The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 21, 1897, Image 8

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vkotoMM ud dallclMU.
Absolutely Pure
Continued from fret page.
Three range kettles—Baker Hardware
Go., by J. J. McCafferty.
Easel stand and picture—J. Hellor.
Vearllng heifer—Michael Holland.
Twelve yards of carpet—Miss Connolly
Fig—Allen Brown.
Table cover—Mrs. Keys, sr.
Case of canned goods—May Bros.,
Fremont, by P. J. McManus.
% Case of canned goods—May Bros.,
by J. F. Mann.
One hundred pounds of floor—Michael
Horse—John Daley.
Horse—D. A. Doyle.
;!' Pair of pillows—Mrs. E. McManus.
Sofa pillow and pin cushion—Mrs. M.
F. Harrington.
Sofa pillow and pin cushion—Mrs. W.
Center pieces—Mrs. P. D. Mullen.
Smoking set—Hershiser & Gllligan.
. \ Gold ring—Cole A Son.
t; . Chester white pig—Mrs. Dan O’Don
nell, Inman.
nn< biuiiuuuu hu bu> *.
Hem—Fred Gets.
Hem—E. P. Hicke.
Far coat—P. J. McManus.
Pair of cuff buttons—Xd. Grady.
John Carr, CM. /
M. F. Harrington, Peter Duffer,
Straw SUeworth, Hr*. X. F. Gallagher
Kb*. Patrick Hagerty, and Mr*. T. Bir
mingham, 110 each.
Caspar Englehaupt, John P. Mullen,
P Dr. Berry, Jai. Donahoe, P. L. Gal
lagher, J. F. Gallagher, M.H. McCarthy,
James O’Donnell, John C. Morrow and
' J. P. Gallagher 15 each.
fcfe. Patrick Hagerty 99.
&William McMonagal 91.50.
8. J. Weekes, M. Klrwin, James Con
’ nolly, O. M. Collins, W. W. Bethea,
John Harmon, William Lavlollette,
Wm. Hogan, Mr. Hursey, J. 0. Harnlsh,
W. J. Dobbs, R. H. Jenness, John
Dwyer, Mike Brennan. R. Killmurray,
Anthony Ruddy, Dan Gallagher, Judge
MeOuteheon, Tim Dwyer, jr., Chat.
Barrett, (Mrs. Hopkins, R. Allen, C.
O’Neill, J. P. Mullen, Judge Klnkald, O.
O. Snyder, 0. Beleh, M. D. Long, R. R.
Dickson, John Bklrrlng, Thomas Camp*
t bell, Jerry Kelly, John J. Kelly, Andy
Morgan, Mrs. James Connolly, Mrs.
O’Donnell, Mrs. £d McBride, Mrs. R. J.
Ip Marsh, jr., Mrs. J. Hunt, Mrs. John
Dwyer, Mrs. T. D.Henley, Mrs. Hogan
and Mrs. T. V. Golden, 91 each.
Mike Welsh, H. P. Dowling, X.
Williams, Patrick O’Donnell, T. Waimer
p X. H. Benediot, JR. Marsh, tr., Con
Coffey, B. McGreevey, James Davis,
Xmil Bnlggs, H. O’Neill, A. J. Ham
mond. James Sullivan, B. F. McNichols,
C. Stout, W. R. Butler, Tim Hanley,P. 0.
Kelly, X. X. Hayden. H. Davies, Mrs. J.
J. McNichols, Mrs. R. Marsh, er., Mrs.
4 T. McLaughlin and Mrs. P. Barrett, 00
v cents each.
A vote (or Collins is a vote for a pains
taking and worthy official.
The court house gang are getting des
perate. They will do any thing to win.
Been Mike Harrington admits that
Btewart is not a lit man for sheriff, but
says he has to elect him.
Why didn't the genteman who went to
•Atkinson to investigate the character
and standing of John M. Stewart go to
„ Mrs. Stewart for his information? She
is better acquainted with him than any
parson. _
L -. Jim Harntsh was paid the same salary
at deputy county clerk that McCarthy,
Hie present chairman of the populist
county central commute received. We
hare failed to see any kick registered by
the syndicate sheet as to the salary he
The pops are circulating the repon
that D. C. Harrison has pulled off the
v ticket This Is false, Mr. Harrison her
. ant pulled off, but will be elected by e
big majority. After election Mr. Bel ah
. will wish he had moved to Omaha, as he
Intended doing, Jkefore the “gang"
promised him the nomination.
r;', ■: Service for your money, and you get
. ft when traveling via the Pacific Short
Line. Through eonnectione daily, ex
. eeptSnnday, each way between Sioux
City and the Black Hills via O'Neill,
‘ eaving three hours in each direction.
Cloee connections with trains to and
, from Yankton, Sioux City, Mitchell,
etc. Huy local tickets to O'Neill. Low
est rates.
- - ..
Unknown heirs or Devisees ui Augustus
Frederick, deceased, Loran C, Stott, as exe
cutor of the estate of Bailie A. Frederick,
deceased, and Loran C. Stott, defendants,
will take notice that Ira Davenport, plaintiff,
lias tiled a petition in the district court or
liolt county, Nebraska, against said defend
ants, the object and prayer of which are to
foreclose a mortgage dated November 13,
18B6, for 9300 ana Interest and taxes on the
northwest quarter of section twelve,
township twenty-five, range fourteen, in
Holt county, Nebraska, given by Augustus
Frederick ana Bailie A. Frederick to plaintiff
which mortgage was duly recorded in book
31, page 78, of the mortgage records of said
county and to have the same decreed to be a
first lien and said lands sold to satisfy the
same. That the district court of said county
has made an order for publication of notice
against unknown heirs or devisees of Augus
tus Frederick, deceased.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 23d day of Nove mber, 1897. <
Dated September 30. 1897
Ira Davknport, Plaintiff.
By W.J. Courtright. Attorney. 15-4
Land Office at O'Neill, Neb., Oct- 1.1897.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Intention
to make final proof in support of bis claim,
and that said proof will be made before the
Ueglster and Receiver at O'Neill, Neb., on
November 12, 1897, vis:
WILLIAM H. PEBRY, T. C. number 6424
for the 8WS4 section 34, township 31, range 18
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: FredTesch, James Gordon,
Lorenzo Boss and John Gordon, all of Ray,
Nebraska. 14-6 S.J. Wkikes, Register.
Land OrrtcK at O'Nkili,, Nkb.. Oot., 11897.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Intention
to make final proof in support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before
Register and Receiver at O’Neill, Neb., ou
November 18,1897, vis:
JOSEPH McCAKFEKY, H. E. number 14679,
for the BWH section 9, township 37, range 13
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz: Ambrose Holmes,
Andrew Morgan, Albert Roy and Fannie
Boy, all of O'Neill, Nebraska.
14-6 8. J. WzkKXS, Register.
Land Orrunt, O’Neill. Neb. I
Oet. 1, 1897. f
Notice la hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notlee of his inten
tion to make final proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made
before the register and receiver at O'Neill,
Neb., on November 18. 1897, viz:
RUBEN BRUCE, T. 0. number 6603, for the
BK NEK and EM 8EJ4 Section 13, township
27, range 14 west.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz: Jesse Roy, Albert
Roy. Andrew Morgan .Sr., Andrew Morgan
Jr.. aU of O'Neill, Neb.
14-6 g, j, Wxekes, Register.
Land Office at O'Neill, Nebr., Oet. 1, 1897.
Notice 1b hereby given that the following
named aettler has Bled notlee of hie Intention
to make Anal proof In support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before the
Register and Receiver at O’Neill, Neb., on
November IS, 1897, vis:
WILLIAM LOWER. T. O. number 6805, for
the 8EM section 3, township 27, range 14 west.
Me names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and culti
vation of said land, vis: Jesse Roy, Albert
Hoy, Andrew Morgan 8r., and Andrew Morgan
Jr., all of O'Neill, Nebraska.
14-6 8. J. Wickib, Register.
United Btwtes Land OlBae, O'Neill, Neb.
September >9,1897.
Complaint having been entered at this offioe
by E. H, Benedict against Nelson Toncray
for failure to oomply with law as to Timber
Culture entry No. 6321. dated July 25,1888,
upon the EM NEW. NW* NBM and NEU
NWX section 28, township 28, north range! 12
west. In Holt county, Nebraska, with a view
to the cancellation of said entry: contestant
alleging that the said Nelson Toncray has
done no breaking, has cultivated no crops,
has planted no trees, tree seeds or cuttings
at any time during the entire time since his
said entry was made, nor has he oSused It to
be done, and that all said defaults exist at
the present time; the said parties are hereby
summoned to appear at this office on the 15th
day of November, 1897, at 9 o'clock a. m., to
respond and furnish testimony concerning
said alleged failure.
15-6 8. J. Weikss, Register,
To Whom it Mat Cowes rh :
You are hereby notified, that on the eighth
day of November. 1896, H. Emerson purchased
at public tax sale for the delinquent taxes
for the year 1894, the land described below
situated In Holt county, Nebraska, vis:
SBM sec. 1 twp. 29 range 11, taxed In name
of Frank Akin.
NH8WM sec. 5 twp. 39 range 11. taxed In
name of John Barrett.
N WM sec. 13 twp. 39 range 11, taxed In name
of John 8klrvlng.
8EM sec,22 twp. 99 range 11, taxed In name
ofC.A. Whiting.
SEU ieo. as twp. 29 range 11, taxed In name
of H. M. Dailey.
8W1* sec. 3 twp. 80 range 11, taxed In name
of Marg't O. Bummers.
WKBWM and SEM8W14 and BWMBEM sec.
6 twp. 80 range 11, taxed In name of Robert
H. James.
BMSEU sec. 18 twp. 30 range 11. taxed In
name of Union Trust Co.
name or nelson uartaon.
8WMNWK and NWM8WM aeo 24
range 11. taxed In name of Nelson Hai
8wM sec. 27 twp. 80 range 11, taxed li
N WM sec. 21 twp. 80 range II, taxed In name
of I. O. Edwards.
BMNEM sec. 23 twp. 80 range 11, taxed In
name of Nelson Hartson.
. twp. ao
---„—, —Jd In name
of Tim Dwyer.
NBk sec. 38 twp. 80 range 11, taxed In name
of M. P. Brennan.
NWM sec. 32 twp. 80 range 11, taxed in name
of William F. Wiley.
WKNEM, NEM8WM and NW548EK sec. 11
twp. 28 range 12, taxed In name of Francis 0.
of Annie A. Keetey.
12twP-88 range 12, taxed In name
of H. Hanneghan.
8WW aec, 13 twp. 28 range 18, taxed In name
of John McBride.
BHNE<4, NH8BM sec. 18 twp. 28 range 12,
taxed In name of 0. 8. Bartholomew.
of^MsVffo*raDBe Ut,‘xe,,lnname
or8JE^.ofi5nt«SFi.a,r"<re 12’uxed 10 nam8
ofNPa^kVauglmP'29 "M,8e "*toXed nam*
. WHNEVi and NE54NWK, NWfcSEK sec. 17
twp. 30 range 12, taxed ln name of Thomas
. sec. 21 tWp.'HO range 12,taxed ln name
of AnnlaJennlngs.
N W!* sec. as twp. go range 12, taxed In name
of Annie Qallegher.
NWU sec. 4 twp. 30range 13, taxed In name
of Union Trust Go.
WHNW^,SB<4NWMsec.l4.and NE14NEU
S*®- )? ‘"P- **. r?nge 13, taxed ln name or
Frank Western kill.
■KNWw; sec 21 twp. 10 range 18, taxed la
tame of J. M. Whlsenand.
ofNEK^. lB twp. ao range 13, taxed ln name
SHNfit. NViSEM see. Otwp. 80 range 14.
taxed ln name of j. W. Gould. *
NE!4 sec. 11 twp. 80 range 14, taxed ln name
of Henry T. Nichols.
WE* see. 14 twp. 80 range 14, taxed in name
of Danford Taylor.
NWU sec. 14 twp. 80 range 14, taxed ln name
of H. Fullerton.
NK1* sec. 18 twp. 80 range 14, taxed ln name
of Edward K. Sixer.
NHNWM sec. 28 twp. 80 rango 14. taxed In
name of W. H. Weeks.
814MWU SS0. 28 twp. 80 range 14, taxed la
name Thaddeus Weeks.
•ffiMMeT ** 14• ‘“ea ,n name
J'JSiSk ,4't“edIn nam«
8WH sec. 85 twp. 80 range 14. taxed In name
of Hlnuu Beebe. ,
N Wli sec. 24 twp. 80 range 14, taxed ln name
of John Heymer.
HMHWli. SWitNWii sec. 3 twp. 80range 10.
taxed lu name of Alliance Trust Oo.
NHNE54 sec. 4 twp. 80 range 10, taxed ln
name of W. W.Whltehlll.
BWK ««£• 4 twp. ao range 10. taxed in name
of Union Trust Co.
WV4WV4 seo. 8 twp. SO range 10. taxed In
The tax sale certificates covering all of
above described land have been sold and
assigned to the undersigned, T. c. Cannon,
who is the present inwner and holder thereof.
The time of redemption from eaoh of said
tax sales will expire on the eighth day at
-- T.C.Canxohv
November, 18VT.
In^the district coart of Holt oounty Neb
J tun eg F. Toy, plaintiff,
ASJlell2r® KHe?ryV Mary §■ Isham, trastee,
The Nebraska Txtan and Truat company
and the aoutbwegt quarter of section No.
thirty (SO) in township No. twenty-six (26)
north of range No. twelve (12) west sixth (6)
P. M. in Holt county, Nebraska, defend
To each and all of the above named de
fendants and to all persons Interested in the
above described tract of land: You and
each of you are hereby notlBed that the
petition of plaintiff is now on file in the office
of the clerk of the distrlot court in and for
Holt county, Nebraska, alleging) that plain
tiff purchased said lands at tax sale on the
7th day of November, 1802, for the taxes then
due defendant and unpaid for the year 1891,
and paid therefore the sum of fifteen and
52*100 dollars (116,52) and under and by virtue
of said sale paid subsequent taxes as follows:
October 28, 1883, eighteen and 60-100 dollars
((18.60) May 17, 1894, fifteen and 53-100 dollars
(115.53) that on the 22nd day of December,
1804, a treasurers deed based on such sale
«nd payment was issued and delivered to
plaintiff by the county treasurer of said
county, purporting to convey the above
described lands to plaintiff, which deed was
duly recorded, and that if serving the notice
to redeem, rfklng and recording said deed
plaintiff Incurred and paid costs to the
amount of seven dollars.
You are further notified that said petition
further alleges that on the 19th day of
November, 1895. plaintiff again purchased
said lands at a regular tax sale for the
year 18M. for the taxes then due, delinquent
and unpaid, and paid therefor the sum of
twelve and 71-100 dollars (112.71) and under
and by virtue of said sale paid subsequent
taxes as follows, to-wlt: November 11, 1880,
ten and 83-lOOdollars (110.83) and on the 19th
day of May, 1897, the sum of twelve and 82-100
dollars ((12.82.)
You are further notified that plaintiff by
virtue of said sales, payment of subsequent
taxes, deed, costs and interest, claims to be
the absolute and unqualified owner of said
lands, and asks that the equity of redemp
tion of all the defendants be foreclosed and
out off and that plaintiff's title to said real
estate be established and quited against all
the defendants, and that the assets and
interests of the several defendants herein
and all other persons Interested in said lands
and if it be found by such determination that
plaintiff’s title to said lands be defective and
void that the amount of plaintiff's lien on
said lands for such purchase money, tax and
costs, including an attorney’s fee of ten pbr
pent on amount due be ascertained and such
lien be strictly foreclosed and defendants be
required to pay such amount to plaintiff
within such time as the court may fix, and
upon a failure to make suoh payment in such
time as so fixed that plaintiff's title be ffxed,
established and * quieted against all She
defendants and all other persons interested
in said lands. Plaintiff further asks for a
general equitable relief including a general
and ordinary foreclosure of his tax lien as by
statute in such oases made and provided and
a sale of said lands In satisfaction thereof.
You are further notified that the amount of
Silalntlff’s lien and claim on said lands thlB
th day of September, 1897, is one hundred
and fifty dollars ((150.00)
You are required to appear and answer said
petition on or belore the 18th, day of October
1807, or the allegations of said petition will
be taken as true and decree rendered accord
«ted at O’Neill Nebraska, this 8th. day of
September 1897.
Jambs F. Tot, Plaintiff,
By M. J. Swbblbt, and B. H. Bbbidict,
10*6 His attorney.
In the matter of the estate of
Denali Lyoni, deceased.
_ _ , .. , . Order to ihow eaaie.
How on thli Uth, day of August 1807, this
cause coming on for hearing on the petition
of John Starving, executor of the estate of
Dennis Lyons deceased for Uoenoe to sell the
west half of section four, township twenty
nine, (29) north of range ten. west of the 6th.
P. M. In Holt county, Nebraska, lot twelve
in block twenty-three, lots fourteen, fifteen,
In block twenty-two, in the city
of O'Neill, Holt eounty, Nebraska, or a suffic
ient amount of the same to bring the sum of
three hundred dollars (£*10.(10) for the pur
Sose of paving debts against said estate and
tie cost of administration, there not being
sufficient personal property to pay the debts
and expenses.
It Is therefore considered by the court that
all persons Interested In said real estate ap
pear before me and In case my absence be
fore Hon. M, P. Klnkald, one of the fudges
of the fifteenth Judicial district, at Chamb
ers, at O'Neill, Nebraska, on the 30th day of
September 1897 at ten o’clock a. m. to snow
cause why a licence should not be granted to
said executor to sell said real estate or so
much thereof as Is necessary to pay said
debts and costs.
.vVa,t?Aai0ha?^ers' at O’Neill Nebraska,
this Uth. day of August. 1897.
10-* W. H, Wistovxr, judge.
In the District Court of Holt County, Nebr
James F. Toy, Plaintiff,
James H. White, Edward A. White. The
Showalter Mortgage Company and the
northwest quarter of section number thirty
tWO In hiwmhllt nntnhn*. fKlaSir.Smr.
- - WWW VO uuuicu UOlCIiU
ants and to all persons Interested In the
above described tract of land: You and
each of you are hereby notified that the
petition of the above named plaintiff is now
on file in the offloe of the olerk of the district
oourt of Holt county. Nebraska, claiming
that plaintiff purchased said lands at a regu
i” »?!*• ®n th« ?th day of November.
"**• Aor th» then due, delinquent and
unpaid, and paid therefor the aum of
eighteen and Bo-100 dollar*, (818.50), and that
under and by virtue of said sale, has paid
subsequent taxes on said land as follows.
^ October 38.1898, the sum of nineteen
and 90-100 dollars, (819.00), and on the 18th day
of May, 1894, the sum of nineteen and 88-ldO
dollars. (110.88). That subsequent to the date
of said sale and in such time as by statute
in such oases made and provided, plaintiff
caused a notice to be served upon tfie owner
of said lands and upon all persons in pos
sesston thereof requiring them to redeem
said lands from Bald sale and made proof of
such service by affidavit filed with the county
treasurer aforesaid; that on the 28nd day of
December. 1894, a tax deed based on such
sale and payment was issued and delivered
ed and in the serving of said notloe to redeem
taking and recording said deed plaintiff
incurred and paid expenses to the amount of
seven dollars (17)
You are further notified that safd petitioner
•Hi* plaintiff again purchased
said lands on the 19th day ofNovember, 189(1,
at a regular tax sale for the taxes then de
linquent and unpaid and paid therefor the
sum of nineteen and 89-190 dollars (810.00) and
that under and by virtue of said sale he paid
subsequent taxos on said lands as follows,
/s’i'a’&V **hy l#> 1897, thirteen and 6&-100
You are‘further notlUed that by virtue of
said purchase, payment of subsequent taxes
andi the execution and delivery of said tax
deed, plaintiff claims to be the absolute and
unqualified owner of said land and asks In
bis petition that the assetts and Interests In
'*n<l3of the sevoral defendants to said
• V*11 Wi!) other persons be determined:
that plaintiff s title to Mid real estate be
quite and fully established against the ad
verse claims of each and all the defendants
nod all other persons Interested In said lands;
i ..t?uPd by suob determination that
plain!Iff s title to said lands be cqfeqtlve and
void, then the amount of the plaintiff's lien
oil said lands for such taxes.lnterest.cost and
attorneys fees as provided by sMtuMbe
jjjjjjalnod1 and aid lion be strictly fore
tiosed and the defendants be required to pay
plaintiff the amount ef said lien within such
time as the oourt may Ox, and upon a failure
to pay amount at such time then plaintiff’s
title to said premises become flv<d, quieted
aud established as against each and all of
said defendant* and all other persona: plalu
tlff further asks for general equitable relief.
Including a general foreclosure qf bis tax
lieu as by statute In such cases made and
provided and a sale of said lands is satisfac
tion thereof,
Yoa are further notified that the Amount of
Slalntlff s olalm against said lands this 85th
ay of August. 18W. Is one hundred and fifty
dollars. t
You are further notified that ydu are re
du*™d to answer Mid petition on or before
the 4th day of October. 1897.
Dated at O'Neill, Nebraska, this afith day of
August. 1897. Jambs FV^Tor, Plaintiff.
*-* Hit Attorneys.
is the
and the
Its office is fitted with the
most most modern convenien
ces and machinery, always has
the latest faces of type, the
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