r PUBLISHED BY THE FRONTIER PRINTING CO. •UBSO!IIPTIOHi SI.SO PER ANNUM. O. M. CRONIN EDITOR AND MANAGER. VOLUME XXI. O’NEILL. HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA. APRIL 18, 1901. NUMBER 42. " GEO. M. DAY G0HE8 TO GRIEF Is Taken "in by Chief of Police at Deadwood. HE' HAS MANY NAMES Confidence Man Who Prospered in O’Neill Tries it in the Hills and is Now in Jail. “George M. Day,” who played three young and tender men of O’Neill for suckers a couple of weeks ago, has reached the end of his string at Dead wood. A special from there Saturday says: “Chcif of Police Grimshaw arrested a man last night by the name of Charles J. Braun trom Perry, Io He is charged with haying obtained money under false pretenses. Braun entered the First National bank and made a draft on the First National bank, of Perry, Io., for 9290. The cashier was asked to advance him S50 until his draft could be heard from, which was done In a short time a note came from the bank of Perry, saying that Braun was not known there. It has been ascertained that he made drafts on the banks at Perry, at O’Neill and at Ohadron, giving different names. * The drafts at each place called for the same sum as that made at the Deadwood bank. It is believed that the man is de ranged." Authorities at O’Neill were on the lookout for “Day” who is the same man as above called Braun, and County At torney Mullen received a letter from the cheif of police of Deadwood staling sub stantially the facts as above with the additional information tpat tl>e wqtcb wbic,h had been secured of pn P/Neill jeweler had beep payyned by the mpn pf flftapy pauses apd awaited tedpuipilon pn the payment of $5- The Jeweler here has sept for the watch- *' The Sioux City Times says his. true name is Dora pirown and that he once worked in the Horse shoe restaurant at .that city. , The Chief-Reporter of Perry, Io., also contributes this information, which would indicate that the fellow is not so . much insane as the Deadwood people think: “It is quite evident that Dora Brown is bound to break into the penitentiary again. Recently at O’Neill, Net.,“-'a mau called at the bank' ’there and wt-o^e i&ttdrs to J. P.attee, president of the i&^Bt Fatiopal bank, of this city, and to Q. F, Roddon, signing himaelt “Geo, M. Day.” Later on he drew a sight draft on the First National for $250, but it was not cashed aud the bank here wired about it, and of course they didn’t know any such man. It seems that he put up suoh a strong talk that they took the draft for collection, but he later disappeared. A letter from the bank describing the “Geo. M. Day” fits Dora Brown exactly. Ad he failed to secure anything, no attempt whs rdade to arrest-him.’’ . • » • J 1 County Attorney Mullleu says he will be Held at Deadwood 'pending a hearing Before a court. ; * '■ ! • t Marriage licenses’ have been issued by Judge Selah : since buV last issub' to Jbhn Farner and Kathyrorf E Neiter (ft Atkinson, and Robert 0. SchaHer of Omaha knd Charlotte E. Mills of Ewing. Vi ^ •* ' t Metal clocke^cabinet clocks and clocks for' the kitchen at Cole & Son’s. 42 2 ! J Ji it it — ■»- ■■ -—«-- — 1 i Lots of goods at half price at Sullivan’s .stbre. ' “ • 1 ' O YOU DEC- , ORATE this • spriug? I have X the very latest in designs and patterns in wal paper from the Potter Wall Paper Mills of Chicago. From 5 cents a roll up wards. Be sure and see me before you buy. M. F. CRONIN Johnnie Pringles Comedy Ideals will be in our city the balance of this week. Tonight they will present the beantifnl four act comedy drama entitled Hiss Nobody, with special scenery and costumes, this tlay had a run of 1400 nights in New York City, this will be the first time our theater goers will have the pleasuer of seeing thit beautiful play at popular prices 15-25 35 oents a number of bright and pleasing speci alties will be introduced between the acts. If yon want to enjoy an evening of genuine delight don’t tail to attend. The following change has been made for the following year in base ball rules: The pitoher must deliver the ball with in twenty seoonds after the batter takes his position, if the batter is hit by a pitched ball he does not take his base, bat a ball is called on the pitcher. Until the batter has two strikes each foul he hits is called a strike. The catcher must stand within ten feet of the home base all the time the batter is in posi tion. A. B Ashton was in the city yester day buying an ugly looking six shooter and says anybody undertaking to monkey with Uncle Sam’s mail on his run will get a touch of hot stuff. A. B. is on the Long Pine and Deadwood run, and works four days and lays off four. He says he likes his new work better than school teaching and finds a greater per cent, profit on bis labor, A fortnight ago the birds left their winter quarters and began to sing. But the birds were fooled. The drenching rains of 1st week were followed on Mon day night by a heavy snow and raw and gusty was the wind from the north on Tuesday, while yesterday dawned cold and icy with frozen ground hug ging the seeds that early gardeners had planted. W. H. Quinnett. contracting agent for Campbell Bros, circus, was in the city yesterday and dated his show here for May 5. Campbell Bros, are from Fair burv, this state, and haye the only Ne braska circus organization. T^ey trayel by rail wjtb fifteeq cars and haye a com bined circus and menagerie that is like pyery Nebraska encerprise-=all right. A> Rittendorf, who resides five miles northeast of O’Neill the other day found sixteen dead bogs on his place which some obliging neighbor had dumped their as the quickest way to have the funeral over. Mr. Kittendorf says the owner may have his property by proving ownership. The following Nebraska people re gistered at the Evans since Monday: L. A. Fisher, 'Okkdafe; N. Nagengos’t, tlowCil8; L. P.'7Kerber, Battle Creek; J C Jenkens, Neilgb ; F,. 1** N*Ule Paly were announced a1 the Catholic church Sun day i**t, _ Miss Nellie Daly, tor the past six years assistant in the O’Neill poatoffice, has re signed. Miss Lizzie O’Mally succeeds her. _ Will buy all kind of iron except stove iron. Cash paid.—Howard and Tea borg. _ 39 4 Rev. O. E. Beckes is at Hartinglon attending a district gathering of Presby terian ministers. Fred Ijfunder'eame up from Norfolk Tuesday evening iyjd attended business matter* here yesterday. E- H. Benedict has first-class Building and Loan stock for sale or can make you a loan, _ 46-tf H. A". Allen and Seth Woods of At kinson had business in the city Monday. Have your teeth examined by Dr. McLeran; he can save them. 42-tf LOST—Oil cloth cover for delivery wagon. Return to O’Neill Grocery. At Sullivan’s store yojq will get the highest ^rioe for butter and eggs. Wilber Horton of Ewing wm in O’Neill on business Wednesday. William Krotter of Stuart bad busi* nesa in tbe city yesterday. Mrs. Sanford Parker of Spencer visit* ed in the city this week. T. A. Moss of Amelia was doing busi* nesss in the city Monday. Editor Haskins of the Stuart Ledger was in O'Neill Tuesday. Weingartner wants to see you at his lunch counter. 43—tf. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. A.H. BUnco Thuesday last. Dr. McLeran, dentist, offioe over Corrigan’s drng store. 42-tf Teeth or photographs at Corbett’s, 16th to 80th of each month. 8fttf. George McLeod is a new subscriber to The Frodlier. F.W. Phillips, was U treat Star . yesterday. The finest line of clonks you ever saw at Cole’s, 42-2 Maylon Price went to Atkinson last evening. For dental work go to Or. McLeran i 42-tf m ITEMS FROM on tie con Little Happenings Printed for the Reader. BY CORRESPONDENTS Writes From Emmet, McCaffrey and Leonia.—Movement* of the Country People. Acvtiuroy ibvuis. Ed. Gallagher from north of O'Neill is visiting in McCaffrey. Jim Armstrong,who has been here for the past two months, went over north where he will stay for a few weeks. Bis many friends miss him very much. A number of young people were fishing and hunting on Dry creek last Sunday. We wonder what Jack Morgan and Pat.O'Donnel mean by building new houses on their claims. Miss Kathrlne McCaffrey went to O’Neill Isst Sunday where she will stay for a month or two* Mr. John Morgan made a trip to his new ranch north west of Atkinson last Monday. Mr Emmet MoCaffery went to O’Neill last Sunday where he will attend school in the Academy for a month or two. Barnet Items. Mr. and Mrs E. Enbody visited south Sunday. Will Tenberg is erecting a new dwell ing honse. Jim Byan was in Boyd Co. on business last week. Frank Hubby is working for the Ditoh Company. Ghas. Ingersoll attended'services in O’Neill Sunday. O’Donnells are erecting a fine barn on there farm. < Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Maring, a girl on Sunday, April 14. Mr. and Mrs. Sardenson t<>ok supper with Mr. Hiatt and family*Monday. Bud Malloy has returned home from Fremont where he has been attending school. Mr. and Mis. Uhler and Florenoe took dinner with Mr. Alex Maring and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Will Bttchoock and Mr. and Mrs Fred Hitchcock were in O’Neill i on business Tuesday. Mr Gaffneys have promised - a big dance when they get their store building moved and we hold them to their bargain Tom Maring, jr. has moved in his new dwelling house on his homestead and John Maring has moved on the Pickering plaoe. An accident happened Bert Gafferv one day last week,while driving a pump, a heavy weight falling; on his head cutting his lip badly. Emmet items means Emmet township, if the items were to be gathered from the town alone they would be very few, as there are only two dwelling houses and a section house its the burg. Leonia Linnings. i Wo, Hubby has a new hog house. Jacob Beaver is giving his building a new coai of paint. Mrs. Jennie Spengler is expected to return soon from a short visit atGiltner, Hamilton county. Rev. Dewitt, while in the neighbour hood, purchased a team of horses of W. £. McRobart. The Gun clnb has again changed its base of operations and will meet next Saturday three quarters of a mile south of Geo. Ridgeway’s. The Blackbird 8piders will organize their base ball club next Saturday on the school section north west of Henry Shaw’s. "The Agee school dosed Saturday. A good program was rendered by the school and the many visitors present report a general good time. The teacher £dward Larson, is one of Holt county most thorough and enthusiastic teachers and gives promise of distinguishing him self in that particular line ere many more years have been added to the end less roll of time. Rev. A.W. Dewitt and family, who are on their way from Boyd county tc Kansas,stoped a week in this neighbour hood to attend the Free Baptist Quart erly meeting and visit their many friends. They returned their journey Wednesday, leaving behind numeroua frlende who wish them God'a apeed on their way but with acheing heata regret to have thia amiable family leave theee parte probab* ly never to return again. The O’Hoollgan Twine. | THE COUNTY PRESS ] Ewing Advocate; George McCormick from near Clear* water haa bought Mra. Andrew This* bault’e place and takea poeaeaalon im« mediately. Mr. and Mra Thiebault expect to locate either in Fremont or Norfolk. Lincoln Davlea departed Tneaday morning for a trip through the Pacilio coast states After exploring the elghta of that country, he expeota to locate in Idaho. We hope he will locate a gold mine. > Mr. and Mra. Wilber Horton leave in a conple of weeka for Atchison, Kanaae, where Wilber haa accepted a paying poelton with an old line insurance com* pany. These young people have a boat of friends here who, while regretting to see them go, extend beat wishes. V - ■ Atkinson Plain Dealer: f Misaea Anna and Larina Morrow and >; Mrs. J.C. Morrow were up from the • county seat and rial ted relatiree orer Sunday. Tom Morris, formerly of O’Neill, la on duty at Wilson’s drug storo during Mr. Wilson’s absence on a rlsit to Illinois. '■ '.&M Seoretary 8cbultz reoeived a draft for •3000 Saturday for Mrs. Hiram Beebe and a similar one for Mrs. Blackburn ' Monday from A.O.U.W. headquarter’s, a result of policies held by deceased In ^ this order. Dan Gaines arrired in town from Omaha Tuesday evening. He was ac*-. com panted by bis brother and wife who will immediately move into and occupy the Morse residenoe. We are pleased to? i welcome Atty. Gaines and bis estimable*., wife among us. I-1 Mines Grace Gordon and Olara Zim merman,who have been in the dry goods' department of J.P. Mann’s store at the county seat for several years, were he town today. Miss Zimmerman will * resign her position there and accept a * similar one with Joe Mann and Co* v ‘ here, in the very near future. Notice. All persons hauling gsrbarge or dead animals along any public highway In Grattan township will be dealt with ac cording to law. 41 4 John Sullivan, Township Clerk Job Couldn’t Have Stood It. r*~l If he’d had Itching Piles. Tbeytor terrible annoying; but Bucklen’s Arnis* Salve will cure the worst case of Piles on earth. It has cured thousands. Mbs Injuries, Pains or Bodily Eruptions It’o the best salve in the world. Price Me t box Cure guaranteed. Bold hp P. C. Corrigan. NOTICE. J. Dixon Avery, defendant, will take notice tbat on tbe 27th day of March. 1801, Bdwln H. Barnard filed hie petition In the distrlot oourt of Holt county, Nebraska, praying judgment against you for the sum of $2,977.1* with tnteaest and cost of suit. That there after a writ of attachment was Issued by the olera of said oourt directed to tbe sheriff of said county directing the said sheriff to levy said attachment upon any property belong ing to you In said county. The said sheriff hae returned said writ of attachment show ing a levy upon the following described property: tbe southwest quarter of section eighteen, township twenty-seven, range fifteen. Holt county. Nebraska. You are required to answer said petition on are before the 27th day of May, 1001. Dated thla 12th day April. 1001. 42-4 Edwin H. Barnard, Plaintiff. By Conrtrleht A Sldner, attorneys. TO flY CUSTOMERS 1 I have made arrange mente to leaue O’Neill in the near future to take an ac tive part in a newly organ ized business in Chicago. This will in no way affect my present business here as it wili be continued with out interruption. It is ex tremely important, however, that all accounts be closed before my departure and it will be a great favor to me ' if my customers will assist me in this matter by giving the matter prompt attention without waiting for a per sonal reguest from me as the number of accounts on my boohs would consume a great deal of time in doing so. Assuring you that your prompt attention will be ap preciated, I am Yours truly nMMfmwrrfMtfwwMfMtriHMMnfimwW1 J. P. MANN iff!