I will- sell at public auction at my place 3 miles west and 2 miles north of O’Neill, on . the following?described property, to-wit; •<. . 9\L *• Sorrel pony 8 years ofd. ^ Bay team mares 9 years old.*^4 Irongray horse 8 years old. f ^ Bay mare 10 years old. % v Chestnut sorrel colt coming 3* ¥ 2 milch cows; 2 heifers coming 2 years; 3 spring steer calves. 33 head of shoats. Duroc Jersey Red boar. •; McCormick binder. Big 4 McCormick mower. Hay rake; 16-in Eagle riding plow John Deere pulverizer, 18-in die. Endgate seeder and wagon. iBrown^&nplanter with 160 rods wire; Brown walk’g cultivator. Daisy riding cultivator. 2-lever iron harrow. Pony hand corn sheller. Farm wagon, grain tight box. Wagon with hayrack. 3 sets farm harness. Two seated carriage nearly new. Fanningmill nearly new. About 5 doz chickens, household goods, etc. t f All this machinery Is nearly new and is in good shape. - '• , . I’i ■ 1 w1 ■ •; ■ v? TERMS: 12 months time given on sums over $I0| approved security and 10 per cent, interest; 8 per cent, discount for cash; su|ns under $10 cash. GEORGE RODENWALD, Proprietor. 2v£. X. ELI i 4 MB IN - BI U SION (Official Report.) Tbe balance of the money paid int<> the treasury by me on April 30th 1900 as reapreeented by the county treasurerV receipt? No. 190 and 191, to*wit: Tin sum of $9.04. Iaccount for as follows: At the time of making the above report I was unable to find receipts for pay intents of costs in oonnty caste, outsid* of oounty foreclosures amounting t<> $9 04, but which I have found since paying same into the tieasury and can pr tduse for your inspection ai any time In county trustee cases, being an ac tion of Holt county vs the Holt county bank, in which the county attached certain tax liens held and represented by Mrs. Dwyer end which the county claimed was in fact the property of John Dwyer, one of the Holt County bank bondsmen, before the statute of limitation had run against tbe right to recover on these tax iiena. I was made trustee for tbe county and have collect ed on these cases in which I was trustee for the county, the following amounts. Thesnm of $112.18 and have paid ou> in costa in these oases tbe sum of $112.18 said disbursements being made up a> follows: Paid sheriffs for serving summons in trustee esse, at shown by re ceipted summons...$35 10 I also bold reoeipts from the clerk of tbe district court costs paid in trustee cases.77 08 Said payments will be found in the office of the clerk of the district court in fee book 10, page 333 and in the same fee book on page 340. In the foregoing message I have gone into detail as far as time would permit and have tried to explain matters so that you might be able to understand and get the run of these matters without having to appoint another “Speciitl Committee.” If however there is any thing in this message which you, or any of you, do not clearly understand it will be a favor to me it you will come to me and give me an opportunity to make the matter of doubt clear to you. You will observe that I have not gone into the matter of county foreclosures of tax liens in this report. 1 have not taken this niAtler up at this time, for the reason that I betive it would have a tendency to confuse and for the ad ditional reasou that I did uot have the time to do so without neglecting county affairs. Considering that I have been compell ed to resign the office to which the people elected me, by you actions in 'leaping on me abuse, misuse and iusult. I hope that you will now allow the claims I have filed against the county, amounting to the sum of $518.39 and which sum is represented by cash ad vanced in county cases, oivil and crim inal, amount still due on salary, etc. In going over the records of county fo eciosures of tax liens, yonr special committee found and reported that I had'advanced in these county cases the sum of $131,05; That I had received in settled cases $50.30. That there waa still due me for cash advanced $80.75, wh cb would make the total indebted ness of Iloli county to me, $594.04 ac cording to the report of your special committee, but the fact is that there is dow due me in these county foreclosure cases...9125 00 which with the amount of my claims filed. . 513 39 leaves the actual amount due me from the county.... ..9888 29 In regard to these several amounts in county foreclosure cases I agreed with the old board and stated to you that I would never file any claim againBt Holt county, for any money advanced in getting service of summons in fore closure cases, and fir this reason I will never file any claim, or make any de mand that the money of tue tax payer of Holt county liquidate any t|art of the $125 which I have so advanced which remains unpaid at this t|pe. It is now your duty, in jus' and in justice to my bonds point or employ a competent go over my books, voucher and the records in the several Holt county, to the end th&i rectness of this report be vefified, and that my bondsmen be sur|j that no liability on their part exists dpid that 1 be cleared of the infamous clgarges and from false representations heretofore circulated by yourself and other parties, as I would have suffered dean by being burned at tbe slake before I would hav* abused the confidence of my people, ot misused one cent of their money, all of which is respectfully submitted. W. R. Butler. County Attorney of Holt County Neb and into me. h^to ap erson to receipts offices of the cor In anaemia and most women’s ail meats the digestion is weak, tbe mak ing of color, flesh and stringbt out of food, is imperfect so that tbe patient is week, wan, nervous and dyspeptic. This condition can be corrected by taking a course of Herbine. Prioe 50c.—P. C. Corrigan. Notice. All parties owing me on account are requested to call and make settlement before Decembet lot. P. J. Fiynn. —..—. Thousand Tongues. Could not express the rapture of Annie £. Springer, of Philadelpha,* when Dr. King’s New Discovery cured her of a hacking cough that for many years bad made life a burden. She says: "After all other removed remedies and doctors failed it soon removed the pain in my (.best and I can now sleep sound* ly, something I can scarcely remember doing before. 1 feel like sounding its praises throughout the Universe.” Dr. King's New Discovery is guaranteed to cure all troubles of the Throat, Chest or Lungs. Price 50c and $1. Trial bottle free at P. C. Corrjgan drug store. Job Couldn't Have Stood It. If he’d had Iiching Piles. They’re; terribly annoying; but Bucklen’s Arnic Salve will cure the worst case of Piles on earth. It has cnred thousands. For Injuries, Pains of Bodily Eruptions it’s, the best salve in the world. Price 25c. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by P. C. Corrigan, druggist* There are thousands of people, suffer* ing untold torture from piles, because of the popular impression that they can not be cured. Tabler’s Buckeye Pile Ointment will cure them and the patient will remain cnred. Price, 50c in bottles Tubes, 75c.—P. C. Corrigan. Corn-huskers’ sprained wrists, barbed wire cuts, burns, bruises, scveie lacers (ions and external injuries of any kind are promptly and happily cured by ap plying Ballards Snow Liniment. Prlcn ,S5 and 60s.—P, C. Corrigan. For Sale—▲ Bargain. NE 26. NW 25 and E*8W and W* SE 24-35 14 430 with running wnier, $1,800 for 30 days only. M. Lyons, Emmett, Neb. Happiness depends very much on the condition of tbe liver and kidneys. The ills of life make but little impression on those who digeston is good. Yon can regulate your liver and kiddeys with Herbine and enjoy health and buoyancy of spirits. Price. 50o—P. C. Corrigan. We have seen tbe frail lufant when tbe faint struggle for existence seemed almost ended, resuscitated and made strong by the use of White’s Cream Vermifuge. Price, 25c —P. C. Corrigan The Semi-Weekly Journal and The Frontier one year $2 25. HOTEL ---{-h VANS Enlarged Refurnished Refitted Only First-class Hotel In the City W. T. EVANS, Prop O’Neill -- 4 Abstracting Go Compiles Abstracts of Title ONLY COMPLETE SET OF AB STRACT BOOKS IN HOLT COUNTY O’NEILL, NEB. | A. B. NEWELL | J REAL ESTATE J j O’NEILL, NEBRASKA j Selling and leading farms and ranches Taxes paid and lands inspected for non residents. Parties desiring to bur or rent land owned br non-residents give me a call, will look up the owners and procure the land foryou. * J^lt. J. P. GILL1GAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Holt County Bank building Orders left at our drug store or at my residence first street north and half block east of stand pipe will receive prompt response, as I have telephone connections. O'NEILL, - - NEB. JJR G. M. BERRY, DENTIST AND ORAL SURGEON Graduate of Northwestern University, Chicago, and also of American College of Dental Surgeory. All the latest and Improved branches of Dentistry earofully performed. -- -— ABNEY. 8TKWABT, PRACTICAL AUCTIONEER. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address, Page, Neb ,R. P. J. FLYNN PHYCIAN AND SURGEON Office over Corrigan’s, first door to right Night calls promptly attended. M. P. KINKAID ~ LAWYER Offloe over Elkhorn Valley Bank. O’NEILL. NE3. 3. KIKEG ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. AND NOTARY - PUBLIC - Office front room over U. 8. land office O’NEILL, NEB._ n B. BENEDICT, * LAWYER, Office in the Judge Roberts building, north of O. O. Border's lumber yard, O NEILL,___ KBB JJ R. DICKSON attorney at law Reference First National Bank O'NEILL. NEB FOR SALE! 160 Acres In 84-29-10, at $5.00 per Acre. j. w. HART, 1515 Arapahoe St. (17m2) DENVER. C DENVER, COLO. 1 Don’t Be Duped There have been placed-upon the market several cheap reprints of an obsolete edition of “ Webster’s Dictionary.” They are being offered under various names at a low price By dry goods dealers, grocers, agents, etc^ and in a few instances as a premium for subscrip tions to papers. Announcements of these comparatively Worthless reprints are very misleading: for instance, they are advertised to be the substantial equivalent of a higher-priced book, when In reality, so far as wo know and believe, they are all, from A to Z, Reprint Dictionaries, phototype copies of a book of over fifty years ago, which in its day was sold for about $5.00. and which was much superior in paper, print, and binding to these imitations, Deing then a work of some merit instead of one Long Since Obsolete. The supplement of 10,000 so-called ’’new words,” which some of these books are adver tised to contain, was compiled by a gentle man who died over forty years ago, and waa published before bis death. Other minor additions are probably of more or less value. The Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary pub* liahed by our house is the only meritorious one of that name familiar to this generation. It contains over 2U00 pages, with illustra tions on nearly every page, and bears our imprint on the title page. It is protected by copyright from cheap imitation. valuable as this work is, we have at vast expense published a thoroughly revised successor, known throughout the world as Webster’s International Dictionary. As a dictionary lasts a lifetime you should Get the Best. Illustrated pamphlet free. Address Q. ft C. MfiRRIAM CO.. Spriagfleld. Mass. J P •with your name—, and address printed cn them ONLY 50C ****** The cheapest tray to buy for those wanting small quantities A (Elje FpontiEF. I I WEST EAST .. - £ Purchase Tickets and Consign rou< Freight via the F. E. & M. V. and S. C. & P 9:57 A. u 124)1 p. H 2:35 P. M. RAILROADS. TRAINS DEPART: GOING BAST. Passenger east. No. 4, Freight east. No. 24, Freight east, No. 28, GOING WIST. Passenger west. No. 3, Freight west, No. 27, Freight, No, 23 Local The Rlkhorn Line Is now running Reclining Chair Cars daily, between Omaha and Dead wood, jree to holders of first-class transpor - tat Ion. Fer any information caU on 10:00 P. M 9:15 P. M 2:35 p. M. E. R ADAMS) Act. O’NEILL. NEB. ■% -■**» ■'-M 3$' Jr HIGH-GRADE TINWARE that will make any housekeeper smile with pleasure is to be found at Neil Brennan’s. Strong, well-made, con veniently shaped utcntials, with all the little improvements that add so much to their usefulness and so little to their price. Now is the best time to refurn ish your kitchen. .Our stock is first* class and our prices less than you often pay for an inferior grade of goods. J- 'M. HEIL BRENNAN. C. L. BRIGHT Peal E$tat®$ It^upaoee Represent the NEW YORK LIFE, HWHtMtH NORTH BRITISH ” AND MERCANTILE, PALLITENE AND ■■ :f ROYAL FIRE INSURANCE CDS NOTARY PUBLIC with Stenographer in office.