•MiM . JT Cf %fls "1 Making Powder Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ROYAL BAKIWO POWOCR CO., NEW YOWK^_ A Life and Death Eight. Mr. W. A. Hines of Manchester, la , wrltiing of his almost miraculous escape from death, says: "Exposure after measles induced serious lung trouble, which ended in Consumption, I had frequent hemorrhages and coughed >.igbt ond day. All my doctors said I must soon die. Then I began to use Dr. King’s New Discovery which wholly cured me. Hundreds have used it on my advice and all say it never falls to cure throat, chest and lung troubles.” Regular size 60c and $1. Trial bottle free at Corrigan's drag store. Do Yon Have Fifty Conte? If you have, will tell you how to get the most for your money. The Semi %Veekly 8tate Journal, published at Lincoln, wants several thousand new subscribers and as a special inducement ■will mail the paper twice a week from row until the end of this year for only .< 60 cent. Two papers each week with •ill the news of the world, through the Kreat presidential campaign and the campaign in this state for two United Htates senators and the state ticket. Never in your life have you been offered no much reading matter for 60 cents. Bend in your money right now, because tha sooner you send it in the more papers you get for your money- Address Nebraska State Journal, Lincoln, Neb. Glorious News Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargtle, of Washita, I. T. He writes: “Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrof ula, which bad caused her great suffer .3, , log for years, Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the best doctors could give no help; but *now her health is excellent.” Electric Bitters is the best blood purifier known. It’s the supreme remedy tor eczema, tet ter. salt rheum, olcers. boils and running sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion, builds up the strength. Only 50c. Bold v by Corrigan, druggist. Guaranteed. SB Wuroheae Tickets and Oonalsn your Pralstit via the F. E.&M.V.andS.C.& T RAILROADS. TRAINS DEPARTt GOING BAST. Passenger east, No. 4. 9:57 a. n Freight east, No. 94, 13:01 p. m Freight east, No. 98, 2:85 P. m. GOING WXST. Passenger west. No. 8, 9:40 p. m Freight west, No. 97, 9:15 p. u ■ Freight, No, 38 Local 4:10 p. m. The Rllchorn Line Is now running ttecllnlng Chair Oars dally, between Omaha and Dead wood, jree to holders of first-class transpor tation. For any Information call on E. R. ADAMS, Aot. O'NKILL. NIB, REAL ESTATE. CATTLE AND SHEEP RANCHES GRAIN AND HAY FARMS - Pi .• t. ■ 4 ; For Sale 4+ and Lease PRICES LOW AND TERMS EASY . M. LYONS EMMET, NEB. A Wealth Of Beauty „ Is often hidden by unsightly pimples, eczema, tetter, erysipelas,, salt rheum, etc. Bucklen’s arnica salve will glorify the face by curing all skin eruptions, al so cuts, bruises, burns, boils, felons, ul cers, and worst forms of piles. Only 25 o a box.Cure guaranteed. Sold by Cor rigan, druggist. j, ’ two lr .rienis of the Battle of the .\i'.e told n "one of the gitn pers’ crew”: One lad who vhs sta tioned by a salt box on which he sat to give out cartridges, and keep the lid close—it la a trying berth—when asked for a cartridge, he gave none, yet he sat upright; his eyes were open. One of the men gave him a push; he fell all his length on the deck. There was not a blemish on his body, yet he was quite dead, and was thrown overboard. The other, a lad, who had the match In his hand to fire his gun, In the act of applying It a shot took oft his arm; It hung by a small piece of skin. The match fell-to the deck. He looked to his arm, and seeing what had hap pened, seized the match in his left hand and fired off the gun before he went to the cock-pit to have It dressed. A Monster Devil Fish Destroying its victim, is a type of con stipation. The power of this malady is felt on organs, nerves, muscle, and brain. But Dr, King’s new life Dills are a safe and certain cure. Best in the world for stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. Only 25c at Corrigan’s drug store. Where Coal fi Freolone Mineral. The report comes fi^m Cape Nome, the new Alaska gold field,'that coal and wood are very scarce. All avail able wood has been used for ten miles rn either side of Nome City. Wood brings $50 to $00 a cord, and It Is a very poor article at that. The coal r.upply Is very meager and coal is sold by the pound, bringing seyen and as high as eight cents a pound. Mothers who would keep their child ren in good health should watch for the first symptoms of worms and re move them with While's Cream Vermi fuge. Price 25c.—Corrigan. To save mending, avoid breaking, and to avoid suffering, prevent coughs and colds by the timely use of Ballard’s Horehound Syrup It is a safe, sure and swift remedy for all bronchial ail ments. Price, 25 and 50o.—Corrigan. You feel better at once after using Herbine, you enjoy your food more, and yon get more nourishment and invigor ating force out of w»>at you eat. rjence Herbine makes you strong, vigorous an ' cheerful. Price 5Pc —Corrigan. Old Bunklng-Houst In Japnn. The Mitsui Ginko is the oldest bank ing establishment in Japan. It was founded more than 200 years ago, and 1b now a strong partnership corpora tion, in which eleven members of the Mitsui family assume unlimited liabil ity. Its capital is 5,000,000 ypn, and its reserve fund amounts to 3,789.000 yen. Us officers are now in a temporary lo cation, while an Immense edifice, “the only steel building in the east,” is in process of erection. Many women fail to digest their food, and so become pate, sallow, thin and weak, while the brightness, freshness and beauty of the skin and complexion departs. Remedy this by taking Her bine after each meal, to digest what you have eaten. Price, 50c —OorrigaD. If the stomach performs its functions actively and regularly, the food ol which it is the receptacle, is trans formed into blood of a nourishing .qual ity, which furnishes vigor and warmth to the whole body. Herbine gives tone to the stomach and promotes digestion and assimilation. Price, 50o.—Corrigan Feminine Kxhortatlon. A Boston paper says that about 300 women have been licensed to preach. The rest have not taken the trouble to get a license.—St. Louis Republic. CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bear* the Signature of hit;* clrto add*? so mnch 1 > ch ,'utisof the drawing idoir us the *>ftly rndi Nothit;* to the chat room or boudoir us the softly ant h*ht from CORDOVA Caudles. Not Mm* will contribute more to the artistic success of the luncheon, tea or dinner. The best decorative randies for the simplest or the most elaborate function—for cot ta*© or mansion. Made in all colors and the most delicate tints ly STANDARD OIL tO. and sold everywhere. legal advertisements. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Dfci'AHTMKST OF THE INTERIOR. Land Office atO’Nbim., Neb. June 5, 1900. Notice is hereby Riven that the following numed settler has Hied notice of his Intent tlon to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at O’Neill, Nebraska, on July 14,19U9. viz: LUDWIG HEEB, H. E. No. 14572, for the NK5*. Hec. 1*. T. 29, N„ k. 12, W. He names the following witnesses to prove nis continuous residence upon and culti vation of said land, viz: John Coffey. Dennis Morphy, James Crowley and Lawereuoe Finntgan, ail of O’Neill, Neb. 40 Ot 8. J. Wiekes, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office at O’Neill, Nebr. May2, 191)0.—Notoce is hereby given that the following named settler has JlUd notice of his intention to make final proof in support ol his claim, and that said proof will be made before register and receive at O’Neill, Nebr., on June9,TlXJO. viz: SADIE ULENKIRON, one of .the heirs of James H. Blenktron, T. C. E. No. (1544, for the swl4 sec. 17, T. 29 N , K. 9 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Joseph H. Newberry, Thomas S. Roche, Richard H. Murray, Chas. T. Allen, of Page, Nebr. 41-tinp S. J. WEEKES, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office at O’Neill. Neb. May 9, I900.-Notico is herehy given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in sup port of his claim, and : hat said proof will be made before the register and receiver at O.Nelll, Nebraska, on June 1(1. 1900, viz: DAVli) O. STUART, T. C. E. No. (1510, for the NE‘4, sec. 15, T. 29 n R. 9 w. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz:" Charlie Blain, of Middle Branch, Nebr., E. M. Waring, of Middle Branch. Nebr.. B. Blain, of Page, Nebr., George Cherry, of Page, N§hr. 45-0 B. J, Woekes, Register. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of a chattel mortgage dated on the »th day of April. 1898, and duly filed In the office of the county clerk of Holt county, Nebraska, and executed by W. F. Conttrd to Patrick Murray to secure the payment of the sum of $100 00 and upon which there Is now due the sum of $123.00; default having been made In the pay ment of said sum and no suit or other pro ceedings at law having beep Instituted to re cover said debt or any part thereof 1 will foreclose said mortgage and sell the property therein described, to wit: One Kansas City Farmer Hay Press used three years, worth $i25 00; one five-foot out McCormick mower worth $25 00; one six-foot cut McCormick mower, used ouo year, worth $10.00, at the otllce of K, H Benedict in the city of O’Neill. Holt county, Nebraska, at public auction on tho 23rd day of June, loot), at2 o’clock i\ m. of ^DateJ’at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 29th day of May, 1900. , . . . . 48-4 Oathern Murray, Administratrix, of the estate of Patrick Murray, deoeased. By E. H. Benedict, her Attorney. Estimate of Expenses. O’Neill, Neb.. June 5,1900. The city council upon motion made the following estimate of the probable amount of money necessary for all purposes to be ex pended In tho city during the fiscal year commencing on the first Tuesday In May, Salaries of city officers. Fuel, lights and rents . 1000 Uailroad sinking fund...... .. Building and repairs on sidewalks. 100J Itepalrs on water works. 1000 Judgment levy. }*oo Uailroad Interest. !320 Fire department supplies. J00 Interest on water works bonds. 1200 Printing and sundries. 300 Total .$10320 The pntfre revenue for the previous fiscal year was on motion duly considered by the council and found as follows; Occupation tax. ; —$1200 00 Keceived from general fund from county treasurer, township treasurer and city marshal.. £94 *9 Water works..... jj® Water bond Interest fund. 830 00 Uity scales.. *»« 10 Total.... Attest: 49-4 ..$3798 93 Ed F. Uaiiagher, Mayor. J. F. Gallagher, Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. David Cunningham, executor of the last will ' and testament of Jamas Borter, deceased, plajnUJL' Peber J. Llndstroja. Mrs- Peter J. Llndstrom, first and full name unknown. Eflc iflander, and Mrs, Jirfe pjapder, first and full panic unknown, defendants. ,, , ‘ ’ Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. The above named defendants will each and all take notice that there is now on file In the office of the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, the petition of plaintiff against you and each of you tho object aud prayer of which Is to foreclose a certain real estate mortgage executed and delivered by the defendant Peter J.JLindstrom toone Scott T. Jones, upon the following described prem ises, towlt; The west half of the west half of section number twenty-seven (2D in town ship number thirty-two <:J2> north of range number fourteen (14> west of the Sixth Kith) i\ m. In Holt county, Nebraska, on the 2»th day of October, 1886, to secure the payment of the sum of Five Hundred dollars with In terest, due aud payable ou the 1st day of October, 1891; that said mortgage was duly filed for record in the office of the county clerk of Holt county, Nebraska, on the 30th day of October. 1880.’ anti recorded in book twenty, at page forty-eight, records of mort gages. That there is ppw due' and owing from said defendants to plaintiff thyrepp trrc sum of $1,057.00. Plaintiff prays that salfl amount with interest may be decreed to be a first lien on said premises and said prem ises sold to satisfy the same with Interest and You are required to answer said petition on or before the 9th day of July, 1900. Dated May 29,1900. iL 48-4 David Cunningham, Executor, Plaintiff By E. H. Benedict, his Attorney. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, United Statos Laud Office, O’Neill; Ntfb'., April 30,1W». A sufficient contest affidavit haying hpon tiled Id this office by John Morgan, ir., contestant, against timber culture, entry No. tr,0J. made October 3, 1BW1, for N t^, section as, township 27 n range 14 w. by Peter C. Mortensen, coutestee, in which it Is alleged that Peter C, Mortensen has failed to break or caused to be broken, ten acres of said tract during the 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 0, 7, 8, «, 10, years of said entry, that the said entry man has failed to plant or caused to be planted, anv trees, tree seeds or cuttings upon said tract during the 1, 2.3,4.5, 6, 7, 8. i*. lu. years of said entry; also that said entry man has failed to cultivate or caused to be cultivated, or otherwise promote the growth of any trees, tree seeds Or cuttings, on the said tract during the V, 2,3, 4,9. d, 7, 8, », 10, ot said en try; further, that there'were ten acres of said tract planted to pottyuwopd cuttings and ash trees by one Thomas Swift, a lortifcr entry man, but the present eutrypmn him wholly failed to utilize said trees so planted by me former eutrymau In any manner during the 1,8. 3. 4. 6, e, 7,8, a, lo, years of said entry, having neglected them and per mitted the ground upon which they stood to grow up to grass and become thoroughly re sodded, and the prairie tires to ruu over said ground year after year, whereby said trees were killed and destroyed so that not to ex < eed three living trees are now standing 'thereon, all of which failures still exist. Hiihjf parties are hereby uotlUed to appear, respond and oiler evidence touching said al legation at IP o’clock a. m., on June 22,1UU), beiore the register And receiver at the United States land office In O Neill, IJe braska. The said contestant having, grogep affidavit, tiled April 30. HWti, set fort- -- which show that after due diligence personal aervioe of this notice cannot be made. It Is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. Jo-tt S. J.WKKKKS Uegister. Infection* Diseases Unknown. Owing to the dry, atmosphere, not a serious infectious disease }a known In Greenland. be)**" 3 v"^ricE. r>epnFHneijt Bf theTntdl-i.'#, United State! Land Office. O'Neill, Nobrft.,'ka. June 7. 1900. A sufficient contest affidavit- bavin# beer filed In tills office by lioll! G. Tayford, con testant, Hg-Rinst Cornelius lie Lon? entry No 8-">23. made October 7, 1SS9, lor northeast quar ter sect Ion 17, township 31, range 12. by Cor nelitiH DeLone, cohtestee. In which It Is al 1 edged that: Cornelius DeLong has not done any breaking, has cultivated no crops, ha* planted no trees, tree seeds nor cuttings al any time during the entire time since said eutry was made, neither has he caused tin same to he done, and all said defects and de faults exist at the present time. Said partlei are hereby notified to appear, respond and ofTer evidence touching said allegation al 10 o’clock a. m. on July 30.1900, before the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Offioe In O’Neill. Nebraska. The said contestant having, In a propet affidavit, filed June 7. 1900. set forth facts which show that after due diligence, personal service of this notice can not he made. It is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by duo and proper publication. 49-5 It. H. Jenness, Receiver. DANGER AHEAD. California’s Protest Against Proposed Reciprocity Concessions. If reciprocity treaties with foreign nations mean the release from restrict ive tariff regulations of foreign prod ucts which we do not produce, In re turn for the admission for such of our products into foie'gn territory as they do not produce, no one will deny their wisdom. On the other hand, if these treaties mean the withdrawal of tariff in such > manner as to build up one class of products in cu.' own country at the ex pense of another, or the fattening of powerful Eastern corporations by the destruction cf protective industries of the country, it is t ine to,call a halt. The news from Washington that not only the Jamaica reciprocity treaty, but the French reciprocity, contains provisions that strike staggering blows not only to the fruit industry of the Pacific coast, b it to our wine industry and still other products, at the behest of rich and powerful corporate inter ests }n the East, is amazing and dis heartening. „ Jr that Is the way the administration and the Republican party interpret the duty they owe to the country, the Sooner the president and the party learn that they are treading the path that leads to disaster the better. It will not do to lightly put this question aside by saying that Cali fornia must^uffer for t' e general gcod. If that were true it might be a good excuse,’ however lamentable, but it is not. Will It be for the common good to shatter the industrial interests of this Immense western region that the Standard Oil company, the northwest ern millers and greedy importers in the east may fatten? The Republican party has stood for protection to our growing industries with magnificent results. If it per mits itself to be used by designing men it will basely desert its colors, and will deserve the fate that will surely over take ft. It is not a question alone of injury fo our local Interests; the affair as sumes a national importance. Should the Republican party prove faithless to Us trust in California, it will prove faithless in other states.—L03 Angeles (Cal.) Express. A Card of Thanks. I wish to say that I feel under lasting obligations for what Chamberlain’s Congh Remedy has done for our family. We have used it in so many cases of coughs, lung troubles and whooping cough, and it has always given the most perfect satisfaction, we feel greatly in deb ted to the npanufactures of this rem edy and wfsh them to please accept oup hearty thanks —Respectfully, Mps. 8. Doty, Des Moines, Iowa- $ Jfe-' ; specialties: Eye. ear, Nose and throat Spectacles correctly fitted and Supplied. O’NEILL, NEB. JQR. P. J. FLTK5 PBTCIAN AND SURGEON Office over Corrigan’s, first door to right Night calls promptly attended. £)B. J. P. GILL1GAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Holt County Bank building Orders left at our drug store or at my residence first street north and half block east of stand pipe will receive prompt response, as I have telephone connections. ■' •*“ “ ■ O’NEILL, - NEB. Dr. g. m. berry, ■ E ,r> 'V "I .4: DENTIST AND ORAL fSURGEON Graduate of Northwestern University, Chicago, and also of American College of Dental Surgeory. All the latest and Improved branched os' Dentistry carefully performed. Office over Pfunds store. v " i 11 ■> f 3- J •* ■ Jg H. BENEDICT, LAWYER, .: *-V Office lb the Judge Roberta building, north of O. O. Border's lumber yard, ONRULL, NBB. R. R. DICK HON ATTORNEY AT LAW Reference First National Bank O'NEILL. NEB M. P. KINKAID LAWYER Offloe over Elkhorn Valley Bank. O’NEILL, NEB, ARNEY STEWART, PRACTICAL AUCTIONEER. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address, Page, Neb {f, 3, KING ATTORNEY-AT.LAW | • O’NEILL I wish to announce to my friends and former patrons, as well as all new comers, that I have opened an office in O’Neill and resumed the practice of law, and will give prompt and careful attention to all business intrusted to me; will practice before the United States land office and government departments, at tend to notary business, do shorthand and typewriter work when wanted, and will give lessons in shorthand if desired. Medico-legal cases a specialty. Office front room over land office. I^EAJ. ESTATE. Selling and leasing farms and ranches Taxes paid and lands inspected for non residents. Parties desiring to buy or rent land owned by non-residents give me a call, will look up the owners and procure the land for you. A. B. NEWELL, REAL ESTATE AGENT. O’NEILL, NEB P. D< A J. F. MULLEN, PBOPBixToas or thb GOOD TEAMS, NEW RIGS Prices Reasonable. i UNION MEAT MARKET, CHOICE LINE OF FRESH AND SALT MEATS, GAME IN SEASON. FRED C. GATZ. PROP :r i m Laris for Sale or Lease i 5 8 18 14 % 1 80 29 29 83 31 83 31' 10 70 11 v 12 15 16 i nw ei sw no, •nr «e nw .For information in detail James C. Young Land company, se se sw sw nw nw - s| ne 7 8 24 17 7 29 29 82 81 31 10 10 11 13 10 address No. 304 Ouaranty Loan bldg., Minneapolis, Min. IT' IS Wp / ^ Yet we- ~ ryDoiSy ilflflc nM ....li-/ * ‘ "’f? '» rVv / makes ar.il. its IIUI c»U:\,^ijr - more innli' to* * 1 *'J ***** *' “ c*lt know ^r. That the New Hom^ Sewimr Machino • ^<£alSi nearly ait the other eon pa il ies cozubii. Jd. Sewing- Machino Company of Orango, Bias?., Their No. 18'Kcw Ilcae Drop Hend is Selling it iso Hot Cakes. SEE IT BEFORE YOU BUY AMY OTHER! It ts tie most handsomo machine you ever saw. Ttls entirely automatic—cannot ret outr of order. Double feed with SCIENTIFIC TREADLE MOTION that urea not make your bar k ache. No other kind just an good* Steel bearings. Will last a llfe-timo. It runs easier and costs no more than a common everyday machine. 20 other kinds from $19.00 up. We discount all Big far- M gain prices. ' Why not buy where yoirean get the » for your money! Every Machine fully cuorni.b cu. ¥: Needles. Oil ami Repairs for any machine. Send or-* •oecial Hat, or call on our agent. IBS NEW BOMS BEWIHO H^CIillTS Co., 6t. lottii. ^0. O r BIGLIN, C'NEILL HOTEL _ $8| Refurnished# Refitted *4$$ ' Only First-class Hotel In the City W. T. EVANS, Prop Watch this paper for other verjej, lx NyV'ft" i^Thf Judge" rode on bub htf" thought , all day i M 0fjRr€tuy Maudes she raked the hay. And the. bonnet so. dainty that made her crown., •ArtattiejedtfmM .that circled her Rankles bro So he sent a note from his courtroom old. To a lady wealthy, but proud and cold. . r And he told her that he had lost his heart ^ To the bonnetted party of the firjt part WYTHE CUTE AND COQUETTISH MAUD MULLER. BONNETSWGGINGS All live dealer* sell them. Made by the RIDER—WALLIS CO., Manufacturers of White Elephant Clothing DUBUQUE IOWA RESPONSIBLE PARTIES CAN PURCHASE THE RENOWNED TEMPLE BICYCLES j ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS WE WILL SELL YOU NEW MACHINES LISTED AT $60, $75, $85, $100 ON TERMS to SUIT GIVE you A LAMP, INSURE YOUR WHEEL againstTHcrf, reeb t«e nVsHIBt ' IN REPAIR WITHOUT CHARBg : Send for Catalogue. Correspondence Invited Ralph Temple Cycle Co. 204 35th ST., CHICAGO, ILL. s Ellis with your name apd adcjresa ppintp4 on ihejp ONLY 50C! The cheapest way to buy for those wanting small quantities Stye Frontier.