The Frontier. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY THK FRONTIER PRINTING OOMPAN? D. H. CRONIN, Editor. On Wednesday Senator Thurston and three or fonr other senators left for Cuba where they will make a personal investigation of the con dition of affairs on the Island. ->.»M Judoe M. P. Kinkaid, of O’Neill, can come nearer being elected gover nor next time than any man in the republican party. His record is unassailable, his pnblic and private life clean. He would redeem the Big Sixth and carry nearly every county in the state.—Butte Gazette. In the trial of Bartley’s bondsmen, who were sued by the state for the amount of hia defalcation in the dis trict court of Douglas county, the jury returned a verdict for the bondsmen. It begins to look as if the state would receive nothing but a lot of law suits out of her default ing officials. M. F. Harbihcton, of O’Neill has announced with a flourish that he has no ambition to become governor, that he conld not afford to take the position, his law practice is so ex tensive and rushing. He iB a good advertiser, but, seriously, we did not notice any threats on the part of the people to make him governor.— Fremont Tribune. Last week Mike Harrington an nounced through the World-Herbld that several republican papers had named him as a candidate for gover nor, and he wished to deny it We receive about 100 weekly papers of the state at this office every week, and the only paper that we have discovered that nominated him for governor was the O’Neill Indepen dent Can it be possible that Mike looks upon it as a republican paper t If that is the case he must be chang ing his politios, as it is generally understood here that he is one of the stockholders in the Independent Only under the belief that Cuba must inevitably soon come to be a pert of the domain of the United States can the patriotic conscience of our geople become reconciled to the burial of the victims of the battleship Maine in Spanish soil. Perhaps if this does not come to pass the bodies will hereafter be disinterred, bronght home and de posited in the soil of the country which these patriotic men were serv ing when the awful calamity snuffed oat their lives. Not a foot of Span ish soil should be hallowed by the burial of an American seaman.— Fremont Tribune. Thx Froktikb has learned tha1 the building of a railroad to Boyd county is an assured fact Instead of being an extension from Verdi gris, as heretofore talked of, it ii IAAAAAAAAA4AAAA4AAAA Tbe O’Neill Conservator Of Musie. f Instructions the same as at the Royal Conservatory Of Music, Munich, Germany. ...Branches taught under the general direction of ...C. J. SCHUBERT. o PIANO, VOCAL CULTURE. ORGAN, HARMONY, MANDOLIN, GUITAR. Tuition (Payable in advance.) t 12 weeks' term (24 lessons) $12.00 12 weeks’term (12 lessons) 6.00 For private lessons, each, 1.25 Discount on all music. Ample accommodations for students from abroad.. ! Free Chorus Class, Notation and Sight Reading, Hrt Department. Painting in Oil and Water Color. Drawing. ^Sketches from nature and still life. Also tlie German and French lan guages taught by Mrs. C. J. Sliubert. HKFULENCES: Special mention at the Columbian Exposition, 1893. Nine Drat prizes Antelope Count j Fair, -1806. Seven first and five second prizes Nebraska State Fair, 1897. O. J. SCHUBERT, Director. the intention to tap a point on the Elkhorn road in this county, run ning thence north through Holt to lloyd county. Whether it will go from O’Neill, Emmet, Atkinson or Stuart appears to be as yet unde termined. Among the promoters of the road are Chicago, Kansas City, and Omaha capitalists, and it is understood that representatives of these parties will be in the city next week to look over the project. It is encouraging to the business interests of the Elkhorn towns in Holt county to know that the Verdi gris project has been abandoned, but still it would be a greater loss to O’Neill should this road be built from some other town in this county other than the Emerald city. The people of this city should awake from the lethargy or seeming apathy into which they have fallen and make a determined effort to secure1 this road. From what information' we have been able to glean it seems to us as if the Elkhorn people were behind the deal, and if so, there is no question but what the road will be built, but whether from O’Neill or some other town is a much mooted question. A STATE TICKET. There is no denying the fact that the state and congressional cam paigns in Nebraska this year are to be hard fought ones. This is the kind of contests republicans wel come, and so they are already get ting their fortifications in order, preparing some destructive torpedo boats to blow up the old fusion hulks, to the end that after the con flict the most expert divers will not be able to go deep enough in the soup to find the shattered remains of the crew aboard the fusion boat, where they are now riding w'ith their pockets full of passes. The Tribune has hitherto urged the wisdom of the republican con vention nominating a candidate for United States senator, that the party might not only appeal to the people on party principles, but present a strong personality as the embodi ment of those principles. It would be willing to waive that plan provid ing some of the ablest and best republicans would accept nomina tion for state office, for instance, a ticket like this: For governor, John C. Cowin. For lieutenant governor, M. L. Hayward. Secretary of state, John L. Web ster. Treasurer, A. E. Cady. Attorney-general, G. M. Lambert son. Auditor, T. L. Mathews. Land commissioner, H. O. Paine. Superintendent of instruction, some good man from the Fourth or Fifth district. Nominate such a ticket as this and no man could say ought against its ability or integrity. Let these candidates fight for a victory for the state ticket If they won, the legis lature would likewise, in all prob ability, be carried. In this event suoh senatorial candidates as might be on the list of state nominations could then prosecute their higher ambition. Each would be before the people during the campaign, showing the stuff in him, and dem onstrating his fitness for the plaoe, and then when the legislature con vened—suooess to the best man.— Fremont Tribune. EVERY BRIDE and wife should know about the pre paration that for half a century has been helpingexpectant mothers bring little ones into the world without danger and the hundred and one uiauoniioris ana attractions incident to child-birth. It is applied externally, which is the only way to get relief. Medicines taken internallj :> will not help and maj result in harm. Mother’s Friend fits and prepares ever) organ, muscle and part of the body foi the critical hour. It robs child-birth of its tortures and pains Baby’s coming is madt quick and easy. Its action is doubly bene it used during the whole >d of pregnancy. $1 per bottle at all drug stores, 01 sent by mail on receipt of price. Books Free, containing valuable infor mation to all women, will be sent to an] address upon application by The Bradfield Regulator Co.. Atlanta, Ga. Trees and Plants. General assortments of Nursery Stock of Best varieties for Nebraska. MILLIONS of STRAWBERRY anil RASPBESRY PLANTS at wholesale and retail. Our plants have been irhigated when needing it therefore very thrifty and deep hooted. Buy the uest neah home, preventing loss by delay and saving extra freight or express from eastern points. Write for price list to NORTH BEND NURSERIES, North Bend, Dodge Co., Neb. ‘Just as Good as Scott's and we sell H much cheaper," is a statement sometimes made by the druggist when Scott’s Emulsion is called for. This shows that the druggists themselves regard Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophos phites of Lime and Soda as the standard, and the purchaser who desires to procure the "standard” because he knows it has been of untold benefit, should not for one instant think of taking the risk of using1 some untried prepa ration. The substitution i of something said to be Mjust as good” for a stand ard preparation twenty five years on the market, should not be permitted by the intelligent purchaser. sure you jet SCOTT’S Emulsion.- See coat the man and Ash are on the wrapper, see. and (t.oo, all druggists. SCOTT ft BOWNE, Chemists, New York, of alT| the pain andslcknessfrom which woman suffer is caused by weakness or| derangement ini the organs of| menstruation.D Nearly always| wncn a woman la not well theao organs are affected. But when they are strong and healthy a woman is very seldom sick. Is nature's provision for the regu lation of the menstrual function. It cures all “ female troubles." It is equally effective for the girl in her teens, the young wife with do mestic and maternal cares, and the woman approaching the period known as the “ Change of Life.” They all need it. They are all benefited by it. advice In eases requiring special directions, address, pi vine symptoms, the Ladles' Advisory Department,'* The Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chatta nooga, Tean. TOO*. I. COOPER, Tupelo, Mlse., MTS! ‘‘Hr slstor suffered Irani vary Irregular and salnM menstruation and doctors could net rail*,, her. Wins of Cardul O’NEILL BUSINESS DIRECTORY |}R. .T. i*. GILL1GAN, PHYSICIAN AND SUHGKON, Office in Holt County Bunk Building Orders left at our drug store or at my residence first street north mid half block ettot of stand pipe will receive prompt response, as I have telephone connections. O’NEILL. - NEB. J}R. OWEN 8. O’NEILL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office—Over First National Bank. Calls answered promptly any time of day or night. Can be found at night at office. ---/ JJB. G. M. BERRY, DENTIST AND ORAL SURGEON Graduate of Northwestern University, Chicago, and also of American College of Dental Surgeory. All the latest and Improved branches of Dentistry carefully performed. Office over Pfunds store. . BENEDICT, LAWYER, Offloe In the Judge Roberts building, north of 0. O. Snyder's lumbor yard. O NEILL, NK!5. JJ B. DICKSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Reference First National Bank O'NEILL, NEB. JJARNBY STEWART, PRACTICAL AUCTIONEER. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address, Page, Neb. oral 111 Ml K STABS Stage leaves O'Neill at 8:3!) A. m., arriving at Spencer at If.m,: at Butte. 5:30 i\ m. S. D. Qallkntine, Prop. P. ©. A J. F. MULLEN, PROPRIETORS GF THE | GOOD TEAMS, NEW RIGS Prices Reasonable. O'NEILL, NEB, THE ODELL Type Writer. <£90 will buy the ODELL TYPE WRITER with 78 characters, warranted to do as good work as any machine made. It combines SIMPLICITY with DURABIL ITY, SPEED AND EAliE OF OPERATION. Wears longer without cost of repairs than any other machino. Has no ink ribbon to bother the operator. It is NEAT, SUB STANTIAL, nickel-plated, perfect, and adapted to all kinds of type writing. Like a printing press, it produces sharp, clean, leg ible manuscripts. TWO OR TEN COPIES can be made at one writing. Any intelli gent person can become an operator in two days. Reliable Agents and Salesmen Wanted. For pamphlet giving indorsements, etc., address Odell Type Writer Co. CONSOLIDATED FIELD FENCING to «ade to 16 differ eel styles sad to guaranteed to tare all Uads of stock. Nothing but Large, Galvanized Wire, of the Best Bessemer Steel, used In Its construction. A FENCE THAT ALWAYS KEEPS ITS SHAPE. The hinge joint at each ■Intersection of the wires makes an adjustable fence and prevents stay wires from tending. Ortoop and Joint. The crimp in the strand wire provides for expan sion and contraction and prevents stay wire from moving out of place. MANUFACTURED BY Consolidated Steel and Wire Co., Chicago. FOR SALE BY Neil Brennan. i tiicago Lumber Yard Headquarters for . . . LUMBER AND Yards ( O’Neill, < p«ge, / Allen. COAL 0.0. SNYDER & GO. EMIL SNIGGS Elkhorn Valley Blackmith and Horseshoeing Headquarters in the West for Horseshoeing and Plow Work. All kinds of repairing carried on in connection. Machinery wagon, carriage, wood and iron work. Have all skilled men for the different branches: All work guaranteed to be the, as we rely on our workmenship to draw our custom. Also in season we sell the Plano up to date harvesters, binders mowers and reapers. ALSO PROPRIETOR OF Pon:t Go-To. Klondike VrtTHOur^ftKiNO* Along a Ru,*Ble4 ! *-*JS-.tAH. calibers FROM. 22 TO So — .THEY ARE THE Miners ^ Hunters — FAVORITE'^ WfNCHeSTEK AMMUNITION? USED BY EVERYBODY— ISOLD EVERY WHERE HOTEL -JAVANS Enlarged Refurnished Refitted Only First-class Hotel In the City. W. T. EVANS, Prop. DeYARMAN’S MM, B. A. DkYAKM AN, Manager. [D’Y ARMAN’S ffffffWWlf Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Finest turnouts in the city. Good, careful drivers when wanted. A!«o run the O’Neill Omnibus line. Commercial trade a specialty. Pacific Short Line —HAS THE BEST TRAIN SERVICE -IN NORTHERN NEBRASKA. Through Freight and Passenger Rates TO ALL POINTS. If you are going on a trip or intend chang ing your location, apply to our nearest agent, or write to W. B. McNIDER. Gcn'l Pass. Agent. Sioux City 3! H ■a 0 (0 Purchase Tickets and Consign your Freight via the F. E.&M.V. and S. C.& P RAILROADS. TRAINS DEPART: GOING HAST. Passenger east. No. 4, 10:04 a. m Freight east. No. 24, 12:15 p. m Freight east, No. 28, 2:55 p. m. GOING WNST Passenger west. No. 3, 9:40 p. m Freight west, No. 27, 10:04 p.m/ Freight, No, 23, Local 4:00 p.m. The Elkhorn Line la now running Reclining Chair Care daily, between Omaha and Dead wood, Jree to holders of first-class transpor tation. For any information call ou Wa J. DOBBS, Ast. O’NEILL. NEB. NEW YORK . . . ILLUSTRATED NEWS The Organ of Honest Soort in America ALL THE SENSATIONS OF THE DAY PICTURED BY THE FOREMOST ARTISTS OF THE COUNTRY Life in New York Graphically Illustrated Breezy but Respectable. *4 FOR A YEAR, $2 FOR SIX MONTHS Do you want to be posted? Then send your subscription to the sew mi uunnuB sews, 3 PARK PLACE NEW YORK CITY PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY The Discovery Saved His Mr. G. Caillouette, druggist, Beavers ville, III , says: “To Dr. King’s New Discovery I owe mv life. Was taken with lagrippe and tried all the ~*'v«ie ians for miles about, but was of no avail and was given up and told I could not live. Uaving Dr. King’s New Ijjig? covery in my store I sent for a bottle and bebau its use and from the first dose began to get better, and attei using three bottles was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We won’t keep store or house without it.” Get a free trial at Corrigan’s drug store.