A' a a*> -/K-..A AAA A. A A ^ ^ ^ ^ A For asthma, bronchitis, croup, or ▼hooping cough, there is no remedy so sure and so safe as Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. This standard remedy for coughs, colds, and all d»‘«»as»g of the throat and lungs, is now put up in half size bottles at half price, 50c. Pectoral. <4 V V*V TV VT f V f V ? f a -a > - •' *C' ,-Jh‘ ■ SOUTHERN Homeseekers’Guide Every homeseeker should address either J. F MERRY, A. G. P. A., Manchester, Iowa: W. A. KELLOND, A. G. P. A., Louisville, Ky., or S. G, HATCH, D. P. A., Cincinnati, O., for a free eopy ol the ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD'S SOUTHERN HOMESEEKERS’ GUIDE. SHE PROFITS. BUY DIRECT. ‘Our Leader”Razor, postpaid, “lOO. “True Vermonter” l Blade Knife. 50c. Oui goodsare hand forged and warrant ed' CHAMPLAIN CUTLERY CO. BuriiDgton,Vt. PENSIONS GetyourPenslon DOUBLE QUICK Write CAPT. O'FARRELL. Penalon Agent, 1428 New York Avenue. WASHINGTON. D. C. DfinriUP The best Red Rope Roofing for H U U ■ I n lllc* Per ®Q> ft., caps and nails In 111 winded. Snhnt tutes for Planter Samples free. The fay Manilla uoorisa co.jCaM4ne.Rj. China has a war-god with 3,000 dif ferent names. . Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Byrap rorchildreu toethlng,aoft«ni the frums.reduces Inflam matlon,allays paln.cures wind colic. SB cents a bottle. The first steamer crossed the At lantic in 1819. Star Tobacco is the leading brand of the world, because it is the beet. The pianoforte was invented in Italy in 1710. . . Coe’s Csnih Balsa es Is the old sit and best. It will break up a cold quicker than anything else. It Is always reliable. Try it. He who knows the woiknest of hl« own wings is sure of successful flight. Educate Your Bowels With Casern rets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c. 25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. On the ahoulilors of :fn young and hele poverty sits but lisbuy. No true woman is either a man worshipper or a man hater. HAS CURED MORE THAN 1,000,000 PEOPLE. RHEUMATISM. FOR 30 DAYS YOU CAN TRY IT FOR 25 CTS. GIVEN UP OY 14 DIFFERENT DOCTORS. [Trade Mark.] 1 how I was DEAR SIRS: I thought I would write a statement of my case, and 1 when I commenced using your wonderful “5 DROPS,” as I feel truly grateful to think that our heavenly Father has endowed you with the knowledge to bring out such a wonderful medicine as your **B DROPS.” I was a great sufferer for about four years. I was taken tick with vomiting and cramps and dizziness, •o I could not sit up a minute, so they had to carry me in where I fell. Then I employed one of our city doc tors; he said I was all broken down, and that I would never be able to work again; then I kept getting worse, and I employed another, and he said about the same. After a while I got a little better, then 1 was taken with cramps and pains in my elbows, hands, knees and feet. The tor* ure of the pains was so gTeat that I had to walk the floor night and day. I employed another doctor, and when he wquM say he could do no more for tne, 1 would employ another and another till I had employed 14 different doctors, and had used every kind of patent medicine I could hear of. My teeth are all gone from the effect of the strong medicine. Some of the doctors said it was my kidneys, some said It was ray liver and kidneys, and some called it Rheumatic Gout. My friends would say that I could not live a week. Two years ago iny sister-in-law came from Nebraska to •ee me, and she taid when Bhe went away that she would never tee me alive again. Thank God she is here again to see me, and she had just one look at me, then she said* “What did you ever get to do you so much good!” for shf says: “I expected two years ago every letter I got to hear you were dead.” All I can say is, it was wonder! *—*‘B DROPS” did It all. When 1 was taken sick I weighed about 1&0 pounds—I ran down to about*. Apounds, and I could not feed myself and had to be turned in bed. I now have taken your B DROPS ” about three months, and can clean my own horse and harness It and drive It. People all look at me and say: “it is wonderful.” for they thought my box was made for me. My cure is a great testimonial for your “6 DROPS.” Now, if you want any more I can give it, and I can get testimonials from promt nent.men.here that know just how 1 was. ALLEN M. SAGE, Ionia, Mich. As a positive cure for Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, Backache, Asthma, Hay Fever, Catarrh, Sleeplessness, Nervousness, Nervous and Neuralgic Headaches. Heart weakness, Toothache, Earache, Croup, Swelling. La Grippe, Malaria, Creeping Numb “e“,etc ctc’“FIVE DROPS” lias never been equalled. ilC nnnPQ” once • day is a dose of this great remedy and to enable all sufferers to males •iwrUr” , v t,i?1 of wonderful curative properties, we will *end out during the next thirty days, 100,000 sample boitles, 26c each, prepaid by mall. Even a sample bottle will convince you of its merit. Best and cheapest medicine on earth. Large bottles coo doses* *1.00, for 30 davs 3 bottles for *8.50. Not Sold by drug gists, only by n» and our agents. Agents wanted In new territory. Write ns to-day; SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURE CO,, 1G7-1G9 Dearborn St., CHICAGO, ILI* v GET THE GEWPIKE ARTICLE! Walter Baker & Co.’s ra Breakfast COCOA Pure, Delicious* Nutritious. Costa Less than ONE CENT a cup. Be sure that the package bears our Trade-Mark. Walter Baker & Co. Limited, t (Established 1780.) Trade-Mark. Dorchester* Mass. <* MORPHINE and WHISKY HABITS. HOME CUKE. Book FREE. DK. J. C. HUFFMAN. Isabella Bldg., CHICAGO, ILL. nPADCV NEW DISCOVERY; «Hm It WP 1 quick relief and cures worst •aaes. Bend for book of testimonials and 10 days* treatment Free. Dr. li.H.GKBU’BBOSS, AUaata.tia. SI25,00 h MONTH! jjjssfssaft?» ■ ■' ' ' — AO eta. Money refunded. JAS. H. EARLE, PUBLISHER, BOSTON, MASS. j/n. McGREW IS TUB ONLY SPECIALIST WHO TBEAT8 ALL > PRIVATE DISEASES | Weakness & Disorder of MEN ONLY 20 Years’ Experience. 10 Years In Omaha. Book free. Consultation ^ and Examination Free. I 14th & Farnam Sts., r OMAHA, NEB. CURE YOURSELF! ■ Use Big Cl for unnatural J discharges, inflammations, ( irritations or ulcerations of mucous membranes. ~• Painless, and not astrin MTHEcVANS GheUICAlCo, sent or poisonous. I Sold Uj Drstgiris, "or sent in plain wrapper, by express, prepaid, for jKOO.or 3 bottles, |2.75. Jircular sent on request. KLONDYKE BULLETIN*' Will be published by the 800 LINE Mon days, containing aU TELE8RAPUIC NEWS and np-to-dste Information as to BEST ROUTES SER VICES, STEAMSHIP SAILINBS, and every’facil ity as same develop. INVALUABLE to Alaskan prospectors and all their friends. To be placed on mailing list, send six cents (6c) In stamps to W. R. CALLAWAY, 8. P. A., Minneapolis, Minn. „ .ORES WHERE AU ELSE FAILS. I Boot Cough Syrup. Taatee Good. Use | In time. Bold by druggists. r-uijfcfisiaaisigi PITFBTC S*nd forInv#lltor*’ Oaide, free. ZDGAKTATS lHI Lll lUl A INI., PateatBalltliort, £43 Broadway.K#w York. } Thompson’s Eye Water. ASTH mwk uk. t af? mob..« *lm m TRIKw burns 0\ ;:fchT _ __ __ irgcE. - *AJT MOB., ft XLM SI., fiOGHUTZK, >KW TOBft P ENSIONS, PATENTS, CLAIMS. JOHNHP; MORRIS,J#ASHIN6TON. D.a Uto Principal Examiner U. S. Tension Bureau, l/n* la tail war, U adjudicating claim*, attjr. kiace Spare-Time Study ^Thorough coarse In bookkeeping, K shorthand, science, jourualiwm, II drawing, and all branches of 1 engineering (civil, mechanical, 5 electrical, etc.), at your own I instructors. Fees moderate. Fifth .. ar. Illustrated catalogue free. State •abjaet iu winch interested. Nallaad ('nrrciMirimf IsatHaU (It-), il Hvcaad National Huk Balldla*. Washington. II. «!. The Beat Place to Hay FURS, CLOAK8, DRE8SES Or Ladles’ Keady-to-Wear Garments of Any Kind Is at the MCSCOriELD U IXcuMmuiTca 1810 Douglas 8t., - Omaha, Neb. NEURALGIA Sick and Nervous aches POSITIVELY in 30 Minutes, At ill druggist* or lent poit paid upon receipt ol 11. FRENCH CHEMICAL CO. *. 356 Dearborn St., '• Chicago, in. LIGHTING NIAGARA. MonaWir ImmUIiUi and Galatia* Screen* to Illuminate the Gorge An experiment In lighting the gorge of the Niagara river, which was tried In connection with the convention of electricians, is likely to bear Import ant results and has furnished a spec tacle of extraordinary magnificence, says the Rochester Post and Express. The illumination was arranged under the personal direction of Luther Stle rlnger, the man who designed and op erated the Illuminations and electric fountains at the World’s Fair. On the platform car, between two open cars, he took six monster electric search lights and a number of colored gela tine screens. At 10 o’clock in the even ing the start was made down the Gorge road. The search lights took their electricity from the trolley wire and when they, were directed upon the shores and tumbling river, and the lights In the open cars were turned off, the scene was rarely beautful. It looked as though such (moon) “light as never was, on land or sea," had transformed the scene. But as the cars moved on and Mr. Stlerlnger ohanged ouccub, i»r more magical, wuuuer ful and startling effects were secured. Now It looked as though one were see ing with Dante eyes, so red and fierce was the scene, and so darkly red the shadowy banks between which the river tossed waves of blood. Further down, beneath the new steel arch bridge, where the furious rapids were tossing the spray fifty feet or more in the air, red and green lights were used. Then the plain lights were shown again and then, where the rapids are strongest and. wildest, the red screens were used with an effect whose wierdness the contrast vastly heightened. So •impressive was the spectacle that for several minutes theire was absolute silence in the cars and then a cheer of admiration broke out. From that point to the end of the road the colors were changed rapidly, with beautiful effect, and at midnight the party returned to the falls. It is said that the success of the experiment in sures the illumination of the gorge by searchlights next season and- that means the addition to the attractions of Niagara of a wonderfully thrilling night spectacle and one' which, once seen, will not be forgotten. Former visitors to Niagara will re call that when the state reservation was private property there was for the last season or two a successful illum ination of the upper rapids and of the falls themselves and a heightening of their wildness and wejrdness and beauty by a similar use of colored screens. The scene was one to re member and Niagara visitors have rea son to congratulate themselves that private enterprise again proposes thus to enhance the night wonder of Nia gara. For you may croak as you please about “natural” beauty, nature is too prone to veil her beauty at night; and if esthetes be Bhocked at an artificial coloring of the water and find no com pensation 'for loss of naturalness in such bewildering riotousness of color and grotesqueness as one can hardly dream of, even they must approve the lights which make visible the natural beauty when darkness would other wise veil the scene. An Accidental Gold Find. Apropos of the recently reported rich gold finds in Alaska the accidental Btrlke on the Payette river in Idaho, seventy-five miles from Boise City, may be recalled. Two men named George Bell and Dick Fraser were "grub staked” to go out on a pros pecting tour. They skirmised around for some time without striking any thing. One day Fraser went out hunt ing and chased a bear and a cub up a mountain side through heavy brush. The game escaped, and Fraser sat down to enjoy a brief siesta before re turning to camp. He pushed the brush aside, and was digging thoughtfully in the dirt with his fingers when he picked up a piece of rich float. He did not know what it was, but it was a nice specimen of something, and he put it in his pocket. He stuck his pick into the ground and encountered an obstruction in the shape of a lead. Go ing to camp, he showed the piece of quartz to Bell, and further investiga tion showed the latter that it was worth looking into. A small quantity of rock was taken out and brought to Boise to be assayed. It went |138 a ton gold.—Exchange. It Brines Ravishing Dreams of Bliss. From the San Francisco Call: In Southern Arizona the jail and prison officials have their hands full in try ing to prevent the smuggling into their Institutions of the seductive marl guana. This is a kind of loco weed more powerful than opium. It is a dangerous thing for the uninitiated to handle, but those who know its uses say it produces more ravishing dreams than opium. The Mexicans mix it with tobacco and smoke it with cigar ettes, inhaling the smoke. When used in this way it produces a hilarious spirit in the smoker that cannot be equalled by any other form of dis sipation. When smuggled inside the prison walls the Mexicans readily pay $4 an ounce for it, but free men buy it on the outside for fifty cents. The Kaiier'i Employe*. There are 1,500 people upon the Ger man emperor’s list of employes. In cluding 350 female servants, who are engaged in looking after the twenty two royal palaces and castles that be long to the crown.. Their wages are small. The women receive not more than $12 a month, and the men serv ants, who number over 500, from SIS to $25 a month. Tin Burlington Boat* —California Es curslnps. Cheap, Quick, Comfortable, Leave Omaha 4:33 p. ra„ Lincoln 0:10 p. tn. and Hustings 8:50 p. m. every Thursday In clean, modern, not crowded tourist sleepers. No transfer*: cars run right through to San Francisco und Los Angeles over tho Sccnlo Route—through Denver and Salt Lake City. Cars are carpeted; upholstered In rattan: have spring scats and backs and are pro vided with curtains, bedding, towels, soap, etc. Uniformed porters and experienced ex cursion conductors accompany each excur sion. relieving passengers of all bother about baggnee. pointing out objocts of Interest and In many other ways helping to make the overland trip a delightful experience. Second class tickets are honored. Berthe B For folder giving full Information, call at nearest Burlington Route ticket office, or write to J. Francis, General Passenger Agent Omaha, Neb. Foe Mot a Drnnkard. Major Drury, who lives at a histor ical old seat on the James river, a few mllea below Richmond, was a school fellow and personal friend of Edgar Allan Poe. During the poet’s short and sad life Major Drury was his staunch friend, and, although poor himself at that time, he often helped him financially. He says that Poe was not a drunkard, as has often been charged, but, on the contrary, seldom drank spirituous liquors. State of Ohio, City of Toledo. Lucas County, Frank J Cheney makes oath that he IS the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business In the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall’s Catarrh Cure. „ FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D, 1S88. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON. . Notary Publio. Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts directly on the blood and_ mu cous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. C. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. All About Alms kit. Descriptive folder containing five maps of Alaska and routes to the gold fields; the most complete publication of the kind in print. Send four cents in stamps to P. I. Whitney, G. P, and T. A. Great Northern Railway, St. Paul, Minn. “Alaska. Land of Gold and Glacier,” a beautifully illustrated booklet, sent for fifteen cents in stamps. The Great Northern 1b over 100 mileB the shortest line from St. Paul and Minneapolis to Seattle and Portland, the outfitting points whence steamers sail for Alaska. Boston claims to have solved the servant girl question by substituting men tor girls tor all kinds of house work. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Soar tllk Away. To quit tobacco cosily and forever, be mag netlc, full of Hie, nerve and vigor, take No-To Boo, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men itrong. All druggists, SOo or II. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Hemedy Co, Chicago or New York People whose eloquence reveals ras cality are always said, by the rascals, to “talk too much.” Cora for Klondicltls. A sure cure for Klondike gold fever has been discovered by an American who recently returned from Alaska. "Pick out a morning next winter," he says, “when the mercury Is below tero, shoulder a pick and go Into the woods before breakfast; dig a hole sixteen feet deep; come back and go to the house at night and eat a small piece of stewed buffalo robe, and sleep In the woodshed. Repeat the dose as often as necessary.—Toronto Mail. try Grain-n. Ask your grocer today to show you a package of ORAIN-O, the new food drink that takes the place of coffee. The children may drink It without Injury as well as the adult All who try It like It. ORAIN-O has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, but It is made from pure grains, and the most dollcate stomach receives It without distress. ' M the price of coffee.. 16 cents and 25 cents per package. Sold by all grocers. Tastes like oof tee. Looks like colfoe. The patterns of the flags of the world’s nations vary widely, but In every field the star of Bethlehem shines. The new model Remington Type writer enjoys a larger sale than any other typewriter ever had, because It Is the best. Send for catalogue. 1710 Parnnm street, Omaha, Neb. One song sung amid a storm Is bet ter than a whole concert when the sun Is shining. To Core Constipation Forever. Take Casearots Candy Cathartic. Ido or 25c. H6C.fi fall to cure, druggists refund money. The world la full of human miles stones, since it is more easy to point than to plod. Smoke Sledge Cigarettes, 20 for 6 cts. Ulysses S. Grant Is a grain weigher at Kansas City. Ho-To-Db« for Fifty Conte. •- :%v Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. ROc. It. A11 drugirlaia. Experience is a hard block to whit tle, but every shaving is of priceless value to the whlttler. , Had Catarrh f And Was Much Run Down to) Health, but Hood’s Cured. “ I was all run down in health and had catarrh. I began the nae of fiood’a Sarsaparilla, am now cored of catarrh, and my health la good.’' J. 11. Auotst, Monticello, Iowa. Remember Hood’s a£ma Is the best—In fact the One Tree Blood Partner. Hood’s Pills cure slek headache, ass. Order King Cola White Plume Celery. Cavld Coleft Co.. Oauke, Set OYSTERS LADIFft wanted in every town. 97 to919 per week making sample darns at korae to advertise the IMPEUIa!*DARNING MA CHINE. No convulsing. Will darn a heel o.- toa In a stocking lu 3 minute*. Send stamped addressed •nv elope for sample andnart'ciilars. _ FOSTER MACHINE CO.. 635 W. 39th St., New York City. GAME AND POULTRY FOR HOLIDAY TRADE. Ship direct Co U. U . ICRSS A CO., lots Beiterd and soo So. 11th Mt.. Omaha.. end get hlgheet merket price. Reference: Omaha Dtnka, Coumcrctel Aguuclce. - Correepondenea •ollclted. ROBERT PURVIS, COMMISSION, Established 1070. Specialties—Butt«r, Eggs. Poultry. Veal, ntaes and Game. Write for tags and prices. OMAHA. NEB. W. N. U. OMAHA. NO. 60.-1897. When writing to advorttsors, ktudly mention this paper. VERY MUCH THE 8AME IN EFFECTS ARE BURNS «* FROST -BITES j& «« 8T, JACOBS OIL aBfcTggJgJ*”1” JM IWIMMIMIIimMItlllllllllHllllllllll tiring 'features for December How I Made My First Thousand Winning Fame and Fortune After Fifty What Two Young Women Accomplished How a Young Farmer Became a Millionaire Princely Salaries and the Men who Get Them ^ The Newsboy who Became a College President OR. ORISON. S. MARDEN. lOtTOH-M-CHICF. How Change of Business Brought Change of Fortune Shall I Risk my Salary and Go into Business for myself? Wanamaker Trundling his First Order in a Wheelbarrow t Cbese Booke •wilt Make Tour "fortune Pushing to the Front 24 Portraits—440 Pages-Cloth and Gold. •'I have read your book with unusual inter est. It cannot out be on inspiration.” William McKinley. NEVES SOLD FOB LESS THAN . . «lJSO How to Rise in the World 32 Portraits—486 Pages—Cloth and Gold. “I am sure the future will show that there are in it the seeds of many a successful career.” Chaincar M. Dlpew. NEVER SOLO FOR LESS THAN • •. . SI .50 SUCCESS For One Year, . . . 1.00 TOTAL, . 94.00 To Tew Snborrf bera Only we will send all the above—Or. Mnrdrn'atwo books -“PI«MI.\C TO THE VltOST,” and “HOW TO RINK IIV THE WORLD,” with SUCCESS—lor one Year. TOGETHER FOR ONLY . . 92.00 WE FULLY PREPAY EXPRESS CHARGES. Occupations for Women Or, What EaplojracaitoSeck; When to Look lor It; flew to OMala It: How to Do II. and What It wUI Pay. FRANCESJLjWILLARD. _ Assisted by Miss H. M. Winslow sad Sallie Joy White. Over 8M Extra Large Paces with aanerom llhnrtrt tiowt Substantially brand ia Rich Cloth aad (Hit. ‘‘Miss France* E. Willard, President of the W. O. T. U., an