The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 30, 1897, Image 2

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_T— Fkottikk rmsTiso Oo.
Tinspostmaster at llertunn has 'ten
tiered Ills resignation.
Bnewx county has tfcc largest crop
of cern it has ever produced.
A roosixicss twn's fraternity orguni
tatien has been effected at Valparaiso. I
Qtitk a spirited figlit is <w over tlw
X^anrel posts (hue. Caniiklutcs aw
Orovkr Muhin of Deloit expects to
hove 20,00# bushels of com from this
year’s crop.
Thk Plymouth creamery will 1m
reaily for business the latter part of
this month.
Thk McCook hand hus decided t<>
-enter the bsnd-oontest'at the fall festi
val at Dei|ver.
Mrs. J. N. "Norton-df Fremont was
last week adjudged insane and sent
'to the asylam at Norfolk.
Thk Iianinton county fair tvas
largely attended and the display in all
department*-exceptionally fine.
A iioasK stepped on the foot- of Will
llayes' little daughter at lied Cloud.
Tuesday, anil smashed the member so
badly as tosseecssitate -amputation.
Miss Nkttik E. Harhinoton has been
designated as secretary of the board of
civil service examination for the postal
service at South Omaha in place of M iss
'Williams, who -resigned'from the serv
• TnK baby’th«tt-was mysteriously* left
in the born-of a farmer near Tekamah
a couple off weeks ago was claimed
from the eoantyauthorities by a daugh
ter in the home -where ib-wras left, she
Claiming to<beiits mother.
EsaniKERs-df the-stnte board of irri
gation have'been measuring the water
-coarsen of Dawes-and Sheridan coun
ties for the iparpose of determining
priority of water -rights where there
are more claimati ts than water.
Rkv. P. H. 'If inks, populist nominee
for county superintendent of Fillmore
county, has resigned his:-pastorate, of
-the Congregational church -in tieneva
In order that'his whole time and atten
tion may he given* to the campaign.
A JURY in the district -court- -of Hall
county has found Jonas Reynoldsguilty
of c once sling-stolen property, but sen
tence has not as yet'been i-pronounced.
"The penalty is from one to seven yeans.
Reynolds wan arrested > last- spring.
fa Plattsmouth the other day the
people of the Methodist church raised
m debt of 910/100. The debt-has-been
hanging like -a iheavy pall over the
congregation tor-years and mow that
It has been lifted-off there-is great- re
SneciAT, Aobnt 'Matthews- of - the
general land offiee*has up to date-rec
- ommended the -cancellation - of > nearly
1100 homestead entries in the North
Platte land district which were aban
doned by entipmen - during > the; times
-<of depression.
As Miss Mary iKemp of --St. i Ed
ward and her young Sister were - driv
ing out Of town in-a road cart they
were run over by a-man driving a load
n -out
to last
fried to
Iftel Its
: -Aonth
|one of
&ted to
Jfust the
111 Brest’
lie rforg*
bft town
een pine
fa City lor
s last week,
toner as to
freral phySi
pared before'
and ashed
iln the state
ffci’ace the op
decided (to
der of Ua
__Hied in the:
tllevu stand-.
Ee.«aboose of a!
non Lincoln.'
ah naa n men,
1 appeared to
fir Ibny turned
Una \Vi*lently.
i the. endeavor
has foot waa
le «w dragged
} foot mas kindly
etaqr ,of the
held ha (Cork
i the oiuMMihrBt*
hnce as fellows:
follows: Vis*
L extension, *M3;
«: tract «od
. 9800; pefctte
en's fundfftfift;
,4136; womaa’a
woman's bonne
Jer benevolences,
uce expenses, t>;
. *731: total, 613,
1 church property
If churches to be
|ted valuation of
>te front remote
red a mot card
the fair, ft lim
, station from
Omaha sad re
all points where
. one fair, unless
more than *6.
seven miles south
- threshing Friday
up 6,700 bushels of
; to
fOerman butcher of
fved in that city for
tired of life and
bis head.. He
Plan* l.»W f«rr'flext War's Expedition,
Which Wilt Start Jnlj, 1898—
■Conditions I’mler WMrh the
• .Journey to be Undertaken
■—S»B|«lue of Success.
tenant Pe»ry*<» Next Trip.
T'liri.AUKi.i’HlA, Sept 2V.—Lieuten
ant I’eary said to-day. concerning the
Arctic trip from which he has just re
"in addition to securing the Cape
'York meteorite, ! laid the plans for
next year's expedition, and when I
leave again, which will lie about the
rnd of nett duly, it will be to remain
up there until I reach the pole or lose
my life in the attempt, if it takes five
years to accomplish this object.
"Next summer I shall take my ves
sel up to Bherard Osborne Fjord and
make that place my base of supplies.
"fin the last trip. I made arrange
ments with Arctic highlanders, a tribe
of Kskimos, consisting of ‘.MO tnen, wo
men arid children, known as the most
northerly tribe of human beings on
earth: to put in this coming winter in
obtaining seal, bear and deer skins for
our clothing, and in securing all the
walrus meat they can for dog food. 1
have singled out eight young men of
the tribe, who, with their wives, ca
noes, dogs, sleighs and tersfs, are to
accompany me to (Sherard Osborne
Fjord, which is about 300 miles further
north than their present abode.
“My .party will consist of a surgeon,
possibly another white man und my
self. The rest will be Eskimos. Tlie
latter know how to drive dogs, they
can go.hungry, and know how to get
“The conditions under which I shall
make the coming expedition are of
the most satisfactory character. The
American Geographical Society has
assured 9150,000 to meet all expenses,
and 1 have been given five years’ leave
of absence. I shall probably buy a
new ship: for next year, though we
may use the Ilopo again. Mra Peary
will not accompany me.
>:>, “J am quite sure that I shall succeed
in reaching the pole. Nansan got
within SCO miles of it, but Andree did
not have one chance in 1,000 when he
started to drift over the pole. I don’t
think Andree' will accomplish any
thing. and he may have lost his life
long before this ‘n his attempt.”
Ecropc leading Gold to Pay for Amer
ican Grain.
NeW York, Sept 2?.—• R. G. Dun A
Co.'a Weekly Revifew of Trade says:
“Gold imports,have begun direct from
England andfrom France, besides the
arrival of 94.000,000 at San Francisco
from Australia for wheat exported.
The .gold i .received there and
stapled from Europo amounts to
?i,1>00,00') in , four days, und the
dvanee of its rate by the Bank of
England to per cent seems little
likely to check the movement, in view
of heavy merchandise balances due
this country, and a rise in the rate of
interest here. The August excess of
merchandise and specie exports over
imports was not far from 913,000,000,
and the September excess will evi
dently be larger,, unless shipments of
gold are considerable.
B'radstrea t’s says: ' ‘There is a cheek
to the onward sweep of demand in
staple lines notiesable throughout the
country for the past six weeks. The
yellow fever quarantine, which ex
tends from 'Texas to Georgia, has
brought wholesale business to a prac
tical standstill throughout the greater
portion of the region embraced by the
tlijlf states”
'Mmlwn Crimes Commuted in Kng
toad Dally <aad ; the - Police Hsltled.
) Losdojj, Sept. S7.—Dally for a week
put there has .been .an atrocious
murder and the;.alarm. 4a increased by
the fact that the perpetrators of the
.crimes hare all baffled, the police.
<Mra Bryan, wife of ,Dri Bryan of
Northampton, was.killed in. a railroad
car. The Rev. .Dr. Aubrey Price, .a
.well t known divine, .was killed by
burglars at hie ihome Monday. A
little.boy wu kidnaped and. murdered
iln the suburbs. A .rich miserly
.woman wu found ,eut to pieces
at .her home iln iBetbal Green.
A .farmer’s daughter, Emma John
•on, .wu murdered .at .Windsor
and her body mutilated, -stripped and
thrown,in to the Thames. The mur
derer, of .Emma Johnson .Is.believed to
be a.maniac whose .actual identity is
not .known, but who for.many>months
past ihu friirhtened mdiassaulted per
sons .on 'the road from Windsor to
Matdanheed end
aged to.elude capture.
U Its Waslaess Sana eg Mias,
'. V., Dalfoyad by men
MusnMWB.lL T., Sept *•>.—The lit
tle town of .Allan, L T.. fifteen miles
test of VlnJta.lL T., wss almost -wiped
sot by fire yesterday afternoon. AU
the business bonus were destroyed,
including the ’.Frisco depot and fifteen
Bare of wheat The loss will foot up
between >50,000 and $75.pool
The CwanmlMtaa tacks Witnesses
Chicago, Sept 87.—The interstate
eommerce commission adjourned ita
bearing of1 the warehouse company
complaints to-day on account of the
iiffieulty of procuring needed wit
nesses The commission, it wu an
nounced, would return ia about a
month and finish its hearing.
A Xevada. tie. Merchant dells.
Nkvada, Ms, Sept 87. —J. It Lat
imer, retail dry goods merchant, hu
nada en assignment to David Davts of
it Louis u a preferred creditor, for
CUMlt'i Protest Against Participation
In Sealing Coalsrsscs Heeded.
London. Sept -.JT.—Officials of the
foreign office decline to give the rea
sons for Great Uritian's notification to
the l.'aited States that It cannot
participate in the sealing conference
at Washington if Russia and Japan
take part in it. The action of the
Marquis of Salisbury is the more sur
prising because he accepted for Great
l!rltain the invitation to take part la
the conference with the full knowl
edge that Russia and Japan were in
cluded ia the invitation.
it is known that Canada requested
the withdrawal of Great Britain from
the sealing conference and the gov
ernment unwillingly acceded to this
request, in accordance with its policy
of cultivating the friendship of the
colonies, even at the risk of offending
1 other powers. It is thought in diplo
matic circles that Canada's action in
the premises was influenced by the
fear tbatGreat Britain would be out
voted by the 'United States, Russia
and Japan, whose views regarding
the protection of seals coincide.
A Blacksmith <eff Shamokln, Pa., SIlW
HU -Sweetheart and Himself,
SiiAMOKi.v. Pn, Sept. 37.—The bodie*
of Arthur W. May, aged 34, and Miss
Cora Kasrnan, aged IS, were found in
the blacksmith shop of Joseph Smink
this morning. May had shot his sweet
heart and then himself throujfh the
head. The murderer and suicide was
a blacksmith, and up to the time of
his death had been employed by
Smink. The couple had been lovers
for some time, and last week they ar
ranged to go away and be quietly
married. The parents of the young
woman objected, and this caused a
postponement. Then the pair made
up their end their troubles
by dying together, and met last night
and made all arrangements. The girl
left her home early this morning.and
went .direct to the blacksmith'shop
where May was waiting for her.
■It*worfh, Belfast sit ‘Other Towns
Shekels Up—People Frightened*
EmiHWobth, Me.,Sept. 27.—An earth
quake shock was felt here at :1:31
o'clock this afternoon with a rumbling
from the southward. Rouses were
shaken, windows and dishes rattled,
and the vibration lasted ten seconds.
The sky was clear and the thermome
ter -was 72 above zero. The shock was
alee noticed .in other towns in the
county and in Steuben and Washing
ton counties., Me., Sept. 87.—An earth
quake shock was felt in Belfast at 1:05
o'clock to-day. Two rumbles were
felt, the first lasting about five sec
onds and tbe second about ten sec
onds. Houses were shaken and stoves
and dishes rattled. People rushed
i from their houses in many instances,
fiekemlog Against England.
Paws, Sept 27.— The Politique Col
onial* publishes a dispatch from St
Petersburg to-day saying that, as a
result of an .exchange of views be
tween the chancellories .of St Peters
burg, Paris. Berlin, Vienna, Rome
and Constantinople, the sultan of
Turkey will address the powers
shortly upon the subject of Great Brit
ain's evacuation of Egypt and that
Runia, supporting the sultan, will in
vite a conference at Constantinople or
St Petersburg, with the object of set
tling the question upon the basis of
the autonomy of Egypt under the
suaerainty of the sultan.
Alaskan Gold Claim* Bold.
Seattle, Wash., Sept 31.—Four
teen gold mining claims in the Sum
dam and Benners' Bay districts, in
southeastern Alaska, hare been sold
to New York and Denver men for
8200,000 There were two separate
deals, seven claims in each district
being sold. Through ex-collector B.
E. Moore, the Somdum property was
sold for tMHVOOO. James R. Price, a
Denver mining nan, placed the other
seven with Denver capitalists for 875,
* '
Htory Qmt|« AUa Mtj Ran*
New York. Sept 87.—E. H. Curley,
a member of a committee said to have
been empowered by the Democratic
alliance to wait upon Henry George
and ask him to be the candidate of the
alliance for mayor of Greater New
York, says that Mr. George apprised
<tho committee that under one condi
tion. and that was the failure of the
ire'gular Democratic organization to
"Stand by the Chicago platform, he
"mould accept the nomination.
•Great Wealth far a Coavtnt.
*>ak Francisco, Sept 37. —A fortune
at*250,000 is awaiting W. F. Kasson,
who is • now serving a ten months' sen
tewee.In the county jail here for em
bejudement Kasson is one of the two
sons of. James Kasson, a mining man
of Mem York, who died a few weeks
ago«t Austin, Iowa
Ore ssh same— Flying Rear Hiawatha.
Hiawatha, Kan., Sept 37—Farm
ers of Irving township report that
myriads of grasshoppers are flying
aouth, sow dropping on the way.
They fear that the pests are making
■ready to locate in Brown county and
hatch out in the spring.
The Epidemic AJboat m Virulent ta Kmu
Orlnaae as It Was la 18S7.
New Orleaks. La.. Sept 37.— Emi
nent doctors believe that the work of
the beard of health ia productive of
good results and that the fever is not
spreading, but on the contrary, is be
ing confined to localities. Thus far
there have been a few less tban 100
eases and fifteen deaths. The death
rate is in the neighborhood of 15 per
cent It was. in l$7s, 10 per eeot; so
that up to the ptesent time the disease
is about as virulent as it was in the
last great epidemic New Orleans bad
Oily One Body Recovered—Victim. Were
Pecker, en the Dye. Trail—Steamer
Alkl Return. With Many Dl.ap
pointed Pai.engcr.—Buffer
las Ale ay the Klondike.
Burled la an Avalanche.
Port Townsend, Wash., Sept. 25.—*
The tup Pioneer, which left Puget
Sound September 13 with the bark
Shirley in tow for Skaguay, returned
at I o’clock this morning, having
made the run down in ninety-six
hours The Pioneer brings a report
of a landslide near Sheep camp, on
the Chileoot pass, last Sunday morn
ing, in which eighteen men are said
to have lost their lives. Only one body
is said to have been recovered, that of
a man named Cboynski, a cousin of
Joe Choynski, the prize fighter. The
men supposed to have been lost were
packers on the Dyea trail.
The officers of the Pioneer says that
the story was brought to Skaguay Sun
day evening by three men, who told
it in such a way as to leave no doubt as
to its truthfulness. They described the
avalanche as consisting of rocks, ice
and dirt which had been loosened by
the rain, which had been falling con
tinuously during the past month. All
the bridges on the Skaguay river have
been washed out and the river is a
raging torrent
W. W. Sprague, of Tacoma, who
started eight weeks ago with a three
years’ outfit, returned from Skaguay
on the schooner.
The steamer Alki, a week overdue
from Alaska, arrived this morning at
4 o’clock. It carried a large list of
men returning from Skaguay who
were unable to eross the pass. The
snow was six inches deep at Lake
Benton, and three inches fell on the
summit of the Chileoot pass last Sat
J’rofea.or Wiggle. Bay. the Planet. Are
In Position to Raise a Rnmpna
Ottawa, Ont, Sept 25.—Professor
Wiggins predicts a great hurricane
.and says:
“The announcement by the marine
•department that :a hurricane is now
moving up the Atlantic coast from the
West Indies is a meteorological event
-of more than common interest.
That a great storm is near is a
meteorological fact The moon will
'be in conjunction with Jupiter and
Mercury on the 25th, and Mars on the
'27th. The moon crosses the celestial
equator on the 25th, moving south
ward. She will be in conjunction
with the sun on the 2<ith at 1 o’clock,
p. m., London time, and will be at her
perigree or nearest point in her orbit
to the earth on the 21th. They are
sail or nearly all dangerous elements
to the mariner, for they indicate a
storm on the afternoon of Wednesday,
the 2'jth, with high tides on the North
American coast.”
Wra. Langtry Vxp.ct. to Become Prin
ces. E.torhacy la California.
San Francisco, Sept 25.—Henry C.
McPike, attorney for Mrs. Lily Lang
try when she secured her divorce last
May, said yesterday: “I have recently
received from my client, Mrs. Langtry,
notice of her intention to return to
California by the end of Novem
ber. Prince Bsterhazy will accom
pany ber and immediately upon their
arrival here they will bo married in
Lake county, I presume, for her home
la there. Because they have preferred
to he married in this state it must not
be argued that either Mrs. Langtry or
Prince Esterhazy regard the former
divorce as lacking in legality in any
other jurisdiction. On the contrary,
they are advised by tbelr solicitors in
London that the decree granted at
Lafeeport baa freed her absolutely
from Edward Langtry, so that she
may marry in any part of the world,
if she chooses.”
Boiftfc Omaha Exchange Had* Defend*
aata la Antl-Trtut Law gait.
Omaha, Neh, Sept. 85.— Suit hag
jast been brought by the United
States against the South Omaha Live
Stock exchange and all its members,
under the Sherman anti-trust law. Its
membership amounts to a few over
800. The suit is authorized by Attor
ney General McKenna The papers
in the suit were filed with
him some time ago by Attorney
John T. Gathers of this city.
There is little doubt that the suit
against the Omaha Live Stock ex
change is but one of many to be filed
at once in all the states. Attorney
General Sawyer, the assistant for this
Federal district, declares as much.
Train Robbery Frustrated.
Guthrie, Okla., Sept. 85.—An at
tempt to hold up the south bound
:8antaFe passenger train near Edmond
at 1 o’clock last night was frustrated
by deputy marshals and several oi
Chief Kenney’s men. The outlaws art
being chased. Two of them are ex
deputy United States marshals.
Farm Bout and Three Children.'
Dallas, Texas, Sept 85.—Near New
Boston, Bowie county, yesterday, fire
destroyed the home of Jefferson Con
nor, a farmer, and burned bis three
small children to death during the ab
sence of the rest the family. The
cause of the conflagration has not
been learned.
Verty Silled by an Kdrthqaake,
London, Sept 85.—A private dig
patch from Borne says that about
forty persons were killed and many
others injured by an eartbaplH at the
lulpbur mines near Glrytntu
|t Will Educate the Children and Sara
Money to the Tax-Payers.
The law passed by the last legisla
ture, says a Lincoln correspondent of
the Omaha Bee, empowering school
boards to provide transportation for
pupils to another school in the same
district whenever the distance to the
school is impracticable for the pupils
to attend without transportation, is
being taken advantage of by several
districts of the state. In Lincoln it has
been decided to abandon one of the
schools in the edge of the town and
transport the pupils by street cars to
one of the other graded schools. It is
estimated by this the expense of pro
viding an education for these pupils
will be reduced 45 per cent. In Fre
mont and Nebraska City the school
boards are also preparing to try the
new system.
In many of the western counties there
are districts in which the average at
tendance of pupils is less than five. In
some it runs as low as one pupil to the
school. In 1,700 districts the average
attendance is below ten pupils to the
school. Should districts of this sort
agree among themselves and transport
the pupils of one district over to the
school run'by another district, there
would he a saving of fully 30 per cent
in the furnishing of an education for
the pupils.
It is learned by consulting the rec
ords at the office of the state superin
tendent that in one district the ex
pense of maintaining a school from
February 2, 1891 to October 8,1892, was
91,389.65, although the average attend
ance during that time was shown to
he two pupils. The teacher was paid
940 a month and the directors got th«
balance. In another district the re
port shows that in 1892 the sehoo;
house was 14x14 feet in size and wai
fitted out with nine single seats. The
average daily attendance for that year
was three. The expense account,
aside from the teacher's salary, shows
that 930 was expended for a map, and
that 9508.09 was drawn by the three
directors in various amounts of from
920 to 975, the vouchers showing that
the money was drawn to pay for “at
tending meetings, work and visiting
schools.” The same district in 1893
contained thirteen pupils of school age
of whom six attended school. The
average attendance was three as on
the previous year. The levy for the
year was 18 mills. The expenditures
were as follows: Teacher, 9360; re
pairs and fuel, 973.75; maps and charts,
941.40; books and supplies, 913.30; well
and windmill, $294.45; janitor work,
kindling and carrying water, 9100;
other purposes, 990.76. In 1894 the
district contained eleven pupils of
school age, the average daily attend
ance was four. The directors paid the
teacher 9120; new scliool house, 9466.10;
repairs and fuel, $28: books, maps,
etc.. 960.73; books and supplies, 920;
janitor and furnishing water, 990; in
surance, 917-50; all other purposes,
A report of the Peru normal school
just mode to the state superintendent
shows that the total enrollment of the
school at the end of the first week is
larger than the enrollment at the end
of the term of last year. The enroll
ment last Friday evening was 572 in
the normal and preparatory depart
ments. _
Union Pacific Will be Sold.
A special to the Chicago Times-Her
ald from Washington says: It was
practically decided at a cabinet meet
ing that the government will not in
terfere with the proposed foreclosure
upon the Union Pacific Railway, and it
is therefore morally certain that the
syndicate scheme of taking over that
great property, as arranged during the
closing hours of the Cleveland admin
istration, will be carried out. While
no official announcement to this effect
is made, numbers of the cabinet do not
deny that such was the conclusion
reached and that there will be no ap
peal from the decree of foreclosure and
sale recently entered by the district
court at Omaha.
The syndicate has already deposited
a forfeit of 94,500,000, and has, it is un
derstood, completed all necessary finan
cial arrangements to pay the balance
as soon as the road is sold in compli
ance with the orders of the court. This
arrangement meets with the approval
of the subcommittee of the senate com
mute on Pacific roads, which held a
meeting here last week, and as soon as
he terms of purchase have been com
plied with by the syndicate, the gov
ernment's connection with the road
will cease.
pteoraaita t'roaucts Abroad,
The El Paso (111.) Journal of Septem
ber has this to say of the Nebraska ag
ricultural exhibit which is going the
rounds of the Illinois county fairs:
The exhibit made by the gentlemen
from Nebraska is a beauty. In point
of artistic arrangement it would do
credit to our state fair and should be
seen by every visitor to the El Paso fair
this year.
We judge by the expression from the
many who have been to the building in
which it is located that the display of
farm products is equal in its entirety
to any ever shown in this county, de
spite the fact - that Woodford county
has the reputation of taking great in
terest in this department and was suc
cessful in carrying off the premiums at
the world's fair display in the Illinois
building. _
A Splendid Show of Cattle.
Elijah Filley, of Gage county, super
intendent of the cattle exhibit at the
state fair, said that the eyes of man
never saw a better display of cattle
than was at the state fair. All the cat
tle barns were full and the stock had
to be run over into some of the horse
barns. Everybody acquainted with the
history of the state fair united in say
ing that the cattle show had never been
equaled in the state. Stand up for Ne
Fatal Shooting Between Farmen.
Lexington dispatch: Sylvester Wise
man was shot and killed this afternoon
in Kennebec precinct, about fifteen
miles from here. Tom Maudlin has i
given himself up to the sheriff and says I
he did the shooting in self-defense. I
Wiseman had had serious trouble with |
his wife, leading up to an application
for divorce, and blamed Maudlin for
advice he had given Mrs. Wiseman.
Maudlin says that Wiseman drew a
knife and that he shot and killed him
self-defense. The bullet went in at the
top of the head and came out at the
back of the neck. Both were .well-to- j
do farmers. I
Hangman Don a Bad Job.
Kbv West, Fla., Sept. 25.—Sylvanusv
Johnson was hanged here at 11:32*
o'clock yesterday for criminal assault.
The hangman bungled the execntion,
the knot slipping under the chin.
Johnson struggled violently for ten
minutes, and was still alive at the
end of twenty-five minutes. He con
fessed his crime, professed conversion
and died forgiving and blessing his
enemies. An orderly crowd witnessed
the execution.
Night Train* in Tom Off.
11, Texas, Sept. 25.—On ac
count of the yellow fever scare and'
rigid quarantine regulations by state,
county and city authorities, all night
trains on the Houston & Texas Cen
tral road and other Huntington sys
tem lines have been ordered taken off
and the day service has been largely
curtailed. Travel over the state is al
most paralyzed.
Alaska Cattoma Inspectors Named.
Washington, Sept. 3 5.—The secre
tary of the treasury has appointed
Thomas 8. Luke, T. A. Marquam,
Emanuel Hermann and Charles I.
Roth as customs inspectors at Sitka,
Alaska, at 8*", per day each. These ap
pointments were made necessary by
the exodus to the Klondike regions.
Troops Off for Alaska.
Washington, Sept. 25.—A telegram
was received at the war department
to-day from Lieutenant Colonel Ran
dall at Seattle, Wash., announcing
his departure upon the steamer Hum
boldt for St. Michaels at 8 o’olock last
night The party consists of thirty
two men, including officers and men.
Hiss Besm Welcomed at Hutchinson.
Hutchinson, Kan., Sept 25.—When
Miss Eva Beem, formerly money order*
clerk in the postoffice here, returned
last night from Wichita, Kan., where
she had been acquitted of embezzle
ment a large crowd welcomed her
witn a brass hand, and she was drawn,
in an open carriage to her home.
Indiana Hlaers Sconra Concussions.
Washington, Ind., Sept 25.—The
Montgomery coal miners went to
work in a body to-day. The price
paid for mining will be the same as
before, but the miners will be charged
less for their powder ahd oil.
nes Machine Movements.—Copyrighted
Above are given illustrations of three
machine movements, which netted their
originators fortunes. This is especially
true of the worm and chain gear. A
mechanism for disengaging the eccen
tric rod, A, from the valve rod, I), is
shown, as is also an ordinary groove
heart cam. Inventors and others de
siring information as to inventions and
patent, should address Sues & Co., pat
ent experts, Bee Building, Omaha. Nelx.
Iowa Patent Of lice Iteport.
Thirty patents were issued Aug. 31.
to one inventor, F. II. Bichards, of
Hartford, Conn, for thirty different
weighing machines.
Tne secretary of a company in Lake
View, Iowa, says: “We recorded our as
signment in the eonnty where we do
business,” and asks, “Should it be re
corded anywhere else?”
Answer: Recording any paper that
affects the title to a patented invention
in a county or state is not a legal no
tice to the public. The following is
the law upon the subject:
Sec. 4898. Every patent, or any inter
est therein, shall be assignable in law
by an instrument in writing and the
patentee or his assigns or legal repre
sentatives may in like manner grant
and convey an exclusive right under
his patent to the whole or any specified
part of the United States. An assign
ment, grant or conveyance shall be
void as against any subsequent pur
chaser or mortgagee for a valuable
consideration, without notice, unless it
is recorded in the patent office within
three months from the date thereof,
Thos. G. and .T. Ralph Orwig,
Solicitors of Patents.
Des Moines, la.. Sept. 15, 1897.
Quotation* From New York, Chicago,
Loull, Omaha and Elsewhere.
Butter—Creamery separator... 10 ©
Batter—Choice fancy country.. 10 ffl
Eggs—Fresh. 12 @
Spring Chickens—Per lb. 7 ©
Bens—per lb. 0ft®
Turkeys, per lb. 7 ©
Pigeons—Live. 75 ©
Lemons—Choice Messinas. 4 21 @ 4
Honey—Choice, per lb. 12 @
Onions—per bu. 60 @
Cranberries. Cape Cod, per bbl. 6 50 @ 7
Beans—Handpicked Navy. 1 50 © 1
Potatoes—per bn. 00 @
Broom Corn—Choice Green. 2 ©
Oranges—per l>ox. 4 25 © 4
Apples—Per bbl..'.. 1 05 © 2
Hay—Upland, per ton.. 4 00 © 0
Hogs—Choice light. 3 00 ©4
Hogs—Heavy weights.. 3 00 © 3
Beef steers. . 300 @4
Bulls. 200 ©3
Stags. 3 75 © 4
Oalves. 5 75 © 0
Western Feeders. 2 75 © 4
Cows.. 2 00 © 3
Heifers.. 3 90 ©3
Stockers and Feeders. 2 50 © 4
Sheep—Western Lambs. 4 75 © 5
Sheep—Native ewes. 275 ©3
Wheat—No. 2 spring. 03 ©
Corn—per bu.. . 23 @
Oats—per bu. 20 ©
Barley—No. 2. 42ft®
Rye—No. 2. 47 0
Pork . 835 ©8
Lard—per 100 lbs. 4 00 © 4
Cattle—Choice beef steers. 4 00 ©5
Cattle—Western Rangers..3 15 ©4
Hogs—Prime light. 4 25 © 4
Sheep—Native Lambs. 6 66 ©5
Sheep—Oregon. 2 00 ©3
Wheat—No. 2, red, Winter. 97}<®
Com—No. 2. 30 ©
Oats—No. 2. 2* ©
Pork. 0 75 ©0
Lard. 490 ©5
Wheat—No. 2, spring. 45 © 85ft
Corn—No. 2.. 21 ■ ® 24ft
Oats—No. 2. 18ft© 22
Cattle—Stockers and Feeders 2 50 © 4 40
Hogs—Mixed.-.3 80 ©406
Pbeep—Muttons.3 70 V 3 ©
85 .