INTEREST IN OHIO, THE FIGHT IS OF NATIONAL IMPORTANCE. United Stales Senators lo Be Elected from Two States—Everything Point# to Republican Victories but Democrats Art) Banklug on Over Confidence. Washington Letter. •Advices from Ohio indicate that, the voters there understand pretty clear ly the heavy responsibility which rests upon them. A failure to elect a Re publican from that state passes the control of the Senate into the hands of those opposed to President McKin ley at least until March 4, 1899, perhaps to the end of his term. It is a big re sponsibility. and it is well that the Ohio Republicans recognize it. Much interest is felt here in the Sen atorial contests in the several states, especially Ohio, and also Maryland, New Jersey, Texas and Iowa, for por tions of the Legislatures which are to be chosen in Iowa and New Jersey are to participate In the election of Sen ators. While all Senatorial elections are subjects of especial Interest here, those (his fall, especially in Ohio and Mary land, are particularly so because the control of the Senate from March 4, 1899, to 1901 may be determined by them. On the Ohio election will de pend the complexion of the Senate be tween this and 1899, provided -a Re publican is seated from Oregon. So Ohio is the first to attract at tention, because she may determine the control of the Senate for the next two years, while she, with the other states above named, may control It for two years more. It is not surprising, then, that every politician from Ohio is eag erly questioned on his arrival here, and that those from other states are also the subject of attention when they put in an appearance. On the state above named may depend the control of the Senate during all of President McKin ley's term. There are now 43 Republicans in the fc«nat? 32 si v“i Dcmccrats, 5 silver Republicans, so-called; 5 Populists and 3 sound-money Democrats. The death of Senator George and the absence of a Senator from Oregon leaves the total number but 88. With a Republican seated front Oregon, and one elected in Ohio, that party would, with the co-operation of one Populist, control tho Senate. Even If a Democrat were appointed to succeed Senator George It Is considered probable that at least one of the Populists would co-operate ' nn Ohio, Maryland and a few other dose states as to the control of that body during the remainder of President McKinley’s term. • Happily, the reports from all of these states are very encouraging to the Re publicans. In Ohio there now remains no doubt, of success provided the mem bers of the party in that state do not allow their good prospects to lead to a neglect of duty. They have some very shrewd men to deal with, and some very, unscrupulous ones, too, and be tween these two they will need to get out every vote. But if they do so, it is conceded they will win. In Mary land the Republicans are hopeful. They are all standing now well in line, and when the good, round majority by which they carried the state last year is remembered, it is apparent that they have good chances of success. Yet, they have as shrewd and unscrupulous a man to fight as have the Ohioans, for Arthur P. Gorman is a man who can only be beaten by the most heroic work on the part of the Republicans of Maryland. G. H. WILLIAMS. All, There! Exclude Till* Cheap Labor. It has long been known, and recent, experience has- shown Its intensity, that quite a number of unemployed la borers come to this country across the Canadian border. It is not the mere fact that they are unemployed to which we object, as It is the fact of their un fortunate impoverished conditi m. The immigration laws upon our statutes are supposed to check any Influx of pauper labor. But they do not, because they are not rigidly enforced. It is not pos sible to watch every mile of the Cana dian border, but it should be possible to prevent the admission of British pauper labor at those points where American officials are stationed. With the restoration of prosperity under our policy of Protection, and the conse quent greater employment of labor, we are sure to see many hundreds of Bn KEEPING OUT THE FOREIGN LIVE STOCK. cV? ... , with the Republicans, thus leaving that party In control ot the Senate, with the aid of the vice-president’s vote. ' Thirty-one seats In the Senate are to be filled between now and March 4, 1899. Eleven of these are now filled by Republicans, fifteen by silver Demo crata.„two by Populists, two by silver Republicans and one by a sound-money Democrat. It 1b conceded that the Re publicans will elect Senators from Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, lowa,f Michigan and Minnesota; the Democrats In Virginia, Florida, South Carolina. Texas and probably Missouri and Tennessee and the sllverltes in Nevada, Montana and Utah. With the Ohio Republicans successful this fall the Republican party Is practically sure of 4t votes in the Senate in the last half of McKinley's term and the silver Democrats 25. There is reason to be lieve that the Republicans may be suc cessful in sending members of their own party from Maryland, West Vir ginia, Indiana, Wisconsin, North Da kota, California, New York and New Jersey to succeed Demccrats now hold ing seats from these states. Should this happen it would give the party an easy control, of the Senate. Should they only win in one-half these states they would be able to control the Sen ate with the vote of the vice-president, l It will be seen, then, that there Is good reason for the Intense interest with which the Ohio election of this tall is being watched. Upon It alone may depend the control of the Senate between this time and March 4, 1899, while upon Ohio, Maryland and a few other close states will depend the con trol after March 4, 1899, to the end-of President McKinley’s term. , * Therefore, all eyes are on Ohio as to her possible control of the Senate H {twins the next eighteen mdnths, and fe * • * , \» ***• A wi gllsh. Canadian and Chinese laborers attempting to locate in the United States, and every effort made to do so— In eontravention of our immigration laws—should be promptly checked. The American labor market should be sup plied by American wage-earners. There are more than enough of them to sup ply all demands at present. KSeet of Discriminating Duty. A 10 per cent, discriminatory duty Imposed by Great Britain against United States wheat and corn would soon bring the latter to their senses.— The Canadian Manufacturer. We are rather inclined to believe that “a 10 per cent, discriminatory duty Imposed by Great Britain against United States wheat and corn” would have the effect of bringing the people of Great Britain to their senses by showing them, directly and conclusive ly, the benefit of a policy of Protection to British agricultural interests. A Urnmble from Scotland. The people of these (British) islands, who admit the surplus produce of the United States free, will not be disposed to grumble over-much at the barriers by which American legislators seek to exclude our manufactures.—Edinburgh Scotsman. Why, then, so much grumbling on the part of the Scotch manufacturers because we propose to establish indus tries for the manufacture of our own flax goods, burlaps, bags, bagging, etc.? The End of Bryan. To-day Bryan couldn’t poll half as many votes as he did In November.— Minneapolis “Journal.” Glad to hear It. And let us take care that he doesn't poll a dozen votes In 1900. Kill him at the Democratic con vention. REPUBLICAN OPINION. The silver men admit grurabllngly that there has been an advance in wheat while silver has fallen, but say that this is due to shortages abroad. Oats are 25 per cent higher than a year ago; wool 50 per cent higher; tobacco double in value; corn, rye, barley, hay and meats have all advanced; mean time silver has fallen 20 per cent in a year. How is this, anyway? Can it be possible that the "gold pow er” has obtained control of the trades unions? Here they are reporting an in crease of 34 per cent in the number of people employed as against one year ago, and silver steadily falling mean time. That party of Republican “spellbind ers” who are stumping Ohio will please omit to mention the fact that silver has fallen over 15 per cent in value since the Democratic platform was adopted, and 20 per cent in the past year. The mention of unpleasant facts of this sort 13 rather embarrassing to Mr. McLean and his followers. Mr. MBryan still has confidence. He hopes that the price of wheat will go down again, and then there will be an other chance for the silver argument and the calamity cry. At least he pre dicts that the price will soon go back, and that the demand for free silver will then come again with renewed vigor. Altgeld, in his speech in Philadel phia, says that railway rates are twice as high in this country as they are in Europe. On the contrary, it is shown by abundant consular evidence that railroad travel in this country is cheap er, more comfortable, and better than anywhere in Europe. Such reckless statements as these can only result to the disadvantage of the speaker when the facts become known. Those who have doubted the accuracy If reports of increased employment can now have the benefit of official figures. The reports of the New York trades unions show an increase of 34 per cent, in the number of people employed in that city compared with those of one year ago. It is estimated that this rate of increase applied to the country at large would mean about 350,Ouv ad ditional persons at work in these Me Kinley times. Senator Foraker says Ohio sheep have doubled in value in the past few months. That may be more difficult for Mr. Bryan to ’'explain” than was the advance in wheat, which he says was due to scarcity abroad. The fact is, the theory that the low prices of farm products were due to the treat ment of silver never had any founda tion, and the general upward march of farm prices while silver was falling shows it to be true. The great free-coinage prophet, John P. Altgeld, in his speech on Labor Day, was strangely silent on the money question. Last year, according to Alt geld, all that was needed to effect a perfect condition of affairs was to es tablish free coinage, but even so soon as this he has practically dropped the silver issue and is now holding forth on government ownership of tele graphs, railroads and other things. Without going into the question at all of the merits of these questions, the people will be liable to doubt the de sirability of any measure advocated by such a champion as Altgeld, who, it thus appears, is liable to let go of his subject at any time to take up some other idea. The free-traders contend that the consumer pays the protective duty. Why should foreigners object to It, then, and threaten retaliation and all that sort of thing? The following statement by the Daily Argus, of Brad ford, Eng., is significant: ' “There is not a weaver for the American market In this district who could not ofTer his or her own experience showing that he or she contributed by the docking of weekly earnings to pay the duty Amer ica imposes.” now uo ue uieuas oi silver account for the fact that there was an advance of 6% per cent, in values during the months of July and August, while sil ver was rapidly falling? Silver in New York was worth 61 cents per ouncef on July 1 and on September 1 was worth 61 cents per ounce, a fall of 16 per cent. Yet Bradstreet’s index table of the prices of 100 staple raw and manufac tured articles show an average ad vance of 6V4 per cent, in their value during the two months. ~ It may, be that the advance in wheat is due to shortage abroad, but how about cotton, wool, barley, tobacco, corn, oats, and meats of all kinds? They have advanced, too, and yet sil ver has fallen. The calamity shouters are not refer ring to the fact that official reports of the New York trades unions show an Increase of 34 per cent, in the number of people employed. I — Bryan Democracy Is being assailed at every point by sound-money Demo crats. The late action of the Ohio sound-money men will tend still fur ther to decrease the McLean vote in that state. Silver fell 16 cents an ounce In the year from September l, 1896. to Sep tember 1. 1897. At that rate it will be worth Just 3 cents an ounce by the time the campaign of 1900 opens. The Ohlo-Democrat-afraW-of-hls platform is having difficulty In escap 1 ing from It. A PROTEST .IS FILED. OBJECTION TO THE USE OF SILVER REPUBLICAN. Hon. J, R. Webster of Lincoln Makes the Complaint on the Ground that it Is the Use of an Old Party Name— Silver Republicans but so Offshoot of the Party. A Republican Files Protest. John It. Webster of Lincoln filed a protest last week against the use of tiie party name “silver republican” on the official ballot. The protest was filed with Secretary of State Porter who will fix a date fot a hearing after he has consulted the attorney-general in relation to a method of procedure. The protest is filed by Mr. Webster as an elector. He objects to the use of the name “silver republican” because it is the adoption of an old party name; because it is calculated to confuse voters, and because the party attempt ing to use it is but a faction of the re publican party and by the statutes of the state is prohibited from using the name “republican.” The protest in full follows: “Whereas, A political party desig nating itself as the “silver republican party” has filed a certificate of its nom inations by its said convention in the office of the secretary of state, certify ing that said party did at said conven tion nominate John J. Sullivan for the office.of judge of the supreme court for the state of Nebraska, and George F. Kenower and E. von Forrell for the office of regents of the university of Nebraska, now, therefore, I, Joseph R. Webster, an elector and member of the republican party, and a resident and citizen of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, hereby protest and object against the use of the term ‘re publican’ by said party and hereby protest and object to the use of the term ‘silver republican party’ as a party name, and protest and object against designating the nominations of said party on the ticket as ‘silver republicans’ and protest and object against the placing on said ticket of the words ‘silver republicans’ and pro test and object to the secretary of state certifying to the several county clerks of the state of Nebraska said nominations under the name and style of ‘silver republican.’ "said Joseph K. Webster objects to the use and designation of the name ‘silver republican’ on the said ticket for the reasons: ‘‘First: That it is the adoption and use of an old party name, to wit, ‘the republican party’which party is known as a national political organization, which has been in existence for more than forty years and which is a party organization in the state of Nebraska, and throughout the United States and has a place in history under the name of the ‘republican party.’ That the use of the name . ‘silver republican’ on the said ticket over the said nomina tions is calculated to mislead and con fuse the voters and electors of the State and is in violation of the letter, spirit and intent of the statute. ‘‘Second: That said' Joseph R. Web ster further objecting and protesting says that the ‘republican party’ of the state of Nebraska met in convention on the 26th day of August, 1897, and adopted a party emblem and made nominations for the said offices and a certificate of the party device and emblem, and of the said nominations made by the said ‘republican party’ of the state of Nebraska at said conven tion have been duly filed by the prop er officers with the secretary of state of Nebraska, and no objection to the same has been filed nnd the said party name and emblem of the ‘republican party’ are entitled to a place, and will be placed upon the ticket by the see retary of state. “Third: Said Joseph R. Webster protests and objects for the further reason that the said party styling itself as ‘silver republican’ is but a faction and off-shoot of the said ‘republican party’ and by the statutes of Nebraska is prohibited from using or adopting the old party name ‘repub lican’ of which the said ‘silver repub lican’ is a faction and off-slioot, the members and organization of which are not in accord with the principles of and do not and did not at the late general national or state election sup port the platform of principles adopt ed by the ‘republican party’ or. support the nominees thereof, but opposed and endeavored to defeat the same, and aided their adversaries in so doing.” Mexican Price (or Wheat. Detroit Journal: Misfortunes never come singly. Mr. Bryan has hardly had time to flounder through an ex planation of the simultaneous rise of wheat and fall of silver when another perplexing situation has arisen to an noy him. When the Nebraskan was making his memorable campaign for cheap money last fall, it will be re membered that one of his stock argu ments was the assertion that the low prices of farm products was directly traceable to the gold standard. Based upon this assertion, he drew the con clusion that the free coinage of silver, by largely increasing the amount of money in circulation, would effect a corresponding increase in whatever the farmer had to sell. In proof of this contention he was accustomed to point to Mexico, as tangible evidence of the value of cheap money to the pro ducing classes. It may be unkind of the Mexican* to strike a man when he is down, but the facts appear to indicate that they have | dealt the boy orator a body blow when he was hardly in condition to receive such a shock. In a dispatch from the City of Mexico yesterday, it is said that wheat is selling in some parts of the republic at prices equal to 50 or 60 cents in gold. American farmers who are receiving from 95 cents to $1 a I bushel for their wheat will probably : find it difficult to reconcile Bryan's I flimsy argument with the cold facts. | Wild Goeitwork •( Popoerat* j Kansas City Star: There seems to 1 be a serious disagreement among the silver men as to what the price of wheat ought to be. Bland says, “under a good government wheat would be worth SI. 75 instead of a dol ■ lar.” Ex-Congressman Towne says * wheat ought to be selling for #2.50, and Altgeld declares that #1.50 would 1 be the price if this country had free silver coinage. They merely made an . off-haud guess, whereas there is some * login underlying Towns'* figures. With silver and gold at the present commercial ratio dollar wheat, meas ured by the gold standard, is equiva lent to $3.50 in free coinage dollars, and that is the price, plus freight charges and import duty, for which wheat sells today in Mexico. So the logical slogan for Mr. Bryan’s follow ers today is “free silver and $3.50 wheat.'’ The Fused Triplets. Chicago Inter Ocean: The demo cratic party in Nebraska hardly knows whether it is standing on its' head ow on its feet. It is triplets, and there is much noise in the land. Globe'Democrat: A change of 7,000 votes in Nebraska will give the state to the republicans. There should be more than that number of voters who are tired of exploded fallacies. Buffalo Express: As Mr. Bryan is preparing to make the fight in Ne braska this year on the silver issue, his i challenge should be accepted by the ! republicans and the best oratorical tal ent of the party in the country should be employed to beat him on his own ground. Two months of hard cam paigning would probably end forever the career of the late national candi date in Nebraska. New. York Mail and Express: The republican party, supported by the sound money democrats, should be able to defeat this combination of pop ocratic forces in Nebraska. Business conditions and political events have discredited the issue upon which Mr. Bryan carried the state last fall and his fight this year is inspired not by any vital public question, but by a des perate realization that his defeat now will render him an impossible candi date for the presidency in 1900. Springfield (Mass.) Bepublican: The Nebraska populist convention adopted one resolution expressing thankfulness to Providence "rather than to any man for the measure of prosperity with which our state has been blessed, and we attribute the rise in wheat to foreign scarcity rather than suppose it to be the result of dear sugar or an in creased tariff on straw.” It is some thing for populistst to admit the ex istence of a measure of prosperity from any cause whatever outside of populist government. Altogether, then, the resolution exhibits populist platform improvement, both in temper and wit. Blow Hot and Cold. Ord Times: The without-the-aid-or consent people claim noiv that prices are getting too high for the poor labor ing people. Last fall prices were too low for the poor farmer. When prices are low they are anxious to die for the farmer and put the price up, and the next week when the price has come up, they begin to be friends with the city consumer and want the price down. Now if they will explain how to have high prices for one and low prices for the other at the same time, there would be some sense in their talk. Not a Democrat. Louisville Courier-Journal: Mr. Bry an deplores the fact that the New York popocrats refuse to say anything about silver in the present campaign. In this Mr. Bryan and his national committee chairman, Mr. Jones, are at loggerheads, Mr. Jones having advis ed the course which Mr. Bryan depre cates. This, however, is only one of the differences between Mr. Bryan and Mr. Jones. Mr. J ones was long a good democrat; Mr. Bryan lias always been more of a populist than a democrat, and more of a Bryanite than anything. Time to Cot Lonw. Weeping Water Republican: Judge Sullivan said the next day Sifter he had received the nomination for supreme judge that he thought the high prices for farm products would injure him to some extent in the campaign, but dot enough to prevent his election. May the good Lord deliver us from a party that thrives on the adversity of the people. Is it not about time for honest men to cut loose from parties holding theories that require calamity to the people in order to secure party success? If It Should Rain. .South Sioux City Record: Our free silver friends hate to admit that times are nicking up under a republican ad ministration, but it keeps them busy getting out of the way of prosperity. No matter how unwilling they are it is bound to be thrust upon them, and the Record advises every one of them to hold fast to as much as he can. If the unexpected should happen and the democrats secure control three years hence, they will need all they can get. A Dire Extremity. Boston Journal: Those who are in clined to cast harsh reflections upon Mr. Bryan because he traveled on passes which implies that he repre sented papers with which he had no connection, should pause a moment and consider his means of support. He is an office-seeker without an office, and a lawyer without clients. The lectur ing business has been, ruined by the wheat crop, and the misguided, over advertised man has a family. What if he did stretch a point to get a pass? A Smooth Scheme. Elk ©reek Herald: The populists did not do a thing but sell their body, and souls to W. J. Bryan and the crip pled wing of the democratic party at the triangular state convention at Lincoln. It was another one of Bryan’s smooth schemes and the pops are now black and blue from kicking them selves over being duped .so easily by fceir idol. After all the scheming it took exactly twenty seven hours to se lect a candidate. Bitter Pill for Fops South Omaha Sun: The fact is daily becoming more apparent to the popu lists that they were buncoed in the re cent three-cornered state convention deal. They went there to have one of their kind put up for them to vote for. but they have got to swallow the pill of voting for one who in no way repre sents them. They are to furnish most of the votes and the other fellows are to get what there is in it. Tba Coa Man Among Farmers. Springfield Republican: The silver republican Charles A. Towne of Minne sota is telling his democratic audi ences in Iowa that under silver remon itizatlon the American farmers would tod^y be getting S3.50 instead of less than SI. This would mean flour at over S15 a barrel. How that would : draw the wage laborer of the country I to the radical party. ITS WOJJK IS BONK CLOSING SESSION OF THE IRRI GATION CONGRESS. rl-/ Tenor of the Resolutions Adopted—Col onization'of the Arid West Commend ed—Cheyenne, Wyoming, Selected as the Place for the Kext Meeting—The Executive Committee and Choice ol Officers for the Ensuing year* Closing of the litigation Congress. On the last day of the irrigation con gsess in Lincoln the following resolu tions were adopted: “The value of the irrigated farm and the security of. the homes thereby crea ted are alike dependent upon the effi cient public control of the water sup ply and the prevention of water becom ing R speculative commodity. We believe that the waters of all streams should forever remain public property and that the right to tlieir use should inhere not in the individual or the ditch, but in the land reclaimed. “Whereas, The perpetuation of the forests of the arid region is essential to the maintenance of the watSr sup ply for irrigation as well as the supply of timber for industrial needs, “Resolved, That the presidentof the United States be memorialized to, so soon, as a proper and adequate form of administration shall be provided, with draw from entry or sale under the act of congress of March 3, 1891, all the public lands which are of more value for their timber than for or for their minerals. agriculture “Whereas, The present public land laws having developed under the con ditions where irrigation is not a neces sity and having in their operation proved utterly unsuited to the condi tions and the needs of the arid region, and “Whereas, The present policy of divided control between state and nation of the public lands and waters of' the arid region retards development, 1 misleads settlers, hampers enterprise and is responsible for the rapid de struction of western forests and pasture. tion by congress of a commission of skilled and experienced persons to in vestigate the conditions now existing and to submit to congress such changes in our land laws as the investiga tions shall show to be desirable. “Resolved, That the executive com mittee be authorized to appoint a com mittee to proceed to Washington and ' urge the early creation of such a com mission. We favor the construction at the earliest practicable date by the general government of two reservoirs, recently located under the direction of the United States engineer corps, one each in Colorado and Wyoming.” This section brought a minority re port as follows: “Believing that the construction of storage reservoirs for irrigation pur poses is not a proper function of the federal government, but its work should be confined to snrveys and in vestigations for the collection of infor mation in regard to water supply, ex tent of irrigable lands, location of res ervoir sites, etc!, the minority of th&T committee on resolutions recommend.m that the resolution favoring construct tion by the federal government of res-' '>• ervoirs be not adopted:,” The majority report was adopted. “Resolved, That we eommend all efforts looking to the eolonizatfon of the arid west and the creation of homes there for the worthy poor, “Resolved, That we have heard with the greatest interest and pleasure Mrs. Bootli-Tucker’s presentation and ex planation of the plans and purposes of the Salvation Army in organizing col onies of the worthy poor of our great cities to settle and build, homes upon the ricli irrigated lands of the west. Theirs is a grand, noble and patriotic work and deserves the earnest com mendation and support of every citizen of our country. The west extends its hearty welcome to those worthy peo ple and pledges our sympathy and sup port in aiding the people to make happy homes upon our rich, and' pro ductive lands.” Delegate S. M. Emery of Montana warmly protested against a project which he asserted was bound to bring to the western states a population that might prove undesirable, but this motion to strike out was defeated. The report of the committee was then adopted as a whole. uneyenne, wyo., was setuea as me place for the next meeting. The election of officers being in order the roll of states was called, and the following members of the execu tive committee were named: Califor nia, C. M. Hemtz; Colorado, A.. L. Kel logg; District of Columbia. E. F. Best; Idaho, F. J. Mills; Illinois. C. A. Park;: Kansas, J. A. Churchill; Kentucky, A. VV. Pickering; Missouri, Thomas Knight; Minnesota, T. J, Frost; Mich igan, O. E. MeCutehen; Montana, Si M. Emery; New Mexico-, Thomas J. Clark; Nebraska, Matt Daugherty; Nevada. H. B. Maxon;- Ohio, W. Lawrence; Oklahoma, II. E. (Hazier; South Da kota, C. V. Gardner; Tennessee, Chas. T. Harrison; Utah, H-:. L. Shurtletf, Wyoming, George East. The executive committee made its report, ha ving selected .Joseph M. Cary of Wyoming as chairman; T. G. Mills of Idaho, secretary, and C. M. Ileintz of California, treasurer. The selection of the committee to wait upon con gress was left to the chairman. It was decided that each member pres ent be eharged 31 membership fee. The congress adopted a supplement ary resolution endorsing the Herman irrigation and commission bill, which provides that the government cede to ■ach state 1,000,000 acres of arid lands, provided they reclaim the same within ten days after the cession. The business having been completed, the convention adjourned sine die. State Irrigation Association. Lincoln dispatch: The state irriga tion association elected the following officers for the coming year: President, A. G. Wolfenbarger; vice-president, W. R. Akers; secretary, Joseph Ober felder; treasurer, T. C. Lloyd. The j sommittee on resolutions was in- L structed to report to the executive * committee, which was authorized act on the report. President Wolfen "barger stated that the executive and ether committees would be appointed at an early date and announcement of the selection would be made through * the public press.