndo destina tions. continuous passage to Denver; after reaching Denver stop-over will be allowed on going trip regardless of transit limit; return trip to be continuous passage com mencing date of execution, except that return trip shall not be begun earlier than five days after date of sale. Utah Destinations—Continuos passage to Denver; west thereof stop-over will be permitted in botli directions -within the going and return transit limits of thirty dnys each, not to exceed final limit. Tickets will be good for return prior to five days from date of sale. Joint Agency Fee—A fee of 25c will be collected from passengers at time of exe cution and delieery of return portion of ticket, except that no fee will be required for execution return portion of tickets to (Kenwood Springs. To the Black Hills. Dates op Salk—June IS to 30 inclusive. Kates—To Hot Springs, Deadwood and Lead, 8. D , .and return, one fare plus $2 for the round trip. Final Limit—October 3!, Transit Limit—CJoiug trip. 15 days; return trip, continuous passage. Stop-Over—Stop-over will be nllowsd at any point on the F., E.