The ‘‘Bicyclist’s Beat Friend1* ia • familiar name for DeWitt’a Witch Hazel Salve, always ready for emergenciee. While a specific for piles, it also instant ly relieves and cares cuts, bruises, salt rheum, eczema and all affections of the skin. It never fails. Hebshibeb & Gillioan. "Last summer one of our grand-child ren was sick with a severe bowel trouble,” says Mrs. E. G. Gregory, of Frederickstown, Mo. "Our doctor’s remedy had failed, then we tried Cham-, berlan’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which gave very speedy relief.’ For sale by P. C. Corrigan. Small precautions often prevent great mischiefs. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are very small pills in size, but are most effective in preventing tbe most serious forms of liver and stomach troublee. They cure constipation and headache and regulate the bowels. Hebshiseb ft Gillioan. Certainly you don’t want to suffer with dyspepsia, constipation, sick head ache, sallow skin and loss of appetite. Tou have never tried DeWitt’s Little Early Risers for these complaints or you would have been cured. They are small pills but great regulators. Hebshiseb ft Gillioan. Mr. James E. Ferrell, of Burnt House, W. Va., has discarded all other diarrhoea medicines and now handles only Cham berlin’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He has used it in bis family and sold it to his customers for years, and ha* no hesitation in saying that it is the best remedy for colic and diarrhoea he has ever known. It not only gives relief but effects a permanent cute. It is also safe and pleasant to take, making it an ideal remedy for bowel complaints. For sale by P. C. Corrigan, druggist. TO WHOM IT MAT COVCHUf: I have been in the drug business for twelve years, and during that time have sold nearly all the cough medicines manufactured; and from my personal knowledge of such remedies, I say that Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy gives better satisfaction than any on the market.—W. M. Tbbby, Elkton, Ky. Sold P. C. Corrigan, druggist. YOU WAIT TSSBMT. Berries for your money, end you Ret % U when traveling vie the Paeifle Short Line; Through connection* dally, ex > . eept Sunday, each way between Sioux City and the Black Hills via O'Neill, earing three hour* in each direction. Close connection* with train* to and from Yankton, Sioux City, Mitchell, etc. Buy local tickets to O’NeiU. Low est rate*. _» suabtisobscowtihtio*. A delegate convention of the reptabli can party for the purpose of placing in nomination a supervisor for the sixth supervisors district will be held at the Fountain Valley school house in Fran cis on Saturday, September 26, at one o'clock p. m. The representation will be the same as that to the oounty con vention. T. B. Mamne, Chairman. Baeklaa’s Arnica lalvs. Thu Bust Salvh In the world for cuts, ' bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped bauds, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It Is guarranted to give perfect eatie " faction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by P. C. Corri gan. _ . 51-tf Ballard's Snow lament. This Invaluable remedy is one that ought to be in every household. It will cure your rheumatism, neurallga, sprains, cuts, bruises, burns, frosted X feet and ears, sore throat and sore chest. If you have lame back it will cure it. It penetrate* to the seat of the disease. It will cure still Joints and contracted musclee after all other remedies have failed. Those who have been cripples for years have used Ballard's Snow Liniment and thrown away their crutches and been able to walk as wall as ever. It will cure you. Price 60 ■_ cents. Free trial bottlea at P. C. Corrigan’s. The Blase very Saved His Mr. 0. Galllouette, druggist, Beavem* ville, 111., says; "To Dr. King's New f';1 Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with lagrlppe and tried all the phvain Ians for miles about, but waa of no avail and was given upend told 1 could ^ not live. Having Dr. King’s New Dis | covery In my store I sent for a bottle V and began Its use and from the first dose began to get better, and after using three bottles was up and about again. It i? Is worth its weight in gold. We won’l keep store or house without It.” Get a free trial at Corrigan's drug store. SCALES IT’S DANGEROUS "AlOOODir I tlM? cu'i H. — Um bwk‘ A ~T~r.-r —**■» iBTMIaml ff* It Is IlMclitblv, Ukd BMM tkftt rr- IN Ml SMS IBM IO*mv or liter job must Imjr sxsln. 9mw smlr ^Prov^rAlUAIHl *?!?_ **!*. I** r*> • lifetime, end prove Um •keeprst le ike rsi. Mo »*oe csn then dispute yewrwelfbu. MRWAKROV IMITATIONS! FAIRBANKS, MORSE A CO., Stoa Ptmun St.. Omaha, Nab. • $ - LEGAL ADVERTI8EMENT8. NOTICE. Selberllng Mlller&Co., Peregoy A Moore, Daniel O'Neill, Mary Royster and Henry Royster, her husband, defendants, will take notice that Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company, of Hartfotd, Connecticut, a cor poration, plaintiff, has filed a petition in the district oourt of Ilolt county, Nebraska, against said defendants. Impleaded with. Michael O'Neill, Jr.. Annie Gallagher, Andrew Oallagher, John McNIchols, admin istrator of the estate of Michael O'Neill deceased, Patrick Hagerty, John J. McCaff erty, Riley Brothers, A. M. lluddleson, the object and prayer of whioh are to foreclose a certain mortgage dated May 7.1884, for 3600, and Interest, upon the northwest quarter or section 33 In township 30 north of range 12 west of the 0th P. M. Holt county, Nebraska, given by Michael O’Neill to the plaintiff, which mortgage was recorded In book 3, page 301, mortgage records of said county and to have the same decreed to be a Orst Hen and said lands sold to satisfy the same. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 23rd day of A upuat, 1837. Dated July 14,1897. 8. D. Thohnton. 2-4 Attorney for Plaintiff. In the dlstrlot oourt of Holt oounty, Nebras ka. John J, MoGafferty, Nell Brennan. J. P. Mann, M. P. Klnkaid, Henry Waterman, Administrator of the estate of Barrett 8oott, deceased, Plaintiffs. vs. N. B. Blsbee and Cargill Oraham, Defendants. Cargill Oraham, one of the above named defendants, will take notloe that on the 2lst day of May, A. D. 1897, John J. McOafferty. Nell Brennan, J. P, Mann, M. P. Klnkaid. and Henry Waterman, administrator of the estate of Barrett Soott, deceased. Died their petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against N. B. Blsbee aud Cargill Qraham.defendants, the object and prayer of which petition Is to recover judgment (and enforoe the payment thereof! on one certain promissory note given and made by said defendants for the sum of 32804.58, dated May 18, 1892, due six months after date, to draw interest at the rate of ten per cent, per an num; that there Is now due on said note the sum of 33906.75, for which sum plalhtlffs ask judgment, that since the beginning of said notion plaintiffs caused to be Issued out of satd court an order of attachment against the lands, tenements, goods, chattels stocks and oredlts and what might be owing to said Cargill Graham In Holt county aforesaid and caused In connection with said order of attachment one Charles Knapp therein said Holt county to be notified or garnisheed to appear In suld oourt 20th day of July. A. D. 1897, and there answer all questions pro pounded to him touching the property of said Cargill Graham In said Knapp's possession or under his control, the object being to reach and obtain an order from the court requiring said Knapp to pay upon the Judg ment which plaintiffs seek to recover the amount he agreed to pay as the purchase firlue for one quarter section of land situated n Holt oounty, whioh land In faot belongs to said Cargill Graham and the purchase price of which la to be paid to said Cargill Graham by said Charles Knapp, or to be paid to some third person for the benefit of satd Cargill Graham. You,Cargill Graham, are required to answer said petition on or before the loth day of August, A. D. 1897. Dated on July 6,1897. John J. MoOmsHTr, Naii, Brbhnan, V ,* J. P. Mann, M. P. Kissap, and Hknry Watbrman, Administrator of the estate of Barrett Soott. deceased, Plaintiffs. By E. H. Bbnbdict, M Their Attorney. NOTICE TO BBDIEM. To Whom n Mat Oohohrn: Too an hereby notified. that on the eighth SA seo.l twp. ilS range 11, taxed In name of Trank Akin. NW8WU mo. B two. SB range 11. taxed In name of John Barren. IfWM mo. U twp. SB range 11. taxed in name of John Bklrring. BEK seo.SS twp. SB range 11, taxed in name of C. A. Whiting' BEksec. as twp. SB range 11, taxed in name of H. h. Dailey, BWH mo. Str^. DO range 11, taxed in name of Marg*t 0. Bummers. Isn't C _ . WMBWli and BEkBW* and 8WK8E* sec. • twp. BO range 11, taxed in name of Robert H. James. SKBHjd sec. IS twp, SO range 11. taxed In name of Union Trust Co. NW}4 sec. SI twp. SO range 11, taxed In name of 1.0. Bd wards. BKMEM sec. S3 twp. 80 range 11, taxed In name of Nelson Hartson. BWKNWM and NWUBWM see 24 twp. SO range 11, taxed In name of Nelson Hartson. 8W)i see. ST twp. 80 range 11, taxed In name of Tim Dwyer. NBkeec.28 twp.SO range 11, taxed In name of M. P. Brennan. of Wilte3*®?0 r“n,Ce Ul taxed in n*me 'WMNEI4, NEJ48WH and NWKSEJ4 see. 11 twp. 28 range IS, taxed in name of Francis c. Worley. NWJA sec. 6 twp. SB range IS, taxed in name of Annie A. Keeley. BWRsec. IS twp. SB range IS, taxed in name of M. Hanneghan. 8WM mc. B twp. SB range IS, taxed in name of John McBride. BMNE!i>NH8B!t sec. 18 twp. SB range IS, taxed in name of 0. 8. Bartholomew. BBH mc. SO twp. SB range IS, taxed in name of Union Trust Oo. of J ^"(VDonnefl * r*nge M* taXed ln “ttme _ sec. 88 twp. 28 range 18. taxed In name of Park Vaughn. WMNEX and NEJ4NW*. NWK8EH sec. 17 twp. SO range 12, taxed in name of Thomas Cleary, M Wk see. 21 twp. SO range 18,taxed In name of Annie Jennings. NWM sec. SB twp. SO range 12, taxed in name of Annie Gallagher. NWm sec. 4 twp. so range 13, taxed In name of Union Trust Co. WMNWJ*. 8BMNWM Me. 14. and NEkNEk SP0, }s «i.wp- FA0*6 13> taxed in name of Frank Westerehlll. 8KNWW seo. 21 twp. SO range 18, taxed in ame of J. M. Whisenand. 83 twp. so range-18. taxed In name of H. E. Henderson. SKNEk.NKBEk seo. 6 two. SO range 14. taxed ln name of J. W. Gould. " NEM see. 11 twp. 80 range 14, taxed ln name of Henry T. Nichols. NBM see. 14 twp. 80 range 14, taxed in name of Danford Taylor. NW* mc. 14 twp. 80 range 14, taxed in name of H. Fullerton. N1 of Edward h! S&.30 M*Uxed ,n aame rang0«■tttxed ln 8S4NW14 sec. 83 twp. name Thaddeus Weeks. NWU see. 25 twp. 80 range 14. taxed in name ofjielra of Mrs. Brakey. range 14, taxed In NB1» sec. 28 tw^.30 range 14, taxed ln name of Armenia W. Miller. sec. SB twp. SO range 14. taxed in name of Hiram Beebe. JWi MO. 24 twp. SO range 14, taxed ln name of John Beymer. NMNWli, BWkNWU sec. 8 twp. SO range 10, taxed In name of Alliance Trust Oo. »*NEM sec. 4 twp. 80 range 10, taxed ln name of W. W, WhltehiU. 8Wk sec. 4 twp. 80 range 10, taxed In name Of Union Trust Oo. WKWW mo. s twp. SO range 10. taxed ln The tax sale certificates covering allot above described land have been sold and assigned Jto the undersigned. T. O. Cannon, and holder thereof. who is the present owner)__ The time of redemption from each of said tax sales will expire on the eighth day of wit.-»- T. 0. Gannon. November, 1827. a-a NOTION TO NON-RK8IDENT8. Philo .Drake and Adeline Drake, defend ant*. will take notice that C. T. Gorham, plaintiff, on the 28th day or July, 1897, Hied a petition in the district court of Holt county. Nebraska, against said defendants. Implead ed with the Oregon Horse and Land Co., the object and prayer of which Is to foreclose a mortgage dated March 13, 1888, for MOO and , ” “■'"T iwwtvu two, I ur MW UHQ interest upon the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter (8Ek NEk>, northeast quarter of the southeast quarter (NEk SEk) of the southwest quarter of section twenty two (23) in township twenty-seven (27) ranro sixteen (16) west of the sixth P. M. in Holt county, Nebraska, given by Philo Drake and Adeline Drake to John J. Kochs, trustee, and assigned to plaintiff, which mortgage was recorded in book 35 of mortgages on page 505 of the records of Holt county. •r*'!1 »•»»*» lurmor sum 01 tor taxes paid by plaintiff with Interest from S®?*1 ,*,:W18 the sum of nineteen and 90-100 dollars, (119.90), and on the 16th day of May, 1894, the sum of nineteen and 38-1U0 dollars. (110.88). That subsequent to the date of said sale and In such time as by statute In such cases made and provided, plaintiff caused a notioe to be served upon the owner of said lands and upon all persons In pos session thereof requiring them to redeem ■aid lands from said sale and made proof of suoh service by affidavit filed with the county treasurer aforesaid; that on the Sad day of December. 1891, a tax deed based on such sale and payment was Issued and delivered to plaintiff purporting to convey said lands to plaintiff. That said deed was duly record ed and In the serving of said notioe to redeem taking and recording said deed plaintiff inourred and paid expenses to the amount of ■even dollars (67) ~ You are further notified that said petitioner further alleges that plaintiff again purchased ■aid lands on the 19tn day of November, 1896, at a regular tax sale for the taxes’ then de linquent and unpaid and paid therefor the ■urn of nineteen and 60-100 dollars (619.60) and that under and by virtue of said sale he paid subsequent taxos on said lands a* follows, to-wit: May 19, 1807, thirteen and 96-106 you are further notified that by virtue of •ala purchase, payment of subsequent taxes ana the execution and delivery of said tax deed, plaintiff claims to be the absolute and unqualified owner of said land and asks in hla petition that the aasetts and interests In said lands of the several defendants to said action and all other persons be determined; that plaintiff s title to said real estate be quite and fully established against the ad verae claims of each and all the defendants *ni\ SftPt!1®! interested in said lands; and If It be found by suoh determination that plaintiff's title to said lands be defective and void, then the amount of the plaintiff's lien on said lands for suoh taxes,lnterest,C0Bt and attorney s fees as provided by statute be ascertained and said lien be strictly fore ~-- M1U HCU Ut) BinCUj ion closed and the defendants be required to pay nlu IntHf tlwv »a -• --IJ »i _ • r ^ plaintiff tlie amount of said Hen within suon time aa the court may Ox, and upon a failure to pay amount at eucli time then plaintiff's title to (aid premises become flved, quieted and established as against eaeb and all of said defendant* and all other persona: plain* tiff further asks for general equitable relief, including a general foreclosure Of bis tax lien as by statute In suoh cases made and provided and a sale of said lands Is satisfac tion thereof, .Y,°'further notified that the amount of plaintiff's claim against Mid lands this S»th dofiare.AU*U**'I8WT'ls 0110 hundred and fifty You are further notified that you are re quired to answer said petition on er before the 4th day of October, 1807. Dated atO'NeUl, Nebraska. thU 25th day of }«%• Jambs F. Tor, Plaintiff. By M. J. Swbblby AMD E, H. Bbhboict, " His Attorneys. THE FRONTIER is the OLDEST PAPER and the BEST PAPER .In HOLT COUNTY. Its office is fitted with the most most modern convenien ces and machinery, always has ^ the latest faces of type, the best workmen, and is thereby enabled to turn out the most satisfactory kind of job work. Its management uses none but the best paper, are scrupu* neat and prompt with their work and guarantee satisfac tion. Mail orders receive ~ T~—— careful attention, and if your home paper is not prepared to do all classes of work you will find it to your financial benefit to communicate with The Frontier. f The Frontier Carries a very complete line of legal blanks and sells them reasonably cheap. If we do not have what you want we will print it almost as you wait. As an Advertising fledium It is the best in the county, especially at the county seat. It- circulates among the best class of people; a class that pays for what it gets and does not patronize non-residents, as does a certain portion of the people in the west. Its rates for advertising are very low, and the business man who does not advertise in it is loser more than he dreams of. r l. * >, .* , . .. . ■ If you want To subscribe for The Frontier and any other paper or maga zine published on earth we will give you a rate and save you money. We have clubbing rates with the lead ing publications of the world. Gall on or address 'THE FRONTHER” O’NEILL, NEB.