!J4 '£& r< ■ ‘dk»f*l asa|if$he Mm. « ■- wMmmMMIcIni. C: ■ : . I POWDER ■ Absolutely Pur* - t’l ,. ■ ■ . • iiM' *■• '.■ ■> %mn*Cwuaim»Mvi» to’, utm wi, INS WMEBS - hnt of IatacMt Told As They Ar* \ Told to Us. WHIM AH!) HOW IT KAPFBKED tea* Imwlip PsrUsyH tut Ssasrsl MUsoUsa bad Aanssaeat. <:•;» Boil tits sod wire always on hand at Neil Bronaan’s. 10-tf “ ||gf Miss Blaaehe Sbatts, of Atkinson,, If was shopping Ip O’Beni Tueedajf. |;| WARTHMnlfiot general bouse '■ \ work. (Ml oa MrklJobn McHugh. : '■x - Post Ramr—House of sis room*, rent ressoasble. Enquire of Mr. Doyle. lOtf H. M. Uttley was In Linooln lsat week: arguing soase cases before the tnprene f * T'\ * ^ George Molten, who Is teaching In Bailor oonbty, is la the city visiting *" ' WIU Mullen, whu is teaching at ' linn Antelope county, spent Sunday In the city. jtspecial bargains in olotbing, overcoats m:} <14>' I8*tf fW'*M to mt» moaajr got oar ? x >pcteei^df clothing, underwear, cepe, ghrtee, aitttu and nil winter goods. H'f'gaUjTeaMeroaaUleOo. , 17-4 , f Whoa aeadiag eon, oata, bna or ' step M| ritt on na, we are prepared to ;:-V Ml yoor ordera la thia Ilea. iM O’Kbill Gbocbbt Co. S^IOTiia seeding oon, oata, braa or gfblp flaed call ouNkwo are prepared to * ' til poor ordera la tfcetlfae. O’Kanx Gbocbbt Co. is OSfolU ia oat boating dMke aad eUekeaa theae daya, aad f.^laat aiaety-aiae out of every handled ;■ report the ‘'boating* aa beiag remark , ' ' Col. John Brennan the gifted editor I of the Nortkwasten Catholic, of Sioax CUT, apeot Toaadey la O'Nellltke goaat t of KeU BraaaaB. We > acknowledge a Hare yea tried oar aewgaiden. grows ... > IT... Vu. If not, why aotT Thar have deUeraae, iae flayoraot equalled by .the .rasa eidlaaiUr fold. Try a pound. '! d?fl OT® Caecaay Co. m _define to keep lafprmed oa t, Ike ytwadyke ead Alaakan gold Wg^targe Ootapeadium raeapto lad. ^igcoolor map t y|Mia, lad m So yon love a niee, dob, fret-due, full cream cheese? We hare it. The price ia right to. Buy. a pound. 17-1 O'NEri.1, Grocery Co. On account of the storm the Catholic fair, which waa to lave been held Tuesday, Wednesday And Thursday of this week, bu been postponed until Tuesday, Wednesday and'Thursday of next week. ‘_' < ' Oo to Sullivan Mercantile Co’s, for bargains in clothing,gloves, mittens, caps, underwear, boots, shoes, over coats and all kinds of winter goods, at a bargain at Sullivan Mercantile Co’s., O’NilU, Neb.*- * 17 4 We are today unloadings car load of -that fancy floor. Gilt Xdgo and Best Patent. If yon want white. Sweet, wholesome bread don^ fail to try 100 or viOO pounds, We WIN make the' right P^ce. 17-1 O‘S0Lv Gbockby Co. William Btortta^and Miss Ida Her shiMr were married Wednesday at the ruidence of the brides parents by Judge McCutchan. Thk Fbortieh tenders its congratulations and wishu them joy unlimited In their journey through life. It’s getting time you began to bake “flap jacks.” We have Ralston Health flap jack flour, also California breakfut food, wheatUng, cracked wheat and rolled oets in prekages. Cope in, we can flx you out. , .?■< 17-1. vQ’Neill Qhoceky Co. *: "The EWtWbf our town'girls arc small, tapwing and beautifully shaped; their 111 are brilliant as ***, and they are without a |in this or any other g; their frowns are like fff and their 1384007890 excite !1! of pleMure. Read3 this «T oloeeiy, do not t its 'reliability, and try 3m-<^>» the situation.” » It a galling lima you began to bake “flap Jacka”. We hare Balaton, Health flap Jack flour alao, California breakfast food, Wheatling, Cracked Wheat, aad Rolled Oata In pk’gs. Come In, we can fla you out. 17-1 O’Nim, Obocukt Co. Mra. F. £. Helnertkaon, formerly of thla city, died at Ilarlon, Iowa, Wednea day, October 18, 1897. of typhoid foyer, after an lllneaa of four weeka. The remaiua were Interred In the Harlon cemetery. The many friends of the family iu thla city eympathise with them in their lorn. Swing Advocate: Walt Smith and Jaa. Trigg, of O'Neil], have secured the contract for painting the new mill at thla place. O’Neill made a fight for the mill to be built at that place, bu| having loot that they concluded to take second beet, and arranged with the manage* ment to do the painting. The boya are thoroughly competent workmen4 and will complete the work with satisfaction to all concerned. * "I can't eee how any family llvea without Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,” eaya J. R. Adame, a. well knpwa drugglat of Oeneya, Ala., In a. letter Inquiring the price of a doaen bottlea, that he might not only have it for use In his own family, butanpply it to hia neighbors. The reaaon aome people get along with dtat it ia becauae they do not know iu value, and what a vaat amount of Buffer ing it will aave. Wherever il becomea known and uaed, it la recognized aa a neoaaelty, for it la the only remedy that can always be depended upoafor bowel complainta, both for children and adolta. For calc by P, C. Corrigan. Valentine' Democrat: J. T. Keeley left Tueeday morning for the Fort Bel knap Indian agency, Montana, to accept the poeitlou of laaue clerk, a promotion from hia place in the Indian warehouaa here. Jack haa been a reaident of Val entina for over nine yean, coming hero from O'Neill in 1888 to accept the post tlon of deputy county treaanrer under E. McDonald. From the treaeorer’a office he entered the Indlain warehouaa when Tooker waa flrat appointed re ceiving and chipping dark. With the exception of a abort time paaaed ia the employ of the railroad and later under J. M. Thachar,, poat trader at Fort Niobrara, he haa been in ihe warehouse ever elnce ’89, serving abler the eucce* aive admlnistrationa of Tucker, Ogleeby, Carroll and Tucker, up to the time he waa promoted. G. R. Wataon takea the place formerly occupied by Mr. Keeley, aad thie fact insures capable manage ment ot the office. While we are entry to loae Mr. Keeley aa a citlsea, we con gratulate him upon hia promotion. Mra. Keeley aad the children will remain here for the present. A SOOO ODUtP flU VIM*. li oite to talM*e* tUr low astal wheals vltk vldi tiros, tbs Empire Mfg. Co., Quinsy, 111., hoys placod upcatbe market s farmers’ bandy wagon, sold «t tbs low pries of 110.93. The bed oj wegoa is only 85 inches high, fitted with 34 and 80-inch wheels, with 4-inch tires, either straight or ataggard spokes. This wagon is made of best material tiroughout, and fully guaranteed for te year. Catalogue giving full deeCrip- ■ ^ —“1 be mailed upon application to ufaeturers, who also furnish Is si low prices, made any gk of tire to 8t any axis. | ■' The "BioyeHstfi Beet Friend” is a familiar name for DeWitt’a Witch Steel Salve, always ready for emergencies. While a specific for piles, it also instant ly relieves and cures cuts, bruises, salt rheum, eczema and all affections of the skin. It never fails. Hbbsbisbb & QiLi.roau. i ■ III I i1 r r11 T . CONS0tIDATED FIELD FENCING H —do to m rnmmtatjtae md b pmMtoimillMMliiML 'Nothlngbut Urv*, Galvanlsad Wire, of th* Bnt Bouamor Stnl, UMd In Its oonatruotlon. A FENCE THAT ALWAYS KEEPS . . ITS SHAPE. . The hlap Mat at aach latenaction of the wire. sty i adiuatable fence I_aimall at*y wlrea iron bending. TbaeriaB la tha (triad prorldea ft lor eapaa* and coo traction and pretraata afar wire freak411 m bring oat of place. I Wlr® s M av .• Neil Brennan. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. j-p... - .. ... V NOTICE JOB PUBLICATION. $ ' ■" Laud Omoi at O’Nbilx, Rn. ’ October SB, 1897. r. Notice l« hereby siren that the following named setUerhss flled notlee at his intern before register_ on Deoembea 4.18*7, via: Jen to make Anal proof in support of hit claim, and that said proof will be made and receiver at O'Neill, Neb., hie continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, vie: Richard H.Hurray. Thomas 8. Boaob, Joseph Newberry, N. Nobs B. J. WllKllt Oraea, all of Page 17-flnp Register. NOTICE FOB PTBLIOATION. Lamp Ornci at O^Nxill. Ntap^ Notice la hereby given that the following named settler has lied notice of his inten tion to make dual proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register ana receiver nt O’Neill, Neb., on December 7. 1887, vis: LEWIS H. DOWNEY, of Star P. O. Neb., H. B. No. 14608, for the BER Bee. 8, Tp. SO, R. 0. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon end cultiva tion of saidjaed, vis: Alex B. Worts. A. B. 17-6* B.J. Vsiua, Eeglstsr. NOTIOB. Unknown heirs or Devisees of Augustus Frederick, deceased, Loran O. Stott, as exe cutor of the estate of Bailie A. Frederick, deceased, and Loran 0. Stott, defendants, will take notice that Ira Davenport, plaintiff, has died a petition In the district court of llolt oounty, Nebraska, against said defend ants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a mortgage dated November It, 1888, for d200 ana Interest and taxes on the northwest quarter of section twelve, township twenty-five, range fourteen. In Holt oounty, Nebraska, given by Augustus Frederick an& Battle A. Frederick1Jo plaintiff which mortgage was duly recorded In boOk ft, page 78, of the mortgage records of mid county and to have the same decreed to be a first lien and said lands sold to satisfy Hie same. That the district court of said county has made an order for publication of notice •gainst unknown heirs or devisees of Augus tus Frederick, deceased. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 22d day of Novo mber, N87. Dated September N. 1881 „ „ Ira Davxnpoht, Plaintiff.: By W. J. Courtrlght, Attorney. . im NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land OBoe at O’Neill, Nebr.. Oet. 1.18V. Notloe Is hereby given that the following 1ED1M SAltlAP hua Mlmsi noflmi n* kla «-• aivieuh wuvmij |ivuu liDBI LOO lOUOWlOR named settler has nlad notloe of his Intantlon tomnkeSnal---— ■ • — and that salt Begistor and_ November 13,1881. vis. WILLIAMloW'SB. T. O. number 8808. for “WWW wi uw lUHnWMl Bnel proof In support of his claim, sum proof will be made before the and Receiver at O’Neill, Neb., on ssam wwmhuwiu ■ VUIUVUIN) USUD MllU vUlvl* vatlon of said land, vU: Jesse Boy, Albert '^lDofro!N,s!n?“ebrisfa.AmlreW Mor,*Q 14-8 S.J. Wanna, Register. , NOTIOB, TIMBER CULTURE. J United States Land Offioa, O'Neill, Nab. _ , , . SeptemberM, 18U7. Complaint having been entered nt this offioa by E. H. Benedict against Nelson Tommy for failure to comply with law as to Timber Culture entry No. 8321. dated July 38,1888. SKS5, NW* NB54 and’lfiK NWr section m, township 28, north range! 12 west, In Holt county. Nebraska, with a vfew to the eanodUatlon of said entry: oontestnat alleging mat the said Nelson fconcrayhas done no breaking, has cultivated no orops, has planted no trees, tree seeds or cutting* •t any time during the entire time since bis mid entry was made, nor has he caused it to be dona, and that allsaiddefeultSMistat the present time; the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on thaAtk day of November, 1887, at • o'clock a. ifi*o !*•» S. J. Wnxxna, Register. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. -p OBoe at CNMU. Neb.,Oet.l, 1MT. Motto* la hereby it Tan that •KeMMlng namednattlar hu IM notice of hla tarnation to .make final proof inaupportof hla claim. *nd that aajd proof will bemad. beforeW 3iJk&s& s“gn He mom the following wltneeaee hla continuous reeldenoe upon end of aald land. Tie: —*- * borenao Boat and Nebraska, im NOTICE POB PUBLICATION. .4 Laitd Orrica at 0*N*uju, Naa.. Cbx,, tiw. Notice Is hereby flven that the toUowlan named scatter ha* lied notice of bis lnteatloa to make Anal proof In support of his claim, and that stid proof will be made before §e,rt,,1L?l!?.3$0?JTWr O’Neill, Nett,, on JOsSpifV&^FIUtV. H. B. number 14578, tor the 8W* seotlou a. toumihlpJL1£n j?% *lfe aaiaea the following wltnsesei to move Bid nBiSBBB— --l->--mmA. emd ...Cl_ Li * »v.m#wi«# wim—W W DDY0 as-^wrisi^r9&>xi s& »* _IJ. Wnaans.Register NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Land Omen. O’Neill. Neb. 1 „ . . . . , Oot. 1,1887. f Notice I* hereby irlven that the followlnf namea settler has died notice of his laten SSToiXXSSSffSfclZ' RfJBEN BBUCE. T. 0. number SMB, for the EH NKH and EHSEliSectionuitowsshlp XT, ranee 14 west. T He names the following witnesses to prove hla continuous residence upon and aunt ra tion of Hid land. Yla: . Jesse Boy, Albert *" A-dr.wkar.an 144 0.3. Warn, Begteter. . J . \:v ’ .. f S: ■ s " J>:st ■ S/i*: I V. THE FRONTIER . -f-'*- if* '. 18 the : OLDEST PAPER „ i ** *.c and the' -it*. ' BEST PAPER - WV* in I'i-Ss* AV+ .#;.<■ - - v, >‘A : ' ri —■ -' ' 4 j. ■' -i. " ! i HOLT COUNTY. • • - r Its office is fitted with the ^inost most modem convenien ces and machinery, always has : f the latest faces of type, the best workmen, and is thereby ~ _ "" ' ' 111 enabled to turn out the most satisfactory kind of job work* Its management uses none but the best paper, are scrupu* :j neat and prompt with their work and guarantee satisfac* tion. Mail orders receive ' careful attention, and if your home paper is not prepared to ----- ; do all classes of work you will find it to your financial benefit to communicate with The Frontier. __ J % The Frontier Carries a very complete line of legal blanks and sells them reasonably cheap. If we do not have what you want we will print it almost as you «* f • ••••• x As an Advertising fledium It is the best in the county, especially at the county seat. It circulates among the best class of people; a class that pays for what it gets and does not patronize non-iesidents, as does a certain portion of the people in the west. Its rates for advertising are very low, and the business man who does not advertise in it is loser more than he dreams of. i If you want To subscribe for The Frontier and any other paper or maga* sine published on earth we will give you « rate and save you money. We have clubbing rates with the lead* ing publications of the world. Call on or address