9 • ' ■ ■ • ' u ■ i *; -• ; % ' The U Frontier. ■ ■ ■' PUBLISHED BY THE FRONTIER PRINTING CO. SUBSCRIPTION, SI.SO PER ANNUM. D. H. CRONIN EDITOR ANO MANAGER. r M VOLUME XX. O’NEILL. HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA. APRIL 12. 1900. 1 ; NUMBER 41. v; AAAAAAA A FEW WORDS WITH ... YOU ’0 You have clothing to bay. We have clothing to sell. You want the V best you can get for the money. We want your Jr trade. Other people want it also—and they send you their catalogues and samples and you send your size and money. May be they will fit; may be they wont. If not, you can exchange, but you will then have to pay ex press three times instead of one; and that’s expensive. If you buy from us you will pay no more, and you will see what you are buying before you pay your money. Have you ever worn this brand of clothing: ?.V Tbere is none better in Ameri ca. They fit well; they wear well; they are not expensive. You can buy a suit of us to Bait your purse, whether it be fat or lean. As low as $5 75; as high as $18, and every suit worth one hundred cents on the dollar any place in the land. Ladies’ Suits We sell ladies suits, tdo. Nice, new, nobby, stylish, well made, good fitting, strictly up to date Tailor Made suits. $8.50, $10, *$12, $15—you can’t possibly buy \hem cheaper any place, and you can fit them without paying ex press two or three times. A nice line of ladies’ summer jackets, dress skirts, under skirts and misses’ and children’s cotton dresses just received. Graat Hatfield was at Norfolk Tues day. __ Lew Chapman of Atkinson was in O’Neill Tuesday. O. W. Baker has purchased the Marlin restaurant ___ Don’t forget the dance Easter Mon day evening._ F. A. Seaman, of the Short Line, was m the city last Friday. Judge Westover held a short session of district court yesterday. ~^L. B. Newell departed today tor a landed tripin western Holt. Come in and get your Dutch Uncle riding cultivators at Biglins. 38-tf Visit the R. R photo car near depot. Elegant work at low prices. “Yes” you will want wall paper soon, see Gilligan & Stout’s new patterns. FOR SALE CHEAP—One team of . work horses. O. F. Biglin. The Frontier carries in stock the latest in calling cards. Don’t you want some? Special Easter services will be held at the Episcopal church next Sunday morn ing. _ Cabinets 99 cents and up per dozen. Photo buttons 35 cents each at R. R. Photo Car. _ A big lot of remmanls in wall paper at Gilligan & Stout’s. Come early and get the best selections. 38-tf The work at R. R Ppoto Car cannot be excelled. Call aud see our specimens in Hosy and Platinum finish. The wives, sisters, mothers and daughters of Masons meet tonight to or ganize an Eastern Star lod^e. FOR RENT—320 acre farm, two miles north, with good buildings. En quire of A. B. Newell, O’Neill. John Hopkins came up from Lincoln last Friday evening for a short visit with relatives and friends in this section. Smith Merrel was looking sideways yesterday, owing peradventnre to a stiff neck, contracted from too much cold. Curios and keepsakes from California wood will be on sale Saturday afternoon and evening, April 14, at opera-house. When you want good goods buy the Moline plows, cultivator, harrows, discs and corn planters. O. F. Biglin. 38-tf H. Kloke, of Spencer, was in the city Friday evening on his return from a protracted visit with relatives in Wis consin. _ Strawberries and cream served at the opera house Saturday afternoon April ’4, by the ladies of the Presbyterian cbureh. _ Neil Brennan has the finest line of stoves ever seen in this section of tho country. Call and see him before you purchase. 22-tf Miss Nellie Hageity returned from Fremont last week, in which city she has been attending a musical conservatory the past year. A grand ball will be given at the rink Easter Monday evening- Music by Smith’s orchestra. Everybody, invited and a good time assured. The O’Neill postotfioe on April 2 was made an international money order office and on Wednesday the first foreign money order from this city was written. Will McBride was sworn in Monday as deputy clerk of the court. Mr. Mc Bride’s experience as clerk in that office well qualifies him for the position of deputy. _ Upon the announcement of the fam ous admiral’s candidacy for the presi dency Landlord Lapham laid a new walk and built a new porch in front of the Dewey. _ Neligli Advocate: The cabinet of the Neligb District Epworih League met in Neligh Saturday, March 31. to arrange for the annual convention to be held at O’Neill, June 13, 13 and 14. Easter lillies plants from 75o to $2 for sale by the ladies of the Presbyterian churcb, from Wednesday, April 11, un tit all are soldi On exhibition In din ning room windows at Hotel Evans. Will Whiffield went to Sioux City Sunday to have a crippled foot treated. His foot was injured m an accident last summer and he has suffered considerable pain besides the inconvienoe of impeded navigation. _ Miss Josie D.llou returned last Satur day evening from Fremont where a few days previous she graduated from lit* business oourse of the Fremont Normal. She will make her home in this city with her aunt, Miss Jennie Brooks. Judge Selah last week refused to grant marriage licence to Qk B. Hodges and Blanche Haily, the latter being under statutory age. The couple left Thursday lor South Dakota, wbetna they expected to procure the desired docu ment. _ D. Delaney, the Omaha con true ter, was in the city again Tuesday and Wednes day figuring on the new hotel building. From present indications it seems as if the building was a sure go, but the mat ter will not be finally decided until the first of next week. J. F. Gallagher, for many years station agent on the Short Line at Laurel, is in the otty this week as the representative of the Buckeye Harvesting Machine Co. Jim gaye up railroading in February, being convinced that selling agricultural implements was more remunerative. Adjutant General P. 11 Barry came ; up from Lincoln laat Saturday evening j and spent Sunday in the city visiting j popocratic leaders. It is rumored that ! tbe general's visit was of considerable political importance but wbetber it ! affected himself or one of Holt’s many ambitions, slatasmen is not disclosed. John Warner, a young man residing with, hie mother in O'Neill, was adjudg ed, inaane by the authorities Last Thurs day evening and Friday was taken to tbe asylum at Norfolk. He bad been in tbe asylum previously but came borne about two months ago apparently sane Tbe Presbytery of Niobrara will meet in tbe Presbyterian church of O’Neill next Tuesday evening and will be opened with a sermon by Rev. D. C Montgomery, of Wayne, at 7:30 o’clock. It will continue over Wednesday. Tbe public are invited to attend. N. S. Lowrie. Spencer Advooate: Mr. Doyle marl Mr. Daly of O’Neill, the latter a younger ; brother of Mrs, Coffey, were in Spencer this week. * * The Ditch Com pany brought over a few head of cattle this week and look one hundred beat! back to O’Neill. * * * Miss Mattie Mann of O’Neill is-in.Spencer this week. , Preparations bare been under way during tbe week for the celebration of Easter by tbe several ,churches in the city. ___ The chairman of the connty central committee has called a meeting of the committee for April 20 at O’Neill. The object of the meeting ia to select del egates to the state convention. Wehave four car loads of McCormeck mowers on track this week. This is tbe largest shipment of mowers ever made into Holt county and indicates the mower that tbe farmers purchase. To avoid tbe rush call early.—O., F. Biglin Butte Oazette: Postmaster Arm strong has bought the postoffloe outfit used by ex-Postmaster Doyle ai (Weill and has placed the same in the B«Ue office. It will be painted. re*nai o the distance be. vae h ev Yo. i: n New Orleans. They won!’ '”'m bank of earth about : f et ido th base, eight fo t widt at t • top ~n 13 or 14 feet Mg) . ^ ®so v';" would lose ts t »uta c ’ s won. e in com pa: .or ’vith h m i th i have co t ■ any ‘ailUo" >f plla- • The Boers have given the Englisl troops a few hard blows ihe past tw weeks and those in Great Britian wh thought the war about over are begin ing to realize that it baa juiat got fairl; started. _________ E. B. Benedict has flrst-clras Bnildin and Loan stock for sale or can make yo a loan. 46-tf Hogs brought f4.®Q<*» the streets c | O’Neill yesterday. The Seeds That Never Grow. (Head by Mr. Shattuc of Olilo, in lower bouse April 0.) 1 nearly bate t he though of spring. With Its delightful sun, For well I know the mall will bring. A pack from Washington: A little package, duly franked. No postage stamps to show. And It contains those little seeds— The kind that never grow. Our good and zealous Congressman. Remindful of our vote. Upon his memorandum's page. Futsdown a Utile note. And when the proper time arrives For us to wield the hoe. He sendeth us the little seeds — The ones that never grow. There’s squashes with enticing names. And cabbages. I wot. Bo large that you would think that one Would shade a garden spot; Bo with the pack from Washington You amble forth to sow. With tnauy a drop of sweat, the seeds— That never care to grow. How often have I plied the rake; How oft I've lounged about. With eyes alert to catch the first Signs of the coming sprout: In vain. In vain; my hopes have lied. My heart has tilled with woe. Above the seeds from Washington— The seeds that never grow. Hut yet ea-h year my hopes revive, As spring reclothes the tree. And to my homestead surely comes The package marked *'M. And. foolish like, again I wield The sprinkler and the boo. And, like a ninny, plant the seeds— That never care to grow. K»« >' t « In a f’r tutiorj. The new o... ..ing ol .i N «v Vt*k cre mation company wrs op. tied re.cully with an eu;e;tainment i.i the -.ce ment which wt 1 13 used as a chapel. Tne exercises btgr.a with prayer, fol lowed by singing, noitati-na and per formances on the banjo. ntaitdoMn and xylophone, Ti.t a c.unc a iecUtrj on liquid air and a to', at Ion w.u> S.rv.'d .before the au-lifncc dispersed. _ .Gall aud see the Dutch Girl disc, she is a heap.ty ^ipd worth her weight in goid.. O. F. Biglin. at the y.y. 0'Beill &FOGepy an duriqg., Leijt Von will find ns with » full stock of •*s Salt Fish » Wo have on hand; BULK HERRIKR MACKREL W T W WHITE FISH and in kits wo have Herring, Mackrel, Salt Trout, SittwaterHer* ring, White Fit!) and all kinds ot Canned Salmon, tkrae grades of Cod Fisk tad all kinds of fancy Claused Fish, FRESH OYSTERS. J. P. Gallagher NEW GOODS dress Goods—I have now on display a complete line of dress goods, comprising many of the latest novelties of the season. It will he worth your time to invest igate my line before you purchase your spring suit. Come early for many of the nobby items are being picked up. CLOTHING—My spring stock of clothing is the largest ever shown in this city, and clothing that has the reputation of fitting as well as you could get at the tailor shop. As to value, I will guarantee the best suit ever worn, for the money. HATS—t liave the lieswelle, the best hat on earth and the controller of style. A complete line o*’ headwear from what the infant needs to the miss, lady, boy and man. SHOES—A line ex celling all competition. j Men's blk valoor kid, welt sole, British j toe. ; Men's brown vici kid, welt sole, London & British toe. ! Men’s oxhlood valoor kid, welt sole, opera i toe, tales*. 1 : Men's black vicl kid, i! McK sole, opera toe, i nobby . 350 | Men’s black vici kid, | McK sole, London toe, plain.. 3 00 I I Men’s inn vici kid, McK sole, Oxford toe, plnin. Large line of k&ngeroo calf shoes, cong or bal., at. Miss’ Shoes—I have a large stock ot these goods in spring and wedge heel, opera, London and medi um coin toe at $1.25 and j $1.50 per pair, solid stock guaranteed. Strap Oxford in tan and black in the latest shapes; all sizes in ! children’s shoes. I Ladies’ Fine Shoes— j 1 show the best line ever turned out of the factory; sizes from B to EK’n black and tan. When in need of a pair call for the Ultra, the latest out. NOTIONS—My notion stock is very complete, belts * of latest shapes, new neckwear, kid gloves in all shades > j for ladies and misses; a very lar^e stock of men s dress * I gloves in kid and mo -ha finish; ladies’ silk waist pat terns of very nobby styles in all new silks; spiing jackets and capes are expected this week. Also shirt waists. I will have a beautiful line, (let the choice. ‘ | P. J. McMANUS.