THE FRONTIER. PUBLISH EL. BVFKY THURSDAY By Tbs Fbobtieb Pkiwtiso Co. 'O’NEILL, •> NEBRASKA. NEBRASKA. The fall wheat never looked better In the vicinity of Sterling than It does now. The Springfield schools have closed on account of the prevalence of diph theria. A couple at Decatur by the name of Burk have parted and been reunited five times. They have just parted for the sixth time. Burglars broke into the office of the Hay Springs Mining company and cracked the safe, getting nearly $100 In cash. Two well dressed men were seen around the mill during the day, and suspicion points strongly to them as the'guilty ones. The Platte Valley herd of Poland China hogs was sold last week at North Bend. The herd consisted of eighty-nine head high bred; fifty aver aged $57 a head, one sow brought $511 and sold to parties In the southern part of the state. The sale amounted to *3.500. Commercial men bare been skipp ing Milford for some time, owing to the lack of hotel facilities, but the town has caught the spirit of enter prise and various Improvements are being made. Hereafter It will have two hotels. The Commercial is the new venture. At Auburn the case of the state of Nebraska against Frank McKenney for statutory assault upon the person of Ruth Ellis, the 15-year-old daugh ter of Prof. Ellis of Peru, was given to the jury, which brought in a verdict of not guilty, after about four hours of deliberation. A stranger, who Is employed by Walter Vallery west of Plattsmouth, decamped some time during Tuesday night and took with him $71 In money and a revolver, all belonging to H. T. Flick, a fellow laborer. No trace ha^ thus far been found of the thief, whosq name is Frank Hefft. John Zelozney, a Polish laborer, has brought suit In the district court of Platte county against the receivers of the Union Pacific Railway company for $2,000 for damages alleged to have been sustained while employed by* the defendants last May. While In the discharge of his duties a silver of steel flew Into his eye and destroyed the aight. Charles Snider lived at Oscedla sev eral years ago, but it was too tame there for him and he took Greeley’s advice. After going to the far west he studied law and was admitted to the bar and It is said had large practice at Rock Springs, Wyo. He had Just been trying a lawsuit at hts home hnd went to a saloon to discuss matters, when a man named Klmmte hit him over the head with -a billiard cue, which caused his death. Dr. J. Sidney Goodmanson, who was tried and acquitted on the charge of poisoning his wife, became Involved in a quarrel at