The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 09, 1897, Image 8

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    Mrs. M. B. Ford, Ruddell’s, 111., suf
* fered for eight year* from dyspepsia and
chronic constipation and was finally
cured by using DeWitt’s Little Early
Risers, the famous little pills for all
stomach and liver troubles.—Hersbiser
& Gilligan. ________
J. A, Perkins, of Antiqvity, O., was
for thirty years needlessly tortured by
physicians for the cure of eczema. He
was quickly cured by using DeWitt’s
Witch Hazel Salvo the famous healing
salve for piles and skin diseases.—Her
sbiser A Gilligan._
Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Ridge, 0., says,
“After two doctors gave up my boy to
die, I saved him from croup by using
One Minute Cough Cure." It is the
quickest and most certain remedy for
coughs, colds and all throat and lung
troubles.—Hersbiser & Gilligan.
The following is the list of officers
elected for the ensuing term by the
Modern Woodmen of America at their
regular meeting last Tuesday evening:
Bernard MoGreevey, V. C.; J. C. Mor
row, W. A.; D. H. Cronin, clerk; Henry
Zimmerman, banker; R. H. Mills, escort;
J. P. Gilligan, physician; B. J. Ryan,
Peter Sodersten, watchman; Sam Burge,
sentinel. _
A Tennessee lady, Mrs. ■ J. W. Towle,
of Philadelphia. Tenn., has been using
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for her
baby, who is subject to croup, and says
of it: “I find it just as good as you
f' claim it to be. Sines I’ve had your
fX; cough remedy, baby has been threatened
with croup ever so many times, but I
V would give him a dose of the remedy
' and it prevented his having it every
time." Hundreds of mothers say the
same. Sold by P. C. oorrlgan, druggist.
There is no medicine in the world
equal to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
for the cure of throat and lung diseases.
This Is a fact that has been proven in
numberles eases. Here is a sample of
thousands of letters received: “I have
tried Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy
-V while suffering from a severe throat
trouble, and found immediate and
effective relief. 1 can unhesitatingly
c recommend it." Edgir W. Whitti
t hobs, Gditor Grand Rivers, (Ky.)
Herald. For sale at P. 0. Corrigan’s
drvg store, _
Bueklen's Arnica lalvs.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
: sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and post
lively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect salisfac
■ lion Or money refunded. Price 85 oents
per bos. For rale by P. C. Corrigan.
■ ■ ■■■ ■ ». /
The Surprise of All
. Mr. James Jones, of the drug firm of
. Jones & Bon, Oowden, 111., in speaking
vi of Dr. King’s New Discovery, says that
' v isat winter his wife was attacked with
la grippe, and her case grew so serious
;•«, that physicians at Oowden and Pans
■■ v* could do nothing for her. It seomed to
v develops into hasty consumption. Hav
s ing Dr. King's New Discovery in store,
and selling lots of it, he took a bottle
v home, and to the surprise of all she
'W- began to get better from first dose, and
half dozen dollar bottles cured bet
; sound and well. Dr. King’s New Dis*
covery for consumption, coughs and
.colds is guaranteed to do this good
work. Try it. Free trial bottle at P.
C. Corrigan’s drug store.
ruw iu riiu mu
Fill a battle or common glaaa with
urine and let it etand twenty-four hours
a sediment or settling indicates an un
healthy condition of the kidneys.
When urine stains linen it is positive
evidence of kidney trouble. Too fre
quent desire to urinate, or pain In th<
back, is also convincing proof that th<
kidneys and bladder are out of order.
There is comfort in ths knowledge sc
often expressed, that • Dr. Kilmer'i
Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy,
fulfills every wish in relieving pain ii
the back, kidneys, liver, bladder, anc
every part of the urinary passages. Ii
corrects inability to bold urine and
scalding pains in pssslng it, or bac
effects following the use of liquor, wine
or beer, and overcomes that unpleatan
necessity of being compelled to get u|
many times during the night to urinate
The mild and the extraordinary effec
of Swamp Root it toon realised. I
stands the highest for its wonderfu
cures of the moat destressing cases. 11
... _.yoq need a medicine you should havi
.the best Sold by druggists, price fifty
cents and one dollar. You may have i
sample bottle and pamphlet both sen'
free by mail. Mention Ths Frohtiki
and send your address to Dr. Kilmer d
Co.. Slaghautou, N. Y. The proprte
ion of this paper guarantee the genu
of thla offer.
, ■ . ■ j"-v- • - ' ' Ve.’ U <§&
fie "
TO° MEAN TQ live.
A Brutish Fellow Who Did Kot Deserve
to Have a Wife.
She was a pale, quaint quiet old
.woman who did washing for a living,
relates the Chicago Times. One day
she - was paler than usual and her
hands trembled. Her mistress asked
her the reason. She said:
"1 been thinkin’ of a lady I helped
to nurse once—out in Colorado ’twas.
She was took bad suddont an' tboy
sent for me. The house was only
kind of roofed la an* the rainy seaao.i
was on them. I sot tubs to ketch the
water, else it would have dripped on
her. 1M heard tell about her before
I went there an’ him, too.
"She was used to things fine back
East Her folks had warned her not
no marry him. When she did. im’
found out her foolishness she was too
proud to make moan. He was a man
o’ means but stingy! Great .Joru
salem! Child, the good Lord couldn't
never have made him. He hadn't the
print of decent Ungers on him!
•Get a doctor!" says L seeing liow
bad she was
• ■ ‘No ’ he answers cool •it's a use
less expense. . I've got a book here 11
dn *
“Blmeby the hired girl come to the
*MWhat for dinner, sir?' she asked.
“ <1 rah am bread and potato balls. ’
he says.
“ -But the children wants to know
If they can have a bit o’ ham. There s
two hams in the cellar—’
•• 'By no means. Meat is not by*
glonlc for children. But you kin
oook one slice—jus’ one thick slice
—fur me.’
■ ■ ‘David, ’ begged her weak voice
from the bed, -kin I have a cup of
•• ■Certainly net!’ he replies prompt;
•’Twould affect your heart'
“ ■Coffea then?’
•• ‘No, Indeed! In your nervous
condition! I am surprised Fdella!’
“Everything was the same way.
There wasn’t nuthin he thought
mightn’t injure her but crackers an'
water. The children couldn't have
but one helpin' at meala That wash t
a big one. But his plate was piled
while a bit would go on it. Fust day
she was up I made some rolla Mighty
nice rolls they was, too. She et one.
Then the baby cried. She went to
tend to It. When sho comes back she
tools up another rolL
"'•Drop that!' he says.
“Be was after s.wailerin' seven him
self In about the ft me you’d be say in'
Jaek Ifotfinson.
" ‘You've been away from the table
three minutes an' a half. Do you
want to begin eatln again? You'd
ruin your digestion.’
“ -But—Im hungry. David! An’
they’re so good—’
•• Did you hear meP‘
“She looked as if she was goln’ to
cry. But she put the roll back.
• • Dried corn an* crackers for din
ner. ’ he says. *1 can’t be back In
time. I’ll take my frugal bite down
“1 followed him to the door.
• • -She ain't strong, An' a-nursing
that big baby. What for her?'
>■ 'What’s wholesome for the rest,'
he growls.
“But if she had a bit o' meat—or
some chloken broth—'
• 'He looked at me awful mad.
“ -D'ye think I'm Vanderbilt?' he
“The letter my granson brought
me over just now? Yea 'twas from
my niece who lives out there. She’s
dead—the sweet, starved littlo crea
ture! An’ (he children—mostly the
baby—(l’tn suddin' the clothes dean,
mam)—don't mind me—is what I am
thinkin' about!"
In the county court of Holt county. Nebras
ka, in the matter of the estate of Alexander
0. Morris, deceased:
To the creditors, heirs, legatees and others
Interested In the estate of Alexander If.
Morris, deceased: You and eaohofyouwlll
take notice that Ed. F. Gallagher and Thom
as M. Morris as administrator of the estate
of Alexander U. Morris deceased, filed In the
oounty court of Holt county, Nebraska, on
the 18th day of November. 1897, a final report
of their doings as administrator of said
estate and that on the 83rd day of November,
1897, said administrators filed another sup
plemental report of their doings as adminis
trators Is said estate from the 18th day of
November, 1807, to the 23rd day of November,
You are notified that said administrators
In said reports asked that said reports be
approved and that they be discharged at
administrators of said estate and their bonds
men released from liability on their said
bonds as administrators.
It Is therefore ordered that said reports
stand for hearing tho 18th day of December,
1807. before the court at the hour of 10 o'elook
a. in., at which time any person Interested
may appear and except to and oontest the
same and show cause If any there be why
■aid administrators should not be discharged
and said reports accepted and approved.
It Is further ordered that notice ofthls
hearing be given by publication In Thb
Frontier a weekly newspaper of general
circulation In Holt county, Nebraska, by
publication of this notloe for four suooesstve
Witness my hand and the seal of the
couutv court at O’Neill, Nebraska, this —
day of November, 1807. G. A, MoOutchan,
fHKdt.l rViun+ir .Indira
Kemper Hundley A McDonald, dry Roods
oompany. and Anna B. McDonald. Anna May
McDonald, Lena McDonald. John D. Mo
Donald, Lee L. McDonald, William F. Mc
Donald, Holland McDonald and Frank Rudd
McDonald, defendants, will take nottoe that
William H. Male, Benjamin Graham, William
Halls, jr.. and Harris H. Hayden, plaintiffs,
have tiled an ameuded petition In the district
court of Holt county. Nebraska, aRalnst said
defendants Impleaded with Franklin Mc
Dermott, Mary J. McDermott and G. A.
McOutchan, defendants, the object and
prayer of which are to foreclose a trust deed
dated March 19, 1887, for 9200 Interest and
tax payments, on the followlnR described
1 premises to-wlt: Beginning at a point 121
i rods and four and one halt feet east from the
southwest oorner of the northwest quarter of
1 section 29, In township 29 north, of range 11
i west of 8 th P. M., thence running east 8 rods,
; thence running north 20 rods, thenoe running
west 8 rods, thenoe running south 20
rods to the place at beginning, In Holt
county, Nebraska, given by Franklin Mo
i Dermott and Mary J. McDermott to E. S.
. Ormaby, trustee for Amerloan Investment
company, and assigned to plaintiffs, whloh
trust deed was recorded In book 22. page 02&,
; mortgage records of said county, and to have
the same decreed to be a first lien, and said
1 premises sold to satisfy the same.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 3rd day of January; 1MB.
Dated November S, 1897.
8, D. Thors to it.
u> ahuahtohs
■' Attordey for Plaintiff.
In estate of II. H. McEvony, deceased.
In county coart. Holt county, Nebraska.
To the creditors, heirs, legatees and others
Interested In the estate of H, H. McEvony
take notice, that E. H. Thompson has flled in
the county court a report of his doings as
administrator of said estate and It is ordered
tliat the same stand for hearing the 18th day
of December. 1897, before the court at the
hour of 1 o’clock p. M., at which time any
person Interested may appear and except to
and contest the same. And notice or this
proceeding Is ordered given by publication.
Witness my hand and the seal of the
county court at O'Neill, this 18th day of No
vember. A, D, 1801.
Globe Investment company, a corporation,
under the lawa of the commonwealth of
Massachusetts, and Henry A. Wyman, as
receiver of the Globe Investment company,
and James Brooks, defendants, will take
notice that Lucia M. Peabody, plaintiff, has
died a petition in the district court of Holt
county. Nebraska, against said defendants,
impleaded with Frederick H. Nolze and Mary
A. Nolze, the object and praver of which arc
to forecloso a mortgage dated January 05.
1890, for 8500 and Interest upon the northeast
quarter of section 05, In township 25, north,
of range 0 west of the 6th P. M. Holt county,
Nebraska, given by Frederick H. Nolze and
Mary A. Nolze to the Globe Investment
company and assigned to plaintiff, which
mortgage was recorded in book 52, page 101
mortgage records of said oountv, and to have
the same decreed to be a first lien and said
land sold to satisfy the same.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 18th day of December, 1897.
Dated November 3rd, i897. 18-4
B. D. Thornton, Attorney for Plaintiff.
G. A. McCctchan,
County Judge,
United States Land Office, O'Neill, Neb.
December 6, 1097.
Complaint haying been entered at this offioe
by H.S.Shutts.of Atkinson,Holt county.Neb.,
against Jens 0. Sniedt for failure to comply
with luw as to timbre-culture entry No. 6478.
dated July 13. 1889, upon the NX NEX and
NX NWK section 7 township 30 range 14 W.
In Holt county. Neb., with a view to the
cancellation of said entry; contestant alleg
ing that Jens O. Smedt failed to break or
cause to be broken 5 acres of said tract in the
year 1889, and failed to break or cause to be
broken 5 acres of said tract In the year 1890.
and failed to plant or cause to be planted
any trees, tree seeds or cuttings daring the
years 1891, 1899, 1893 and 1894, and failed dur
ing the years 1894, 1895 and 1896 and to this
date In the year 1897, to cultivate said tract
and has failed entirely to oomply with the
laws In any respect and has abandoned said
tract during the last four years, the said
Parties are hereby summoned to appear at
its office on the 94th day of January, 1898, at
10 o'clock a. m. to respond and furnish testi
mony concerning said alleged failure.
23-4 8. J. Webber, Register.
Land Office at O'Neill. Neb.
October 25, 1897.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his inten
tlsn to make final proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made
before register and receiver at O’Neill, Neb.,
on Deoemoes 4.1897, vis;
CHARLES T. ALLEN, of Page, Neb., II. E.
14588, for the SKX of Sec. 19, Tp. 29, R. 9 W.
He names thfe following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, vis: Richard II. Murray,
Thomas S. Roaoh. Joseph Newberry, N.
Grass, all of Page Net). S. J. Weekbs,
17-flnp Register.
Land Office at O'Neill, Neb.
October 22, 1897,
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler hue filed notice of his inten
tion to make Dual proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made
before the register and receiver at O'Neill.
Neb., on December 7.1897, viz:
LEWIS H. DOWNEY, of Star P. O. Neb.,
H. E. No. 14608, for the 3EX Sec. 3. Tp. 80, R. 9.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz; Alex B. Wertz, A. S.
Robinson. Frank W. Phillips, Henry Harris,
all of Star, Holt county, Neb.
17-8p S. J. Weeker,
United States Land Office,
O’Neill. Neb. November 10,1897.
Complaint having been entered at this
office bv Christian Englehaupt, of Holt
county. Nebraska, against William M. Kem
mer for failure to comply with law as to
Timber-Culture entry No. 8474 dated July 5.
1889, upon the NWX section 28, township 27
north, range 18 west 6th p. m., In Holtcounty,
Nebraska, with a view to the cancellation of
said entry; contestant alleging “that William
M. Kemmer failed to properly prepare and
plant the tree ground upon the tract in
3uestlon to trees, tree-seeds and cuttings
urlng the season of 1898, there being uo
living trees upon the tract In the spring of
1896. That in the spring of 1897 there were no
living trees upon said tract and that said
claimant failed during said season of 1897 to
re-plant the traot to trees, seeds or cuttings;
that the tree ground upon said tract has
grown up to weeds and grass and that there
are now no living trees upon said traot and
the tree ground upon said traot was uot cul
tivated during the year 1897, and all of said
failures still exist.
The said parties are hereby summoned to
appear at this office on the 14th day of
December, 1897, at 10 o’clock a. m to respond
and furnish testimony concerning said
alleged failure. 8. J, Weekbs,
19-4 Register.
Land Offioe at O’Neill, Nebr., Nov. 28, 1897.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Intention
to make final proof In support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before the
Register and Receiver at O'Neill, Neb., on
January 12. 1898, viz:
William 0. Ritchie. Lead. South Dakota, T.
C. number 6540, for the BEX section 27, town
ship 29, range 10 west.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz: Alva Whitmore, li.
H. Murrey, N. Grass and 0. A. Grass, all of
Page, Nebraska.
22-6 8. J. W kkkes, Register.
United States Land Office, O'Neill, Neb.
November 16,1897.
Complaint having been entered at this office
by E. U. Benedict against Nelson Toncray
for failure to comply with law as to Timber
Culture entry No. 6321. dated July 25, 1888,
upon the EX NEX, NWX NEX and NEX
NWx section 28, township 28, north range 12
west, in Holt county, Nebraska, with a view
to the cancellation of said entry: contestant
alleging that the said Nelson Toncray has
done no breaking, has cultivated no crops,
has planted no trees, tree seeds or cuttings
at auy time during the entire time since his
said entry was made, nor has he oaused it to
be done, and that all salddefaults exist at
the present time; the said parties are herebv
summoned to appear at this office on the 27th
day of December. 1897. at 9 o'clock a. m., to
respond and furnish testimony concerning
said alleged failure.
21-6 8. J. Weekbs, Register,
notiok priHT.ini’pmw
„ Land Office at O’Neill, Neb., Oct. 1, 1897.
Notice Is hereby siren that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof In support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before the
Register and Receiver at O’Neill, Neb , on
November 12,1887, vis:
WILLIAM H. PERRY, T.C. number 6424
for the 8W14 section 24, township 31, range 13
lie names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: FredTesch, James Gordon,
Lorenzo Ross and John Gordon, all of Ray,
Nebraska. 14-6 8.J. Wkxkes, Register.
.Land Omcs, O’Neill. Neb. I
Tf. f
Oct. 1,1887.. .
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notloe of his Inten
tion to make final proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made
before the register and reoelver at O’Neill,
Neb., on November 13.1887, viz:
RUBEN BRUCE. T. 0. number 6603, for the
EH NBH and EH SEH Section 12, township
27, range 14 west.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz: Jesse Roy, Albert
Roy. Andrew Morgan Sr., Andrew Morgan
Jr., all of O'Neill, Neb.
144 8. J. Wout, Register,
is the
and the
Its office is fitted with the
most most modern convenien
ces and machinery, always has
the latest faces of type, the
best workmen, and is thereby
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