ROYAL T ^BSOLUKIYIPUBE BAKING Powder Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ROYAL RAHma ROWBRW 00-. W«w YORK. _ Millions Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern which is not ofraid to be generous. The proprietors of Dr. King’s New Discovery for con sumption, coughs and colds, have given away over 10,000,000 trial bottles and have the satisfaction of knowing jt has cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asth ma, bronchitis, la grippe and all throat, chest and lung diseases rre surely cured by it. Call at Corrigan’s and get a free trial bottle. Regular size 50c and $1. Every bottle guaranteed. School Boy* Bala* Demor* Wed. —A New York superintendent of schools says: "We have had more cases of corporal punishment to inves tigate this year than usual. Our boys seem more than ever given to fighting. I think It is due to the way in which most of the newspapers exploit the do ings of prise fighters. Not only is a great deal of space devoted to prize fights, but the pugilists and scenes at the ringside are fully illustrated. Now, all this has a bad effect on the boys and is the cause of most of their dis orderly acts. The Best in the World. We believe Chamberlain's cough rem edy is the best in the world. A few weeks ago we suffered with a severe cold and troublesome caugb, and having read their ads in our own and other papers we purchased a bottle to see if it would effect us. It cured us before the bottle was half used. It is the best medicine oat for colds and cough.—lierald, And ersonville, Ind. For sale by Corrigan. Nearly ever person needs a tonic med icine at this time of the year to brace up and invigorate the neverous system, to cleans the bowels, liver and kidneys. Herbine is the best and safest remedy to do this, as it will constipation, regulate the liver and enrich the blood. Price 50c.—Cprrigan. _ F.E.&M.V.andS.C.&P RAILROADS. TRAINS DEPARTt GOING BAST. . Passenger east. No. 4, 9:57 a. »i Freight east. No. 24, 124)1 p. m Freight east, No. 28, 2:85 p. u. going was*. Passenger west. No. 8, 9:40 p. m Freight west. No. 27, - 9:15 p. u Freight, No, 28 Local 4:10 p. u. The Rlkhorn Line le now running Reclining Chair Cars dally, between Omaha and Dead - wood, free to holders of first-lass transpor tation. Per any Information call on E. R. ADAMS, Aot. O’NKILL. NIB REAL ESTATE CATTLE AND SHEEP RANCHES GRAIN AND HAY FARMS For Sale 4» and Lease I ' : ' ''' f . V , ■ PRICES LOW AND TERMS EASY . M. LYONS EMMET, NEB. SDPEBflSOB DOMES Merritt Martin J P Mullen, election apply on tax 97 and 98 Tkos. F Malloy, election Alex Marinr, eleetion apply on tax of 98 J K Morrison Jr., election J G Morrow, co. Supt. Volney Millspaugb, election F J Manchester, election II H Murry, election Isaac MilMpaugh, eleotion C W Moss, election . W H Mullen, election J H Meridilb, election apply on tax of 98 Maurice Malloy, election apply on tax of 97; Edward Mullen, election Ed Miller, election M F Norton, surveyor J M McCoy, election Stephen McGinnis, election Stephen Mcoinnis, delivering $15 25,allowed John MoGreevy, election V W McDonald, election P J McManus, supplies J J Nachman, election W H Newman, election J H McAllister, coroners jury apply on lax of 98 Omaha Printg. Co. supplies Omaha Printg, Co. supplies Wm. O’Conner, night watch Thos A Phillips, election B A Powell, election James Petr, election E L Purdy, election Paddock Twp, election Mike Rotherham, election John Robertson, election R K Ramsey, election T S Roche, election J R Reitz, election J H Ripp, election A L Rouse, eleotion Silas Rohr, election J A Robertson, election Geo A Raker, Printg. Procee-Jg. $ 5.60 8.00 6.78 7.00 4.00 8.80 4.00 102.00 4.00 4.00 400 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 400 4 00 4 00 65 00 4 00 7 10 ballots, 12 00 4 00 4 00 84 00 8 50 4 00 2 10 49 95 238 80 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 3 00 3 00 12 00 12 50 13 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 of Co. Board 916.00. allowed 10 05 August Reimers, election 4 00 Claience Selab, Court Costs 4 80 »• •’ " ” 14 85 " ” ” 10 00 R E Slaymaker, election 9 00 H Stearns, election 7 80 Ftank Sbober, election 8 80 John S Schneider, eleotion 4 00 S8immons election 4 00 J J Stillson, election 4 00 John Sullivan, election 4 00 August Schreier, election 4 00 School diet. No. 128, election 3 00 ” " ’’ 203 ” 3 00 State Journal Co., supplies 59 75 A Sivesind, election 4 00 Bohool diet. No. 184, eleotion 6 00 R J Starr, Surveyors Chain’n 6 0O School dist. No. 18, election 3 00 J E Senteney, election 4 00 School disf No. 24, election 3 00 " •* " 11 8 00 John M Stewart. Sheriff 10 50 Emil Sniggs 6 05 8chool dist. No. 144, election 3 00 Wm. P Simar, supervisor 12 00 Stockwell B F election 4 00 ffm. Sawyer, election 4 00 H W Transue, election 8 00 J N Tibbets, election 6 50 apply on tax 8 H Truasell, election 4 CO S L Thompson, election 4 00 J W Tulk, election 4 00 Fred Turner, election 4 CO Mary Tierney, board of Noah 44 00 DrB T Trueblood, Physician 5 00 ” " " ” ” 5 00 P T Thompson, Painting 5 0O John T Walker, election 4 00 AE Wilson, election ■ 7 50 J H Wilson, eleotion 8 20 J L Waggener, election 8 50 Robert Wright, 4 00 Emma E Walker,stenographer 40 00 Mheo Walmer, supplies 1 15 B T Winchell, election 4 00 Emma E Walker 40 00 E Workman, eleotion 4 00 Geo W Wilson, election 4 00 Peter Weber, election 4 00 Matt Ziemens, election 4 00 Claim of Geo. A Raker of $128.60 for printing delinquent tax list was allowed in sum of $119.00 and 111 15 applied on tax of 1898 and warrants ordered drawn for the amounts against Advertising fund. Upon motion the official bond of Frank H. Charles Constable for Cham* bers Twp. was approved. On motion it was resolved that the members of tbe Soldiers Relief com mittee shall not be allowed a salary to exceed tbe sum of 825.00 per year each. On motion Board adjourned until 8 a. m. March, 24. 1900. Neuralgic pains, rheumatism, lumbago and sciatic pains yield to the penetrating influence of Ballard's Snow liniment. Price 25c and 50c.—Corrigan. Page Items. Farming has began in earnet. Small grain is nearly all sowed. Several car loads of cattle have been shipped in tha past week. A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Townsend Tuesday. A daughter was born to Charles Allen and wife the 9th. A town pum is a new improve ment for Page. One of the twin babies of Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams is ill. George Hunts, who has for a long time been on the sick list, ij 'slowly recovering. Meadames Hunt _and Chase were O’Neill visitors Friday. Air. Shufflebother, oar obliging station agent, has moved his family to Inman. We understand that M. E. Stanfield is to take his place in the depot. A birthday surprise party was given Ernest Frink last Thursday evening and a^royal good time was had by his many friends who at tended. Constable Stewart had the satis faction of capturing the thief that stole Mr. Candee’s horses. Stafford Sayings. Mrs. Brobst went to Ewing Wed nesdyy. John Carr and Mr. and Mrs. Dan O’Donnell were at OJNeill Thursday. Jim Horton is working on the bridges with Boy Townsend. Roy Towsend now bears the dig nified title of uncle. Mrs. Dan Grady went to Ewing Monday on a visit to friends. Mr. Reed has purchased the French farm at «a consideration of $2,700. He will have a house erected at once. A number of invited guests as sembled at the Larson home on Thusday evening last to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Pete Larson. The bride and groom received a num ber of handsome presents. After partaking of a delicious repast the guests repaired to their homes, hav ing spent a very pleasant evening. In almost every neighborhood there is someone whose life has been saved by Chamberlain’s colic,cholera and diarrhoea remedy or who has been cured of chron ic diarrhoea by the use of that medicine. Such persons make a point of telling of it whenever opportunity offers, hoping that it mav be the means of Saving oth ers. For sale by Corrigan. T ’»«* llurtes of I lie doers. The -artillery and cavalry horses of the Leers have all been inoculated the “tsetse fly” and rinderpest, joth of which are apt to play havoc ,vith green horses in that district. Canada In Case of Invasion. Canada is self-supporting, but In ivent of an attack being made upon the lominlon Britain would have to pro ride both army and navy for its de fense. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and a bottle of Ballard’s Horebound syrup used in time is worth a staff of physicians with a drug store or two included. Price 25c and 50c.—Cor rigan. _, Zfrgro Kmptojment In UTMhlnjrton. The condition of the negro in Wash ington haa been made the subject of Investigation by John W. Ross,who for 12 years has been one of the district commissioners. In the district govern ment as officials, ck .ts and messen £ers are 50 negroes receiving annua' salaries aggregating $28,000. There are 40 negroes on the police force it various capacities drawing 31,400 f year, while there are 500 negro mer and women in the school system a teachers, whose yearly pay is $290,000 These, with the negroes in various pub lie Institutions and the water, stree and sewer departments, bring the to tal up to 2,600, drawing an annual com pensatlon of about $1,000,000. A Horrible Outbreak. “Large sores on my little daughter’s head developed into a case of scaldhead” writes C D Iebill of Morgantan, Tenn., “but Bucklen’a Arnica salye completely cured her.” Its a guaranted cure for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, pimples, sores, uloers and piles. Only 2fio at Corrigan's. _ White’s Cream Vermifuge not only effectually distroys worms, it also in creases the appetite, aids assimilation and transforms a frail infant into one of robust health. Price 25c.—Corrigan. Most women with female weakness suffer dreadfully from piles in addition to their other pains. They may be cured by using Tabler’s Buckeye pile ointment. Price 50c io bottles; tubes75c.—Corrigan To PATENT Good Idiu may be secured by our aid. Address, THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore. M4. Subscriptions to The Potent Record si-00 per annum. Start the Year Right. By this we mean that if you are not already a subscriber to the The Ne braska State Journal you should become one at once. The Journal is Nebraska’s old reliable. Being published at the state capital it prints more news of in terest to Nebraskans than any other paper in the state. Many of its patrons have been subscribers for over a quarter of a century. The Journal has built up a tremendous business by its push and energy and the paper stands at the head of the column. Its daily and Sunday issues not only contain all the current news of the world, but are filled with special features. The Semi-Weekly Journal, which by many is called “the farmers’daily,” gives 104 papers a year for $1.00 and is one of the greatest bargains ever offered readers. The year 1900 will be a record-breaker with The Journal, as 1899 has been. Join theaimy of readers for the coming pres idential campaign. WANTED—Honest man or woman to travel for large house: salary C65 monthly and expenses, with increase; position permanent; inclose self-address ed stamped envelope. Manager 830 Caxton bldg., Chicago. Candles Nothing else adds bo much to the charm of the drawing room or boudoir as the softly radi ant light from CORDOVA Candles. Nothing will contribute more to the artistic success of the luncheon, tea or dinner. The best decorative candles for the simplest or the most elaborate function—for cot tage or mansion. Made in all colors and the most delicate tints by STANDARD OIL CO. and sold everywhere. Faro Lands for Sale or Lease nw 5 29 10 ej 8W 8 29 70 ne 18 32 11 sw 14 31 12 se 1 32 15 nw 30 31 16 For information se se 7 29 10 bw a w 8 29 10 nw 24 82 11 nw 17 81 13 sine 7 31 16 in detail address James C. Young Land company, No. 304 Guaranty Loan bldg., Minneapolis, Min. . KING . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW | O’NEILL . I wish to announce to my friends and former patrons, as well as all new comers, that I have opened an office in O’Neill and resumed the practice of law, and will give prompt and careful attention to all business intrusted to me; will practice before the United States land office and government departments, at tend to notary business, do shorthand and typewriter work when wanted, and will give lessons in shorthand if desired. Medico-legal cases a specialty. Office front room over land office. IT IS NO Yet eve rybody SECRET That the New Home Be wing Machine Company of Orange, Mass., makes and sella more machines every day than nearly all the other compa nies combined. Their No. 18 New Home Drop Head Is Selling; like Hot Cakea. SEE IT BEFORE YOU BUY ANY OTHER! It Is the moat handsome machine you ever saw. It is entirely automatic—cannot pet out of order. Double feed with SCIENTIFIC TREADLE MOTION that does not make your back ache. No other kind just as good. 8tcel bearings. Will last a 11 fe-time. It runs easier and costs no more than a common everyday machine. 80 other kinds from 119.00 up. We discount all Big Bar gain prices. Why not buy where you can get the most For your money? Every Machine fully guaranteed. Needles. Oil and Repairs for any machine. Send for special list, or call on our agent. css ssw sous siwiaa hachms co.. m. tod*, so. O F BIGLIN, O'NEILL P. D. A J. F. MULLEN, PROPRIETORS CP THE GOOD TEAMS. NEW RIGS Prices Reasonable. * Watch this paper for other verses. ^The Judge* rode on but htf* thought all day pretty Maud as she ^ , raked thehay. ^ And the. bonnet so. dainty ^^Pthat nude ,-^Fher crown., > Andthe leggings vihat circled her Rankles So he sent a rote from his courtroom old. To a lady wealthy, but proud and cold. And he told her that he had lost his heart To the bonnetted party of the first part BUY THE CUTE AND COQUETTISH MAUD MULLER. BONNETSSSLEGGINGS All live dealers sell them. Made by the RIDER—WALLIS CO., Manufacturers of White Elephant Clothinf „ DUBUQUe IOWA .f"T*rft .1. - LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department op the Interior. Land Or pice at 0'Neil.d. Neb. March 13, 1900. Notice Is hereby Riven that the following named settler has filed notice of his lDtent* tion to make final proof in support of his flaim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at O’Neill. Nebraska, on Slav 2, 1900. viz: ELIZA J. DODGE, nee Cunnell, T. C. E., No. 6671, for the h.% SVVS4. SEX, section 6, township 28 north, range 10 west. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and culti vation of said land viz: N.W. Haynes. C. A. Moore, W. T. Sliiveley, E. S. Kinch. all of O'Neill, Neb. 37-fit S.J. Wiekes, Register. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOET COUNTY, NEBRASKA. Ella H. Blosser, Plaintiff, V8 John W. Blosser, defendant. Notice To John W. Blosser, non-resident defend ant: You are hereby notified that on the 4th day of April, 1900, the plaintiff, Ella H. Blosser. filed a petition against you in the district court of Holt county. Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from you on the ground that you are now and have been for the past two years an habitual drunkard, and for the reason thst you being of sufficient ability to provide suitable maintenance for her, have grossly, wantonly and cruelly refused and neglected so to do; and that she be decreed to be the owner of in fee simple and that you have no Interest in lot 7. in block 37. in the city of Washington, Kansas, and for other equitable relief. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 14th day of May, 190U’ Dated April 13, 1900. 40-4 Ella H. Blosser, Plaintiff. By R, R. Dickson, her Attorney, NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Department of he Interior. Land Office at O’Neill, Neb. Jan .l 2,1900.—Notice Is ereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before register and receiver at O Neill, Neb., on May 29, 1900, viz: A JAME8 Q AUG HEN BAUGH T.C. E. No. «14 for the west half southeast quarter, strath south .half southwest quarter section . 31, towustilp 29, n range latest. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and culti vation of said land, viz: M. B. Hiatt, Ale* Maring, J. H. Marlng and Emery Herrick, all of O’Neill, Nebraska. ' , ■ 41-flnp B. J. Weekes, Register. NOTICE FOR HUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office at O’Neill, Neb., April 11,1900. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proor In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receivor at O’Neill, Nebraska, on May 1H, 1600, viz: PRINCE T. STEVENS, H. E. No. 14E80, for the weft half northwest quarter section 13. township 29, north range 9 west. He names the following gltnessea to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: E. M. Waring, of Middlebranch, Charles Blaine, of Page. J. D. Bright, of Venus, J. B. Stephens, of Middle branch, ^Nebraska. _ . . 41-6np S. J. Weekes, Register. APPLICATION FOR DRUGGIST’S PERMIT. Matter of application of Gllligan & Stout for liquor license. T# the mayor and city council of the city of O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska: Notice is hereby given that Gilllgan & Stout have tiled thier petition with the city clerk of O’Neill. Holt county, Nebraska, for a drug gist’s license to sell malt, spirituous and vin ous liquors for medical, medicinal mechani cal and chemical purposes, at O’Neill, Grat tan township, Holt county, Nebraska, from May 2, 1900, to April 30, 1901. If there be no objections, remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks prior to the 2d day of May, 1900, said license will be granted. 41-2 Gillioan & Stout, Applicants. APPLICATION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. Matter of application of Thomas Campbell for liquor license. ... To the mayor and city council of the city of O'Neill, flolt county, Nebraska: Notice is hereby given that Thos. Campbell has filed his application with the city clerk of O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska, for license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors in O’Neill, Grattan township, Holt county Nebraska, from the 1st day of May, 1900, to the 30th day of April, 1901. If there be no objections, remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks prior to the 1st day of May, 1900, the said license will be granted. Thomas Campbell, Applicant, _ APPLICATION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE Matter of application of frm. Lavlollette for liquor license. To the mayor and city council of the city of O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska: Notice is hereby given that William La vlollette has filed his application with the city clerk of O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska, for license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors In O’Neill, Grattan township. Holt county. Nebraska, from the 1st day of May 1900, to the 30th day of April, 1901. If there be uo objections, remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks prior to the 1st day of M ay, 1900, the said license will be granted. 42-2 William Laviollettv, Applicant. APPLICATION FOR DRUGGIST PERMIT. Matter of application of P. C. Corrigan for liquor license. To the mayor and city council of the city of O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska: Notice is hereby given that P. O. Corrigan has filed his petition with the city clerk of O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska for a drug gist’s license to sell malt, spirituous and vin uous liquors for medical, medicinal, mechan ical and chemical purposes, at O’Neill, Grat tan township. Holt county. Nebraska, from May 1, 1900, to April 30,1901. If there be no objections, remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks prior to the 1st day of May, 19U0, said license will be granted. 42.2 P. C. COKKIGAN, Applicant. Order For Hearing of Final Aocount. In the matter of the estate of L. F. Kemple deceased In the county court of Holt county. Now on the 14th day of April, 1900, came John Sklrving, the administrator of said estate, and prays for leave to render an account as such executor. It is therefore ordered that the 15th day May, 1900, at 2 o’clock, n. m., at my office in O.Neill, be fixed as the time and place for examing and allowing such account. And the heirs of said deceased, and all persons interested la said estate,,are required to ap pear at the time and place designated, and show cause, if such exists, why said aocount should not be allowed. It is further ordered that said John Sklrving. administrator, give notice to all persons interested in said estate, by causing a copy of this order to be pub lished in The Frontier, a newspaper printed and in general circulation in said county, for four weeks prior to the day set for said hearing Dated April 14 1900. 42-4 Clarence Selah, County Judge. HOTEL --JAVANS Enlarged Refurnished Refitted Only First-class Hotel In the City W. T. EVANS, Prop O'NEILLBUSINESS DIRECTORY specialties: Eve, EAR, Nose AND THROAT Spectftolef correctly fitted and Bopplied O’NCILL, NEB. nit. P. J. FDYNN PHYCIAN AND SURGEON Office over Mann’s store. Night calls promptly attended. £)R. J. P. GILUIGAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office in Holt County Bank building ' Orders left at our drug store or at my residence first street north and half block east of stand pipe will receive prompt response, as I have telephone connections. O’NEILL, - NEB. J^R. G. M. BERRY, DENTIST AND ORAL SURoVlN Graduate of Northwestern University, Chicago, and also of American College of Dental Surgeory. All the latest and Improved branches of Dentistry carefully performed. Office over Pfunds store. P^H. BENEDICT, LAWYER, Office In the Judge Roberts building, north of O. O. Suvder's lumber yard, O NRILL, NRII. R. B DICKSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Reference first National Bank O'NEILL. NEB M. P. KINKAID LAWYER. Office over Elkhorn Valley Bank. O’NEILL, NEB. JJARNKY STEWART, PRACTICAL AUCTIONEER. Satisfaction guaranteed. ' * ' Address, Page.^eb REAL ESTATE. Selling and leasing farms and ranches Taxes paid and lands inspected for non residents. Parlies desiring to buy or rent land owned by non-residents give me a call, will look up the owners and procure the land for you. A. B. NEWELL, REAL ESTATE AGENT. O’NEILL, NEB UNION MEAT MARKET, CHOICE LINE OF FRESH AND SALT MEATS. GAME IN SEASON. FRED O. GATZ, PROP, with your name and address printed on them ONLY 50C The cheapest way to bay for those wanting small quantities 2.1?e Frontier.