Chambers Bugle: W. L. Holcomb received serious injuries from an infuriated horse a few days ago. He had been pun ishing the animal, which had be cpme troublesome in the team. After giving the animal a well de served thrashing, he went to the head of the team to straighten up the tangle, when the horse made a sudden charge at him with his mouth open when Mr. Holcomb put up his hand to ward off the attack, the animal caught his hand in his mouth holding it in a vice-like grip began throwing him about in a violent manner, all the while chewing his hand. It was some time before he could release himself, and when he did, bis wounds were found to be severe. He is carrying the hand in a sling. David E. Eisele, postmaster at Saltillo, Neb., was visiting his par ents last week. We had the pleasure of a visit from him Sunday evening. He went by stage Monday morning to O’Neill where he took the train for his home. Dave says he prefers living here to any other place he knows of and it is possible that he may yet return to Holt county, where he is the owner of 320 acres of valuable farming and grazing land. Fred Kiltz has purchased what is known as the Crook farm, bought from John Comstock & Co., through their agent, M. L. Wintermote, the consideration being $1,200. South Fork land is advancing at a rapid rate. Those who desire to obtain land in this fertile portion of Holt county will be obliged to lose no time, as every available quarter sec tion is being sought out and pur chased by persons who are just now arriving at a realizing sense of the value of property in this, the most prosperous portion of Nebraska. The new Baptist parsonage is now completed. It is a credit to the town and is a monument of unsel fish generosity of a number of the citizens of the town of Chambers and vicinity. The business men of O’Neill and Ewing have the thanks of the members of the Baptist church of Chambers for the aid given ifs in our efforts to provide a com fortable residenco for our beloved pastor and his excellent family. J. D. Grimes, J. E. Harris and lgnatz , Walch, our resident carpenters and Allen Bichard, our professional .mason, have done nobly in donating a portion of their work in the erec tion and completion of the edifice. To all who have given their assistance by contributions of money, material or work, we take the opportunity and in this manner to express the heartfelt thanks of the church and congregation. Independent: E. S. Wier was released from the county jail last Friday, having ser ved his twenty day sentence for at tempting to bribe a juror in the Barrett-Bobertson case. The case against him in county court has been dismissed by the county at torney. Fred Pfunderwent up to Valen tine last Thursday night, where he has accepted a position as foreman in a harness shop. Mr. Pfunder is thoroughly qualified to fill the pos ition to the entire satisfaction of his employer. Mr. Pfunder’s family will remain in O’Neill for the present The fish car passed through O’Neill Friday night and left several oans of trout for the streams of northern Holt county. These streams are already becoming pretty well stocked and it will be but a few years until Holt county will be a favorite resort for the devoted dis ciples of Isaac Walton and head quarters for fish yarns. Peter Kelly of Scottvile, came to town Monday to receive three pure blood Horefords that had been shipped to him from the Hereford farm of Thomas Gormer of Stanton, Nebraska Two of these fine animals were heifer calves, the third was a yearling bull and one of the best and handsomest in the state, bo Mr. Kelly informs us, and was ob * f +.■ . -^4'f tained by him only through the persuasive influence of $200. Mr. Kelley is an enthusiastic and sue cessful stock grower and the keep ing of his herds up to the present high standing of perfection is worthy of emulation by all stockmen in this country. Stuart Ledger: The bridge over the south channel of theNiobrara at Grand Rapids has been declared unsafe by Com missioner Fritchoff, and the public is warned against using it. Alex Schlegel,well known to many Stuartites and to Nebraskans generally has been assigned to duty in Porto Rico as a customs official. Plain Dealer: Extensive prairie fires are, and have been for several days, raging south, southwest and west of town. At night the glow on the clouds in dicates that the whole country is on fire. Considerable loss of property has resulted, but we cannot give the full particulars at this date. Our friend, Isaac Millspaugh, has lost all his outbuildings, chickens, hogs, feed, etc., and barely saved his teams and house. Miner Davis near him lost all outbuildings, feed, hogs, etc. Some one else lost about forty head of sheep, but who it was we did not learn. The afternoon freight was held at Newport three hours yesterday, on account of dangerous fires in the hills between here and there. Fires are still burning in the south and west. A Narrow Escape. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Groton, 8. D.: “Was taken with a bad cold which settled on mv lungs; cough set in and finally ter minated in consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saving I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with mv friends on earth, 1 would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King’s New Dis covery for consumption, coughs and colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank God, I am saved and now a well and healthy woman.” Trial bottles free at at P. C. Corrigan’s drug store. Regular size 50 cents and #1,00. Guaranteed or price refunded. STATE PRESS. State Journal: Director of the mint, George E. Roberts, explains to the six teen-to-wunners that in 1900 the world’s production of gold will equal in value at coinage figures, the entire gold and silver product of 1896. 8o the “per capiter” without any assistance from the soft moneyites, will be just as big as they said it bad to be if we wanted to escape everlasting calamity. But, of course, this will not pacify the crowd. No percapiter will be .large enough for them and they will immedi ately advance the claim that the human race can’t possibly continue to do busi ness at a profit with less than * hundred dollars apiece in 1900. Why not a thousand? _ Fremont Tribune: It is hinted that Joe Bartley is on the point of giving up some state secrets which will cause, some of those who shared in his defal-' cation to also share his imprisonment. Lie has been on the verge of doing this tor a long time. If he would out with it it would doubtless permit several of hiB old cronies to get off the ragged edge. t? ay iic ivepuunctin: tue 1 us ion jirens of the state is busy pointing out to their renders (hat the recent legislature of the state has not foilfield its mission of economy and that it was one whose appropriations . were in excess of the fusion body of 1807. This is true and yet the legislature kept faith with the people and did as promised by the re publican party. The appropriation were in excess of those of 1897, because that legislature in order to make a record for economy or else through lack of knowledge of requinme tt« of the different state institutions did not ap propriate sufficient funds to pay the innning expenses and left pretty twsarly all of them in the hole. These defic iencies had to be provided for by the present body and they did It and being Imen possessed of sufficient brains to realize that there is no true economy in i deficiencies that compel the buyers to pay interest or higher prices for the ;foods purchased when the ready cash is' not forthcoming, have appropriated sufficient to pay all expenses, providing th e fusionista having these institutions in beeping shall exercise common pru dence in the conduct of tberr affairs. It is liest to tell the truth about matters of th is kind and when that is done then j will be no fault found with the repr iblican legislature of 1899 aloug line a of good common sense, practical QC9 nomy. GOOD FOR HARRY. Dawes County Joornal: Harry VV. Mathews arrived in the city this week from Lincoln and has established head quarters in this city in his official capa city as deputy United States collector of internal revenue. Mr. Mathews was appointed the first of the month to this position, succeeding VV. B Eastham, of Broken Bow. He has desided to make his headquarters in Chadron because of it being the most convenient poin t from which to cover the large district over which Mr. Mathews presides in his official capacity. This district includes the entire western half of Nebraska from Broken Bow, on the Burlington, and Valentine,on the Elkhorn, and also takes in the entire Black Hills region. Mr. Mathews will remove his family here from Lincoln as soon as school is out this spring, as he does not care to interfere with the studies of his children at this time. The new revenue collector is a very pleasant gentleman and his removal to Chadron will be welcomed by the citizents here. Mr. Mathews is an old newspaper man, having established the Atkinson Graphic many years ago. He was also connected with other Nebraska newspapers and at one time conducted a bank in Boyd county. His appointment came as a plesant suprise to his many friends. RHEUMATISM CURED. My wife bus used Chamberlain’s Paip Halm for rheumatism with great re lief, I can reccommend it as a splendid liniment for rheumatism and other household use ior which we have found it valuable.—W. J. Cuyler, lied Creek, N. Y. Mr. Cuyler is one of the leading mer chants of this village and one of the most prominent men in this vicinity.— W. G. Phippin, editor Red Creek Herald. For sale by P. C. Corrigan, druggist. The largest sun dial in the world is Hayou Horoo, a large promontory extending 3,000 feet above the Aigean Sea. As the sun swings round the shadow of this mountain touches, one by one, a circle of islands, which act as hour marks. A Frightful Blander. Will often cause a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Halve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, felons, corns, all skin eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. Only 25 cents a box Cure guaranteed. Sold by P. C. Corri gan, druggist. Earthenware sleepers,the invention of Japanese, were recently experimented on at Saimbasti Station, Japan. Fairly | good results were obtained. It is claimed that the increased cost of earthenware sleepers is amply compen sated by their freedom from decay. That Throbbing Headache. Would quickly leave you, if you used Dir, King’s New Life Pills. Thousands of suffers have proved their matchless merit for sick and nervous headaches. They make pure blood I and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by P. C. Corrigan, druggist. According to the Shooter of Random Shots in the Fremont Tribune, John Sprecher has fitally quit waiting for the band wagon and has informed tne gov ernor that life is too short for him to sit on the door step aud sob and sigh for soft snaps. lie will let Uoxie stay in tlie Kearney reform school till the cows come home, for all of him. Mr Sprech er will probably go back to the news paper business or make a pull for chief oil inspector, providing the legislature does not emasculate that law. 8;ain's Greatest Need. Mr. R. P. Olivia of Barcelonla, Spain, spend# this winters at Aiken, ». C. Weak nerves Had caused severe pains in the head. O* using Electric Bittters, America’/! neatest blood aud neive temedy, all pain soon left him. He says | this grand medicine is what his country needs. All America knows that it cures liyer aud kidney trouble, purifies the blood, tones up the siomuch, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve aud organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Every bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. 8old bv P. C. Corrigan, druggist. THAT RAILROAD TRIP you have to take east this spring can be greatly shortened by going via O’Neill and the pacific Short Line. The shortest route to Sioux City; makes close counectious at O’Neill in both directons. Quick connections at Sioux City with the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul. Bay local tickets to a.ud from O’Neill, makes lowest fare. BTi ___ The kind You Have Always Bought PLAY BALL We have the bats, balls, and mitts. Gilligan & Stout, The Druggists. USE THE MILWAUKEE LINE for Chicago, Boston, New York, Phil adelphia, Washington, and all points in the eastern states. Good connections made with all lines east from Chicago. i'niiaoeipnia necoru: me nose uai or the ’’eye hat” as you pleaee, is with us again as the first choice of our summer girl’and with us to stay. Dont say our summer girl knows nothing but how to ’’frivol,” when she relegates her past favorite La pompadour, with its flare front, to obscurity and takes to the drooping brim as soon as there is the slightest prospect Old Sol’s rays kissing her dainty nose tip too lovingly. After she had her nose hat what does she do but straightway pile on masses and masses of lisse, tulle and maline, quilled ruffled,shirred and curbed, accompanied by a whole garden of flowers and foliage. To be in the fashion she tucks a I rhinestone duckle here and there among her diaphanous masses, and then is satisfied that her spring hat is all that is most desirable. “A word to the wise is sufficient” and a word from the wise should be sufficient, but you ask, who are the wise? Those who know. The oft repealed experience of trustworthy persons may be taken for knowledge. Mr. W. M. Terry says Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy gives better satisfaction than any other in the market, lie has been in the drug business at Elkton, Ky., for twelve years; has sold hundreds of bottles of this remedy and nearly all other cough medicines manufactured, which shows conclusively that Chamberlain’s is the most satisfactory to the people and is the best. For sale by P. C. Corrigan, druggist. You will find a complete stock of mixed paints, white lead, linseed oil and all dry colors at Gilligan & Stout, 37tf The Druggists. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of | Every Month there are thousands of wo men who nearly suffer death from irregular menses. Some times the “ period ” comes too often — sometimes not often enough—sometimes the flow is too scant, and again it is too profuse. Each symptom shows that Nature needs help, and that there is trouble in the or gans concerned. Be careful when in any of the above con ditions. Don’t take any and every nostrum advertised to cure female troubles. BRADFIELD’S FEMALE REGULATOR t is the one safe and sure medicine for irregular or pain ful menstruation. It cures all the ailments that are caused by irregularity, such as leucor rhoea, falling of the womb nervousness; pains in the head, back, breasts, shoulders, sides, hips and limbs. By regulating the menses so that they occur every twenty-eighth day, all those aches disappear together. Just before your time comes, get a bottle and see how much good it will do you. Druggists sell it at $i. Send for our free book, “Perfect Health for Women.” t * t THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLAHTA, GA. Rev. Dr. Pepper’s Booh This is one of the most charming uolumes ever written. Consisting of.... HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, TRAVEL, AND PERSONAL SKETCHES. The authoi' i3 REV. GEORGE W. PEPPER The distinguished Methodist minister. Soldier, Patriot, Orator, Preacher. The Champion of Religious Liberty. The Devoted Friend of Ireland and the Irish. *kOue volume. 550 pages, tine paper, bound in cloth. Price Express Paid $2 Send orders to NEIL BRENNAN, O'NEILL NEB LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE OF ATTACHMENT IN JUSTICE COURT. Charles Ilcnistrcet will t ke notice that on the lotIi duy of March, lS'Jt), Michael Slattery a justice of the peace in the village of O’Neill, Holt county. Nebraska, issued an or der of attachment for the sum of SI 30 and 175 probable costs in an action pending before him wherein Enimluger S. Kineh is plaintiff and Charles Heinstreet defendant, that prop erty of the defendant consisting of one bay sweep, one iron wheel hay rake, one twelve disc pulverizer, one Plano hinder and truck, one Walter A Wood single apron binder, one Plano mower, one Press grain drill, one hay stacker, one hog pen, ono riding plow, steel beam, three breaking plows, one improved Peerless five shovel cultivator, one broadcast seeder, one frame shingle roofed barn, ono cattle shed, one water trough, one chicken coop, ono cook stove, posts and wire and pasture fence, one tongueless cultivator, has Been attached under said order. Said cause was continued to the 2l)th day of April, 1800, at ten o’clock a. m„ at which time and place the defendant may appear and defend said cause. Emminoer 8. Kinch. By II. M, Uttlev, Ills Attorney. 37U MASTER S SA1>E. Docket Q, No. 107 In the circuit court of the United States, for the district of Nebraska: The Manliatten Trust Company, complain ant, vs. The Sioux City, O'Neill & Western Railway Company, defendant in chancery. FORECI.OSUHE of mortgage. Public notice is hereby given that in pur suance and by virtue of a decree entered in the above cause on the 7th day of December, 1804. I, E. S. Dundy, jr., master in chancery of the circuit court of the United States for the District of Nebraska, will on t he "(ith day of May, 1800, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon of said day at the front door of the Sioux City, O’Neill & Western Railway depot building in the city of South Sioux City, Dakota county, State and ' District of Nebraska, being its principal place of business in said county and state, sell at public auction for cusli, save as provided in said decree, the following described proper ty, to-wit: All and singular the line of railroad of the Sioux City. O’Neill & Western Railway com pany, in the state of Nebraska, as the same is now constructed, or us the same may be altered hereafter from a point at or near the town of Covington, in the county of Dakota, In the state of Nebraska, to a point about one mile west of the town of O’Neill, in the county of llolt, in said state, passing through the counties of Dakota, Cedar, Wayne, Pierce, Antelope and Holt, together with any side tracks of said main line, and including rights of way, roadbeds made or to be made, tracks constructed or to be constructed, with the culverts, bridges, fences, stations, sid ings, depot and station grounds, and houses, engine houses and machine shops, elevators, stock pens, and all other buildings and erec tions now or hereafter appertaining unto said line of railway, together with ull timber, materials and property purchased or to be purchased, or used for the construction, equipment or operation thereof, and all ma chine shops, fixtures, tools, implements and personal property used therein, or upon, or along, or in connection with the line of said railroad, and all engines, tenders, cars and machinery, and all kinds of rolling stock, w liethcr now owned or hereafter purchased or acquired by said railway company, and all leasehold rights or terminal facilities at Covington, South Sioux City or O’Neill, and all oilier material and property of said com pany, now or hereafter owned or acquired, and all its rights und privileges therein or appertaining thereto, and all franchises or other property, real, personal or mixed, now owned or hereafter acquired by the said rail way company as part of or pertaining to its said railroad, brandies, extensions or any of them iu the state of Nebraska. E. S. Dumiv, Jit., Master in Chancery. John L. Webster, Solicitor for Complainant. liStlO LEGAL NOTICE. James Fanning, defendant, will take notice that on the.iith day of February, 1899. Michael F. Harrington, plaintiff herein, filed his petition iu the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against James Fanning and Patrick J. C'reedon, defandants, the object, and prayer of which arc to foreclose tlio four tax liens hereinafter described. The plaintiff in his first cause of action al leges that in the year 1891 the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section eight, iu township twenty-nine, north of range fourteen, was subject to taxation; that it was duly assessed for taxation In that year and taxes were duly levied thereon in the sum of $4.11. That said taxes were not paid and became delinquent and said premises were duly advertised lor sale in October, 1895 for the delinquent taxes of the year lS'Jf, and on the2!)th day of November, 1895, said prem ises were duly sold by the county treasurer of said county, for the delinquent taxes, to Arthur J. Burchiel for the sum of #5.05 which was the amount of said taxes, interest and costs. That under and by virtue of said sale and purchase said Burchiel became the owner «f a valid tax lieu on said premises, and which tax lien is now owned by plaintiff There is now due the plaintiff upon tho tax lien set fortli in said first cause of action the sum of#8.35, for which sum with interest from this date at ten per cent per annum on $5.05 thereof, plaintiff prays for a decree that the defendants be required to pay the same or that said premises may he sold to satisfy the amount found due. The plaintiff iu his second cause of action alleges that in the year 1894 tho northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section eight in township twenty-nine north of range fourteen was subject to taxation; that it was duly assessed for taxation in that year and taxes were duly levied thereon in the sum of #4.11. That said taxes were not paid and became delinquent and said premises were duly advertised for sale in October, 1895. for the delinquent taxes of the year 1894, and oil tne 29th day of November 1895. said premises were duly sold by tho county treasurer of said county, for the delinquent taxes to Arthur J. Burchiel for thesum of #5.05 which was the amount of said taxes, interest and costs. That under and by virtue of said sale and purchase said Burchiel became the owner of a valid tax lien on said premises, amUwhieh tax lien is now owned by plaintiff. There is now due plaintiff upon the tax lien set forth in said second cause of action tiie ill V»1 iwi 1HV.II oum n mi uitvuni JlUlll tills date at ten per cent per annum on §5.05 thereof, plaintif prays for a decree that the defendants be required to pay the same or that said premises may he sold to satisfy the amount found due. The plaintiff in his third cause of action alleges that in the year 1*94 the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section eight, in township twenty-nine, north of range l'ouite n, was subject to taxation; thuL it was duly assessed for taxation in that year and taxes were duly levied thereon in the sum of §4.11. " hut said taxes were not paid and bee tme delinquent and said premises were duly advertised for sale in October, 1895, for the delinquent taxes of the year 1*94 and on the -Uth day ol' November, 1*95, said premises were duly sold by the county treasurer of said county, for the delinquent tuxes, to Arthur J. liurchicl for the sum of *5 05 which was the amount of said taxes, interest and costs. That under and by vir tue of said sale and purchase said Burchiel became the owner of a valid tax lien on said premises and which tax lien is now owned by plaintiff. There is now due plaintiff upon the tax lien set forth in said third cause of action the sum of *8 55 for widen sum with interest from this date at ten per cent per annum on *5.05 thereof, plaintiff prays for a decree that the defendants lie required to pay the same or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found duo. The plaintiff in his fourth cause of action alleges that in the year I8!>4 the southeast quarterjof the northwest quartor of section eight in township twenty-nine north of range fourteen was subject to taxation; that it was duly assessed for taxation in that year and taxes were duly levied thereon in tlio sum of *4.11. That saiu taxes were not paid and be came delinquent and said premises were duly advertised lor sale in October, 18H5, for thode linquent taxes of the year 1894. and on tlie ■J9tli duy ol November, 1*95, said premises were duly sold by the county treasurer of county, for the delinquent taxes, to Arthur J. Uurchiel for the sum of *5,05 which was the amount of said taxes, interest and costs. That under and by virtue of said sale and purchase said lturehiel became the owner of a valid tax lien on said premises, and which tax lien is now owned by plaintiff. There is now due plaintiff upon the tax lien set forth in said fourth cause of action the tin* sum of *s,9o for which sum with interest from tills date at ten percent, per annum on *5.05 thereof, plaintiff prays for a decree that that the detendants be required to pay the same or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before the *ih day of May. 1899. Dated this IJOtli day of March, 1*99. iSiMl Michael F. Harrington. Plaintiff. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at 0’Neii.l, Neb. March 18, 1899. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of her tion to make final proof in supptirtyof her claim, and that said proof will Toe made before the register and receiver at O’Neill, Nebraska, on April 29, 1*99. viz: -~ MARY A. MURPHY-. H. E.No. 14944. for the SWkSK'-i, SFAiSW'V Sec. 33, T. 29. f.. R. 11 W. She names the following’ witnesses to provo her coni inous residence upon and cultivation of said land. Henry lloxsle, J. P. Gallagher. Joel McEvony and Daniel Davis, all of O’Neill . „ V 38ti S. J. Weekes, Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at O’Neill, Neb., April. 4.1899. \ Notice is hereby given that the following f named settler lias filed notice of his intention 1 to make final proof in support of his claim, and that suid proof will he made before the Register and Receiver at O’Neill, Neb., on Mav 20. 1899. viz: F'RIEDEKTOH R. ROSELEll, T. C. E. No, 0063. for the 8EM, Sec. 32. T. 30N, U. 12W. He names the following witnesses to provo his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John R. Bellar, B. Jobr ing, David Riser and John Bellar, all of O’Neill, Neb. 40-6 S.J. Weekes, Register. NOTICE FOIl PUBLICATION. Land Office. O’Neill. Neb. I April 8 1899. f Notice is hereby Riven that the following • named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at O’Neill, Nebr., on May 20, 1899. viz: CO It AC L. MeELLlANKY. T. C. E. No. 6695, for the NWViSWM, SW^NWIi. S'eo* 21, T. 31N, It. 9w. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: W. H. llrown, J. B. J Anderson, W, A. Ellis and VV. 11. Oldes, pfl of - Star. Neb. *y 41-6NP S. .T. Weekes, Regis®,?~ NOTICE FOlt PUBLICATION. i Department of Interior, Land Oilico at O'Neill. Neb., April 6, 1899. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention .5 to make final proof in support of his claim, j and that said proof will be madCJyM'oro i Itegister and Receiver at O'Neill, NeCraska, ) on Mav 19, 1899, viz: | PETER ANDERSON LINDHERG. T, O. K. No. 6595, for the WJ-^NEJi, and W'/»SE!4, Sec. 17, T. 59,N, It. U\V. ' lie names the following witnesses to prove ’ his continous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vizi f Andrew Johnson, of Joy, D. J. Cronin. John • A. Robertson, Gust Widtfeldt, all of O’Neill, Neb. 4l-6xp S. J. Weekes, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, land Office at • O’Neill. Neb., April 7, 1899. 1 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver, at O’Neill, Nebraska, on Mav 19. 1899, viz: ANDREW JOHNSON, T. C. E. No. 6430, for the SEii, Sec 32. T. 31N. It. 11W. He names the following witnesses to prove s his continous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Peter Anderson Lindberg, Gust Widtfeldt, D. J. Cronin, of O’Neill’ Neb., and John A. Robertson, of Joy, Ne-j braska. "i 41-6X1*. S. J. Weekes, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Laud Office at O’Neill,Nebraska. April 19. 1899. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler lias filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will he made before Reg ister and Receiver, at O’Neill, Nebr., on July 5. 1899, viz: Joseph Ritts, II. E. No. 14(128-J»or the ne*i, section 17, T. 29 n. l* 12 w. ’C He names tlie following witnesses to nroyo his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Bmijamin Joining, James Crowley, Jasper Rltw; John Colley, all of O’Neill, Neb. 42-0 S. J. Weekes. Register. APPLICATION FOR DRUGGIST PERMIT, Matter of application of P. C. Corrigan for liquor license. To tlie mayor and city council of the city of O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska: - Notice is hereby given that I‘. O. Corrigan has tiled liis petition with the cit.ifrclerk of - O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska futn drug gist’s license to sell malt, smrituou>»and vin- * 1 nous liquors for medical, medicinal, mechan ical and chemical purposes, at O’Neill, Grat tan township. Holt county. Nebraska, from i May 2, 1899, to April 30. 1900. If there be , no objections, remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks prior to the 2d day of May, 1899, said license will be granted. P. C. CoitlttGAN, Applicant. APPLICATION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. Matler of application of William I.avlollette for liquor license. To the mayor and city council of the city of O'Neill, Holt county, Nebraska. Notice Is hereby given that William La viollette has filed his application with the city clerk of O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska, 5 for license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors in O’Neill. Grattan Township, Holt 5 county, Nebraska, from the 2d day of May, S 1899, to the 30th day of April, 1900. I f there be | no objections, remonstrance or protest filed 1 within two weeks prior to the 2d day of May. 1899. the said license will be granted. William Lavioi.lei*k, Applicant. APPLICATION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. Matter of application of Thomas Campbell for liquor license. To the mayor and city council of the city, of O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska: V Notlce is hereby given that Tlios. Campbell has filed his application with the city clerk of O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska, for license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors In O'Neill, Grattan township, Holt county Nebraska, from the 2d day of May, 1899, to the 30th day of April, 1900. If there bo no objections, remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks prior to the 2d day of May, 1899, the said license will be granted. Thomas Campbell, Applicant. APPLICATION FOIt LIQUOR LICENSE I Matter of application of Anthony A. Stanton ] for lit)nor license. To the mayor and city council of the city of i O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska: S' Notice is hereby given that Anthony A. | Stanton has filed his application with the city | clerk of O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska, for * license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous S liquors in O’Neill, Grattan township. Holt -i county. Nebraska, at the Ryan building, sit- | uated on lot H block21, from the 1st dav of May S 1899, to the 30th day of April, 1000. IfM'crebh K no objections, remonstrance or protest tiled Jj within two weeks prior to the 1st day of May, * 1899, the said license will be granted. Anthony A. Stanton, Applicant. APPLICATION FOR DRUGGIST'S PERMIT. Matter of application of Gilligan & Stout for liquor license. To t lie mayor and city council of the city of O’Neill. Ilolt county, Nebraska: Notice is hereby .given that Gilligan & Stout have filed t bier petition with the city clerk of O'Neill. Holt county, Nebraska, fer a drug gist’s license to sell malt, spirituous and vin ous liquors for medical, medicinal mechani cal and chemical purposes, at O'Neill, Grat tan township, Ilolt county, Nebraska, from May 2, 1899, to April 30, 1900. If there be no objections, remonstrance or protest (hod within two weeks prior to the 2d day of May, 1899, said license will be granted. " , Gilligan & Stout, Appllcantk>£a\l APPLICATION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. 1 Matter of application of Jerry McCarthy for * liquor license. „ To the mayor and city council of the city of i O.Neill, Holt county, Nebraska: Notice is hereby given that.Terry McCarthy j hits filed his application with the city clerk ;) of O’Neill. Holt county, Nebraska, for license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors iu fl O’Neill, Grattan township. Holt county, Ne- j braska, from the 2d day of May, 1899, to the 30th day of April, 1900. If there be no object ions, remonstrance or protest tiled within two weeks prior to the 2d day of May, 1899, the said license will he granted. Jerky McCarthy, Applicant. NOTICE. Each resilient owner of lots in O'Neill are expected to plant three trees on each lot during the month of April in accordance with city ordinance No. 80 f Please attend to same. J. II. Meredith, Marshal.