»;-»v PUPIH*MCC (IV T<-P roONTICB PRINTING CO. SUBSCRIPTION Si.60 PER ANNUM. <>• H. CNOMIN KOI VOLUME XXI. O’NEILL. HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA, MARCH 21. 1901. NUMBER 38. Garden seed at B'ennan. 37 tf Mrs. O Selab went t i O’lmh-t Wrdnen da\. 8ee ad of N'bra*ka S'a'e Dental com pan v _ Bark Berr wax in from Paddock yesterday. A. B Newell had business at Ewing Wednesday Lon 8f*om« of Spencer was in the city Sunday Dick Johnson of Soiart was in Ihe citv Wednesday - 4t A son was iiorn last evening to Mr and Mrs. Coi Keyes The grip took a turn at J B. Mellor the first of the week. A son was born this week to Mr and. Mrs A J Hammond T. R. Ringnold of Ewing had bus iness in the city Monday. A. A. Stanton and John Skirving went to Lincoln yesterday. Bitck Berry of Paddock marketed seven wolf pelts in town yesterday. Mrs. Belle Rvan of Omaha arrived in the city Saturday on a yisit to friends. Ed Wagers is completing a small residence in the western’ part ot the city. _;_ 1,000 bushels of good seed oa's for sale at O’Neill grocery J P Gallagher. 38-8 Mr and Mrs Stanton went down to Omaha Tuesday morning for a short visit. Thin is the lowest price ever made on a genuine all- <■ ool hlack w rated suit well made and good weight. All we can say for tins suit ; will n »t describe its ., good qualities so we waut. you to see it. If you pre fer a blue serge, same grade, you can have it at same ; price, and remem ber tie guarantee botli to be— J All Wool! Wo have othergood | bargains in cassiin | ers and better clay • | worsteds. Our | goodsre absolute : | ly as good as any i J ever made or offer- • | ed by any house in [ j America and our [ | range of prices is t ] from $5.75 to $20 [ | per suit. 1 , We still have j good bargains iu : j boy’s suits at great | ly reduced prices, : j genuine good bar- j | gains that you will j appreciate, for in stance .. : i • : | Suits worth $6 50 for $4 95 ! | Suits worth ■ 51 50 for 2.50 ! | Suits worth 5.00 for 3.95 ! | Suits worth 4.50 for 2.95 ! ] Suits worth 1.95 for 1.25 i | and many other 3 prices equally as j cheap. !| : George McLeod returned 8undav fr<>m Chicago where he had marketed cattle. _ E. H. Benedict has flrst-elass Building ind Loan stock for sale or can make von a loan _ 46-tf The F. E sti ck > ards an* being re nt red od work horses and fresh milch cows. — Win Clevish, Tur ner, Neb •_‘J . 82tf. Judge Harrington came home from ■ he west We .uesday morning after holding Court. I Henry Z uimerman has well under way a two-story addition to bis resi dence, 28x16 feet. R H. Henry and 0. L Bright went to Atkinson today to attend the funeral • >f Dr Blackburn. The short order house. Meals and i lunches at all hours; confectionary and Cigars, etc—George Weingartner. 37tf Mrs. 8- Dretrick returned last Thurs day evening from a protracted vis* t with relatives at Margville, Mo. | Until May 1 Dr. Corbett will be in j O’Neill from the 16'b to 80th of each 1 month. Teeth or photogplis. The Nebjaska State Dental company will again visit O’Neil) in the near futr ure Watch for dates in this paper 371f For Sale or Trade 520 acre ranch on Ragle creek. Sell for cash or trade for stork. Address, J.P. Miller. Paddock. 38 3 — The hog market was quite active in O’Neill laBt Saturday. The highest [price paid, was $5,22i per hun dred. The fifteenth at Dual meeting of the North Nebraska Teachers’ association will be held at Norfolk, March 27 to 29 inclusive. _ Guy Hamilton, who has been holding a position at the .penitentiary, passed through O Neill Monday night on his way to SlUHrt. Harry Dowling was up from North Bend over night Tuesday on business connected with the opening of the new hank in O’Neill. Mrs (')inton ot North Pia’te, a sister of II H. Mills, arrived in the cit\ Thursday evening last and expects to spend the summer here. Editor Eves was down town Wednes da\ morning wearing a dream' ,far awa\ imk He had just recovered from a severe attack of ibe mumps Scott Garcelon of Ainsworth aaen' for the McCormick machine company had business with the local agent, O F. B'glin. in O'Neill yesterday. WANTED-Good fresh milch cow; also team of horses for road. Enqniie ol G.W Smith at music store, first door south of laud office, O’Neill 38-2 Editor Henr' of A kiuson paid the Fron ier a fraternal visit Tuesday . Edi'or Henry is expt cting to start some day this week on a trip to the Pacific coast. Julia Mi>ner of Dorsey wan in town iasl week and contracted for the deliv ery of a large quantity of trees which O’Neill people will decorate their prem with ibis spring A small building has been erected on Fourth street near the land office for the ocmipancv of Mr. Brennan, fatiier of Mike Brennan, who will conduct a shoe shop therein. M. R. Buliivau, who has held a clerk ship at the county treasurer’s office the past three or four years, has resigned his position and accepted a position as book-keeper at the First National bank Through the courtesy of Bon. John M. Thurston The Frontier has at its disposal a limited quantity of garden seeds. Subscribers calling at our office may each ItBVe one package as long as the seeds last. Marriage license lias been issuid tins week by the county judge to: Mr. Harry E. Wells and Miss Nellie D Julian, both of Gordon; Mr. David Lainpbier of Phoenix and Mrs Mattie Dawson of Atkinson. A Medill, of Keystone. S.D , was in the ci'y last week visiting C. C. Millaid and Will Haynes Mr. Medill is one of the prospermia mining men of t be Birt k Hi 1 country and ret reset ts h s tl s m ti tm lie S' o'h Dakota legislature. The following Nebraskans registered at the Evans since Monday: Frank l-’nu rsott, W er'n ; E 0 Luc*1, Acm e-; S A. Kilter, LnuiPtinjlD A. ' HatiiiiC' ti, Bn te; G T K"He> and i ty tit, PjA.uviti.; Mic \\ uitiie, Lautci. Conrad Wettlaufer departed yesterday for Lancaster, having a position io Ibe penitentiary under the new administra tion. The Frontier will keen Conrad posted on events here and he says he will conte up any time his vote is needed to defeat the pops. Our town is to have a uew resident dentist, Dt.J W. McLeran, of North western U'OVersttv Dental School, Chicago; expt-ets soon to open a fully equipped office with Dr. Flvtiri He will be here permanently and respect fully solioits your patronage. > I have three fine rancbps fot sale at a bargain Each has an abundance of hay and water with range adjoining, that I can sell cheap and tut easy Urine if taken at. once. Also some choice farms anil town property. Call on or write me at O’Neill, ' Neb.—C. L. Bright. _ 38 2 Nelieh Leader: E. S. Kmcb of O'Neill has bought the P. D Thump son resilience and will move here, ob taining possession of the property next month The consideration was $850. Mr. Kinch and wife hear the highest testimonials and will prove a valuable addition to our population. Dr. Blackburn of Aikiunon died Mon day of pneumonia The doctor was one of the leading physicist)* of Holt coun ty, a prominent citizen of A'kinsou and had been a more or less iufl lential char acter in political circles. He had been a member ot the pension board for several years, The Dakota City Eagle sa\ s that a woman of that town saw an advertise ment in an eastern paper promising dress patterns and a set of dishes in re turn for a little canvassing and $1.25. She complied with the conditions and last week received two sheets of papi r on which were printed three dress p*' terns aud a picpre of a set of dishes The move for better eidr walks spoken of in The Frontier last week has been somewhat retarded bv bad weather, although the worst of the walks along the most public streets have alrearh undergone improvements. 'I he board walks in the resident vicinities are giv ing way to gravel, which will make good places of travel when thoroughl\ packed. _ Edward Adams disposed of his inter ests at Page and last week moved to Smart where he takes the management of tlie Adams Lumber and Grain Co. which Companv purchased the stock ol Edwards and Bradford Lumber Co The people of Stuart have secured in Mr. Adams a good souud, conservative man who will be a great addi'ion to the business inieres’s of that place. O’Neill is to have a new bank H. P D iwling, 0. 'V Smith, W K. Fowler and M. Dowling, hankers of North Bend, this state, are the incorporators aud the busiuess will be done under the name of the O’Neill First National bank, wii’i a capital of $25,000 .lamts O'Donnell, who has been assistant cashier in the First National bank of this city for some years, will be cashier of the new Institution Vrs Bridget McGinnis died of pneu monia > esterday morning at die home of her daughter, Mrs P. D. Mullen of inis city Mrs McGinnis is the wife Of Stephen McGinnis, residing seven miles north of town She came to O'Neill about a week ago to assist her daughter and was taken sick, which resulted in her death A husband and four children, two sons and two daugh ters, survive her. The funeral takes place tomorrow morning at the Cath olic church _ P J. McManus met with an accident Friday evening last, the result of which is keeping him at home at 'present. With a lighted mutch in hand, Pat was examining a barrel which he did not know was loaded It was a freshly emptied gasoline barrel and the lighted match came in close enough proximity to the bung-hole to cause the gas re maitiing iu the barrel to ignite. A Pat’s face was close to the hole, the flame which shot up oaused a bad burn aud blew his hat some tea feet into tue air. _ Tlie lutes! report trom Lincoln on the senatorial fit*lit slates that D E Thomp son of Lincoln whs nominated for the short senatorial term, occasioned by the death of Senator Hay ward, on the ninth ballot taken in the caucus held Tuesday night. The deadlock now renters on long term choice wiih E It sewater in the lead with thirty voles, Mieklej >hu nrxi with hlteen and Currie eight. On ihe joint ballot Tnompson larked st'Ven votes of election hut opinion is given that he will secure enough votes to elect him. I have now my .o vu cigar clippings for sale at Id cents per package, 3 for 25 cents Clean, pure le if, no stem, no sweepings. 32 4 O'jicid Cigar Factory. The issue of the Holt County Inde pendent under the management of the ladies of the Methodist church was a grand success in point of money making. No paper evcr'issued in O’Neill had as much advertising matter at one time as this issue.] Besides using up all of its own t\ pejn ads, the Independent com piled a large share of the great volume of advertising in The Frontier work shot wi.ii h is supplied with enough all the ads the business men dnunty will ever have.. The type to se of Boll issue reflefcted credit on the instigators and those a paper. D. J. that compiled the matter into droiiin returned from South Omaha la it Friday evening where be bad been fcttending the great short horn dispersion sale of T It. Westrope and son. Dan made the trip to purchase a thoraugbbred bull for Cronin Bros’ herd and he purchased Golden King 152, 918, one of the finest animals ever brought into ibe state pacing $760 for him. Golden King is a member of the fam ous Golden Drop family, bis foar top sires being as good as any ever in America. Young Abbotsburn, graud sire of Golden King, was champion at the Chicago world’s fair and contested at maav other fine stock shows but was never defeated. His dam brought $1, 400 at this same sale. Dan had him weighed Saturday morning and he tip ped the scale at 1,300. He was 2 years old February 8 last The Frontier is pleased to see this class of cattle brought to the county. That there is money in them was demonstrated at the Sou b Omaha sale. Hweel Violet, a 5-year-old cow sold at $3 750. As ault to Kill. J. J. Schweitzer of Jov was the vic tim of an assault at bis home yester day morning which came near resulting fatally. Lee and Thomas Morrison came to his house and attacked him with a knife, cutting a deep gash in his throat near the jugular vein. The at tack was actuated by some trouble that hail arisen between the Morrisson boys am) Schweitzer over the location of a fence. The Morrisons claimed land that Schweitzer had under fence and the dispute terminated in an attempt upon the life of the latter. Schweitzer came to O’Neill as soon as possible to have his injuries cared for by a physi cian and related bis version of the affair. He swore out warrants for the arrest of the Morrisons and Sheriff Stewart went nut y esterday afternoon to serve the same. The complaint charges the de fendants with assault with intent to kill and the hearing will be hud before j County Judge Helah. While both the Morrisons are included in the arrest, the principle charges are made against Lee, who did the cutting Mr. Schweitzer savs be and his wife were alone when the men came to his bouse. He was set upon without warning and only by desperate effort sucoeeded in beating <>ff his assailants. Thomas, he. says, fled, but the other drew a gun after sla-hing him with the knife, but did not shoot. buerin stewart arrived m town tnis morning with Lee Morrison in custo ty. The sheriff sa\s that Thomas has eft ilie country aud that he had considerable difflealty in locating Lee, following him around over the the north country for seveal hours and finalley finding him at home. When taken Morrison bad already been to the justice of the peace in Rock Palls township and pleaded guilty to assault. He is now in the custody of the sheriff awaiting further movements of the wheels of jnstice. Public Sale. I will Bell at public sale at my plase 1 tnile west and 2i miles south of Black bird postofflce 13 miles north of O'Neill, on Saturday, March 30, 1901, at 12 o’clock m., property described as fol lows: 1 bay horse, weight 1550, coming 10 years; 1 gray horse, weight 1400. coining 8 years; 1 bay horse weight 100O pounds, coming 5 years; 1 roan horse, coming 5 years; 1 single driver—work double; 1 tnare, weight 1350, 10 years old; 3 Chester White br >od sows in pig to Potand-China boHr; 1 dozen Ply mouth R >ck buns; 1 McCormick self binder—good as new; 1 standard riding cultivator; 1 Norwegian walking culti vator; 1 4-horse power; 1 Granutory lister and drill; 1 road cart; 1 farm wagon. Terms: Right months at 10 per cent, interest from date on sums over $10. linkable security; sums under $10 j Cisi>; 5 pef cent, discount for cash on 1 sums over $10 Free lunch served. Mary McClellan. M. T Elliot, Auctioneer. FOU RENT—An improved farm i f j 240 acres adjoining O’Neill, Neb , run - ] tijnt> watei, tine pasture and meadow; about 60 acres under cultivation. En- j quire of Thomas Carton, Quincy build iug, Denver, Col. 32tf ' Assessors’ Schedule. At s meeting of the assessors of Holt county. Nebraska, held March 19, 1901, the ft Mowing rates of assessment were agreed upon:) REAL ESTATE. Atkinson. Chambers.... Conley. Cleveland .... Dustin.... .... Delnit .... Ewing .... Emmett.... , Francis .... Fair view.... • Grattan .... Green Valley Iowa .... ... Inman .... Lake ..... . McClure .... Paddock.... Pleasantview.... Rock Falls ... Shamrock .... Sand Creek .... Saratoga .... Scott.... Sheridan .... Shields Steel Creek Stuart .... Swan .... Virdigris Wtllowdale .... Wyoming . All lands within ,.75cts 75 75 75 75 75 .75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 76 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 to $9 70 9 70 1 80 1 80 1 80 3 15 2 25 2 25 1 80 2 15 8 25 2 15 2 15 2 85 2 15 215 215 2 15 2 15 2 10 2 15 2 15 2 15 2 10 2 15 2 15 2 85 180 2 15 3 15 2 05 three miles of any railroad town shall be assessed at the rate of srom 75 cents to $6.50 per acre, excepting O’Neill which shall be asses sed at the rate of from 75 cents to $18 50 per acre. Also that of town and village property be assed at 1 4 its actual cash value. PERSONALPROPERTY. Horses, first-class .... $9 0 ) to $ 15 00 ssoond third Mutes and asses Fullblood bulls oowe Common 3 j r old steers 2 2 helpers' 4 00 2 50 2 50 800 8 00 3 50 5 50 3 25 2 70 * Calves, 6 mo. to 1 yr.1 80 30 80 30 7 00 4 00 13 00 16 00 16 00 4 00 700 400 8 70 2 70 192 00 105 00 Mheep 6 mo and over Goats tings per hundred pounds Steam engines and boilers . 18 00 Kire and burglar proof safes 7 00 Billiard and like tables..76 00 Carriages, wagons . 1 80 Buses, hearses . 8800 Gold watches .... 3 50 Pianofortes . 16 00 Melodeons, organs.... 8 50 Bicycles . 4 60 AGRICULTURAL TOOLS AND MACHINERY. Reapers . 3 50 15 00 Mowers . 2 00 8 00 Sulky Plows .... 3 00 6 00 11 25 154 00 15 00 105 00 19 00 2t 00 Planted, checkrowera 8 00 Graia Drill*, seeder* 100 Hay preue* .... 7 00 stacker* .... 100 ■weep* . 100 rakes . 100 Threshing machines.. 10 00 600 600 80 00 800 400 400 800 00 Merchandise one third actual cash value. Bankers, brokers and other stock jobbers the same. Assessors Hball be governed by sections 4811 of the compiled statutes of Nebraska, 1899. 8. F. McNichols, Chm. Allen Havnes, Sec. fjotsl Syan? Sunday, March 84. DINNER. SOUP , ..." Consomme Celestlne (Celery) (Badlshes) (Olives) BOIL Philadelphia Capon Celery Banes KOA8T Sirloin Beef, Mushrooms Young Turkey. Stuffed Spring Lamb, Mint Sauce < - ENTREE Macoaronl and Cheese, Bechamel Boston Brown Bread Charlotte of Fruit VEGETABLES Mashed and Boiled Potatoes Frenth Peas Stewed Tomatoes DESERT Apple, Gooseberry, Lemon, Meringue Pie Steam Pudding, Hard or Brandy Sauce Vaullls Ice Cream Tea Coffee Milk Wafers Cheese Now is the time to get your grass seeds for this season. As we have now a full line of grass seeds and all hinds of garden and filled seeds in bulk or in package. We oarry the best line of bulk seed that we can buy, no oarriea over stook. J. P. Gallagher. Ladies. Mrs: Harry Gillespie and Miss Morsctl have opened a dress-moking rooms at tbe residence of Mrs. Taylor in O’Neill and respectfully solicit a portion of yoor patronage. - 88*4_..-. I have some Holt county land that! will exchange for horses. Forpartlo* ulare address box 788, Lincoln No* braska. __________ For Sale Cheap Two 880 acre tracts both well watered and will make nioe farms or ranches, range adjoining both. Prices and terms right. F. W, Phillips, Star, Nebr_ 88*4. LOST—A. rear wheel of sulk? plow with axle attached, between city and farm of John Lawless. Please leave same at O F. Biglln’a. 87tf NOTICE—I have a feed grinder at my place and will grind your feed for a percentage or for so much per bushel — Hubert Magirl. 88 8 |/\/|> THIS DOWN IN YOUR. al II £ CELLULOID MEMO I P. J. Me MANUS HAS NOW . on display the most elegant and best selected stock of dress goods and notions, hats, clothing, ladies tailor suits, fancy neck wear, ladies,’ men’s and children’s fine shoes ever displayed in this city. Get in quick and select your EASTER DRESS AND SUIT PRICES GUARANTEED V* as low as the lowest V P. J. McMANUS