The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 25, 1897, Image 7

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    ; ■ "
A curious indication of an anoma
lous state of affairs in athletics at the
university of Illinois is seen in the
fact that, while President Draper has
put himself on record as emphatically
in favor of collegiate and intercolle
giate athletics, and while the univer
sity advertises officially that ‘'much
attention is paid to athletics,” there,
the young men recently debated in
oneoftheir debating societies the ques
tion: “Resolved, That foot bail should
be prohibited at the university of Illi
nois.” The question, after a thorough
treatment, was decided in the affirm
Itls8aldthat there are three times as
many teachers employed in the Sun
day schools in Massachusetts as are
employed in the public schools in that
state, and the Congregationalist says
that Sunday school teaching has
reached a stage of development when
teachers, in addition to piety, must
have mental equipment.
Of the candidates for the British
army who fail to pass the tests four
out of five are rejected because of de
fective vision. The "eyesight” test
consists of being able to count cor
rectly with both eyes, as well as each
eye separately, a number of small
black dots exhibited on a card ten
feet from the candidate.
How’ll This!
We offer Ooe Hundred Dollars reward
(or any case o( Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure.
F. 3. CHENISK & CO., Toledo, O.
We. the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney tor the last 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable In all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by their firm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.; Waiding, Klnnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Testimo
nials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold
by all druggists.
Hall’s Family Pills are the beat.
Prof. Mahafty was once travsllng In
England, and In the same compart
ment with him was a melancholy gen
tleman dressed in black, who inquired
of Dr. Mahaffy, was he saved? “Yes,”
was the reply, "but it was a very nar
row squeak, and I don’t like talking
much about it.”
London has 1,380 miles of streets;
Paris, 600 miles, and New York, 676
Host Tobteeo Spit tad Smoke Ton? Ufb Away*
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag
netic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To
Bae, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men
* strong. All druggists, 60c or II. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York
A man by the name of William Pal
mer is in the Georgia penitentiary un
der sentences aggregating 209 years.
Star Tobacco is the leading brand of
the world, because it is the best.
Without a competency for old age.
none are happy and few honest.
Wheuever Mr. Gladstone catches cold
h.> at once goes to ted. This nas been
hie mie for fifteen years.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
Druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. 25c
A shallow man may always see the
face of a fool by looking into a deep
No-To-Bae for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes wesk
men strong, blood pure. 50c. >1. All druggists.
. Don’t judge the picture by tl& frame
an,ill. cl it.
Mortal beauty Is but bud in blossom.
In speaking of the late Dean Van*
ghan of Llandaff, the World of Lon
don, says: “Mrs. Vaughan Is probably
the only person now living who could
disclose the number of bishoprics
which her husband refused between
IfcBS nnd 1RK3. T<nrd Palmerston is said
to have at one time Offered Dr.
Vaughan every see which became va
cant, and the queen and the prince
consort. - were most anxious that he
should accept a bishopric, and so also
were the divines of such very different
church views as Aarchblshops Sum
ner, Longley and Tait, Bishops Wil
beforce, Lonsdale and Hamilton, and
Deans Mllman, Wellesley and Stan
ley." _
Many accidents caused by hot
crimping-iron have been reported
but none has been more strange and
serious that that which occurred to
Mrs. Pool, of Plainfield, N. J., a few
day ago. Mrs. Pool was curling her
hair, when the hot iron slipped and
struck the center of her left eye. Cold
water was at once applied, and con
siderable relief was had for a time.
Later, however, the eye pained so
badly that Mrs. Pool fainted. The next
day the right eye was affected and the
attending oculist now says that it is
likely .the sight of both will be lost.
Says the Portland (Me.) Express:
“The sight of a young man going to
school these mornings with his books
under one arm and a big bull dog pipe
projecting from his mouth is one of
end-of-the century incidents that teach
people that the youth of today is
somewhat different from the one of
‘ye olden times.’ One would think
so; but it is unfair to the youth of to
day to take the urchin mentioned as
a sample. There were boys Who were
no honor to their friends even in the
good old times."
- J. E. Galbraith, who has been ap
pointed traffic manager of the Cleve
land Terminal and Valley Railroad
Company, with headquarters at Cleve
land, will also be the general agent
of the B. and O. at that point. These
two positions were formerly held by L.
Rush BrGckenbrough, who is now gen
eral freight agent of the B. and O. lines
west of the Ohio river, with headquar
ters at Pittsburg.
Of the 250 stamps which have been
issued the values have ranged from 1
cent to $5,000. Five dollars is the
highest value among postage stamps,
but newspaper stamps reach the $100
mark, while a revenue stamp may rep
resent $5,000.
Holiday Excursions.
On December 7 and 21 the Big Four Route
and Chesapeake and Ohio Ry. will sell ex
cursion tickets from points northwest, both
one way and round trip, at greatly reduced
rates to points in Virginia, North and Booth
Carolina and other southern states. Round
trip tickets will be good twenty-one days
returning. Write for particulars and
pamphlet descriptive of climate and Vir
ginia farm lands. U. L. Trutt, North
western Passenger Agent, 234 Clark St
Chicago. __
There is a dearth of deep water sail
ors at San Francisco because of the
tush for Alaska. '
To introduce our magazine, it will be
sent free three months to all who Bend
six cents to pay for registering name.
Home & Garden, St. Paul, Minn.
If you would teach your children pa
tience, show them what it Is.
Educate Tour Bowels With Casearets.
Candy Cathartic, oure constipation forever.
10c. 25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund xroney.
On one farm near Flint. Mich., there
ate 1,120,000 cabbages.
^ ^ A- a A ■*■ A A 4 4 A A
of scrofula, eczema, bolls, sores, eruptions, etc.,
prove the claims made for Ayer’s Sarsaparilla
as the best of blood purifying medicines. And
it’s cures that count. The story of these cures
told by the cured is convincing. We send the
book free. Address Dr. Ayer, Lowell, Mass.
y TT'"'y t v t ? t ▼ v y v ▼ r t
$100 To Any Man.
Of Weakness In Hen They Trent end
Fell to Core* -
An Omaha Company places for the' first
time before the public a Magical Treat
ment for the cure of Lost Vitality,Nervous
and Sexual Weakness, and Restoration of
Life Force in old and young men. No
worn-out French remedy; contains no
Phosphorus or other harmful drugs. It is
• Wonderful Treatment—magical in its
effects—positive in its cure. All readers,
who are suffering from a weakness that
blights their life, causing that mental and
physical suffering peculiar to Lost Man
hood,should write to the STATE MEDICAL
COMPANY, Omaha, Neb., and they will
send you absolutely FREE, a valuable
paper on these diseases, and positive proofs
of their truly Magical Treatment. Thous
ands of men, who have lost all hope of a
core, are being restored by them to a per
fect condition.
This Magical Treatment may be taken
at home under their directions, or they will
pay railroad fare and hotel bills to all who
prefer to go to there for treatment, if they
fail to cure. They are perfectly reliable:
have no Free Prescriptions, Free Cure,
Free Sample, or C. O. D. fake. They have
9260,000 capital, and guarantee to core
every case they treat or refund every dol
lar ; or their charges may be deposited in
a bank to be paid to them when a cure is
‘ Write them today.
The Best
I Saddle Coat.
Keeps both rider and saddle per
fectly dry in the hardest storms.
Substitutes will disappoint. Ask for
1807 Fish Brand Pommel Slicker—
it is entirely new. If not for sale In
your town, write for catalogue to
A. J. TOWER. Boston, Mas*..
are a flit edge line, and every
— tleman mould see thorn be
s buying. They are the beat
» we have ever offered. Aik
your dealer lor them, and
i will gut the best aa
11 as the latest
style shoe
In the mar
ket. Be rare
___ to aak for it.
BENTLEY * OLiUsTEli, Dea Moines, la.
l book rabEi, on. m. u
mm nm
Borgrtalnc Bewails of Experiment* Midi
by m Noted British Scientist.
How long does It take a man to
think? Professor Rtchet, at the recent
meeting of the British association,
gave the results of his Investigations
Into this subject. He found that by
mentally running up the notes of the
musical scale for one or more octaves
and then dividing the total time by
the number of notes thought of, the
time taken for each note was one
eleventh of a second. There are va
rious ways of arriving at conclusions
as to the amount of time necessary for
realizing any physical sensation or
mental impression. If the skin be
touched repeatedly with light blows
from a small hammer a person may,
according to Professor Richet, distin
guish the fact that the blows are sep
arate and not continuous pressure
when they follow one another as fre
quently as 1,000 a second. The small
est intervals of sound can be much
better distinguished with one ear than
with both. Thus the separateness of
the clicks of a revolving toothed wheel
was noted by one observer when they
did not exceed sixty to the second, bat
using both ears he could not distin
guish them when they occurred often
er than fifteen times a second.
The sharp sound of the electric
spark of an induction coil was distin
guished with one ear when' (he rate
was as high as 500 to the second. Sight
is much less keen than hearing in dis
tinguishing differences. If a disc half
white and half black be revolved, it
Will appear gray when its revolutions
exceed twenty-four per second. It has
been found that we oan hear far more
rapidly than we can count, so that if
a clock-clicking movement runs faster
than ten to the second we can count
four clicks, while with twenty to the
second we can only count two of them.
The Bird*’ Balance of Power.
In a recent lecture Prof. Wilmer
Stone of Philadelphia cited many facts
to show that birds are nature's great
check on the excess of insects, and
that they keep the balance between
plants and Insect life. Ten thousand
caterpillars, it has been estimated,
could destroy every blade of grass on
an acre of cultivated ground. In thir
ty days from the time it is hatched an
ordinary caterpillar increases 10,000
times in hulk, and the food It lives and
grows on is vegetable. The insect
population of a single cherry tree In
fested with aphides was calculated by
a prominent entomologist at no less
than 12,000,000! The bird population
of cultivated districts has been esti
mated at from 700 to 1,000 per Bquare
mile. This Is small compared with
the number of insects, yet as each bird
consumes hundreds of insects every
day the latter are prevented from be
coming the scourge they would be but
for their feathered enemies.
Cm for Old Gold.
One of the most sensible "fads”
among the girls just now Is to save up
all their old jewelry, old gold thimbles
which have the tops worn off, gold fob
chains, gold bracelets, and pins, and
even necklaces, and take them to some
reliable jeweler, who will either melt
them down and make what she wants
out of them, or else will exchange
them, allowing her for the weight of
the gold. One girl made a collection
for several years of boken bits of jew
elry and, with some of her grandmoth
er’s added to them, sold them to her
own jeweler and now is the happy
possessor of a beautiful pearl necklace
which she got In exchange.—Harper’s
HU Hermooa too Strong.
Rev. Archimedes Colbert, pastor of
a church at Mile Run, Ohio, has
preached some sermons so strong that
he made many enemies. Monday night
he was shot from ambush and' will
O Ta«>
Houston, Tex., has a lawyer named
Crank. And there are others.
The relative size of the earth as
compared with the sun is, approxi
mately, that of a grain of sand to an
The psaltery of Spain is supposed to
have been introduced Into that coun
try by the Moors. It is still in com
mon use among the peasants.
The eye of the vulture is so con
structed that it Is a high power tele
scope, enabling the bird to see objects
at an almost incredible distance.
The Eastern hemisphere, on which
dwell ninety-two per cent of the pop
ulation ct the world, has 170,792 miles
of railway, or forty-six per cent of all
the rail wavs.
A snake does not climb a tree or
brush by coiling around It, but by
holding on with the points of Its
scales. A snake on a pane of glass Is
almost helpless.
The old log cabin In Front Royal,
Va., in which George Washington liv
ed while surveying between 1748 and
1722, is still standing in fair condition
and is used as a spring house.
It is said that the patterns on the
finger-tips are not only unchangeable
through life, but the chance of fhe
finger prints of two persons being
alike is less than one chanee in 64,
000.00-1,000. :
In China government appointments
r»-e determined by the literary attain
ment of the applicants, and numerous
instances are known of men spending
many jears in preparing for the gov
ernment examination.
The number of miners employed in
gold mining in New South Wales dur
ing 1896 was 12,069 in reefing, 9,482
Europeans and 710 Chinese in alluvia]
working, making a total of 22,207 men,
an increase of 773 on the number so
employed during 1896.
An English paper tells a story of the
Rev. Mr. Watkinson, a Wesleyan
preacher. Some time ago he was stay
ing with a good woman who was
yearning for the good old times and
mourning the degeneracy of modern
days and customs. The Wesleyan
ministers of the early part of this
century, she said, rose early, and dear
Mr. Wesley was in his study at 4
o'clock In the morning. “It is not
son's dry reply; "were Mrs. Watkin
son's dry reply; “were Mr. Watkin
son anything like Mrs. Wesley I
shuold be up at 2 o’clock."
M. Mounet-Sully, the famous trage
dian of Paris, 1b having built for him
self a splendid house near Bergero.
The construction is to be of commin
gled Roman and Byzantine character
architecturally, and is described as a
veritable palace. The country around
is smiling and reposeful. The actor in
tends to dwell in the palace perma
nently when he retires from the stage.
He Is a native of the Perigord district,
and wants to end his days near the
spot where he was born, and far from
the tumult of Paris.
Paris has, apart from two places
where paupers can spend the night,
fourteen asylumna for the homeless,
which last year lodged 144,037 persons,
of whom 15,557 were women and 2,066
children. Among the lodgerB were 246
professors and teachers, 18>sutdent8, 5
authors, 5 journalists, 120 actors and
singers, 30 musicians and 16 music
Railroad Economy.
The Baltimore and Ohio South West
ern Railway has been experimenting
with electric motors on turn-tables.
Turning locomotives at divisional
points and terminals Is a service of
much annoyance and no little expense
to railroad companies. It generally
takes four men to turn a locomotive,
and while they are doing so their reg
ular work is abandoned.
Experiments were made with an
electric motor on the 60-foot turn
table at CblUicothe with such success
that the Park Street turn-table In
Cincinnati was similarly equipped. The
result has been rather astonishing in
the matter of expense. The current
was purchased from the power plant,
and It cost on an average of less than
one-balf a cent for each time the table
was turned. When this same table was -
operated by hand it cost 12 cents tor
each engine. The yearly paving la
about |709. ’''
A parcel containing flowers, with
out sufficient postage attached, was
deposited in the Battle Creek, Mich.,
postofflce the other day. Law and cus
tom demanded that It be Sent to the
dead-letter office, but the clerks sur
mised that the flowero were intended
for a funeral and took up a collection
among themselves so that the parc?l
was sent on its way without delay.
There was no clew as to the ldenty
of the person who mailed It, and it
was a clear case of casting their bread
upon the waters by thf postal clerks,
even if it did cost them but a few
cents at the most.
Thera Is a Class of People
Who are injured by the use of eoBee.
Recently there has been placed In all
the grocery stores a new preparation
called GRAIN-O, made of pure grains,
that takes the place of coBee. The
most delicate stomach receives it with
out distress, and but few can tell it
from coflee. It does not cost over %
as much. Children may drink It with
great benefit. 16 cents and 26 cents
per package. Try it Ask for
Indianapolis Journal: “This,’’ ob
served the Egyptologist, "is the re
mains of Thothmes II., who fought in
the great war with Thebes."
' "Yes,” murmured the mummy, “and
didn't I get done up, though?”
He wearily resigned himself to the
unwrapping process.
The Burlington Route—California Ex
Cheep, Quick, Comfortable.
Leave Omaha 4:35 p. m., Lincoln 6:10 p. m.
and Hastings 8:50 p. m. every Thursday In
clean, modern, not crowded tourist sleepers.
No transfers; cars run right through to San
Francisco and Los Angeles over the Scenic
Route—through Denver and Salt Lake City.
Oars are carpeted; upholstered In rattan;
have spring seats and backs and are pro
vided with curtains, bedding, towels, soap,
etc. Uniformed porters and experienced ex
cursion conductors accompany each excur
sion, relieving passengers of all bother about
baggage, pointing out objects of Interest and
In many other ways helping to make the
overland trip a delightful experience. Second
class tickets are honored. Berths |5.
For folder giving full Information, call at
nearest Burlington Route ticket office, or
write to J. Francis, General Passenger Agent,
Omaha, Neb.
Speaking of the last achievement in
India of the "gallant Gordons,” Black
and White says: “Not the least of
the splendid anecdotes with which the
Gordons have enriched military his
tory comes to their fellow countrymen
this morning, and the name of the
piper who, shot through both feet, sat
and played his friends on to victory,
will long be a cherished memory. Let
your boys hear that story; they will
be the better for it.”
Beauty U Blood Deep*
Clean blood means a clean skin. No
beauty without it. Cascarets,Candy Cathar
tic cleans your blood and keeps it clean, by
stirring’ up the lazy liver and driving all im
purities from the body. Begin to-day to
Danish pimples, boils, blotches,blackheads,
and that sickly bilious com plexion by taking
Cascarets,—beauty for ten ceuts. All drag
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 83c, 60c.
At a recent art exhlbtlon In Dresden
over $60,000 worth of pictures were
.O 1 to ft 4*71.
sot so au-iatore.
gJPrhvaaw oodmelon.
Use Big Cl for unnatural
discharges, I (inanimations,
irritations or ulcerations
of mucous membranes,
rainless, and not astrta
ip-Ji—_-—raiuiosa, ana noi
IggttTHttYm CheMIOALOq. gent or poisonous
\QimwT,o.C-J loMkjOraiL_„
O.B.1. /. ror in plain wrapper,
by express, prepaid, for
•1.00, or 3 bottles, f2.fs.
Circular sent on request*
While England la fighting on the
Afghan frontier, Russia Is building
military roads In the Pamir region
close to the boundary of India. Ono
has Just been completed over the AH
Baital pass, at a height of over 15,000
feet. It can be used by carts and was
begun In July. Another has been
made near the Karne Tata boundary,
and It was Intended to complete an
other before the cold weather set in
at the Bardoba boundary in the Allot
Dr. Edward Bedloe, of Philadelphia,
who has been appointed United States
conaul at Canton, China, "Is today,"
says ttJb Philadelphia Press, “an hon
ored guest at the famous banquets of
the east, and Is one of the founders of
Philadelphia’s famous Clover club. He
has served In various responsible dip
lomatic positions In Italy, China and
Egypt, under the administrations of
Presidents Hayes and Harrison.
A Big Regular Army.
:i • The mightiest host of this sort Is the army
of Invalids whose bowels, livers and stom
achs have been regulated by llostetter's
Stomach liltters. A regular habit of body Is
brought about thlough using the Bitters, not
by violent agitation and griping the Intes
tines, but by reinforcing their energy and
causing a flow of the bile Into Its properchan
nel. Malaria, la grippe, dyspepsia, and a ten
dency to Inactivity of the kidneys, are con
quered by the Bitters.
History Is the politics of lie past,
and pcsent politics are nothing but
Llntoiy In the making.
The best; all grnrSa will refund yout money if
you are not ssttsflod with It.
About 60,000 stamps are found loose
In the letter bags of the United King
dom each year.
MS, Winslow’s Soothing Syrup
For children teething,softens the pums.reduces lnflam.
nation,allays pain,cures wind colic. S& cento a bottta.
Krupp’s gun-making establishment,
Essen, Germany, employes 20,000 per-!
1 believe that Piso’i Cure is the only med
icine that will cure consumption.—Anna M.
Boss, Williamsport, Pa., Nov, 12, ’95.
Emperor William’s speeches during
the last two years All a big book.
Free from Catarrh
- ■
Surprised at the Wonderful Curative
Power of Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
“I have taken Ilood’a Sarsaparilla foe
catarrh and bronchial trouble and have , '
been surprised at ilswonderfal curative
properties. I am now entirely free from
both those complaints, and heartily reo- ■
ommend Hood’s Sarsaparilla for catarrh.” ,
A. Q. Saxak, Clark Mills, Wisconsin.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Is the best—in fact the one True Blood Purifier
Hood's Pills act easily, effectively. 38c.
v joh.
Weikirut Disorder of
SO Years' Experience.
lv Years In Omaha. ,
Book free. Consultation
and Examination Fron.
Hth ft Farnam Sts..
Get your Pension
Write CAPT. O’PARRBLL. Petition Agent,
1428 New York Avenue, WAdttINOTON, D.C.
l/N. la 1am wilt, 16 Arijud.aAtlsg cl a i mi, att/. ala**.
I The bast Rad Rope Rnofln* for
lit. per so. ft., oaps and n«l:i In*
<*'nd«d Hohnt tutoa for Plmltf
Semplee tree, ntiuiuiiui kuorus w,',tiei«MA
SI 25.00 h MOUTH I
800 orders In S'srcetab
. Belli everywhere. Outfit
— 111 w.i e • BOetlu Konev ref untied.
nonocv NEW DISCOVERY;.*m
a quick relief and cures worst
Send for book of seatlmonlale and lO dan*
treatment Froe. D»s H.lLttaiitf’i*o*8, Atfa»a.te.
If afflicted wltb
•ore ejes, use
1 Thompson's Eyt Water.
W. N. U. OMAHA. NO. 48.-1807.
When writing to advertisers, kindly mention
this paper.
She—I bear you have Just got mar*
rled; la It too late to offer congratu
lations? He—Oh, yea, I was married
three weeks ago.
The new model Remington Type
writer enjoys a larger sale than any
other typewriter ever had, because It
la the beat. Send for catalogue. 1710
Farnam street, Omaha, Neb.
No expect can pick the. locks of
piety. _
Coe’s CMik Balsam
Xa the oldeat end beat. It will break up s cold quicker
than anything else. It la alwaye reliable. Try It.
It takes wit and grit to paddle your
your own canoe.
To Coro Constipation Forever.
Take Caaearets Candy Cathartic. 10c or Ho.
BC.CC. (all to cure, druggists refund money.
The "learned professions” of Italy
comprise 295,000 persons.
Bmoke Sledge Cigarettes, 20 for Sets.
The wounded need the helping hand.
Every homciwoker •liraId *ddrees either J. F.
MERRY, A. O. J*, A., Mevtchenter, lowat W. A.
KKLLOND, A. O. P. A., LootxvHle, Ky.t "or RPO.
HATCH, P. P. A., Cincinnati. O., for a free copy o(
Save Your Shoes
“Shoe-Saver" make, all shoes wear longer—
prevent, cracking—lend five a-cent stamps and
we will mail you enough for a dosen pain or ihoea.
Household Necessity Co., New YorfcCity/’
► si n n II n-II III ■ II mii—mi n ■
4 Ladles' or Gents' hnndaome Kanko
Diamond Pin given free with each order for
these beautiful pictures. ROCK OP AQES.
and FAMILY PET. 10x20. These pictures are
In IS different colors, only $1.00 for .4 pictures
delivered free. Rvery family should have them.
Don’t delay. Rend orderand money at our risk.
‘5 DROPS*' 1» themoat concentrated and powerfulapeclffs
, '7 ,, . Free from opiates ana perfectly harm
Jess. Relief is usually felt the very first night. We have letters of grate
rul praise from thousands who have been cured by *’5 DROPS ” and who
recommend sufferers from Rheumatism and kindred diseases to
__ _ Gentlemen: I write to let you know that your medicine has in mj
mi>i« T**DH ■***•] case proven all you claim for-it, and more, for it did for me what no other
medicine had done before. I could not move without help, and the doctors made fun of mo
nF \° you for Tht}y ?aId 1 was p»8t medicine help, but I have been for three
yln* good hBaUVs e,ver Idld ln Ufe- Enclosed herewith find one dollar for
ea8e send me another bottle of “5 DROPS/'for 1 know 6f lota of people that suffer
with Rheumatism, and I wish to try t^ils on the worst of them, and perhaps they will believe
me. Frank Copeland, Necedah, Wis., Oct. 12, 18OT. pw«*pa w»ey wm wurn
Gentleraem 1 fool It mV duty to let you know^rhat “6 DHOFS'' hu dona for ha. f k.a >,a«
for forty-two yoar* and Hay Fever for fifteen year*. I do not know how Ions 1 .uffSltd
thlidc about twenty year*. Toward* the last of July I begw taking “? DR0&.” WhZ?l 1
n*5^iJ5e Asthma began to leave in* and In two week* It was gone. I am sura '*§ DROPS” throutrh the halo of
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