■ The Frontier. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY HK FRONTIER PRINTING COMPANY D. H. CRONIN, Editor. The poor farm proposition carried, 785 votes were cast for it, and 583 against it Ik the Omaha World-Herald would devote the space it is giving Rosewater to legitimate news its readers would be better satisfied. These is more of our navy than some of our European friends sup pose. We have, according to a re port just submitted to Secretary Long, a total of 141 vessels. The United States has ceased to be a rival of any other country in the production of iron and steel, and now leads the world in both, which would not have been possible without a protective tariff. The sensation mongers now report England as preparing to prevent the annexation of Hawaii. Even if England, or any other nation, were disposed to attempt to interfere, it is too late. Annexation is as good as accomplished. The Fboxtieb desires to congratu late Prof. Berkley, of the Ainsworth Star-Journal, on his election to the office of county superintendent of Brown county, and also, to suggest, that he might “fuse” with his late opponent, thus making both parties happy- , C. A. Manville, who was superin tengent of publio instruction in this county for four years, has been re elected county clerk of Dodge county. As there was only two re publicans elected in that county it looks as if the taxpayers of Dodge have a warm spot in their hearts for the Holt county colony. As we read the editorials o( the majority of populist newspapers, we are more than ever impressed with the ides that they are edited by a '; very dangerous class of men. Dangerous because they are either ignorant or malicious, and often both. They are almost to a man advocating the same doctrine whioh plunged this country into a civil war a little over thirty years ago. Their howl is “down with the govern ment,” and their sole aim is to cause dissensions between two classes of American citizens. And yet if these fellows of big mouths and little heads should succeed in starting a rebellion by their inflamed and crazy teachings, they would, like Debs, be the ifirst to draw in their horns and ,d v whine that they didn’ mean it.— Falls Oity Journal. : ***** ' Bbtah did not cut much ice in his ' oratorical tour through Ohio, aB the foilowing special from Columbus to the daily papers testify: “It is to be regretted that Hon. William Jennings Bryan did not remain . , longer in the state another day and visit more counties. If he had done so Governor Bushnell’s plurality would probably have gone beyond 30,000. In every place Mr. Bryan went—from Williams county, the start, to Ouyahoga county, the dose 11W —we repuDiiowiB uiuue guiuH. was one of the beet helps the repub - licans had in their campaign and ethey ought to fed under obligations . to him. In Williams county the gain was 418, Defiance 042, Knox 101, Perry 53, Hocking 160, Pike 257, Boas 108, Highland 201, Fay ette 185. In Cuyahoga county the plurality in proportion to the rote cast exceeded that of 1806. In £ -V other counties the gain varied, but it . \ was sufficient to show the effect of r Mr. Bryan’s oratory. Mr. Bryan spoke in Williams county and the ' V- republicans elected every candidate except one. Mr. Bryan spoke in Defiance county and the republicans > made a gain of 1,000. Mr. Bryan spoke in Van Wert county and the ’ republicans made a substantial gain v and elected half the county ticket. ^ 1' Mr. Bryan spoke in Jackson county, '->’/^the home of Chapman, and the county gave Bushnell a substantial majority and elected the entire re OFFICIAL VOTE OF HOLT COONTY, NOVEIOER 2. 1897. § I % ££ S SS 5 & opS £2 5* S <£ 5 g 5? 5* 3 I ft££Sgg»gg?iSSgS3BSSg:gi3ga3‘4B£5gS:.1S;:g» >—: t c* *|«QJ -ft POJIIV .aojsn.4 ‘UBAluaH/fUTiof uojmiqoJd *8ucui« -jv -Q .jajDomaq piof) •iet/jiMS uoian^ aoniqiqoaj Xjaaqn •uo«it,\\ V s "IV ssHsgg-»8srj^,aSrsgsgss£Sg“-i-.s--^-^ss 11 gggssg»iggg»ss:sggg=tg.sgs3--&'^*5ssg II g££8gg5SSSfegS£g8£SSS^SgSgagSgsnsgSg_g 11 Htfcaggsgsa&gssgssgsssssSssgggasss::.1 SI! i aiiojiqndag A\ ,swqO .uit.jiiqndajx ‘n{♦piJf j • K uqof .uo{«nji *n»ao^uoAj; .iioi«mk»x ‘j0mouo\| \x ,oe*) nomqujoja ‘qnoiands tinaqBSi . uoixiqiqojj ‘^0njtifA\ *1 (I X«iooai0([ Pl0*> •uoxaojv »UHJ01S ‘f o 1 £oSSic£ta££t*~>%i**'cc a 1aggsss^gaasggggsssgss&gigSM^sgssss 23 j o*t&- i »-£*: »-*»-*«-*Cfc* ! 1 **• *•*:__yJ_i_S*2J—i— *»: i &: m: i m*»w ui»;i|iqndoxi ♦noBjogoiq k M .wi»do<{ ^jbmqxs ‘w pqor XBjaomoa •Xp«jQ Y aqof uomqiqoaa •aosoqop Xuoq’juy 5 g m s*,£tosg%gs*5S£gssg5;5£tt%c,ttg8g;g£~ss j I 88S3KgCTa8f.a3:Sg8gSS£ng8S£gga!!ig5!ig£ftS w<-*c»! umwcc: 0SO9COHH* >-» >■ ■ u«0jiqnd0>x ‘aoHjapiv K 'f X«Tindoj *&*u&H H 'H .X«aooai0q Maqi»A\ JTt uoyViqiqoJa ‘Qipo-ig uoBiiAV M Sd W M *■ SuMM UMMMM AWMlilteMjkM »l H _ M I* “ !<• C J* iS gH»«3>a8to>,sW,->a'**‘,t,s~'c:cc,Xb' <*■&+■■&& S££ S if ScS,4gggg8“SgfegSSa.sS§-1£SigS£5;5:£g i *» ! M "*H w I #• i UBDIiqndaxi •g-iillOD ‘Vi *Q 7 :Xujindoa *«iaq Kuqop .;«aooai0(x •UB»JO!M K B0tU0f nomqiqoaj *j0tpa;dg Xgiiq £8BBSS»gg£55»S5Sg3£58gSi-»g5..g?tg.ggSSg aSgSSg=.888SSK8£gS£S8SS;g5asggS£SgS^ h»w: » — oaca HWMtfM** i uBonqnda-ji •qBtuiuf] *o *f Xsnndoa ‘MOJJOK*0\f . X1UOOIU0(J Munqnggjg Jx 'V uotxfqiqoaj ■eijMoq ’g -ft KSSS«£«g88t8i SSSgS8£5t;8S8aia.SSc»>SSSS 8sasss;^s8g8gaasassgg5ags8s8gs&«ssg j wi qo: hm! i : i-*! »-*i nmi m : : ■<*' t-s! • gs »-* w wgittwatcagcp • uvatiqndO'Jx ‘uosuauH *0 a .Wtndoj *qpigg eaugjgxp -uoijiqiqoaj *gMQK ,fI ‘0 .JOUog ♦nttqtnnQQK ’V P 3aaCS£M§tjg8>'SggS5Sgg88gS»-ago»a.8Sgg et8SgSS-.gg8£S3gSgSSSgSSSg.g5SSSSSggS giMWH; MWCMl MMO »» 1 ! ftj>: >■* c uuonqndaq ‘uapMOtf a 71 wjn3oJ Tlgl *mA\ )«joomo(x •iouaoo *H uoqiqiqoaj •JBPia 'M \L »8fc8ga>ig»8£8Sgg8gSSCgSSSSg5BggSSSgfeg **!_*+', h* g» I '• *> qc: >-> • : oa: w Window ‘oailM a ^BiaouioQ •ohIAV Jftmta ' noniqjqojj -B^qo i sggsassissasssggasgstlsggassassgsS -d| ou some beautiful styles almost as good as custom made. At $9 00 and $10.00 per suit t ou can get an excellent clay worsted aa good a bargain as you ever saw. A big line of boys and children’s aims. Boys two piece suits. 4 to 14 years old, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2 50 and $3 00. The latter !s a handsome plaid, all wool, good wearei and very stylish. Trimmings. Our line of braids and silks is very Complete and comprises all the new and desirable styles and patterns. Carpets. | Here we chii do you lots of gu> •!, >j We cnrry 11 good line Hint sell Mt e> ■ v. "?j price** You chii see what > oii are is. getting end save the freiglit. r A fnir Hrtlcle, Ingrain, 35 cents .ii A good heavy two ply 40c. lj A beautiful half woo’, 5tlc. ,.j A ttrRt-clHss nil wool tun pit 65 . \j Extra quality two plv 70c. ; | Brusat-lU 65 to 90 cents. A handsome assormieiii of rug* n .; new |>ai terns Heavy oil cloth at 4(1 coins p. i J square yard. .Cheaper one 83 cen ». Ji Cloaks. A full assortment at prices that will get your huainesa if you look ns over. A good plush cape, fur trimmed.$4.75 Black Kersey cape US. 56 Black Kerse cape 63 00. Black Beever.tieely trimmed.$5.75. A beamiful Beaver $8 75. A licli Asirichan. lull h'littih. #10 Extra good silk, lined As'iit n .u $15.00 Jack.-n. #3 75. #5 00. $5.51. $6 5it. $7.50. $8.75, #10 00. #11.75. $18 50 .-.e : $15.00. Ever, thing in die ne>t li.t styles. Big line of moses J u ki 's $3.50 to #7.50. for airta 12 to 18 iea« old. i In conclusion lot us say all we ask is a fair inspection of-orr goods and a compari son with anybody, at home or abroad, and if we can’t sell you as cheap or cheaper we will not expect your trade Our entire stock is bought for cash and we are confident our prices are better on the whole than you can fine anywhere in Holt county and equal to those you can get outside. J. P. MANN. P. 8. Don’t forget our grocery department where you can always find a choice assortment of good goods at the lowest prices. K a D’NblLLBUSlNESS DIRECTORY J^U. ,T. P. GILLIGAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office in Holt County Bank building Confinement cases $25 each. Night calls double regular foe in advance. O’NEILL, - ■ NEB. JJR G. M. BERRY, DENTIST AND ORAL SURGEON Graduate of Northwestern University, Chicago, and also of American College of Dental Surgeory. All the latest and Improved branches of Dentistry carefully performed. , Office over Pf unds store. j^H. BENEDICT. LAWYER, Office In the Judge Roberts building, north • of O. O. Snyder’s lumber yard, O NULL, NBB' JJ B. DICKSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Reference First National Bank O'NEILL, NEB. B ABN BY STEWART, PRACTICAL AUCTIONEER. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address, Page, Neb. O'NEILL AND SQ7D COUNTY STAGE Stage leaves O’Neill at 8:9B a. M., arriving at Spencer at 4 p. m. ; at Butte. 5:30 p. M. 8. D. Gaixentinb, Prop. p. D. A J. F. MIlLLEH, j GOOD TEAMS, NEW RIGS 6 Pric.es Reasonable. O'NEILL, NEB, HOTEL .4--JAVANS Enlarged Refurnished Refitted Only First-class Hotel In the City. W. T, EVANS, Prop. DeYARMAN'S BARN. B. A. DbYARM AN, Manager. D’Y ARM AN’S ffTffTfWtmt Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Finest turnouts in the city. Good, careful drivers when wanted. AL»o run the O’Neill Omnibus line. Commercial trade a specialty. Pacific Short Line -HAS THE BEST TRAIN SERVICE -IN NORTHERN NEBRASKA. Through Freight and Passenger Rates TO ALL POINTS. If you are going on a trip or intend chang ing your location, apply to our nearest agent, or write to W. B. McNIDER, Oen'l Pass. Agent, Sioux City. X H P 0 tfl Purchase Tickets and Consign your. Freight via tha F. E.&M.V.andS. C.& P RAILROADS. TRAINS "DEPART: 0011(0 BAST. Passenger east. No. 4, Freight east. No. 34, Freight east, No. 38, 10:04 a. m 13:15 F. X 3:55 F. x. I OOIHO WIST Passenger west. No. 8, Freight west, No. 37, Freight, No, 33, Local 9:40 p. x 10:04 p. x 4:00 p. x. The Rlkhorn Line is now running Reclining Chair Cars dally, between Omaha and Dead wood, jree to holders of first-class transpor tatlon. qjg' For any Information call on W, J. DOBBS, Aot. O’NEILL. NEB. 4 NEW YORK ... ILLUSTRATED , NEWS The Organ of Monoat Snort In Amorloa ALL THE SENSATIONS OF THE DAY NCTUaiD a* THC FOREMOST ARTISTS OF THE COUNTRY Life in New York Graphically IUuatiated. Breezy but Reapectable. — 4 S4 FON A YEAR, S2 FOR SIX MONTHS ^ Do you want to be posted? Then send, your subscription to tbs HEW Ml ILLUSTRATED IEWS, 3 PARK PLACE* NEW YORK CITY PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY Tbs Discovery Bayed His Mr. G. Caillouette, druggist, Beavers ville, III, save: ‘'To Dr. King’s New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with lagrippe and tried all the •»b**ln* ians for miles about, but was of no avail and was given up and told 1 could not live. Having Dr. King’s New Dis covery in my store I sent for a bo we and began its use and from the first d^aw* began to get better, and attei using three bottles was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. Wo won’t keep store or house without It.” - Get a free trial at Corrigan’s drug store. J