TILLMAN IS WILD. He SAYS RETURNING PROS PERITY IS A MISTAKE. Character!.** tha Advance ia Wheat as-* Huineu Improvement a. n "Hot Balloon Affair" and Predict, nn Karl/ Collapee (Washington Letter.) Considerable fun Is being made hem of the assertion of Governor Tillman that the rise In wheat is due to the manipulation of Mark Hanna. He spoke the other day at Troy, N. Y., and stated that he did not. see any signs whatever of genuine prosperity. The movement sweeping over the country is nothing but a "hot balloon affair" he 'laid and the wheat boom merely ■•speculative" and designed to aid Mark Hanna. When wheal advanced last fall during the campaign the Pop ocratlc oratora attributed its rise to Mark Hanna and his myrmidons, a most ridiculous charge. And now Senator Tillman reiterates the asser tion. The rise In wheat, has been steady amen the country became confident that.,Bryan would bo defeated. The statistical abstract of the treasury de partment gives the wheat quotation In Nw York on August 27, 1896 as 67 cents. Wheat is now hovering In the neighborhood of 190 cents, the ndvancc having been since that time fully 35 cents ppr bushel. The wheat crop of the world of last, year was 2.130,397.000 bushels and the “Corn Trade News" of Liverpool estimates the present year's croii at 2.398,000.000 bushels. The ad vance in value of the crops of this y&ir over that of last would according to tfiese figures, lie In the neighbor hood of $750,000,000. Thus Mr. Tillman expects people to believe that Mark Hanna can, for political purposes or fer any other purposes, advance the wheat value of the world three-quar ters of a billion of dollars. Director Preston has Just Issued a table Allowing the comparative value of the silver and gold yens of Japan dur ing the past decade. One minute’s study of these figures would have been sufficient to Bhow the silver senators who have gone to Japan to collect data, the true cause of Japan’s action. Here are the figures: •?, Value of Value of Year. Sliver Yen. Gold Yen. 1888 .75.3 99.7 1889 ....;.73.4 99.7 1890.. .,;.75.2 99.7 1891 .83.1 99.7 1892 .74.5 99.7 1833.. .,..,.66.1 99.7 1894.55.6 99.7 1895., .49.1 99.7 18961.7..62.9 99.7 189f 4 July).47.8 99.7 Farmers who have any doubt as to the advantage the Wilson tariff gave to foreign producers In the markets of the United States will be Interested In * comparison of the Importations of produets In June. 1897, the last month of the Wilson law, with June, 1896. In June, 1897. the importers and for olgn producers were rushing Into the United States those products of foreign agriculture which were to be excluded or seriously affected by the new tartff. The wool Importations of 1897 were 37,912,591 lbs., against 5,605,886 lbs. in 1890; potatoes 32,360 bushels In 1897 against 13,284 in the corresponding month of last year; sugar 708.552,496 lbs. In June, 1897. against 472.637,376 in June. 1896; rice 23,406,643 lbs, in 1897 against 11,246.284 in the same month last year; hides 33,214,724 lbs. against 9.138,396 in Jline of last year; fibers 24,182 tons In June, 1897, against 14,126 in June, 1396; cotton 5,894,041 lb«. In 1897 agalnat 1,699,303 in June of last year. Cattle 59,962 head in June. 1897, against 5,861 head In June, 189$. Business Improvement. Reports of business Improvement continue to come in from every direc tion and business men from all parts •of the country are in the east buying their fall stock and some of them stop over in Washington en route with good news of activity, good prices, mort gageu being paid off and a marked ■change in the views of the people. “You could not realise what a change has come over the people,“ said one gentleman who had just come from the Padflc coast. "1 came through that great ^orthweatern country where the free silver epidemic was raging at this time last year and was absolutely as tonished at the change. The demand : for the free coinage of silver has dis appeared and thousands of men who I advocated it a year ago now admit that they were wrong. Tens of thou sands arc indicating their gratification that it failed and I did not hear of any who regretted hla vote for McKin ley. sound money and protection.” “Whr.t has brought this change in so short a time?” "improved business conditions, im proved confidence, improved wages and Improved prices. They have all come 3teadiiy since the election of McKinley and especially since It became known that a protective tariff law would be piomptly passed, and have come in the face of a steady fall in the value of sil ver. This fret shows to even the most unthinking that they were being im posed upon last year by the statement that prosperity could only come through the free and unlimited coinage ob silver and has thoroughly disgusted them with the Imposition. I never saw so sudden a change In so short a time.” O. H. Williams. Nothing: N)»terloui. It is very amusing to observe the struggles of the Free-Trade press to as certain how the discriminating duty clause was "slipped into” the new Tariff. There is nothing strange about it. The section as road, and as passed, was submitted to every member of the ways and means and finance commit tees by the friends of American ship ping. The clause was revised by Unit ed States Senator Elkins of West Vir ginia. and general information on this subject was furnished to the members of the committees together with a draft of the section by The American Pro tective Tariff League. There was noth ing of a mysterious nature about the proposition; nothing accidental. It was purely Intentional, for the sole purpose of extending the policy of Protection to American transportation interests both by land and sea. 4 Public Venefai tor. MNCLEYj, t Import*. Number. * Our Cattl* Fiscal year. 1891 . 9,652 1892 . 2,086 1893 . 3,119 1894 . J.280 Protection Average, 4.022 1895 . 134,825 1896 . 217,094 1897 . 328,773 Free-trade Average,. 226,897 Value. 53,652 20,389 24,658 13,355 28,013 666,749 1,494.765 2,565,497 1,575,670 This final comparison of the results of Protection and Free Trade will be of Interest to those American farmers who are cattle raisers. During each year of the democratic tariff there were near ly 227,000 head of foreign cattle shipped here from Mexico and Canada, and the money sent out of this country to pay for the foreign cattle averaged $1,575, 670 a year. Hereafter, as before under Protection, this money will be kept at home for circulation among American fanners. A “Strang* Tiling.” , The strange thing about the bill (Dlngley) Is that it was not wanted by the American people. — Lancashire (Eng.) Express. It is rather peculiar, then, that the people voted for a change in the tariff and elected the apostle of protection to be their President. oow-.. - y .; ". i *. fc-« V ‘ “S' ‘'■■'' -.A* • *MV S- -■ ;■ ■ -1*' - THE LAST WORD. ; '• * * ► - ■■ » . .*:.r < • ™ ; : ' Cncj* Sam—Why don't you build some yachts that can race* »,'• Jffc Bull—Why dont you build aome ships that can carry freight? , .J-..'-'-V M-vlvfc , ‘iJ, ■ V'' Dishonest Tobacco Importer!* From the duties upon imported to bacco, the government receives a large revenue. Under the Dlngley Tail! what is known as filler tobacco pays from 35 to 50 cents per pound and wrapper to bacco from $1.85 to $2.50 per pound. There have been great frauds practiced upon the government in the importa tion of tobacco and it is pleasing to see the present energetic policy of the treasury department in checking them. The most common practice of under valuation is what is known as “nested goods”—that is, a bale of tobacco may contain a certain amount of wrapper and a certain amount of fillers, and be entered as filler tobacco, thus avoiding the higher rate of duty upon the wrap per tobacco. Another plan of avoiding the collection of the duties is to have bales of tobacco similarly packed, a part of the bales being filler and an other part being wrapper tobacco, but all being entered as filler. As the appraiser’s department gen erally examines but one-tenth of the importations, it will be seen that the importer has a good opportunity to avoid the payment of duties. Within a few days the treasury department has Instructed its appraiser to examine all tobacco imports of certain lines. In one importation last week every sixth bale was found to be wrapper to bacco, though certified as being filler tobacco. . This discovery only serves to illus trate the importance of a Protection Administration of our Tariff laws. It lias been claimed that the Government is annually defrauded out of millions of dollars on account of the tobacco duties. It is safe to predict that this will be corrected under the administra tion of Secretary Gage. Ontcrowth of Democracy. That trusts are the outgrowth of democratic policies and maladministra tion is very clearly proven when wo see Mr. Roswell P. Flower, democratic ex governor of the state of New York, coming to their defense. Mr. Flower has been, with the democratic ex Prcsident Grover Cleveland, notorious ly interested in the Chicago GasJTrust. This monopoly, together with the Standard Oil Trust, the Ice Trust, the Bread Trust, the Cigarette Trust, and the Sugar Trust, aggregates a combina tion of capital that has been fostered under Free-Trade, or by other demo cratic alliances, for the stifling of com petition, the enhancement of prices and the oppression of the poor. What In Wrong? “There must he something wrong in America.”—Sunday Chronicle, Man cheater, England. There Is. We are still dependent up on British ships for the transportation of all our foreign commerce. The Shallow on England. The new McKinley tariff Is casting a very long shadow before it.—Manches ter, Englan... courier. And much of the shadow falls upon Manchester. There Is sunshine over here just now. The Mugwump Outlook. “It looks like another tarlfT for de ficit for some time to come.”—Spring field, Mass., Republican. We shall see, we shall see. It is a little early, yet, to make rash predic tions. Each Hie Own Way. Our American cousins have certainly a way of their own.—Glasgow "Citi zen,” This is equally true of our British cousins. Theirs is a Free-Trade way. That Dollar Wheat.. The promised dollar wheat of Demo cracy never eventuated during the free trade administration. But we are get ting nearer to It under protection. Good for the Farmers. The agricultural states secure more protection under the Dingley bill than they have had under any previous American tariff. Von Bet. Protection, plenty, work and pay beat free trade loafing any day. LATE NEW INVENTIONS. Horseahoes are now being made with a aeries of triangular pointed calks covering the wearing surface of the shoe to take the place of the toe and heel calks now in use, the new shoe wearing longer and keeping the horse from slipping. A new attachment for bath-tubs con sists of two curved arms hinged to the wall above the tub to support a wash basin, a clamp under the basin allow ing the arms to be raised and lowered to any position or tilted to empty the water. To launch lifeboats where the break ers are high or the coast Is rocky a steel trestle Is built out into deep wa ter to support a track on which a car rolls to carry the boat, thus saving time In launching as well as minimiz ing the danger. To lock bags so as to prevent the theft of their contents a new padlock is used with a steel loop to hold the gathered top of the bag, the ends of the loop entering the lock, which has a series of clamps inside the lock so as to fit large and small bags. Fountains for private yards can be fitted with colored lights by means of a new device, consisting of a series of water-pipes surrounding a casing hold ing one or more electric or gas lights, the color effects being produced by colored glasses set in a revolving tram*. MERCER AT THE HELM CHOSEN CHAIRMAN OF THE COMMITTEE. Ed K. Slier Secretary, and B. B.. Schnei der Treasurer—Lincoln Secnrea the State Headqnartera — Organisa tion Highly Satisfactory to Republicans of the State, State Central Committee , Meeting. The republican state central commit tee met at Lincoln and perfected or ganization by electing Congressman David Mercer chairman, E. E. Sizer ' secretary and E. E. Schneider treasur er. Tlie committee made these selec tions and ratified them with an enthu siastic demonstration at the close. Headquarters were relocated in Lin coln with scarcely a dissenting voice. The meeting was held at the commit tee headquarters in the Lindell hotel and the attendance was large, there being but four of the thirty-four eom ’initteemen absent. Two committee men were represented by proxy. The absentees were H. C. liaird of liurcli *rd. H. F. Clary of Blair, John P. Bressler of Wayne and E. E. llairgrove of Sutton. Henry ltagatz of Columbus sent in his resignation and joined in a petition for the appointment of J. Day ton of Stires of Columbus to fill the place. Mr. Stires was elected. F. II. Young of Custer held the proxy of F. M. Eublee of the same county and L. J. Simmons of South Omaha repre sented A. E. Kelley of that place who could not come. All other officers and members were present. At an informal meeting held yester day morning the committee decided to tender the chairmanship to Congress man David B. Mercer of Omaha. A re ply from Mr. Mercer was awaited. When the committee reassembled Congressman Mercer entered the room and was given an ovation. He accepted the trust and spoke briefly, lie had been notified that he was drafted. While it was inconvenient for him to accept the place at this time, it was the duty of republicans to go where du ty called. lie expressed the belief that the party would win this fall. It would not be an ordinary campaign, as Nebraska now occupies a prominent position in national' politics, but he thought the point in prosperity and progress had arrived and the "state would be redeemed. He said there were thousands of republicans who weite misled last fall, but now he be lieved they would go to the polls and again take their places in the ranks. As to the campaign he thought people were too busy attending to their in increased business and their crops to make much fuss, but they would cer tainly ponder over the good times and remember that such times come only under republican administrations. Mr. Mercer attached very little importance to the part played by a chairman so long as the chairman had a good com mittee and a good working force be hind him. He did not claim to be a great organizer, but when campaign ing for himself he had tried not to let anything get away from him. He be lieved a chairman should devote his entire time to the work and ought to receive a salary. t Ed. E. Sizer of Lincoln deputy dis trict clerk, was nominated for secre tary. The nomination was seconded by half a dozen, including Tom Majors and others. Congressman ,T. B. Strode intimated that Mr. Sizer might not be able to leave his business to take the place. He thought Mr. Sizer the best man in the state for the place. The election was made unanimous and Air. Sizer sent for. K. B. Schneider of Fremont was reelected treasurer by acclamation. John L. McPheeley of Minden brought up the matter of state head quarters by moving that tile proposi tion of the Lindell hotel be accepted. D. H. Wheeler as an amendment moved that the matter of headquarters and the location lie left with the executive committee with power to act. George W. Lowly of Seward moved as a sub stitute that headquarters be located in Lincoln. The substitute carried with but one dissenting voice. The propo sition of the Lindell hotel was then accepted after some amendment. At this instant Congressman Strode and others who bad been delegated to bring in Ed Sizer returned with the ole ject of their search. Mr. Sizer made no less impression than did Congressman Mercer. He accepted the secretary ship and made one of the strongest speeches ever made before the commit tee. He said duty called elsewhere, but he proposed to do what he conld to assist the party. He was willing to do all in his power to assist the chairmau of the committee and if the fight were lost it would not be for lack of work on their part. All he ever possessed he said he made in Nebraska. He had lost it all on account of democratic misrule, but Nebraska was good enough for him and he proposed to stand by the state and the republican party. All that he had left in this world was en ergy and courage and he willingly of fered it to the party. These sentiments were cheered to the echo. The cheering was renewed when Chairman Mercer arose and clasped the hand of Mr. Sizer as a pledge of fealty in the party serv ice. There being no further business the committee adjourned to meet at the call of the chairman. The committee men went away congratulating them selves on having made a strong organi zation. S Mr. Sizer will devote his entire time to the work and his place in the office of clerk in the district court will be temporarily filled by another. Oh of Bryan’s Break*. In his statement in the Sunday New York World Mr. Bryan gave “an in creased volume of money” as one cause of the higher prices of farm products. He mentioned this.as “another eonfir m tion of the arguments made by the bi metallists.” “A large part of this money comes from abroad,” he said, and he added that “if we had enough money in this country an increase in the volume would be an injury.” But in the last eight months, during which the advaee in prices has occur red, we have received no money bal ance from abroad. On the contrary, we have lost heavily. From January 1 to September 1 the net exports of gold were >34,788,179. This is a loss of 81, 373,05'.) more than in the corresponding period last year. During the last fiscal ▼ear our net loss of silver coin and bullion was >50,050,301. Nor has there been ‘‘an increased vol nine of money” during this period. The amount of money of all kinds io circulation on March 1, according te the treasury estimate, was $1.675,694,• 953. On September 1 there was 81,665, 680,098—a shrinkage of nearly $10,000, 000. Yet there is and has been mone; enough for all the demands of business. The crops are being paid for and moved, debts by the million cancelled and the wheels of industry started in all direc tions, not onlg without any access oi freely coined silver at 16 to 1, but with an actual diminution in the visible sup ply of the money we have. j It is chiefly a question of confidence I and of the safe and profitable use ol money that has been hidden or hoarded. Mr. Bryan is wrong in his facts and weak in his logic. Mo Chance to Howl Calamity. Ifew York Commercial Advertiser; The silver fusionists in Mr. Bryan’s own state are confronted with circum stances <4f the most discouraging sort on the very threshhold of their cam paign. It was only the other day that the widely advertised -^triangular” con vention was held at Lincoln with 3,700 delegates present, and with General Weaver, “Cyclone” Davis, Senator Al len, Mr. Bryan and as many as a dozen brass bands in the way of attraction. The ink is hardly dry on the platform denouncing the greed of the money power, deploring the impoverished con dition ot the people of Nebraska and declaring the gold standard to be the parent of miseries without number. And now the whole army of populists and silver democrats are forced to see the city bonds of Omaha—which one ! year ago found no takers—selling read-1 ily at a premium. These bonds have 1 ten years to run and bear 43-i per cent, j interest. The figure at which they were sold was 35 per cent, higher than the best rate which the municipality of Omaha has ever been able to secure for this type of security in the past. j But this is not all. A member of the State Board of Agriculture who has been personally investigating the sub ject asserts that, the grain crop of Ne- i braska is worth not less than $195,000, 000 at ruling prices. Nebraska is not ordinarily found among the large pro-, dueers of wheat, but her farmers have an unusual acreage of that cereal this [ year, and they will reap the full bene fit of the increased prices of corn, oats | and other grain. With a better return ! for their labor than they have had for some years, these voters are not likely to be deluded by the stupid Bryanite cry that prosperity is “impossible” un der the gold standard. Both in then own circumstances and the rising cred it of the cities of their state they read the refutation of their falsehood. The republican leaders of Nebraska will be culpable indeed if they do not make . the most of their advantage. 1 All Up Mat Silver. Lincoln Journal: Mr. Bryan ex plains to the St. Louis l’ost Dispatch that the pops arc not dismayed because wheat and silver have parted company as it proves what they always knew, that the price of both is governed by the law of supply and demand. * | But he says that the rejoicing of the farmers over the rise in the price of wheat is proof that the people haven't money enough, and he declares that . if the farmers are bene tilted by the rise in the prices of one product “how | much happier they would be” if everything rose with wheat. He also growls that wages ought to rise with wheat. This shows that the present prosper ity which is caused not only by the rise in the price of wheat but in the price of corn, beef, cattle, pork, hogs, sheep, horses, and pretty much every thing that the farmer raises is a source of no pleasure to Mr. Bryan because silver bullion, in which the farmers are so deeply interested, hasn't risen I any lately in price. | As for wages, when the unemployed all get jobs, and they are getting them very rapidly, there is little doubt that they will participate in the rise. The main point just now is for our indus tries to recover the business they had before Mr. Bryan and Mr. Wilson and the democratic party monkeyed with the’tariff. t Supply and Demand. New York Commercial Advertiser: Ilrynnitc newspapers throughout the country are ringing the changes on the expression “supply and demand.” | They point out that the present in creased price of wheat is due to in- j creased demand for that staple abroad, and insist that if the United States would agree to coin silver -without re- | striction at the ratio of 16 to 1 a de- j maud would be created whieh would ’ raise the price of the white metal to practically the same level which ex isted in 1873. This is Mr. Bryan’s own contention, whieh he repeats when ever he has a chance. Its continual recurrence brings to mind a familiar proverb in which a mortar and pestle figure. The absurdity of supposing that the United States alone, without only about one-twentieth of the earth’s population, could furnish a market.; which would more than doable the value of the world’s silver must be evident to all sensible men. But free coinage advqcatcs apparently do not wish to be sensible. They prefer to be vociferous. Not h Principle Fremont Tribune: Gentle reader, if you will glance over the platform adopted by the free silver republicans at Lincoln you will see that there is uot in it a single principle that any republican of authority from John C. Fremont to Joe Shively, ever indorsed. They call themselves free silver repub licans, but a popocrat under any other name would smell just as beery and be a blamed sight more honest. Somewhat Singular. Fremont Tribune: The World-Herald devotes a column of space to convince the Tribune that the platform of the free silver republicans is the only gen uinely republican platform. This, we suppose, is the secret of the fusion be tween these “republicans” and the popocrats. It is a little singular that the only genuine democrats are in such full sympathy with the only genuine republicans. Nebraska’s Prosperity Roll, Philadelphia Record: A member of the state board of agriculture of Ne braska, who has jnst completed a jour ney through that state, estimates the value of its crops at 9105,000,000. It is hardly necessary to hunt around for the causes of prosperity in the face of such returns. NOT EAGER FOR WAR. Spain Looking for Quiet Settlement of Difficulties.* Madrid, Sept. 24.—The Correspon^Z dencia Da Espana asserts that pour parlours are proceeding between the United States and Spain for a friendly settlement of affairs in Cuba. El Epoea. after denouncing as “sen sational” the story of an ultimatum, points out that the Cubans hare not been at war with Spain without the moral and material co-operation of the American people. There is a great deal of comment as to the origin of the ultimatum report. It has been attributed to a foreign ambassador, but all the ambassadors deny responsibility for it. The people do not think that war is inevitable. It is asserted that the Liberals will soon form a cabinet and that on the return of the queen from San Sebastian to Madrid, Captain General Weyler will be recalled from Cuba and autonomy established in the island, thus leaving no pretext for the intervention of the United States. The minister of marine Admiral De Berangoi. says that three cruisers will shortly be finished and ready for ser vice. London, Sept. 24.—A dispatch to the Standard from Sau Sebastian says: “Fresh communications have passed between United Stales Minister Wood ford and the Duke of Teluan- confirm ing the views of the United States as stated by the American minister last Saturday. Both press and public- re- I ceived the intimation of the attitude of the American government with sur prise and incredulity. Even now most Spaniards are loth to believe- the United States is in earnest in offering in the middle of September- media tion, which is certain to be followed in November by a declaration that it is too late to stop American action because.opinion in the United States calls for a decisive policy and. because the Cubans will accept noth ing short of independence. The Span iards cannot realize that President McKinley had finally made up his mind before he entrusted Minister Woodford with precise instructions, polite but clear, and peremptory. All this places the government in a most difficult situation, and especially asit. has not achieved the desired reorgani zation of the Conservatives and has become involved in equally trouble some conflicts with the bishops and elergy. “It is strange to notice how the Spaniards are already discussing whether Sagasta and the Liberals are not likely to come to an understand ing with the United States and the Cubans, and,failing such a conciliatory course, whether patriotic conditions might induce all conservatives to gather around a strong administration presided over by General Azcarraga or General Campos to defend Spanish, rights." NO USE FOR DEBS iauritu Federation of labor Ifcsuso nn Address to Trades Unions. Washington, Sept 24.—The execu tive council of the American Feder ation of labor met yesterday at the headquarters of the- organization in. this city, to discuss the mining situa tion. The council issued an-address-which, in part, follows: "A call has gone forth to-the trade unions and public for- a labor conven tion in Chicago next Monday. The ostensible objects are to take measures in aid of the miners’ strike and to off set the sweeping powers of the courts in granting injunctions in defiance of popular rights during labor disputes. “These objects are very commenda ble and worthy the active, practical support of every trades unionist and every lover of his fellow man> Hut conditions have somewhat changed since that convention was agreed upon. This week, fully 75,000 miners have gone to work on terms fixed, jointly by the miners and operators. It is the greatest victory gained by- trades, unions m years. It was won against the combined power- of wealth, judi cial usurpations andi inhuman tyr anny. "VVe can see no-need' for- the- labor convention in Chicago next Monday.. We advise our unions not to be repre sented there. The money it would' cost to send delegates would better go to help the suffering miners and their families. “It is not by conventions, with irre sponsible talk, inflammatory declara tion and revolutionary buncombe that the cause of labor can be advanced. Violent appeals to-the passions of the multitude cam serve no good purposes It is only by systematic organization, of the working people in- trades unions, with united hearts and united funds and a fraternity of' purpose which knows no ■ bounds of creed* color, nationality or politics, that wlU uplift the masses. New Window Glass. Trust. Pittsburg, Pa., Sept 24.—A new window glass trust, to be known as the American Window Class associa tion, was organized here to-day. The new combination represents a capital of $4(>v000,000 and includes all of the principal paints of the United States. It is very probable that a decided ad* van.ee in prices will soon follow; For Assaulting Bis Nlesa Mexico, Mo., Sept 84.—The grand jury returned a true hill against Thomas Cooley, charged with assault ing his little l?-year-old niece, Miss May Win/a, daughter of a prominent farmer of this county. Cooley is in l jail._ ^ V t Tolodo Elevator Fire Costs *70,000. Toledo, Ohio, Sept 3 4.—The old Backus elevator, at the corner of Water and Adams streets, burned last Bight Tholov will aggregate fTO,08 J