The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 23, 1897, Image 7

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    ^ An eloquent essay on “Edmund
^Burke and Kls Abiding Influence,” by
.^LO’Connor Power, constitutes one of
J/fb most interesting numbers in tha
^North American Review’s table of con
\ tents for December. This year, which
marks the centenary of the death of
'Edmund Burke, seems a fitting occa
sion to draw renewed attention to one
who may be styled “the greatest of im
perial statesmen,” and whose influence
has been a constant and increasing
force in British politics.
It Makes Cold Feet Warm
And Is the only cure for Chilblains,
, Frostbites, Damp, Sweating Feet, Corns
and Bunions. Ask for Allen’s Foot
Ea§e, a powder to be shaken into the
shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe
Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad
dress. Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y.,
"Everything comes to him who
waits,” quoted the Kentucky man who
married the granddaughter of the girl
who had‘refused him.
Beauty Is Blood Deep.
Clean blood means a cleau skin. No
beauty without it. Cascarets,Candy Cathar
tic cleans your blood and keeps it clean, by
stirring up the lazy' liver and driving all im
S unties from the bodjr. Begin to-day to
anisb pimples, boils, blotchos,blackheads,
and thntsickly bilious complexion by taking
Cascarets,—beauty' for ten cents. All drug
gists. satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 2oc, 50e.
In the state of Neuvo Leon, Mexico,
the government officials have ordered
that all the pupils intheoffleial schools
> shall be taught to write with both
the left and right hand.
Spogs—Was it not disgraceful, the
way In which Smiggs snored in church
“The boss doesn’t seem cuite him
self today." "Yes, he’s ail right; I just
now asked him for a raise in salary
and didn’t get it."—Chicago fcecord.
Th« fcaat Man On Earth
To recklessly experiment upon himself with
hope of relief is the dyspeptic. Yet the nos
trums for thLftnalady uro as the sands of the
sea, and. presumably, about ns efficacious,
| Indigestion, that-obstinate malady, even if
long perpetuity, is eventually overcome with
Hostetler’s Stomach Bitters, an appetizing
tonic and alterative, which cures constipa
tion, fever and ague, bilious remittent,
rheumatism, kidney complaint and feeble
The Boy: “I’ve got you on a string
at last.” The Kite: "Yes. that's what
makes me soar.”—Chicago News.
Try Graln-O.
Ask your grocer to-day to show you
a package of GRAJN-O, the new food
drink that takes the place of coffee.
The children may drink it without
injury as well as the adult. All who
try it like it. GRAIN-O has that rich
seal brown of Mocha or Java, but it is
made from pure grains, and the most
delicate stomach receives it without
distress. *4 the price of cofTee.
15 cents and 25 cents per package.
Sold by all grocers. Tastes like coffee.
L,ooks like coffee.
With the exception of birds, men’s
legs are longer in proportion to their
body than those of any other animal.
Don’t Tobacco Spit and Smoko Tonr f Jib Away.
To quit tobacco easily and forovor, bo mag
netic, full of llfa, norvo and vigor, take No-To*
Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men
strong. All druggists, SOo or II. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co., Cblcago or New York.
When Answering Advertisements Kindly
Mention This Paper.
How I was the means
of saving it.
When the lungs are 'attacked and the
symptoms of consumption appear, then
begins the struggle between affection and
that destroying disease which slays its
thousands annually. It is a happy issue
to the struggle when disease is conquered
and health restored. Such an issue does
not always end the struggle, but it did in
the case of Mr. K. Morris, Memphis, Tenn.,
who saw hxs wife wasting and weakening
and physicians helpless, and then sug
gested the simple remedy that wrought
the cure. He tells the story thus :
“Seven years ago, rav wife had a severe
attack of lung trouble which the phy
sicians pronounced consumption. The
cough was extremely distressing, espe
cially at night, and was frequently
attended with the spitting of blooa. The
doctors beiug unable to help her, I in
duced her to try Dr. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral
and was surprised at the great relief it
gave. Before using one whole bottle she
was cured, so that now she is strong and
quite healthy. That this medicine saved
my wife’s life I have not the least doubt.
I always keep Dr. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral
in the house. Whenever any of my family
have a cold or cough we use it, and are
promptly curcd.”—K. Morris, Memphis,
The question: “Is consumption cura
ble?1’ is still debated, and still debatable.
It is easy to say that this was not a case of
consumption. Yet the physicians said it
was. They should know. As a matter
of fact, Dr. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral has
wrought so many similar cures that it
seems to argue the curableness of con
sumption, in its earlier stages, by the use
of this remedy. There is no better medi
cine for pulmonary troubles than Dr.
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. It gives relief in
cases of Asthma, and Bronchitis, where re
lief has been heretofore unattainable. It
promptly cures Coughs and Colds, Da
Grippe, and all affections of the throat
and lungs. Heretofore, Dr. Ayer’s Cherry
Pectoral has been put up in full size
bottlts only, at $1.00 per bottle. To meet
a world-wide demand for a smaller pack
age, the remedy is now put up in half size
bottles, at halt price—50 cents. Write for
Dr. Ayer’s Curebook (free) and learn more
of the cures effected by Dr. Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. Address J. C. Ayer Co., Dowell,
Special Christmas offers
This Knife is 3\' inches long when closed.
Our regular 75c Knife; sample sent for 48o.
Our Diamond Edge Hollow Ground Razor, 75c.
The above Jack Knife and Razor for SI.15.
Goods sent postpaid. Catalogue free.
subushed »v JONES' Cash Stofib
108 & 110 Front Street. PORTLAND, ORE.
Sngrg-TSssie Study
Thorough course in bookkeeping,
shorthand, science, journalism,
drawing, anil nil branches of
engineering (civil, mechanical, '
i electrical, etc.), at your own
home. A ( Oid.EUE KDU-i
_ 'year.Illustrated catalogue free. State <
•abject iu w!i».,n iiircr«Hicii. "intioiii)! i'<»rrt>N|Miiidrnct> In*tllui«
(lot.), *21 So.*nml National Hank Building, Washington,!), t. |
quick relict and ciinw worst
rases. Send for book of testimonials and lO days’
treatment i rce. Dr. ilii.uukkh’ssosis, J
Disguise our bondage as we will,
’tis woman, woman rules us still.—
Coe’s Cornell Bnlinm
Is the oldest and best. It will break up a cold quicker
than any thins else. It is always reliable. Try it.
Don’t imagine that the hotel runner
runs the hotel.
Wo will forfeit $1,000 if any of our pub
lished testimonials are proven to be not
genuine. Tub Piso Co., Warren, Pa.
When Answering Advertisements Kindly
Mention This Taper.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
Druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25o
Don’t argue with a wasp; it always
carries its point.
No-To-Uac for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak
men strong, blood pure. 50c. Si. All druggists.
Don’t invest in an alligator hide
pocketboolc. It’s a skin. *
Brooke Sledge Cigarettes, 20 for Sets.
Don’t condemn a bridge until it has
been tried by its piers.
Grinnell. Iowa. Nov. 17, 1897.
To the SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURE CO., Chicago. 111.: Gentlemen: 1 will state that
I had the Rheumatism over 42 years. Spent over &500.00 in trying to get well, but all in vain, un
til my brother-in-law gave me ono bottle of “5 DROPS” on trial last June. I used it for two
months, and I am now a well man. I certainly believe it is all you claim for it, and fully worth
the money to anyone. I hope the public will benelit by my statement of my own ease, and any
one wishing to write me will receive an answer. N. Wittamoth.
Regent, 111,, Nov. 12. 1897,
SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURE CO., 1R7 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111.: Si us: My wife has
been suffering two years with Rheumatism. She could not get about at all. She has used about
one bottle of •• 5 DROPS.” and can now go about without crutches. I never have found anything
that did her so much good, and I hope to be able to continue the treatment until she is entirely
veil. James Williams.
As a positive cure for Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, 1 lurk ache. Asthma,
Hav Fever, Catarrh, Sleeplessness. Nervousness, Nervous and Neuralgic Headaches. Heart
Weakness, Toothache, Earache, Croup, Swelling, La Grippe, Malaria, Creeping Numb
ness,etc..rtc., *»Fi|VE DROPS” has neier been equalled.
DROPS** tal£en but once a day i* a dose of this great remedy and to enable all sufferers to make
iflflnnn ,iW| , ft trial of ,u wonderful curative properties, we will Fend out during the next thirty days, sample bo'tlos, £.">e each, prepaid by mail. Even a sample bottle will convince you of its merit. Hestau-l
cheapest medicine on earth. Large bottles aou doses) SI.00, for 30 (lays 3 bottles for #2.r>0. Not sold by drug
gists, only by us and our arrant". Agents wanted in new territory. Write us to-day.
[Trade Mark.]
Walter Baker & Co.’s
Breakfast COCOA
Pure* Delicious* Nutritious.
Costs Less than ONE CENT a cap.
Be sure that the package bears our Trade-Mark.
Walter Baker & Co. Limited,
(Established i7so.) Dorchester* Mass.
Choir Sans Hymn at Variance With
Pastor’* Sermon.
From the Brooklyn Eagle: In one oi
our largest churches last evening the
pastor, one of the ablest and most elo
quent preachers In the United States,
delivered a sermon based on the fol
lowing text: “How precious are thy
thoughts unto me, O God! How great
is the sum of them! If I should count
them, they are more in number than
the sand: when I awake, I am still
with thee.”—Psalm cxxxix, 17-18. The
sermon seemed to make a deep impres
sion upon the attentive congregation,
and the closing words of the speaker
were peculiarly solemn, having refeP
ence to the uninterrupted presence of
God, even through sleep and at wak
ing in the morning. The musical di
rector, who regards himself as a large
quantity on the philosophy and drama
tic effect of music, instead of improvis
ing a selection suited to the spirit of
the sermon, simply and with unintelli
gence, accorded to his programme and
the quartet sang in excellent style,
“How long, O Lord, wilt thou forget
me?” This inquisitive sentence, va
ried with the more solicitous inquiry,
“How long wilt thou hide thyself from
me?” was the musical wail that fol
lowed the profound pastoral assurance
of God's omnipotence, goodness, omni
presence, omniscience nnd perfect holi
ness, attributes that are ever active
and at no time nor under any circum
stances beyond the vision of man. And
yet if that pastor would hint at such a
ludicrous picture he might bo accused
of meddling.
Pacltlc Coast Captain Sens Several
8wtmmlng Far from Land.
From the San Francisco Call: Up
to within a few days of the arrival
here from Honolulu of the Oceanic
Steamship Company’s steamer Austra
lia, Captain Houdlette was the owner
of a plover that came aboard while
on its way from Alaska to Hawaii.
These birds are not web footed, and
the captain seems to have solved the
problem as to whether they ever rest
on the water during their long flight.
Captain Houdlette says they do. “It
v-is during the run from San Francis
co to Honolulu that I saw several plov
ers in the water resting,” says he.
“When the steamer came too near they
would rise out of the water with a few
flaps of their wings, but, being very
tired, they would soon settle back into
the water again. In its efforts to get
away one of them came on board and
it lived until a few days ago. I always
thought the birds made a continuous
flight of over 2,000 miles, but I am now
satisfied that the birds rest on the
waves when tired.”
Telegraph In the Suez Canal.
A most ingenious system is em
ployed by which the director of the
Suez canal can tell at a glance the ex
act position of all vessels passing
through it. A model is placed in the
office at Port Said and the whole canal
is worked from headquarters by means
of the telegraph, the position of each
ship being marked by a figure on the
model. It is thus made easy to ar
range for vessels passing each other.
Seven Million Dollar* In Fish Waste.
In the United States the fisheries are
worth about forty-five million dollars
a year. The fish refuse is so economi
cally and ingeniously utilized in the
preparation of oils, glues, fertilizers,
etc., that these conquests of waste real
ize about one-seventh, or fourteen per
cent., of the total income from the fish
All Royalty Related.
Nearly all the royal personages of
Europe are cousins, and not very far
removed, as it has been laid down by
a German genealogist that every
crowned head of Europe, excepting
Turkey, is descended from one or other
of two sisters, who lived about 130
years ago.
An Indication.
“Has Dr. Pillington much of a prac
tice?” “I guess not. Tile books in his
reception room are almost as clean as
they were when they came from the
Polar Pox Changes Its Color.
The summer coat of the polar fox is
dark, almost black. In winter it is so
white that the animal can hardly be
seen as it runs over the snow.
A procession of icebergs sent against
the surface of the sun would melt at
the rate of three hundred million
cubic miles of solid ice a second, and
its heat is estimated to produce a force
of about ten thousand-horse power to
every square foot of its surface.
Of the children born alive one-fourth
die before eleven months, one-third
before the twenty-third month, half
before their eighth year, two-thirda
of mankind die before the thiry-ninth
year, three-fourths before their fifty
first year, and of about twelve thou
sand only one survives a whole cen
Mr. Frank W. Very of the Ladd Ob
servatory. Providence, R. I., has made
some curious observations on the
flight of migrating birds seen at night
crossing the surface of the moon. He
watched them with a telescopo of four
inches aperture, magnifying forty
times. The observations were made
in the latter part of September. The
great majority of the birds moved
from north to south, and traveled in
little companies. Their average speed,
as calculated by Mr. Very, was sixty
seven miles an hour, although some
appeared to travel at the rate of more
than one hundred miles an hour.
Fifty-Three Dentil* in One Small
Town In lem Than Four Week*.
A preventive and cure (or diphtheria,
croup,' tonsllltis, quinsy and all
throat troubles recently placed up
on the market has achieved such
marvelous success as to greatly
stir up the medical fraternity. Its
power over diphtheria seems almost
miraculous, as it stops its spread as
If by magic,
Grantsburg, Wisconsin, population
loss than four hundred, was visited by
a terrible epidemic of diphtheria, dur
ing which flfty-three of its inhabitants
died in less than four weeks. After
much urging by the friends of Muco
Solvent, the authorities decided to use
it, and thereupon telegraphed for a
large supply, which arrived the next
day at 4 o'clock, and by 6 o’clock every
man, woman and child in Grantsburg
were taking Muco-Sotvent, with the re
sult that not another . death oc
curred, whereas, up to the very
hour its use was commenced, not
a day, for two weeks, had passed
without from one to five deaths. Many
other epidemics have been quickly
stamped out by Muco-Solvcnt, not
ably at Madison, Polar, Winneconne
and Neenah, Wisconsin.
We earnestly advise every mother to
procure Muco-Solvent and keep It lu
the house ready for prompt use for
every 111, however slight, especially If
accompanied with sore throat, cough
or cold, and thus, In many instances,
prevent diphtheria or some other se
rious ailment the presence of which Is
not even Suspected. Pleasant to
take. It can be procured by
sending the price JI.00 per bot
tle) to the Muco-Solvent Company,
356 Dearborn street, Chicago, upon
receipt of which they will send It,
charges prepaid.
They will upon application, send free
a book of forty pages entitled “Chats
with Mothers,” which every mother
should read. They desire agents
and the right person (woman preferred)
can secure exc’usive agency in their
town.—Chicago Opinion.
The Academy says that when Rud
yard Kipling was a lad he went on sea
voyage with his father, Lockwood Kip
ling, the artist. Soon after the vessel
got under Lockwood Kipling went be
low, leaving the boy on deck. Pres
ently there wa s a great commotion
overhead, and one of the ship's of
ficers rushed down and banged at Mr.
Kipling’s door. 'Mr. Kipling;” he
cried, “your boy has crawled out on
the yardarm aivl if he lets go he’ll
drown.” “Yes,” said Mr. Kipling, glad
to know that nothing serious was the
matter, “but he won’t let go.”
How’s Tills!
We offer One Hundred Dollars reward
for any case of Cularrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
K. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo. O.
We. the undersigned, have known I*\
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligations marie by their firm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.; Wald ins. Rinnan Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O.
Hull’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Testimo
nials sent free. Prico 75c per bottle, fciold
by all druggists.
IlaU’a Familv Pills are the bes*
Stuggs—I should think it was. Why,
he woke us all up.—Tit-Bits.
To Care Constipation Forever.
Take Cascarcts Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c.
If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money.
The estate of the late Neal Dow will
fciuodnt to $450.^00.
! What do the
! Children
\ Drink?
k Don’t givo thom tea or coffee.
? Have you ti;ied tho new food drink
J called Git AIN-0 ? It ia delicious
5 mul nourishing and takes tho plaeo
t of coffee.
) Tho moro Grain-0 you give tho
|) children tho more health you (listri
^ buto through their systems.
I Groin-Oismadoofpurograins, and
f when properly prepared tastes lika
» the choico grades of coffee but cost3
> about } as much. All grocers sell
5 it. 15c. and 25c.
! Try Grain=OS
Insist that yonr grocer gives you GEAIX-O
f Accept no imitation. (
v vv tar w
Weakness & Disorder of
20 Years’ Experience.
10 Years In Omaha.
Book free. Consultation
and Examination Free.
14th & Farnnm Sts.,
. I'po iiig €H for unnatural
| dn.chaiKee, intlainuiutionfl,
| irritations or uiceratinnji
of inuroUH membranes.
-Paiuleep, and not a&trin*
l*THEt¥AN3 CmLUICAlCq. gent or poisonous.
v i Sold by Driifrlflli,
B or sent in plain wrapper,
l»y exproHB, prepaid, for
ti.m. or y |2.7.1.
Circular Beat ou raptest*
| Lvery homeseeker tthouhl address either J. F.
i MEltltV, A. U. i**. A., Manchester, Jowa; W. A.
i KK1.I.OND, A. ft. P. A., Louisville, Ky.« or S. O.
I HATCH, I>. P. A., Cinclnnsti. «)., for a iree copy of
soxjTiifciiiN uoml;si;i;kkks’ guide.
j goods. SumplcN frets
No larger stock of
Silks and Dress Goods
In any market. The
lowest prices for fiuest
Order King Cole
White l'lumc
Cavid Cole& fo.,
OttttUa, Neb
A number of Chicago clergymen are
strongly urging Miss Jane Adams of
Hull House, in that cUy.. to become a
regularly ordained minister. In speak
of the' matter Miss Addams says: "I do
not see the advantage to my work if
I were ordained. I help pulpits on
Sunday, and this does not 'interfere
with my work here. I have spoken nt
Jenkin Lloyd Jones’ church, I have
helped Dr. Thomas and others. I can
do this any Sunday and am glad to
be able to help. But I am not certain
about the advantage to be gdined if I
were ordained a preacher.”
1*0 Voa Diuic« To-Night?
Shako into your Shoes Allen’s Foot
Ease, a powder for the feet. It makes
tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures
Corns, Bunions, Chilblains and Sweat
ing Feet. At all Druggists and Shoo
Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad
dress, Allen^S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y.
Henry Clay Snowball—Won nmh
turkey shakin’ dice. Wha’d yo’ git
yo’n? G. Washington Johnson—Won
mine shakin’ roosts.—New York
•Dnorsr trontod froe by Dr. n. IT. Green’s
Sons, of Atlanta, Gu. 'i’bo greatest dropsy
specialists i.\ the world. Road their adver
tisement in another column of this paper.
She—You looked like n fool when
you proposed to mo. He (gloomily)—
Well, why didn’t you tell me
was too late?—Boston Jourqpl.
The new model Remington Type
writer enjoys a larger sale than any
other typewriter ever had, because it
is the best. Send for catalogue, 1710
Farnam street, Omaha. Neb.
All things come to him who v/aits;
but the best way to wait is to work.
Mrs. Winslow’s (Soothing (Syrup
For children teething.Hnftenn 1 he minis, mltieiH inflatn.
mation.allnyu pain,cures wind colic. S& cents a bottle.
The only two animals whose brains
are heavier than that of man are the
whale and the elephant.
Frances E. Willard says that among;
other things women of the present
need are larger shoes.
Star Tobacco is the leading brand of
the world, because it is the best.
It is said that there are 120,000,000
flish in every square mile of sea.
Educate Tour Bowol. With Caacarets.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
10c. So. If C. C. C. fall, drufcglsts ref and money.
FUhes inhabitating muddy places or
great depths hnvo very small eyes.
Hood'a Sarsaparilla Clves Complete
Relief, Also Cures Catarrh.
“I was troubled with rheumatism and
had running sores on my face. One of my
frienda advised me to try Hood’s Sarsapa
rilla, which I did. After taking six bot
tles I was cured. Hood’s Sarsaparilla has
also cured me of catarrh.” Mamib
Etiiier. 4108 Moffitt Ave., St. JIxmis, Mo.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Is tho best — tho One Truo Blood Purifier.
Hood’S Pills cure 'constipation. 25 cents.
_ . __ Afrh
> Mi. TAFT It&OB., 4 KLM ST., nOilliCaTliU, MW YOU*.
Tho best Red Rope Roofing for
1c. ner sq ft., caps and nalm in
SaoipleD free. Tim FAY MANILLA UOOFIMJ t'O.jlamdea.NJ.
HUFFS AN, Uuhelln B!dg., ClIICAliO, ILL,
fuunplut). .Several cam ti.eou y’rly.l’. O. 1311,New York*
W. N. U. OMAHA. NO. 52.-1897.
When Answering Advertisements Kindly -
Mention This Paper.
Hesalti his back was broken by LAMEBACK, but
ad his strength came back by usu of
St. Jacobs Oil.
It strengthens, f
builds up, restores, CURES.
The Omaha Bee for 1898.
The Omaha Weekly Bee is the lending paper in the Trans-Mis
sissippi country. It will bo much improved in 1898, enlarging1 some of its
important departments. The price remains the same, 65 cents per year* t
1 ki cents pcv week. The lice prints 12 pages each week, publishing ali, the
news of the week, both foreign and domestic; accurate market reports from
all the centers of trade, giving special attention to the western country, as well
as carefully selected articles of special interest to each individual member of
the family.
The publishers of The Bee havo made favorable arrangements with a
number of the leading publications of the country, which enables them to offer
one or more of these publications with The iiee at nominal prices.
The Weekly Bee Alone Is 65 Cents Per Year.
For clubbing purposes' add the following amounts for each publication
For Woman’s Home Companion...•.30c
For Farm and Fireside. 20c
For Farm and Fireside, with Almanac. 3Gc
For Orange Judd Farmer, with Almanac.;.35c
For New York Tribune.. 25c
For Prairie Farmer... 60c
Each of the above publications is one of the best in its line. At no time
has tlie price of good reading been as cheap as it now is, and the offers made
here are among the lowest offered this season. Address all orders to
The Weekly Bee, Omaha.
^ GUARANTEED TO CURE every kind of Cough, Colds, ^
La Grippe, Hoarseness, etc.
[Dr. Kay’s Lung Balm]
► Write us all of YOUR SYMPTOMS plainly.
Uur physician will ffivo
68-page book of ie?lp-s, und
{Sold by
or sent by mail.
PRICE. 10c and 25c.
► Address DR. D. J. KAY MEDICAL CO.,
(Western Office), Omaha, Neb. jj
Sick and Nervous Head*
aches Pt>SITiVKLY Cured
in 30 Minutes, by
I li-Miiii!
U At all druggists or sent post
al paid upon receipt of $1.
=3 356 Dearborn St..
Chicago. 1U.
U. 8. Pension Bur
Late Principal Examiner U.'g. Pension Bureau.
S/rs. in last war, i6adj idicatiug claims, atty. hiuc*
6 |y[ ^Getyom-pensi°n
^BSJRivOOUBL^ quick
Write CAPT. O’FARRELI., Pension Agent,
1425 New York Avenue, WASHINGTON, O. C.
T»«. u'.*? 1 Thompson’s Eyo Water.
$100 To Any Man.
Of Wnkncn Id Blen They Treats and
Fall to Caret
An Omaha Couipnny places for the first
time before the public a Magical Theat
ment for the cure of Lost Vitality,Nervous
uuil Sertial Weakness, and Restoration of
Life Force in old and young men. No
worn-out French remedy: contains no
Phosphorus or other harmful drugs. It is
a Wondekfcl Tiieatment— magical in its
effects—positive iu its cure. All readers,
who are suffering from a weakness that
blights their life, causing that mcutal and
physical suffering peculiar to Lost Man
hood,should write to the STATE MEDICAL
COMPANY, No. SJIM linage Block, Omaha,
Neb., and they will send you absolutely
FREE, n valuable paper ou these diseases,
nnd positive proofs of their truly Magical
Tiieatment. Thousands of men, who have
lost nil hope of a cure, are beiug restored
by them to a perfect condition.
This Magical Tiieatment may be taken
at home under their directions, or th r will
pay railroad fare and hotel bills to s;l w\jo
prefer to go to there for treatment, if they
rail to cu-e. They are perfectly reliable;
have no Free Prescriptions, Free Cure,
Free Sample, or C. O. I), fake. They havo
ticO.tTK) capital, and guarantee to cur*
every case they treat or refund every dol
lar; or their charges may be deposited in
a bank to bo paid to them when a cure ia ,
effected. Write them today.