- Men of the noblest dispositions think themselves happiest when others share their happiness with them.— Jeremy Taylor. The greatest cape in the world is % Cape Horn, a precipitous mountain over 3,000 feet high. The nobleness of life depends on its consistency, clearness of purpose, quiet and ceaseless energy.—Ruskln. Prayer is not conquering God’s re luctance, but laying hold upon God’s ' willingness.—Phillips Brooks. Unmingled joys here to no man be fall.—Southwell. Uncoln Park, Chicago, One of the beauty spots of Chicago, is described in a most beautifully illustrated book, of 96 pages, now being distributed by the Chicago, Milwaukee & 8t. Paul Railway Company. It is full of the finest half-tone pictures of one of Creation’s most charming places of resort for citizens of the Great Republic. Everyone who has ever visited the park will appreciate the souvenir, and for those who have not it will be a revelation of what is to be seen in Chicago. It can only be procured by enclosing twenty-five (95) cents in coin or postage stamps, to Geo. H. Heafford, gen eral passenger agent, 410 Old Colony Building, Chicago, 111. A recent Invention is a cradle that rocks by means of a clockwork mech anis-rji, and, at the same time, plays baby tunes. If you want to operate on the Chicago .Board of Trade send for our free book con taining full Information how to trade. On: account of the short, wheat crop in foreign countries and the short corn crop In this country, both corn and wheat will sell much higher, and now is t he time to mako a profit able Investment. We execute orders In wheat In 1.000 bushels and upwards, and corn and oats In 5,000 bushels and upwards. Write us today. R. J. J.aughery A Co., 228 Rialto Building, Chicago Members Chicago Board of Trade. As far as calculations can decide, the temperature of comets is believed to be 2,000 times fiercer than that of red-hot Iron. FARRELI/S ItKP STAR EXTRACT IS The best; all grocers will refund your money If yon are not satlsaed with It. There are in India 200,000 widows aged between ten and fourteen years, . and 80,000 less than nine years old. ’ Mrs. Winslow’s Sostnisg syrup For ehlldvsn teethliig.sortena the gums,redness inflsm* matlou. al.ays pain, cures wind colic. S cants a bottle '-■» --* What is ambition? "Cis a glorious : cheat.—Willis. TO CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund the money If it falls to cure. 25o Gambling mania is now accepted in Prance as a ground for divorce. A Kansas City young man of Amen, can parentage, whose Christian name was Moses, has had It changed to Mdke, which may or may not be a$ improvement. . Life’s a short summer; man a flow* er.—Dr. Johnson. How’* TMH We oiler One Hundred Dollars reward, for any case of Cutarih that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We. the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their tlrm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.; W aiding, Klnnun & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mu. cous surfaces of the system. TesUmo nlals sent free. Price 76c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. -j»——-: Religion is the mortar that binds so ciety together; the granite pedestal of I liberty; the strong backbone of the j social system.—Dr. Guthrie. Tours In the Rocky Mountains, The ‘’Scenic Line of the World.” the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, offers to tourists in Colorado, Utah and New Mex-» ico the choicest resorts, and to the trans continental traveler the grandest 'scenery.' Two separate and distinct routes through the Rocky Mountains, all through tickets available via either. The direct line to Cripple Creek, the greatest Gold Camp on earth. Double daily train service with through Pullman sleepers and togrists’ cars i between Denver to San Francisco. The best line to Utah, Idaho, Montana, , Oregon and Washington via the “Ogden Gateway.” Write S. K. Hooper, G. P. & T. A., Den ver, Colorado, for illustrated descriptive; pamphlets. A god book is the precious life-blood of a master spirit, embalmed and treasured up: on purpose to a life be-; yond life.—Milton. Cheap Tickets Via the Omaha & St. Louis R. R. and Wabash R. R. St. Louis, one way, 89.13, round trip, 815.35. On sale every Tues days and Thursdays. St. Louis: Round trip October 3d to 8th, 811.50. Home seekers’ Excursions. South: Septem- - ber 21, October 5 and 19. One fare the round trip, plus 82. Springfield, 111.: ; Round trip, 813.25; on sale September 18, 19, 2o! For tickets and further in formation call at 1415 FarnainSt. (Pax* ton Hotel Block), Omaha, or write G. N. Clayton, Omaha. Neb. 1 Few people in India eat more than twice a day and thousands only once. Coe’a Conch Balsam Is the oldest and best. It will break up a cold quicker than anything- else. It is always reliable. Try it. The paths of glory lead but' to the grave.—Gray. . ► ◄ « The hair is like a plant. What makes the ' plant fade and wither? Usually lack of neces < sary nourishment. The reason why Ayer’s Hair 4 Vigor restores gray or faded hair to its normal * color, stops hair from falling, and makes it > grow, is because it supplies the nourishment the * hair needs. * u 4 4 ► 4 4 . GET THE GENUINE ARTICLE! Walter Baker & Co.’s i Trade-Mark. .Breakfast COCOA 1 Pure, Delicious, Nutritious. • Costa Less than ONE CENT a cup. j Be sure that the package bears our Trade-Mark. J Walter Baker & Co. Limited, j (Established i78o.) Dorchester, Mass. 1 * OR. McGREW 18 THK ONLY SPECIALIST i i WHO TRKiTS ALL PRIVATE DISEASES Weakia*«36 Disorder of MEN ONLY 20 Years’ Experience. 10 Years In Omaha. Book free. Consultation and Examination Free. 14th & Faraam Sta., OMAHA. NEB. OUR KLONDIKE SHOES ire a silt edge i’ae. and ever* rentleinan should see them be fore buying. They a re the beet no wo have over oflered. Ask your dealer for them, and you will get the best as veil as the latest style shoe in the mar ket. Be sure t/l not for it BiiAlLEV m> Ul.uuii^u, Dei Moines, 7§. PENSIONS Getyoar Pension DOUBLE QUICK Write CAPT. OTARRELL, Pension Ayent, <425 New York Avenue, WASHINGTON, D. C. Pi ENSIONS, PATENTS, CLAIMS. JOHN W MORRIS,NASHIN6TH.0.& LnU Principal Sxiualnar D B. Pension Bureau. 3 jrm la lost war, 15 adjudicating claiam, a tty. *iuo* ^ Pi'SO'S CURE FOR * units WHEKt ALL ELSE PAILS. Beat Cough Syrup. Tantes Good. In iiiuij. Sold by droggiwta. C O r I U M P TIO N \ <*oWl*5Tg; Sr POMMEL The Best Saddle Coat Keeps both rider and saddle per fectly dry in the hardest storms. Substitutes will disappoint Ask for 1807 Fish Brand Pommel Slicker— It is entirely new. If not for sale in your town, write for catalogue to A. J. TOWER. Boston, Mass. CURE YOURSELF! Cm Big O for unnatural discharge*, inflammation*, I irritation* or ulceration* , of mucous membrane*. lpr«T«au cooPaiole**, and not aatriu AtheEvansChemICRLCO. *«nt or poisonous. Sold by XtroyrMs, “or sent in plain wrapper, by exprew*, prepaid, for tl .Of), or S bottle*, |2.75. ^ v» — Circular seat on request. DOW AWD WHEN TO GO. WHIT TO TIKE. WHiT IT COSTS. hte»mor I>nte», Ijl.tnn,Prnctlrnl Adrlce. All In our p«mphl«t. •• YUKON FOINTKB8,” poitn*. pnid to *riy nddrew far SO Cent*. A retie Publishing Co.. Seattle Wa*h. KStfS&^iTbmpMii'sEy* Water. SCARED THE GROOMS. MEN ABOUT TO BE MARRIED FRIOHTENED. Courage to Fee# the Ordeal—-Ooe Man Coaid Mot Otter the Vows Beeaote of Hie Extreme Merroaaneea — Bom . Amusing Incidents. OSSIBLY every man about to mar ry experiences a novel Inward flutter' when crucial hour, arrives and brfngs the altar into sight; but it is not often that one hears of d, prospective hus band whose nerve' deserts him to the extent that he fights shy of the cere mony at the last moment and allows the brlds to leave the church without having changed her name, says Happy Thoughts. -Hitches of this startling kind do, however, now and then occur. The bridegroom has not the courage to face the public ordeal, and the sit uation becomes both humorous and dramatic. A most, amusing attack of “nerves” of this order was witnessed by a large crowd at a country church not long since. The bridegroom wps late in arriving. When at length "he came abreast of the church gates, heat , ed and flurried, the sight of his white robed life partner in the midst (4 an Imposing patty fairly scattered what courage he had summoned for the occasion. He turned and made off across country as fast as his shaking legs would carry him. The crowd and a number of his indignant friends pur suing him, he took refuge up a tree, and no remonstrances would induce him to descend and go through the cer emony. He paid rather dearly for his cowardice, however, for the bride promptly jilted him and walked to the same church with a bolder man a few months later. At another church- In the neighborhood a number of people "Who had flocked to see a popular local couple made one were curiously dis appointed. When it came to the turn of the bridegroom to give utterance to his vows he 4as 'found to be tongue tied by sheer/ tVfvousness. The longer they waited/],- i him to recover the worse ne bcj Anally, waite aa a ghost, hy®Pu0,lwl*vabout and ran out °-' } »uu iau uui of the bulf itnightjno amount of jeers or encoura^ %bout fved to Induce him to attempt 1 a second time he perforce rt. % single misery. Plenty of htO» Hifua instances have been recordedijjdere the Intended hus band, brave enough in his wooing,has found himself unable to stand and be publicly married. One gentleman be came so unnerved at sight of the swell ing assembly and the preparations that he slipped Into the vestry and locked himself In until the registrar lost pa tience and the ceremony had to be abandoned. In another case a missing bridegroom was discovered locked In his bedroom at home and sheer force had to be used by his friends before he could be Induced to Walk to the church. As It turned out he jvas too late. The bride felt herself justified in declining to fulfill her part of the con tract with so diffident a partner. Bht perhaps as unique an example of what may be. termed “altar fright’* as any known was one which caused quite a sensation in a midland town some years ago. The circumstances were peculiar enough to bear repetition. A young man, standing at the altar with the future participant of his joys and sorrows, suddenly fainted when asked to declare his willingness to take a wife and had to be carried home In a cab. Later he essayed to enter the lists of matrimony with more success, but, strange to say, his nervousness again reached such a pitch that he swooned at precisely the same part of the pro ceedings. When on a third occasion the same weakness overcame him as soon as he entered the church it be came evident 'that his physical cour age was not equal to the ordeal. Wheth er the bride declined to look foolish for a fourth time or whether the cere mony was subsequently performed in private was not told. Brides, it Is in teresting to note, do not appear to suf fer from any such backwardness. Their nervousness seems to be of a different order and it is seldom or never that one hears of a case where the lady has failed to come up to the “line” through mere dread of public ity. Where Mustaches Are Barred. Time was in England when the em ployes ot banks might not wear beards or mustaches. This restriction has In almost every instance long been re moved. One exception still remains. The historic house of Coutts, where royalty keeps its private accounts, de clines to alter the rule of a by-gone age, and visitors to its ancient walls will note that its employes present a re markably trim and smart appearance. The younger clerks yearning for those hirsute adornments so dear to budding adolescence have recently memorialized the partners on this subject, but, alas! without success. KnumbnuMM. Wife (revisiting the scene of her be trothal)—I remember, Algernon, so well when you proposed to me, how painfully embarrassed you were. Al gernon—Yes, dear; and I remember so well bow kind and encouraging you were, and how very easy you made It for me, after all. Tha Latest In Combs. A new comb has the teeth formed separately jvith eyelets In the base, which are threaded on a wire and Im bedded in an elastic strip for use, mak % the comb easy to dead. A PERFECT HOME. Woman'* Roflnlng Influence In Msklui Her Family Happy. Tho most perfect homo I evor saw was ft little house Into the sweet incense of whose fire went no costly things, but the mother was a creator of home; her relation with her children was the most beautiful I have ever seen; even n dull and commonplace man was lifted up and enabled to do good work for souls by the atmosphere which this woman created; every Inmate of tho house involuntarily looked into her face for the keynote of the day and it always rang clear. From the rosebud or clover leaf, which in spit9 of her hard housework, she always found time to put by our' plates at breakfast, down to the essay or story she had on hand to be read or discussed In the evening, there was no intermission of her in fluence. She has always been and always will be my ideal of a mother, wife, home maker. It is more than twenty years since I crossed the threshold. I do not know whether she is living or not. But as I see house after house in which fathers and mothers and children are dragging out their lives in a haphazard alternation of listless routine and un Dleasadt collision, I always think with a sigh of that poor little cottage by the sea-shore and- of the woman who was the "light thereof,” and I find in the faces of many men add children, as plainly written, and as sad to see as in the newspaper columns, "Wanted— a home.” “Didn’t you forget something, sir,” asked the waiter. “Yes,” replied Glmpy, reaching for his hat. “You were so long bringing my dinner that I forgot what I had ordered.”—Phila delphia North American. When you visit Omaha you should call at C. S. Raymond Co.’s jewelry store, corner Fifteenth and Douglas streets, and ex amine their jewelry and art goods for wedding, birthday and Christmas presents, also steel engraved wedding stationery, in vitations ana visiting cards. It is the only first class, up-to-date jewelry, art and cut tlass store west of Chicago and 8t. Louis. ngraving and printing 100 visiting cards tl.eO by mall. First Passenger—Would you—ah— lend me your spectacles a moment, please? Second Passenger—-Certainly, sir. First Passenger—Ah, thank you; now, as you cannot see to read your paper, would you mind letting me have it, please?—Tit-Bits. Toronto hotels have been bothered by a man who pereietB in putting six names on the register and ordering six rooms, although no one accompanies him, and he represents nobody but , himself. Two HUllons a Tear# When people bay, try, and buy again, it means they’re satisfied. The people of the United States are now buying Cascarets Candy Cathartic at the rate of two million boxes a year and it will be three million before New Year’s. It means merit prosed, that Cascarets are the most delightful bowel regulator for everybody the year round. All druggists 10c, 25c, 50c a box, cure guaranteed. Notwithstanding all the efforts of in ventors, no one has been able to dis cover a substitute for leather. For shoes, belting, harness and a thousand other uses, “there’B nothing like leath er.” There le a Class of People Who are injured by the use of coffee. Recently there has been placed in all the grocery stores a new preparation called GRAIN-O, made of pure grains, that takes the place of coffee. The most delicate stomach receives it with out distress, and but few can tell it from coffee. It does not cost over % as much. Children may drink it with great benefit. 15 cents and 26 cents per package. Try it Ask for GRAIN-O. To live in the presence of great truths and eternal laws, to be led by permanent Ideals—that is what keeps a man patient when the world ignores him, and calm and unspoiled when the world praises him.—Balzac. It is only from the belief of the goodness and wisdom of a Supreme Be ing that our calamities can be borne in the manner which becomes a man, —Mackenzie. -Wake Op. Yes, wake up to the danger which threat ens you If your kldnyes and bladder are Inac tive or weak. Don’t you know that If you fall to Impel them to action, Bright's disease or diabetes awaits you? Use Hostel,ter’s Stomach Bitters without delay. It has a most beneficial effect upon the kidneys when slug gish, and upon the bowels, liver, stomach and nervous system. Man’s life is a book of history; the leaves therof are days; the letters, mercies closely Joined; the title is God’s praise.—Masson. The Bari In (ton Koate—California Ex* curslone. Cheap, Quick, Comfortable, Leave Omaha 4:35 p. m, Lincoln 8:10 p. m. and Hastings 8:S0 p. m. every Thursday In clean, modern, not crowded tourist sleepers. No transfers', cars run right through to San Francisco and Los Angeles over the Scenic Boute—through Denver and Salt Lake City. Oars are carpeted; upholstered In rattan; have spring seats and backs and are pro vided with curtains, bedding, towels, soap, etc. Uniformed porters and experienced ex cursion conductors accompany each excur sion, relieving passengers of all bother about baggage, pointing out objects of interest and In many other ways helping to make the Overland trip a delightful experience. Second class tickets are honored. Berths $5. For folder giving full Information, call at nearest Burlington Route ticket office, or write to J. Francis, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. Nothin is ever done beautifully which la done In rlvalshlp; nor nobly which la done in pride.—Ruakin. Read the Advertisements. You will enjov this publication much better if you will get Into the habit of reading the advertisements; they will afford a most interesting study and will put you in the way of getting some excellent bargains. Our adver tisers are reliable, they send what ■they advertise. For, live how we can, die we m ist.— Shakespeare. FREE, IMPORTANT INFORMATION To men (plain envelope.) How, after ten yean’ fruitless doctoring, I was fully re stored to full vigor and robust manhood. No C.O.D. fraud. No money accepted. No connection with medical concerns. Bent absolutely free. Address, Lock Box 388, Chicago, 111. Send 3-cent stamp If con venient. __• ■ She—Isn’t Colonel Oldbore the worst fellow for firing off old saws and say* lngs? He—A regular maxim-gun, ebT —Brooklyn Life. History Is indeed little more thmi the register of the crimes, follies an<| misfortunes of mankind.—Gibbon. § VlWUV U 8 SOU AWN} • , Think of It! One thousand dollars' in gold coin offered free by the Sterling Remedy Company, to the friends and; endorsers.of Cascarets Candy Cathar tic. The Sterling Is honest and re* liable, its offer Is liberal and attract -Ive and CaEcarets are the best medl-t :lne preparation ever discovered. Don’t miss your share of the gold, for'irou ?an easily get it by reading and an-, awering the big ad In this Issue. I have always found that the honest truth of one mind has a certain attrac tion for every other mind which loves truth honestly.—1Thomas Carlyle. The relative size of the earth as com pared with the sun la, approximately, that of a grain of sand to an orange. Dbopst treated free fay Dr. H. H. Green’S Sons, of Atlanta, Ga. The greatest dropsy specialists in the world. Head their adver tisement in another column of this paper. Second crops of grapes have been' raised at Belvlew, Fla., this season. Plso’s cure for Consumption has been d family medicino with us since 1885.—J. R. Madison, 8406 43d Ave., Chicago. Ills. Life is too short for mean anxieties. —Kingsley. PAINFUL AFFLICTION ■ A Son Writes a Letter Telling How Hit Father Waa Troubled. WINAMOE, IND.—<*My father waa| troubled with bo lie and carbanclee. After suffering tor some time, he heard of a •ltnllar case cared by Hood's Sarsaparilla. He began taking this medicine and con* tinned ita use until he was cured. Mjr mother is taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla for rheumatism and Ib is ^wiping her.” ChTE E. Nstwkibk, Box 184. Hood’s Pills curb Liver Ills; easy to take, easy to operate. 2M. WAGON a*t Something entirely new A better Seale lories* money than Sas ever Iwn offered, one. of Binghamton Binghamton, N. Y. chi sreim.raaMd ABOUT T«iw fof jirnn -- vend for* ire*>*tuple copy or a now pub, lout! on. Addt ei- Bos C. Dell ns, Tex. The bMt Red Rope Rooflim for lo. per »q. ft., esps end oslis la cipdnd Hnb«t t utm for Plaster Semples free, tim riY maxilla Boorua ce^c—4—tw.JL ROOFING] DROPSY NEW DISCOVERY; __ _ _ _ quick relief And cure* worst easel. Bend for book of testimonials And day* treatment Free. Dr. H.u*then *end th® ,l8t to UB wllh *• cents to pay for a box of CASCA .J®** correct lists we shall give eaah prises ©C fro as SI to 610# in gold. The gotton up In the most artistic and original style will be awarded the first priio, the next best, tb^second prixe^andeo on. _AI*o,Jf_your list contains ten or more eorrect names, you will re care In preparing yoor.llst you under all circumstances you re treated alike. AWARDS WILL BE MADE PROMPTLY! Th,B ftdT®rt,*em®ntwilt appear in this paper »•, CO - 5T * A I * S.The cause of near ly all other disease*, cured by Cabcarets. 2« HE * D*C*E .A dull, throbbing pain. caused by bad stomach, cured by Cascaexta. \B * UI * US * E * S A condition caused by torpid liver, cured by Cabcarets. L* * Y L*V#R Torpid condition of an im portant organ relieved quickly by Caacarkts. Snored IK S- An eruption of the akin, re By the purifying effect of Caacaebta. BL # T # H * S. Brown spots on the akin, caused to disappear quickly by Oaacarbts. 7. B*_ vital dull ,°JL 0..Impure condition of the Cascarkts parity the system. 8* 8 * * R ST * M * # H . Fermentation of on digested food, instantly stopped by Cabcabkts. 9* P* L* S-.A painful trrltation caused by constipation, cured only by CASCAncn. I0» F * ST * LA- An ulcer caused by bowel Irreg ularities, given a chauce to beol by C-ascaUST*. U* I * 0 * 6 * * T * ON Improper assimilation of food, relieved by a Cascarbt after meals. 12* OY * P # P * * A..Chronic Inactivity of the stomach requiring patient use of Cascarkts. 13* C * L * C-.A griping pain, attacking chil dren most frequently, stopped by Cascarkts. J4* J * SO * N * A. .Sleeplessness due to disease of the digestive canal, cured by Caocarkts. susimimii i ITIN HE.%D1.iU ¥OUB LIST OF WOKDS, Bay whether yon want the prise money] ^ sent In gold coin or whether you prefer bank draft or money order. The cash awards offered a»c ] [ given without consideration as the box of Casc&rets sent prepaid represents more than the \aluo ’ [ of the 25c you send with your list. The only thins we will ask Is that you will exhibit,yourc*«t> 4 [ award, either in gold or In form of a check, as you choose, for a few days In your own druggist's i f show window. Title entire oflfer le an honest one, made by a responsible Arm, whose honor-1 I able reputation is known to every retail druggist throughout the land. Cascarets are the most per-1 I feet medicinal preparation ever discovered, and you will be delighted with them. They are th k greatest boon for women ond children and we want to make their merits known. Be an** " . mention this paper In your letter, as otherwise your answer WllF’ [ Mr. H. L. Kramer, Trees, and Gen. Mgr. of the Sterling Remedy CuinnajM Jr * * careful personal attention. As be Is now at the famous Mrtgno-Myd f CL • 1 of which he Is principal owner, be sure to address U. L. KRAM^ 9 RESPONSIBILITY^ kkmVoy'oo® ■taker* of ('aaca^tt Candy Cathartic* are favorably knowntoevery^j*uhllahyt er* hanker, retail and wholesale Sat In this country* to whom we refr our- - - -J *- “ carry *--- - . __ . of thla contest* If dlaaatlalled _ «IW out to the.l.etter^evrry^eoj^ GU ART refund your money* This la^ahsojwtely Wo ssssssssscoot t fT ouotomart, a boautiful 10 Minis Box, January 1, 1808. J. P. 4MA0K, », - > >*%♦> , ; r 1 ,.i'r5, ly y ^ry H- • iffi