, Bear It In mind. The very conservative profession oi medicine is slowly learning its lifo-long mistake in giving too much medicine, - and many of the oldest and best phy sicians use less medicino each year. Recent experiments in England anc Russia jjrove that the ordinary doses o medicine interfere greatly with th< processes of digestion in all instances, and that this interference lasts fron two end a naif to ten hours—the lattoi with the use of quinine. Sant Tobacco Spit and Smoks Toot Lib Away. If you want to quit tobacco using easily and forever, be made well, strong, magnetic full of new life and vigor, tabo No-To-Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days. Over 400,000 cured. Bny No-To-Bsc of youi druggist, under guarantee to cure, fide oi $ 1.00. Booklet and sample mailed free. Ad, Sterling licmedy Go..Chicago or New York. A woman can never pray five min utes without' mentioning a lot o: names. Scrofula Cured Face and Head Covered with Sores, but Hood’e Has Cured Them. “ My faoe and head were a mass of sores, but since taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla these sores have all disappeared. I believe Hood’s Sarsaparilla has no equal for scrof ula.” Ida A. Weaves, Palermo, 111. Hood’s Sp»ma Is the best—In fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hood’s Pills cure liver Ills, easy to take, easy to operate. 2S cents. SLICKER WILL KEEP YOU DRY. Don’t be fooled with a mackintosh or rubber coat. If you wanta coat that will keep you dry in the hard est storm buy the Fish Brand Slicker. If not for sale in your «••• •«»». t» Hu.ray .t««t ... ei„. “ ’* ICE AND COLD PKUNE8 BILL OF FARE OF CAPTIVE MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS. A Party That Broke Every Record, and Is Prond of It, Although It Dld'at Set Out With That Object la View. HREE women from Sumer. Pierce county, Wash.,were made prisoners by a terrific storm on Mount Tacoma re cently, and they broke the record for the length of time spent in ice caves and snow banks, three miles above the sea. They were hemmed in by ice and snow, and were it not for the heaviest flannels, stockings, shoes and wraps they would have frozen to death Inside of ten hours. Mrs. J. E. Mitchell, Miss Josie Query and Miss Jean McFarland were the women who broke the high summer residence rec ord. They were accompanied by Mr. Mitchel and Sergeant Hall, the latter being a resident of Puyallup. Their imprisonment caused their friends the greatest anxiety, but nothing could be done to assist them until after the storm, which broke into a hurricane Just as they reached the summit of the mountain, had subsided. But until the storm finally did subside the two things that kept soul and body together on the mountain were the juice of a few prunes and the little warmth that came up through the core of the great pile in the form of steam. Some of the prunes were taken with the Mitchell party and some of them were found there, having been left by the Maza mas. The steam is always there, smelling of sulphur and brimstone, and reminding those who enjoy its warmth that Mount Tacoma was once upon a time nothing more than a huge smoke stack three miles high. When the Mitchell party started for their event ful trip the sky was clear and not un til they were well up were there any wi.mc oyyiuai'miig auuiiu. It was then too late for the party to retreat. A11 the climbers could do was to press on and on until they reached the summit exhausted. Once over the rim of the great crater the mountain eers hurried on to the ice caves where the steam oozes up from the interior of the earth. The sun was sinking low, and darkness was coming on, but the climbers had little fear. They expect ed the storm to pass before mornTng, and then they would descend in safe ty. They huddled together about a large opening where the steam came up from below with considerable force. There, too, they chatted and made mer ry. A few prunes were half cooked over the steam, and a few hard-tack crackers were softened by holding them where the steam would reach them. “ This bill of fare was unchanged dur ing their stay on the mountain, which lasted three nights and four days. Be fore the last day everything had been devoured, and they were nearly dead when they escaped from their icy pris on. On the second day the storm in creased in violence. The men went to the rim of the crater with the intention of seeing if it was not possible for them to escape by crawling down the side of the mountain. They found the force of the wind so great that it rolled their bodies back off the rim like so many straws. Gradually hun ger began to assert Itself, and on the third day every prune and every piece of hardtack was devoured. The clothes of the members of the party had be come moist by contact with the steam, and when the moist side was turned away from the warmth of the steam the moisture turned to frost and ice. Their evenings seemed to take the form of a huge animal with great teeth that snapped and bit every time the impris oned mountain climbers turned around. Hunger stood on one side ready to gnaw out their vitals, while on the other side stood Jack Frost ready to sting and Etlffen their limbs. After eating their last crumb on the third day the climbers crept to the rim of the crater and looked about. The storm had left the top of the mountain, but was raging still on the lower levels. Nothing could be seen of the surround ing country but the tops of Mount Adams, Mount Baker, Mount Hood, Mount Jefferson and what appeared to be Mount Shasta, could be seen. On the fourth morning of their captivity the Mitchell party decided to scramble down the mountain side, although the wind was blowing at the rate of fifteen miles an hour. The women were fas tened to the life line and Mr. Mitchell cut holes in the Ice for a distance of over a mile for the women to step in. In that way seven and a half hours of painful work were required to cover the distance that had been traversed in ascending in 40 minutes. At the snow line the Mitchell party met a Ma zaina rescue party that had been or ganized to rescue them. Sight*eolnn; Slnpllflod. There is always room for a new ap> plication of an old principle, even so old a one as that of the division of labor. Mllllcent—How long did your Blaster trip to Rome occupy? Made line—Oh, a week altogether—there and back. Mllllcent—And you saw every thing? Madeline^—Oh, yes; you see there were three of us. Mother went to the picture-galleries, I examined the monuments, and father studied local :olor in the cafes.—Roseleaf. No person in Norway may; spend more than 3 pence at fine visit to a pub lic house. » Kansas City has 9,000 employes In Its packing houses and stock yarn. slow Ocean Trips. The varied tastes of humanity add greatly to the spice of life. While we think that apparently evory ono who crosses the Atlantic is pushing to take passage on the fastest, steamers, there are many who arc just as anxious to dawdle oven on the slowest boats. There are enough of these to keep the crawlers going year after year. Such passengers are those who love the sea voyage best of all, or who are In poor health and need the complete rest of a long voyage. Passage on the slow goers is cheaper by far than on tho fast one3, yet it is not by any means t he poor or tho economical who use them. Some very rich Now Yorkers travel that way by proforonce. * l*ft Destitute! Not of worldly goods, but of all earthly com fort. Is the poor wretch tormented by mala* rla. The fell scourge Is. however, shorn of Us thong In advance by llostettor’s Stomach Hitlers, Its only sure preventive and remedy, llysnepsla, biliousness, constipation, rheu matism, nervousness and kidney complulnts are also among the bodily afflictions which this benlHcent medicine overcomes with cer tainty. Use It systematically. A Pleasing Assurance. He—I don’t see how ever Midges had the nerve to embrace Miae Adipose. She must weigh 200. She—He wouldn’t, perhaps, but she told him that ‘faith would move moun tains.’—New York Journal. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury. as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange tho whole system when entering It through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescrip tions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do Is tenfold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and Is taken Internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous | surfaces or the system. Jn buying Hall’s Cutarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine It is taken Infernally and made In To ledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Tes timonials free. Sold by DrUgglstB, price 76c per bottle. t Hall's Family Pills are the best. Absent-Minded. She (dreamily)—Just think of it, In I two weeks we shall be married! He (absent-mindedly)—Oh, let us be happy while we can.—Vogue. Cheap Ticket* Via the Omaha & St. Leuis It. R. and Wabash R. It. St. Louis, one way, 89.10, round trip, 815.35. On sale every Tues days and Thuvsdays. St. Louis: Round trip October 3d to 8th, 811.50. Home seekers' Excursions. South: Septem ber 31, October 5 and 10. One fare the round trip, plus 83. Springfield, 111.: Round trip, 813.35; on sale September 18, 19, 20. For tickets and further in formation call at 1415 Farnam St. (Pax ton Hotel lilock), Omaha, or write G. N. Clayton, Omaha. Neb. The most interesting age of baby is after it has outgrown it. IMPORTANT INFORMATION To men (plain envelope.) How, after ten years’ fruitless doctoring. I was fully re stored to full vigor and robust manhood. So C.O.L). fraud. No money accepted. No connection with medical concerns. Sent absolutely free. Address, Lock Box 288, Chicago, 111; Bend S-cent stamp U con venient. 1 know that my life was saved by Fiso's Cure for Consumption.—John A. Miller, Au Sable, Mich., April 21, 1895. Very few women know the weigh to a man's heart. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund the money If it fails to eure. 26a No man can be very lazy in a mos quito section. Mrs. Winslow's Sootning nyrop tot children teething,soften, the gums.rctlnose lnflaro tuition, slays pain, cures wind colic, *5 cant* >t bottle. It is surprising how easy some peo ple quit. __ No-To-Bae for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco haMt eure. makes weak men strong, blood pure, toe, SI. All druggista Before Love grew blind it became very far sighted. Coe’s Csaati Balsam Is the oldest and best. It will break up a cold quicker than anything else. It Is always reliable. Try it FREE $150.00 IN CASH. We print here a list of words. They are sets of letters jumbled to gether, from which can be made the name of I cities in the United States. For instance, CGOUIAC can be transposed into Chicago, and so on down the list. We will give: First Prise in Cash—930.00 to ton persons first ■end’ lng correct answers. Second Prise in rash—$50.00 to the next SO persona ■ending correct answers. LPlHAtLPEDA* CGOIIIAC WNE KYliO OTNBSO HISGNNOAWT MOITUAI.BE TANALAT NANEPlMLIOfl Third Prise in Cash— $50.00 to next M persons send’ ing correct answers. Should more than the required number send cor rect answers, the awards will be made according to date letter is mailed, hence it is advisable that your letter should be among the flint. You can win one of these prizes if you are quick and use your brains. The above rewards are given free as an inducement to read Mew Idea*, a handsome 16-page illustrated journal covering an entire new field. It gives informa tion about the latest Inventions and progress in science, illustrating the most striking novelties for business and household use, Its subscription price is the only cheap thing about It. Bend answer to-day I OUR CONDITIONS.—You must send with your an swer 25 cents (stamps or silver) for a Six Months’ Trial Subscription to New Ideas* ALL SURE OF A PRIZE. Aside from the prizes above named, we will give a special prize to each person who sends an answer, whether correct or not, provided that 25 cents in sil ver or stamps be sent for a six month’s subscription to New Ideas. These special prizes a e awarded along the line of Novelties, Music* Decorative Art, History and Fiction. Be sure to state in letter which you want. This contest will close Baturd iy, Oct. Joth, and names of prize winners will bo announced in Dee. number of New Ideas. Address, New Ideas* 8ta. K. *08, Fhlladel phia, Pa. BEST HIGH SfUOE METAL WHEELS for farm wagons. Any sire * width tire to fit any skein. HO TIRE SETTIH6. Saves the cost ef the wheel in one season. * 0. PRICES BED ROCK Write for circulars & nricrs Havana Motal Whtcl Co., Havana, 111. ... 1 1 i 1—rrTirriTtifKMMM When you visit Omaha you should call at C. 8. Raymond Co.’* jewelry store, corner Fifteenth and Douglas streets, and ex amine their jewelry and art. goods for wedding, birthday and Christmas presents,: also steel engraved wedding stationery, in vitations and visiting cards. It is the only first class, up-to-date Jewelry, art and cut glass store west of Chicago and St. Louis. Engraving and printing 100 visiting cards 11.60 by mail. tv here no Space I* Wasted. In many tropical countries tho roof of tho house is a very Important part of the building, being put to a variety of uses not dreamt of in colder lands. In the one-storied houses of Pern, for instance, it is not uncommon to find the mules and horses lodged on the first floor, and the family on the floor above, while on the great flat roof there may often be seen fowls, pigs, goats and' even cows. The cows are taken aloft when they are merely calves, and spend tho rest of their lives on the roof. Everybody Says So. Coeeareta Candy Cathartic, the most won derful medical discovery of the age, pleas ant and refreshing to the taste, act geutly and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing tho entire syetem, dispel colds, cure headaoho, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a boa of C. O. C. to-day; 10, sift, M> cents, riuldooi guaranteed to cure by all druggists. wants to sen. Fuddy—So Konunuter wants to sell his place out in Switchvllle? Duddy—That, cannot be. He is for ever cracking it up and telling every body what a beautiful place it is. Fuddy—Yes; that is the reason why I know h* wants to dispose of It.—Boston Transcript. Bugs Made From tour Old Carpets. Lato-t improvement, new melhod of making reversthlo rugs from your old nru-sels or In grain carpels, with border all around. .sm,d for circular and prices to S. Kross, Sill Wtfbt worlUAvc., Chicago. 111. Xlie DMbrence. '•What is the difference between biography and autobiography, papa?' asked Johnnie. ■ ‘One shows a man as he is and th< other shows him os he thinks he is.” FITS permanently Cured. No fit* or nervonsneen aftei Brat day » u»e of Or. Klmoe Ureat -Nerve Keaturer ?«><* for FREE SS.Otl trial bottle and treatise. Da. K. H. Kune. Ltd.. 831 Arab St.. Philadelphia, Pa No girl objects to a filled engage ment ring If It is filled with finger. rABRIUI BAKING POWDKB IS The beet, .*1 half the price; all groeera will n fund your money If you are not eattelled. Marriage is the one ideal of a young girl and the one idea of a widow. Try Grain-0! Try Grain-0! & Aik jour Grocer to-day to •how yen a package of GRAIN-O, the new food , drink that takea the place of coffee. > The children may drink l.y without injury aa well as tho adult! All who try it, like it. GRAIN-O has that rich seal brown of Hoeha or Java, but it is made from , pww - grains, and the most delicate ii ■?'V stomach receives it without X X the price of^^ ■yr 'i' • distress. coffee., ... 1' IS cents and 96 cents pee package. Bold by all grocers. -■HiW. Tastes like Coffee '^ ^ Looks like Coffee !HALL'S^to„T PR RENEWS Drives off old age; restores lost color - to the flair; gives- H the richness and gloss of “ youth; prevents bald ness. No dandruff. OUR KLONDIKE SHOES are a silt edge I'ne, ana ever/ gentleman should. Me them be fore buying. They ere the best we have ever offered. Atk your dealer for ttaim. and you will get the best m *l an the latent nt.vi Lfci s uL.uhiKU, un .Voinov. In. Oe«no and Dock Feather Pillow. D«|«, Pointers and Cushion* Write for prtum. Konnot City Feather < 'o.. lttf W* Unit j*t. W. N. U. OMAHA. No. 43.-1007. i When writing to ndrartlMr., kindly neo ■_Oon tkla pnpnr. - . ******** ******* ***« MO MICT A t£ E‘ Thousands have bean l**iw I w%IVEs cured promptly of NEURALGIA nr **** i***** Even in This Ithymc. Tho English language must be tough, At least, that’s what I’ve reckoned. For it Is still alive to-day Though murdered every second. —New York Truth. If you want to operate on tlie Chicago Board of Trade send for our free book con taining full Information how to trade. On account of tho short wheat crop In foreign countries and the short corn crop in this country, both corn nnd wheat will sell much higher, and now is the time to make a profit able investment. We execute orders In wheat In 1.090 bushels and upwards, and corn and outs in 6,000 bushels and upwards. Write us today. fi. J. Laughery & Go., 228 Klalto Building, Chicago. Members Chicago Board of Trade. .A special broom should be kept for sweeping carpets. To Caro Constipation Forever, Take Coscarets Candy Cathartic. lOoortSe. If C. C. O. fall to cure, druggists refund money. Bamboo furniture can be cleaned with a brush dipped in salt water. j AfiFMTg WANTED _TO OKHKRAL HORACE POUTER'S MEW BOOK, CAMPAIGNING; A * WITH GRAINIT, A SDPPLERBKT la (JEM. OR ART'S u UOI EH. Hplondlilly Illii.trat.-d. A Ant-alam book. EAST,,TO CURE YOdlRfLF! Vie Bljr ® for uuLiturtl diecbarg'*, luflamiimtloas, irritation* or ulcerptlun* of mu comm BMttliridofl. - —. PbIoIdrs UTHEEvMSOhUIMULOo. or. - loM by I not lutrio* or sent In plain wrapper, by exprea*, prepaid, for •I .00, or 3 hot flea, p *■ Circular aent on OPIUM MORPHINE MS WHISKY HABITS. HONK CURB. Bonk Kit UK. Vs. 1. r. NurVIAI, luMloEldc., CUICA. 0,1U, nciMUT BAIR » ordera of SOO ft. uf PNEIflHI “•HI Hoofing or Wall and t.iiltog Manilla W i tc for Mniplcn and price*. Tl»» V«/ Manilla RotAvf t'onpaay, Caadra.k.J. BLACK LEG I( prevented by "vaccination’’ Mortality In U. & A. during - vv y®lr® reduced to one-third of one per cent. Thousands of Herds successfully vaccinated. Testimonials, eleu PASTEUR VACCINE CO., S6 Fifth Avenue. Chlcaiio. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, NONE GENUINE WITHOUT OUR TRADE MARK. in Good form during the winter. Riding will do it, and a Columbia bicycle will do it best of all. You can depend on a Columbia Bicycle 0 o 0 to give you plenty of winter exercise and just as good service as it will in summer. STANDARD OF THE WORLD 0 0 0 0 0 0 means that Columbia? are the patterns tor all others. $75 ft alifcel Hartford Bicycles, Be"*r&,SnS2““p‘ $50, $45, $40. POPE MFC. CO.. Hartford Conn If Columbias are not properly represented in your vicinity, let us know. « « i € « « « < c I |C c « 0000000000000000000000004