The Frontier. PUBLISHED BY THE FRONTIER PRINTING CO. •UBBORIPTION. SI.BO PER ANNUM. 0. H. CRONIN "CDITON AND MANAGER. ■ VOLUME XX. O’NEILL, HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA, SEPTEMBER 14, 1899. NUMBER 11. It. II, Jenuess spent Sunday in Atkin son. _ Buy your machine oil of Gilligan & Stout. Gif Apples 75c per bushel. O’Neill Gro cery Co. The board of supervisors are in session today. — Glass tumblers 3Dc per dozen. O'Neill Grocery Co. John McHugh was up from Sioux City Sunday. We want to sell you machine oil Gil ligan & Stout. _ 6tf Remember Gilligan & Stout sell school supplies. 9 Mrs. Jerry McCarty was an Atkinson visitor Sunday. Mrs. J. M. Stewart went down to Omaha last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hammond went down the road last Tuesday. Mr. Fred F. Wiffso, of Dnstin, was a caller at this office Monday. Miss Connolly, of Norfolk, was in the city last week visiting friends. A. J. Zingre, of the Nye Schneider Co , was in the city tbis morning. , M. H. Gustin, of Fairmont, is now employed in Mann’s harness shop. Miss Kittie Dwyer went to Omaha Tuesday to have her eyes treated. John Kay and George Butler, of Ewing were in the city Tuesday. C. W. Moss, ex-supervisor, was in from Amelia Monday and Tuesday. Samuel Burge is erecting a commodi ous barn in the western part of town. Wanted—Prairie chickens. Will pay highest market price C. E. Hall. Mr. Clark, a member of the stick and rule society, was in the city over Sun day. ) Emil Sniggs is buildiDg a thirty-foot addition to his blacksmith and wagon Bhop E. U. Benedict has first-class Building and Loan stock for sale or can make you a loan. 46-tf For teeth and photos, go to Dr. Cor bett's parlors 23rd 10 30tb, of each month. 30if The Lord’s Supper was commemorated Sunday evening at the Presbyterian church. Revenue Collector Carl Seeley is in the city today looking after business in his line. Baker & Laphan are building an ad dition to their barn to be used for their buggies. — Will Kleffner, our active short-stop in the ball team, left for Omaha Tuesday morning. O. E. Davidson and daughter, Dora, went down to Sioux City yesterday morning. Every school child buying a tablet at our store will get a lead pencil free. Gil ligan & Stout, 9 Will Zink went down to Coleridge Monday to assist that team in a couple of games this week. Misses Mary and Nellie Hershiser left Tuesday morning for Utah, where they will visit for a time. Miss Helen Lowrie went to Lincoln Monday morning where she .will attend school llie coming year, Harry Wilson and wife, of Chambers, visited with E Perrin and wife for a couple of days last week. Frank Kiernan was down from At kinson a few days last week to visit the family of Mrs L Cress Art Coykcndall went down to Neligh Sunday morning whei; he has accepted a position on the Advoca'e. Will and Ed Purdy and N. C. John son were Short Line passengers bound for Sioux City this morning. In the absence of Rev. Hutchinson at Inman Sunduy morning, the M. E. pul pit will be occupied bv Mr Blain. * During a little run away Sunday, a horse struck one of the city water h>drants, breaking it off entirely. The great success of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the treatment of bowel complaints has made it standard over the greater part of the civilized world. For sale by P. C. Corrigan. STOHiii.. t The Kind You Have Always I r# John Peters, postmaster at Albion, was in the city last Sunday visiting at the home of his brother-in-law, Clarence Selab. R. C. Wry, of the Chambers Bugle, was in the city yesterday on his way to attend the Grand Army encampment at Lincoln Charles Stout left for Tekamah yes terday morning, being called there on account of the seriouB illness of bis brother. John Davidson was among the O’Neill pilgrims who went to the G. A. R. state encampment at Lincoln Wednesday morning. Mrs. Elizabeth Hamilton and daugh ter, Miss Carrie, left for Albion Monday last where they will visit friends for a few weeks. Miss Martha Smith returned from Meadow Grove Sunday evening. She has been visiting at that place for the past month. A Washington special of the 9th inst. states that Michael D. Long has been admitted to practice before the Interior department. Will Whitfield left for Sioux City WednesJay morning where be will re main the rest of the week viewing Car nival sights. A fine line of buggies and carriages, fully warranted throughout. Call and see them if you want a good bargain. Neil Brennan. T. II. Haller, of Blair, had a carload of apples in this city last week most of which he retailed at the car for sixty cents a bushel. Mike Siegel went to Norfolk Sunday to get his butchers’ tools, as he intends to open a meat market in Spencer about the 18th of this month. Judge Kinkaid received a dispatch Monday morning that his sister had died in Virginia. He took the train Tuesday morning for that state. Sanford Parker arrived from Omaha Monday night and left for Spencer Tuesday morning. He reports a good time at the Exposition. Rev. N. S. Lowrie started to Lincoln Monday morning to attend the state convention of the prohibitionists to which he was a delegate. Mrs. Neil Brennan, Mrs. W. J. Grey, Mrs Patrick Hagerty and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Cole went down to Sioux City this morning. Removal clean-up at the old postofflee stand. All goods will be sold at great reduction for the ensuing 15 days at the Doyle old post office, O’Neill, Neb. The Junior and Senior Epworth Leagues united in a special service at the M. E. church Sunday evening. This took the place of the regular evening sermon. The Nve-Sclineider Co., have moved their office from near the elevator to front on Fourth street and have put in scales and will hereafter weigh their own grain John Welsh, formerly an O’Neill boy, but now a prospeross groceryman of South Omaha, arrived in town Tuesday evening for a short visit with friends and relatives. Fred Raymr.ud says the Frontier err ed last week in stating that he made a trip to Iowa to get married. He says he was just looking atter the preliminary arrangements. It pays to get your buggies where you know goods are always as represented. Neil Brennan’s guarantee is always good and his line of goods the best. See him before buy ing. 31f E. M. Ogle is talked of as the republi can nominee for supervisor from the Sixth district. He is a popular and prominent republican living in Green Valley township. i As an external liniment of most won derful penetrative and curative power, BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT is not equaled bv any other in the world. Price 25 and 50 cts. P. C Corrigan, John Skirving and T. V. Golden went down to Lincoln yesterday morning to spend a few day8 at the state encamr 1 ment of the Grand Army of the Repub lic. _ A deseased liver declares itself by mo rosemess, mental depression, lack of en ergy, restlessness, melancholy and con stipation. UEIiBINE will restore the liver to a healthy condition. Price 50c. P. C. Corrigan. Dan Fitinigan, late of Company B. First Nebraska, arrived home last Sat urday evening. For one who has been through the severe Philipine campaign he looks tine and is evidently none the worse of! for his trip to the far east. Miss Elva Berry came io from Pad* dock Tuesday, and took the Short Line passenger Wednesday morning for Sioux City where she will visit relatives for a couple of weeks. We are pleased to note a decided im provement in the health of Romaine Saunders, and hope that this time Le may fullv recover from his long and tedious illness and soon be with us again. Mrs. F. C. Gatz returned Tuesday eyening from a week’s visit in Omaha and Fremont. Miss Tena accompanied her to Omaha, but stopped at Fremont on her return where she will attend the normal. Miss Flora Lowrie, of O’Neill, and Miss Willa Allen, of Madison, are in town today, the quests of Miss Elizabeth Sharpless. The young ladies are on their way to O’Neill from Madison.— Norfolk News. The Presbyterian church of South Fork will be dedicated Sunday, Sept. 24 Rev. S. F. Sharpless will preach at 11 o’clock, a. m., and at 2 o’clock, p. m. Everyone cordially invited. Rev. N. S. Lowrie, pastor. This week J. B. Mellor removed the barn, which stood touth of the Metbo disb church, to a location near where the Frontier office used to be, and will build an addition to it, making a large and roomy barn. The most delicate constitution can safely use BALLARD’S HOREHOUND SYRUP. It is a sure and pleasant rem edy for coughs, loss of voice, and all throat and lung troubles. Price 25 and 50c. P. C. Corrigan. WHITES CREAM VERMIFUGE is perfectly harmless, and will remove every worm. It is also a tonic, and by its strengthening properties will restore to pale cheeks the rosy hue of health. Price 25 cts. P. C. Corrigan. You may bridle the appetite, but you can not bribe the liver to do its work well. You must be honest with it, help it along a little now and then with a dose of HERBINE, the best liver regu lator. Price 50 cts. P. C. Corrigan. Many readers of the Frontier will no doubt rejoice at seeing the opening of a new serial in this issue. It is en titled “That Mysterious Major,’’ and those who enjoy continued stories will, we hope, find this one interesting. Stuart Ledger: Miss Blanche Adams and Miss Bently, of O’Neill, were guests at the home of T. C. Galleker, Wednes day night. They were on their way to Long Pine to arrange quarters for H. H. Bently, who will be taken there for his health. TABLER’S BUCKEYE PILE OINT MENT relieves the intense itching, It soothes, heals and cures chronic cases where surgeons fail. It is no experi ment its sales increase through its cures. Every bottle guaranteed. Price, 50 cts. in bottles, tubes 75 cts. P. C. Corrigan. The ball team returned Monday morn ing from their tour of the Hills where they played seven games, winning six of them. Last Sunday t'