PUBLISHED BY THE FRONTIER PRINTING CO, VOLUME XVIII. O’NEILL, HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, NOVEMBER 11. 1897. C NUMBER 19. NEWS SMS WHISKERS Items of Interest Told As They Are Told to Us. WHEN AND HOW IT HAPPENED Lem Happenings Portrayed For general Idifieatioa and Amassment. Judge McCutchan was in Sioux City Tuesday. _ Bail ties and wire always on hand at Neil Brennan’s. 16-tf Dr. Qilligan was called to Ainsworth , Monday morning. H. A. Allen, of Atkinson, was in O’Neill the first of the week. , Fob Rent—House of six rooms, rent reasonable. Enquire of Mr. Doyle. 16tf -Special bargains in clothing, overcoats and winter goods at Suilivan Mercan tile Co’s. _ 17-4 Miss Maude Gillespie came over from Spencer Saturday evening returning 8unday. -_ Use H and G remedy for black leg. As a preventative it has no equal. Sold by Hershiser & Gilligan. 15 tf Dr. and Mrs. Gilligan are now nicely tettled in their newly acquired home in the northern part of the city. For teeth or photos, go to Dr. Cor bett’s parlors, 23rd to 30th of each month. Photographs $1 per dozen. Do not let the black leg into your herd. Prevent it by using H and G. Sold by Hershiser & Gilligan. 15-tf Miss Ella Barrett, of Norfolk, who was the guest of the Misses Hurley last week, returned to her home Sunday. FOR SALE—Thirty head of white face Hereford young bulls. 17tf , Jacob Kbaft, Stuart, Neb. Miss Susie Uttley left last Saturday morning for North Platte, Neb., where she will teach school the coming winter. J. 0. Thomas, who ran a drug store in ^ this city several years ago, has been jk elected county judge of Knox county. Merchants should remember that Tbs Frontier is the best advertising medium in this county. Try it and note the results. _ One of the . mail teams ran away Tuesday morning, upsetting the wagon, yut not doing any great amount of damage. _ Talk about business! There is not a night that all the livery barns in the city are not crowded to their utmost , capacity. __ If black leg gets a start in your herd it is hard to check it. The best remedy known is H and G. For sale by Her ■hiser & Gilligan. 15-tf O. M. Collins has accepted a position as book keeper in the First National bank, and entered upon his new duties Monday morning. If you want to save money get our prices on clothing, underwear, caps, gloves, mittens and all winter goods, f Sullivan Mercantile Co. 17-4 Rev. Bacon and J. A. Doremus, of Neligh, tarried in O’Neill Tuesday evening on their way to Dustin where they go to ordain a minister. The Neligh district conference of the M. £. church commenced at Neligh Tuesday evening and will close this evening. Rev. Crews of the M. E. church of this city is in attendance. To heal the broken and diseased tis sues, to soothe the irritated surfaces, to instantly relieve and to permanently cure is the mission of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Hbkshisbr & Gilligan. * Jim Gallagher returned Sunday even ing from Neligh where he has been “holding down" the station for a couple of weeks during the absence of the agent, who was away getting married. Moments are useless if trifled away; and they are dangerously wasted if con sumed by delay in cases where One Minute Cough Cure would bring imme diate relief. Hbbshisbr & Gilligan. Wayne Republican: On Sunday morning A. B. Charde was stricken for the second time with paralysis of the vocal organs, and has been quite low ever since but fatal results are not expected. __ In order to stop the practice of flirting with commercial travelers an Ohio vil lage council has decreed that no girl shall be allowed to loiter in the vicinity of the railroad station unless she can produce a railroad ticket. •No man or woman can enjoy life or accomplish much in this world while suffering from a torpid liver. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the pills that cleanse that organ quickly. Hbbshiseb & Gilligan. A? u * ■William Krotter wan down from Stuart last Tuesday. Jake Herahiaer came up from Norfolk Tuesday rnd will remain in tbia City the raat of the week. Rev. 8. F. Bharpleas, of Norfolk, held aervicee in the Presbyterian church in this citylaat Sunday.' Go to Sullivan Mercantile Go's, for bargains'in clothing, gloves, mittens, caps, u^erwear, boots, shoes, over coats and all kinds of winter goods, at a bargain at Sullivan Mercantile Co’s., O’Neill, Neb. 17 4 Running sores, indolent ulcera and similar troubles, even though of many years standings may be cured by using DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. It sooths, strengthens and heals. It is the great pile cure. Hbbshisbb & Gilligan. Joe Mann came over from Spencer Saturday evening and went down to Neligh Sunday morning returning in the evening. By the way we are get ting accuatomed to publishing this item ofjpews about once a month. Pat Gallagher and Guy Hamilton went down to Neligh Sunday to visit Jim Gallagher. The fact that he was coming home that evening “cut no ice" with them. Their souls were so filled with a great yearning that they could Barrett no longer without taking atrip down the road._ Running a newspaper is just like keeping a hotel—only it’s different, says an exchange. A man goes into a hotel for his dinner and finds upon the table something that does not suit his taste, but he does not get up and kick the fat all over the fire and tell the hotel man to “stop his hotel." Certainly you don't want to suffer with dyspepsia, constipation, sick head ache, sallow skin and loss of appetite. You have never tried DeWitt’a Little Early Risers for these complaints or you would have been cured. They are small pills but great regulators. Hkrsiiisbr & Gillioan. Niobrara Tribune: 8t. Paul, Minn., Not. 8.—Hon. A. L. Towle, of Nio brara, Neb., was married here today to Mias Mary E. Hill, of Stevens Point, Wis. Mr. Towle arrived in the morn ing and Miss Hill came in tbe afternoon, the ceremony being performed imme diately after her arrival. The bride is 89 years old and well known in Wis consin. _ All persons interested in tbe coming of Rev. George W. Pepper and in the lecture to be delivered by him in this city on the 86th inst, are requested to meet at Neil Brennan’s office on Sunday next at 3 o’clock p. m. to make the necessary and final arrangements for his reception. Let us have a full attend ance. T. V. Golbrn, Chairman Committee. An accumulation of gas in a stove where there was supposed to be no fire, some kerosene thrown in tbe stove and a lighted match thrown thereafter created an explosion at the H6tel Evans early Sunday morning that blew up two stoves, knocked down a lot of pipe and caused the guests to think that the resurrection morning had come and that they had got a good start on their way to glory._ Exchange: How dear to my heart is the old yellow pumpkin, when orchards are barren of stuffing for pies; when peaches and apples have both been a failure, and berries of no kind have greeted the eyes. How fondly we turn to the fruit of tbe cornfield—the fruit that our children are taught to despise, tbe old yellow pumpkin, the mud cov ered pumpkin, the big bellied pumpkin that makes such good pies. From tbe Lone Star state comes the following letter, written by W. F. Gass, editor of tbe Mt. Vernon, (Tex.) Herald: “I have used Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in my family for the past year^ and find it the best remedy for colic and diarrhoea that I have ever tried. Its effects are instan taneous and satisfactory, and I oheer fully recommend y a free and untrammelled republican itate. convention, the people of Nebras ta in their next state election wiU ; f hasten to express their confidence in the ' republican party, in the McKinley, \ idmlnlstration and their final farewell '"’ftp to Bryanism in finance and to sham * ; reformers in state government. : ' i The truths which have been ottered ": iialnst this state administration remain - rad will remain. The recount fraud is , aot condoned, the straw bond frauds ' ire not condoned and the people have aot lessened their contempt for the antl> I railroad pass grabbing, junketing popn-ip'H list hypocrite. The republican state f committee from its meager resources bought tickets for its public speakers, ft. for suoh men as Judge Field, nhUe an army of such blatherskites as Mqte galloped over the state on free passes begging the deluded farmers to sustain ine aou-raiiroad pin reform adoriata* iratlon. The people kaow whet ie ? going on end they will not forget The bargain which the Hale board of traw- ’’" porutloa made for Sullivan’i election \ will not be ratified bp the people. Id the meaatime thoae who voted for ,. Judge Poet will have the utitfaetioa of kuowiDg that he waa a conecientiotu, ^ (earleaa judge who aevar played the demagogue. He Dover flirted with a SoaDcial dootrioe whloh he daapiaed ud aever eonaeoted to beeooie the odd* lidate of ao aati-r|ilroad party at the regueet of the corporatiooa. J. W. Jokksok. W/, -. __ 1 ■ - i OBITUABY. WHD—At hla home on the Blackbird, ‘ fifteen mile* north of O’Neill. on October 9, 1897, Sin Goodfeuow, ; ' •god 88 years, 1 month ond 9 days. Ho vn born .la Syraouae, H. Y.t . October 7,1839, whom ho maided for a ; number of years, moving front thoro to - ' f Wisconsin, then to Minnesota, and froth thero to Nebraska, when ho haa resided 1 For the paat 18 years, being one of the pioneer cltlaena of Boil county. He waa married on January 1,1888, , to Mlae Kliaaheth Landers, with whom’ he enjoyed a long and pleaaaat life. - Th# dsoeased haa Umtm-mrvaB&PZM of 89 yearn a sesloua workef la tte United Breathren and Methodiaf V Eplsoopal churches. He enjoyed tto' | reapeet and love of all who knew him, | and la loved and kindly remembered by hla eon and daughter who are greatly bereaved beeauaa of hla death. Hie laet boura were apent in perfeot peaee, with ., the brightest hope of future hapglness. cam or TKAirxaTo thb rtmic. In behalf of myself and the ooagrega* tlon of which I am paator, I daelre to ■ • • tender my moat heartfelt thanks to the kind people generally, of thla and a few Dutalde communities, for the very * liberal and munlOoent manner in which you extended your helpful aeaiatanoe and kindly patronage toward the fair raoently held in thia city under the very \ ; laudable auaplcea of the Cathollee of . ? / thia pariah. I aaaure you my deaf' friends, that I am moat happy to 1 announce that aucceaa attended the i enterprise, both from a social and finan cial standpoint far beyond my moat aanguine hopea and expectation*. And I hope and trust and pray that God in his kind providence will some day in the near future reward you all a thous and fold by bestowing in abundance - upon you and yours peace, happiness I and prosperity for thia valuable and welcome evldenoe of yonr kindly friend* chip and generosity. H. F. Cassidy. AVCnOTT TZARS. Sometimes men and women sat to* gather in festive gatherings; someth^as the sexes were separated, but each received equal attention. A clave . stationed behind each gneat waa ready to obey the least command, and time passed quickly in feasting and merry* making. As the wine circulated, , | women as well as men were drawn into the whirl of > dissipation, and furnished ^ subjects for the merciless pencil of the caricaturist. The proof still exlstb, | pictorially, that the fair sex of that time and country drank more than was good for them, while the lords and masters had frequently to be carried home from . a festive gathering limp as the faded lotus blossoms resting on their fevered brows. A strange custom was in vogue; ■ j in the midst of the feasting, when the | senses seemed almost satiated, a slave appeared bearing a email figure of a mummy, which be exhibited portent ously to the revelers, saying, “Gase here; drink and be merry, for when you die such you will be."—Francis J, Ziegler in November Lippencott’s. FREE, . ' H To our ouatomera, a beautiful $100 Muaio Box, January 1, 1898. (/. P. MANNs :M£ .ft v 4