The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 11, 1901, Image 7

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The Fandom Chlesgo Harreatcr Com
pany Received More end Greater
Honon than Were Ever Before
Accorded no American Exhibitor In
the HUtory of BxpoeUloae.
America may well feel proud of the
Interest which her citisena took in Jtho
Faria Exposition and the elaborate ex
hibits which were prepared with con
summate skill and dlaplayed in a man
ner not excelled by any other country.
Those of Harvesting Machinery in par
ticular were most complete and inter
esting. The Deering Harvester Com
pany, of Chicago, America's foremost
manufacturer of this line of goods, was
accorded the position of honor, having
contributed more to the advancement
of the art of harvesting than any other
manufacturer, living or dead, and with
a greater array of important inven
tions to its credit than any other com
pany in the worldv
Visitors to the Exposition were
prompt to accord the Deering exhibits
supreme honors, and it only remained
for official mandate to ratify the popu
lar verdict, which was done In a man
ner as substantial as it was well-merit
ed. Each one of the seven Deering ex
hibits secured the highest award in
its class.
In addition to four high decora
tions, the Deering Harvester Company
received twenty-five awards, or twen
ty-nine in all, as follows: Decoration
of Officer of the Legion of Honor, Dec
oration of Chevalier of the Legion of
Honor, Two Decorations of Officer oi
Merits Agricole, a Special Certificate
of Honor, The Grand Prise, Six Gold
Medals, Six Silver Medals and Eleven
Bronse Medals, including Deering Col
laborator Medals.
The Decoration of the Legion of
Honor was Instituted by Napoleon
Bonaparte when' First Consul in 1802,
and is only conferred in recognition
of distinguished military or civil
achievements. It is the highest dis
tinction In the gift of the French Re
The Decoration of the Merite Agri
cole is an honor of but slightly less im
portance, which is conferred upon
those who have contributed greatly to
the advancement of agriculture.
An Official Certificate of Honor was
accorded the Deering Retrospective
Exhibit, which showed the improve
ments in harvesting machinery during
the past century, and excited the high
est praise of the French Government
Officials who had entrusted to the
Deering Harvester Company the prep
aration of this most important exhibit.
By special request this exhibit has
been presented to the National Mu
seum of Arts and Sciences at Paris,
where it has become a permanent fea
ture of that world-famed institution.
The Deering Twine Exhibit and Corn
Harvester Exhibit, both of which re
ceived the highest awards, have by
request of the French Government
been presented to the National Agri
cultural College of France.
There was no field trial, either offi
cial or otherwise, in connection with
the Paris Exposition, but the most im
portant foreign contest the past season
was held under the auspices of the
Russian Expert Commission at the
Governmental Farm of Tomsk, Siberia,
August 14th to 18th. All the leading
American and European machines par
ticipated and were subjected to the
most difficult tests by the Government
Agriculturist. The Expert Commission
awarded the Deering Harvester Com
pany the Grand Silver Medal of the
Minister of Agriculture and Domain,
which was the highest award.
The Deering Harvester Works are
the largest of their kind in the world,
covering eighty-five acres and employ
ing 9,000 people. They are equipped
with modern automatic machines,
many of which perform the labor of
from five to fifteen hands.
This Company is also the largest
manufacturer of Binder Twine in the
world, having been first to produce
single-strand binder twine, such as is
in general use today, making over a
third of the product of the entire
world. The output of its factory for
a single day would tie a band around
the earth at the equator, with several
thousand miles to spare. The annual
production would fill a freight train
twenty miles long. Made into a mat
two feet wide, it would reach across
the American continent from ocean to
Deering machines are known a*
LIGHT DRAFT IDEALS, consisting of
Binders, Mowers, Reapers, Corn Har
vesters, Shredders and Rakes.
This company exhibited at the Faris
Exposition an Automobile Mower,
which attracted much attention, and
exhibitions were given with one of
these machines in the vicinity of Paris
throughout the season.
' A Fortune in Old Vlollnu.
Special United State3 Treasury
Agent Partello, who owns a violin col
lection valued at $50,000, has pur
chased from the estate of the late duke
cf Edinburg (duke of Saxe-Coburg
and Gotha) his nine famous violins,
among which are several or Stradl
varius’ make.
Garfield Tea purifies the blood, regu
lates the digestive organs and pro
motes good health. It is the herb
mqdtcine that has been used success
fully for many years. ,
More than one woman keeps a “best
dress” hanging on hooks until it is
out of style.
An Artist in Courtesy*
The New York Times relates a din
ner incident to illustrate the essence
of courtesy and politeaeis on the part
of a New Yorker who lately returned
from a long sojourn abroad. He met
an old friend at a dinner party the
other night, who gave him a cordial
handshake and asked him when he
had arrived home. "The moment I
saw you,” was the quick answer.
It Will Probably Be Divided Among Three
Different Branches.
Aet of tkl Legislator* RopoaUag tho
Mutual Bog Iataraae* Law—Nebraska
Oil Inapootonblp—Miscellaneous Mat
ton Boro aa* Thor*.
LINCOLN, Neb., April 6.—The new
supreme court commission will prob
ably be divided into three distinct
branches, each to consist of three
members. Assignment of cases will
be made by the court proper, which
will remain in full possession of the
present supreme court rooms. The
commission will occupy a series of
ante-rooms on the second floor of the
building and some of the oral argu
ments wll be heard In the senate
chamber. It Is presumed the three
judges will devote their attention al
most exclusively to arguments on mo
tions, leaving the preparation of opin
ions to the commissioners, subject, of
course, to the court’s approval.
Governor Dietrich was interviewed
by several persons interested in the
appointment of the Nebraska commis
sioner to the Pan-American exposi
tion. There are already live appli
cants for the position and still other
names are frequently mentioned In
connection with the appointment.
Among them is Representative Hlb
bert, author of the bill creating the
office, who Jure strong endorsements
and is making a vigorous fight for
ihe place. Although the governor
has given no intimations, it is under
stood that he will select some one
who has had experience in managing
exhibits, or who has in some way
been connected with an exposition.
Various ideas for the state’s exhibit
at the exposition have been advanced.
Some would have the state represent
ed by a typical sod house and others
believe a small but modern eottags,
characteristic of Nebraska’s most up
to-date architecture, would make a
better showing. Whatever may be
the nature of tho building, one thing
is settled, and that is that no effort
will be spared to show to as good ad
vantage as possible the agricultural
and educational resources of the state.
The legislature enacted few laws
which will In any way affect tha in
surance Interests of the state. The
most important measure of this class
is the act repealing the mutual hog
Insurance law. The effect of the pass
age of this law will be to prevent fu
ture organization of these companies,
all those heretofore existing having
failed or gone out of business. An
act to repeal the hail insurance law
was introduced, but because one or
two of these companies are still do
ing business it was soon defeated.
louei of Idve Sto<:l£.
HAY SPRINGS, Neb., April 6.—The
reports of the loss of stock during the
blizzard of last Saturday and Sunday
are about all in from within about
twenty-five miles of this place. The
-principal losers are George Gibbs, 200
head of sheep and thirty head of cat
tle; D. T. Taylor, 100 head of sheep;
George Banks, twenty-flvo head of
sheep; Jake Rutten, seventy head of
sheep; W. H. Peters, seventy-five head
of sheep; A. Scribner, fifty head of
cattle; S. Wilson, 108 head of cattle;
C. H. oclimner, nine head of cattle;
D. Rochon, sixteen head of cattle, and
many others losing from three to ten
head. '
Ntbruki Oil Iatptclor.
LINCOLN, Neb,, April 6.—Gover
nor Dietrich 5sent a cablegram to E.
R. Sizer at Havana, tendering him
the position of state oil inspector, to
succeed J. N. Gaffin, who has held
over from the former administration.
A friend of Mr. Sizer, speaking with
authority, said that the position
would undoubtedly be accepted. Mr.
Sizer now holds an official position ;
in the Cuban customs service.
Thieves Tap FostoMce.
PLEASANTON, Neb., April 6.—|
The postofflee was robbed Sunday at
midnight by two men. The safe was
blown. The alarm was given and the
thieves frightened away. They se
cured $180 left in the safe.
Prof. HnfTeri incline*.
ITHACA, N. Y., April 5.—Prof. H.
W. Huffert of the college of law at
Cornell university has declined the
position of dean of the law department
in Iowa State university, which was
recently offered him.
llouil* Declared Wortlilc**.
HEBRON, Neb., April G—It was an
nounced a few days ago that the
bonds voted for $55,000 by the county
last fall are not legal. After being is
sued, as it was thought according to
law, they were advertised and pur
chased by tho state trea urer and
were to bear pfr tent Interest.
When the county clerk went to Lin
coln to get the money he was inform
ed they were not legal and worthless,
not being advertised according to law.
' ■ ■ ■ - ' > - -
Oertuim G*ofr»ph]r from Nature.
On misty days In autumn the
schoolboy of the Black Forest Is
inarched to the peak of some high
hill. From there geography is taught
him, says a German correspondent.
It la pointed out to him. that he
etands upon an island completely
surrounded by the mist, which, for
the purpose of this comedy, has had
handed to it the part of water, which
it plays with much success. The
twin rivers of mist on either side of
him, Ailing both valleys, are, for him,
estuaries; the spur of mountain op
t^Mite is a peninsula. He descends,
it is certain, with geographical Ideas
in his head that could never have
been put there by mere maps hanging
upon a wall. » ..
Tha CkMpHt "Keep.'*
By actual experience the Ruskln
ites, a colony of socialists near Way
cross. Ga., have demonstrated what
is probably the lowest possible daily
cost for food. They live at an actual
cost .per capita of loss than 10 cants
a day. Of course, this could not
have been accomplished except
through co-operation. Everything
they consume is bought at wholesale
in large quantities, and is cooked in
the community kitchen. In the com
munity dining room tables are set for
300 people. Those who do not wish
to eat with the crowd are allowed the
privilege of purchasing company
stores and cooking them at home.
Bat We Sell 'In Steal Belle.
While England has sent out an earl
to be governor-general of Australia,
the successful bid of 17,400 tons of
steel rails for the state of Victoria in
that commonwealth goes to American
firms in the face of the world’s com
Rheumatism, neuralgia, soreness,
pain, sore throat and all bodily suffer
ing relieved at once by Wlsard Oil. In
ternally and externally.
■ You may be unable to oblige, but
you can at least speak obligingly.
The system cannot be in good condi
tion when the bowels are constipated.
Take Garfield Tea, it cures constipa
tion and effectually regulates the liver.
Monument to Bleat
The memory of Nieot will no longer
be perpetuated‘merely in smoke. The
French government has just appro
priated funds for the erection of a
bronze statue of him who firs' intro
duced tobacco in Europe in 1550. It
was from his name that the word nic
otine was derived. The statue will be
situated in front of the government to
bacco manufactory in Paris.
Oldest Itn I v»y Mall Clerk.
George W. Putnam, a descendant of
the famous revolutionary general, is
is said to be the oldest railroad mail
clerk in this country. Ho was ap
pointed by Lincoln in 1861, and has
been, in the service ever since. His
[ home is at Westfield, O., but his “run”
is between Ashtabula and Oil City, on
a branch of the Lake Shore road.
After a Cromwell Fortune.
William Dickerson, an engineer, liv
ing at Chelsea, Mass., is the moving
spirit in an organization ot fifty or
sixty men and women of that part of
the state who say they are descend
ants of Oliver Cromwell, and as such
entitled to a share in the division of
more than $25,000,000, which, they
have been assured, has been lying for
generations in the Bank of England.
It is a greater theft to steal reputa
tion than to steal diamonds.
Are Von (Jalnc Allan’s Foot Enao?
It is the only cure for Swollen,
Smarting, Burning, Sweating Feet,
Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's
Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken into
the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe
Stores, 35c. Sample sent FREE. Ad
dress. Allen S. Olmsted. LeRoy. N. Y.
What poor, defenseless creatures
women would be if they couldn’t cry!
The well-dressed woman never
adopts the exaggerations of fashion.
f.aoch for tbe Coart Caller*.
One Jf the probable reforms under
the new regime In England will be the
serving of luncheon at the palace to
ladis attending drawing rooms. Hith
erto a sandwich eaten In a carriage
under the eyes of a curious crowd has
been the only refreshment obtainable
at the most desirable but most tedious
The widow’s might may be the re
sult of practical experience.
Each package of PUTNAM FADE
LESS DYE colors more goods than any
other dye and colors them better, too.
Add a few drops of ammonia to the
blue water to whiten the clothes.
Be Tear Feet Ache h< Baraf
Shake into your shoes, Alien’s Foot
Ease, a powder for the feet. It makes
tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures
Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Hot and
Sweating Feet At all Druggists snd
Shoe Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE.
Address Allen 8. Olmsted, LeRoy, N.Y.
If a muBlcian utters false notes he
1* a counterfeiter.
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH, the only 16 oz. package for
10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
Vanity sometimes spoils a multitude
of real virtues.
Lots of men know how to cure
hams, but are unable to pro-cure
That poultry should never be eaten
until twelve or fifteen hours after it is
King Victor Emanuel of Italy will
visit London next May, it is announc
HI* Literary Aspiration*.
A correspondent writing to the At
lanta Constitution from Liberty coun
ty, Oa„ says: “Desiring to embark in
the literary business, I will state that
I will swap one mule and two grown
hogs for a flrst-c’ass bookcm-e, con
taining Byron’s poem’s Bunyan’s ‘Pil
grim's Progress,’ Colonel Scott’s nov
ers, Mr. Dickens ’Lampwick Papers'
and a few ‘Guides to Literary .Compo
sition.’ This offer open for thirty
Sprinkle salt on a wine stain and
pour hot water through It until It Is
If You Have Dyspepsia
Send no money, but write Dr. Shoop, Karina, Wl*.,
Box Uil, for itx bottlea of I>r. Khoop’a Kaatorattvet
cxpreaa paid. If cured, pay •5..10—U not, H la free.
Man is an epitome of the world.—
PUny. i
Sirs. Wlntlow'a Soothing Syrup.
tor children teathtna, eofiena the tame, reduces lr
flam mat ton, allays pain, curea wind colic. Wo a bottle
Men were gave deceivers ever.—
Shakespeare. ,
9148 will buy new Upright piano on
easy payments. Write for catalogues.
Schmoller ft Mueller, 131?! Farnam
street. Omaha.
Man Is a sample of the universe.—
Taka Laxativb Hromo Quii* i n k Tasi.rth. AO
druggists refund the money If it fatM to cure.
Z. W. U rove's signat ure Ison the box. Sfic.
The skillful man should know how
to disguise his skill.
Ask your grocer tor DEFIANCE
STARCH, the only 16 oz. package fot
10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con*
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran*
teed or money refunded.
Probably the most dlfflcu't ascent Is
getting up a subscription.
Drugs have their use, but don't, store them in
your stomach. Bcemau’s Pepsin U uni aids the
natural forces to perform their function*.
There are more foolish buyers than
foolish sellers.
There is more Catarrh in this section or the
eountry than all other diseases put together,
and until the last few years was supposed to be
Incurable. For a great ninny year* doctors pro
nounced it a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly lulling to cure
with local treatment., pronounced It Incurable.
Science has proven catarrh to be u constitu
tional disease, and therefore requires consti
tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cute, man
ufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo. Ohio,
is the only constitutional cute on the market.
It Is taken Internally In dose* from 10 drops to
a teaspoonful. It ads directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer
one hundred dollars for auy case it falls locure.
Send for circular* and testimonials. Address
F. J. CHUNKY L CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Laws, like sausages, often cease to
inspire respect when we learn how
Plso's Cure for Consumption Is an Infnlltblo
medicine for coughs uucl colds. —N. W. Samuil*
Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb. 17, 11HKL
Mo«t men are bad.-—Uras.
‘for the TEETH and BREATH
N«w Size S0Z0D0NT LIQUID . . . 25c
New Patent Box S0Z0D0HT POWDER . . 25c
Large LIQUID and POWDER . 76c MW
At the Stores or by Mail, postpaid, Xor the Priee.
A Dentist’s Opinion: “As an antiseptic and hygienic
mouthwash, and for the care and preservation of the teeth and
gums, I cordially recommend Sozodont. X consider it the ideal
dentifrice for children’s Use.” [Name of writer upou application.]
$3 & $3.50 SHOES 2SS
The real worth of mv £1.00 ami £1.30 shoes compared with
other makes la $4.1)0 to £S.oo. My 04.00 (jilt Kdge I-lue caunot he
equalled ut any price. Best In the world for iiicd.
I make and sell more men'e line stion. Goodyear
Wrll( Hand-Hewed Prorew),Lhan any other Musslhc.
Oarer In the world. I will pay at, OOP to any oae who can
prove that ntjr atnirmeat la not true.
iNIgnedlW. I.. Dooglaa.
Take no anbatltnte ? Insist mi having W. I*. Douglas shoes
with name and price stami>ed on tmUom. Your dealer abould
keep them ; I give one dealer exclusive sale tn each town. If
he does not keep them and will not ret them for you, order A
direct from factory, enclosing price and 2.V. extra for carriage. aU
Over 1,000,000 aatlsfled wearers. New Spring Catalog free. H
Ant (Mar Byelats asst exstaaiesly. W. L D0U8LA8, trocktoa, Matt. 11
Pen Picture for Women.
“ I am ho nervous, there is not a
well inch in iny whole body. I am so
weak at my stomach ana hare indi
gestion horribly, and palpitation of
the heart, and I am losing flesh. This
headache and backache nearly kills
me, and yesterday I nearly had hyster
ics ; there is a weight in tne lower part
of my bowels bearing down all the
time, and pains in my groins and
thighs; 1 cannot sleep, walk, or sit,
and 1 believe I am diseased all over;
no one ever suffered as I do.*
This is a description of thousands of
cases which come to Mrs. Pinkhanrfs
attention daily. An Inflamed and ul
cerated condition of the neck of the
womb can produce all of these symp
Mas. John Wii.lums.
toms, and no woman should aHow
herself to reach such a perfection of
misery when there Is absolutely no
need of it. The subject of our por
trait in this sketch, Mrs. Williams of
Kngltshtown, N.J., has been entirely
cured of such illness and misery by
Lydia K. Pinkliam’s Vegetable Com
pound, and the guiding advice of Mrs.
rinkham of Lynn, Mass.
No other medicine has such a record
for absolute cures, and no other-medi
cine ia “ just as good." Women who
want a cure should insist upon getting
Lydia R. Pinkhain’s Vegetable Com
pound when they ask for it at a store.
Anyway, write a letter to Mrs. Pink
ham at Lynn, Mass., and tell her all
your troubles, ller advice ia free.
* Thiiinailarlng (tatemont.batRAl- ■
<^r l>g»r it out etor/tlmo- r
f** nr"?t?J{o<irnu!®*rtS!Wllifpo*IU»»lyL
■' ravoli,1 inn 17* coni lull.
vJ Billion DoiiarortiM.
Ontilcat ni.trvel of tlm *K»,
JXtonaofliay perano. Firal
cropalx work* after sowing,
What Is It?#
Cat* Injruo tells.
•nAtfiUliO'lK'B mail
liilf **«vd W Grain
Nun I'lc* fm-1 util r • 4 above, * I Ml
rai:<|'in mv »uuib, *i*v ■■
Nxlu (80 bu. per M
(?r>0 binKfl fwir A.) Itaj a, \3
John A. Salxei* Bead Oo» UC.~na» Pl». W
For T»» 1'rlce* Ship Vour
Ti> llrsddtiarter*
U. W. Icktii A Company.
Butter, Kbk>. Veal, Hide* and Fur*, l’outooi.
Onion* In Carload lot*.
Omaha, lebralka.
1 Thowp«oii,« Ey* Water
SPECIAL Toms to Florida. Key West,’
Cuba, Bermuda, Old Mexico.
, and the Medlterraneau and
HALF Batea for the round trip to
■natty points south on sale first
and th'rd Tuesday each month.
RATKfi To Hot Springs, Arlt., the fa
mous water resort of America,
on sale every day tn the year.
Tickets now on sale to all the winter
resorts of the south, mod returning until
June 1st, 1901. For rates, descriptive mat
ter, pamphlets and all other information, .
call at C. A St. I* It. R. City Ticket
Office, Uls Fartiam st. (Paxton Hotel
S Bldg) or write
C. P. B T. A. Omaha, Nab* 5
$100.00 Reward
To protect your health and our reputation, we will gladly pay this big reward to any one who will furnish us infor
mation on which we can secure conviction of a dealer who tries to sell worthless fake imitations, when CASCARETS
are called for. When you’re offered something”just as good”, it’s because there is a little more money in the fake.
Buy CASCARETS from the honest dealer. They are always put up in blue metal boxes with long-tailed trade
marked C on the cover—every tablet stamped C. C. C.f and they are never sold in bulk. Remember this and when
ever fakes are offered when CASCARETS are called for, get ail the details and write us on the subject at once.
6UABA3ITCGD TO CTKEallbowtl troubles. A^pcBdieUls, blllooHMi,
breath, bad blood, wind oat tbo atoourh, bloated boweli, foal Booth,
boadaeke, ladlfratloB, plBoleo, palaa after ratine, liver trouble. ■ allow com
plexion and dlmzlneas. When your bowcla don t move regularly you are
netting sick. Constipation kills more people than all otker diseases together.
It la a starter Tor the chronic ailments and long years of suffering that como
afterwards. No matter wbat ails yon, start taking f AWABETt today* for
yon will aovor gel well and be well all theJlne until yea pnt your bswola
right. Take oar advicet start wltk CASCABETA today* safer aa absolute
guarantee to cure or money refunded.
o____ __ __ _____
rARETI wm Mid. low It iooTfr «Kz ait 11 To a koxei a ywir> grower thoa amy
•laillar Medicine Ita tie world. This la absolute proof or arMt morlt, mam
oar brat teatlmonlal. We hare faith, and will aril ('Asl'AS(Tl aWolatoly
raaraatacd to cure or Money refunded. On bay today, two a#o boifi, |tva
them a fair, honest trial, aa per alMple dlreetlona. and If yea iirt not Mtliflcd
after ualag one &Oe Ihii. retain the nnosed Me box and the CMpty box to
aa by Mall, or the drajaxlat from whom yon pore based it, aad set roar moaev
back for both boxea. Take oor adelee—no matter what all
Health will oalckly fbllow aad yoa will bleat the day yon fl
ofCAttCACKTh Hook free by mall* Adda VTIBUNIUIB!
UARAATECD TO ffJKE: Fire rears a«e the drat hex of CAh>