The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 16, 1897, Image 7

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    Mrs. Anna C. Myers, one of the best
known of Chicago society women, ap
peared before a police court a few days
V ago, dressed in rags. She was charged
v with theft. Not long ago she was on
'JJJrs. Potter Palmer’s visiting list. She
y'dispensed charity with a lavish hand,
x and was a leader in the Marshfield
' avenue Methodist church. Cocaine had
i wrought the ruin.
Important Notice.
A man or woman of good church standing can m
cure position with well known house of *0 years stand
ing' to act as Manager and Correspondent In this coun
ty. Salary *750 yearly. A^ 'ress A. P. T. Eider, Sec
rotary, 278 Michigan Ave.. OLicago, 111.
Web to the length of two and a
quarter miles has been drawn from the
body of a single spider.
Kdncato Yoar Bowel* With C a* caret*.
Cajady Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
10c. 25c. It C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money.
The first lucifer match was made in
Weak Stomach
Feels Perfectly Well Since Taking
Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
“I have been troubled for over two
years with a weak stomach. I concluded
to take Hood’s Sarsaparilla. After taking
a few bottles I felt perfectly well, and 1
cannot speak too highly of Hood’s.”
Mbs. M. H. Weight, Akron, Ohio.
Is the best—in fact the One True Blood Purifier,
i Hood’s Pills are the favorite cathartic. 26c.
Sick and Nervous Head*
aches POSITimi Cured
in 30 Minutes, by
At all druggists or sent post*
paid upon receipt ol $1.
356 Dearborn St.,
Chicago, in.
Vegetable Sicilian
Cleanses the scalp and
puts new life into the
hair. It restores the
lost color to gray
hair. It means
I youth and beauty.
Ship direct to ©. W. ICKEN A CO., 1O10 4
So ward and 500 Ho. litli St., Omaha.,
and get highest market price. Reference: Omaha
Banks, Commercial Agencies. Correspondence
Establish..! 1870.
Specialties—Butter, Eggs. Poultry, Veal,
Hides uml Game. W rile for tags and prices.
1 prices
Talking Machine
For Christmas, it will Talk, Whistle, Sing and
give Instrumental Music. The latest and
most perfect Grapliophone made. Western
Talking Machine Co., 221 So. ldth St.,
Omaha, Neb. SentO. O. i).
Order King Cole
White I’lume
OavidCole& Co.,
Omaha, Xeb
AflEHTS WAMTFp by a 20 yeare.^talill»hed_fae
"tory (rated $100,000). Free
•amplos. Several earn SI.000 y’rly. P. 0. 137I, Sew York/
The Fury of on Unfettered Element fall!
to Crush Them—The Fire Fiend Defied.
The news comes from Attica, Ind.,
of the destruction, by fire, of the big
laboratory and "office building of the
Sterling Remedy company, makers of
Cascarets Candy Cathartic and No-To
Bac, the original guaranteed tobacco
habit cure. The preparations made by
this big corporation are known
throughout the world.
The Are broke out in one of the
packing rooms on the third floor during
the noon hour, and had made consider*
able headway before it was discovered.
The Sterling Remedy company is the
principal industry of the beautiful lit
tle city of Attica, employing several
hundred people, besides being affiliated
with the interest! at the Indiana Min
eral Springs, the famous Magno-Mud
Cure. The entire population was
worked up to a frenzy of excitement.
Meanwhile thj almost proverbial
energy and presence of mind of “Hust
ling” Harry Kramer, the general man
ager of The Sterling Remedy company,
was displayed. He was the coolest
man at the scene. He quietly walked
away, and secured a big carriage show
■ room near by, and had all office furni
j ture, charred and delapidated as it
! was, taken there. Several shipments
were made the same evening from
goods saved, and on Friday morning,
all departments were at work in var
ious rooms about town, while a gang
of men were cleaning away the wreck
age preliminary to rebuilding.
The actual damage amounts to many
thousands of dollars; the loss due to
interruption of business and confusion
of detail is lnestlmatable, but pluck
and energy of one man will turn de
feat into victory and move the wheels
of business to ever-increasing speed.
Nothing can stop the success of Cas
carets and No-To-Bac with such char
acteristic force behind them.
“The Adventures of Francois,” the
new novel by Dr. S. Weir Mitchell, au
thor of “Hugh Wynne, Free Quaker,”
will begin in the January Century. It
is a storv of the French Revolution,
Us hero a foundling and adventurer.
The tale Is one of adventure through
out, but all of 'it protrapsd with Dr.
Mitchell's keen characterization and
The new model Remington Type
writer enjoys a larger sale than any
other typewriter ever had, because it
is the best. Send for catalogue. 1710
Farnam street, Omaha, Neb.
A number of Atchison men who
have dyspepsia recently formed a club
to exchange ideas, but they are all
so bad tempered that they had a fight
the first night.—Atchison Globe.
ASTHMA can be quick y cured by Dr. Taft*a
Asthma!Cite. All sufferers from this distressing
complaint should write to Dr. Taft Bros., 4 Elm St.,
Rochester, X. Y.,for a sample bottie, sent absolutely
free on receipt of name and address. They are reliable.
make up Its contents and Its readers
are the most cultivated men and
women. In every part of the country.—
Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston, Mass.
My doctor said I would die but, Piso’s Cure
for Consumption cured me.—Amos Kelner,
Cherry Valley, Ills., Nov. 23,1893
The world is full of men with no
other posession than experience, who
would be glad to sell it.
Star Tobacco is the leading brand of
the world, because it is the best.
The star of Bethlehem was so called
because of its resemblance to the star
which guided the Magi.
Boat Tobacco Spit sad Smoke Toar Ulb Away.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag
netic. full of life, nerve and vigor, tako No-To
Bae, the wonder-tvorlccr, that makes weak men
strong. All druggists, SOo or 81. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co, Chicago or New York.
When Answering Advertisements Kindly
Mention This fhper.
I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hydnnis, Massachusetts,
was the originator of "PITCHER’S CASTORIA," the same
that has home and does now ^y //e/j . on every
hear the facsimile signature of fctfc&te wrapper.
This is the original "PITCHER’S CASTORIA," which has been
used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
the kind you have always bought y/e* on the
and has the signature of(^*46/7T7cUcZvt£. wrap
per Jfo one has authority from me to use my name except
The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is
Fresident. • *
March 8, 18977' fip-r-><if i^/ .i a,.jpj
Do Not Be Deceived.
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute
which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies
hp it), the ingredients of which even he does not know.
The Kind You Have Always Bought”
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed Youi*
Bow She Destroy* All Peace and Com*
fort for Hatl»nd end Children.
Tie Mistress of a house feels that It
is her, duty—none the less clear be
cause It is disagreeable—(to point out
the faults of those in her charge, sflrs
the Philadelphia Ledger. Beginning
with the maids and ending with her
husband—or sometimes vice versa—She
thinks it her mission In life to find
and condemn imperfections. And from
this attitude it is but a short step to
the position of a family “nagger”—a
character which destroys all peace and
comfort. Business men often make a
similar mistake and act upon the be
lief that no man does his best work
unless unoer the constant dread of
sarcastic and bitter fault-finding. The
work In general may be far above the
average—but that the way to keep It
so is to pick flaws in every possible
weak place Is the decision of certain
minds. Because a fault exists Is no
reason that it should be mentioned
without regard to time or place, and
to one open to conviction It would not
be difficult to prove that there Is wis
dom in allowing people to make mis
takes unobserved, or at any rate unre
buked; but this wisdom can only flour
ish in the faith that the evil of today
is not a finality. No mother, for in
stance, really-believes that her little
daughter Is necessarily to be a life
long slattern because ait 12 years of age
she keeps an untidy room and 'her
boots are often seem without the proper
button, nor does she think that a lie
in the mouth of her 3-year-old boy
condemns him to a future of fraud and
deceit. These things must be met, of
course, but if they are met by the con
stant inculcation of better habits and
better principles the evil in itself
needs little or no comment. Indeed, a
word of censure withheld often is a
more effective rebuke than a storm of
angry fault-finding. To grow in the
wisdom of this judicious silence we
must first of ail cultivate in ourselves
a Just perception of values and propor
tions, we must learn what to see and
what not to see, what to leave out and
what to put in our mental pictures. It
may be, too, that then we shall often
give sympathy where others deride, or
encouragement where the sternly Just
would condemn; but we should at least
relieve those around us from‘a very
irritating insistence upon trifles.
Cheapest Place to Shop In Russia*
‘‘Thieves’ Market," a traveler de
clares, “is the cheapest place to shop
in all Russia, even for a foreigner. It
is in Moscow, which is the railroad
center of the empire, and quite likely
the clearing house or exchange for
stolen goods. The merchants tell the
buyer frankly that the reason they can
sell things cheaply is because they are
all stolen. ‘Everything—everything,
monsieur; all are stolen. We deal
only in that which costs us nothing.
We charge you for storage, that is all.’
Curios from the whole Eastern world
are there. It is a desperate p^ace for
one to go if one would not spend
money. Do not buy presents for
friends at home until you have looked
through the ‘Market.’ ”
“Walsh came downtown with his
overcoat pockets full of potatoes and
turnips.” “How did that happen?”
“Well, their flat is so small that his
wife hasn’t any place to keep veget
ables and she had forgotten to take
them out.”—Detroit Free Press.
Too Far.
“This is going too far." Her voice
had a haughty ring; she was evidently
much offended. Then the trolleyman
meekly apologized for having carried
her ’steen blocks beyond her destina
tion.—Memphis Commercial-Appeal.
A new variety of chrysanthemum,
rich purple In hue, has been named af
ter Lillian Russell.
Henry Arthur Jones has sold to
Charles Frohman the American rights
to his latest play, “The Liars.”
Augustin Daly Is apparently much
Incensed at the action of Beerbohm
Tree in offering Ada Rehan the part
of Katherine in “Katherine and Pe
truccio” and is freeing his mind with
considerable vigor.
Maude Adams was for several years
known as the youngest leading lady on
the New York stage. Her successor to
that title Is pretty Florence Rockwell
of “Cumberland, ’61,” who is said to be
Just 18—a couple of years younger
than was Miss Adams when the dis
tinction was hers.
A day or two ago Miss Olga Nether
sole received a parcel containing the
manuscript of a play, which has been
following her around for two years.
The first legible date on the cover is
Sept. 23, 1896, Sydney, N. S. W., and
the last Oct. 19, 1897, Liverpool. It was
marked by the Dublin postoifice, "Re
ceived at Grafton Street Walk in this
condition.” The parcel was originally
addressed to Miss Nethersole, in Lon
don, and forwarded from her former
residence to Daly’s theater and thence
to the Savoy hotel. Being returned to
the dead letter ofilce, Sydney, it was
indorsed there “January, 1896,” and
lay dormant some months. Then it set
forth on Its travels again—to I Tew
York, May 18, 1896; to Chicago, June
10; to New York again. Thence, in
July, it came to the Gaiety, Lofldon.
Several other addresses in London
were tried, and again the unlucky par
cel got to the Sydney dead letter oflice
on November 26, 1896. Not until March,
1897, was another attempt made at
delivery. Then it made a Journey
through America, crossed the Atlantic
and followed Miss Nethersole on her
English tour, with the result now re
corded. ,
Any Woman, With a Little Experience,
Cun Wuh Garment* Satisfactorily,
That the family washing cannot be satis
factorily done with a scant supply of hard
water and inferior soap is a fact not al
ways understood by housekeepers, yet
these inconveniences are the cause of yel
low clothes, and faded garments. (Strong
lye soap made in the home kitchens, may
have answered for the use of our grand
* mothers, and the cheap laundry soap found
in the village stores half a century ago was
thought good enough for women who bad
learued to make hard rubbing do the work
which good soap should havedone. Butin
this age of progress labor-saving appli
ances are used by intelligent women, and
in no place do they count for more than in
the laundry. After assorting the clothes,
put the linens in a tub nearly full of hot
water, and rub them with Ivory Soap, as
each piece is washed, it should be wrung
out, and placed in a clean tub. When all
are washed pour boiling water ovor, and
let stand until cool, then rinse, and starch
the clothes. After the lineus are washed,
the white wearing clothes should be washed
in the same way, then the colored gnrmonts
taken through fresh suds, rinsed, starched,
and hnng on tho line. When dry each
piece should be taken from the line, shnken
oat, sprinkled', folded and laid in a basket
until moruiug, when tboy should be care
fully ironed. Uliza K. Fauk&h.
The Piedmont Virginian sajfs: "The
colored people in the neighborhood .of
Brandy Station had a revival at one of
their churches that lasted about fiva
weeks, and on Thursday before they
closed there were two sinners, Thomas
Parker and Daniol Somers, converted.
On Friday night they stole Richard
Nalle's chickens, traded them on Sat
urday for clothes to be baptized, were
baptized Sunday and were arrested and
jailed an Monday.'*
The Burlington Route— California Ex
Cheap> Quirk, Comfortable,
Leave Omaha 4:33 p. m., Lincoln 0:10 p. m.
and Hustings 8:50 p. m. ovory Thursday In
clean, modern, not crowded tourist sleepers.
No transfers; cars run right through to San
Francisco and Los Angelos over the Sconlc
Route—through Denver and Salt Lako City.
Cars are carpeted; upholstered In rattan;
have spring seats and backs and are pro
vided with curtains, bedding, towels, soap
etc. Uniformed porters and experienced ex
cursion conductors accompany oach excur
sion, relieving passengers of ull bother about
baggage, pointing out objects of Interest and
In many other ways helping to make the
overland trip a dollghtful experience. Second
class tickets are honored. Berths $3.
For folder giving full Information, call at
nearest Burlington Bouto ticket office, oi
wrlto to J. Frauds, General Passenger Agent
Omaha, Neb.
“Klondyke Bulletin”
Will be published by the Soo Line Mondays,
containing all Telegkapaic News and up-to
date Information as to Best Routes, Ser
vices, Steamship Sailings, and ovory facility
as same develop. Invaluable to Alaskan
prospectors and all tlielr friends. To be placed
on mulling list, send six cents (0c) In stamps tc
W. E. Callaway, G. P. A., Minneapolis, Minn,
An English paper tells of a tory
army officer who trained his Scotch
collie to bark and growl whenever Mr.
Gladstone’s name was mentioned. He
lived to bury his favorite pet, and ever
thereafter used to decorate the dog’s
grave with primroses on Lord Bea
conslield’s birthday. Now, the old tory
is dead himself, and ho left Instruc
tions that his body should be cremated
and the ashes buried in the garden
beside the grave of his dog.
Catarrh Cannot lie Cared
cannot reach the seat of the disease. Ca
tarrh Is a blood or constitut nal dis
ease, and in order to cure It you must
take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken Internally, and acts direct
ly on the blood anti mucous surfaces.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is not a quack med
icine. It was prescribed by one of the
best physicians in this country for years,
and is u regular prescription. It Is com
poacu of the best tonics known, combin
ed with the best blood purifiers, acting
directly on the mucous surfaces. The
perfect combination of the two ingredi
ents is what produces such wonderful re
sults In curing Catarrh. Send for testi
monials, free.
F. 4. CHENEY & CO.. Props., Toledo, O.
bold by druggists, price 73c.
Hull s Family Pills are the best.
Clerk Geare, of Martinsville, Ind., a
war veteran, has just returned ?350 ol
back pension money which he had re
ceived on account of physical disability
on the ground that he has recovered
his health, and is therefore no longer
entitled to a pension. The pension of
ficials say that the case is almost un
For the Holiday Catalogue of the MERMOD A
JACCARD Jewelry Co., Broadway, Cor. Locust,
St. Louis. It shows 8,000 of the loveliest things
in Watches, Jewelry, Silverwares, Clocks and
Muslo Boxes. II you will also tend 25 eta., they
will send you a pair of beautiful Solid Silver
Dumb Bell Sleeve Link Buttons, the newest
thing out.
“Aren’t you taking Mr. Harvard at
a disadvantage by asking him to stay
to dinner in his business clothes?”
“No, auntie. Jack is one of the most
extemporaneous diners I ever knew.”
Beauty la Blood Deep.
Clean blood means a clean skin. No
beauty without it. Cascarets,Candy Cathar
tic cleans your blood and keeps it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im
Eurities from the body. Begin to-day to
anish pimples, boils, blotches,blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cascarets,—beauty for ten cents. All drug
gists. satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c.
The volcanoes of Vesuvius and Etna
are never both active at the same time.
A newly discovered spot on the sun
is said to be 30.000 miles in diameter.
A complete electric plowing plant
has been installed on an estate in
N'o-To-Uac for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak
men strong, blood pure. 50c. *1. All druggists.
The Congregational church in Gil
sum, N. H., completed 125 years of its
existence the other day.
2s. Best Place to Bay
Or Ladles’ lteaily-to-Wcar Garments of Any Kind
_ la at the
U IXcuumuiTca
IBIO Douglas St., - Omaha, Net}*
No larger stock of
Silks and Dress Goods
In any market. The
lowest prices for finest
UAYDK.V BIOS., Omaha, Neb.
E ft Oi Improvenenta Completed.
The Improvements on the main line
of the Baltimore and Ohio, west of,
and between Martlnsburg, W. Va., and
North Mountain, were completed No*
vcmber 1st. They cover a distance of
nearly four miles, starting three miles
west of Martlnsburg, and extending
some distance west of Myers Hole,
which Is near the North Mountain sta*
tlon. At Myers Hole the line was
changed, taking out some very objec
tionable curvature, and the roadbed
raised nearly fifteen feet, eliminating
two grades of 42 feet per miles which
came together at Myers Hole, and sub
stituting therefor an almost level
track. This point on the road has
always been a dangerous one and
many freight wrecks have occurred
there. Apart from doing away with
the dangerous feature of two sharp
down grades coming together, as was
the case in this instance, the saving in
operation of the road by the change
will be very large, as It enables the
tons per train to be greatly increased
and reduces the liability to accident to
the minimum. '
At Tablers the road bed haa been
lowered about thirteen feet, and the
same at Tabbs, besides taking out ob
jectionable curvature and reducing the
rate of grades at these points from 42
feet per mile to ten feet per mile, thus
increasing the cars that can be hauled
per train. Though these' improve
ments have cost quite a sum of money,
the expenditure Is fully justified by
the great saving in operation.
An Important feature of the Ameri
can monthly Review of Reviews fer
December is the book department,
which occupies thirty-two pages, with
numerous illustrations, and deals with
the publications of the season. Dr.
Albert Shaw writes on "Some Ameri
can Novels and Novelists.” Another
chapter is devoted to “Books for Chil
dren and Young People,” and a third
to “Other Books of the Reason.” fol
lowed by classified Hats of titles.
The Pornolt of Happiness.
When the Declaration of Independence as
serted man's right to this. It enunciated an
Immortal truth. The bilious sufl'erer Is on
the road to happiness when he begins to take
Ilostetter's Stouiuch Ritters, the most efllcu
clous regulator of tho liver In existence.
Equally reliable Is It In chills and fovor, con
stipation, dyspepsia, rheumatism, kindey
trouble and nervousness. Use it regularly
and not at odd Intervals.
The wife: “The baby has been Jab
bering away there for an hour, and I
can’t understand a thing she says."
The husband: “I notice, dear, the lit
tle thing grows more like you every
day.”—Yonkers Statesmen.
Coef* Cough Hal an a
la the oldest and beat. It will break up a cold quicker
than anything else. It is always reliable. Try it.
A ton of oil has been obtained from
the tongue of a single whale.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
For child ron teethlng.softone the frutnH.reducoH Inflarn
matlon,allays pain,cures wind voile. 85 cents a bottle.
A non-partisan is a wall flower In
Take Laxative Rromo Quinine Tablets. All
Druggists refund the money if it falls to ours. S!io
When Answering Advertisements Kindly
Mention This Taper.
Iowa Farms for sale on crop payment. 81 per
ncre cash, balance yt crop yearly until paid for.
J. Muibull, Waukegan, 111.
The new stars already discovered
this year number 427.
FITS PermanentlyCured. No fits or nervousness after
first day s use of Dr. Kline's tirret. Nerve Restorer.
Sond lor FREE 83.00 trial bottle and treatise.
Da. R. H. Kline. Ltd..l»3l Arch St.. Philadelphia, Pa.
Women never play in a game unless
there is another game under it
To Care Constipation Forever.
Take Cnscnrcts Candy Cathartic. lOo or SSo.
If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money.
A Woman loves but once, that is,
the same man.
Smoke Sledge Cigarettes, 20 for 5 cts.
Ladles fight with pretty words that
are full of fists.
HROP^i Is the name of
Lsl\\Jl yj simple but effect*
■’ m ive remedy for rheumatism, nen- )
P 1 ralgia, asthma and kindred all
ments. The trade mark is seif*
explanatory. Five Iirops make
a dose. The effect is magical. In days
gone by other alleged cares have been
marketed with the promise to take effect in
thirty days or more. Five Drops begins
tor cure at once. Immediate relief is felt.
The manufacturers of Five Drops have
thousands of testimonials from reliable
people, copies of many of them gladly
sent upon application. In order to more
effectively advertise its merits the com
pany will for the next thirty days send ,
out 100,000 of their sample bottles of this
positive cure for 25 cents a bottle by moil
prepaid. Large bottle, 800 doses, 21 (for
thirty days S bottles $3.50.1 Those suffer
ing should write to the Swanson Rheu
matic Cure Company, 167-100 Dearborn St.,
Chicago, 111., and take advantage of this
generous offer. This company is reliable,
and nromptlv fiU everv order
$100 To Any Man.
Of 1fMkn«u In Man They Trane and
Fall to Carat
An OmahaCompany places for the first
time before the public a Magical Treat
ment for the cure of Lost Vitality, Nervous
and Sexual Weakness, nncl Restoration of
Life Force in old and young men. No
worn-out French rernooy; contains no
Fhosphorus or other harmful drugs. It ia
a Wonderful Treatment—magical in it*
effects—positive in its cure. All readers,
who are suffering from a weakness that
blights their life, causing that mental and
physical suffering peculiar to Lost Man
liooil.should write to the STATE MEDIC AL
COMPANY, No. 3 KKl itmige Hlock, Omaha,
Neb., and they v”'> send you absolutely
FREE, a valuable paper on these diseases,
and positive proofs of their truly Magical
i Treatment, Thousands of men, who have
lost all hope of a cure, aro being restored
| by them to a perfect condition,
j 'This Magical Treatment may be taken
at home under their directions, or they will
pay railroad fare and hotel bills to all who
prefer to go to there for treatment, if they
rail to oure. They aro perfectly reliable;
have no Free Prescriptions, Free Care,
; Free Sample, or C. O. u. fake. They have
: fc'.Ml.OiX) capital, and guarantee to care
i every case they treat or refund every dot
[ lnr; or their charges may be deposited in
a bank to be paid to them when a cure is
effected. Write them today.
Thin Knife Is 8 Y lrobee Jong when closed.
Our tegular 7Cc Knife; sample sent for 48e.
Our Diamond Edge Hollow Otonnd Has or, 75c.
The above Jack knife and Rator for ULlU.
Goode rent postpaid, L atalogue free.
ril.B tlt.l III! HUM
Quality flu the purse and pleases buyer,
l.ady'n or Ucai rman'a Ueaelae AasrleaaGeM
Filled (not plated)t‘ae«s. 7 Jeweled, Da
maskeened Nickel Movements, enameled
dial, screw l>et«*l and Lack, richly en
graved. Fully warranted. Men’s linire,
open faco,*J.73. Tjid<os' e site, open face,
•6.7 A, Hun ting Ca**,fl .50 ex ’• a Watches,
good ones, $1.75. We are manufacturers
and sell all kinds mdse. Catalogue Free,
SOT and sot Wahaah Avenue, CHICAGO, ILL.
Please mention this taper when writing.
Every homeseeker should address either J. F.
MERRY, A. O. P. A., Manchester, Iowa; W. A.
KELLOND, A. O. P. A., Louisville, Ky.t or B. G.
HATCH, D. P. A., Cincinnati, O., for a free copy of
susushid .v JONES* Cash Store
100 A 110 Front Street. PORTLAND, ORE.
mm la %m I I quick relief and cures worst
eases. Send for book of testimonials and lOdays*
treatment Free. Dr. H. u. grew* b sobs. 4Ua*ta,G*
Self ,rilling, pat. combination beam.
No I ooso weitfbu. I', a. Mandat'd.
Beet nod cheapctt. Send for price*.
Horrais, tub, ii» CHirtuo, iu.
W. N. U. OMAHA. NO. SI.-1897.
When Answering Advertisements
Mention This Taper.
The Omaha Bee for 1898.
The Omaha Weekly Bee is the leadin'* paper in the Trans-Mis*
sissippi country. It will be much improved in i„38, enlarging: some of ita
important departments. The price remains tile same, 65 cents Der year
1 % cents per weelt. The Bee prints 13 pages each week, publishing aix the
news of the week, both foreign and domestic; accurate market reports from
all the centers of trade, giving special attention to the western country, as well
os carefully selected articles of special interest to each individual member of
the family.
The publishers of The Bee have made favorable arrangements with a
number of the leading publications of the country, which enables them to offer
one or more of these publications with The Bee at nominal prices.
The Weekly Bee Alone Is 65 Cents Per Year.
For clubbing purposes add the following amounts for each publication
desired: -
For Woman’s Home Companion.. 30c
For Farm anti Fireside. 20c 4
For Farm and Fireside, with Almanac. 3Gc
For Orange Judd Farmer, with Almanac..... 35c
For New York Tribune. 25c
For Prairie Farmer......50c
Each of the above publications is one of the best in its line. At no time
has the price of good reading been as cheap as it now is, and the offers made
here are among the lowest offered this season. Address all orders to
The Weekly Bee, Omaha.
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