r ADDITIONAL LOCAL In some unaccountable manner a car load of steers took fire on one of the cattle trains coming through this week, and was not discovered until near Beemer where the car was immediately swiched from the rest of the train and an endeavor made to release the cattle. But one steer escaped, the rest perishing in the flames.—West Point Progress. The "Bicyclist’s Best Friend” is a familiar name for DeWitt’s Witch Bazel Salve, always ready for emergencies. While a specific for piles, it also instant ly relieves and cures cuts, bruises, salt rheum, eczema and all affections of the skin. It never fails. Hershiskk & Gilljgak. B. 8. Gilllepie left yesterday morning for Minneapolis where he goes to visit bis son, Harry, who is lying in the hos pital with a broken knee cap, received from being thrown from a mower be was running. It is feared that an am • putation of the leg will be necessary. Later—Word reached here this morn ing that his leg had been amputated at the knee. The Frontier tenders Its sympathy to H'arry and his parents, and trusts he will epeedily recover. e -- "Last summer one of our grand-child ren was sick with a severe bowel * trouble,” says Mrs. E. G. Gregory, of Frederickstown, Mo. "Our doctor’s remedy bad failed, then we tried Cham.' berlan’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which gave very speedy relief.’ For sale by P. C. Corrigan. Every one from whom we have solic ited an item of news this week has re quested us to make mention of the fact that the wind waa blowing—Just as though we diden’t know it. Why, all / | the week the only thing we could think of waa that touching little poem that ap peared in the Ladies’ Journal a short time ago, which ran as follows: The devil makea the wloked wind *•: 1 1 That raises our skirts knee high, ButOod Is just, and be makes the dust That blows In the bad man’s eye. Plain Dealer: The populist party in Holt coqnty never ask the voters of this commonwealth to support a cleaner or better ticket than the one now at head of our columns. Let your motto be “vote it straight.” While there is no doubt as to the truth of the above, Hill it is no great reccom inundation for the ticket, and before the campaign is oyer we are of the opinion that the voters of Holt county will not have a very exalted idea of populistic elanllness. A social hop wu given at the rink last , Friday evening by several of the young men. It wu gotten up u a farewell to Smithies orchestra, which hu disband ed, on account of three members leaving town, Ralph Evans going to Omaha, and Ira and Fred Kautzman to Yankton. We are sorry to see the orchestra dis band, u they have furnished the city with choice music whenever occuion de manded. Avery enjoyable time at the danee Is reported. Lut Tuesday evening Hershlser ft Gilllgan gave their patrons the pleuure of witnessing the bloossoming of a night blooming cerus, at their store, while listening to the sweet strains of music furnished by Smithies’ orchutra. It wu a novel, and to many a new sight to witness a plant bloom in the night time. There were eight large flowers on the plant, all opening at the same time, and a beautiful sight it was. The flowers were about live inchu across and were of a dueling white. Mr. James E. Ferrell, of Burnt House, W. Va., bu discarded all other diarrhoea medicines and now handles only Cham berlin’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He hu used It In his family 5, and sold it to hie customers for years, and hu no hesitation in saying that it is the but remedy for colic and diarrhoea he hu ever known. It not only gives relief but effects a permanent cure. It . Is also safe and pleuant to take, making it an ideal remedy for bowel complaints. For sale by P. 0. Corrigan, druggist. 1 Died. At his home flye milu north of O’Neill, on Sunday Sept. Q, at 9;40 a. m. of quick consumption, Jamu Cronin, aged 29 yeais 8 months and 5 days. Deceased wu born in Vermillion county, 111., in 1888, where he resided untill about his 9th. year when he mov ed to Holt county with his parents, * ' where he hu since ruided. Hehu been ailing for nearly a year put, but Wu not eonflned to his bed untill five days before his death. Only a few weeks ago he wu out in the fields at work. He leavu a mother, Mrs. John Cronin, two brothers, Dan and Will Cronin, and five sisters, Mrs. John jH Hayes, Of Atkinson, Mrs. Hate McGraw, of Paddock, Mrs. Dennis Hunt and Mrs, g C.C. McHugh, of O’Heill, and Miss f Mary Cronin, to morn his loss. Ths Frontier tenders its sympathy to th< 1 bereaved onu in this, their hour of sop row. rrs DANGEROUS Vm !>■■■ MAX imi _ u1''?’ ■.... . fur 1 u*« uiuuoy; ti» / vjvm* , ‘V- *■* ,#.lhe fxiKmmve IwVv .imn CMOcr'or^Mur'-~l-U 1 »»>*i**- *» ••ml. x„tl,\ n,,. iwi’init >n on)' ru:i t|»i hi I'tiiiti jr.«ir »ilBhu. uKu auk um jiii a . ijfr jfe■ r> FAIRBAXKS, G30R3Z C: CO., ;r s,*Oa Famam St.. Omaha. Neii. <«H4 (aalw R>|ialre4.i LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. Selberllng Miller Sc Co., Percgoy & Moore. Daniel O’Neill, Mary Hoyster and Henry Royster, her husband, defendants, will take notice that Phoenix Mutual Life Insuranee Company, of Hartfoid, Connecticut, a cor poration, plaintiff, has filed a petition In the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants. Impleaded with, Michael O’Neill, Jr.. Annie Gallagher. Andrew Gallagher, John McNIchols, admin istrator of the estate of Michael O'Neill deceased, Patrick Hagerty, John J. McCaff erty, Ulley Brothers, A. M. lluddleson, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage dated May 7. 1884, for K00, and interest, upon the northwest quarter of section 33 In township 30 north of range IS west of the 6th P. M. Holt county, Nebraska, given by Michael O'Neill to the plaintiff, whlob mortgage was recorded In book 3, page 351, mortgage records of said county and to have the same decreed to be a first lien and said lands sold to satisfy the same. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 23rd day of August, 1897. Dated July 14,1897. S. D. Thornton, 2-4 Attorney for Plaintiff. In the district court of Holt oounty, Nebras John J. MeCaffertr. Neil Brennan. J. P. Mann. M. P. Klnkaid, Henry Waterman, Administrator of the estate of Barrett Scott, deceased, Plaintiffs. vs. N. B. Blsbee and Cargill Graham. Defendants. Cargill Graham, one of the above named defendants, will take notice that on the gist day of May, A. D. 1897, John J. McCafferty, Nell Brennan, J. P, Mann, M. P. Klnkaid. and Henry Waterman, administrator of the estate of Barrett Boott, deceased, filed their petition In the district court of Holt oounty, Nebraska, against N. B. Blsbee and Cargill Qraham.defendants. the object and prayer of which petition is to recover judgmentland enforce the payment thereof) on one certain promissory note given and made by said defendants for th< " ' I the sum of <2604.68, dated May 18, 1892, due six months after date, to draw interest at the rate of ten per cent, per an num; that there Is now due on said note the sum of 0906.75, for which sum plallitiffs ask Judgment, that since the beginning of said action plaintiffs caused to be Issued out of suld court an order of attachment against the lands, tenements, goods, chattels stocks and credits aud what might be owing to said Cargill Graham In Holt county aforesaid and caused In connection with said order of attachment one Charles Knapp therein said Holt county to be notified or garnisheed to appear In said court 20th day of July, A. 1). 1897, and there answer all questions pro pounded to him touching the property of said Cargill Graham In said Knapp's possession or under bis control, the object being to reach and obtain an order from the court requiring said Knapo to pay upon the Judg ment which plain ill's seek to recover the amount he agreed to pay as the purchase ftrice for one quarter section of land situated n Holt county, which land In faot belongs to said Cargill Graham and the purchase price of which Is to be paid to said Cargill Grahum by said Charles ICnapp, or to be paid to some third person for the benefit of said Cargill Graham. You,Cargill Graham, are required to answer said petition on or before the 16th day of August, A. 1). 1897. Dated on July 6,1897. John J. McCArnsir, Nan. Brennan, J. P. Mann, M. P. KlNKAin, AND Hknry WATERMAN, Administrator of the estate of Barrett Boott, deceased, Plaintiffs, By E. H. Benedict, 9-f Their Attorney. NOTICE TO REDEEM. To Whom it Mat Concern: , You are hereby notified, that on the eighth day of November, 1896, H. Emerson purchased at public tax sale for the delinquent taxes for the year 1804. the land described below situated In Holt oounty, Nebraska, vis: SB!4 see. 1 twp, 99 range 11, taxed In name of Frank Akin. NMBWM sec. 5 twp. 29 range li. taxed in lame of John Barrett. name_ _ NWli seo. 12 twp. 29 range 11, taxed in name of John Sklrving. BEK see. 22 twp, 29 range 11, taxed In name of 0. A. Whiting. SJESa neo. 86 twp. 29 range 11, taxed In name of H, M. Dailey. SW!4 seo. 2 twp. 80 range 11, taxed In name of Marg’t 0. Bummers. "HBWli “ WMBWli and SESiSWJi and BWMSEK sec. 6 twp. 80 range 11, taxed In name of Robert H. James. BHBEM see. 18 twp. 80 range 11. taxed In name of Umon Trust Go. N W14 sec. 21 twp. 80 range 11, taxed In name of 1. O. Edwards. E14NEJ4 see. 23 twp. SO range 11, taxed In name of Nelson Hartson. SW14NW14 and NWJ48WH seo 24 twp. 80 range 11, taxed In name of Nelson Hartson. 8w!4 seo. 27 twp. 30 range 11, taxed In name of Tim Dwyer. NBM sec. 28 twp. 80 range 11, taxed In name of M. P. Brennan. N WU sec. 32 twp. 80 range 11, taxed in name of William F. Wiley. WMNE14, NEiiBWU and NWK8E14 sec. 11 twp. 28 range 12, taxed in name of Francis C. Worley. NWli sec. 0 twp. 29 range 12, taxed In name of Annie A. Keeley. SWSisec. 12 twp. 29 range 12, taxed In name of M. Hanneghan. 8 WU sec. 13 .twp. 29 range 12, taxed In name of John McBride. SViNEM, NHBEM, sec. 19 twp. 20 range 12, taxed in name of 0. H. Bartholomew. SE14 sec. 20 twp. 29 range 12, taxed In name of Union Trust Co. o/j^^ikmneFl ** rlUlB® 18> taxe<* *B nam* NEU seo. 28 twp. 29 range 12, taxed In name of Pavk Vaughn. WV4NE!4andNE14NW!4.NWJ4SE)4 sec. 17 twp. 80 range 12, taxed In name of Thomas Cleary, N WV sec. 21 twp. 80 range 12,taxed in name of Annie Jennings. N Wli sec. 38 twp. SO range 12, taxed In name of Annie Gallegher. NWJi sec. 4 twp. 30 range 13, taxed In name of Union Trust Co. W«NWM, BB)4NWli sec-14. and NEMNEli “c. 15 twp. 80 range 13, taxed in name or Frank Westerohlll. BHNWM seo. 21 twp. <0 range 13, taxed in ame of J7 M. Whlsenand. oMf^Senderson?0 ran*®18, taxed ln name . N nfiEii seo. 6 twp. 80 range 14. tame of J. W. Gould. BHN&i_ taxed In name_..._ NES4 seo. 11 twp. 30 range 14, taxed ln name of Henry T. Nichols. NE!i sec. 14 twp. 80 range 14, taxed in name of Danford Taylor. » »ec. 14 twp. 80 range It, taxed in name of H. lullerton. NK‘ L »eo. 18 twp. 80 range 14, taxed in name of Edward R. Blser. N^NW’.aec.28twp.30 rango It, taxed ln name of W. H, Weeks. 8,4NWli sec. a twp. so range It, taxed In name Thaddcus Wests. NWM seo. 26 twp. n range It. taxed ln name of heirs of Mrs. Brsker. NBJs seo. 28 two. 30 range 14, taxed iu name ofArmenla W. Miller. SWii sec. 85 twp. 80 range it, taxed ln name of Hiram Beebe. N Wii see. 24 twp. 80 range It, taxed In name of John Reymer. NWNWli, 8W14NWJ4 sec. 3 twp. 30 range 10, taxed lu name of Alliance Trust Co. NSiNEM sec. t twp. 30 range 10, taxed ln name of w. W. Wbltehtll. BWli sec. t twp. 83 range 10, taxed ln name - of Union Trust WHWvt seo. 8 twp. 30 range 10. taxed In The tax sale certificates covering all of above described land have been sold and assigned to the undersigned, T. O. Cannon, and holder thereof. who Is the present owner 1__ The time of redemption from each of arid tax sales will expire on the eighth day of November, 1897. 8-1 T. C. Cannon. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENTS. Philo Drake and Adeline Drake, defend ants, will take notice t'uat.C, T. Gorham, plaintiff, on the £8th drv or Jul*. 1897, filed a petition In the district > on t of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants. Implead ed with the Oregon Ho; e rad Land Co., the object and prayer ct which Is to foreclose _ mortgage dated March 18. 1888, for (too and Interest upon the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter (8E14 NE*), northeast quarter of the southeast quarter (NBH SEJt) of the southwest quarter of section twenty two (22) in township twenty-seven (37) range sixteen (18) west of the sixth P. M. In Holt county, Nebraska, given by Philo Drake and Adeline Drake to John J. Boohs, trustee, and assigned to plaintiff, whloh mortgage was recorded In book 88 of mortgages ou page 896 of the records of'Holt county. Plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants Say 1883.33 with Interest at 10 per cent, from spt. 30, 1897. and. the further sum of 1(9.30 for taxes paid by plaintiff with Interest from Sept. 30. 1807. at 10 per oent. and that in default thereof said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 18th day of September. 1807. Dated August 2, 1897. 0. tTOorham, O. M. Hsbrko. Plaintiff. His Attorney. 6-4 NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFEND. ANTS. ^£n the district court of Holt county Neb James F. Toy, plaintiff, TS. AnseHne Henry, Mary 9. Isham, trustee, The Nebraska Loan and Trust company, and the southwest quarter of section No thirty (301 In township No. twenty-six (2«) north of range No. twelve (12) west sixth(6) P. M. In Holt county, Nebraska, defend ants. To each and all of the above named de fendants and to all persons Interested In the above described tract of land: You and each of you are hereby notified that the petition of plaintiff Is now on file In the office of the clera of the district court in and for Holt county. Nebraska, alleging that plain tiff purchased said lands at tax sale on the . th day of November, 1892. for the taxes then due defendant and unpaid for the year 1891, and paid therefore the sum of firteen and 32-100 dollars (115,52) and under and by virtue of said sale paid subseqnent taxes as follows: October 28, 1893, eighteen and 50-100 dollars (*18.50) May 17, 1894, fifteen and 53-100 dollars (*15.53) that on the 22nd day of December, 18111, a treasurers deed based on such sale and payment was Issued and delivered to plaintiff by the county treasurer of said couuty, purporting to convey the above described lands to plaintiff, which deed was duly recorded, und that ir serving the notioe to redeem, rrkiug and recording said deed plaintiff Incurred and paid costs to the amount of seven dollars. You are further notified that said petition further alleges that on the 19tb day of November, 1895. plaintiff again purchased •aid lands ut a regular tax sale tor the year 1894, for the taxes then due, delinquent and unpaid, and paid therefor the sum of twelve and 71-100 dollars (812.71) and under and by virtue of said sale paid subsequent taxes as follows, to-wlt: November 11, 1898, ten and 93-100 dollars (110.93) and on the 19tb day of May. 1897, the sum of twelve and 82-100 dollars (112.82.) You are further notified that plaintiff by virtue of said sales, payment of subsequent taxes, deed, costs and Interest, claims to be the absolute and unqualified owner of said lands, and asks that the equity of redemp tion of all the defendants be foreclosed and out off and that plaintiff’s title to said real estate be established and qulted against all the defendants, and that the assets and interests of the several defendants herein und all other persons interested In said lands and If It be found by such determination that plaintiff's title to said lands be defective and void that the amount of plaintiff's lien on said lands for such purchase money, tax and costs, Including an attorney’s fee of ten per cent on amount due be ascertained and such lien be strictly foreclosed and defendants be required to pay such amount to plaintiff within such time us the court may fix. and upon a failure to make suoh payment In such time as so fixed that plaintiff’s title be fixed, established and quieted against all the defendants and all other persons Interested In said lunds. Plaintiff further asks for a general equitable relief Including a general and ordinary foreclosure of hts tax lien as by statute In such cases made and provided and a sale of said lands In satisfaction thereof. You are further notified that the amount of glalntlff's lien and claim on said lands this th day of September, 1897, Is one hundred and fifty dollars (1150.00) You are required to appear and answer said petition on or belore the 18th. day of Ootober 1897, or the allegations of said petition will be taken as true and decree rendered accord ingly. Dated at O’Neill Nebraska, this 8th. day of September 1897. Jambs F. Toy, Plaintiff, By M. J, Swkblby, and E. H. Benidict. His attorney. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTV, NBBRA8KA, In the matter of the estate of Deania Lyons, deseaMfik' „ , . dWer to show cause. Now on this IXth, day *f August 1807, this cause coming on for heaving on She petition of John Bkirvlng, executor of the estate of Dennis Lyons deceased for licence to sell the west half of section four, township twenty nine, (39) north of range ten. west of the 6th. P. M. in Holt. county. Nebraska, lot twelve In block twenty-three, lots fourteen, fifteen, and sixteen in block twenty-two. In the city of O'Neill, Holt county, Nebraska, or a suffic ient amount of the same to bring the sum of three hundred dollars (£1)0.00) for the pur pose of paving debts against said estate and the cost of administration, there not being sufficient personal property to pay the debts and expenses. ■ It is therefore considered by the court that all persons interested In said real estate ap pear before me and in case my absence be fore Hon. M, P. Ktnkald, one of the judges of the fifteenth Judicial district, at Chamb ers, at O'Neill, Nebraska, on the 80th day of September 1897 at ten o'olock a. m. to snow cause why a licence should not be granted to said executor to sell said real estate or so much thereof as is necessary to pay said debts and costs. Dated ut Chambers, at O'Neill Nebraska, this Uth. day of August. 1897. W. H, WiBTOvaR, judge. In the District Court of Holt County, Nebr James F. Toy, Plaintiff, vs James H. White. Edward A. White. The Bhowalter Mortgage Company and the northwest quurter of section number thirty fondants. notiob. To each and all of the above named defend ants and to all persons Interested in the above described tract of land: You and each of you are hereby notified that the Petition of the above named plaintiff is now on file in the offioe of the clerk of the dlstrlot court of .ft?u county, Nebraska, claiming that plaintiff purchased said lands at a regu lar tax sale, on the 7th day of November. 1888, for the taxes then due, delinquent and unpaid, and paid therefor the sum of eighteen and 10-100 dollars, (818.50), and that under and by virtue of said sale, has paid subsequent taxes on said land as follows, t J-wlt: October 28.1890, the sum of nineteen and i MOO dollars, (119.90), and on the l«tb day of May, 1894, the sum of nineteen aud 08-hi) dollars. (110.08). 'That subsequent to the date of arid sale and In such time as by statuto In such oases made and provided, plaintiff caused a notice to be served upon the owner of said lands and upon all persons In pos session thereof requiring them to redeem said lands from said sale and made proof of such service by affidavit filed with the county treasurer aforesaid; that on the 23nd day of December* 1894, a tax deed based on such sale and payment was Issued and delivered to plaintiff purporting to oonvey said lands to plaintiff. That said deed was duly record ed and in the serving of said notice to redeem taking and recording said deed plaintiff incurred and paid expenses to the amount of seven dollars (87) Tou are further notified that said petitioner further alleges that plaintiff a valu purchased said lands on the 19th day of November, 1896, at a regular tax sate for the taxes then de linquent and unpaid and paid therefor the sum of nineteen and 60-100 dollars (810.60) and that under and by virtue of said sale he paid subsequent taxes on said lands as follows, to-wlt: May 19, 1897, thirteen and 66-100 You are further notified that by virtue of ■aid puiohase. payment of subsequent taxes and the execution and delivery of said tax deed, plaintiff claims to be the absolute and unqualified owner of said land and asks In his petition that tne asserts and Interests In said lands of the several defendants to said action and all other persons be determined; that plaintiff's title to said real estate be quite and fullv established against the ad verse claims o; each and all the defendants and all other persons Interested in said lands; and If It be found by sueh determination that plaintiff's title to said lands be defective and void, then the amount of the plaintiff's lien on said lands tor sueh taxas.tntereetxost and attorney's fees as provided by statute be ascertained and said Ilea be strictly fore closed and the defendants be required to pay plalutlff the amount of said lien within sueh time as the court may fix, and 'upon a failure to pay amount at such time then plaintiff’s title to said premises become lived, quieted and established as against each and aU of said defendants and all other persons: plain tiff further asks for general equitable relief, including a general foreclosure of his tax Hen as by statute In such cases made and provided and a sale of said lands is satlsf ac tion thereof. You are further notified thst the amount of Slalntlff'a elalm against said lands this 25th ay of August. 18V7. is one hundred and fifty dollars. You are further notified that you are re quired to answer said petition on or before the tth day of October, IW. Dated at O'NelU, Nebraska, this 25th day of August, 18PT. Jambs F. Tor, Plaintiff. By U. J. gwsiur ado K. H. Benedict, W His Attorneys. THE FRONTIER is the . OLDEST PAPER and the BEST PAPER in HOLT COUNTY. Its office is fitted with the most most modern convenient ces and machinery, always has the latest faces of type, the best workmen, and is thereby enabled to turn out the most satisfactory kind of job work. Its management uses none but the best paper, are scrupu* neat and prompt with their work and guarantee satisfac tion. Mail orders receive careful attention, find if your home paper is not prepared to do all classes of work you will find it to your financial benefit to communicate with The Frontier. The Frontier Garries a very complete line of legal blanks and sells them reasonably cheap. If we do not have what you want we will print it almost as you wait. As an Advertising fledium It is the best in the county, especially at the county seat. It circulates among the best class of people; a class that pays for what it gets and does not patronize non-residents, as does a certain portion of the people in the west. Its rates for advertising are very low, and the business man who does not advertise in it is loser more than he dreams of. If you want To subscribe for The Frontier and any other prper or maga zine published on earth we will give you a rate and save you money. We have clubbing rates with the lead ing publications ot the world. Call on or address •THE PEONTHEH O’NEILL, NEB.