\ *c# t sr Frontier. PUBLISHED BY THE FRONTIER PRINTING CO. SUBSCRIPTION. SI.SO PER ANNUM. D. H. CRONIN EDITOR AND MANAGER. VOLUME XXII. O’NEILL, HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA, JULY 11, 1901. NUMBER 2. Baled Hay for sale at Meller&Quilty barn. One hundred and ten in the shade Tuesday. John Carr of Stafford was in the city Tuesday. Miss Sadie Skirving visited a Lincoln last week. jh Editor 3ves had business at Ewing *ast Friday. Dr. Gilligan had busness at Sioux ^/Cilv Tuesday. It. H. Jenness was a passenger .to Omaha Monday. Weingartner wants to see you at his lunch counter. 43tf. Miss Flora Lowrie of Lincoln is visit ing in the city. Miss Maud Gillespie is a new clerk at the Mann store. Guss Grady departed Monday for Park City, Uatk. J. P. Brady was down from Atkinson the first of the Week, Dr. McLeran, dentist, office over Corrigan’s drug store. 42-tf Miss Tess Dykeroan is home from a protracted stay in Omaha. Ice cream at Weingartners restaurant, by the disii or in bulk. Banker Flannigan of Stuart had bus iness at O'Neill Monday. Have your teeth examined by Dr. McLeran; he can save them. 43-tf Teeth or photographs at Corbett’s, HitfiV0 30th of each month, 39tf. - t^fie day last week lighting killed five head of cattle belonging to JohnDaly of S?ur. _ Jake Hershiser of Norfolk was doing business in the city the first of the week, G. W. Smith of this city has been en gaged as instructor by the Page cornet band. G. M; Green of the Independent went, to Meadow Grove Tuesday for a few days. James McNichols of Butte, Mont., is in the city visiting his cousin, S. F. McNichols. Marriage license was issued the 9th inst to William Pohart of Page and Miss Edith Larsen of Staffard. The new hay crop has begun to move, several shipments of the baled product having been made the past ten days. Misses Lu and Pearl Blackslone of Stanton county are visiting in the city, ^the guests of Mies Belle King. Iiemmber special sale on summer dress goods and shirt waists at Mann’s, beging July 13 and lasting one week. Joe Hershiser, who has been at the Btate industrial school at Kearney the past year, returned to O’Neill last week. A. C. King had business at Fremont last week. Monday Mr. King departed for Woodlake, this state, to absent for a week. Dave Moller, Samuel Beavers and E. H. Thompson and wife went to Neligh Tuesday to attend the Grand Army re "union. While the wind was blowing a hot blast from the south Monday Ainsworth suffered a $3,000 fire in the loss of the hotel Delue. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Weekes returned Saturday evening, and were greeted at by a very demonstrative serenading party of boys. ^ FOR SALE—N W i section 30, town ship 30, range 13; sw i section 30, town ship 30, range 13. Address F. J Neas ham, Ottumwa, lo. 3 3 R. E. Bowden, O. E. Davidson and Mr. Harding were among a company of Grand Army men going to Neligh Tues day to attend the reuion. On Saturday, July 13, Manns will begin a special 30 per ct discount sale on summer dress goods and shirt waists and continue for one week. Added to the steam boat which Walt Rathbone had already launched on the lake which has recently been construct ed on the irrigation ditch five miles southwest of town, Jim Davison last Sunday took out a sail boat which he had rigged up and launched it. A num ber of people were out to the lake Sun day and it promises to be an attractive f^leasurc resort during the hot months. I will be in O’Neill every Friday and Saturday with my draft stallion and Spanish jack, at Mellor & Quilty's barn—J. H. McAllister. 47—tf LOST—Light gray cost between Ir rigation ditch and O'Neill on July 9. Name, H. C. Grimes, in inside pocket. Leave at Dewey house Jfc receive reward. Mrs. J. C. Hayes and little daughter Kathreen, arrived in O’Neill Monday night from Park City, Utah, and will visit relatives and friends here for a couple of months. The mower trade among the imple ment dealers is livening up with the advent of the haying season. In one half day the past week an O’Neill dealer turned out ten mowers. The Nebraska State Dental Co., which has given such universal satisfaction, will again visit O’Neill. All in need of dental work be sure and call on them a? Mrs. Martin’s Milliner store, July 10 to 15. 52-tf James Stout bears in his body the marks of a fall into a show case. The other day he accidentally fell into a show case and gashed a deep and ugly wound in the forehead which required several stitches to draw together. A new glass front rears itself on Fourth street opposite Biglin’s imple ment store. It adds completion to the wood and glass work of O’Connor & Stanton’s building and is a very attrative looking front. James O'Donnell is at his post of duty again at the O’Neill National bank aftei being immured for many weeks on ac count of smallpox. The smallpox scare as well as the disease has died a natural death. C. L. Bright, 0 VV. Smith and Henry Zimmsrmau accompanied District De puty William Deckerson of Atkinson to Chambers Tuesday afternoon where that evening they installed the newly elected officers in the Odd Fellows lodge at that place. Public highways were not laid out as burying grounds for dead animals, yet some people seem to think they have absolute privilege to dump carcases anyplace. In testation of this turn your nose riverward on a south-windy day and smell. Atkinson Plain-Dealer: Tom Morris, who has been serving Balduff’s ice cream and doing other work becoming a firBt class druggist at Wilson’s for several months past, left Tuesday morning for Meadow Grove, where he has a position awaiting him. The Nebraska State Dental Co. cleans, fills and extracts teeth without pain. They also make those thin, elastic plates, which are as thin as pressed paper for $5. Satisfaction in every respect guaranteed. Don’t forget the date July 10 to 15. _ 52-tf J. A. Golden has entered the real estate and insurance arena again after several years in a recorder’s chair at the county clerk's office. Mr. Golden is thoroughly familiar with this business and will be right at home talking land or insurance. Jim Pinkerman is home from Omaha after a three week’s stay for medical and surgecial purposes by reason of a poisoned finger. The finger is rapidly restoring to normal health. Jim declar es it was the most painful wound he ever had and the slicings of the surgeon’s knife felt no better. D. Kelly of Dorsey oame in this mor ning with six loads of hogs which he sold on the local market. Mr Kelly is one of the prosperous bachelor farmers of the county and has been very sue cessfulin the swine raising industry. Tbp Fronteir acknowledges a short call and renewal of subscription. Miss Clara Zimmerman went to At kinson Sunday where the first of this week she entred upon her duties as clerk in the Mann store. Miss Zimmer man has held a similar position in J. P. Mann's store here the past two years and lias been one of the most efficient and popular clerks in the store. Charley Schrier was up from Cham bers over night last Wednesday, having driven in that evening in time for his sister, Mrs. Pearson, to take the evening Black llills train fur her home at Dead wood. Mrs. Pearson had been at Cham bers to see her father, August Schrier, who is in an ill state of health. Stuart Ledger: Last Saturday’s train going west ran over and killed six head of cows owned by O. Uoifstott, a farmer living halfway between here and New port. It is persumed that some defect in the wire fence permitted the animals to escape from the pasture; and being upon the embankment when the train came along, they were unable to get out i of the way of the death-dealing engine. The improvements at the oourt-liouse are getting pretty well finished up, the completion of the roof to the vault ba ing about the the only thing to do yet. New plank walks have been put in at an expense of 9300, the vault will cost about $650, the roof $500 and the chang es in the up stairs apartments about $400. We are not the only suffers from heat. A hot wave has swept the whole trans Mississippi region with the goverment records showing murcery at from 100 to 106 at many places. North and south, east and west, excessive heat has been the rule for more than a week and people in many places are meeting the emerg ency in the only sensible way by quit ting work. The Bee publishes a tabulated state ment of the valuation of Nebraska land as compiled by Deputy Labor Commis sioner Watson, based on the figures re turned by county assessors, Holt county land is given as follows: Best tillable land $9 to $12; fair tillable land, $5 to $7 50; hay land, $10; pasture land, $5. Douglas county shows the highest aver age at $53 per acre. The supervisors were to have convened Tuesday bat owing to there not being a quorum present they did not meet until Wednesday. A large grist of general business has accumulated for the present session, but much of it will perhaps go over until the September session as the members of the board are anxious to return to their duties on the farm. There is business enough for a three weeks’ meeting, Supervisor Grimes tells us, but they hope to adjourn the last of the week. T. V. Golden, who with his son Parnell is touring through Washington, sends glowing accounts of their trip. At Port Angeles they were entertained aboard the battleship Iowa in a manner befitting princes. Becoming acquainted with Capt. Perry on a trout fishing ex pedition in the mountain stream he in vited them to the famous battleship, where they met all the officers, were served dinner and showen through the ship. Mr. Golden expects to be home soon after the 15th. J.P. Mann departed, for Chicago, his future home, last Friday. Mr. Mann has been a resident of O’Neill for eigh' teen years or more and has taken a prominent part in business development of tbe city and his absence in our social and business life will be felt. He was one of the early merchants of O’Neill, having at first been associated with John Hecker in the firm of Mann & Hecker. The Mann store has been the pride of the city for many years and it would be bard to find a better one in a country town. Mr. Mann retains the ownership of the store and the supervi sion of the business devolves ujon his sister Miss Mann. “Stealing ridvs” may be a good way to beat the railroad company, but its a poor way to insure long life, liailroad trains are grinding up the bodies of a good many “tramps” this summer and the Elkhorn traines seem to be doing their share. A young man by the name of Dean was killed by a freight train at Stanton Monday morning. He was with his partner attempting to steal a ride and accidentally slipped and fell under the wheels of the moving train. His body was horribly mangled; in fact cut all to pieces. His home was at Thur man, Freeman county, Iowa, where his father is said to be a contractor and builder. He had been working at the brick yards at Fullerton, this state, and was on his way to Sioux Fall, S. D. Valentine Republican: The crusade against the gentlei and more admirable sex wearing hats in auditoriums should be made a national issue. While it may be true that it is worth the price of ad mission to an entertainment for the privilege of gazing upon "sweet sixteen” from a rear view, if for nothing more than the poise of her pretty head, and the rigidity of the same on the shoulders of the statuesque "maiden of forty,” there is an occasional burst of oratory which flows from the rostrum in the dim distance that imbues one with a burning desire to look beyond. After all, it is not at all oertain but that ladies thus excessively decorate their heads more with a view to exciting the envy of their own sex than the admiration of the opposite. Certain it is that from base man’s standpoint of beauty a woman’s hair is her crown of glory, and no hat was ever made that will compete with artistically dressed hair In fact, orator, actors, etc., should register a kick against a crusade, for the eyes of few men in an audience could be drawn from the contemplation of a section or row of pretty heads with nothing b ut "crowns of glory” on. The Frontier is still doing good print ing at moderate price. Let us flgure j your next order. Boyd county is playing in hard luck this year. While the gayeties of the Fourth were in progress a storm struck in about the center of the county and unroofed one house. The Butte Gazette says: “During the storm yesterday after noon a young twister struck the house of Chas. Rose, who lives south of Man kato, and tore the roof off and scattered it along the prairie for a quarter of a mile. Mrs. Ross and four children were in the house at the time and outside of Mrs. Ross getting cut over the eye by some flying boards none were injured. Thehousowasa sod one with board roof, log ridgepole and sod on top of the roof. The ridgepole broke in the middle and fell inside, the east wall of tho house was entirely destroyed and how Mrs. Ross and the children escaped death is a rsystery.” W. F. Carpenter of Wyoming town ship was in the city last week preparing for a sale at his place four miles west of Amelia and twenty-one miles south of Atkinson on July 22. This will be one of the largest sales that has taken place in Holt county for many years, perhaps the largest ever held. While only a part of his property he intends to sell, Mr. Carpenter calls special atten tion to seventy-flve head of Shorthorn cattle—33 milch cows, 20 steers, 30 heifers and 1 thoroughbread bull. While not registered, the cattle are all bred up to a grade equal to thoroughbreds. Special care has been given to the herd to breed up to the pare strain and par ties desiring this grade of cattle Bhould attend the sale. For further particulars see bills or write Mr. Carpenter at Amelia . The city police had a prisoner in the jail the other evening who showed his resentment at being locked up by smash ing a window and ripping off a bar. An elderly gentleman with a liking to li quor, who came to O’Neill from Neligh some months ago, allowed bis thirst to get the best of him and went to the house where he had been boarding and undertook to enter the sleeping apart ments of the lady of the house, who picked him up bodily and cast him out of the door. Marshal Hall was called and landed the badly intoxicated man in jail, where jie spent the night smashing window glasses and talk to himself until placed in a cell to prevent any further damage to the building. Consi dering his years and heretofore general good behavior the officers were lenient with him and only assessed to him the price of the window—$4. A new industry has lately been started in Holt county which The Frontier as yet has not given any attention. Omaha parties are operating a dog ranch about two miles north of O'Neill and have in training about fifty hunting dogs. Young dogs are shipped in from Omaha and other points and taken to the “ranch" wheu with great care and Job like patience two men start them in training over the prairies. Birds are plentiful and a pee wee is as good as a chicken for a dog learning the “setting” porcess. They take four dogs apiece and start out to devclope the young canine instinct in its natural sphere of usefulness. Every few days new dogs are brought on and when “broke” will be returned. They have a wicker cov ered wagon in which the dogs are trans fered to and from the shipping point. This is a new industry for Holt county and while not of the importance of our great live stock interests we are sure nobody would do anything to discouage it. I he Great Nortlien passenger train averted a wreck Tuesday evening return ing from Sioux City by the vigorous ac tion of a farmers wife in the vicinity of Osmond. A bridge a few miles east of that place was set fire by a machine for the destructlan of weeds which had passed over the track during the day. A woman at a farm house near by saw the fire and went with her children to fight the flames. The story of her heroic work is a story of a deed worthy of a place on history’s immortal page. With the assistance of her daughter and younger sou the lives of the people on the train were saved. The fire was rapidly burning out the ties and peers that supported the bridge when the res cuers arrived. A barrel of water was found at the bridge and this was turned onto the fire, but the flames still burned on. The heroic fire fighters then went to their home and filled a barrel with water, hauled it.on a stoneboat to the bridge and continued their work. X'he mother, knowing a train would soon arrive, ran a half mile down the track and stood between the rails and waved her sunbonnet at the train then dashing toward her at the rate of forty miles an hour. The engineer was dazed. Uis hair stood on ends in fear of grinding beneath the wheels the woman who stood upon the track frantically waving her bonnet with apparently no intention of getting out of the way of the flying train. lie reversed the leaver and when within twenty feet of the woman still standing on the track the engine puffed its last. Quick work soon extinguished the fire and the train cautiously crawled over the bridge with burnt timbers. Jtlad not this woman done as she did the bridge would have burned out before the train arrived and as it is approaohed by a curve in the track it would have been impossible for the engine men to have seen the danger in time to avert a wreck. It Dazzles the World. No discovery in medicine has ever caeated one quarter of the excitement that has been caused by Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consumption. Its sever est test has been of hopeless victims of consumption, pneumonia, hemmorrhage, pleurisy and bronchitis, thousands of whom it has restored to perfect health. For coughs, colds, asthma, croup, hay fever, hoarsness and whooping cough it is the quickest, surest cure in the world. It Is solfi by P. C. Corrigan who guaran tees satisfaction or refund money. Latge bottle 50c and $1. Trial bottles free. Eugllah Girls to Have on Inning. It la chearlng to learn that "girls ara to bo fashionable this year," says a London newspaper. Last season waa distinctly a matrons’ season. .The se crets of artificial youth have beon fathomed to their depths. Girls were Invariably cut out by their moth ers and even their grandmothers. The generations got mixed up Inextrl oably from parents looking so much younger than their children. Cheap rates to San Francisco and re turn via Fremont, Elkhorn and Missouri Valley rallraod. Dates of sale, July 0 to 13 inclusive. Fare from O’Neill to San Francisoo and return $47.23; stop over both ways. Call on or write E. R. Adams, agent, O’Neill. 52-3 Strayed—From pastures of Elkhorn Irrigation Co., four horses, one sorrel gelding, one roan gelding, one brown gelding with white bind foot and one black mare. Suitable reward for infor mation leading to recovery. 2-2 Sam Deitrick. LOST—July 4 at, Uowdens grove, a small note book with red back and my name on first page. A liberal reward paid the finder for leaving same at The Frontier office. 2-1 P. J. Donoboe. Stray IIorBe. John A. Harmon will pay reward for return of a 10-year-old buckskin geld ing; black points; weight 950 pounds, wore halter with 60-foot lariat rope at tached. 2-tf Dress Making. I am prepared to do dressmaking by the S. T. Taylor system. Guarnteed fit. Shop first door east of pump house. 50- If Mrs. E. W. Stansberry. “Balduff” Ice Cream at tiilligan & Stout’s. Receiver’s Reports. A special from Butte says: Judge J. J. Harrington of O'Neill held a special term of court here to wind up the business of the defunot Farmers and Merchants bank and dis charging the receiver. The bank paid out more than was anticipated when the report was made to the court by the bank examiner. The receiver realized on manyclaims byjudicious management that it was at first belived were worth less. The preferred claims paid 80 cents and the general claims 26} cents on the dollar. This amount will be at once paid out and receipts taken by Receiver Standi fred and when this is done and bis re port filed with the clerk of the court he will be discharged. It had been report ed all along that the receiver was allow ed $5 per day for his services. This is not the fact. Mr. Standifred was allow ed so much per month from time to lime which was a very reasonable compensa tion considering the amount of work he did. The affairs of this bank were wound up quioker than those of any bank that went into the hands of a re ceiver in the state and Mr. Standifred and the court worked with only the in terest of the depositors in view. This was Judge Harrington’s last term of court until fall and he stated to your correspondent that he proposed to spend most of his vacation on his cattle ranch near O’Neill. Judge Harrington is a lover of fine bred cattle and his ranch is well stocked with thoroughbred short horns. “Balduff" Ice Cream at Ullligan & Stout’s. PhUIppinas Devoid of Plague. There is no record that the Philip pines was ever visited by a big epi demic of bubonic plague, and it is most remarkable that while this dread dis ease has periodically appeared and ravaged Hong Kong and Macao, Ma nila has retained its Immunity. Ordinance No. 89. An ordinance amending seotion 4 of Ordinanoe No. 35, which provides for the levying and collecting of a license tax on occupations and business car ried on in the city of O’Neill, Neb., to read as follows: Bee. 4. Under the the provisions of this ordinanoe and the power vested by statute there is hereby levied on non resident auctioneers $5 per day; non resident hook canvassers, $1 per day; circus and menagries per day, |15; non resident consignors of goods to resident auctioneers per day, $5; non-resident dentists per day, $5; each side show with circus per day, 85; non-resident shooting galleries per day, 81; hucksters, peddlers of goods, jewelry and patent medicines per day, 85; theatrical, con cert or operatio troup entertainment on exhibition, non-resident, for which an admission fee is charged, per dav, f2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after it* passage and publication aocording to law. Ed F. Gallagher, Mayor. J. F. Gallagher, Clerk. gmwmmwmwwnmmrwiittwmmimffwwwwwwK I Special Sale 3 i-—— —■—| E IQ order to get ready for our large stock ^ E of Fall Clothing we will place on sale on 5 E ' |Saturday July 13, about! E | gioo pairs of men’s pants,| £ at a 0Q1 per 3 £ discount of ud3 cent. I £ 3 E This sale will be continued until the stock is reduced. ^-- ~ ^ t ^ E We are also slaughtering the^ E prices on about 200 pairs of Shoes ^ E that we are anxious to close out 3 E before placing our new fall goods % E on sale. | E The cut on these goods ranges^ |from 331-3 to 75 per cent. Call 3 Eand ]ook these goods over before 3 E making purchases in these lines. [j. P. MANN |