The Frontier. fs'; PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY THE FRONTIER PRINTING COMPANY D. H. CRONIN, Editor. SPECIAL NOTICE. For several yean we have been publishing notices of entertainments, balls, snppers, resolutions of respect, cards of thanks, etc., gratuitously. We have discovered that this method of doing business does not pay hired help or paper bills and hereafter we will charge for all notices of this character. No person would think of going into a grocery store every week and asking the proprietor to • .-y ■ • ^ donate them ten or fifteen pounds of sugar, coffee, or other commodity, yet they come to a newspaper office week after week and year after year for free advertising, and they get it and then forget to give the editor even a complimentary ticket, and get angry if he does not buy one. The advertising space of a news* paper is for sale and upon it the paper has to depend for support and no person or persons ought to expect to reoeive three or four dollars worth of advertising for a fifteen-cent entertainment and then if the editor attends, on a complimentary tioket—paid (or ten times over— they eall him a deadhead, tn order to obviate this difficulty we have de eided to Join the ranks of a large .■HU*. H' */ir t+'■*'■ 4s- -« number ox Nebraska newspapers and charge for snoh notices and then if we desire to attend the balls, suppers or entertainments to pay oar way with the ooin of the realm. Cards of thanks and resolutions of respeot are of interest only to those directly interested and properly belong to the paid advertising list where we have plaoed them. We are always willing and ready lo pub lish them at the prioes quoted. The following rates will be . Mii&M • f- .»■: -4 • ... t. .sgtf oharged: AU notices of chnroh or other socials, lectures, eta, which are held for the purpose of raising money and where an admission fee is oharged 5 oents per counted line, each insertion; all resolutions of respect and cards of thanks will be ohaiged for at the rate of 6 oents per counted line, with a minimum charge of 50 oents for resolutions mid 25 oents for cards of tbanks; all obituary poetry 10 cents per conn ted line. Terms: Cadi in advance. No deviation from from these ruled. Bspumjcaxs should nominate the ; ablest man in the party for gover '^nor this fall. If we do this we can carry the state easily. , Ersav citizen of Nebraska should put his shoulder to the wheel and aid the Trans-Missisaippi Exposition. > It is going to be a great success. t—■»«•» -— Tn magnificent buildings pn the Exposition grounds is evidenoe to the observer that it has passed the V* experimental stage. The Expo, should be the pride ot all Zebras - kana. -- .. . Two herds .of Woodbury^ Iowa, cattle will be slaughtered on account of the disease of ergotism which has developed. They cannot be cured. The disease is not oonta gious, but is infectious.—Goiumbus JoumaL Tn tune has arrived in tke his tory of the republican party in Ne braska when the must toko a back seat. Chronic office 4', seekers should be ignored Pick a man from the ranks, make him our ^ standard bearer and we will win. j Tn meeting of the State Press ' pasoeiation held at Linooln last week K was the most suooessful in the his tory of the organization, both in : point of attendance and sociability. The Stote Journal staff were untir V; '" ing in their efforts to entertain the **TIib O’Neill Conservator1!] 01 Mnsie."* r Instructions the same as at the Royal Conservatory Of Music, Munich, Germany. ...Branches taught under the general direction of ...C. J. SCHUBERT._mmmm PIANO, VOCAL CULTURE, ORGAN, HARMONY, MANDOLIN, GUITAR. Mi 4 Tuition (Payable in advance.) 12 weeks’ term (24 lessons) 912.00 12 weeks’ term (12 lessons) 6.00 For private lessons, each, 1.25 Discount on all music. Ample accommodations for students from abroad. Free Chorus Class, notation and Sight Reading, Hrt Department:. Painting in Oil and Water Color. Drawing. .Sketches from nature and still life. Also the German and French lan guages taught by Mrs. C. J. Shubert. REFERENCES: Special mention at the Colombian Exposition, 1893. Nine Drat prize* Antelope County Fair, 1896. Seven flrat and five second prizes Nebraska State Fair, 1897. C. J. SCHUBERT, Director. i boys, and on Wednesday evening tendered them a complimentary ban quet at the Lincoln hotel that was greatly appreciated by the “quill pushers.” On Thursday morning, through the courtesy of the Omaha World-Herald and the B. and M. railroad company, the members of the association were taken to Omaha to view the Trans-Mississippi Expo sition grounds, after which they were wined and dined at the Paxton hotel. The members of the associ ation returned to their homes Tues day afternoon, feeling bettor for the short vacation and with a warmer feeling in their hearts for the citi zens of Lincoln and Omaha who entertained them so royally. The next meeting will be held in Omaha. -►,#« When William 1. Bryan was nom inated amid the most favorable cir cumstances at Chicago nearly two years ago, he stepped immediately upon a platform of pessimism, and proclaimed aloud that the country was in dire straits, whioh was obvi ously true, and that he, and he alone, could lead the toiling masses, “the common people,” to prosperity, whioh was obviously false. He stated repeatedly that through no whim of fate, by no turn of fortune’s wheel, could the people of the United States enjoy prosperity so long as the gold standard existed in this great land. Upon that theory he rested his reputation as a finan cier. It was the backbone oL his political anatomy; the mainspring of his political maohine. That back bone has been fraotured; the rusting fragments of that mainspring are exposed to wind and weather. The gold standard is here, yet prosper ity, dear, cheerful, companionable prosperity stubbornly refuses to leave the stage and is Btridtly in performance at all times, yet this prophet, this soloman, this messiah who assumed the responsibility of leading a nation out of the wilder ness at the suggestion of none but himself, again comes to the front and proffers his services. Where does he keep his stock of cheek? You are lost in a desert; there is but one right path and you are unable to choose. To make a mistake means death on the burning Bands, and, as you falter, two guides appear cmd each point a different direction; each rays, “this way is life, that is death.” You are im pressed with the truthfulness and capability of one, and follow him to a refuge in a land of plenty. Again you are called upon to choose be tween the two although this time you are amid plenty. Will you desert the man who carried you out of danger for the man who would have destroyed your life? One is a good guide, the other is not, because when there is but one right path you cannot travel both in safety. ' Your experience has told you which to trust, and, if you possess tbs degree of intelligence which is accredited to the American, you will trust the one whom you know to be • worthy of trust.—Hastings Record. Trees and Plants. General Assortments of Nursery Stock of Best varieties for Nebraska. MILLIONS of STRAWBERRY and RASPBE8RY PLANTS at wholesale and retail. Our plants have been irrigated when needing it therefore very thrifty and deep booted. Buy the best near HOME, preventing loss by delay and saving extra freight or express from eastern points. Write for price list to NORTH BEND NURSERIES, North Bend, Dodge Co., Neb. wton Consamplon Will SCOTTS EMULSION cure consumption ? Yes and no. Will it cure every case ? No. What cases will it cure then? Those in their earlier stages, especially in young people. We make no exag gerated claims, but we have positive evidence that the early use of Scott’s Emulston of Cod-liver oil with Hypo phosphites of Lime and Soda In these cases results in a positive cure to a large num ber. In advanced cases, how ever, where a cure is impossi ble, this well-known remedy should he relied upon to pro long life surprisingly. 50c. «nd $1.00, .11 druggists. SCOTT & BOWNB, Chemists, New York. wwmmsmlUii i MONTHLY SUFFERING. *J*housands of troubled at monthly inter* Tala with paina in the head, back, breasts, shoulders,sides hips and limbs. But they need not suffer. tmmm These pains are symptoms of dangerous derangements that can De corrected. The men* strual function should operate painlessly. ' makes menstruation painless, and regular. It puts the deli cate menstrual organs in condi tion to do their work properly. And that stops all this pain. Why will any woman suffer month after month when Wine ofCarduiwill relieve her? It costs $1.00 at the drug store. Why don’t you get a bottle For advice, in cases requiring special directions, address, giv ing symptoms, “The Ladles’ Advisory Department,” The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. Mrs. MZBM LEWIS. •I Oeaavltla, Tsiss, says I " I was trsabiad it awathly Intervals with tarrlbla salat la nr htaS and hath, hat hava haea entirely relieved by Wins St Cardal.” fhatw ITOUXA. The Kind Yu Hau Altrajs Bught - law at O’NEiLLbiJSlNESS DIRECTORY pn. J. P. OIIiUGAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office in Holt Connty Bank building Orders left at our drug store or at my residence first street north and half j block ea£t of stand pipe will receive prompt response, as I have telephone connections. O’NEILL, • NEB. £)R. OtVElf 8. O’NEILL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office—Over First National Bank. Calls answered promptly any time of day or night. Can be found at night at office. £)R. G. M. BERRY, DENTIST AND ORAL SURGEON Graduate of Northwestern University, Chicago, and also of American College of Dental Surgeory. All the latest and Improved branches of Dentistry carefully performed. Office over Pfunds store. E.H . BENEDICT, LAWYER, Offloe in the Judge Roberts building, north of O. O. Border’s lumber yard. O NEILL, NEB. g R. DICKSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Beferehee First National Bank O'NEILL, NEB. JJAUNEY STEWART, PRACTICAL AUCTIONEER. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address, Page, Neb. O'NEILL m 807D COUNTY STAGS Stage leaves O’Neill at 8:30 a. u.. arriving at Spencer at 4 p. u.; at Butte. 5:30 p. m. S. D. Gaixenting, Prop. P. D. A J. F. MULLEN, PROPRIETORS CP THE GOOD TEAMS, NEW RIGS Prices Reasonable. O’NEILL, NEB. THE ODELL Type Writer. ffiOO wlu bu* th.® ODELL TYPE WAV WRITER with 78 characters, warranted to do as good work as any machine made. It combines SIMPLICITY with DURABIL ITY, SPEED AND BARE OF OPERATION. Wears longer without cost of repairs than any other machine. Has no ink ribbon to bother the operator. It is NKAT, SUB STANTIAL, nickel-plated, perfect, and adapted to all kinds of type writing. Like a printing press, it produces sharp, clean, leg ible manuscripts. TWO OR TEN COPIES oan be made at one writing. Any intelli gent person can become an operator in two days. Reliable Agents and Salesmen Wanted. For pamphlet giving indorsements, etc., address Odell Type Writer Co. CONSOLIDATED FIELD FENCING b Mia hi 16 dHlarsat ityhi ami to imutiii bfanto kiadsol stack. Nothing but Lane, Galvanized Wire, of the Best Bessemer Steel, used In Its construction. A FENCE THAT ALWAYS KEEPS ITS SHAPE. The hinge Joint at each Intersection of the wires makes an adjustable fence and prevents star wires from bending. The crimp In the strand wire provides for expair sion and contraction and prevents stay wire from moving out of place. MANUFACTtJBCD BY Coooelidated Steel and Wire Co., Chicago* ron sale av Nell Brennan. sArfMUfcSifejsMfeMaisit Chicago Lumber Yard Headquarters for . . . LUMBER AND -* COAL! HST 0.0. SNYDER & CO. S EMIL SNIGGS ^ ALSO PROPRIETOR OF r Elkhorn Valley Blackmith and Horseshoeing | '&%U>hop.*J^ Headquarters in the West for Horseshoeing and Plow Work. All kinds of repairing carried on in connection. Machinery, wagon, carriage, wood and iron work. Have all skilled men for the different branches. A11 work guaranteed to be the best, as we rely on our workmenship to draw our custom. Also in season we sell the Plano up to date harvesters, binders mowers and reapers. P>on;tv VrtTHeUTjftKIWO,'Au>NOAl - ANv«->- - Rpgp ^j^y/fYS ‘ nEUflBjgJj jdjDirrEREriT Models > -sj6-» ALt cambers FROm.C? TO 50 —.THEY ARE TH yufyNERs>> Hunters i — fAV0RITE>-~ l Wftcr/esre/i AMMUftmm^uxDBr L. everybody — solo cverfirtvhckb ^WINCHESTER .REPEATING ARMS (5 egS&K HOTEL -f^VANS Enlarged Refurnished Refitted Only First-class Hotel In the City. W. T. EVANS, Prop. DeYARMAN’S BARN. B. A. DbYARMAN, Manager. |P'Y ARMAN'S fffTfffWJlIW Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Finest turnouts in the city. Good, careful drivers when wanted. ALo run the O’Neill Omnibus line. Commercial trade a specialty. Pacific Short Line —HAS THE BEST TRAIN SERVICE -IN NORTHERN NEBRASKA. Through Freight and Passenger Rates TO ALL POINTS. If you are going on a trip or intend chang ing your location, apply to our nearest agent, or write to W. B. McNIDER, Gen’l Pass. Agent, Sioux City H Of 0 fe. B H •s 0 (ft Purchase Tickets and Consign your Freight via the ' j F. E.&M.V.andS. C.& P RAILROADS. 1 TRAINS DEPART; GOING BAST. Passenger east. No. 4, 10:04 a. v Freight east, No. 34, 13:15 p. m Freight east, No. 38, 3:55 p. m. GOING WBST Passenger west. No. 8, 9:40 p. Freight west, No. 37, 10:04 P. Freight, No, 33, Local 4 00 p. The Klkhorn Line la now running Reclining Ohalr Cars daily, between Omaha and Dead - wood, jree to holders of flrst-claaa trausuor tatlon. Fer anr Information call on W- J. DOBBS, Ast. O’NEILL. NEB. NEW YORK . . . ILLUSTRATED NEWS The Organ of Hentit Sport in America ALL THE SENSATIONS OF THE DAY FICTUaCD BV TMl FOREMOST ARTISTS OF THE COUNTRY Life in New York Graphically Illustrated [ Breezy but Respectable. ^ t* FOR * YEAR, »gI FOR SIX MONTHS Do you want to ba posted? Then send your subscription to the HEW TORS ILLUSTRATED SEWS, 3 PARK PLACE NEW YORK CITY PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY The Disoovery Saved Hit Mr. Q. Caillouette, druggist, Beavers ville, 111, save: “To Dr. King’s New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with lagrippe and tried all the ians for miles about, but was of no avail and was given up and tuld 1 coi^J not live. Having Dr. King’s New ot!-' covery in my store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from the first dose began to get better, and attei using three bottles wa9 up and about again, h is worth its weight in gold. We won’t keep store or house without it." Get a free trial at Corrigan’s drug store.