1 The m Annex. ?- V5-; *}■ HERSHISER <& 6ILLIGAN. k-' " ^■CTi-ir ■ ■ ' ■ The mis Kama tao Annex. L_J In order to better display our fine new line of Holiday Goods and to make it more convenient for the, trade, we have opened up a Holiday Annex In the building first door west of our drug store, where we now have ready for the inspection of the public, at suprisingly low prices, the most com plete assortment of Christmas goods ever offered for 'sale in Holt county. The goods are all new; no shelf worn stock. The designs are the latest; no chesnuts. The public is solicited to call and inspect the stock. We have pres ents for everybody at prices for anybody. A Separate Department ■/'V '■ss? ■ :-v. i.. .• • d-d ....... . , ;v' » • • v ■ ddl s' : ?$}. For a Bran New Stock. >■-' - yM .v * < ' ■' . '• -• ■: d..-,•■'■■■ .;,d a ass .CL The way to have a Merry Christmas la to make othershappy. Make them happy with suitable gift*? Our stock answers the question; answers It fully, perfectly. Coma and see. Novelties without limit. Such an array of dassllng desirable gifts. Something for every taste. Gifts that will fill your require ments without emptying your purse. To look through our splendid assort ment is a pastime; to price these goods is a pleasure; to possess them is a privilege. an i m ]{ecoi|ii|iei)ded by Saijta CiaUs. Pretty gifts! Suitable gifts! Useful gifts. Everybody is delighted with our holiday display—See it. The Best of Everything for Christmas. lanj A very fine assortment and a variety for all tastes in fancy goods and novelties, toilet articles, notions, etc. H We Offer a Great Variety of 1 ig Appropriate presents for ladies, gentlemen and children. We can supply an appropriate gift for old or yong, at any price. is CHRISTMAS MORNING. Christmas morning, and brand daylight! Who do yon think was here last night? Bundled in furs from top to toe; I won't tell, for I think you know. Who was it oame from cold Snowland, Driving gaily his eight-in-hand. Sleigh piled up with wonderful toys? Who was it? Tell me, girls and boys. Who was it down the chimney crept. While everybody soundly slept: Filled the stockings, and tapped them all With "Merry Christmas, one and all.” Who went back 'neath the bright starlight, Reindeer scampering with all their might? I won’t tell, for its very dear, If you are good, he’ll come next year. Ohrlstmas morning, and hurry away, Cousins and aunties are waiting to-day Waiting to weloome the big and the small, Hark I hear them shout "Merry Ohrlstmas to all.” —" —■ - ■ ; ■ OUR NEW stock is beautiful, appropriate, desirable, coiuplete and within your means. You can come and see for your self that all this is so, without feeling the slightest obliga tion to purchase unless you find it to vour best interests. All visitors are welcome and no questions asked. Feel free to come, one and all. You cannot afford to miss our elegant display of new Christ mas novelties. Never was a collection of beautiful gifts offered at lower prices. We make it an object for all visitors to come and see us. We do not propose to be excelled in quality, style or any other desirable feature; neither do we propose to be undersold in a single instance. We shall show you just the right thing you want and we shall make the price just right. We know we can please everybody because our stock includes a variety for all sorts of people. Babies, boys, girls, young men, young ladies, grown ladies, middle-aged men, old ladies and old gentlemen were all remembered when we bought our holiday stock. m CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FOR ALL MAKE IT a point to look over our Christmas gifts that are especially adapted and designed for the little ones. Such pleasing, well selected goods for the young you have never see n offered at prices so uniformally and unmistakably low. Come and see them. It is a sight to be remembered with pleasure. No mat ter how much better you think you are going to do by buying your Christmas presents somewhere else, don’t let go of your money until you have seen our goods and learned our prices. You may think this little speech is made wholly in our own interest, but if you take our advice you will find there is money in it for you. If you want a present that is just right in every way and at the same rime wish to enjoy the advan I ,tage of a scale of prices as low as honest goods can be sold anywhere, come in an see our splendid hoilday line. We are making it an object for the people to trade with us this year. We provide selections for all kinds of people and make the prices right. DOLLS? V “ ....Well, we should say! We hare over 500 of them to sell at all prices. But we have reserved this space to speak of one doll in particular. It is a beauty and would sell readily any place for $20. We are not going to sell it—we are going to GIVE IT AWAT, and every 50 cts. worth of goods you buy will give yon an inter est in this grand gilt, which will take place on December 27. We open our doors to the Holiday Trade with the firm determination to make this THE BEST CHRISTMAS UP TO DATE Are you coming in for your share? This season is certainly the GIFT MAKERS* GREAT OPPORTUNITY The presents were never nicer and never so cheap. Suitable Gifts for Old and Young EVERYBODY’S WANTS SfJPPUEg). The field for selection is the widest; the prices are the lowest. You can’t help being pleased when you see our beautiful holiday stock* which is as com* plete as it is handsome and fully equipped to meet all your wants. •• .• COME AND SEE US BEFORE YOU PURCHASE. p m The Annex HERSHISER & GILLIGAN The Annex liHN’L OFFICIAL DIRECTORY STATE. Governor. Lieutenant Governor. Secretary of State.... State Treasurer. State Auditor. Attorney General_ .Silas Holoomt) J. E .Harris ... Wm, F. Porter .John B. Heserve ..John F. Cornell _C. J. Smythe attorney uenerai.. j. dujy liic Com. Lands and Buildings.J. V. Wolfe Sunt. Public Instruction.W. K. Jackson “ REGENTS STATE UNIVERSITY. Representatives First DIstrlot, J. B. Strode Second, H. D. Mercer. Third. 8. Maxwell, FonrthjW, L. Stark, Fifth, R. D. Sutherland, Sixth, W. L. Green. CONGRESSIONAL. Senators—W. V. Allen, of Madison; John M. Thurston, of Omaha. Chas. H. Gere. Lincoln: Leavitt Burnham, JUDICIARY. Chief Justice.A. M. Post Associates.. .T.O. Harrison and T. L. Norvall FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Judge.U. P. Klnkaid,of O’Neill Reporter.J. J. King of O’Neill Jaage.W. H. Westover, of Rushvllle Reporter.- 'hn Maher, of Rushvllle. LAND OFFICES, o’niu. Register.8. J. Weekes. Receiver.H. H. Jenness. COUNTY. Judge.Oeo McCutcheon Clerk of the District Oourt.John Sklrvlng Deputy. O. M. Collins Treasurer. J, P, Mullen Deputy.Rain Howard Clerk.BUI Bethea Deputy.Mike MoCarthy Sheriff..■.Cbas Hamilton Deputy...Chas O’Neill Supt. of Bohools.W. K. Jackson Assistant.Mrs. W. R. Jackson Coroner. Dr. Trueblood Surveyor.M. F. Norton Attorney......w Butler SUPERVISORS. FIRST DISTRICT. Cleveland, Sand Creek, Dustin, Saratoga, Rock Falls and Pleasantvlew:J. A. Robertson SECOND DISTRICT. Shields, Paddock, Scott, Steel Creek, Wll owdate and Iowa—J. H. Hopkins. Is THIRD DISTRICT. Grattan and CNeM—Mosses Campbell. FOURTH DISTRICT. Ewing, Verdigris and Delolt—L. 0. Combs FIFTH DISTRICT, Chambers, Conley, Lake, McClure and Inman—8. L. Conger. SIXTH DISTRICT. Swan, Wyoming, Fairview, Francis, Green Valley, Sheridan and Emmet—C. W. Moss. SEVENTH DISTRICT. Atkinson and Stuart— W. N. Coats. OI1T OF “Relief Car U41m.nin Utfr, by rater* ^mngmhSSSSSbm^ Baby Mine! .0 '.d}J /M&i* Every mother ‘ feels an inde- ' scribable dread * of the pain and danger attend ant upon the most critical pe riod of her life. > Becoming a mother should be a source of joy to all, but the suncring ana danger of the ordeal make its anticipation one of misery. MOTHBrS FRIEND is the remedy which relieves women of the great pain and suf fering incident to maternity; this hour which is dreaded as woman's severest trial is not only made painless, but all the danger is re moved by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer de spondent or gloomy; nervousness nausea and other distressing con ditions are avoided, the system is made ready for the coming event, and the serious accidents so com mon to the critical hour are obviated by the use of Mother's Friend. It is a blessing to woman. Sl.OOPK&BOTTIiS at all Draff Store*,» or sent by express on reoelpt of pries’ BOOKS Containing invaluable information of race iotoreat to all women, will be sent rncc to any address, upon application, bjr the BBAPniLD JtKGCLATOK CO., Atlanta, Be. You can’t afford to risk your life by allowing a cold to develop into pneu monia or consumption. Instant relief and a certain cure are afforded by One Minute Cough Cure. Hershlser & Oil— ligan. ' in. ■>•*' %