, The Frontier. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY HB FRONTIER PRINTING OOHPAHT D. H. CRONIN, Editor. President McKinley’s annual message to congress is worthy of the man; strong, able, conservative and patriotic. The assertion that Senator Wol cott lost Kin. Adlai Stevenson in Europe is probably only a joke on the part of the waggish Washington Post . ..»..■■■.. - Eugene Moore has put up a bond of $25,000 and has been released ■ from jail pending a review of the ease by the supreme court It may possibly be reviewed before the first of the year. Tam is a general complaint from foreigners against the ouesidedness of the Dingley tariff. They don’t like it beeanse-the tariff discrimin ates in faror of Amerioans, which is exaotly the reason why Amerioans do like it Tn Yale' students who soeeeeded in getting one of their comrades put into an insane asylum, as a practical joke, ahonld be given about .six months on a rock pile with bread and water for diet It would dispel ' their joking inclinations. Ooa democratic and populist ex changes are not saying a word about . the advance in wages which have been made or announced in many lines of industry, but the men who will draw the increased wages know that they owe it to the protective | tariff. v ':y •" ' ■' ■. It tbs loving sympathy of an en tire nation could lessen the bereave ment of President McKinley, in ih,e loss of his mother, he might grieve less, bnt of all thet iee formed by . man in .pnMio or private life there is none that can take the place of mother. . Tbs determination of the postal authorities to close the mails to all ’t .newspapers which print ads of schemes involving chances, such as i guessing and missing word oontesta, ; is one that deserves the highest commendation. The Omaha pap organ, World-Herald, will now have to get op some other scheme to posh j§ its circulation. Eoobhi Moobb is out of jail on - 925,000 bond pending a hearing of his case in the supreme court Every day he is at liberty takes that much off his penitentiary sentence. v Sparring for wind becomes a ques tion of reduoing his sentence. This is about all the advantage to be , gained, for there is every reason to believe the decision of the lower court will be affirmed.—Fremont , Tribune Babtlbt’s bondsmen bare dug up ; a novel defense which will be used •f'V » • sort of foil against the worst contingency in the writ pending i against them to recover the amount , of the Bartley defalcation. Thej • trill insist that since Bartley hai bean oonvioted and-sentenced, he ii 'f_ practically dead. They will clain that under tLe state law no oonvid can bo sued; that the law provide! the principal moat be sued with 01 ^ prim to the suit against the snretiei and therefore they cannot be suec because Bartley is practically dead f „ In other words they mean that th< criminal proeecntion of Bartley hai pat the state in a hole and the holt f has been pulled in after it Wha funny things are said and done ii the name of the law.—Fremon Tribune. fj, BXVXVUX AM® BXPXMOZTUKKS The republican leaders in ooa gmss appear to fully cononr witi the president that it is a command gh' ing duty to keep the appropriation within the receipts of the govern mont Speaker Bead has espresso fV~ himself in favor of each a conn " and Mr. Dingley and Mr. Oanno % me in accord with him. It is sal tossy,therefore,that in the bona of rspraaantatifBs the potent inflt once of of these leaden will b exerted to keep appropriations dow Now at Opera House Kickajpoo Med. *l_ co. A Free Show To-Night and To-Morrow Night Double Program Saturday Might. Elegant prizes given away. Ladies’ nail-driving contest. Boys* Shoe Match nonday Dec. ao,--Last Night. to the aotnal requirements of the publio service. The estimates of receipts end expenditures submitted to congress by the secretary of the treasury were somewhat discouraging. They showed a probable deficit for the current fiscal year of 128,000,000 and for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1809, of <21,000,000. But as has been stated by Mr. Oannon, chairman of the committee on appro priations, and hy Mr. Dingley, the estimate of expenditures for the next fiscal year was not what the secretary of the treasury believed they would be, but was made in pursuance with a provision of law which for the first time in the his tory of the country required the secretary of the treasury to insert in his estimates the amount estimated by the army engineers whioh can be expended for river and harbor im provements for the next fiscal year. Thus there is a very large amount inoluded in the estimate for public works, such as rivers and harbors, publio buildings and coast defenses, which may be very materially re duced by congress, for as Mr. Ding ley said, neither the secretary of the treasury nor the secretary of war believe that the amount estimated for these publio works should be expended during the next fiscal year. The inorease in apparent expendi tures for the next fiscal year would, if allowed by congress, undoubtedly result in as large a deficit as the secretary of the treasury estimated, but as Mr. Dingley said in a speeoh in the house a few days ago, “obvi ously no officer of this government, no responsible minister, no congress that properly regards its responsi bilities in the matter, would tolerate for a moment an increase of expend itures in one year, for public works alone, amounting to almost <50, 000,000.” In regard to the expend itures for the next fiscal year to be paid by taxation, Mr. Dingley said that instead of <411,000,000, as in ; ; Headquarters for . . . LUMBER AND ^ COAL 0.0. SNYDER & GO. EMIL SNIGGS ALSO PROPRIETOR OF y Elkhom Valley Blackmith and Horseshoeing Headquarters in the West for Horseshoeing and Plow Work. All kinds of repairing carried on in connection. Machinery, wagon, carriage, wood and iron work. Have all skilled men for the different branches. All work guaranteed to be the best, as we rely on our workmenship to draw our custom. Also in season we sell the Plano up to date harvesters, bindets mowers and reapers. BjWIHCnESTER«lcEPEATIH6 ARMS 6 Ggffkl x HOTEL -VANS Enlarged Refurnished Refitted Only First-class Hotel In the City. W. T. EVANS, Prop. DeYARMAN’S BARN. B. A. DnYABMAN, Manager. P'Y ARMAN'S ffffffWWWlW Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Finest turnouts in the city. Good, careful drivers when wanted. Also run the O’Neill Omnibus line. Commercial trade a specialty. Pacific Short Line -HAS THE BEST TRAIN SERVICE —IN— NORTHERN NEBRASKA. Tbroagti Freight and Passenger Rates TO ALL POINTS. If you are going on a trip or Intend chang ing your location, apply to our nearest agent, or write to W. B. McNIOBR. Oen’l Pare. Agent, Sioux City. Purchase Tiokats and Consign Freight via the your F. E. & M. V. and S. C. & P -r RAILROADS. 10:04 A. X 12:15 p. x 2:56 p. x. . ' TRAINS DEPART: oonauK. Passenger east. No. 4, Freight east. No. 24, Freight east. No. 28, ooino vrasT Passenger west. No. 8, Freight west, No. 27, Freight, No, 23, Local The BIkhorn Line Is now running Beollnln, Chair Cars dally, between Omaha and Dead' wood, jree to holders of llrst-class transDor tatlon. Far any information mu on '9:40 p. x 10:04 P. x' 4:00 p. x.. W„ J. DOBBS, A«t. O’NEILL. NEB. NEW YORK..,. ILLUSTRATED NEWS Th. Organ o* mn.il Snort in Amorlea ALL THE SENSATIONS OF TNE DAY PICTUMID |( TH* FOREMOST ARTISTS OF THE COUNTRY Life in New York Graphically Illustrated Brassy bnt Respectable. -• *4 FOR A YEAR, »yOR SIX MONTHS Do yon want to be posted? Than send your subscription to the IEW TUB UISIUIED INS, 3 PARK PLACE NEW YORK CITY PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY Th* Discovery Saved His Mr. G. Caillouette, druggist, Beavers ▼‘lie, 111., says: “To Dr. King's New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with lagrippe and tried all the ~hv«in i*n|. for miles about, but was of no avail and was given up and told 1 could not live. Having Dr. King’s New Dis covery in my store I sent for a botsk and began ita use and from the first dwe^ '■ began to get better, and after using three bottles was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. Wo won’t keep store or house without it.” . Gat a i free trial at Gorrigan’a drag store.