Frontier. f PUBLISHED BY THE FRONTIER PRINTING CO. SUBSCRIPTION, SI .SO PER ANNUM. D. H. CRONIN EDITOR AND MAN ACER. VOLUME XXL O’NEILL, HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA, MAY 23, 1901. NUMBER 47. IMMIGRATION BEING TALKEDJMN EAST ^ - Editor Slieenan of Boston Vis I its O’Neill on Tour of Investigation. COUNTRY PLEASES HIM Many Foreigners Coining to America Seeking Homes. — Efforts to Head Them This Way. “We arc here on a tour of investiga ^ 'ton and have been asertainiug the oportunitcs your country offers to home-seekers.” said Geo. II. Sheehan, editor of The Hibernian, of Boston, who with Capt. John H. Diliion have been in O’Neill since Saturday. In reply to a question as to what he thought of Holt county he replied. “I am very much impressed with this beautiful country with its rich and fertile soil and had no conception that yon had such a thriving city as O’Neill,which speaks volumes for its founders and it should stand as a living monument to the sterling worth and persistant efforts of that sterling Irishman General John O’Neill. I am sure that his fellow countrymen in the east will be delight ed to learn of the progress of the city which bears bis name.’’ Mr. Sheehan stated that there was no doubt in his mind but what some of his countrymen in the east would take ad vantage of the oportunities that now presents themselves in this section of the country. Mr. Sheehan further stated that he would also pay particular atten tion to impressing this fact upon the Irish immigrants which are mow arriv iugin such large numbers as he says: “The immigration to the port of Boston this year is greater than ever before, and about two-tbirdsof the new comers locate in the cast, which already is overcrowded. It is absolutey neces sary that something be done to relieve the congestion, and some of us have taken up the work of finding locations in the west for as large a proportion as possible. We have discovered that scarcely any of the overflow has been headed for this part of the northwest which tact is due to the lack of any thing like systematic action in this country to let its advantages be known. I have heretofore had a chance to know something about these advantages, and have been impressed with the opportuni ties afforded, and so will do everything in my power to send families to the farms in the country tributary to O’Neill. We are here to investigate, as we understand land prices are not out of reach of the people whom we will strive to send out. vve win send representatives to meet the boats coming into the port ofBoston, ^ and later it is our purpose to send men to uthe old couutry to see that immig rants are informed of the opportunties out here before they leave home. Some idea of the number of people coming from Europe is afforded by the fact that on one boat arriving at Boston there were-2,281 immigrants, and on another there were 1,475, both arriving in one week. There is a pressing necessity for directing some of .this immence influx out towards the great west, where there is not the engorgement that afflicts the east. Ill our paper, the Hibernian, we have been agitating this for a consider able time, and other papers in New England have been taking the matter up. “The time is ripe for sowing a consid erable amount of seed in tbe far east at very little expense. If the newspapers out here will prepare articles enumerat ing the advantages of their sections and send them to Now England newspapers, particularly the rural weeklies, they will doubtless be genesally reprinted.b ecause there is quite thorough recongnition that something must be done to relieve the pressure now being felt upon the Atlantic Blope, “Our object in the matter ir nothing further than to find homes for people who need them. Of course, the class that we will most likely come in contact with are Irishmen, but there are other nationalities to be reached. Our special interest in Irish immigrants is natural, as may be understood from the charac ter of our newspaper, but we would be glad if there could be systematic work for the relief of other classes also. It would be altogether too much of a task for us to undertake to cover the whole field, and so we will confine our efforts to our own people.” Mr. Sheehan and Capt. Dillion learn ed of O'Neill through Neil Brennan who has been showing them about Holt county the past week. They shall leave for the east on Saturday. “FAUST.” Hurbert La.badie’s Grand Scenic and Spectacular Production Coming, Manager Smith haa secured this excel lent organization for Wednsday even ing, May 29 Tne company is headed by Mr. Hubert Labadie as Mephisto, and Mary Van Tromp as Marguerite with an excellant company of artists in their support. Mr. Labadie carries two complete sets of scenerys for this great play—one set for cities and one Bet for small stages and a production complete in every detail is gnaranteed to all patrons in O’Neill. Prices 25, 50 and 75 cents. Resolution. Whereas, Elizabeth Campbell, our neighbor, friend and sister has by that inscrutable power,to which wereverently bow, been called away from us to that home from which no traveller returns. And, whereas, words are inadequate to express our deep sorrow and sentiment, therefore, be it resolved, that Degree of Honor, lodge number 341, tender to the bereaved husband, children and relatives sincerest condolences in their deep sorrow and afflictions and, Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be furni shed the family and a copy be handed the local papers for publication. Niobrara Pioneer: The wolf scalps continue to roll into the county clerk's office. This week has been a recird breaker and we donbt if the record made Monday will be beaten. Henry Hoese, jr., of Hartington, while passing through this county on a pleasure hunt captured 71 and turned them into the clerk’s office Monday. The number of scalps recived this week has been 101. This makes a totai of 450 received this year. The county’s bounty of one dollar a scalp is apparently an incentive without the the state bounty, and if the killing continues it will soon be rid sf its immense supply of wolves. Lawson PostNo. 333. Grand Army of the Republic, will attend Memorial services at the Methodist church in Page on Sunday, May 20, at 11 a. in., when Rev. Baldwin will preach a mem orial sermon. At 3 p. m. the Post will attend services at the Presbyterian church at Lambert. Rev. Beckes of O’Neill will preach. On May 30 Rev. William Gorst of Neligh will deliver a memorial address at Page at 10:30 a. in., Other services will be held at 1 p. m.. After which procession will proceed to to cemetery. All loyal citizen cordially invited. N. Van Avery Commander. D. C. Harrison Adjutant. The true sportsman is careful to note before shooting that his bullet or shot will do no damage except to proper game. He closes and fastens the farmer’s gate when he passes through, and refains from firing his gun near the farmer’s house and thus alarming the family,He dosen’t shoot tame pigeons, or a hole through the fan of a windmill; he recognizes that he is favored by being allowed on the premises for a kujffaud proceeds to do that one thing. It each person who goes out with a gull 'and dog would exercise ordinary care, most lands would be open for decent hunters at any and all times. Bury the croaker out in the woods in a beautiful hole in the ground, where the bumblebee bums and the wood pecker pecks, and the strabblebug trabbles around. He is no good to the folks of the town, too impractical’ stingy and dead, but he wants the whole world and part of the crust, and the stars that shine over his head. Then hustle him off to the dead, and bury him deep in the ground; he’s no use to us here, get him out of the way and make room for the man who is sound. Congressman Neville will soon re turn to his home at North Platte. Last winter he was dangerously near death from hemorrhages, when he was kept alive by liberal injections into his veins of salt solutions, lie afterward went to Georgia to recupurate and more recently has been at Hot Springs, Ark. William Messner is erecting a resi dence on cast fouith street. It is a two story frame of good dimensions and when completed will be quite an addi tion to the eastern portion of the city. Sandford Parker, Josiah Coombes and Mr. and Mrs. Woods were Spencer people in O'Neill Sunday. Attorney M. J. Sweeley, of Sioux city was looking after business matters in this city last week. — Dr C. H. Newell of Lynch was in the city last Friday visiting relatives. Ask Mr. J. P. Gallagher to show you the New line of Gold Meadal coffees. P. J. Donohoe of the Great Northern was an O’Neill visitor Tuesday. Advo—At J. P. Gallagher’s. LOCAL MATTERS AS NAILED DN THE RUN Little Things of General lu tersts People Like to Read About. YOUR NAME IN PRINT Movements, Accidents, Fortunes and Misfortunes of You and Your Neighbor Made Public. The Frontier is in receipt of a card announcing the marriage of Mr. Oran It. Bowen to Miss Matilda Byerly of Franklin, Neb., which occurred the 21 st. Mr. Bowen iB a sou of William Bowen, formerly county judge of Holt county and for many years a resident of th'is county but now residing at Lincoln. Oran is a fine young man end advancing rapidly in the educational work of the state. Mr. aud Mrs. Bowen will be "at home” at Lincoln after June 15. We extend you a cordial invitation to witness the working of the great Ma jestic steel and mailable iron range at our store. We will show you how to bake biscuits brown top and bottom in three minutes; how to cook with oue half the fuel you are now using, and show you an article' that, if properly used, will last a lifetime. Hot coffee and biscuit served every day from May 27 to June 1.—Neil Brennan. 40-2 Marshal Hall is suffering the pain and inconvience of a broken thumb, which came about iu rather a perculiar way. He had his team near the railroad track aud was standing on the ground bv the wagon when the team stared to run. Charley braced himself agauist the car rail to hold the horses and his foot slipped and he feel. He put out his hand to lighten the fall and struck a spike in a tie with his thumb and broke a bone. Levi Trullinger arrived in the city Tuesday evening from Bandurant, Io. Mr. TrulliDger is a son of Dennis Trull inger, one of the The Fontier’s old friends, aud delivered us a substautsal tokeu of his fathers regard while in town. He has relatives iu the vicinety os Page where he will visit for a short time and then expects to start on an ovreland trip south for a summer’s out ing. For Sale or Exchange—I have twenty two head of mares with colts by their sides, from three to seven years old that I will sell or trade for good marketable jeldings. These mares are well bred and will weigh 1100 or 1200 each. Also one heavy draught team weight 2800. Any person desiring any class of horses call on me. F. M. Harrison 44 tf Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Sullivan enter tained a party of friends at their home last evening in honor of Mr. Shuhan and Capt. Billion. Lignt lunch was served and the time pleasantly passed with vocal aud instrumental music. The guests thoroughly enjoyed them selves. _ The editor and family had a four pound channel catfish for supper the other evening, presented us with the complements of Capt. J. H. Meredith. We are now ready to swear to almost any fish story Joe wants ta spring. George Shively returned last Thurs day evening. George has been at Winside the past year running a pool room and lunch counter. Editor Eves of the Independent and wife departed Monday on an overland trip to Kansas, where they will visit about three weeks. Mrs. John Brennan and Children, of Sioux City, are in the city visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs Neil Brennan. W. N. Buehatz, president of the Nor folk National bank, was in the city Tuesday. Don’t fail to see Hubert Babadie’s gruuu scenic and eletrical production of Faust. FAUST the greatest production of the age, at the O’Neill opera house next Wednesday evening May, 2S). John Murphy left for his homo at Park City Sunday morning. Will Davis of the Stuart Herald wor shiped in O'Neill Sunday. R. H. Mills had business in Boyd county this week. Driven to Drink—Gold Medal coffees— At J. P. Gallagher’s. S. J. Weekes went to Omaha Sunday. Sam Deitrick went to Omaha Sunday. Advo—At J. P. Gallagher s. Tho Catholic cemotery has undergone extensive improvements this spring and presents the appaeranee of a well kept grave yard where formerly it was shabby. It is hard to get any thing to grow on that hill of gravel without water anda windmill and large tank with accouterments for irrigating will supply the lack in rainfall. A row of hitching poBts have been put up along the front of the yard which is an indespenBiblc convenience. TAKEN UP—On May 3, 1901, one black gelding weighing about 1,100 pounds. Is branded on left shoulder what appears to be “A. G.” No other marks. Horse wore a liallher when taken up. Is at my place on section 2,% one mile and a half south and one mile cast of Agee postofflee.—Charles Wrede, jr. 45-3 The secretary of the school board requests The Frontier to announce that a meeting of the board will be held on the evening of June 1, for the purpose of electing teachers for the ensuing year. Teachers applying for next year's term must accompany their applications with certificates. The O'Neill Cigar factory is luruiug out a new cigar that should find a lively sale among the users of the weed in O’Neill. It is marned the Shamrock” and in quality is far ahead of many nickel oigars upon the market which are made by eastern firms. William Uaviollelte is having the roof of his residense raised eight feet and is otherewise beautifying his residence property. When the alterations are compteted he will have oue of the hand somest and most commodious residences in the city. M. Dowling president of the O’Neill National bank was in the city the first of the week. Mr. Dowling expressed himself as highly pleased with tho business the bank hud acquired since commencing . J. A. Coperlhwaite, the O’Neill stock buyer, is au auctioneer of several years experience and will cry sales in Holt and adjoining counties. See or write him at O’Neill J. U. McAllister returned from Oska loosa, la., last Saturday with two Spanish jacks to add to the herds on the Pioneer Stock Farm. The jacks are tempurially in O'Neill at Alellors barn. No ware made compares with the "Majestic.” The full set is worth $7.50, but we're going to giye a set free with every Majestic Range sold at our ex hibit next week.—Brennan’s. I will be in O’Neill every Friday and Saturday with my draft stallion and Spanish jack, at Mellor & Quilty’s barn—J. H. McAllister, 47—tf A set of 17 copper, steel and enameled cooking utensils, well worth $7.50, ab solutely free with every Majestic Range, sold next week at Brennan’s. QJ. D. Jones and N. C. Johnson were up from Swan Lake Tuesday. "Dug” called and left a half william on his subscription acount. Maylon Price has improved his resi dnee property by putting in a water and irrigating system of pipes, tanks and windmill. A poisioning case at Ewing is occupy ing the attention of Holt oonnty uphol ders of the law at the present time. Gold Medal coffees draw trade. People like them. That is the reason Gallaghei sells them. Nineteen applications for membership were presented to the Modern Wood men at their last meeting. Don’s fail, to see the Great Majestic Range bake biscuits in three minutes next week at Brennan’s. You’ll miss a rare treat if you do not attend the grand Majestic cooking ex hibit at Brennan’s. Remember that banty “Majestic’ lunch next week at Brennan’s Evrybody invited. Lost—pair of gold rimmed eyeglasses. Reward when deliverd to T. V. Golden. John Skirviug is improving his resi dence property on North Fourth street. See the modern cooking wonder—the Majestic Range—at Brennan’s. E. II. Tracy’ of Norfolk, was in the city Tuesday. Gold Medal ColTees at ,1.1’. Gallagher's. Have you read Brennan’s ad. If Advo—At J. 1’. Gallaghes’s. Special sale of Street Hats at greatly reduced prices for orve week, beginning on May 20th, at Mrs. G. S. Nichols. DECORATION DAY PROGRAM^”] Tlie Day Will Be Appropri ately Observed by tlie Old Soldiers. TRIBUTE TO THE DEAD Entertainment by School Children, Music and Speaking at the Court-House. Decoration day will be observed iti O’Neill on Thursday, May 30. Every body is invited to parti cipate in tlie ex ercises by bringing flowers and making tlie day one of interest. Good speakers have been secured and the school childicn have prepared interesting ex ercises for the day. Assemble at the court-house at 1:20 and exercises will begin promplty at 2 o’clock. The pro gram will ho carried out in the follow ing order: Exercises by school children followed by oration: procession then forms as follows and march to cemetery: O'Neill Cornet band, soldiers of tho civil war, soldiers of Spanish-American war, and children with flowers. John Skirviug will be the officer of the day. Tbs following is the program in detail: Music Prayer by Rev. Beckes. Music. ‘‘Fonr Soldics Boys,” Delance Bice, Floyd Harrington, Willie Barnard, John Zimmerman. “You Put No Flowers on My Papa's Grave.” Lila Jones. Music. ‘‘Wliat Can Children Do?” Thomas Jenness, Thomas Golden, Austin King, Otto Kline. ‘‘A Decoration Day,” Gerald Cress. Death the Peacemaker," Josie Howe. Violin solo, Earl Laviollette. “Old Sixty-two,” Lucilc Cress. “Memorial Day,” Gertie Woodruff. "Meaning of the Colors,” Ruth Meredith, Hazel Harrington, Violet Payne. Recitation, Master Laviollette-. Music, maie quartette. Oration. By Order of Committee. Welsh Settlement In Russia. A Welshman named John Hughes has established a colony of his coun trymen in southern Russia, where they have begun the manufacture of iron and steel on a large scale. The town has been named Hugliesollka, after Its founder, and eighteen Ironworks are in operation. Notice. Notice is hereby given that all persons aro hereby prohibited from allowing their dogs to trespass upon the following described premise: The Eiof the Wi and the west half of the SEi of section 33 township 29 range 11, west iu Ilolt county Nebraska. This has been made neoessary on account of dogs killing my sheep and hogs, seven head haveing been killed '.he past week, and owners allowing their dogs to trespass hereafter will he held for damages. 47-3 Michael Gallagher. Highest- Salaried Railroad President. Charles M. Hayes, the new presi dent or the Southern Pacific, held a clerical position twelve years ago. To day he receives $55,000 a year, the largest salary i>aid to any president of a railroad In the world. He won It principally through his tact in dealing with subordinates and his wisdom in bestowing praise for any work veil done. Baled Hay for sale at Meller&Quil ly barn. School Itecelvo* 810,000 Lojacy. Westbrook seminary, a Unlversalist school at Portland, Me., has received a legacy of $10,000 from the estate of Miss Eunice A. Niles of Noi^th Jay. The legacy is divided into two funds of $5,000 each; the income of one is to be used by the trustees as they think best, and the income of the other to be used in aiding worthy and needy stu dents. The latter fund is to be known as the Eunice A. Niles fund. TAKEN UP—On my place 10 miles north and four miles east of O'Neill, or Wednesday, May 8, 1901, one dark bay horse about 8 years old. weight abou 900; star in forehead. Owner may hav< same by proving property and payini expenses.—Charles Berger. 40-3 Have you tried the Gold Medal coffees Don't delay—they are the best. A J. P. Gallagher's. C'olfee don’t suit you? Try tht Gold Medal at Gallagher’s—They a.way please. I TEETH | % BETTER THAN % ~ NatureGave You ^ n ■ T i l!y means of the latest Improved Articulator, which Is of such shape and movements as to correspond with the meelianigm of the human Jaw, au almost perfect set of teeth can be made. lly this method the teeth are so arranged that all the movements, lateral and forward, of the lower Jaw are accomplished with ease, and perfect mastication assured. I)o you need such a sot? I f so, call and seo me. Satisfaction guaranteed Dn. J. W. McLERAN Dentist . . O'Neill, Neb. ORDINANCE NO. 87. An Ordance for the Purpose of Rais ing Revenue by Levying and Col lecting a License Tax on Bow ling Alleys and Shoot ing Galleries. Be It Ordained by the Mayor and Coun cilmen of the City of O’Neill, Nebraska: Sec. 1.—It shall he unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to engage in the business of running a howling alley, and shooting gallery, without first having paid the license tax here in after mentioned: Sec.3.—The tax imposed under the provisions of Section 1—shall he as fol lows: For each howling alley the sum of $50. per year, payable annually in advance; for each shooting gallery the sum of $30 per year payable in advance. Provided, that all license issued under the provision of this ordinance shall expire on Monday before the first Tues day in May of each year, and that no license shall he issudd for a shorter time than to the end of the current Ilscal year. Sec.3.—The license tax herein pro vided for shall be paid to the City Trea surer and his receipt taken therefor, which receipt shall be tiled with the city Clerk who shall thereupon issuo his license to the person to whom such rcocipt is given for the period men tioned in such receipt. Sec.4.—All persons violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof he fined not leBs than $1, nor more than $10, with oosts of prosecutions for eaoh offence, and in default of payment thereof shall he confined in the city jail until such fine and costs are paid. See.5.—All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec.O.—This ordinance shall go into feet and be in force from and after its passage and publication according to law. Ed F. Gallagher, Mayor. James F. Gallagher, Clerk, Notice. Notice is hereby given that all persons are prohicited from hunting or fishing on the following descretee premises. Ail of seotion 5, El EJf of section 6 township 30 and all of section 31 town shib 31, all in range 12 west 6 P. M. Holt county, Nebraska, Wallace Johnson, 47-3 Dell Johnson. FOIl SALE—The residence property known as the Sanford Parker house. This is the finest residence locations in the city and will be sold at a bargain if taken within ten days. Call and see 40tf. S. J. Weekes. FOIl SALE Oil TRADE—A Bashaw stallion; good disposition and a tine roadster. Address A. B. Newell, O’Neill. 46-tf Gold Medal Mocha aud Java coffee is the most delicious you ever drank at J. P. Gallagher’s. E. U. Benedict has first-class Building and Loan stock for sale or can make you a loan. 46-tf For Bale Cheap—Horse, buggy and single harness. Enquire at Cigar Fac tory. 462 Begin the day right by ordering Gold | Medal coffee. At J. P. Gallagher’s. Have your teeth examined by Dr. McLcran; he can save them. 42-tf Teeth or photographs at Corbett’s, 16th to 30th of each mouth. 39tf. Dr. McLerau, dentist, office over Corrigan’s drug store. 42-tf Weingartner wants to see you at his lunch counter. 42tf. i For dental work go to Dr. McLerau 42-tf