The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 04, 1897, Image 1

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■, Item* of Interaat Told Aa They Are
Told to Ha. -•
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torn Happentags Portrayed For emend
Iditetfen and Amusement.
r -a, "■
8aU#on, O ship of state, hellbent)
Across llfe'a stormy sea;
Ten thousand pops on spoils. Intent,
Self-seeking knaves, that's eyldent.
Ten thousand pops with lungs for rent.
Will furnish wind for thee. —flu.
Please don’t mention politics.
: ■"» ■:
work call at thia
C. F. Henley wasup from Ewing list
k ' Monday. ■ ._t ‘
' M. Stafford was tip from Norfolk last;
, Saturday. ■ . ’
Bait tiea and wire always on band at
Neil 1?rer?«"’^v' { 16-tf i
B. B. Wright, of . Dead wood, wee in
Tuesday. .v- <?~
C. S. Kenpell called , today and left
V tl.50 ou rubscrlptlon. - V
W; Q; White, of Fremont,: teas an
■ O’Neill visitor laat Saturday.
Tammany won .in New York, haring
an overwhelming'majority.
C. A. pay: of Milwaukee, Wia., was
registered at the Evans Tuesday.
WANTED—Grrl for general house
work. Gall on Mrs. John McHugh.
Weil, hoys, we gave them a scare any
how, but then that is poor consolation.
J. A. Douglas, of Bassett, was in
O’Neill on legal business last Saturday.
Fob Rent—House of six. rooms, rent
reasonable. ; Enquire of Mr. Doyle. 16tf
J. A. Fusselman, a Sioux City knight
of the grip, was in O’Neill last Saturday.
Verdigris made a desperate attempt to
down the “gang" and came near doing
it too.
The “Little Ditch” company shipped
eighteen ears of cattle to Iowa last
week. •_
Special bargains in clothing, overcoats
■and winter goods at Sullivan Mereaw
tlle Go’s. 17-4
To Hon. Conrad Wettlaufbr, aaaessor
. elect for Shields township, and a repub
lican- Shake!
Use H and G remedy for black leg.
As a preventative it has no equal. Sold
, by Hershiser & Gilligan. 15 tf
. Anton Tresnak, of Dodge, and Lucy
l • Novotny, of Atkinson, were married by
'i, - Judge McCutchan last Saturday.
S J. W. Dixon and J. G. DuBols, of
Omaha, were among the guests registered
at the Evans hotel yesterday.
Henry Hausen, of Brunswick, and
; Ida Tarburg, of Savage, were married
by Judge McCutchan last Tuesday.
For teeth or photos, go to Dr, Cor
belt’s parlors, 28rd to 80tb of each
month. Photographs SI per dozen.
Do not let the black leg into your
_ . herd. Prevent it by using H and G.
; Sold by Hershiser & Gilligan. 15-tf
. . - FOR SALE—Thirty head of white
faoe Hereford young, bulls.
17tf Jacob Kraft. Stuart, Neb.
v Dr. Withers, Omaho painless dentist,
will be in O'Neill again November 27,
5;. 28, 29 and 80. Office at Evans
bote!. ' 17-5
Geo. Tewksbury returned from Mil
iotte, B. D., last week and has opened a
billiard ball in the old Ryan saloon
building. _
Stuart township has come back to the
republican fold and Atkinson—well it is
fast losing its prestige as the republican
j stronghold. _•
B. H. Jenness moved bis family down
from Atkinson last Wednesday and they
are now comfortably settled in their
home in this city.
If black leg gets a start in your herd
It fs hard to check it. The best remedy
known is'H and G. For sale by Her
sbiaer & Gilligan. , 15-tf
0ne of tbe syndicate said he would
rather see any republican elected than
to see Lew Combs' re-elected supervisor
from the Fourth district.
If you waat to -save money get our
prices , on clothing, underwear, caps,
gloves, mittens and all winter goods
Sullivan Mercantile Co. 17 4
. Sanford Parker came over from
Spencer Wednesday. Sanford feels
happy and be las reason to be, be causa
Boyd county pave Post a majority.
. When needing corn, oats, bran or
chop feed call on us, we are prepared to
*1» f®ur orders in this line.
. I7'2 O’Nniu, GrocebyCo.
J. H. Gable, of Dee Uotne, Iowa,
traveling paeaenger agent of the F. E.
and M. V. and Sioux City and Pacific
railroad*, was a caller at this office tbi*
morning. . . ■
Rev. S. F. Sharpies*, of Norfolk, will
preach in the Presbyterian church next
Sabbath morning and evening, Nov.
?. Everybody cordially, iuvlted to
attend these services.
O’Neill's fun-loving juveniles cele
brated Hallowe’en last Satnrdav night.
They did not do a* much mischief on
that night a* they have done in the past
i on similar occasions. -vV.W*
Hare yon tried our new garden grown
teaa yet? If not, why not? They have
a delicious, fine flavor not equalled by
the teas ordinarily sold. Try a pound,
I17-9 O’Nkill Grocery CO. «
'Everyone desires to keep informhd on
Yukon, the Klondyke and Alaskan gold'
fltelds. Send 10c. for large Compendium
of vast information and big color map to
Hamilton Pub. Co, Indianapolis, Ind.
G. W. Lessinger, who started the
Independent here some years ago, was
in the city Saturday. Mr. Lessinger is
now a resident of Kansas but he says he
expects to mone back to Molt county
this fall or next spring.
Did your coffee suit yon title morning t
Remember that we still MUthat genuine
Mocha and Jaya that has secured such n
reputation here. Try a pound) none
like it it town. > * ., *.» •
1M ~ ONkim/GbocbbyCo..
Lew Combs can now greet the
members of the court-house syndicate
with a smile. They downed him in tvfo
conventions but. be went on the ballot
as a petition candidate for superyloaor
of the Fourth district and was elected,
defeating the regular populist nominee,^
Wilson Stewart, 17 votes. •
We have just opened our stock of
new hicory nuts, batel nuts, and a full
line of California nuts. Also cran
berries and new honey. When needing
any of the above or any of the delica
cies found in a first-class grocery come
In. 17-9 O’Nkili, Grocery Co.
Fred Plunder called at this office this
morning with his face wreathed in
smiles. We wondered wbat was the
mutter as be was the first republican we
had seen smile' since election. : Bot hy
soon explained the cause of hik joy by
banding us a cigar and saying that he
was now "grandpa," a son having been
boro to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moler last
week. We congratulate.
Boyd county elected the following
officers at the election Tuesday: Treas
urer, Nick Sieler, rep.; clerk, E. G.
Barbum, pop; sheriff, Wilfred Standi
ford, pop; judge, J. 8. Graves, pop;
superintendent, J. C. Yocum, rep.;
surveryor, Brandivig, rep.; coroner.
Robertson, rep.; commiss’oner, South,
trep. Post carried the county by 6, mak
ing a republican gain of over 900 over:
the.yote of ’96. Good for Boyd.
Mlmer Williams lert O’Neill this
morning for Fremont, where be expects
to make bis future home. Mrs. Will
iams and the children left last week,
Elmer waiting until ufter election. The
many friends of the family, in this city,
regret to see them leave O'Neill but
hope they will be prosperous and happy
in their new home, where Tub Frontier
will visit them each week and keep
them posted on the—we were going to
say political, but we won’t—events of
this section.
■ The Idea of the universal brotherhood
of men, regardless of creed, has been
advancing of late. In Washington a
Hebrew congregation has been holding
services in a Congregational church, by
special invitation, and in New York a
Protestant minister from his pulpit
thanked a Catholic priest who had
asked prayers for his recovery from a
Tecent illness. These are little courts*
sies of themselves, but they show a
spirit of toleration and friendliness that
deserves the highest commendation.
An exchange says: "Every little
while we read in the papers of some one
wbo has run a rusty nail in his foot,
knee, band or some other portion of
the body, and that lockjaw results
therefrom, of which the patient died.
If every patient was aware of the
remedy for all such wounds and applied
it, then all such reports must cease.
The remedy is simple, almost always on
hand and what is better is infallible. It
is simply to smoke the wound with
burning wool or woolen cloth. Twenty
^minutes of the smoke will take the pain
out of the worst case of mflamation
arising from the wound. People may
sneer at this remedy as much as they
please, bnt when they are afflicted let
them tty it. It has saved many lives
and much pain and is worthy of being
printed in letters of gold and put la
every home.
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Safely, But with Reduced Majorities.
le Land Them
' ■ /iT* "\
by About 11,000—Fashion
’tin’ s v-,;v . v,.
v*> ■
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"/. -v w ■ >- ** . W*/ r , , .t*',
.The battle of beltata ls over and Ike
populists aria again ancceaaful, electing
the entire county ticket, bat by (ready
reduced majorities. Boodle, whiskey
and promiaee were acattered freeley by
the "Rang” and the liberal use of these
stimulants carried them through. The
new ballot aided them greatly aa M
caused a number who would have voted:
for aome of the republican caodidatae to
vote the ticket straight. "the
elected will have about the following
majorities- over the republican candi
dates: Stewart 210, Henry 800,.' iirtie
175, Morrow 800, Selah 800. /Im':
Atkinson—Poat 107, Sullivan ' 74^
Dickeraon 100, Stewart 88, Alderaon 108,
Henry 57, Collina 108, Leiae 50. Harniah
90, Morrow 74, Harriaon 108, Selah §•,.
McGutd>ap4Q, Bopdeq 194,1^1
Ob ambers—Post 48, 8ullivan 45,
Dickeraon 45, Stewart 40, Alderaon 47,'
Henry 47, Collina 48, Leiae 47, Harnish
52, Morrow 42, Harriaon 85, Selah 42,
Bowden 85, Lell 55, Ktiqe 45.
Conley—Poet 26, Sullivan 18, Dicker
son 26, Stewart 14, Alderaon 22, Henry
17, Collina 24, Leiae 16. Harnish 87,
Morrow 14, Harriaon 18, Selah 8, Me
Cutehan 9, Bowden 25, Lell 16.
Cleveland—Poet 14, Sullivan 14, Dtck
eraon 16, Stewart 12, Alderaon 18, Henry
14, Collina 16, Leiae 15, Harniah'12,
Morrow 14, Harriaon 12, Selah 19, Mc-‘
Cutehan 6, Bowden 12, Lell 14.
Deloit—Poet 5, 8ullivan 71, Dicker
aon 10, Stewart 66, Alderaon 24, Henry
52, Collina 26, Leiae 48, Harniah 81,
Morrow 48, Harriaon 4, Selah 45, Mo
Cutchan 26, Bowden 6, Lell 45.
Dustin—Poet 6. Sullivan 19, Dickeraon
8. Stewart 16, Alderaon 6. Henry 19,
Collina 6, Leiae 19, Harniah 6, Morrow
19, Harriaon 6, Selah 16, McCutchat 8,
Dowaen o, ijeii iv. ■ -t ■*
Ewing—Post 68, Sullivan 97. Dicker*
■on 54, Stewart 97, Aldenon 66, Henry
97, Coltlna 78, Leiu 79. Harnish *9.
Morrow 84, Harrison 68, Seleli 86, Mo
Cutchan 16, Bowden 79, Lull 75.
Emmet—Poat 98, Sullivan 94, Dlcker
aon 94, Btawert 95, Alderaon 99, Henry
95, Collina 15, Leiae 80, Harniah 17,
Morrow 81, Harriaon 19, Belah 91,
Bowden 91, Lell 94.
Fairview—Post 7, Sullivan 18, Dryden
7, Kaley 7, Kenower 18, Von Forrel jW,
Dickerson 7, Stewart 19, Alderaon 9,
Henry 16, Collina 8, Leiae. 16, Hara'sh 7,
Morrow 19, Harrison — Belah 19
| Francis—Poat 7, Sullivan 88, -Dryden
7, Kaley 7, Kenower 89, Von Forrel 89.
Dickerson 9, Stewart 80, Alderson 5,
Henry 80, Collins 10, Leiae 97, Harttiah
10, Morrow 97, Harrison— Belah 98.
Grattan—Post 98. Sullivan 198, Dick*
ersod 44. Stewart 105, Alderson 89.
Henry 109, Collins 46, Leiae 108,
Harnish 34, Morrow 116, HarHeon 85,
Belah 118, McCutchan 14.
Green Valley—Poat 15, Sullivan 87j
Dickeraon 16, Stewart 87, Alderaon 9,
Henry 40, Collina 99, Leiae 87, Harnish
7, Morrow 44, Harrison 13, Belah 85„
I McCutchan 4, Bowden 19, Lell 80.
tv, . "v
lamaa-Port 40, Balllraa 59, Dicker
All 48, Stewart 45, Hetty 49. AMmoi
ColHttt 47, Lalae 45, Harp)* 45.
lOwrow 48^ Harriaon 90, Saleh 99. Mo
Iow*-*<£t 18.8«Ilina 50. DltkiBoa
98, Stewart 17, Alderaon- 17, Henry 80,
06111m 88, Loin 18, HwnUfc 81, Morrow
10, Harriaon 17, Belah 18, Bowdea ■ 80,
‘Ifll 17. .
Lake—PoatlB, Sullivan 3J, Dlck.rvoa
14, Stewart 89, Alderaon 18, Hoary 88,
Colllna 18, Lalae 89, Haralth 88, Morrow
88,; Harriaon 18, Belafc 89, McCutChan 15.
OHaill, lit ward—Port 88, Sullivan
49, Malay 88, Drydao 91, Von Pdrral 48,
Keaower 48, Mortop 1, Dlokaraoa 88,
Stewart 85, Brady 8, Alderaon 88, Henry
09. Oollin 81, Lalae 41, ltdrtan 1, Her
alHSi, Morroi
Kline 48:
OWeiU, 2nd ward—Post 21, flnlllTaii
48, Dlokaraoa 38, Stewart 88, Alderson
38, Henry 88, Colllna 83, Lalae 84, Har
niah 88, Morrow 40, Harriaoa 80, Belah
88, MeCatohan 10, Bowden 99, Loll 88.
O'KelU, 8rd ward—Poat 88, BnBiyan
48, Drydon 88, Kaley 87, Von Parrel 89,
Konower 87, Dlokaraoa 44, Stewart 89,
Aldaraon 49, Henry 88. Colllna 47, Lalae
81, Harnlah 41, Morrow 89, Harriaon 35,;
Salat* 89, MeCntehan 90, Bowden 87,
y 8if, Harriaon 18, Soldi
bell 88.
| Ptoaaantvlew—Poet 19, Sullivan 16,
Dickerson 90,.Stewart 1#. Aide non 99,
Hen* 18, Collins 19, Lelse 90, Harnlfh
99, Morrow 19, Harr!too It, Selah 19,
Bowden 19, Lell 18. ,
Paddock—Poat 81, Sullivan 85. Dlck
«ra«i 48, Stewart 89, Alderaon 40, Henry
41, Odilina 49. Leita 49, Uarnish 41,
Morrow 41, Harriaon 98, Selah 41, Bow*
das 88, Kline 49.
I Sheridan—Poet 86, aolUran 48, Dick*
•non 80, Stawart 48, Alderaon 98, Henry
44, Coillna 81, Laiaa 51, Harniah 10,
Morrow 69, Harriaon 98, Salah 49.
Start Creak—Poet 98, Diekaraon 15,
Stewart 98, Alderaon 84, Hejiry 85,
Coillna 80, Leiae 97, Harniah 80, Morrow
98, Harriaon 98, Salah 96, MpCotchan 4,
Bowden 97. Loll 80.
Stuart—Poet M, Sullivan 96, Dicker
■on 108, Stewart 85, Alderaon 101,
Henry 8T, Coillna 111, Lalae 88, Harniah
98, Morrow 90, Harriaon 87, Salah 80,
MeCutchan 98, Bowden 101, Lell 90,
Kline 84. • ,
Shlelda—Poat 89, Sullivan 87, Dicker
son 99, Stewart 84, Alderaon 95. Henry
67. Coillna 98, Leiae 88, Harniah 98,
Morrow 88, Harriaon 90^ Selah 84,
Bowden 94, Lell 86.' ■ • ‘f '£■} 0
Sbaeu’ock—Part 8, Sullivan 19, Dick*
eraon 8r Stewart 19, Coillna 4, Leiae 11,
Alderaon 3, Henry 19. Haraidt 9, Mor
row 18, MeCutchan 4, Selah 11, Harri
aon 0, Bowden 1. Lell 14,
Sand Creek—Poat 18. Sutlivaa 91,
Dickeraon 18, Stewart 18, Alderaon 18,
Henry 19, Coillna it, Lalae 17, Harniah
15, Morrow 16, Harriaon 18. Selah 16,
Bowden 14, Lell 19. ,
Soott—Port 18, BnUivan 81, Dleharaon
19, Stewart il, Alderaon 18, Hetty 84,
Collins 88, Leise 94, Harnl.h 80, Morrow
99, Harrison IB, Selah 88, McCutchaa 7,
Bowden IQ, 1*1191.
Verdigris—Poet 48. Sullivan 61,
Dickered 80. Stewart 68, Alderson 41,
HesryBO, Collins, 48, l*lse 66, Banish
40, Morrow 60, Harrison, 40, Selah 4Q,
McCutchaa 0, Bowden 46, Lell 66, Kliaf
6S. ' - . . • 4 ,
Wyoming—Post 18, Sullivan 88,
Diekereon 18, Stewart 16, Aldenoo 18,
Henry 90, Collins 17. LeieeSl, Banish
88, Morrow 16, Harrison 18, Selah ip.
MeCutohaoS, Bowden 18, Lett 81. f; ?
Willowdalo-Poat 11, Sullivan i\,
Diekereon 10, Stewart 81, Aldereoa 8
Benry 91, OolUas 11. Leiee 91, Hanleh
1% Morrow 19, Harrison 9, Selah 17,
McCntehaa 6, Bwfden lO, Lett 91, S3ina
"I eaa’t eee bow any family liven
without Chamberlain’# Colic, Cholera
iaad Diarrhoea Remedy,M ear* J. R.
| Adame, a well known druggist of
Geoeva, Ala., In a letter inquiring the
price of a doaen bottlee, that he might
not only have it for nee in hie own
family, but eupply it to bis neighbor;,
the reaaoA aome people get along with
but it ie beoauae they do not know ite
value, and what a vaat amount of suffer
log it will eave. Wherever it beoomet
known and need, it ie recognised at a
necessity, for It is the only remedy that
can always be depended upon for bowel
eompMnte. both for children and
•dulte. For sale by P. G. Corrigan.
;H mcnir umn.
The Leonie teaohera’ association will
be bald at Leoula school house at 10
o'clock November 27, 1827, whan the
following program will ba rendered:
“Patriotism la the Schools, Should ft
Be Encourage 3 T”.D. B. Thurston.
. "Patriotism, Bow Stimulated r
•..Miss Addle Lanswortb.
"Patriotism, Iu Value.".
...Bert PoetiewaH,
“Sheldons Baines History, Group
HI."..... .Miss EUaa Lanswortb.
Disoosslop..Idas Gertie Leeper.
“The Seem Tongues of Children.'’
......Edward Larson.
“Child Study in the Home and Hered
ity."..Llssa Hopkins.
“Domestic Events.". Jennie Ferguson.
“Foreign Events.".--Roy Ashton.
“Religious Events.". .Hrs.Postlewait.
All patrons and others interested In
education are cordially Invited to be
present. D. H. Thcbstok, See. |
: .O’. - '• « ’ * t I
la-order to introduce thcir low atetal
wheels with vide dree, the Empire Mfg.
Oo.., Quincy,. Ill,, have pleaed open the
market • farmers' handy wagon, sold at
the low price of lIPJU. Th*> bed of
wagon Is en)V 95 laches high, fitted
with 34 sad 80-Inch wheels, with 4-iaoh
liras, either straight or ataggard spokes.
This wagea Is made of best material
throughout, and folly guaranteed for
one year. Catalogue giving (nil descrip
tion will be mailed upon application to
the manufacturers, who also furnish
metal wheals at low prices, made any
rise tad width of tire to fit any axle. ,
Go to Boltina Mercantile Co'e. for
bargains to dothipg, floves, mittens,
«pt, undorwMr, Mou, ihoee, over
coats and oil kinds of winter (ooda, nt o\':/§7
bargain at Soltinn Hercantila Co'a.,
O’Neill, Nab.
IT 4
To heal the broken end dlaaaead tie*
toes, to soothe the irritated sorlaees, to
Instantly relieve and to pitman fitly
cure is the mission of DeWItt’s Witcb
Basel Belie. Hanamann g Pitman.
No an or woan can enjoy life or
aoeeapBah aneh in this World wMte
raftering froa a torpid liver* DeWItfb
Little Berly Risers. the piUs tbnt dense
that sign noiekly.
"WM OtMttoag....
■ Babaing coses, indolent. oloers and*;
•»«#•»; troolrieet even thoogb ilftttL‘,-i
yearsSteadiog. e«nd by *06*;,^
Dewitt's Witeh Beset fldff* Denotes. *
•trngtheas aU kealn lt la the grint ^
” onrt^i girls ■ *•'.
taell, tapering and benotttolly shaped; ,
t»»dr lit are brilliant as «», and they an
without a | In this or nyethar f; thdr
frowns ere Uka ft* and tbstolWHUQ
'Malle- in of pleasure. Bend tth if
doedf. dopot f its rettabttttr, and tty.f
tbe slteetloa.*, ;vi;
Oertalnlv you don't
Mfce. • seilow skin end lose __
*«* bnw nMw Mini DsWiwn %mie
Eirlv 77
woaidMe»nsip ini» Thug nreapeli
m va* tick with » aovooo kotool'..
urn *.< a armn. «
yradartchetawa, Mi.*-- ■-••Omh Iwufi '
wnadykad WM.ikN wMtKtea*
barin'* Oolhg Cholera aadp*a*<»«
r, Mr. JianoS.
madlclDta »»d *ow hapdlai oalyOhM'
berila’p OoUfc Cholera Pinyhaa
Bonady. Hpho* naadtoia. Ml Inally
aad aold it .to hla mMm for yean.
r ..#
" 1 V.
the beet rotoady far eolieaad dkfeyitea *
he haaaaer kobwa. It sot oalr gljrae
ndkf tout affect* itmuawtaH. It
toalOPMfo aadpleaaaot to taka. ■>!!»»
tt da ideal raandrfoi Wood*—Mia*
Ww aata by P. 0. Oorrigoa, i
-r ■;
tfeat I
It «ur bo worth a—athtoi f booar
th* T#iy beet andieia* tor aealtriag: A
the tiradaad hhom ayataaato a healthy -■
algor la Ktootrle Bitten. Thto mediate* ,
to maljf aagatabla, aota by etriag MM ;
to the aere* oaatraa lnH the atonaab. - ..
gaotly atlatnlatw tha llrfftr aad kMaott ■
and aide tha agiM la tbiovtog oC km*'
parities m tbo blood, Kleetrio Mtten .
lmproraa th* appetite, ahU dlgntioe
aad to proaooaoad by tkoaa aka hare * *
triad It aa tha vary beat hlood aariflar
aad nere* toaie. Try U. Bold for OOe
or 11 par hottla at Corrigan'*.
'. to warn n mat oonmm &
I hava baaa la thadregbaaiaaaa far
twain yean, aad dorfag thaktinohaee
•old aaariy all th* ooogh
OnaaCaolaradi aad ft*at my
kaowtodg* of aaah aemedfaa, I aay that
Cbamberiala’a Ooagh Bonady gteaa
better aattofaettoa thaa aay op tha
market—W. M. Than. »k»o*.Ky.
Bold ftOorrign, droggtot .. ; >i ^
„s, ■ fln^ouu&TCim, ,
For a dollar Mil the Seud-Weehly
0MM Journal wlll te nit Iron bow »■
4MI1 January 1. 18N. A geed leag,
time to gat two Mg popora twf wotk ■'»
with all tho Ofwa of tit wholeworld;
•11 ttta ataM aewa and tal faatmoaaoewa
and gonfralreadiag auUar Khan yea f*t
•Ut any othfr aiate paper. ,* Tht looraM.,%'
ta opeadiat money and o*°rtia writing* *
up tho Mirati of Mab realm aadaetting; ' V
our atatob adraatagoa advantage! before •
tho people of tho wholo eountry.
Ifabraakal FWiM>y will briag thoua- ■ 1
eadaof tarot boyere to oar atate* You 1
aturnld road tho Journal, which i« art aa .;
Omaha paner or a Llaoola part*, hut a
atato paper in tta truant araoA “What =!
will bo for the beat lataraata of Nobrae>
kauar ia the drat queaOoa aaked by tho .‘"f
Journal when called opob to decide.
Every Nebraakaa ahould do hia beat to ->
keep tne State Journal before tho poo* ;
pie, and that beat meaao by aeediag iu
one dollar which will pap for the paper
to January. IMP. Altar you read It
read it to your frieedo in the earn and
let them aae what grant thing! wo are d,
doing in Nebraaka. Bead la your dol*.
lar to tho State Journal, Llaoola, Neb.
Theaooner you read, the more papora
you will got for your moaey.
To ourouotomoro, a- bountiful
$100 Mutlo Box, January 1, 1068. -I