THE FRONTIER. rUBLIBHEI* EVERY THURSDAY By _TBS FSOSTtMl PaiMTlBO OQ. QTTEILL, NEBRASKA. NEBRASKA. Eire In Dakota City destroyed three buildings. William Cayglll, of Weeping Water, baa just returned from a two months’ visit to England. The Merchants’ National hank of Nebraska City has been aproved as one of the reserve agents of the gov ernment Someone spiked the big cannon ■which has been standing in the court house yard at West Point since it an nounced the election of McKinley. Triplets, two boys and a girl, were born to Mr. and Mrs. George Eager, residing three miles north of Grand • Island. The little ones are all doing wall. The ministerial association for the Nebraska City district of the M. E. church closed a two days’ meeting at Auburn. There was a good attend ance. ,,, Thomas McDonald and Patrick Mur nlnghan, two Saunders county farmers, were seriously Injured by driving over a high bluff. Both were unconscious for a time. The general merchandise store of 3. M. Wondra ft Co., of Weston, was to tally destroyed by fire. Loss, about $6,000, half of which la covered by in sura nee. t Landon, the divine healer, has be gun operations in Beatrice and will give open air meetings every evening and heal free of charge all who come to him. Thirty car loads of potatoes, aggre gating over 21,000 bushels, have been shipped by the Gordon merchants up to this time, while thousands of bush els are yet to be marketed. Buyers are giving 30 cents a bushel. The comptroller of the treasury has declared a third dividend of 10 per cent in favor of the creditors of the Citizens' National bank of Grand Is land, making In all 60 per cent on claims proved, amounting to $132,766. *7. ;,MY n,t, <■> A command 6t the Union Veterans’ union was organized In Grand Island by Y. j. Dunlap of Erie, Pa., the na tional organizer, who was there for that purpose. The command will be known as Lincoln command, No. 8 of Grand Island. , Contractor Pontlone has returned to Harvard from Haddam, Has., hav ing completed' the Job of tearing down the flouring mill. The material is all loaded on cars and will arrive In Har vard In a few days. The mill will be re-erected without delay. John Hanna, a squaw man from the ‘Winnebago agency, who for six months past has been lying In the county Jail at Dakota City awaiting his trial In the dsltrlct court for theft, was last ■week found guilty of petit larceny, the Jury deliberating on their verdict lor three hours. The business men of McCool Junc tion are much interested In having the Stone roller water power flour mills adjoining McCool operated. The right man taking hold with some capital will And It most profitable and will have the entire patronage and encourage ment of the business men of MoCool. In the district court of Jefferson county In the case of Kate Smiley against Zimmerman ft Bannister and their bondsmen for $5,000 damages by reason of the sale of liquor to George 8. Williams, under the Influence of 'which he killed her husband, the Jury returned a verdict of $1,000 for the plaintiff. - — At Wilber a verdict for $400 for damar%i by libel was given In favor of Philip Ji Gosaard against Sylvester Andrews. The parties are rival hog breeders near Friend and brothers-lh law. The defamatory matter consisted of reflections upon the methods of Gos aard as a breeder in a circular sent out by Andrews. A young man by the name of John Jones, living a few; miles south of Fair field1, a son of Tom Jones, was brought before the board of Insanity and ad judged Insane. He had been developing peculiar species of derangement for some time, burning straw Btacks and outbuildings, shooting at people’s wagons and • setting Are to school ■ bouses. ( . while Btockmen about Gordon have tieen buying and selling cattle by the train load, the sheep Industry has not neen altogether forgotten. Over 50,000 ^ , follows: J. J. Prosper, en experienced short hand reporter of Des Moines, has been granted a copyright for a book entitled “Common , Sense Phonogra phy.” F. W. Webster, the popular photo grapher of Des Mioines, has been granted a copyright for a photo of L. M. Shaw, republican candidate for governor. Patents were allowed, but hot yet issued, as follows: To L- Gist of Lake City, Iowa, for an Automatic Check Row Corn Planter and Marker. Rotary motion of the carriage axel is utilized for simultaneously opreating the seed ? dropping and marking mechanisms at regular intervals of space as the ma chine is advanced and by means of levers at the side of a person on the seat, loss or gain of space can be readily governed. To C. F. Lathrop and F. C. Vreden burgh, of Atlantic, for a plumb ievel in which the pointer is provided with wings to restrict vibration and with arms extending laterally in opposite directions and adjustable weights thereon to balance the vibrating pointer. THOMAS G. AND T. RALPH OR\ Solicitors. United State* Patent*. i Last weed there were issued exactly *00 patents to citizens of the United States. Amongst them was one for an airship, patented to a Minnesota inventor, an autoharp, a cash register, while a New York inventor received a patent for a coffin. Amongst the novel inventions are found a quilting attachment .for sewing machines, a simple attachment for bicycle tires, making them puncture proof, a barrel, shaped wind mill, a machine for mak ing elbows for stove pipes, a bicycle frame that can be instantly changed from a diamond to a ladies’ drop frame and a device to prevent the slipping of belts. Amongst the famous expired patents we have selected three which are shown above and which may now be used, comprising a double act ing pump, a mop head and a vice. These patents are taken from Sues’ y copyrighted machine movements. In/ ventors having applications filed*"1 through Wedderburn, should address’ Sues & Co., Attorneys at Law, llee*'f building, Omaha, Nebraska, for free information. LIVE STOCK AMD PRODUCE MARKET. Quotations From New Fork, Chicago, gt. Louis, Omaha and Elsewhere, OMAHA. Butter—Creamery separator. 20 Butter—Choice fancy coun try .. 14 O S Eggs—Fresh .._.. 13 Spring Chickens Per lb. 6 Turkeys, per lb. 8 Pigeons—Live . 75 Lemons—Choice Messlnas ... 4 25 Honey—Choice, per lb. 12 Onions—per bu . 40 Cranberries—Cape Cod, per bbl .5 00 Beans—Handpicked Navy ... 1 40 Potatoes—per bu . 40 Sweet potatoes—per bbl.2 00 Oranges—per box .4 25 Apples—Winter stock, per bbl .2 75 Hay—Uplaiid, per ton.4 00 i 3 00 550 SOUTH OMAHA STOCK MARKET. Hogs—Choice light.3 i._ Hogs—Heavy weights.3 45 Beef steers . 3 50 Bulls .2 70 Stags.2 70 Calves . 5 e; Western feeders .3 oo Cows .. Heifers .. 40 Stockers anl feeders.3 00 Sheep—'Western lambs.4 00 Sheep—Native wethers ..'.3 00 „ CHICAGO. Corn—per bu . 24 Wheat—No. 2 spring. 84V Oats-per bu . i *■ •