Rijwl Mkn the food pan, wMhow and delicious. P®. ^AkiN^ POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL RAKING POWPCW CO., RtW YORK. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Baraev and Arthur Mullen came down from Deadwood Wednesday morning. Conrad Greebe was down from Emmett Wednesday. He says bis wife is very sick, and does not seem to im prove. __ Rev. Geo. W. Pepper, of Cleveland, Ohio, the well-known Irish nationalist, and who is also one of the leading M. E. ministers in the United States is ex pected to be in this city Oct. 80, and will deliver an address upon Irish National affairs. Mr. Pepper delivered an address in this city about twelve years ago and it well known to a large number of the old residents of the city. Last Monday night several of our lead ing citizens held a meeting in Brennan’s store to make arrangements for the meeting. T. V. Golden was chairman and J. C. Morrow secretary. After talk ing the matter over it was decided to have another meeting in Brennan’s store nest Sunday afternoon at 8 o'clock, to which all friends of the eminent clergy man are invited. An exchange say a that if you expect to conquer in the battle of today you will have to blow your trumpet in a firmer way. If you toot your little whletle and then lay atide the horn, there'* not a aoul will ever know that ■uoha man wax born. The man that own hla acre* le the man that plowe all day, and the man that keeps a humping is the man that's here to stay. But the % man who adreitises with a sort of sud den Jerk is the man who blames the printer because it didn't work. The man who gets the business uses brains and printers’ ink, not a clatter and a splutter but an ad that makes you think, and be plans his advertisements as be *g|iplant his well bought stock, and the future of bis business is as solid as a rock. _ The man who can run a newspaper without being criticised, censured and threatened has never been found, says the Maysyille (Ky.) Ledger. He is a barren ideality, beautiful to think about hut incapable of taking on mortality 1 end associating with yulgar humanity. It is as impossible for a newspaper man to please everybody as it is for every body to please him, and the sooner he makes up his mind to the stubbern fact the better for everybody concerned. If he works hard for the public good, he receives private censure; if he compli ments merrlt, he is censured by Jealous demerits; if he approves morality, he is cursed by immorality; if he tries to be fair he Is condemned by the unfair; if he makes a mistake, few overlook it or |l apologise for him. Ho matter how innocent his purpose, how studied bis writings, he is picked to pieces, mis represented, maligned, ridiculed and seldom defended. He works hard for bread and butter while other men wax rich around him. He writes up a yard long marriage notice to the queen's taste for nothing, and is' threatened with a libel suit or duel if he records a drunken spree of the bridegroom six months afterward. Yea, it is impossi ble for a newspaper man to please all. As well attempt to chain a cyclone or lasso the lightening. | Hatfield & Hall Have moved their restuarnt into the Dwyer building, second door south of the postofBice. where they will be pleased to meet all their old customers and a lot of new ones, They will serve op oysters in any style desired, and « their dining parlors are the best in the IN: 15-2 UTUT XOTICX. Strayed, from my place at Rochester, g Boyd county, abont August 18, 1897, the following described horses: One gray, three years old; one gray, two years old one black, one year old; and one liph p'.. bay, one year old. A liberal rewarc will bo given for Information leading t< their recovery. H. C. Baker, ? . , Rochester, Neb, TOU WAIT THXBIST. f Service for your money, and you ge It when traveling via the Pacific Shor Dine. Through connections daily, ex ' ccpt Sunday, each way between Sioui 2 City and the . Black Hills via O’Neill JT? ■ saving three hours in each direction ■ Close connections with trains to ant i f from Yankton, Sioux City, Mitchell &V etc. Buy local tickets to O’Neill. Low I?: k est rates. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. Unknown heirs or Devisees of Augustus Frederick, deceased, Loran C. Stott, as exe cutor of the estate of Sallle A, Frederick, deceased, and Loran C. Stott, defendants, will take notice that Ira Davenport, plaintiff, lias tiled a petition In the district court of llolt county, Nebraska, against said defend ants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a mortgage dated November 12, 1880, for 9200 and luterest and taxes on the northwest quarter of section twelve, township twenty-live, range fourteen, In Holt county, Nebraska, given by Augustus Frederick and Sallle A. Frederick to plaintiff which mortgage was duly recorded In book 21, page 27, of the mortgage records of said county and to have the same decreed to be a first lien and said lands sold to satlsfr the same. That the district court of said county has made an order for publication of notice against unknown heirs or devisees of Augus tus Frederick, deceased. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 15th day of November, 1897. Dated September so. IKS’ Ira Davenport, Plaintiff. By W. J. Courtright, Attorney. 14-4 NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Land Office at O’Neill, Neb., Oct 1,1897. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has Hied notice of his intention to make Anal proof In support of his claim, and that said "proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at O’Neill. Neb., on November 12, 1897, viz: WILLIAM H. PEltRY, T. C. number 6424 for the SW54 section 24, township 31, range 18 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Fred Tesch, James Gordon Lorenzo Ross and John Gordon, all of Ray, Nebraska. 14-0 S.J. Webkes, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at O'Neh.1., Neb.. Oct., 11837. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has Hied notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at O’Neill, Neb., on November 18, 1897, viz: JOSEPH McCAhFKKY, II. E. number 14579, for the SWli section 0, township 27, range 18 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Ambrose Holmes, Andrew Morgan, Albert Roy and Fannie Hoy, all of O'Neill, Nebraska. 14-6 S. J. Wbekbs, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office, O'Neill. Neb. I Oct. 1, 1897. f Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of Ids Inten tion to make final proof In support of his claim, and that safd proof will be made before the register and receiver at O’Neill, Neb., on November 18.1897, viz: RUBEN BHUCE. T. C. number 6503, for the B!4 NKii and SEH Section 12, township 27, range 14 west He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Jesse Roy, Albert Roy. Andrew Morgan Sr., Andrew Morgan Jr., all of O'Neill, Neb. 14-8 S. J. Weekeb, Register. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Land Office at O'Neill, Nebr., Oct. 1.18l«T. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has nled notloe of his Intention to make Anal proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register, and Receiver at O’Neill, Neb., on November 13,1897, via: WILLIAM LOWER. T. C. number 6505, for the 8Ek section 2, township 27, range 14 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and culti vation of said land, viz: Jesse Roy, Albert Hoy, Andrew Morgan Sr., and Andrew Morgan Jr., all of O’Neill, Nebraska. 14-8 8. J. Wekkis, Register. NOTICE, TIMBER CULTURE. United States Land Office, O’Neill, Neb. September 29. 1897. Complaint having been entered at this office by E. 11. Benedict against Nelson Tonoray for failure to comply with law as to Timber Culture entry No. 6321. dated July 25,1888, upon the E14 NEk. NWk NE!4 and N EU NWk section 28,township28, north range! 12 west. In Holt county, Nebraska, with a view to the cancellation of said entry: contestant alleging that the said Nelson Tonoray has done no breaking, lias cultivated no crops, lias planted no trees, tree seeds or cuttings at any time during the entire time slnco his said entry was made, nor has he eaused It to be done, and that all said defaults exist at the present time; the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 16th day of November, 1897, at H o’clock a. m.. to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure. IMS 8. .1. Wcekes, Register, NOTICE TO REDEEM. To Whom it Mav Oonckhn: You are hereby notified, that on the eighth day of November, 189S, H. Emerson purchased at publto tax sale for the delinquent taxes for the year 1894. the land described below situated In Holt county, Nebraska, viz: I SEk sec. 1 twp. 29 range 11, taxed In name of Frank Akin. NH8W^ sec;_5 twp. 29 range 11. taxed In name or John Barrett. NWk see. 12 twp. 29 range 11, taxed In name of John Bklrvlng. 8Ek sec. 22 twp. 29 range 11, taxed In name of 0. A. Whiting. BEk sec. 85 twp. 29 range 11, taxed In name Of H. M. Dailey. 1 BWk sec. 2 twp. 90 range 11, taxed in name of Marg’t O. Bummers. WkBWk and SEkBWk and SWk8Ek sec. 6 twp. 90 range 11, taxed In name of Robert H. James. , I BkSEk sec. 13 twp. 30 range 11. taxed In I name of Unlon Trust Co. N Wk sec. 21 twp. 90 range 11, taxed In name of I. 0. Edwards. < BkNEk sec. 29 twp. 90 range 11, taxed In name of Nelson Hartson. SWkNWk and NWkSWk sec 24 twp. 90 range 11. taxed In name of Nelson Hartson. BWk geo. 27 twp. 90 range 11, taxed In name of Tim Dwyer. •NEk sec, 28 twp. 90 range 11, taxed in name of M. P. Brennan. NW.k sec. 32 twp.90 range 11,taxed In name of William F. Wiley. WHNEk, NEk8Wk and NWkBEk sec. 11 twp. 28 range 12, taxed In name of Francis C. Worley. NWS sec. 6 twp. 29 range 19, taxed In name of Annie A. Keeley. SWksec. 12 twp. 20 range 12, taxed In name of M. Hanneghan. BWk sec. 13 twp. 29 range 12, taxed In name of John McBride. BkNEk, NHBEk sec. 10 twp. 20 range 12, taxed In name of 0. H. Bartholomew. SEk sec. 20 twp. 20 range 12, taxed In name of Unlon Trust Co. of8jEis”iS.aMr“w **•uxed ,n name NEk,sec. 28 twp. 29 range 12. taxed in name of Park Vaughn. umu a* ii "og, «i twp. SO range 12, taxed In name of Thomas Cleary, NWiii . . —, see. 21 twp. 80 range 13,taxed In name of Annie Jennings. NW!t sec. 38 twp. 80 range 12, taxed in name of Annie Gallegher. NW* sec. 4 twp. 30 range 18, taxed In name of Union Trust Co. WV4NW!*, 8K!aNW!4 sec. 14. and NEHNEM SP0, }R .f,wP- ao. range 13, taxed In name <3 Frank Weaterohlll. BMINWW aeo. 21 twp. 80 range 18, taxed In ame of J. M. -* name of J. M. Whlsenand. NEK sec. 33 twp. 30 range 13. taxed in name of H. E, Henderson. 8HNE!4. NliSEU see. Otwp. 80 range 14. taxed In name of J. W. Gould. NE!i see. 11 twp. 80 range 14, taxed In name of Henry T. Nichols. NK!4 sec 14 twp. 80 range 14, taxed in name of Danford Taylor. NWk sec. 14 twp. ao range 14, taxed In name of M. Fullerton. NEVt sec. IS twp. 80 range 14, taxed In name of Edward H. Sixer. NtiNWk sec. 28 twp. 80 range 14, taxed In name of w. H, Weeks. sec. 28 twp. 80 range 14, taxed In name Thaddeus Weeks. seo. 25 twp. 80 range 14. taxed In name of heirs of Mrs. Brakey. NE!* sec. 28 twp 30 range 14, taxed In name of Armenia W. Miller. 8WH sec. 35 twp. 80 range 14, taxed In name of Hiram Beebe. ,N,VV> sec. 24 twp. 80 range 14, taxed In name of John Reymer. NHNW14, SWI4NW14 sec. 8 twp. 80 range 10, taxed iu name of Alliance Trust Go. N‘/,NEWi sec. 4 twp. 80 range 10, taxed In name of W. W. Whltebtll. »ec. 4 twp. 80 range 10. taxed In name of Union Trust Co. WHWK sec. H twp. 80 range 10. taxed In The tax sale certificates covering all of above described land have been sold and assigned to tbe undersigned. T. C. Cannon, who is the present owner and holder thereof. The time of redemption from each of said tax sales will expire on the eighth day of November, 1807. M T. C. Cahsok. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICES TO NON-BESIDENT DEFEND ANTS. Id the district court of Holt oouuty Neb raska. James F. Toy, plaintiff, vs. Angellne Henry. Mary 8. Tsham, trustee. The Nebraska Loan and Trust company, and the southwest quarter of section No. thirty (SO) in township No. twenty-six (2fl) north of range No. twelve (12) west sixth «l) ■ P. M. in Holt county, Nebraska, defend ants. To each and all of tbe above named de fendants and to all persons Interested in the above described tract of land: You and each of you are hereby notified that the petition of plaintiff is now on file In the office of the clerk of the district court In and for Holt county, Nebraska, alleging that plain tiff purchased said lands at tax sale on the 7th day of November, 1892, for tbe taxes then due defendant and unpaid for the year 1891. and paid therefore the sum of fifteen and 52-100 dollars (115,52) and under and by virtue of said sale paid subsequent taxes as follows: October 28, 1893, eighteen and 50-100 dollars (•18.50) May 17, 1894, fifteen and 53-100 dollars (•15.53) that on the 22nd day of December, 1894, a treasurers deed based on such sale and payment was Issued and delivered to plaintiff by the county treasurer of said county, purporting to convey the above described lands to plaintiff, which deed was duly recorded, and that V serving the notice to redeem, rfking and recording said deed plaintiff Incurred and paid costs to the amount of seveu dollars. You are further notified that said petition further alleges that on the 19th day of November, 1895. plaintiff again purchased said lands at a regular tax sale for the year 1894. for tbe taxes then due. delinquent and unpaid, and paid therefor tbe sum of twelve and 71-100 dollars (•12.71) and under and by virtue of said sale paid subsequent taxes as follows, to-wlt: November 11, 1896, ten and 93-100 dollars (M0.93) and on the 19th day of May. 1897, the sum of twelve and 82-190 dollars ($12.82.) . You are further notified that plaintiff by virtue of said sales, payment of subsequent taxes, deed, costs aud Interest, claims to be the absolute and unqualified owner of said lands, and asks that the equity of redemp tion of all the defendants be foreclosed and out off and that plaintiff's title to said real estate be established and qulted against all the defendants, and that tbe assets and interests of the several defendants herein and all other persons Interested In said lands and If it be found by such determination that plaintiff’s title to said lands be defective and void that the amount of plaintiff's lien on said lands for such purchase money, tax and costs, including an attorney's fee of ten per cent on amount due be ascertained and such lien be strictly foreclosed and defendants be required to pay such amount to plaintiff within such time as the court may fix. and upon a failure to make such payment in such time as so fixed that plaintiff’s title be ffxed. established and quieted against all tbe defendants and all other persons interested In said lands. Plaintiff further asks for a general equitable relief Including a general and ordinary foreclosure of his tax lien as by statute In such cases made and provided and a sale of said lands in satisfaction thereof. You are further notified that the amount of plaintiff’s lien and olalin on said lands this 8th day of September, 1897, Is one hundred and fifty dollars (•150.00) You are required to appear and answer said petition on or before the 18th, day of October 1897, or the allegations of said petition will be taken as true and decree rendered accord ingly. Dated at O'Neill Nebraska, this 8th. day of September 1897. Jamis K. Tor, Plaintiff, By M. J. Bwuur, and E. H. Bbhidict, 10-5 His attorney. IN THB DISTRICT COURT OF MOLT COUNTV, NEBRASKA. In the matter of the estate of Dennis Lyons, deceased. „ . . Order to show cause. Now on this 11th. day of August 1807, this cause coming on for hearing on the petition of John Starving, executor of the estate of Dennis I^yons deceased for licence to sell the west half of section four, township twenty nine, (20) north of range ten. west of the 8th. P. M. in Holt county, Nebraska, lot twelve in block twenty-three, lots fourteen, fifteen, and sixteen In block twenty-two, in the city of O'Neill, Holt oounty, Nebraska, or a suffic ient amount of the same to bring the sum of three hundred dollars (8300.00) for the pur pose of paring debts against said estate and the cost of administration, there not b< -. --being sufficient personal property to pay the debts and expenses. It is therefore considered by the court that all persons Interested in said real estate ap pear before me and In case my absence be fore Hon. M, P. Ktnkald, one of the judges of the fifteenth judicial district, at Chamb ers, at O'Neill, Nebraska, on the 30th day of September 1887 at ten o'clock a. in. to snow cause why a licence should not be granted to said executor to sell said real estate or so much thereof as is necessary to pay said debts and costs. Dated at Chambers, at O'Neill Nebraska, this nth. day of August. 1807. 10-4 W. H, WasTovan, judge. In the District Court of Holt County, Nebr James F. Toy. PlalntifT, vs James H. White. Edward A. White. The Showalter Mortgage Company and the northwest quarter of section number thirty two (32), In township number thirty-two (32), north of range number eleven (ll), west Sixth p. m., In Holt oounty, Nebraska, De fendants. _ NOTICE. To each and all of the above named defend ants and to ah persons interested In the above described tract of land: You and each of you-are hereby notified that the petition of the above named plaintiff Is now on file In the offloe of the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, claiming that plaintiff purchased said lands at a rocu lar tax sale, on the 7th day of November. 1882, • for the taxes then due, delinquent and unpaid, and paid therefor the sum of eighteen and 80-100 dollars, (818.80), and that under and by virtue of said sale, has paid subsequent taxes on said land as follows, to-wit; October 28.188M, the sum of nineteen and 80-100 dollars, (119.00), and on the 16th day of Mav, 1894, the sum of nineteen and 38-ltfO dollars. (810.88). That subsequent to the date of said sale and In suoh time as by statute In such oases made and provided, plaintiff caused a notice to be served upon the owner of said lands and upon all persons In pos session thereof requiring them to redeem said lands from said sale and made proof of such service by affidavit filed with the county treasurer aforesaid; that on the 22nd day of December. 1884, a tax deed based on such sale and payment was Issued and delivered to plaintiff purporting to convey sild lands to plaintiff. That said deed was duly record ed and in the serving of said notice to redeem taking and recording said deed plaintiff lucurred and paid expenses to the amount of seven dollars (87) oic 1UI moi UUUUOU lUH(»UlUlWUUOaer further alleges that plaintiff again purchased said lands on the lBtli day of November, less, at a regular tax sale for the taxes then de linquent and unpaid and puld therefor the sum of nineteen and SO-lOO dollars (IIB.UO) and that under and by virtue of said sale he paid subsequent taxes on said lands as follows, t'>-wit: May 19, 11**7, thirteen and 55-100 (119,55) * You are further notlfled that by virtue of said purchase, payment of subsequent taxes ana the execution and delivery of said tax deed, plaintiff claims to be the absolute and unqualified owner of said land and asks In Ills petition that the assetts and Interests In said lands of the several defendants to said action and all other persons be determined; that plaintiff’s title to said real estate be quite and fully established against the ad verse claims of each and all the defendants and all other persons Interested in said lands; and If It be found by suoh determination that plaintiff's title to said lands be defective and void, then the amount of the plaintiff’s lien on said lands for suoh taxes,lnterest,cost and attorney’s tees as provided by statute be ascertained and said lien be strictly fore closed and the defendants be required to pay plaintiff the amount ef said lien within suob time as the oourt may Bx, and upon a failure to pay amount at such time then plaintiff's title to said premises become lived, quieted and established as against eaoh and all of said defendants and all other persons: plain tiff further asks for general equitable relief, Including a general foreclosure of his tax lien as by statute In suoh cases ntbdeaud provided and a sale of said lands Is satisfac tion thereof. You are further notlfled that the amount of plaintiff's olalm against said lands this 25th day of August. 18977 is one hundred and flfty dollars. You are further notlfled that you are re quired to answer said petition on or before the tth day of October. 1897. Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 25th day of August, 1897. James F. Tor, Plaintiff. By M. J. 8wiiut ass E, H. Benedict, 8-4 His Attorneys. THE FRONTIER is the OLDEST PAPER and the • • .. -a?;.* ;* BEST PAPER in HOLT COUNTY. Its office is fitted with the most most modern convenien ces and machinery, always has — - ■ >4 the latest faces of type, the best workmen, and is thereby enabled to turn out the most satisfactory kind of job work. Its management uses none but the best paper, are scrupu* re%t and prompt with their work and guarantee satisfac tion. Mail orders receive careful attention, and if your * home paper is not prepared to do all classes of work you will find it to your financial benefit to communicate with The Frontier. The Frontier Carries a very complete line of legal blanks and sells them reasonably cheap. If we do not have what you want we will print it almost as you wait. As an Advertising fledium It is the beBt in the county, especially at the county seat. It circulates among the best class of people; a class that pays for what it gets and does not patronize non-iesidents, as does a certain portion of the people in the west. Its ratesi for advertising are very low, and the business man who does not advertise in it is loser more than her dreams of. If you want ' To subscribe for The Frontier and any other paper or maga zine published on earth we will give you a rate and save you money. We have . clubbing rates with the lead ing publications ot the world. Call on or address •TfHEJ FHONTHEK." . O’NEILL, NEB.