The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 11, 1897, Image 7

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    When yon visit Omaha you ehonld call at
S:,®- Raymond Co. 's jewelry store, corner
Fifteenth and Douglas streets, and ex
amine their jewelry and art goods for
wedding, birthday and Christmas presents,
also steel engraved wedding stationery, in
vitations and visiting cards. It is the only
first class, up-to-date Jewelry, art and cut
glass store west of Chicago and St. Louis.
Kngraving and printing 100 visiting cards
•1.50 by mail.
Fish and small animals can be eas
ily caught by a new trap which con
sists of a cylinder in which a spiral
spring is placed to shut a series of
claws when the baited hook at the end
of the cylinder is disturbed.
If you want to operate on the Chicago
Board of Trade send for our free book con
taining full information bow to trade. On
account of the short wheat crop in foreign
countries and the short corn crop in tilts
country, both corn and wheat will sell much
higher, and now is the time to make a profit
able investment. Wo execute orders in
wheat in 1.000 bushels and upwards, and
. corn and outs in 5.000 bushels and upwards.
Write us today. It. J. Laughery A Co., 328
Rialto Building, Chicago Members Chicago
Board of Trade.
An Allegheny county justice of the
peace is said to perform marriages for
E0 cents—half down and the remainder
in weekly payments of 5 cents each.
Thus the Installment plan brings mar
riage within reach of all.—Buffalo Ex
Embossed In Gold.
Tnx Companion's Souvenir Calendar for 1898, a
aeries of charming Ilgure-pleceB, faithfully copied
in colors and embossed in gold, is recognized every*
where as a most charming piece of color-work.
Every new subscriber receives It without addl*
tlonal charge. Moreover, the paper is sent frae to
new subscribers every week from the time the sub
scription is received until January, 1898, and then
for a fuii year to January, 1899.
Illustrated Prospectus of the volume for 1998
and sample copies of the paper sent free.
Tub Youth's Companion,
307 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass,
Veneer-cutting has reached such
perfection that a single elephant’s tusk
thirty inches long is now cut In Lon
don into a sheet of Ivory 150 Inches
long and 20 inches wide, and some
sheets of rosewood and mahogany are
only about a fiftieth of an inch thick.
See the advertisement of “5 Drops,”
Swanson Rheumatic Cure Company, in
another column of this paper. Take
advantage of their splendid offer,
which is open for tihe next thirty
days only.
Don’t wear your bathing suit to a
Christmas party just to show folks
that you have one.
Smoke Sledge Cigarettes, 20 for 5 cts.
Keeping a pan of water in the oven
will keep fowls from scorching.
An Atchison man says It Is less ex*
pensive to marry off six sons and set
them np in business than to marry oft
one daughter. It is three weeks before
his daughter’s wedding day, and yes
terday she drew his last cent from
the bank.
Don’t sit with your back to a slight
draft; it might get too warm for you.
There is more Catarrh in this section
Of the country than all other diseases
put together, and until the last few yeurs
was supposed to be Incurable. For a great
.many years doctors pronounced It a local
disease, and prescribed local remedies, and
by constantly failing to cure with local
treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Sci
ence has proven catarrh to be a constitu
tional disease and therefore requtrea con
stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney &
Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitu
tional cure on the market, ft la taken
internally In doses from 10 drops to a
teaspoonful. It acts directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces of the sys
tem. They offer one hundred dollars for
any case it falls to cure. Send for circu
lars and testimonials. Address
Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
To assist in building wire fences a
new device has a frame mounted on
a wheel with spindles to carry three
or more reels of wire, so that all the
wires can be strung at the same time.
Try Graln-O.
Ask your grocer today to show you
a package of GRAIN-O, the new food
drink that takes the place of coffee.
The children may drink it without
injury as well as the adult All who
try It like it. GRAIN-O has that rich
seal brown of Mocha or Java, but It is
made from pure grains, and the most
delicate stomach receives it without
distress. % the price of coffee.
15 cents and 25 cents per package.
Sold by all grocers. Tastes like cof
fee. Looks like coffee.
With 400 marriages a day in Texas,
the Idea is 800 souls with but 400
thoughts; 800 hearts that beat as 400.
To men (plain envelope.) How, after ten
years’ fruitless doctoring, I was fully re
stored to full vigor and robust manhood.
No C.O.D. fraud. No money accepted. No
connection with medical concerns. Sent
absolutely free. Address, Lock Box 288,
Chicago, 111. Send 2-eent stamp, if con
venient. _
A large basin of water kept in a sick
room and frequently renewed benefits
both patient and nurse.
The beat; all grocers will refund youi money If
yon are not satiated with It.
Chickens are much better if killed
and dressed the day before using.
For Coughs i
or Colds, for Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, Whoop
ing Cough, and all Throat Troubles or Lung Dis
eases, you can’t beat and you can’t better
Half size bottle, 50c.
▼ ▼ 'Vni^ NT V T T T? T TJT,
I Walter Baker & Co.’s l
.Breakfast COCOA
V 1
Pure, Delicious, Nutritious.
Costs Less than ONE CENT a cap.
Be sure that the package bears our Trade-Mark.
Waiter Baker & Co. Limited,
(Established 1780.) Dorchester
Tilt!* most beautiful of llio fair sex are as lia
ble as the ugliest specimen of humanity to
succumb to the ravages of influenza or la
grippe. Yes, it is the fairest flowers that droop
and die first. We sound the alarm. La grippe
is coming. Already it is claiming Its victims
by the thousands across old ocean. As in the
past, it will soon cross your threshhold. We
forewarn you and tell you how to best prepare
for it. Don't wait until you have been attacked
but be prepared for the enemy when he attacks
you. Send stamp for our 68-page book, which
gives full treatment, symptoms, etc. We guar
antee Dr. Kay's Lung Balm to be a certain,
safe and speedy cure for la grippe and every
kind of cough. Miss Nellie Penoyer. 1536 So.
]Oth St., Omaha. Neb.:
“Have used your Dr. Kay's Lung Balm for a
severe case of la grippe. My lungs were very
sore, and in taking the Dr. Kay s Lung Balm I
found it stopped any desire to cough at once.
The soreness on my lungs and in my bead soon
disappeared. It is pleasant to take and does
dot cause sickness at the stomach like many
cough remedies, yet it cures quicker than any
1 have ever tried.
Also Rev. J. F. Wohlfarth, pastor First M. E.
Church, Urbane, 111.—" I am glad to record the
fact that less than one box of your Dr. Kay's
Lung Balm cured me of an awful cough. It is a
remarkable remedy.
It is sold by druggists or sent by us bv mall
for 25 cts. Don't take any substitute for ft has
no equal. Address Dr. B. J. Kay Medical Co.,
Omaha, Neb. We also guarantee Dr. Kay's
Renovator to be the best remedy known for
dyspepsia, constipation and liver troubles. A
perfect renovator. Send tor book.
*SR BRK^ we
Keeps both rider and saddle per
fectly dry in the hardest storms.
Substitutes will disappoint Ask for
1897 Fish Brand Pommel Slicker—
it is entirely new. If not for sale in
your town, write for catalogue to
A. J. TOWER. Boston, Mass.
Health’s Complexion
“ Bathene ” is not a medicine It is
Nature’s pure antiseptics, prepared in tablet
form to be dissolved in the bath or wash
bowl. It assists Nature in cleansing the
skin and keepingit healthy and sweet. Itde
odorizes perspiration. Send five 2-cent stamps
and we will send you two dozen tablets.
Household Necessity Co., New York City.
The boat Red Rope Roofln* for
lc. per sq. ft., eapa and nails In
cluded Bubet'tutea for Plaster
Sample* free. Tbs Vat maxilla moovim
JPiontv of Truattnff Victim*—Til* Method
of Telling Fortune* I* Very Simple
and a Trifle Vague—She Believed and
Threw lip tier Job.
OT a stone's throw
from Herald square
lives a lady whom
we will call “Cof
fee Carrie,” says
the New York Tel
She calls herself
a “clairvoyant,”
but to escape any
objectionable atten
tions from the po
lice she only professes to sell coffee,
and she throws a peep Into the future,
as make-weight, into the bargain. At
“Coffee Carrie’s” establishment a good,
serviceable future may be secured for
the modest sum of 50 cents. Long life,
happiness and success In business are
guaranteed for $1. True love is the
most, costly article at “Coffee Carrie’s”
fate factory, for to Insure this, accord
ing to that clever lady, the “planets”
have to be “ruled,” Is an ex
pensive and difficult Job Interfering
with the fixed habits of the universe.
When I visited "Coffee Carrie” I ex-,
plained that I did not want her to up
set the whole scheme of nature on my
behalf; I only Just wanted to know all
about everything that was going to hap
pen to me during my future life. That
was all. When I was ushered into the
“waiting room” of “Coffee Carrie’s”
den I found a few other clients for cof
fee and clairvoyance sitting on hard
wooden chairs and looking very uncom
fortable. They might have been den
tist’s patients about to undergo a pain
ful operation. All appeared to be
working girls except one man, or rath
er male creature, a weak-eyed, knock
kneed youth, of about twenty, with red
hair, round features, and white whis
kers, one at a time, at intervals of half
an Inch, all over his face.
“Next, please,” came in a cracked
voice from the inner room, as a young
girl, exceedingly pretty and well
formed, with the unmistakable halo of
innocence surrounding her very pres
ence, emerged through the open door.
The male thing slid In, and the girl
commenced to tell her waiting friends
the good things that had been promised
“I shall do it,” she said. "I shall
shake the store this very night. The
wise woman told me I was truly loved
by a dark man, who only wanted my
consent to cover me with diamonds,
and I am to be a great lady and ride
in my carriage. All I have to do is to
get $10, so that I can have my planets
I heard no more, for it was my turn
to face “Coffee Carrie.” It was a sul
try night, but the sorceress Bat in a
great arm chair beside a hot stove and
behind a little table, on both of which
were articles pertaining to the brewing
and drinking of coffee. Carrie could
lay no claim to beauty. Eyes and teeth
she had but one of each. Her hair was
unkempt and matted, flowing disorder
ly over her wrinkled neck and face. Her
hands were wonderfully ugly, long,
thin and withered; never still, but in
cessantly twitching nervously, and with
nails like the talons of a bird. I drank
some coffee. Such coffee! She took
the cup, and shook it round and round,
muttering over it for half a minute,
and then she held it over the dirty floor
until every drop of liquid dribbled out
of it. Next she brought the cup to the
flickering light of an unsnuffed tallow
candle and peered into it with her sin
gle eye, while screwing her mouth and
puckering up her features into horrible
contortions. She then chuckled, not in
her throat, but somewhere down in the
depths of the arm chair, looked at me.
and said: “Young man, you were born
to be lucky, while few are lucky to be
born. Your path is strewn with roses
white and red, beneath your tread.
Pluck them while you may. You are
surrounded with stars which wiii rain
blessings on you in the shape of a large
family, but unless your planets are
ruled they will bring your gray hairs
in sorrow to the grave. That will cost
you $5 extra. Wealth will be wafted
you from o’er the sea, but beware of the
green-eyed monster in the shape of a
dark woman. She crosses your path
in the fifth meridian and brings trouble
and a letter in her wake. The woman
you love is with your thoughts, but
trust her not. When Jupiter is behind
a cloud Venus takes her light from
Mars. Your rival is a soldier, and the
coffee is a dollar. Next, please.” I did
not go again to have my "planets
ruled,” and my gray hairs are still
growing, but the little, innocent, fair
haired girl evidently returned to the
old hag with the necessary $10, for she
may now be seen nightly around Her
ald square.
The Georgia Glrl'e Opinion.
A little Georgia school girl was ask
ed for a composition on “The Confed
erate Veteran.” A few days thereafter
she handed in the following: “The
Confederate veteran is one that fought
and bled and died for his country. He
is sometimes on one leg and some
times on two. The state gives him
enough pension to keep him in tobac
co. Then the state builds him a home
and sells the home before he can get
in it. My pa says he is a veteran. He
was wounded by having one leg sawed
off in a Confederate sawmill while
making coffins to bury soldiers ' in.
The state don’t help my pa much, and
my pa says damn the state!”
A Good Thing.
It is surprising how many people are
trying to sell what they declare is a
good thing.—Atchison Olobe.
DEER mice as pets.
S«« Try to Gnaw Their Way Oat of
the Caye.
While rambling one evening In the(
'woods I sat down on a rock close by a
shaded bank all overgrown with soft|
green moss and feathery forn3, says St.1
Nicholas. Not far away there was an
ancient tree stump, with a hole run-)
nlqg in undearneath It; and what'
should I see peeping out from the hole
but the head of a little reddish brown
animal. At flrst sight I took It to be
a chipmunk. Its large black eyes
seemed full of apprehension, and as I
moved it drew back out of sight. On
rolling over the stump I discovered be
neath it some withered grass carefully
rolled Into a globular nest. Cautiously,
drawing my handkerchief around this
I tied It up with whatever it contained
and hurried homewhat with my treas
ure. On emptying the handkerchief
Into a box covered with wire gauze I
found that I had captured two beauti
fully delicate and elegant creatures,
somewhat larger than mice. Their fur
was thick and soft, a rich velvet of
reddish brown on the back and snowy
white beneath. Their feet also were
white. But their chief beauty lay In
their eyes—great black, liquid orbs,
half protruding from the head. No
gazelle ever had eyes half so lovely.
They soon became quite tame and with
out showing any fear would allow me
to put my hand into their cage to give
theim fruits and berries. They carried
their nest into a corner of the cage
and reconstructed It there. After’two
weeks I procured a large cocoanut,
sawed it |n two, and taking one-half of
it made to It a little doorway. Wken
I put this into their cage, turned mouth
down, they seemed to go wild with the
excitement of delight. In and out they
ran through the little doorway a hun
dred times in succession. Sometimes
they would jump up on top of the co
coanut and survey It all over; and then,
after “washing their faces” with
their delicate white paws, jump down
again and run inside. Soon they made
up their minds to take possession of it
as their home. Their nest in the cor
ner they pulled to pieces and carried it
off mouthful by mouthful into the lit
tle cocoanut hut. There they have
lived ever since. During the daytime
they sleep, but when evening comes on
they busy themselves running and
jumping about the cage, and they have
never once in three years tried to gnaw
their way out.
The Mantzu Are Not a Moral People
—Property Right..
The lamas are consulted to ascertain
If the horoscopes of the youth and
maiden fit. If not the difficulty may be
overcome by prolonged vicarious
chanting of the scriptures and liberal
fees, says the Geographical Journal.
The lamas also choose an auspicious
day for the marriage. The marriage
ceremony consists in the bride and
groom publicly joining hands, drinking
wine from a double-spouted bowl and
accepting each other as husband and
wife, after which there is a three days’
feast in the bride’s home. She and her
husband then go to their own house,
and there is another three days' feast.
There are no contracts of marriage for
a limited period, as in western Thibet.
Whether the choice has been for good
or ill, it is for life; divorce, rarely re
sorted to, being permissible only In the
case of childlessness, and the contract
can.only be canceled by the T’u-ssu.
It would not be correct to infer from
this that the Mantzu are a moral peo
ple. Their standard of morality Is low
and the lives of the lamas have no
tendency to raise It. Plurality of wives
Is an appendage of the position of the
T’u-ssu, but monogamy is the rule, and
polyandry, though the custom of the
Slfans to the north, does not exist. No
presents, except the bottle of wine pre
viously mentioned, are made by the
bridegroom to the bride’s father, but
her parents' according to their wealth,
endow her with cattle, horses and
fields, the last of which, to use our
own phraseology, are “settled" upon
her. A widow does not wear mourn
ing and is at liberty to make a second
marriage. On the death of her hus
| band, unless she remarries, she as
sumes complete control over his prop
erty, and at her death it is divided
among the sons, who frequently, how
ever, agree to live together and keep it
intact. If there is trouble concerning
property, the T’eoren usually settles
the matter, and if he falls to make an
amiable agreement it is referred to the
T’u-ssu, whose decision is final.
The DLcoverjr of Planetoid..
Since the application of photography
to stellar charting, the discovery of
planetoids between Mars and Jupiter
has gone on apace upward of four hun
dred and forty of these bodies having
been recognized as such. Of these M.
Chariots is to be credited with the dis
covery of no less than eighty-eight of
them during the year 1896, during
which nineteen additions altogether
have been made to the already over
grown list. With telescopes of the
enormous aperture now constructed,
and with sufficiently prolonged expo
sure, there seems no particular reason
why this number should not ultimately
increase very materially.
Puzzling Slang.
Little Ethel—"Can you trot?” Young
Airtight—"Certainly not, my dear!"
Little Ethel—“Can you lope?” Young
Airtight—"No, indeed? Why do
you ask?” Little Ethel—"Brother Jack
said you were a short horse.”
To Be Explained.
Smith—“Funny that a woman has so
much trouble finding her pocket, isn’t
it?” Robinson—"Yes, especially when
she finds it so easy to find her hus
Second crops 'of' grapes have been
raised at Belview, Fla., this season.
Tha Burlington Route—California Ex
Cheap, Quick, Comfortable.
Leave Omaha 4:3(5 p. m.» Lincoln 0:10 p. in.
and Hustings 8:50 p. m. every Thursday In
clean, modern, not crowded tourist sleepers.
No transfers; cars run right through to San
Francisco and law Angeles over the Scenic
Houto-throngh Denver and 8alt Lake City.
Cars are carpeted; upholstered In rattan;
have spring seats and backs and are pro
vided with curtains, bedding, towels, soap,
etc. Uniformed porters and experienced ex
cursion conductors accompany each excur
sion. relieving passengers of ull bother about
baggage, pointing out objects of Interest and
In many other ways helping to make tbe
Overland trip a delightful experience. Second
class t ickets are honored. Berths $5.
For folder giving full information, call at
nearest Burlington Route ticket office, or
write to J. Francis, General Passenger Agent,
Omaha, Neb.
The X ray is likely to prove of great
value in dentistry. Teeth are plainly
revealed before their eruption. How
ever deeply Imbedded In Its alveolar
socket, each fang may be correctly lo
cated. An exostosis, a pocket of ne
crosis, of suppuration, or of tubercu
losis, Is distinctly shown. The loca
tion and extent of metallic fillings are
delineated. The pulp chamber Is so
clearly outlined that erosions and en
largements may be readily detected.
Slain by Poison,
t Not the poison that tbe covert assassin ad
ministers in the drink, the food, or some other
guise, hut the poison of malaria shortens the
lives of myriads. There Is a safe and certain
antidote. Hostutter's Stomach Hitters, which
not only fortlltcs the system against malaria,
but roots out Its seeds when they have germ
inated. Dyspepsia, constipation, rheumatic,
liver and kidney troubles are conquered by
the Bitters.
A needle machine turns out 1,600,000
needleB a week.
A Good Salary Easily Made.
Rand, McNally & Co. of Chicago,
the well-known publishers, are look
ing for a representative for this vi
cinity. Experience is unnecessary,
some of their best men having started
without previous knowledge of the
business. This Is a good opportunity
to work up to a fine position, and we
advise all persons looking for such an
opening to address Subr. Department
of Rand, McNally & Co., Chicago, Ills.
Many Indian mounds have been dis
covered in southern Indiana and have
yielded valuable finds. Stone axes
were formerly plentiful In the farm
ing districts of that state, and were
used for door props, but they have now
almost disappeared. Arrow heads are
the only relics that are even fairly
plentiful. ,
A novel proposition was made not lone
bio to the Receivers of the Baltimore £
Ohio Railroad. The B. £ O has a branch
running from what is known as Alexandria
Junction, near Washington, to Shepherd's
on the Potomac River, where a car ferry
is operated in connection with the lines
leading south from the Capitol. A pro
fessor qt an eastern college desired to leaao
this siort stretch of track for the purpose
of educating young men in practical rail
road work. In his letter he explained that
he thought there was a wide field for bright
and energetic boys who could be thorough
ly well grounded in the practical side of
railroading, provided they could be edu
cated on a regular line of road. He be
lieved that by the employment of veteran
railroad men os teachers that the boys
could profitably spend 2 or 8 years work
ing as trainmen,firemen.engineers, Switch
men, station agents, and in other capaci
ties required in the railroad service. As
this brunch of the B. & O. is of considera
ble value the Receivers were compelled to
decline the offer.
About 46,000 sovereigns pass over
the Bank of England counters every
Coe's Const! Italians
Is tbs oldest and beet- It will brisk up a cold quicker
Than anything else. It la always reliable. Try It.
London’s population Increases by
about 70,000 every year.
As far as calculations can decide, the
temperature of comets is believed to
be 2,000 times fiercer than that of red
hot iron.
Piso’s Cure for Consumption has saved
me large doctor bills.—C. L. Baker, 4328 Re
gent Sq.. Phi adelphia, Pa., Dec. 0, 1893.
Don’t think that when woman gets
her rights she will be man’s equal.
She’l be his boss.
Dr. Kay’s Lung Balm is guaranteed to oure
la grippe and ever; kind of cough.
Sweet oil, with a little vinegar ad,d
ed, will restore the leather backs and
seats of chairs.
Hearing Affected
Ringing and Snapping in the Head
Cured by Hood’a Sarsaparilla.
“For many years I have been troubled
with catarrh, which earned me mnch
pain and affected my hearing. I began,
taking Hood’s Boros par ilia and it helped
me wonderfully and cored the mapping
and ringing in my head.” Has. C. A.
Mkxkeb, Cherry Valley, Illinois.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Is the best—In (set the One True Blood PurlHer.
Hood’S Pills cure all liver IP- -s cents.
No. 4.
iv iv
: u.,'
That’s tne number of the
Michigan Central North
Shore Limited Train,
leaving Chicago 13:30 noon and arriving
New York 1:30 p. m. next day (34 hours)
and Boston 4:00 p. in. (20hours). If
you want comfort on your journey east
take this train. Because of the con
venient honr of leaving, the business
man is enabled to be at his office here
in the morning and arrive at New York
and Boston during business hours the
next day. To ladies traveling alone ia
this train particularly recommended.
Leaving as it does at mid-day, conneo->
tions are made at junction points and
New York for the New England States
in ample time for one to reaoh her des
tination by daylight City Office, lie
Adams Street, Chicago.
are a gilt edge line, and eierj
them be
etle man should sea i
buying. They n re the t _
ne we hare ever offered. Ask
your dealer Tor tbdiu. «s4
i will get the *
11 as the
HUNT LEY* 0LJiSiJ£O, Dee Motet
Every homeseeker should address either J. F.
MERRY, A. Q. P. A., Manchester, Iowa: W. A.
KKLLOND, A. O, P, A., LouUvllle. Ky.. or 8. O.
HATCH, D. P. A., Cincinnati, O., for a free - “
the IJL LI N OIH[ OJ5H.TJSA1-J jiaiCmoHMi
Writ# CAPT. O’PARRBLL. Pension Agent,
t4M Now York A venae, WA3HINQTON, D.C.
r-- Send for book of testlraonlals and lO 4
treatment Free, la leMefliiu'iflou, i
Inventions Wan
When writing to advertisers, kindly i
this paper.
*/«• ia last war, 16adjudloatiag claim*, atty. aiasa
Bases Sn- b._L. _ M a_, , ■ ■ _ * *
W. N. U. OMAHA. NO. 48.—1807.
Remember this
whereby it
Conquers Pain.
St. Jacobs Oil
Cun*. Rheumatism, Neural.:*,
Sciatic*. Lumnaso, Sprain., '
Bruises, Soache.., STirPRua,
and Bunns,
At a recent conference of engineers
In London, the advantages of nickel
steel for ship building were urged,
and the necessity was pointed out of
finding new deposits of nickel and re
ducing the cost of its metallurgy.
Tslce Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Alt
Druggists refund tbe money If It falls to cure. Sto
Make graham bread the same as you
do white bread; steam It three hours,
instead of baking it one hour.
Mrs. WIiMloir'i ftootiuug »j r«p
For children teeth tn£.*oft*>n« the {rum*, red now Inflnm
luatlun. al a/* paiu, cures wind colic. xAceute u bottle.
Thirty millions of wooden spoons
are manufactured in Russia every
Star Tobacco is tbe leading brand of
the world, because it is tbe best.
A. pound of phosphorus heads 1,000,'
000 matches.
Weakness* Dls.:r«}«*rof
W Ycari’ Experience.
10 Years In Omaha.
Book free. Consul!kiIou
and Examination Free.
14th & Faritam Sts..
lie Big €> for nunktvr&l
discharge*, inflammations,
| irritations or ulcerations
or inucooi membranes.
Painless, and not astrin
yuHEEvMSChemICILGq. C«ut or poisonous.
Sold by Proniito,
* or sent in plain wrapper,
by express, prepaid, for
•l .00, or 3 bottles, f2.74.
Circular sent on request.
'LZH'SHZ™ I Thompson’* Ey® Water.
Their Marvelous
WE claim and can prove our statement that more cures have been
effected by liClUC n DC” during the last two
years than ■ I w U w ■ O all other remedies
combined. It cannot fall. More than 1,000,000 People Cured. As a
positive cure for KheomatUm, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, Back
ache, Asthma, Hay Fever. Catarrh. Sleeplessness, Nervousness, Ner
(tbauk mark] vous and NfUPilgic Headaches, Heart weakness, Toothache, Earache,
Croup, Swelling, La Grippe, Malaria, Creeping Numbness, etc., etc. “5 DROPS” has never
been equaled, and is a pleasant, prompt and permanent cure. Though free from opiates and
perfectly harmless, ”5 Drops” is the most concentrated and powerful specific known. No dis
ease is too deeply rooted or painful to yield to this wonderful medicine,and relief is usually felt the
very first night. *Wtaat it has already done to relieve suffering humanity is told in letters of grate
ful praise from thousands of hearts once sickened and heavy with pain, now painless and happy.
Gentlemen:—I can hardly And words to express my gratitude for what your '*5 DROPS’* hat done for
me. 1 have taken but one bottle of the medicine, and I feel like a new person. I have taken all kinda of raed<
cine*, but all together did not do me as much good as the first dose of your “6 DROPS.” I recommended
your medicine to one of my neighbors and it helped him right away. He had been using medicines and doc
toring but nothing seemed to do him any good. 1 believe the Lord has tent your medicine, and if they will
only have faith, it will cure them of their rheumatism. I almost believe it would bring a dead man to life
again; tuch Is my faith in the medicine. 1 am now 9« years of age. Very respectfully yours, C. H. B.
CROSBY, Bowers Hill, Va.
ilwiyE A DA’9 taken bat once a day Is a dose of this great remedy, and
■ IwD U It U s O to enable all sufferers to make a trial of its wonderful
curative properties we will send out during the next thirty days 100,000 sample
For Thirty Days. 3 La rye Bottle,, for $2.50.