R«yl ■Umi tt« M ptn. iwiiiwinmowBi oo.j mw vot. SO*’! BX AFRAID TO TXT IT. Just buy ft local ticket to O’Neill. The bue will transfer you free to our depot (only one block) and you can then buy your ticket to Sioux City or any other point you desire. It won’t cost you a cent more and you saye hours In time. The only route between eastern South Dakota and points in the Black Hills which does not compel you to lay over twenty-four hours in Sioux City is via O'Neill and the Pacific Short Line. The Discovery of the Day. Aug. J. Bogel, the leading druggist of Shreveport, La., says: “Dr. King’s New Discovery is the only thing that cures my cough, and it is the best seller 1 have.” J. F. Campbell, merchant of Salford, Arizona, writes: “Dr. King’s New Discovery Is all that is claimed for it; it never fails, and is a sure Cure for consumption, coughs and colds. I can not say enough for its merits." Df. King’s New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds is not an experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of a cen tury, and today stands at the head, It never disappoints. Free trial bottle at P. 0. Corrigan’s drugstore. Housheld (Mi. The eooleni Greeks believed that the Penates were the gods who attended to the welfare and prosperity of the family. They were worshiped at household gods in every borne. The household god of today ia Dr. King's New Discovery. Tor consumption, coughs, colds, and for all affections of throat ehest and lungs it is invaluable. It has been tried for a quarter of a centuary and is guaranteed to eure or money returned. No house hold should be without this good angel. It Is pleasant to take and a safe and sure remedy for old and young. Tree trial bottles at P. 0. Corrigan's drug 'store. Regular else 00 cents and 91. Did Tea Iver Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? It not get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a wonderful direct influence in Riving strength and tone to the organs. If you have loss of appetite, constipa tion, headache, fainting apells, or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dlssy spells, Electrio Bitters is the medicine you need. Health and strength are guaranted by its use. Titty cents and tf.00 at P. C. Corrigan’s drug store. A USEFUL INVENTION. UMlCMd to Fro root Water PlpM Fran BuiUai tu W In tar. t A (nUmud living la Beckham, England, baa invented and patented * Ingenious method of preventing water pipes from bursting during t frosty weather, says Invention. It oonslsts in a length of elastio substance covered by thin (sheet or tinned) lead, the combination forming a thin rod more pliable than an ordinary cans The rod, when inserted inside the piping becomes compressed by the • ‘Pension caused by the freezing of the water, thus relieving the piping , :Of the strain which would otherwise burst it The elastio substance is prepared oork. the great durability * »d elasticity of which are too well known to need any oenment The Inventor has performed a series of experiments by artldolal freezing whioh. he states proves beyond doubt ' that this method will be an effectual preventive during any frost even when the lightest piping Is used. The red can be easily inserted inside piping and will pass easy bends The Fruu or motion, > Aunty—So you took your first dancing lesson to-day? Did you find It difficult? * Wee Nephew—No’m. It's easy ’nough. All you have to do is to keep turning ’round and wiping your feet —Godd News That B«walro4 Coarago. "What particular incident in the life of George Washington marked hie undaunted oourageP” asked the teacher. "He married a widow, ma’am* re plied Benny Bloombumper—Llfs ‘ Mo HaS It In HU UauU. 'Marta I wish you would ask my mother to teach you how to make a pla. Do you call this crust?" “Ho 1 don’t but I - thought you ‘ mould provide the crustiness for the nnrooliMi ** VMHMk __ Tea Modoot. i'V' Editor—You are entirely too modest Hr Squibs Squibs—It what respect? Editor—la interviewing yourself €>. and attributing the ideas to a * promt, aent politician.” ONE OF TWO WAYS. The bladder waa created (or one pur pose, namely, a recepticle (or the urine, i and as inch it is not liable to any (orm o( disease except by one o( two ways. The first way is (rom imperfect action o( the kidneys. The second is (rom careless local treatment o(» other diseases. CHIEF CAUSE. Unhealthy urine (rom unhealthy kid neys is the chie( cause o( bladder troubles. So the womb, like the blad der, was created (or one purpose, and !( not' doctored too much is not liable to weakness or disease, except in rare cases. It is situated back o( and very close to the bladder, there(ore any pain, disease or inconvenience manifested in the kidneys, back, bladder or urinary passage is o(ten, by mistake, attributed to (emale weakness or womb trouble o( some sort. The error is easily made and may be as easily avoided. To find out correctly, set your urine aside (or twenty-(our hours; a sediment or set tling indicates kidney or bladder trouble. The mild and extraordinary effect o( Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great kidney aftd bladder remedy, is soon realized I(you need a medicine you should have the best. At druggists fl(ty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle nnd a pamphlet, both sent (ree by mail. Nention Tan Fhohtieb and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghampton, N. Y. The proprietors o( this paper guarantee the genuineness o( this offer. What, pleasure is there in li(e with a headache, constipation and billiousnessf Thousands experience them who could become per(ectlv healthy by using DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the famous little pills.—Hershiser & Gilligan. Whooping cough is the most distress ing malady; but its duration can be cut short by the use o( Or.e Uinute Cough Cure, which is also the best known remedy (or croup and all lung and bron chial troubles.—Hershlser & Gilligan. After yean of untold guttering from piles, B. W. Pursell, of Knilnersville, Pa., waa cured by using a single box of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Skin diseases such as eczema, rash, pimples and obstinate sores are readily cured by this famous remedy.—Hershiser As Gilll gan. _ We are anxious to do a little good in this world and can think of no pleas anter way to do it than by recommend ing One Minute Cough Cure aa a pre ventive of pneumonia, consumption and other serious lung troubles that fol low neglected colds.—Hershiser & Gill! gan. PLAYING CARDS. Tmty liiHl* Authentic BIMorr ui Xuah ■riMrr About Thom. The origin of playing ttrda ku boon and utU la a disputed point Some historians oredlt them to the Chlaesa whft by the way. Invented or popu larised many of the Ingenious devices now in common use. Some antiquar ians attribute them to the Hindoos who are very skillful players at a card game In which ninety-six oards are used, whlah makes eight suits of twelve eaoh. The story that oards were introduced Into Europe for tha diversion and amusement of Charles II.'. the mad king of Franca has long sinoe been disproved. They made their appearsnoe In Holland, Britain, Spain and France long before the demented monarch was bora a fact which the editor of “Notes for the Cuqious” in the 81 Louis Republic says he can prove to the satisfaction of certain be hind-the-times cyclppedla makers if they oare to change tie old stereo typed falsehood. The early European packs contained fifty-six oards instead of fifty-twa the extras being the ••cavaliers” who stood between the queens and the knavea Besides these the early Western devotees of the game often used as many as twenty cards with the same power that tiie * 'Joker" of the present paek baa Some writers claim that West ern Europe was the first to use wood or Ivory in place of paper for cards but Captain Dubois mentions a thir teenth oentury pack of Chinese sards “carved the one and the other from woods; the figures on the tame being carved also instead of painted in nut gall, which Is most common." There was a great deal of history In the game of oards at originally in tended. The four kings represented David, Alexander, Ctetar and Charle magne. The queens were Esther, Judith, Palais and Arglaa During the time of the Amerioan Revolution the soldiers whiled away the hours of camp life with cards whloh had the pictures of Washington Iran kiln Adams and Lafayette la place of the kings. A pack of these historlo oddities is now worth many its “weight la geld." PITCHER’S CASTOR IA ■ TBS BD TOU EATS ALWAYS BOUGHT ITOaXA. Ike Hist Yw KiwAhwff Bosrtt > The Hint MOTHER! There is no word so full _of meaning and about which such tender and holy recollections cluster as that of “ Mother ”—she who watched over our helpless infancy and guid ed our first tottering step. Yet the life of evfery Expectant Moth er is beset with danger and all ef fort should be made to avoid it. an ■■ ■ so assists nature Mother s s^tirssi _ , m the Expectant r f IfinH Mother is ena 1*1 IKIIII bled to look for ■ ■ IVInti ward without dread, suffering or gloomy fore bodings, to the hour when she experiences the joy of Motherhood. Its use insures safety to the lives of both Mother and Child, and she is found stronger after than before confinement—in short, it "makes Childbirth natural and easy,” as so many have said. Don’t be persuaded to use anything but MOTHER'S FRIEND “ My wife suffered more in ten min utes with either of her other two chil dren then she did altogether with her last, having previously used four bot tles of 'Mother’s Friend.’ It is a blessing to any one expecting to be come a MOTHER,” says a customer. HnnnnasoM Daxje, Carmi, Illinois. or DrosslM* >( I1-00, or mbs by azprou on reoalpt of prion. Wrlto for book oontalnlnc taatlmonlali and rolanblo Information for all Mother*, froa. Tki Bradfleld Basnlator Co., Atlanta, fla. There are three little things which do more work than any other three little things created—they are the ant, the bee and DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the last being the famous little pills for stomach and liver troubles.—Hershlter A Gilligan. _ a inriu oi terror is experienced wnen s brassy cough sounds through the house at night. But the terror soon changes to relief after One Minute Cough cure has been administered. Safe and harmless for children.—Her shiser & Giiligan. The Greatest Discovery Yet W. M. Repine, editor Tiskilwa, 111.* Chief, says: "We won’t keep house without Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds. Ex perimented with many others, but never got the true remedy until we used Dr. King’s New Discovery. No other remedy can take its place in our home, as in it we have a certain and sure cure for coughs, colds, whooping cough, etc.” It is idle to experiment with other remedies, even if they sre urged on you as just as good as Dr. King's New Dis covery. They are not as good, because this remedy has a record of cures and besides is guaranteed. It never fails to satisfy. Trial bottles free at P. 0. Cor rigan's drug store. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Land Office at O'Neill, Nebr., Jan. 28, 1898. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notloe of his Intention to make Anal proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at O’Neill, Neb., on March 13,1898. vis: ORVILLE HARRISON H. E. No. 14487, for the nwli section 15, township 81, range 11 wen. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of (said land, vis: Samuel Bearer and Jacob Beaver, of Leonla. Neb., and Elmer H. House and Abe Rouse, of Blackbird, Neb, 31-8 S. J. Wkekes, Register. NOTICE OF BALE UNDER CHATTEL MORTGAGE. Notice la hereby given that by virtue of a chattel mortgage dated on the slat day of January, 1896, and a copy being duly filed In the offloe of the county olerk of Holt county, Nebraaka, on the 22nd day of January, 1898. and executed by James Connolly, of O’Nell , Nebraaka, to Omaha Brewing association, of Omaha, Nebraska, to secure the payment of his note of four hundred dollars (1100) due on demand and payment having been de manded and refused and upon which there is now due the sum of four hundred dollars (1400) with Interest at 10 per oent. from date, default having been made In the payment of said loan and no suit or other proceeding at law having been Instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof, the undersigned mortgagee will sell for cash ths property herein described, vis: All of a certain stock of liquors and cigars, also all fixtures and furniture, consisting of counter, bar, baok bar, mirror, tables, chairs, glasses, tee box, cash register, and all other fixtures and fur niture being and contained In the building occupied by James Connolly and known as the Stannard building situated on the west side of Fourth street In the city of O'Neill* Nebraska, at public auction In the building before described and formerly occupied by said James Connolly situated on the west side of Fourth street and known as the Htannard building In the city of O'Neill, In the aforesaid county and state on the 28rd day of February, 1896, at one o’olock p. m. of ■aid day. Dated thia 26th day of January, 1896. _Omaha Brxwiko Association. By R. B. Dickson, Its Attorney.. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFEND ANT. In the dlstrlot court of Holt oounty Neb raska. To Caleb A. Monson, Nels Monaon, Ida M Monson and Oscar A. Olson, non-resident defendant: You are hereby notified that on the 18th djO; of January, 1868, William M. GUler. plaintiff herein, filed his petition In the above entitled cause, in the dlstrlot court of Holt county. Neb., against you and each of you. Impleaded with John C. Barnard and Anthony Johnson, the object and prayer of which Is to foreclose one certain mortgage exeouted on the 14th day of January, 1892, by Nels Monson and Caleb A. Monson. upon the property described us follows: The north east quart' r of section thirty-tour, and the north half of the southwest quarter, and the south halt of the northwest quarter, and the west half of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter, of section thirty-five, all in township twenty-eight, range nine west. Including the townslte of Emporia, as sur veyed. platted and recorded. In Holt oounty. Net}., to secure the payment of two certain promissory notes, eaoh dated January 2 1892, and due In six and nine months respect ively, for the sum of three hundred fifty dol lars each, with interest from date at the rate of eight per cent, per annum; that there Is now due and payable on said antes the sum of six hundred forty und 80-100 dollars with Interest at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum from the 20tli day of September, 1891, for which sum plaintiff prays for a decree that the defendants pay the same, and that In default of such payment said premises may be sold to satisfy ths amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 28th day of February. 1898. Dated at O'Neill, Nebraska. January 19, W. WiuiamM.Oiusr. SM Plaintiff. THE FRONTIER Is the OLDEST PAPER and the BEST PAPER in • , ' * ; HOLT COUNTY. Its office is fitted with the most most modern convenien ces and machinery, always has the latest faces of type, the best workmen, and is thereby enabled to turn out the most satisfactory kind of job work. Its management uses none but the best paper, are scrupu* neat and prompt with their work and guarantee satisfac tion. Mail orders receive careful attention, and if your home paper is not prepared to do all classes of work you will find it to your financial benefit to communicate with The Frontier. The Frontier Carries a very complete line of legal blanks and sells them reasonably cheap. If we do not have what you want we will print it almost as you wait. As an Advertising fledium It is the be3t in the county, especially at the county seat. It circulates among the best class of people; a class that pays for what it gets and does not patronize non-iesidents, as does a certain portion of the people in the west. Its rates for advertising are very low, and the business man who does not advertise in it is loser more than he dreams of. If you want To subscribe for The Frontier and any other paper or maga zine published on earth we will give you a rate and 8ive you money. We have clubbing rates with the lead ing publications ot the world. Gall on or address 'THE FHONTHEB " O’NEILL, NEB.