WILLBE NO DEFICIT. democratic screams about THE FAILURE UNFOUNDED. Tta« Formal “Estimate" of tfao Secretary of War Show* an Apparent, Deficit for 1898 of •91,000,000, bat the Facte Poiat to a Probable Sarplue In That Tear of ■30,000,000. Washington, D. C., December, 1897. “And hereafter the secretary of war shall annually submit estimates In de tail for river and harbor Improvements required for the ensuing fiscal year, to the secretary of the treasury, to be included In and carried into the sum total of the book of estimates." From the sundry civil appropriation act for the fiscal year 1897. The above quotation from the last sundry civil appropriation bill as it became a law and stands upon the statute books, explains the apparent prospect of a deficit In the fiscal year which is to begin July 1st of next year. ' A good deal of professed distress has been manifested in certain quarters over the figures of the report of the secretary of the treasury which indi cate a deficit in the next fiscal year. The people indulging in these evi dences of distress will perhaps be gratified to know that the apparent deficit Is only apparent, and that the figures when considered In light of the paragraph quoted above, warrant the assertion that the fiscal year begin ning July 1st, 1898, will show a sur plus of 830,000,000, instead of a deficit of $21,000,000. The explanation of the apparent de ficit is found in a single line on page 12 of the secretary’s report. It is aa follows: "Public works, war department, $63, 400,409.81.” The above is the formal "cstlmato” ' for river and harbor Improvements In .the fiscal year In question now re quired by the paragraph quoted at the beginning of this dispatch, to be in serted In the annual estimates sent •to Congress by the secretary of the .treasury. Prior to the adoption of this new requirement the secretary of war'made his estimates of the amount requlred for the river and harbor Im provement upon the judgment of the chief of engineers. Now he Is required Ito Insert In the annual estimates ev ery 'dollar that any and every subor ;dlnate-*fflcer In charge of .the various Improvements the country ever may jchoqfltotaame as the amount that can jbe "pragtably expended” during ihe .coming fiscal year. | Everybody familiar with the reports fee at £ the cost. Made from pure grains it is nourishing and health ful. Insist that roar grocer gives yon Aooept no imitation. r-. .f GRAJN-O. PENSIONS Get your PettsHw DOUBLE QUICK Write C APT. O’FARRELL, Pension Agent, 1423 New York Avenne. WA5HINQT0N, D.C. When Answering Advertisements Kindly Hetties This Taper.