THEY ARE ALL DUTCH -- BUT THE SHIP’S NAME IS Carrying a full line of Moline Implements consigned to the Farmers of Holt county HI We desire to call your attention especially to four of these implements, that are the best of their kind on earth — New Good Enough and High Flying > Dutchman Sulky Plows, Dutch Uncle Rid ng r Cultivator and Gretchen Corn Planter. When you cali we will show to you other implements manu factured by this old and reliable firm, consisting of Riding and Walking Listers, Harrows, Wa.king and Disc Riding Cultivators. I In other lines we have the celebrated Fish Wagons, Roller B aring Buggies—something entirely new and rovel, the McCormick Harvesters and Shreders, the McCormick King of Mowers and the strongest, b* st and most powerful hayi ake ever manufactured. ’s; MOul^ ** TRADCi We never sold a w* ak or useless implement and we never will. Our farmer friends will v ueli or i liis s' lein nt. We want your trade and in return expect to give you full value for ever) dol'ar invested | w i ii s. i i. Our samples are ready for in*pee‘ion and we will he pleased to show our line to all, whether you pur chase or not. . F. BIGLIN Am _ Ik SUPERVISORS IN REGULAR SESSION (Official Report.) * Supervisors’ Office, O’Neill, Nebr. 9. o’clock a. m., Dec. *28, 1900.— Board met pursuant to adjournment, all members present, except Keefe. Minutes of yesterday’s meeting were read and approved. Petition of A. A. Wagers to order taxes stricken from tax list, said taxes being assessed against a part of sw\ of section 4, township 28, range 9, for years from 1892 to 1900 inclusive, was upon motion re jected. Mr. Chairman: I move that the following amounts, towit: 4169 16 (mid by First Nai’l bank, int on deposit, receipt number 113. $73 28 paid by Farmers’ Bank of Page, interest on deposit, receipt number 114 $23 00 paid by Gallagher and Com 0 panv, bankers,'interest on deposit, re ceipt number 115. $39 60 paid by Citizen’s Bank of Stuart, interest on deposit, receipt num ber 116. $4 90 paid by Gallagher and Company, interest on deposit, receipt number 118. $103 98 paid by Elkkorn Valley Bank, interest on deposit, receipt number 119. $405 04 paid by \V R Butler, receipt number 130. 4 00 paid by W. R. Butler, receipt 1 number 121. $391 95 paid by State of Mebrasko, re imbursing conniv, receipt number 125. $39 75 paid by Citizens Bank, Stuart, iuterest on deposit, receipt number 1 $30 70 paid by Farmers Bank, Page, interest :>n deposit, receipt number 2 $25 05 paid b\ G tlla^ber and Company interest on deposit, receipt number 3 $291 95 paid by First Nat’l Batik, in lerest on deposit receipt number 5. $103 64 paid by Elk horn Valiev Bank interest on deposit, receipt number 6. $156 79 paid by John Skirving. fees, receipt number 7. $40 00 paid by John Skirving, Hs petKletis coll; receipt number 8. $60 00 paid by John Skirving, fees, receipt number 9. $157 40 paid by John Skirving. Scott judgment, receipt number 10. $43 00 paid by John S Leis, fees, re ceipt number 11. $205 91 paid by First Nat’l Bank, in terest on .deposit, receipt number 15 $25 23 paid by Gallagher anil Company interest on deposit, receipt number 16. $105 55 paid by Elktioru V iliev Buik interest on deposit, receipt number 17 $30 93 paid b\ Farmers Bulk, interest on deposit, receipt number 18 $3 00 paid b) Chas. N Voss, miss, fee, receipt number 20. $40 18 paid by Citizens Bank, Smart, interest on deposit, receipt number 21. $122 55 paid by G A. McCuechan, costs A & N. R. R. Bd , election, :e* oeipt number 25. $34 00 paid by Wm. P Simar, rent Bartley properly, receipt number 26. $151 84 paid by W. R. Butler, paid tin settlement, receipt number 27 $2738 93 total, having been paid into the general fund of year 1900 be added to the amount levied foi said year. W. W. Betbea, W. P. Simar. Motion carried. Upon notice the following claims were allowed on general fund aud warrants drawn therefore: R R Dickson, legal services....$125 00 John Skirving, clerk’s fees. 497 99 allowed in sum of 440 11 Judd Woods, publishing. 12 64 Aug. Riemer’s, election,.. 4 00 'J E. Havens, election. 7 50 allowed $3 00. A. W. Gunn, court cert.f 6 10 I'. V. Golden, legal services,. 50 00 E S Eves, publishing. 30 00 C. Selah, appointing elec, bonds. 51 90 Also claim of Wm.- Porter fur $8 00 allowed on bridge fund and order NEW SHOES Just received, 1,000 pairs of Shoes, conisting of g Men’s line Sunday shoes. • light and heavy work shoes S line Oxfords. S Ladies’ fine and heavy shoes. Ladies’ fine Oxfords, line toe slippers. Misses toe slippers and sandals. Boys’ fine & heavy shoes, all kind ! i I This is the strongest line of shoes we ever handled and wo can assure you our prices are the lowest that can be found anywhere. 31-2 JTolux J. Harrington. eil applied on tax of 1899. Claims of E S. Even, publishing de linquent tax list of 1899. $323 15. Claims of Lee • W. Henry, publishing delinquent tax list of 1819, $220 00. Juad Woods, publishing delinquent tax list of 1898, $95 25. Claims allowed were allowed on ad vertising fund The following claims jwere upon mo* tiou rejected: L. Q Ltmbert. witness fees.$12 60 Win. Lei I, witness fees,. 12 60 S. B Howard, damages,. 10 00 Upou motion the lease from the Elklioru Valley Bank to the County of Holt on building situated on lot 24 in block 15 in the City of O’Neill was ordered spread on the record. Upou motiou the commuuioation from M. H. McCarthy to the county board was laid on the table. Upon motion board adjourned until Dec. 20, 1900, 9 o’clock a. m. 9 o’clock a. m., Dec. 29, 1900.— Board met pursuant to adjournment, present. Bethea, Coffey, Fritch toff, Postlewait and Simar. Absent Cooper and Keeefe. Ou request of Chairman Fritch ioff, VV. W. Bethea acted as tempor ary chairman. Minutes of yesterday’s meeting were read and approved. Mr. Chairman: I move that the county attorney be instructed to ap peal ou error to the snpreme court in case of Independent Publishing company vs. The County of Holt. Case number 6254. P. J. Fritchioff. John Coffey. Motion carried. Arthur F. Mullen was appointed by the board as trustee for tbe county and as such trustee to re ceive deed from W R. Butler, trus tee for Dwyer tax deeds aud tax deeds and tax sale certificates for the following lands, towit: NEJ s>'C. 20, twp. 25, rge 13, n£ se^ sec. 8, oi sw sec 9, twp 26, rge. 11, swj sec. 13, twp. 25, rge. 12, se£ soc. 34, twp. 31, rge. 13, nw£ sec. 12, twp. 25, rge. 13, lot 3 aud ne^, ne£ sw£ sec. 7, twp. 25, rge. 13, nej sec. 23, twp. 31, rge. 13, ne^ sec. 12, twp. 25, rge. 13, se-J sec. 7, twp. 25, rge. 11, ej sejf and swj se.^ sec. 7, twp. 32, rge. 13, se^ sec. 1, twp. 27, rge. 13, nej sec. 1, twp. 11, rge. 13, dwJ sec. 9, twp. 27, rge. 11, sej sec. 22, twp. 31, rge. 13, nwj sec. , twp. 25 rge. 13. Mr. Cbauman: I move that a vote of thanks be tendered to Chair man P. J. Fritchioff, also Clerk C F. Englehaupt for the courtesies and impartial treatment of all mem bers of the board. W. P. Simar. 33. W. Postlewaist. Motion carried. Upon motion board adjourned. Attest. P. J. Fritchioff, John S. Leis, County Clerk. By C. F. Engelhaupt, deputy. [Seal] A Night of Terror. “Awful anxiety was felt for the widow of the brave General Burnham of Mach ias. Me., when the doctors said she would die with pneumonia before morn ing” writes Mrs. 8. H Lincoln, who at tended her that fearful night, but she begged for Dr. King’s New Discovery, which bad more than once saved her life, and cured her of consumption. Mter taking, she slept all night. Far ther use entirely cured her.” This mar velous medicine is guaranteed to cure all throat, cheBt and lung diseases. Only 50c and $1. Trial bottles free at P. C. Corrigan’s drug store Copper Deposits In Ivetnnd. It Is well known that very Impor tant copper deposits exist In Ireland, and it Is probable that a large amount of British capital will shortly be em ployed In the development and oper ation of mines in the Midlands and West, and there la every likelihood of the venture turning out most remun erative. The ore from some of the mines shows a high percentage of cop per, and the situation of the mines is such as to make the transport of the ore to Swansea for smelting pur poses a comparatively Inexpensive matter. _ Stood Death Off. G B. Munday, a lawyer of Henrietta, Tex., ouce fooled a grave digger. He says: “My brother was very low with malarial fever and jaundice. I persu aded him to try Electrio Bitters and he was soon much better, but continued their nse until be was wholly cured. I am sure Electric Bitters saved his life.” This remedy exbels malaria, kills disese germs ami purifl-s the blood; aihs di gestion, regulates liver, kidneys and howels, cures constipation, dyspepsia, nervous diseases, kidney troubles, fe male complaints; gives perfect health. Duly ,50c at P. C Corrigan’s drug store Coal In China. Professor Drake estimates that within the 150 square miles around Tse-chau there are about three thou sand milion metric tons of coal, and it must be remembered that this area 1b only a little of the ragged edge of the great coal fields of Shan-si. Most of Shan-sl has been found underlaid by large coal beds. Richthofen esti mates that the anthracite coal alone of Shan-si amounts to 630,000 mil lion tons, and that the coal area is greater than that of Pennsylvania. Some Reasons Why You Should Insist on Having EUREKA HARNESS OIL U necjualed by any other. Renders hard leather soff Especially prepared. Keeps out water. A heavy bodied oil. Harness An excellent preservative. Reduces cost of you'- harness. Never burns the leather; its Efficiency is increased. Secures best service. Stitches kept from breaking. Oil |s sold in all Localities Manufactured by Standard Oil ('oinpnny. V.' specialties: Eve. Ear, nose and Throat Spectacle* correctly fitted and Supplied. O'NEILL, NEB. 3. KING v. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND NOTARY -PUBLIC -- Office front room over U. 8. land office O’NEILL, NEB. legal advertisements. NOTICE KOlt PUBLICATION. Department of he Interior. l.andutli eat O’Neill, Neb Feb. B, 1001.—Notice is ereby (Oven that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before r. irister and receiver at O’Neill, NeL>.. on March >5, ilitll. viz: JAME-i HUAI)., T. (’ E No ««4l.forthe 8»!* NE'i, Sec. I. township 31 N. rantfe 10 W. lie names tins following witnesses to prove h:s continuous res deuce up'm and cultl vation otsaid laid, viz: Wallace Sptagiie, fc. J lieeney. W M. Picketing, L)au Kel.ey, of Dorsey, Neb. 33-0 S. .1. Weekes, Register. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Department or the Interior. Land Orrics at O'Neill, Nee. January 3,1801. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler hue Bled notice of his Intend tlon to make Dual proof In support of nls claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at O’Neill, Nebraska, on February 16, 1801. vis: William UHATIERION T. C. E No.6330for the NWli sec 33, twp 20 n, range 18 w. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resldenee upon and oultt vatlon of said land vis: _ _... Michael Lyons, Emmett Earl, William B. Ashton, Denule Kane all of Emmet. Neb. 27-flnp8. J. Weekbb. Regia ter. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Department of the interior. Land Office at O'Neill. Neb. Jan. 8, 1901.- Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notioe of bis lnientton to make final proof in sup port of his claim, and ' hat said proof will be Made before the it Ulster and receiver at t'Nelll, Nebraska, on Feb. 16. 1801. vis: W illiam HAMILTON, H.K. No 14812, for the SKla. section 26, township 29 north, range 10 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Janies Mullen, T. 8. Uoobe. WUsie Stewart, Winfield Hay ne, all of Page, Neb. 27- 6up 8. J. Weekes. Register. NOTIOE FOB PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior Lana Office at O'Neill, Nebr. Jtniu&rv 0i 1001* Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler ha» filed notice ot hts Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before register and receiver at O’Neill, Neb., on February 19,1901, vis: Charles A. GRASS, II. E. No. 11822, for the nw!% see 5, twp. 20 n., range 9 w. He names the following witnesses to prove Ills continuous residence upon andeultiva tlon of said land, vis: _ J A. Ne'«berry, Henry Julius, T. 8. Boohe, Charles Allen, all of Page. Neb. 28- 6np 8. J. WEEKES, Beglsler. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION, Department of the Interior, Land Office at O'Neill, Nebraska Jan. 16.1601. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of hts Inten tion to make final prool In support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made be fore register and receiver at O'Neill, Neb., on February 23.19 mes the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said iand, viz: August Eppenbach, Michael Langan. Bernard Hyues, Austin Hynes, all of Turner, Neb. 20-6 np 8. J, WEEKES, Register. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office at O'Neill, Nebraska, Jan. 16,1901. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof In support of hts claim, and tnat said proof will be made be fore register and receiver at O’Neill, Neb., on February 23, 1901. viz: Charles A INOhBSOl.L. H. E. No 14633, for the Nt!* eeo 19, twp 28 north, range 18 west. He names the following witnesses to prove, his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Alex Marling. Morton E. Hiatt, Andrew Clark, Jacob B. Marring, all of O'Neill, Neb. 2lM>np 8. J. WEEKES. Register, IIOMSTEAD CONSOLIDATED NOTICE. Department of the Interior, United Slates Land Office. O’Neill. Neb., Jan. 30. 1901.—Notice is here by given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to submit final proof In supuort of his entries, said proof to be made before the register and receiver at O’Nolll, Nebraska, on March 33, 1801, viz: . Henry B. SPRAGUE, H. E. No. 14739. for SKI* NWl4. N‘/i SWfc, NW* SMi. Sec II, Twp SON.. B. 9\V. a „ Witnesses: T. F. Sherman and C. W. Mor gan of Dorsey. Neb., H. W. Tomlinson and Walter TulUs or Star. Neb. T C. E. No. 0676, for NWJ» 8ec 14, Twp 3l;N„ R. 10 W. • . •, Witnesses: T. F. Sherman and C. W. Mor gun of Dorsey, Neb., H. W. Tomlinson and Walter Tullis of Star, Neb. 31-6np S. J. WEEKES, Register.