f: • ——. i The Frontier. ■i .— - . PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY THE FRONTIER PRINTING COMPANY D. H. CRONIN, Editor. house Saturday. f>v __ t>, __ We still hope that Senator Hanna : v will triumph over h,s enemies and :v be elected senator. Maryland has so much good republican senatorial material that there is no possibility of Senator Gorman's successor failing to be a '* - first-class man. ■#: ‘' -- The heaviest distribution of holi day presents ever made by a single man, under a republican form of government, has just been completed by Boss Groker, of Tammany. The Nebraska Press association .. will meet in annual session at Lin coln next Monday and Tuesday. It c. promises to be a very interesting meeting and we will try and be there. The fire-eating Spanish editors are again clamouring for war with the United States, but the Spanish government isn’t hankering after getting whipped off the face of the earth. The controversy over the aggre gate amount ot pensions paid to residents o{ the south is an idle one. A pensioner has the same right to change his residence that others have. The twenty-one contests for seats in the house are to be taken up at ''1 once and disposed of aB rapidly as possible. Each of the three election committees will handle seven of the &1 contests. ’' ' ••• Long before the first of January, 1809, numerous citizens of greater New York whg aided, directly or indirectly, Tammany to get control, will be making resolutions not to do it again. “There are others” who began to oelebrate Christmas one week ahead of time. A little party of “hot time” people which pretended to go to Texas after deep water improve ments, did many things in the name of the approaching holiday season. * v —Lincoln Call. o* » . How about it McHugh? >, ,__ , While glancing over the Ewing Advocate the other day, we notioed that it contained a long .article about the prosperity evident in that K' • city. Even the pops admit that conditions have improved, and when those pops live in Holt oonnty it ought to be sufficient proof. • Xhi opposition to the oonfinna > tioa of the nomination of Attorney General MoKenna to be a justice of rv the United States supreme court has ■ ‘ never been strong enough to be taken seriously by senators. His confirmation may be looked for l shortly after congress re-oonvenes. Ddrimo the past month several of our subscribers have called and paid their subscriptions, but there are still five or six hundred who are in arrears from one to five years, and we hope that they will call around ; during the next two weeks and s square up. Gall around and pay at 5 a part of your indebtedness- if you can not pay it all. Joan M. Stewxbt has got another ■ office. On Monday night he was appointed as a member of the Atkinson sohool board to fill the vacancy caused by the resignatiou ® K v* "• **- J.L lOOKS as II I Mr. Stewart was going to remain in Atkinson and allow his deputy to do 5 ■' the work the people of Holt county i. elected him to perform. 'S' ----- ^ . Skkatok Lodge has announced his J t intention to introduce a bill provid ing for the purchase from Denmark of the islands of St. Thomas, St. vCroix and St John, in the West Indies, the department of state , having officially ascertained the willingness of Denmark to sell. During the first Grant administra tion a treaty for the pureease of these islands for $8,000,000 was - negotiated, but the senate failed to ! The O’Neill ConserVatoflJ Of Mnsie. f Instructions the same as at the Royal Conservatory Of Music, Munich, Germany. ...Branches taught under the general direction of ...C. J. SCHUBERT, i PIANO, VOCAL CULTURE, ORGAN, HARMONY, MANDOLIN, GUITAR. Tuition (Payable in advance.) 12 weeks’ term (24 lessons) $12 00 12 weeks' term (12 lessons) 6.00 For private lessons, each, 1.25 Discount on all music. Ample accommodations for students from abroad. !♦♦♦♦« Free Chorus Class, Notation and Sight Reading, .Hrt D@partmsnt. Painting in Oil and Water Color. Drawing. Sketches from nature and still life. Also the German and French lan guages taught by Mrs. C. J. Shubert. REFERENCES: Special mention at tbe Columbian Exposition, 1893. Niue first prizes Antelope County Fair, 1896. Seven first and five second prizes Nebraska Stale Fair, 1897. C. J. SCHUBERT, Director. : x MEXICO VS. BRYANISM. Mr. Bryan, ifc appears, is going to make a quite extended visit in Mexioo, but although that country has the silver standard, it utterly rejects Bryanism. It is a fact worthy of emphasis that Mr. Bryan’s program and the platform on which he wants to run again for president of the United States are as repung ent to the settled financial policy of Mexioo as they are to that of the United States. For example, one of the most conspicuous and fatal propositions of the Chicago platform is the prop osition to abolish the right of private contract with respect to money. That is to say, it proposes to make illegal and uncollectable any con tract, evidenced by note, mortgage, bond or other instrument, to pay a particular kind of money, and es pecially to pay gold. But Mexico, although it legally has free Bilver monometallism by reason of free coinage, maintains and always has maintained, the wise policy of per mitting private contracts. All citizens and denizens of Mexico may use the gold standard in their pri vate contracts and the courts will enforoe payment. Again: Mr. Bryan and the Chi cago platform vehemently denounoe national bonds payable in gold, or the notion of permitting our govern ment to have the descretion to use such bonds. But the government of Mexioo follows exactly the opposite polioy. Nearly all the national debt of Mexioo is in bonds payable expressly in gold. The same is true of the bonds of the various states and municipalities of Mexico, as well as of the railroad and other large corporations, including many of the silver mining corporations. Mexioan statesmen and business men would regard Mr. Bryan as little short of insane if he should propose to them to abolish this polioy, so wise is it and so greatly to the advantage of business and government Yet precisely this insanity is one of the most conspicu ous purposes of the Bryanite party in the United States. There is some excuse for Mexioo having the single silver standard. Mexioo came naturally by it Mex ioo never committed the unspeaka ble folly of changing abruptly from the gold to the silver standard, but was always on the silver standard. The policy of free coinage simply carried the silver standard in Mexico down with the fall of silver in the market of the world. The injury and loss which would naturally result to business in Mexico has been greatly modified and reduced by the ability of all men to use the gold standard in their contracts, t A sudden change of standard, no matter in what direction, must always be avoided, and it would not be wise for Mexico now to change abruptly from silver to gold, al though doubtless a change will have to be made. But it is well to note that there is not a trace of Bryanism in Diaz and the other statesmen of Mexico. They are wise conservative and safe men, and they have abso lutely no nse for Bryanism in any form. —Sioux City Journal. Edgar Howard, county judge of Sarpy county, and editor of the Papillion Times, is being groomed by some of the democratic press as the fusion candidate for lieutenant governor next year. But Edgar says he will not accept. He is an astute politician and has never been defeated for office, and does not intend at this late day to run up against a stone wall, which the fusion candidates will have to do next fall. The /epublican tioket, composed of good olean men, will be the stone wall. The action of Governor Bushnell, of Ohio, in using his office to assist the democrats in defeating Mark Hanna for re-election as senator, is contemptable, and places the here tofore highly respected governor in the ranks of the traitors. Hanna was the choice of the republican state convention that nominated Mr. Bushnell for a second term, and the latter pledged him his support. But the ambitious and venomous governor thinks by defeating Hanna he could secure the prize himself. There is only one way to treat men of his calibre and that is to let them drop into obscurity as soon as possible. ibV‘s>* Coiniiii means pain, danger and possible death for some wives. For others it means practically no discomfort at all. There is no reason why child birth should be a period of pain and dread. Sev eral months before a woman becomes a mother she should prepare herself for the critical ordeaL There is a prepara tion made which is intended for thia purpose alone. The name of this wonderful preparation is .1 It is a lmiment to be ap plied ex ternally. It relaxes the mus cles and re lieves the distension, gives elastici ty to every organ con cerned in childbirth, and takes away all danger and nearly all suffer ing. Best results follow if the remedy is used during the whole period of preg nancy, it is tne only remedy of the kind in the world that is endwned by physicians. $1 per bottle at all drug stores, or sent by mail on receipt of price. Fkkb Books son taming invaluable in formation for aH women, will be sent to aav ad dress upon application to III BradflolS Regulator Co., Atlanta, 6a PITCHER'S CASTORIA THE END TOO HAVE ALWAYS BOUGHT Hu til fco-fteB* rifiitm a O’NEILL BUSINESS DIRECTORY JQR. J. P. GILLIGAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Holt County Bank building Confinement cases *25 each. Night calls double regular f«e in advance. O’NEILL, NEB, £JIl. OWEN 8 .O’NEILL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office—Over First National Bank; Calls answered promptly any time of day or night. Can be found at night at office. JJB. G. M. BER11Y, DENTIST AND ORAL SURGEON Graduate of Northwestern University, Chicago, and also of American College of Dental Surgeory. Ail the latest and improved branches of Dentistry carefully performed. Office over Pfunds store. E. H. BENEDICT. LAWYER, Office in the Judge Roberts building, north of O. O. Border's lumber yard, 0 NEILL, NEB. U R. DICKSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Referenoe First National Bank O'NEILL, NEB. JJARNEY STEWART, PRACTICAL AUCTIONEER. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address, Page, Neb. rim m son coin stage Stage leaves O'Neill at 8:39 a. m., arriving at Spencer at i p. m. ; at Butte. 5:30 p. m. S. D. Gam.enti.ve, Prop. P. D> A J. F. MULLEN, proprietors or the GOOD TEAMS, NEW RIGS Prices Reasonable. O'NEILL, NEB, THE ODELL Type Writer. ftOA w,u buF th® ODELL TYPE QCV WRITER with 78 characters, warranted to do as good work as any machine made. It combines SIMPLICITY with DURABIL ITY, SPEED AND EARE OF OPERATION. Wears longer without cost of repairs than any other machine. Has no Ink ribbon to bother the operator. It Is NEAT, SUB STANTIAL, nickel-plated, perfect, and adapted to all kinds of type writing. Like a printing press, It produces sharp, clean, leg ible manuscripts. TWO OR TEN COPIES can be made at one writing. Any intelli gent person can become an operator In two days. Reliable Agents and'Salesmen Wanted. For pamphlet giving indorsements, etc., address Odell Type Writer Co. CONSOLIDATED FIELD FENCING to amda to 16 dMfcraat stylet aad to Swan teed to tent all Uada of stack. Nothing but Large. Galvanized Wire, of the Best Bessemer Steel, j used In Its construction. A FENCE THAT ALWAYS KEEPS ITS SHAPE. The hinge Joint at each intersection of the wires makes an adjustable fence and prevents stay wires from bending. Crimp end Joint. The crimp in the strand wire provides for expan sion and contraction and prevents stay wire from moving ont of place. manumctuuco ay Consolidated Steel and Wire Co., Chicago. rO« SALK BY Neil Brennan. Chicago Lumber Yard Headquarters for LUMBER AND +*■ COAL ( O’Neill, Page, Allen. Yards/ Page, \r 0.0. SNYDER & CO. EMIL SNIGGS Elkhorn Valley Blackmith and Horseshoeing Headquarters in the West for Horseshoeing and Plow Work. All kinds of repairing carried on in connection. Machinery wagom carriage, wood and iron work. Have all skilled men for the different branches. All work guaranteed to he the best ns we rely on our workmenship to draw our custom. Also in seas in we sell the Plano up to date harvesters, binders mowers and reapers ALSO PROPRIETOR OF Pont G0«to* Klondike VrtrwouT TXKiNo AuoNo a ~bL**ys RELMfite> ^"Different Models -d£- - all calibers from 22 to 50 — they are th{ Miners ^Hunters —Favorite-^ Winchester ammunition, used by everybody— •solo everywhere »OTINCHE5TER4ffPaTlNGflRMSG ESTM / HOTEL -JAVANS Enlarged Refurnished Refitted Only First-class Hotel In the City. W. T. EVANS, Prop. DeYARMAN’S BARN. B. A. DkVARMAN, Manager. D'Y ARMAN'S Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Finest turnouts in the city. Good, careful drivers when wanted. Alio run the O’Neill Omnibus line. Commercial trade a specialty. Pacific Short Line -HAS THE BEST TRAIN SERVICE -IN— NORTHERN NEBRASKA.! Through Freight and Passenger Rates TO ALL POINTS. It you are going on a trip or intend chang ing your location, apply to our nearest agent, or write to W. B. McfllDER. Oeu’l Pass. Agent. Sioux City H H or o & X b D 0 (A Purchase Tickets and Consign your Freight via the F. E. & M. V. and S. C. & P RAILROADS. TRAINS DEI*AM GOING BAST. Passenger east, No. 4, 10:04 a. m Freight east. No. 24, 12:15 P. m Freight east, No. 28, 2:55 p. w. GOING WB8T Passenger west. No. 8, 9:40 p. h Freight west, No. 27, 10:04 p. m Freight, No, 23, Local 4:00 p. m. The Klkhorn Line Is now running Reclining Chair Cars dally, between Omaha and Dead wood, jree to holders of first-claes transpnr tatlon. Fer any information call on W. J. DOBBS, Agt. O’NEILL. NEB. NEW YORK . . . ILLUSTRATED NEWS The Organ of Honaat Snort in Amarioa ALL THE SENSATIONS OF THE DAY siCTuacD ay the FOREMOST ARTISTS OF THE COUNTRY Life in New York Graphically Illustrated Breezy but Reapectable. $4 FOR A YEAR, S2 FOR SIX MONTHS Do you went to be posted? Then tend your subscription to the nv nu uusmisD sews, 3 PARK PLACE NEW YORK CITY PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY The Discovery Bayed Bis Mr. G. Caillouette, druggist, Beavers ville, 111, Bays: “To Dr. King’s New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with lagrippe and tried all the iaus for miles about, but was of no avail and was given up and told 1 could not live. Having Dr. King's New Dis covery in my store I sent for a bottle L and began its use and from the first done f * began to get better, and attei using three bottles was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We won’t keep store or house without it.’’ Get a free trial at Corrigan’s drug store.