i TOWN FLU SWEPT The City of Jacksonville, Elorida, Suf fois a Great Conflagration. THE LOSS IS VERY MANY MILLIONS Heart of the City Eaten Ont by the Do vonrlng Element—Duainrm Hlocks and Residences In Great Number# Are Entirely Wiped Out. JACKSONVILLE, Fla., May 4.—The most disastrous fire in the history of this city began yesterday shortly after noon, in a small factory, started by a defective wire, according to the best belief, and burned for nearly ten hours. In that time property damage estimated from $10,000,000 to $15,000, 000 was caused. According to the city map 130 blocks were burned, many of them in the heart of the business and resi dence section, where the estimate of houses to the block is ten. Many of the finest public and private build ings were destroyed, including hotels, theater, churches and residences. The casualties cannot be accurately estimated tonight. That there were several seems to be well authenticated. Among them was that of Fire Chief Haney, who sustained a bad fall. The mayor ordered all saloons closed and has impressed help to clear the wreckage. The mayor stated that he estimated the loss at $16,000,000 and that 10,000 to 15,000 pcoplo were home less. Along the entire length of Beaver street, from Davis street to the creek on Liberty street, all buildings have been destroyed. This is fourteen sol id blocks of residences. For the came distance Ashley and Church streets have both been completely blot ted out. When the fire reached Bridge street in its eastward course it enveloped in flumes an area three blocks wide, taking in Duval, Monroe and the north side of Adams street, burning the entire soction of the city and running fourteen blocks to the Duval street bridge. How much further in that direction the city is burned it is Impossible to learn, the street being impassable, but it is feared that St. Luke’s hospi tal was burned and it is said that the Presbyterian church in East Jackson ville is ablaze. If this is correct, the fire must have extended five blocks further east The fire, which broke out at 2:45 o’clock this afternoon, has covered, as far as is definitely known, a distance of two and a half miles by half a milo wide. When tho fire reached Julia street It was a roaring conflagration and thore was no prospect of it being put under control. The local military com panies were called out to keep the crowds back and the fire department began to use dynamite to blow up houses a block from the fire hoping thus to prevent the fire from spread ing. So fierce was the blaze, however, and so strong had become the wind, that millions of sparks and flying, burning shingles spread over five or six blocks, setting the roofs of the houses on fire in advance of the de partment. It is impossible at this hour to as certain the losses, but it is estimated by insurance agents that it will be between $8,000,000 and $9,000,000. Six live aro reported lost in the conflagra tion. The mayor has called a meeting of the city > council for tomorrow to consider ways and means of reliev ing the sufferers. Well Known Former Killed. NEW LONDON, la., May 4,—Harry Helphrey of Canaan township, a well known farmer, was killed while at work in bis field by the accidental discharge of a shotgun. He had lean ed his gun against a fence post and was plowing, when, in making a turn, the horses knocked the gun down and is exploded. The contents entered Helphrey’s heart, killing him instant ly* Typhoid at German Porta. BERLIN, May 4.—An epidemic of typhoid fever has broken out in sev eral forts and villages in the neigh borhood of Metz. The Eighth Ba varian regiment has alone last six teen men from the disease and has 281 men sick. Wins Roly Terror Case. RAPID CITY. S. D.. May 4.—P. B. McCarty of this city has received word from the supreme court at Wash ington that he has won the Holy Ter ror case, which gives him one-eighth interest in the Holy Terror mine at Keystone. Qonld Gets Arkansas Line. MEMPHIS, Tenn., May 4.—A special from Helena, Ark., says: John J. Hor nor, president of the Arkansas Mid land railroad, today admitted that his road would pass under the control of the Gould system within the next sixty days, probably soonor. He re turned yesterday from St. Louis, where the deal was practically closed. The sale included the main line from Helna to Arkadon and the branch from Pine City to Brinkley. CHINA CANNOT MEET DEMANDS. Hut Have Aid to Fay Indemnity—Ton* of Waldereee’e Letter. PEKIN, May 3—At a meeting of the ministers yesterday the report of the Indemnity committee was read. Regarding the resources of China the report was very voluminous. It was practically a repetition of Jamesson's well known pamphlet on the subject. Sir Robert Hart offered suggestions similar to those already credited to him and cable to the Associated Press. It is asserted that the reve nues from all available reseurces will not allow China to pay the Indemnity unless assistance is rendered. The next meeting will be held next Tuesday. The subject of Count von Waldersee’s letter will then be taken up and a reply to It will be drafted. The ministers assert that they know what they want without being told. They particularly object to any of the legation guards being under any au thority except that of the ministers themselves. NEBRASKA PENSION FRAUDS. Fred Dorer Taken to Omaha for Crime Against Veterans. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., May 3.—Fred Dorer, alias Fred Dolan, who was ar rested here on a change of drunken ness tWo weeks ago and later Identi fied as a man wanted by the govern ment authorities for pension frauds, was taken to Omaha today for trial in the federal court. Pension Com missioner Tedrow of this city recog nized the man as one who is alleged to have committed pension frauds near Beatrice, Neb., in April, 1899. It is claimed that Dorer represented that he was a special pension exam iner and could secure pensions and increases in pensions for the old sol diers in that district. Under this pre tense, it is alleged, he collected a sum of money and then left the country. WU THINKS CUSTOMsPrOO LOW. Saya Preaent Rat* I* Inadequate to Pro vide for Mew Loan. WASHINGTON, May 3.—It is be lieved here that the hitch which is said to have arisen at Pekin over the proposition to Increase the Chinese customs duties to meet the indemnities demanded by the foreign powers is caused by the oroaching by Mr. Rock hill of his plan for the abolition of the llkin duties S3 a condition for his acquiescence in the customs in crease. The United States govern ment has in the past admitted a read iness to permit the Chinese to Increase custom rates providing there was no discrimination between the powers. Minister Wu says that the present 5 per cent rate is totally inadequate to provide a sinking fund for a new loan. COMING HOME OF TROOPS Many of tha Volunteer Troops to Return Before the Rod of May. WASHINGTON, D. C., May 3.—Ma jor Miller, chief quartermaster at Ma nila, has cabled the war department an approximate schedule of the sail ing of transports from Manila with troops to be mustered out of service, as follows: May 10, Hancock, with the Thirty first; Buford, with the Forty-first; Pennsylvania, with the Fortieth. May 20, Logan and Kilpatrick, with the Thirty-eighth, Forty-third and ■ Forty-fourth; Indiana, with the Forty second. May 25, Grant, with the Forty eighth and Forty-ninth; Ohio, with the Forty-seventh. If there should be any surplus they will be sent on the Thomas. lows !• Launched Again. SEATTLE, Wash., May 3.—The bat tleship Iowa was launched today from the Bremerton navy yard, afier un dergoing repairs and a thoiough over hauling. Less than four weeks were required in the great undertaking, al though six weeks had been allowed by the navy department. The Iowa is now awaiting sailing orders. Twins Barn to Dcntta. SIOUX CITY, la., May 3.-Jay and Joy, the 3-year-old twin children of Mrs. Layton Hubbard, were burned to death in a stable at Hawarden, la. The children were playing in the barn and set fire to some papers. The charred remains were found after the bam had been destroyed. Shot Throagh ths Heart. NEW LONDON, la., May 3.—Harry Helphrey, farmer, while plowing in the field, learned his shotgun against the fence. In making a turn his horses knocked down the gun and it went off, sending the load into Hel phrey’s heart, killing him Instantly, Canada to Control Bond. OTTAWA, May 3.—The scheme by which the Manitoba government hopes to control passenger and freight rates within the province has been ratified by the Dominion railway committee. The provincial government will lease that portion of the Northern Pacific railroad lying within the province for a term of 999 years. It will be im mediately turned over to McKenzie & Mann of Tortonto for management, | the government fixing all freight rates. IS GOULD AND CLARK These Are the Men Now Fignring in Union Pacific Theories. BUYING IN ORDER TO CONTROl. Mew Yorker Thought to Cherish Tbreo* Road Control Scheme—Clark Want* Outfit for Mew Line, and Is Said to Be Seeking Privileges in the East. NEW YORK May 2—The Mall and Express says: It was learned from offi cial sources that William K. Vander bilt is a large holder of Union Pa cific stock and that he acquired his holding after reaching a full under standing with E. H. Harrlman. Those in a position to know assert that Mr. Harriman was placed at the head of the road at the instance of Mr. Van derbilt, although others declare that Mr. Harriman is the joint choice of Messrs. W. K. Vanderbilt, George J. Gould and Kuhn, Loeb & Co. Mr. Harriman is a close personal friend of Mr. Vanderbilt and was pick ed out to manage the Union Pacific because he was regarded as aa able railroad man. From sources close to Mr. Vanderbilt, it appears that the present management of the Union Pa cific is not only in thorough accord with that gentleman, but has stood ready for a long time to make a deal with the Chicago & Northwestern, which the Vanderbilts control. But up to the present year of great deals, Mr. Vanderbilt, it is said, thought it was better for the Northwestern to have several strings to its bow. rath er than tie up exclusively with the Union Pacific. The Burlington deal, however, changed the western situation and the aggressive policy of eMssrs. J. J. Hill and J. P. Morgan in combining the Burlington, Northern Pacific and Great Northern forced the Northwestern to prepare for future emergencies. There are excellent reasons for the assumption that Mr. Vanderbilt has been the largest buyer of Union Pacific on the great rise to nearly 130 either for his own account, with a view to increasing his interest, or on account of Chicago & Northwestern, so that the latter can exercise a leading influ ence in Union Pacific. There is good ground for believing that George J. Gould, as president of the Missouri Pacific and a leading di rector in Union Pacific, has been a heavy buyer of the latter stock and that by means of his large private holdings of stock which may later be turned over to the Missouri Pacific, the latter road will, jointly with the Northwestern, and possibly the St Paul, control Union Pacific. LOS ANGELES, Cal., May 2—The Evening Express this afternoon pub lished a report that private advices have been received here to the effect that John W. Gates, the steel mag nate, is rsponsible for the recent phe nomenal advance in Union Pacific stock and that Gates is acting for Senator W. A. Clark and associates, who are endeavoring to secure con trol of the Union Pacific as an outlet for the San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake railroad. ANNIVERSARY OF MANILA BAY. Admiral Dewey and His Comrades In Battle Meet ot Banquet Board. WASHINGTON, D. C., May. 2.—The third anniversary of the battle of Ma nila bay was celebrated her tonight by a banquet at the Raleigh hotel, participated in by officers cf the Amer ican fleet who took part m that con flict These numbered about twenty five persons, less than one-fourth of those who were in the battle. The greater number of them came from stations along the Atlantic coast, from Portsmouth, N. H., to Norfolk, Va. The floral decorations were unusually attractive, but four large American flags, with the American eagle and shield as a centerpiece, were the fea tures of the decoration. Center of Population. WASHNGTON, May 2—The cnsus bureau Issued a bulletin announcing that the center of population of the United State, excluding Alaska and re cent territorial accessions, on June last was six miles southeast of Columbus, Bartholomew county, in southern In diana. German’* Surprising Action. HONG KONG, May 2.—It is reported that the Germans have selected a con cession at Canton, that the prelimi naries have been arranged and that possession will be taken soon. Warrant for Thousand*. SOUTH M’ALESTER, I. T., May 2.— A warrant containing 3,000 names was issued by United States Judge John R. Thomas, in the northern dis trict, and given to Marshal Bennett for service. The complaint was male by Hon. Tams Bixby, acting chair man of the Dawes commissions, and is against the Creek fullbloods who re fuse to be enrolled. The commission has tried for several weeks to get the Creek Indians to enroll to no avail, avail. Beet Beer. Manufacture of beer from beet roots Is being advocated in England. The beet abounds in sugar juice, but it is stated that the cost of separating it from the gums, acids and salts is some what expensive and would result in a higher price being charged for the beer. Willing; to Compromise. The following letter, written by a woman in Kansas, has been received by the Philadelphia police department: “Chief Police, will you see the woman whose name is in the inclosod adver tisement, i will settle with her for >500. She has a medicine which she says will Remove hair from the face, i sent her one f’ollar and got a bottle of the medicine.and it burnt my face and now i have \nt a heavy beard the doctor say i will have whiskers now all my life, if she will give you >500 1 will take it and say nothing against the woman.” The Lily’s “Dream.” Mrs. Langtry’s English house in Chelsea is described as “a dream of beauty.” The flooring of the drawing room has been taken up and replaced by white marble, and everything fs done on the same splendid scale. The furniture and decorations are said to have cost more than >10,000. Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH, the only 16 oz. package for 10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. A Joke about the Schuylkill water cannot be made very clear. >148 will buy new Upright piano on easy payments. Write for catalogues. Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam street, Omaha. After effect—the kind word that makes a dog’s tail wag. $ Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is taken internally. Price. 75c. Most appropriate name for a dent ist—Phil Pullman. A dyspeptio is never on good terms with him self. Something Is always wrong. Get it right by chewing Beeman's Pepsin Gum. There’s no egg so large that it can not be beaten. I am sure Plso's Cure for Consumption saved my life three years ago.—Mrs. Thos. Robbins, Maple Street, Norwich, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1900. Some men seem to be fired by geni us and some seem to have been fired by the girl’s pa. Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH, the only 16 oz. package for 10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. No man can stand on top because he is put there. Hamlin’s Blood and Liver Pills cure constipation and all the ills due to it; 25c at your druggists. The “bad boy” often makes the best man. Garfield Tea is the most used, the best liked, and is the original herb tea for the cure of constipation and sick headache. It strengthens the di gestive organs. Opals have never been so fashion able as this season. Do Tour Feet Ache end Burn? Shake into your shoes, Allen’s Foot Ease, a powder for the feet. It makes tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Hot and Sweating Feet. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N.Y. Old Maids' Home. Sweden and Norway both boast sev eral homes for unmarried women. One Of these was endowed more than 200 years ago by a man who left the bulk of his fortune to his spinster descend ants. The home is managed by salar ied trustees, and the unmarried wo men who can prove kinship to the founder is entitled to a home there. The Only Woman Admiral. The queen of Greece is the only wo man admiral in the world. She was so appointed by the late Emperor Alex ander III. of Russia, because of her love for the sea, instead of being given a regiment, according to custom. PERIODS OF PAIN. How Three Women Found Relief* While no woman is entirely free from periodical suffering, it does not seem to have been the plan of nature that woman should suffer so severely. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound ie the most thorough female regu lator known to medical science. It relieves the condition which produces so much discomfort and robs menstruation of its terrors. The three letters here rmhlished should encourage everv Woman who suffers I Aug. 6, 1898. “ Drab Mbs. Pinkham : — I have Buffered since the age of sixteen with painful menstruation. I have been treated for months, and was told that the womb had fallen a little. The doctor says that is now in place-again, but I still have the same pain. Please tell me what to do.”—Mrs. Emma Kurbl, 113 Trautman St., Brooklyn, E. D., N.Y. Jan. 19, 1899. “ Drab Mbs. Pinkham : — After re ceiving your reply to my letter of Aug. 6 1 followed vour kind advice, and am glad to tell you that 1 have been cured of the severe pain at time of menstruation through the use of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound. I have taken six bottles of it, felt better after the first bottle, and after a while had no more pain or womb trouble. “ I had doctored from the age of six teen to twenty-six, and had lost all hope, but your medicine has made me well. “ I would like to have you use my testimonial, so that others may see, and be inspired with hope, and take your medicine.” — Mrs. Emma Kuehi,, 113 Trautman St.,Brooklyn,E. D.,N. Y. Feb. 20, 1900. “I saw your medicine so highly recommended I thought 1 would Write to you for advice. “ My menstruation occurs every two 'weeks, lasts a week, and is painful. I have been troubled in this way for some time. I suffer from sick head ache and backache all the time, appe tite poor, sick at stomach every morning, every thing I eat hurts me, am very weak, thin, and sallow. “ 1 have tried a doctor, but he did aot seem to do me any good.” — Miss Maggie Poi.labd, 319 So. 4th St., Bichmond, Va. April 23, 1900. ' ••{since receiving your answer to my letter I have been taking your Vegetable Compound, and it has done me more good than any medicine I have ever taken. My menses are all right now, and appear once a month, and I feel so much stronger. 1 shall' always praise your medicine.”—Misa Maggie Pollard, 319 So. 4th St., Richmond, Va. “ I was troubled with female weak* U1U1 tfcULV* painful menstrua* a t i o n, and leu- | corrhoea. The ] doctor’s medicine did me no good. I have taken one bottle and a half ( of your Vegetable j Compound, and-f thanks to your f medicine,my pains i are cone. I advise all women suffering' as I have to use vour Vegetable Compound.” — Emma. J. Pbibble, Indianola, 111. If there is anything about your case about which you would like special advice, write freely to Mrs. Pinkham. No man will see your letter. She can surely help you, for no person in America has such a wide experience in treat ing female ills as she has had. She has helped hundreds of thousands of' women back to health. Her address is Lynn, Mass., and her advice is free. You are very foolish if you do not accept her kind invitation. $5000 REWARD. —We have deposited with the National City Bank of Lynn, $5000, which will be paid to any person who can find that the above testimonial letters are not genuine, or were published before obtaining the writer’s special per mission. LYDIA E. PLNKHAM MEDICINE CO. A mock trial—the mimic’s first ap pearance. Are Ton Cains Allen’s Foot Ease? It is the only cure for Swollen, Smarting, Burning, Sweating Feet, Corns and Bunions. ABk for Allen’s Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken into the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad dress. Allen S. Olmsted. LeRoy. N. Y. It is the raised stick that makes the dog obey. That which is falsa can never he scientific. Eve wasn’t the first literary woman, but she was the author of original sin. Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH, the only 16 oz. package for 10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. A bad man with good manners often outdoes a good man with bad man ners. Some men rise because of their grav ity and some men sink because of their levity. This is the Smallest nlTeOlLSTOVE Made also ia foot larger sizes. Sold everywhere. If your dealer does not have them—write to the neatest agency of STANDARD OIL CO. Sozodont <*r,k* Teeth and Mouth 25s nrMCinM^HNV.noBBnk ntlialUW Washington, D.cl Successfully Prosecutes Claims. ■ L>l. Principal Bsamlner U S. Pension Buroaq. ■ 3mm civil war. 13 adjudicating claims, attj mica.