The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 04, 1897, Image 8

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    jj Small precautions often prevent great
, mischiefs. DeWitt’i Little Early Risers
*; St* very s#aall pills in size, but are most
f effective in preventing the most serious
fofma of liver and stomach troublee.
- . They cure constipation and headache
"t and regulate the bowels.
% \ „ Hibshiskb & Giluoax.
v,Moments are useless if trifled away;
;; and they are dangerously wasted if con
< sumyd: by delay in cases, where One
• Minute Gough Core would bring imme
< diate relief. Hbbsoisbb & Guxioax.
« : - v eUart’s Anew inbaast
Mrs. Hamilton, Cambridge, III., says
f I bad the rheumatism so bad I could not
False my hand to my head. Battard’i
Snow Liniment baa entirely cured me.
*«I take pleasure in informing my neigh
bors and' friends what it has done for
" me. Chat. Randier, clerk for Lanyad
’ ■ Lyman, Kewanee, Ills,, advises us Snow
y Liniment cured him of rheumatism. Why
■■ not'try it? It will surely do you. good.
'fiit enree all Inflamation, wounds, sores
i cuts, sprains,-'etc. Price 80 cents. . Free
| trial bottles at P. C. Corrigan's.
. and wife should know about tfce pre
paration that for half a centuryhas
been helping expectant mothers bring
little ones into the world without
danger and the hundred and ane
awceanrons M.a e»KacUOn»
incident to cttM-hirth. It
h afplMl catenaMf, wkkk
it the only way to get relief
Medicines taken internal!)
wm not neip us maj
. result in harm.
fits and prepares ever}
organ, muscle and
part of the body foi
the critical hour. It
robs child-birth of its
tortures and pains
Baby’s coming is mad<
quick and easy. Iti
action is doubly bene-1
^ v nciai a usm during the whole
^/period of pregnancy. !
** $1 per bottle at all drug store*, o>
sent by mail on receipt of price.
Books Fees, containing valuable infer
nation to all woman, will bo east to an)
addiaaa upon application by
The Bradfield Regulator Co.,
- Atlanta, 6a.
tens* la MAHnooi abbs oath
(mimM to mat IUmI Mack.
1 Nothing but Lars*. Golvonlxod Wiro,
of tbo Boat Booaomor Stool.
v; uaod In Its oonotruotlon.
— ,-Iki wirw
Mjtw m adloatabU tan
it* NF win*
The crimp la the (trend
«lre provide* lor espen
■m end contraction end
prevent* (tar wire from
moTinc oat of piece.
■tnmmm it
li Wlw to, rtlrf.
Nell Brennan.
Tii Lu* Ni'A —_ ..._
JWAWWJ, ruarsnteed **A» OOOIft AM*'
raiaaa^itN ,(ur lens moneys «*<•/ e*uT\t
Z.Z7*. T.r :.T7.• *"'*• money < «j<*y rtii'i ..
3g*S iKfJ .**??> Miileti yon ^ ibe heel A
ini up MAI. I. Ibe uni.! 1‘inhiiIvi lnv.itu.nt
uii4tr*'; u t. U.rriui!irand m’aVJ“i“
«r Intvr Jr«.« „,„n S,,*". B-“•«!>
JC»nlW.Mnl Iwintnl VAIKHANHk
FAin3£MK3, tsonss & CO.,
* ^>:i02 ram am St.. Omaha, Neb.
««h« aaaiw» a.Mtmi.1 -•
v » . • .';<*■ ' "
. „ ,Vr
•1 Being ,m Medical
la China*
Itl.alfeB who go out as medical
tadmMjArles hare a hard time of it, ac
tVPPI to a writer in the Philadelphia
PM. aalde from mere inconveniences
■rising from living In such a country.
In prescribing medicines not only is
the fear of a future accusation of pois
oning ever present, but the possibility
that it may prove to bo a reality. Thus
a bottle of liniment curing the vener
able grandmother of rheumatism may
be lent to a neighbor stricken with
small pox as an Infallible remedy; or
the entire contents of a vial of tooth
aohe medicine be administered in one
dose to a teething infant. Celestial rea
son that it a small portion is of any
benefit the whole bottleful, taken" at
once, multiplies its usefulness in a cor
responding ratio. Therefore, if hot pre
viously warned, experience soon teach
es the missionary to make it an infal
lible rule never to dispense a poison
ous remedy or one which could do barm
If the entire quality were taken at once
Liniments and toothache drops com
pounded of nonpoisonous drugs may
not be highly potent, but they are at
least harmless. When it is absolutely
necessary to administer a powerful
remedy several times or for several
times in succession the doctor puts each
doSe up la a asperate vial, powder or
capsule, and leaving them at the dis
pensary with a trained American
aura# or other foreign helper, directs
that a servant or child of the patient
be sent there for one every three hours,
or three times a day, as the case may
require, otherwise'It would all be taken
hi once, or divided among ailing neigh
-bora. • V, ' ■ *
*««n u« women doctors are ouugea
;to be ever on the alert to keep the na
tives from stealing druse from their
medicine cheats and. so run the i lsk of
tains poisoned, then, too, the eurlous
objection to privacy which prevails in
„0hina and makes it nnwiee for foreign
iera, especially doctors, to insist upon
it for fear of Being regarded with su
perstition, makes it necessary to eon*
,d«ot all operations in semi-public man
ta*and there is always the danger that
tame of the spectators may object at a
eritical point in the operation and thus
imperil the patient’s life, which would
Indeed be unfortunate for the poor sar
taon. Anaesthetics are regarded with
astteo atolMMy ft pate mahis SmS
■sad ansniissaiy. Altogether the Ms
ie wet one to be dssised.
A, lady Whs OltaBtM Xml Banter
WlaSs Up hr Msraytag Har Oalda
Henry Carter, the famous Mount
talner guide, has fallen in love under
romantic circumstances, and will be
married by Rev. William M. Jeffries,
the first preacher who delivered a ear
men on top of the mountain. There is a
possibility that Carter will bo married
on top of the mouatain, the place where
he fell in love last Tuesday night, with
the thermometer registering 20 degrees
below sero. He is to marry Cora Beach
man, a school teacher, and the belle of
iAke Park, a suburb of Tacoma, says
the Globe-Democrat
1 Mlaa Beachman, accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs F. M. <3roe of Eatonville, set
ont Tuesday with Carter, the most
trusted of all the mountain guides, to
ascend Mount Ranter. At Gibraltar
rock, which corresponds to the “shoul
dor” of the Matterhorn, 4,000 feet from
the summit, Mrs. Gros became ex
hausted. Mias Beachman declared her
Intention to reach the summit at all
faasarda. Canter led the way, but soon
lost his ice az, and in scaling difficult
paaaea they were compelled to rely
eolely on their alpenstocks. They did
not roach the aummlt until < p. m.. too
late to attempt the descent that night
They hid left Paradise Valley, below
the snow lino, without wraps, and only
a lemon and one sandwich —*t» in tha
way of provisions. Carter selected a
sheltered ice save formed by jets of
■team from the crater, and there they
passed a sleepless night, discussing all
sorts of topics, sad before they left the
summit at 9 a. m. Wednesday, Mini
Beachman had promised to marry the
guide. The instant thsy left the steam
of the loo cave their clothes were f resen
stiff, and they suffered great hardships
in descending. A rescue party organ
ised during the day, came to their re
lief late in the afternoon, after they had
bean without food over twenty-tour
passenger boarded It he *u nearly up
ut by the sudden starting of the grip
ear and tread on the toe of a man
standing at the rear end.
"I beg your pardon,” he said, verj
politely; but the man of the hurt toe
scowled and In an undertone muttered
The Innocent offender again apolo
glsed. “Yea, but that don’t help my to*
any;” and he growled seme more la as
Measby pass is gars began to smile.
”X begged year pardon, didn't ir
said the other man.
“Yes, bet my toco hurts Just the
same,” was the reply In an ugly tone.
Then the ether man's dander rose
and In very forcible language he said:
“Now. look hare. I accidentally stepped
sn your foot and I apologised for It. It
jou say another word about It I will
give you this Instead of my feet (show
ing his doubled 1st), and It wlU land
tight In your face.”
This warning was not taken, for he
oontlnued to talk about the rlnmslnnes
of some people Suddenly the i
gen were electrified by seeing a flat
shoot out, and the growler lay la the
street as the ear passed on. Nobody
said anything, but some thought H
wasn't wtso to talk las‘mush.
'" f -
Globe Investment oompanyvfe corporation, |
under the laws of the commonwealth of 3
Massachusetts, and Henry A. Wyman, as *
receiver of the Globe Investment company. I
and James Brooks, defendants, will take )
notice that Lucia M. Peabody, plaintiff, has i
filed a petition In the district court of Holt t
county. Nebraska, against said defendants, f
Impleaded with Frederick H. Noise and Mary *
A. Nolze, the object and prayer of which are *■
to foreclose a mortgage dated January 26. ?
lWO, for MUO and Interest upon the northeast I
quarter of section 36. In township 26, north, i
of range 9 west of the 6th P. M. Holt county, a
Nebraska, given by Frederick H. Noise and jj
Mary A. Nolze to the Globe Investment t
company and assigned to plaintiff, which
mortgage was recorded In book 62, page 1M
mortgage records of said county, and to have
the some decreed to bo a first lien and said
land sold to satisfy the same.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 13th day of December, 1897.
Dated November 3rd, 1897. 18-1
8. D. Thornton, Attorney for Plaintiff.
United States Land OlHoe, O'Neill, Neb.
November!, HOT.
Complaint haying been entered at this
dated July 13. 1889, upon the N‘/> NEK and
NH NW14 section 7 township 30 range 14 W.
in Holt county. Neb., with a view to the
cancellation of said entry; contestant alleg
ing that Jens C. Smedt failed to break or
cause to be broken 6 acres of said tract In the
year 1880, and failed to break or cause to be
broken 5 acres of said tract In the year 1890.
and failed to plant or cause to be planted
any trees, tree seeds or cuttings during the
years 1891, 1892, 1898 and 1894, and failed dur
ing the years 1894, 1895 and 1896 and to this
date In the year 1897, to cultivate said tract
and has failed entirely to comply with the
laws in any respect and has abandoned said
tract during the last four years, the said
parties are hereby summoned to appear at
this ofllce on the 7th day of December, 1897, at
lO.o’olock a. m. to respond and furnish testi
mony concerning said alleged failure.
18-4 8. j. Weeks, Register.
LAWDt)rnci AT O’Nbill, Nbb.
October *6.1897.
Notloe Is hereby (riven that the following*
named settler has filed notloe ‘.of his lnten
tisn to make final proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made
before register and receiver at O'Neill, Neb.,
on Deeembcs 4.1897. viz:
CHAKLES T. ALLEN, of Page, Neb., H. B.
14088, for the SEW of Sec. IV. Tp. 89, B. 9 W.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz: Blchard H. Murray.
Thomas 8. Roaeh. Joseph Newberry, N.
Grass, all of Page Neb. S. J. Wcnag.
17-8np Beglster.
' Laud Orrica a* O’NaiiA., Nbb.
October22, 1897.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof In support of his
claim, and that Bald proof will be made
before the register ana receiver at O’Neill.
Neb., on December 7.1897, vis:
. LEWIS H. DOWNEY. Of Star P. O. Neb.,
H. B. No. 14908, for the SEW Sec. 8. Tp. 80, R. 0.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence-upon and cultiva
tion of said land, via: Alex H. Wertz. A. S.
Boblrison. Frank W. Phillips, Henry Harris,
all of Star, Bolt county. Nab.
l*-4p «, J. Wmu,
' Beglster.
Unknown heirs or Devisees or Augustus
Frederick, deceased, Loran O, Stott, as exe
cutor of the estate of SalUe A. Frederick,
deceased, and Loran O. Stott, defendants,
will take notice that Ira Davenport, plaintiff,
has filed a petition In the district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, against said defend
ants, the object and prayer of which are to
foreclose a mortgage dated November 12.
1880, for 1200 and interest and taxes on the
northwest quarter of section twelve,
township twenty-five, range fourteen. In
Holt county, 'Nebraska, given by Auguatus
Frederick and Sallle A. Frederick to plaintiff
which mortgage was duly recorded In book
21, page 78, or the mortgage reoords of said
county and to have the same decreed to be a
first lien and said lands sold to satisfy the
same. That the dlstrlot court of said oounty
has made an order for publication of notice
against unknown heirs or devisees of Augus
tus Frederick, deceased.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 22d day of Nove mber. 1897.
Dated September so. 1887
_ „ Ioa Davknpob*, Plaintiff.
By W. J. Courtrlght, Attorney, 15-4
Land Offloe at O’Neill, Nebr., Oct. 1,1897.
Notloe Is hereby given that the following
named settler has nled notloe of hie intention
to make final proof In support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before the
Beglster and Receiver at O’Neill, Neb., on
November IS, 1897, 'friz:
WILLIAM IX)WEB, T. 0. number 6506, for
the BEW section 2, township 37, range 14 west.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and culti
vation of said land, viz: .lezse Roy, Albert
Boy, Andrew MorgaiiSr., and Andrew Morgan
Jr„ all of O Neill, Nebraska.
H-6 8. J. Webkbs, Register.
United States Land Office, O'Neill, Neb.
_ , September 39. 1897.
Complaint having been entered at this offloe
by E. U. Benedict against Nelson Tonoray
for failure to comply with law as to Timber
Culture entry No. 0331. dated July 25, 1888,
upon the EW NEW, NWW NEW and NEW
Nww section 28, township 28, north rangel 12
west, In Holt county, Nebraska, with a view
to the oanoellatlon of said entry; contestant
alleging that the said Nelson Tonoray has
done no breaking, has cultivated no crops,
has planted no trees, tree seeds or cuttings
at any time during the entire time since his
said entry was made, nor has he caused It to
be done, and that all said defaults exist at
the present time; the said parties are hereby
summoned to appear at this office on the 16th
day of November, 1897, at 9 o'clock a. m., to
wsjond wd furnish testimony concerning
8. J. Wmu, Beglster,
nuuui. (unrunLlUATlUH,
Land Office at O’Neill, Neb., Oct 1,1887.
Notice In hereby glTen that the following
named Hettler has Bled notice of hta Intention
to make final proof In support of hts claim,
and that said proof will be made before the
Register and Receiver at O'NeUl, Neb., on
November 12,1897, via:
WILLIAM H. PERRY, T.C. number 8424
•oj^the 8W14 section 24, township 31, range 13
He names the following wltnesaea to prove
hie continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, vis: Fred Teseh, James Gordon.
Lorenio Rosa and John Gordon, all of Kay,
Nebraska. 14-S 8.J. Wesken, Register.
Lard Office at 0'NiiL.t,, Nan.. Opr., 118.77.
Notice Is hereby given that the followlng
named settler has Bled notice of bis Intention
to make final proof In Support of hts claim,
and that said proof will be made before
Register and Receiver at O'Neill. Neb., on
November 13.1827. viz: *
JOSEPH McCAKFERY. H. K. number 14572,
for the SWM section 9, township 27, range 13
west. ,
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, via: Ambrose Holmes,
Andrew Morgan, Albert Roy and Fannie
Roy, all of O'Neill, Nebraska.
1« 8.J. Weekes, Register.
, Lard OrricE, O'Neill. Neb. I
» Oot. 1, U97. f
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notloe of his Inten
tion to make final proof In support of bis
claim, and that said proof will be made
before the register and receiver at O'NeUl,
Neb., on November 13.1397, vis:
_RUBEN BRUCE, T. 0. number 850% for the
EK N Els and KM 8Eli Section 12, township
27, range 14 west.
He nauiea the following witnesses to prove
his continuous resldsnoe upon and cultiva
tion of said land, via: Jesse Roy, Albert
Roy- .Andrew Morgan 8r.t Andrew Morgan
Jr., all of O’NeUl, Neb.
14-8_ 8. J. Weises, Register.
The "Bleydiet's Best Friend" is a
familiar name Mr Be Witt’s Witch Betel
Salve, always reedy for emergencies.
While n specific for piles, it also instant
ly relieves end cures cute, bruisaa, salt
rheum, ccatemn and all affections of tbs
skin. It neper fails..
Bminiiw ft Gillmak.
C-t. ■• < "'v '.-v •*•>> l >
Is the |f;#PSyi
■, ,*n ... - '
h;B and the
'' ■
-V ;'*■
, . Its office is fitted with the
most most modern convenien
ces and machinery, always has
the latest faces ^ type, the
best workmen, and is ^thereby -
enabled to turn ont the most
satisfactory kind of1 job work.-, -
Its management uses none but
the best paper, are scrupu*
neat and prompt with their
work and guarantee satisfae
tion. Mail orders receive
careful attention, and if your
home paper is not prepared to
do .all classes of work you
will find it to your financial
benefit to communicate with
The Frontier.
The Frontier
Carries . a very complete line
of legal blanks and sells them
reasonably cheap. If we do
not have what you want we
will print, it almost as you
wait. , x
As an Advertising fledium
It is the b&t in the county,
especially at the county seat.
It circulates among the best
class of people; a class that
pays for what it gets and does
not patronize non-residents, as
does a certain portion of the
people in the west. Its rates
for advertising are very low,
and the business man who' <
does not advertise in it is loser
more than he dreams of.
If you want
To subscribe for The Frontier
and any other paper or maga
zine published on earth we
will give you a rate and
84ve you money. We have
clubbing rates with the lead
ing publications of the world.
Gall on or address
-,V 4 •'