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Harrington went down the Short Line Tuesday. Elmer Merriman waa up from Ewing the first of the week. , D. W. Rosenkrans, of Dorsey, waa in 9’Neill Met Tuesday. O. L. Rouson, of Norfolk, was in O’Neill last Saturday. Rate King is now in the employ of the O’Neill Grocery Co. Editor Eves and wife, of Atkinson, were in the city Tuesday. N. 8. Harding, of Nebraska City, was at the Evans last Tuesday. J. P. Bacon, ot Naligh, was registered at the Evans last Saturday. Sanford Parker was over from Boyd eoppty the first of the week. Ex-Supervisor H. B. Kelley, of Inex, was in O’Neill last Tuesday. Patrick Brennan, of Sioux City, is visiting in O’Neill this week. R. P. Hall, of Chicago, was a guest at « Hotel Evans last Sunday. Warther and L. Hilslnger, of toman, were in O’Neill last Sunday. ,.Kh Rent—House of six rooms, rent reasonable. Enquire of Mr. Doyle, lfitf Special bargains in clothing, overcoats and winter goods at Sullivan Mercan tile Co’s. _ 17-4 W. H. Hill, of Blair, was taking in the sights in this beautiful city last Sunday. _ Jas. Tracy and Rob Bitney were Atkinson people who were in the city last Friday. _ M. H. Bheeley, of the Sioux City, O’Neill and Western, was in the city Monday evening. Mrs. Laura Cress and family have returned from Premont and are again residents of O’Neill. Joe McDonald was down from Atkin son Priday seeing the sights in the Emeraln tinted city. Use H and G remedy for black leg As a preventative it has no equal. Sold by Hershtser A Gilligan. 15 tf Several of the local sports have beer out after ducks and geese the past week meeting with fair success. Do not let the black leg into youi herd. Prevent it by using H and G 8old by Hershiser A Gilligan. 15-tf Miss Gertie Fort and Miss Berthi Wise, of Stuart, were in the city tbi first of the week visiting friends. *# 't:' r;$ Andrew Just, a former resident of Holt but now of Boyd, was transacting business in this city last Monday. Miss Bee O’Donnell enjoyed a short Visit from her friend, Mrs. Pinnigan, of Chadron, the first of the week. Por teeth or photos, go to Dr. Cor bett’s parlors, 28rd to 80th of each month. Photographs 81 per doxen. POR BALE—Thirty head of white face Hereford young bulls. lftf Jacob Kbaft, Stuart, Neb. "• Ed Grady will leave tomorrow morning for Waterloo. Iowa, to apend Thanksgiving with relatives. William Fagan, tile gentlemanly dis pencer of egbuaratlng beverages at Atkinson, was' in O’Neill last Friday. Patrick O'Donnell, of Cbadron, came down Sunday morning and visited friends and relatives here until Tuesday. Geo. H. Lamoureux, of Springview, was in O’Neill the first of the week renewing old acquaintances and visiting relatives. < If black leg gets a start in your herd it is hard to check it. The best remedy known is B and G. For sale by Her* | ahiser AGilligan. lff-tf J. A. Doremna, a former Holt county bor but who now hanga out nt Nellgb, wan In O’Neill Tueidey. Smell pill, aefe pill, beet pill.: DeWltt’e Little Barty Bleera cure bilioua* neee, conetlpation, sick headache. Herahiaer ft Gilligan. Hr*. C. B. Hall returned laet Friday evening from Sioux City, where ahe baa been receiving medical treatment. Her health la greatly improved. If you want to aave money get our prlcea on clothing, underwear, eapa, glovee, mlttena and all winter gooda. Sullivan Mercantile Co. 17-4 On account of a wreck on the .Elk horn near Ghadron laat Monday, the train due here at 10 o’clock a. m. did not arrive until about 8 p. m. The Spencer orcheatra will furniah the muaic for a grand ball to be given next Thureday night. A flrat-claae time la guaranteed to all who attend. F. If. Wade, of Lebanon, Mo., arrived la tbe county last week and settled upon the Norris farm, east of this city, which he purchased a short time ago. Ton can’t cure consumption but you can avoid It and cure every other form of throat or lung trouble by the use of One Minute Gough Cure. Hershiser ft Gilligan. , Married, at the M. E. parsonage in O’Neill, Wednesday, November 17, Rev. John Crews officiating, Mr. J. Y. Ashton and Mias Myrtle Eisele, both of Chambers. _ j D. W. Forbes was over from Butte last Monday. Oave does not have much to say about Boyd county politics since the last election. Reason: Post carried the county. Will Hogan was in the city the first of the week. He is the same genial and smiling Will that he was several years ago when he was chief clerk in O’Nelll's leading general store. Disfigurement for life by burns or scalds may be avoided by using DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, the great remedy for piles and for all kinds of sores and skin troubles. Hershiser ft Gilligan. There is no need of little children being tortured ~by scald head, eczema and skin eruptions. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve gives instant relief and cures permanently. Hershiser ft Gifli gan. _ You can’t afford to risk your life by allowing a cold to develop into pneu monia or consumption. Instant relief and a certain cure are afforded by One Minute Cough Cure. Hershiser ft Gil-' ligan. _' Go to Sullivan Mercantile Co’a. for bargains in clothing, gloves, mittens, caps, underwear, boots, shoes, over costs and all kinds of winter goods, at a bargain at Sullivan Mercantile Co’s. O’Neill, Neb. 17-4 Mr. and Mrs. John O’Neill and family desire us to thank the many friends who so kindly assisted them in their late bereavement, and to assure them that their sympathy and kind attention greatly assisted them in their trying hour. _ Dr. Owen S. O’Neill, of Plattsburg, N. Y., arrived in the city last week and is now a resident of O’Neill. The doc tor has bad rooms over the First National bank fitted up for an office. Your attention is called to his card in another column. Sheriff-elect, John Stewart was in O’Neill Tuesday. We understood that tbe deputyship was to be decided that day, but dame rumor says the mat ter is still unsettled. It is reported that the contest is between John A. Golden and S. F. McNichols. The members of the syndicate have been perspiring very freeley the past week and all because one of the county officers elect evinces a disposition to pay some of his own political debts without their aid or consent. But mark this: The syndicate will win. B. K. Valentine, of West Point, was in the city Wednesday. B. K. looks as young and spry as he did ten years ago when he represented this, then the big Third district, in the halls of congress. He has many friends here and while in the city renewed many old acquaintances. Warring—Persons who suffer from coughs and colds should heed the warn ings of danger and save themselves suffering and fatal results by using One Minute Cough Cure. It is an infallible remedy for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung troubles. Hershiser ft Gllligan. __ Chas. B. Verity, a former north Nebraska quill pusher, was in O'Neill last Saturday in the interests of the Chicago Newspaper Union, of Sioux City. Charlie is making a success of his new vocation, which fact his many friends throughout the state will be pleased to learn. I J. M. Thirswend, of Groabeck, Tex., •ava that when he haa a bad spell of indigestion, and feela bad and aluggish, he takea two of DeWiU’a Little Early Riaera at night, and he is all right the next morning. Many thousands of others do the aame thing. Do youf Herahiaer * Gilllgan. J. C. Berry, one of the best known; eitisens of Spencer, Mo., testifies that he cured himself of the worst kind of pilea by using a few boxes of DeWitt’a Witch Hazel Salve. He had been troubled with pilea for over thirty years and had used many difierent kinds of so-called curea; but DeWitt’s was the one that did the work and he will verify this statement if anyone wishes to write him. Herahiaer ft Gijligan. ouuiu v/iubua oua. newipsp«r uion of Nebraska after year* of broken promises are being rewarded for their faithful support of the men and meas ures that go to make up the republican party. It ia a source of gratification to see such hard working colonels as Editors Hammond/Raker, Jenness and others, catching the political fruit of their labors—that should have fallen to them years ago. Senator Thurston could have devised no surer method of rehabilitating the party in the state than by rewarding the faithful moulders of public opinion, who make it possible for those wbp dispense auch patronage to be elected. f; From the Lone Star state comes the following letter, written by W. F. Gass, editor of the Mt. Vernon, (Tex.) Herald: “I have used Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in my family for the put year, and find it the but remedy for colic and diarrhoea that I have ever tried. Its effects are instan taneous and satisfactory, and I cheer fully recommend ' - ,l„- ? . V 'i' ’ey* moths. To WHOM IT1CAT OORCWUC Tha natal aadsaieof all properties io Holt county, Neb., owned or con trolled by ua, kite bean placed for the preaant la charge of Mr. M. Lyoaa, of I; Emmet, Nab., and ao other resident of Holt county la authoriaed to represent ne la inch matten. The properties we control an principally each as hare been acquired nader mortgagee negoti ated by the Lombard Investment com* > ■ peny and others, either by foreclosnn or voluntary deed from the borrower. We npresent a large majority of the holden of Lombard mortgages and of the lands aoquired under them In Holt county. All tenants upon such lands t if, or anyone who may dasin to become tenanta or purchasers may correspond or confer with Mr. Lyons in nfenaco - thento. Kansas City, October 1.1897. Cohcobdu Loam amd TrunAr Cote* FAHT. _ 90*8 ooiAiaiOM om m xlkhomm. S Ohadbom, Neb., Nov. 1&—8podal to Slate Journal: In a bead-end collision between a fnight and passenger train seven miles east of here this morning ,1 -r tha passengers narrowly escaped instant death. The wreck occurred only a few feet beyond i feep cut, on either side of which were walls of stone towenag to a height of fifty feet. The cool behavior of Engineer Cooley of the passenger train is what avoided one of the most / disastrous accidents in the history of the Elkhorn railroad. With rare presence . ^ of mind the engineer, before leaving his, cab, reversed his engine a«d set the air _ brakes on his train, deserting his engine when the incoming train was within a V few feet of his locomotive. The accident was due to the engineer of the through freight, No. 97, miscon struing his instructions, which were to , *', -' meet the passenger train at Bordeaux, seven miles east of here. Connors left his engine as soon os he saw the other train coming, and when the crash »t his train was going at a speed ot not less than twenty miles an hour. Engi neer Cooley of the passenger train had his train under control, and the fact that it was at a standstill, with all . brakes set, is all that saved the lives of the half hundred passengers. ▲ half dozen box cars loaded with ' v merchandise and three cars of mules, consigned to Ft. Robinson, wore piled up in a heap, engines and contents of the cars being a total loos. No one was killed or Injured, though Mail Clerk ; Rowe, who was lying on a cot in his car had a narrow escape. The tank of the engine cut off the entire side of the Iff ear opposite where he was lying and ; deluged him with water, but he eacaped uninjured. The mail not contained in the pouches is greatly damaged, some of it being antirely ruined. / It often happens that the doctor ia out of town when moat needed. The two year old daughter of J. T. Schenck, of Caddo, Ind. Ter., wu threatened with croup. He write*: “My wife insisted that I go for the doctor at once, but aa he waa out of town, I purchaaed a bottle of Chamberlnin'a Cough Bemedy, which relieved the child immediately.” A bottle of that remedy in the houae will often *ave the expense of a doctor** bill, besides the anxiety always occasioned by serious sickness. When it is giyen as soon as the croupy cough appears, it will prevent the attack. Thousands of mothers always keep it in their homes. The 26 and 50 cent bottles for sale by P. C. Corrigan, druggist. , FREE,: a To our customers, a beautiful $100 Music Box, January 1, 1898. V. P. MANN. W. '■i'-'i-'V ; J I, ' *■ <: , -s. *