The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 24, 1898, Image 7

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Wo are asserting in the courts our right to the
exclusive use of the word "CASTORIA " and
“PITt HKK S CASTORIA." as our Trade Mark.
I, Dr. Snmuel Pitcher, of Hyannis, Massachu
setts, was the originator of “PITCHER'S CAS
TORIA," the, same that has borne and does now
hear the fac-similo signature of CHAS. H.
FLETCHER ou every wrapper. This is the
original “PITCHER'S CASTORIA" which has
been used in tho homos of the mothers of
America for over thirty years. Look carefully
at the wrapper and see that it is "the kind you
have always bought." and has the signature of
ChXs. H. FLETCHER on the Wrapper. No
one has authority from me to use my name
except The Centaur Company of which Chas.
H. Fletcher is president,
March 8, 1897. SAMUEL PITCHER, M. D.
Most men fall in love about a dozen
times when they are boys, three times
while they arc at college, and after
that as often as they get the chance.—
New York Press.
For some time the Baltimore and
Ohio Southwestern Railway company
has been experimenting with crude
oil for kindling fires in locomotives, in
place of using cord wood, and the re
sults obtained have been so satisfac
tory that it will hereafter be used on
the whole line. During the month of
November, 1897, at the company’s
shops, which are located at Washing
ton, Ind., and Chillicothe, Ohio, 1,226
fires were started with crude oil at a
cost of $17.32, or 1.41 cents per fire.
To have started the same number of
fires with wood the cost would have
been $306.00, or 24.96 cents per fire.
This represents a saving of $288.68,
and is very satisfactory.
A Handsome Metal Paper Cutter and
Book Mark Combined.
Sent free of postage under sealed cov
er on receipt of ten cents in silver
or stamps. The latest, best and most
serviceable adjunct to every library
and office. Address Geo. II. Heafford,
410 Old Colony Building, Chicago, 111.
Don’t look for a bankrupt at a char
ity soup-liouse. That’s where his vic
tims congregate. .
Beauty Is Biood Beep.
Clean blood means aclenn skin. Nobcauty
without it. Cascarets. t'and v Cat hart ic cleans
your blood and keeps it clean, by stirring up
the lazy liver and driving all Impurities from
the body. Bogin to-day to banish pimples,
boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly
bilious complexion by taking Cascarets.—
beauty for ten cents. All druggists, satisfac
tion guaranteed. 10c. 25c. 50c.
Why are borrowed skates so easily
broken? I
Why don't they have buffet cars on j
a train of disasters?
Star Tobacco is the leading brand of
the world, because it is the best.
Why is the sole of a sled called a
runner when it merely slides?
Piso's Cure for Consumption has saved
me large doctor bills.—C. L. Baker, 422S Re
gent Sq.. Pin adelphia. Pa.. 1 lec. 8, 18i)5.
Why does a gun always fail to do j
good execution when it hangs fire?
The city of Florence will on May 23
commemorate the four hundredth
birthday of Hans Holbein. The Port
ugese also will celebrate in May, with
magnificent fetes, the fourth centen
ary of Vasco da Gama's discovery of
the cape route to India, which oc
curred in 149$, exactly six years after
the discovery of the new world. On
June 29 there will be festivities in
Ancona in honor of Leopardi, one of
the greatst poets Italy has'produced,
who was born there in 1798, and on
August the centenary of Jules Miche
let, the historian, will be celebrated
by the municipal council of Paris
with appropriate meetings and ban
Customs Cases Derided.
The general appraisers of goods passing
through the Custom House have made several
decisions lately which, until passed upon by
the Secretary of t lie Treasury, will hold good.
But wlille there is stability in that quarter,
no system failing in strength can tie properly
sustained without the aid of llostctter.s
stomach Bitters, a genial tonic and remedy
for malaria, rheumatism, dyspepsia, consti
pation and biliousness.
If an up-to-date girl is pressed to
tell a man she loves him she lets him
keep right on pressing.
Crescent Hotel, Kurcha Springs, Ark.
Opens March 1st. In heart of Ozark
Mountains, climate mild and bracing,
scenery wild and beautiful. Unequaled
medicinal waters. Excursion rates,
through sleepers, via Frisco Lino. Address
Manager Crescent, Eureka Springs, or
.Geo. T. Nicholson, G. P. A., Frisco Line,
St. Louis, Mo.
In the United States and Canada
there arc 9G0.094 Odd Fellows and 837
395 Free Masons.
Laplanders are swift and graceful
skaters. They often skate 150 miles
a day. •
Mother Grayy Swo-n Cmrnerg for Children
Successfully used by Mother Gray,
nurse in the Children's Home in New
York, Cure Feverishness, Bad Stomach,
Teething’ Disorders, move and regulate
the Bowels and Destroy Worms. Over
10,000 testimonials. They never fail. At
all druggists, L’5c. Sample FREE. Ad.
Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y.
The parchments of the best banjos
is made of wolfskin.
To Caro Constipation Forever.
Take Cascarcjts Candy Cathartic. 10c or 20c.
If C.C.O. fail to cure, druggists refund money.
Two ounces of unmelted butter are
as large as an egg of medium size.
From Baby In the High Chair
to grandma in the rocker Grain-0 Is
good for the whole family. It is the
long-desired substitute for coffee. Nev
er upsets the nerves or injures the di
gestion. Made from pure grains It is a
food In itself. Has the taste and ap
pearance of the best coffee at V* frhe
price. It is a genuine and scientific ar
ticle and is come to stay. It makes for
health and strength. Ask your grocer
for Grain-O.
One cupful of wet or dry material
is a half a pint.
that kill are not distinguished by any mark or sign from
coughs that fail to be fatal. Any cough neglected, may sap
the strength and undermine the health until recovery is
impossible. All coughs lead to lung trouble, if not stopped.
Dr. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral Cures Coughs.
“My little daughter was taken with a distressing congli,
which for three years defied all the remedies I tried. At
length on the urgent recommendation of a friend, I began to
give her Dr. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. After using one
' bottle I found to my grea. surprise that she was improving.
Three bottles completely cured her.”—-.1. A. OKAY, Trav.
Salesman Wrought Iron Range Co., St. Louis, Mo.
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral
Is put up in half sixe bottles
at half price « . BO cents
The If
Klondike ■
If you arc interested and wish to
post yourself about the Gold Fields
of the Yukon Valley, when to go
and how to get there, write for a
Descriptive Folder and Map of
Alaska. It will be sent free upon
application to T. A. GRADY, Ex
cursion Manager C. 15. & Q. R. R.,
ei i Clark Street, Chicago.
)»' toiuere, fiiuTheureotter
_ _Pk|f. i:>Uay liadish, 10o
1 Pkg. Harljr Spring Turnip, lib
1 “ KarheKt lted Beet, lOo
1 Bismarck Cucumber, 10c
\ .« #?**’? Victoria Lettuce, loo
1 * Klondyko Melon. 15c
1 u Jumbo («iant Onion, loo
o " Brilliant l'lower Seeds, lie
Worth $1.00, for 14 cents.
Above 10 pkgs. worth §1.00, wo will
mail yon free, together with our
grent Plant and Seed Catalogue
upon receipt of this notice and 14e.
postage. We invit o your trade and
know when yon once trv Salzer’s
• need9 you wi! 1 no ver get a I ong w i t h -
jl out them. Potatoe.HatNl.SO
a a. llbl. Catalog alone &c. No.
1X7.11 8KEf» (ft., I.A CROSSE, WT9.
You are constipated.
We tell you what |
Cascarets will do. I
You buy a dollar’s i
wort h—two 50c
boxes, two months ;
treatment, and if !
they don’t do what
we say they will
You Get Your Dollar Back.
The world’s most meritorious
laxative. So nice to eat, so gentle
of action, never gripe, always
effective. Sold entirely on merit.
A booklet and sample free for the asking, or
you can buy a box for xoc, 25c, 50c, at your
I drug store. Satisfaction guaranteed. 75
! The Sterling Remedy Co.,Chicago.Mon’real.NewYork.
SoM an<l guarantied to cure To- !
bacco Habit by all druggists, j
Agent's profits per month. Will prove
it or pay forfeit. New at tides just out.
A sample and terms free. Try us.
LHIDK8TKR Son, 26 bond Street, N. Y.
_ quick relief ami cures worst
, cases. Send for book of testimonials and 10day3*
I treat incut Free. Ur. u.u.GUXkH’ssosiS.iUuia.a*.
Becoming » Pc»t Alone the Border of
Arizona nntl Netv Mexico.
From the Cincinnati Enquirer: Hol
brook, Ariz., Special.—John Bargeman,
Under Sheriff of Navajo county, has
returned to Holbrook from an extend
ed trip through the mountains along
the border of Arizona and New Mexico
bringing a tale that wild dogs are
creating havoc in that region among
cattle and sheep. The dogs have been
known for only three years, first mak
ing their appearance in a small band
in American Valley, in western New
Mexico. They have increased wonder
fully, and are now found over a broad
stretch of country, despite the efTorts
of the cattlemen to exterminate them.
The dogs average about 100 pounds’
weight. They have the head and shoul
ders of a bulldog, but the build of a
timber wolf and wolfish characteris
tics. In color they are ashy gray, with
long black hairs interspersed. Like
coyotes, they are little afraid of man,
and will follow horsemen for miles
through the timber, not hesitating to
attack footmen. They occasionally
visit ranches, and many instances are
known where domestic dogs have join
ed the bands. The dogs secure their
food by killing sheep and calves, and
even full-grown cattle are known to
have been pulled down by them. Colis
are their especial game. Thomas Al
ger, a resident of Nutrioso, is responsi
ble for the statement that animals bit
ten by the wild dogs, if not killed by
them on the spot, die within a few dags
with all the symptoms of strychnine
poisoning. He cites an instance where
he was able to verify the local impres
sion to that effect. His house dog was
set upon by several wrild dogs. Algor
drove them away, and the dog appear
ed little the worse for his battle. Yet
the animal died in two days with all
the signs of strychnine poisoning. The
timber dogs are continually getting
fiercer and bolder, and the residents of
eastern Apache county are organizing
to hunt them down.
three hours of courtship
Extensive Experience of a Connecticut
Couple Aids a Qnlclc Decision.
Chicago is reputed to be a city of
quickly married people, but few of
them can hope to outrival John En
gel of Poquonock and Catherine Barck
ley of Glastonbury, Conn., who were
married on New Year’s eve after a
courtship of three hours. It is the
fifth marriage of the bride, and the
bridegroom, who was married once be
fore, is the father of nineteen chil
dren. Three of the previous husbands
of Mrs. Engel are dead and she obtain
ed a divorce from the fourth. She
ha3 no children. Engel is 59 years old,
while his wife is 55. The couple met
by accident on Friday evening, when
Engel, who is a shoemaker, closed up
his shop and went to make a call on
the village barber. Mrs. Barckley, who
had resumed the name of her third
husband after her divorce, is aunt of
the barber and was a guest at his
house. Engel and Mrs. Barckley were
mutually attracted, and after a short
conversation he suggested that they
should get married. Mrs. Barckley
was willing, and they started at once
for the residence of the local minister.
He was not at home, but that did not
dishearten the couple. They boarded
an electric car and after a ride of four
hours reached the home of Rev. E. O.
Tree, pastor of the C jngregational
church at Windsor, who at once per
formed the ceremony which made
them man and wife. Mr. and Mrs.
Engel dispensed with the formalties of
a honeymoon and after their marriage
went at once to Mr. Engel’s home.—
Chicago Chronicle.
Their Author.
The publication of a little posthu
mous volume of poems entitled “Vox
Humana,” the late John Mills, ought
to set at rest the question of the au
thorship—or, at least, one of the au
thors—of the simple epitaph:
“His work well done.
His race well run,
His crown well won,
Here let him rest.”
which was placed over the coffin of
President Garfield and over that of
the Duke of Clarence. Mr. Mills, it
seems, wrote the lines in 1878 as an
epitaph for his brother, and, never
having published them, was much as
tonished to find them mentioned In
the accounts of Garfield’s funeral. On
inquiry it was found that the American
copy, which differed slightly from Mr.
Mills’ poem, had been translated from
a Latin version, which was, in its
turn, a translation from an English
original.—London Chronicle.
Next to our grape wine it is beligja*!'
that Japanese sake, or rice wipe.’ls the
oldest alcoholic beveraggx'itnown to
man, its use in Japan^dtfting back over
2,000 years. /
The completion of Commonwealth
avenue extetfsion makes a con
tinuous ayfmue 120 feet wide from the
Public Gardens to the Charles river in
NewUm, 11.14 miles.
Jpfanee has set up about three hun
dred monuments to more or less dis
tinguished Frenchmen during the last
twenty-five years, and there are now
127 committees collecting money for
A fibrous preparation of steel, made
in the same manner as the so-called
“mineral wool,” by passing an air blast
through molten steel, is coming into
use for cleaning, polishing, etc., instead
of sandpaper.
Wales is the richest part of Great
Britain In mineral wealth. England
produces annually about $10 to each
acre, Scotland a little less than $10,
but the product of Wales amounts to
over $20 per acre.
From the Xew Km, (SreenHburgt Ind.
Tli© following: is ft straightforward state
ment of facts by a veteran of the late war.
No comrade will weed further proof than
their friend’s own words, ns here given.
Squire John Castor, of Newpoiut, Ind., is
the narrator, and an honest, respected citi
zen ho is too. He said: “I have been
troubled with rheumatism in all my joints,
ever since 1 went to the war. It was brought
on by my exposure there. It came on me
gradually, and kept gettiug worse until I
was unable to do any work. I tried several
physicians, but they did me no good. They
said tuy trouble was rheumatism resulting
in disease of the heart, and that there was
no cure for it. Nevertheless 1 had lived and
fought the disease for thirty yean*, and did
uot intend to die, simply because they said
• i.
X Want to Swear to That.
I must, so I limited up some remedies for
myself, and finally happened on Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills for Pale People. I asked
sorao of my neighbors about the medicine,
for it had been used bv several persons in
the community, and tfiey recommended it
very highly. I procured a box. The pills
helped me right away, and I continued
taking them. 1 commenced taking them
last fnll. and fiuishe l taking the sixth box
a few mouths ago. 1 urn not botbored with
the rheumatism now,—the medicine has
cured me. lean most certainly recommend
Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for 1‘nle People.”
These pills ore not only good for rheu
matism, but are valuable for auy disease
that arises from impoverished, or bad
blood. They do not act on the bowels.
If you would know what your friends
say of you when absent listen to what
is said of others in your presence.
Canadian Loan Companion Getting Money
on Mortgagee That llatl Been
Written Off.
Probably in the history of the con
tinent there never was such a tide of
prosperity enjoyed by any country as
the Dominion of Canada is being fa
vored with. Tnat portion of Canada
known as Western Canada is attract
ing thousands of people, who are seek
ing homes on the arable lands of that
new hut rapidly developing country.
Possessed of exceptionally good rail
road pr'v'.’epsc. .he best school sys
tem in the world, churches in every'
small settlement, while in the towns
and cities all denominations are rep
resented, and with markets in close
proximity to the grain fields, most of
the requirements for a comfortable ex
istence are met. The development
that is now taking place in the min
ing districts gives an impulse to agri
culture, and good prices, with good
crops, bring about a state of affairs
that the crowded districts of more
populous centers are taking advan
tage of. The Associated Press dis
patches a few days since had the fol
lowing telegram:
Toronto, Feb. 4.—(Special.)—Loan
companies that. made advances on
Manitoba property years ago report
that the returns from the west during
the past three months have exceeded
expectations. One company has taken
from Manitoba over $20,000 ipterest,
and discharged mortgages, many of
which had been written off a year ago.
Directors of leading loan companies
are taking a greater interest in busi
ness of their institutions, and are in
quiring into many properties on which
advances have been made.
The climate in the western provinces
of Manitoba, Alberta, Assiniboia and
Saskatchewan is excellent, there be
ing no healthier anywhere. The Can
adian government is now offering spe
cial inducements for the encourage
ment of settlers, and they have their
agents at work throughout the United
States for the purpose of giving in
formation and distributing literature.
Among those going to Canada are
many ex-Canadians, who have failed
to make as good a living as they ex
pected in the United States.
lie is far from home that has none
to go to.
No-To-Bac fop Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak
men strong, blood pure. 50c,SI. All druggists.
Thackeray and the late Dean Lid
dell were hoys together at the famous
Charterhouse school, and they sat
next to each other in thf form the
boys of which were called the “Emfr
iti." No one was promoted from this
form who could not repeat from mem
ory the Eclogues and the (Jetfrgies.
This feat was accomplished by Lid
del, but not by Thackeray. In giving
these reminiscences some years ago
at the speech day of the Oxford boys'
high school. Dr. Liddell added that
Thackeray accused him later of hav
ing been the Dobbin who wrote his
Latin verses for him, an impeachment
the dean would not own, though he
..admitted that Thackeray could not
have written them himself.
With reference to the “charms”
which formed the subject of a recent
turnover, “A. P.” writes that an old
woman of eighty, who is still living,
says that she was a girl of six
teen a pane of glass was taken out of
a window in the parish church and
applied to her chest as a cure for
ague. This is the more interesting as
it illustrates so neatly the classical
maxim “simila simil bus curantur"—
pane cures pain.”—London (Dobe.
Mr*. Winslow’s bsmtlilng Syrup
'"nr--hiMil'll tiii-tMn^' !.iiftrn.rlit i^iiju-.ri .lii.-i - inflnm
mutlun.ailaw uula.t-ured wind cults cent* * bottle*
If a fool keeps his mouth shut he
can pass for a weather prophet. ■
Conservative Investors can largely Increase
their income bv placing their accounts in my
nands. Twenty years of Wall street experi
ence, iu addition to reliable INSIOK INFORMA
TION, enables me to advise you most success
fully. Write for particulars, which arc
interesting io those having money to invest
(' HroHKK. Investment Broker,(W Wall
Street, New V* r,f
Tf a girl is pretty and unable to mar
she Is a matchless beauty.
Editor: "I cannot consider your
contribution; you have no reputa
tion.” Poet: "All?” Editor: “Yes. go
and impose on two or three lesser ed
itors. and then I'll talk with you.”—
Detroit Journal.
Don’t think that because love is
blind that your neighbors ase troubled
with optical illlusicns.
“ Worth Us Weight In Gol<l.”
“I am an old lady It? years old. I have
been troubled for 'JO years with constipa
tion, indigestion and sleepless nights, but
since tnkiug l)r. Kay’s Kenovator I can
sleep like a child and am not trbubled in
the least with the above named diseases.
Your l)r. Kav's Kenovator is worth iis
weight in gold.” Signed Mrs. 1). A. McCoy,
711 So. 35th St., Omaha. l)r. Kay's Keno
vator and also Dr. Kay’s Lung Bulm have
no equal. If you have any disease write
us and give your symptoms and our physi
cian will solid free advice and a valuable
tvs page book with 50 recipes and giving
symptoms and various methods of treat
ment of nearly all disensos. Will also send
a free sample of Dr. Kay’s Renovator or
Dr. Kay’s Lung Balm. Address Dr. B. ,i.
Kay Medical Co., (Western Ofllce) Omaha,
Don’t Judge by appearances. The
girl with a sailor hat probably never
saw a rowboat.
Don't Tobacco Spit anil Snove eour Ufa Away.
To quit tobacco vastly and forever, be mag
nate, full of life, nerve and vigor, talto N’o-To
llac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men
strong. All druggists, fiOc. or It. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sarop',0 free. Address
Sterling Ucmody Co., Chicago or New York.
Don’t trust a woman’s tears. It’s
her nature to weep when she wants
her way.
It Keeps the Feet ffaua and Dry
And Is the only cure for Chllblatns.
Frostbites, Damp, Sweating Feet,
Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's
Foot-Ease, a powder to bo shuk?n
into the shoes. At all Druggists and
Shoe Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE.
Address,Allen S. Olmsted. LeRoy.N.Y.
Don’t think because a horse is
scratched before the race that he is
afflicted with a cutaneous disease.—
Chicago Daily News.
Patent Office Report.
On tho 5th day of Feb
ruary, Honorable C. H.
> Duell, of Rochester, N.
Y., entered upon his du
ties as commissioner of
V patents. The new com
missloner will find an
£ able assistant In Acting
Commissioner A. P. Gree
ICJT, U(U UlCie mill ill uu«
ably be no Important changes at least
for the present. Amongst the peculiar
patents issued last week is one for a
speed wagon, the box of which is
shaped like a cigar, front and rear,
by means of which the operator hopes
to make better time. Another pecu
liar device is a stocking to the bottom
of which is secured a flexible slipper.
Sues & Co., Omaha, have Just issued
a new inventors hand book, including
some 100 illustrations which may be
obtained free upon application. In
ventors desiring information as to the
law and practice of patents should ad
dress Sues & Co., registered patent
lawyers, Bee Building, Omaha, Neb.
If men are always juuged by their
company It Is pretty tough on some
men w^o are alone.
Coe'a Couirh Hal«nrn
Is the oldest and best It will break up & co’d qulckei
than anything else. It is always reliable. Try it
If a man tries to teach a pretty girl
to ride a wheel he has a good, steady
Take Laxative Hrnmo Quinine Tablets. All
Druggists refund the money if it fails to c arc. d6o
The child will laugh and cry; the
youth will primp and sigh; the man
will twist and lie, and all will groan
and die.
Bunch all the worst pains Iti
a lump like this:
guaranteed to cure
lmufjind tln oat troulilec*. 8cmt ior proof of it* It docs not eicken or disagree
with tlio stomach. .Safe /or all ages.
Dr. Kay’s Lung Balm.
Write us, giving nil symptoms plainly and our Physician wilt give
T' It I: H AI>VIG’E, it as pa go honk of w Solti ltv I.rn ggists or sent liv mall,
recipes anil a FREE SAMPLE, Price, to cents anti 23 cents.
SR Address Dr. B. J. KAY MEDICAL CO., (Western Office) Omaha, Neb.
sured if you take
up youc home in
Western Canada,
the land of plenty.
Illustrated pamphlets, giving experi
ence of farmers who have become
wealthy in growing wheat, reports of
delegates, etc., and full information as
to reduced railway rates, can be had
on application to Department Interior,
Ottawa, Canada, or to W. V. Dennett,
N. Y. Life building, Omaha, Neb.,
Agent for Canadian Government.
i itr A 1 b A 1.1j
Weakness & Disorder of
20 Year*. Experience.
10 Years In (miuha.
Pook free. 1‘oitsultation
and Examination Free.
14th & Farnam Sts..
■ Tie© Big tt for unnatural
| disrharfres, iutiauunationg,
| Irritations or uicerutions
of in ii c o u s membranes.
--— J’aiulesH, and not astrio*
ilTHtEvANSCHEyiCALUO. g'Ut or poisonous.
\ClNCiNN«TI.O.L J Sold by DragglitSi
*or sent In plain wrapper,
by express, prepaid, for
*1.00. or 3 bottles, |2.~5.
Circular nent on request
Colorado for
“ There is no better place on earth
for sufferers from pulmonary trouble
than the Eastern plateau of the Rocky
Mountains.”—Lewis M.Iddings in Scrib
ner's Magazine.
Disinterested and reliable information
about the various parts of Colorado can be
had by addressing
J. Francis, General Passenger Agent,
Omaha, Noli.
rnrmUT niill °n an orders of 2000 sq. ft. of
Ml till 111 r*IU footing or Wall and Celling
Manilla. Wr te for samples and prices. The Fay
31 mill I a It voting Coiupuiiy, Camden, 3.J.
HoMKCL'KE. Hook Kit EE. Dil. J.
Both the method ana results whei
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acta
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste ana ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
Vegetable Sicilian
Use it before your hair gets thin
and gray. Use it now, to pre
vent baldness; to remove
dandruff and post- >
pone age.
Largest growers of CiruHaumi Clover Seed#
' in America. 6000 acre*. ourOrtnw >IJ\tiur8n lnbt
’ a lifetime. Mondow* Bown in April will give a
> routing crop in .July. Prices dirt cheap. Mam
> inoth catalogue and 11 pkg». draw* and Grains,
1 free for >0o postage a nd this notice. Catalogue 6c.
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